North Carolina Marriage Records 1846Transcribed by Lois Lane & Gail Swain Alston, John J. of this state to Mary N. Clark of Virginia, June 25, Dinwiddie county, Va., R.R. June 30, 1846 Alway, Miss M. A. to John A. Parker of Wilmington, July, Waynesboro, R.R. July 21, 1846 Andrews, Margaret D. to Josiah J. White of Orange county, Jan. Chatham county, R.R. January 30, 1846 Apperson, Elizabeth Jane to John H. Randleman of Stokes county, Feb., Surry County, R.R. February 13, 1846 Atkins, Mary Helen to Andrew J. Woodard, Dec. 24, Wake county, R.R. Dec. 29, 1846 Avery, William A. of Burke county to Mary Corinna Morehead, May 27, Greensborough, R. R. June 2, 1846 Badger, Catherine to William H. Heigh of Fayetteville, May 6, Raleigh, R.R. May 8, 1846 Bagley, Henry of Tennessee to Mary Jane Evans of Hillsborough, Sept. 29, Hillsborough, R.R. October 2, 1846 Bailey, Sarah Jane to Dr. William Cain, July 21, Hillsboro, R.R. July 28, 1846 Bancroft, Harriet to Henry Tisdale of Newbern, Feb., Mobile Ala., R.R. Feb. 24, 1846 Banks, James of Fayetteville, to Helen Mary Shaw of Wilmington, Oct. Wilmington, R.R. Oct. 30, 1846 Barrett, J. B. of New York, to Rebecca Dobson, July, Milton, R. R. July 31, 1846 Barrow, Eunice to W. E. Hayman, July, Beaufort, R.R. July 17, 1846 Baskerville, Henry E. C. of Virginia, to Isabella Hamilton of Burnside, Granville county, Feb., Granville county, R. R. February 24, 1846 Beckwith, Ira to Mary Whitaker, Sept. 8, Raleigh, R.R. Sept. 11, 1846 Belt, Emeline to Rufus M. Roseborough, Feb. Iredell county, Feb. 13, 1846 Benners, John N. to Rebecca Jane Perkins, Jan. Craven county, R.R. Jan. 30, 1846 Biddle, Col. Samuel S. of Craven county, to Mary E. V. Powell, Oct. 28, Wake Forest, R.R. November 3, 1846 Birchhead, Frances to William B. Imgram of Randolph county, Nov. Davidson county, R.R., November 13, 1846 Birmingham, Lemuel to Jarva Hapgood, July, Anson county, R.R. July 17, 1846 Black, Samuel A. to Susan Jane Williamson, June, Rockfish, R,R. June 16, 1846 Blackwell, Elizabeth P. to William Henry Harvey, July, Newbern, R.R. July 21, 1846 Blake, Eliza S. to John Smith, Mar. Fayetteville, R.R. March 17, 1846 Boatwright, Samuel W. to Mary Potter, Feb. Mecklenburg county, R.R. February 13, 1846 Bond, Lewis of Bertie county to Mrs. Mary E. Outlaw, Sept. 22, Franklin county, R.R. Oct. 2, 1846 Bonner, George M. to Eleanor Latham, July, Washington R.R. July 14, 1846 Bonner, John B. to Mary E. Tripp, May 14, Beaufort, R.R. May 29, 1846 Bonner, John to Sarah E. Waff, June, Chowan county, R.R. June 2, 1846 Bowers, Henry to Sarah Wilson, Jan., Orange county, R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Boylan, William M. to Mary A. Kincey, Oct. 22, Raleigh, R.R. Oct. 27, 1846 Bragg, Mary L. to James L. Cuthbert of Petersburg, Va., May, Jackson, Northampton county, Va., R,R, May 29, 1846 Briggs, Thomas to Mary Norwood, Sept. 13, Wake county, R.R. Sept. 15, 1846 Brooks, Velma T. to A. W. Jones, Aug., Moore county, R.R. Aug. 11, 1846 Brown, Elizabeth to Thomas S. Hight, Jan. Franklin county, R.R. January 20, 1846 Brown, Harriet Sophia to William Huntington, Nov., Wilmington, R.R. Nov. 24, 1846 Brown, John D. to Jane Slater, Feb. Davidson county, R,R, Feb. 24, 1846 Brown, John S. of Randdolph county, to Lauretta Sprugin, Apr. Davidson county, R.R. April 28, 1846 Brown, Mills H. of Raleigh, to Emeline J. Page, July 7, Wake county, R.R. July 17, 1846 Brown, Sarah Ann to Augustus L. Mulle, Feb., Perquimans county, R.R. February 24, 1846 Brown, Sarah to James M’Mullen, Nov. 29, Sampson county, R.R. Dec. 11, 1846 Brown, William to Rebecca Moore, Mar. Lenior county, R.R. March 17, 1846 Bryant, Agnes to John Kennedy, Mar., Fayetteville, R.R. Mar. 3, 1846 Bryson, John C. to Rhoda Davis, June, Haywood county, R.R. June 30, 1846 Bulla, Capt. Thomas J. to Barbara M’Neill, Sept. Cumberland county, R.R. Sept. 15, 1846 Buie, Sarah M. of Richmond county, to William T. Owen, Sept., Bladen county, R.R. Sept. 8, 1846 Burr, Mary to Edward A. Cushing, Sept., Wilmington, R.R. Oct. 2, 1846 Butt, John N. to Mary Eliott, Feb., Perquimans county, R.R. Feb. 24, 1846 Byrd, Miss M. E. to P. H. Winston, Feb., Bertie county, R.R. March 3, 1846 Cain, Dr. William to Sarah Jane Bailey, July 21, Hillsboro, R.R. July 28, 1846 Caldcleugh, Agnes to James A. Long, Dec. 9, Lexington, Davidson county, R.R. Jan. 2, 1846 Campbell, Dr. D.A. of Richmond county, to Ann Simmons, Nov., Montgomery county, R.R. Nov. 6, 1846 Campbell, James to Susan Mock, Sept., Davidson county, R.R. S eptember 25, 1846 Campbell, Rev. Thomas S. of Raleigh, to Elizabeth D. Collins, Nov. 17, Warren county, R.R. November 24, 1846 Caraway, Susannah D. of Sampson county, to Charles A. Harrison of Raleigh, Sept. 7, Chesterfield Court House, SC, R.R. Sept. 11, 1846 Carter, Willie F. to George F. Huckabee of Alabama, Feb., Windsor, Bertie county, R.R. Feb. 6, 1846 Chaffin, Elizabeth to Andrew Hunt, of Lexington, Sept., Davie county, R.R. Sept. 18, 1846 Childs, Catherine R. to Lieut. D. P. Woodbury of U. S. Engineer Corp. Dec. 23, Fort Johnson, Smithville, R.R. Jan. 6, 1846 Chipley, Jane to Alfred Ramsour, Feb., Statesville, R.R. Feb. 13, 1846 Clinch, Gen’l Duncan L. to Mrs. Sophia H. Couper of Wilmington, Feb. 5, Fort George Island, Florida, R.R. Feb. 24, 1846 Clark, Daniel to Eliza Evans, Feb., Fayetteville, R.R., March 3, 1846 Clark, Mary M. of Virginia, to John J. Alston of this State, June 25, Dinwiddie county, Va., R.R. June 30, 1846 Clark, Robert M. to Matilda Kimbrel, Feb. Mecklenburg county, R.R. February 6, 1846 Cochran, Mrs. Mary to Col. James L. Gaines, Jan., Stanley county, R.R. Jan, 13, 1846 Coe, Capt. Joseph P. of Guilford county, to Nancy F. Pearson, Mar. Rockingham county, R.R. March 6, 1846 Coe, Wesley A. of Guilford County to Martitia C. Wood, Mar., Randolph county, R.R. Mar. 6, 1745 Coffield, Elizabeth W. to Frederick R. Cotten of Florida, Oct., Edgecombe county, R.R. Oct. 20, 1846 Coit, Rev. John C. of Cheraw, SC to Malinda B. McIver, June, Fayetteville, R.R. June 16, 1846 Cole, Dr. B. L. to Margaret Webb, July, Granville county, R.R. July 17, 1846 Coleman, John H. of Ashville, to Mary S. Trigg, Feb. Abbington, Va. R.R. Feb. 24, 1846 Coleman, Leonidas L. of Kinston to Mary Cornell of Phila. Oct. 6, Phila. R.R. Nov. 27, 1846 Collins, Elizabeth D. to Rev. Thomas S. Campbell of Raleigh, Nov. 17, Warren county, R.R. November 24, 1846 Common, Maj. Matthew J. to Elizabeth Ann Manning Fulbright, June, Haywood county, R.R. June 30, 1846 Cook, Mrs. to Solomon Fuller, Jan., Franklin county, R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Cook, Miss to John Young, Jan., Franklin county, R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Cooke, George T. to Mary Lindeman, Oct. 28, Raleigh, R.R. October 30, 1846 Cornell, Mary to Phila. to Leonidas L. Coleman of Kinston, Oct.6, Phila., R.R. Nov. 27, 1846 Cosby, John W. to Louisa Smith of Raleigh, June 24, Raleigh, R.R. June 26, 1846 Cotton, Frederick R. of Florida to Elizabeth W. Coffield, Oct., Edgecombe county, R.R. October 20, 1846 Couper, Mrs. Sophia H. of Wilmington to Gen’l Duncan L Clinch, Feb. 5, Fort George Island, Florida, R.R., Feb. 24, 1846 Covington, Alexander A. to Martha A. Moody, Sept., Rockingham, R. R. Sept. 15, 1846 Craig, Archibald to Elizabeth F. Eborn, July, Washington, R.R. July 14, 1846 Craig, Sarah to Hugh Wilson, Feb., Union county, R.R. Feb. 13, 1846 Crawford, Elijah to Margaret Turner, Sept., Orange county, R.R. Sept. 18, 1846 Crowder, Giles N. of Warrenton, to Ann L. Spencer of Halifax county, Va., July 30, R.R. Aug. 18, 1846 Cushing, Edward A. to Mary Burr, Sept. Wilmington, R. R. October 2, 1846 Cuthbert, James E. of Petersburg, Va. to Mary L. Bragg, May, Jackson, Northampton county, R.R., May 29, 1846 Dameron, James to Mrs. Sally Thomas, Aug., Caswell county, R. R., Aug. 28, 1846 Daniel, Huldah T. to Thomas J. Dawson of Lenoir county, Oct., Greene county, R.R., Nov. 3, 1846 Davis, Drucilla to Mr. Woodward, Jan., Franklin county, R.R. January 20, 1846 Davis, Isaac to Priscilla Trulove, Feb., Surry county, R.R., February 13, 1846 Davis, Rhoda to John C. Bryson, June, Haywood county, R.R. June 30, 1846 Dawson, Thomas J. of Lenoir county, to Hulda T. Daniel, Oct., Greene county, R.R. Nov. 3, 1846 Dear, Eliza to Dewitt C. Johnson, May 12, Randolph county, R.R. June 26, 1846 Deaver, Elijah to Aminta Kirkpatrick, June, Haywood county, R.R. June 30, 1846 Devereux, Catherine A. to P. M. Edmondston, of Charleston, Feb. 19, Conoconary, Halifax, R.R. Feb. 27, 1846 Denby, Mary H. of Franklin county, to Hilliard Hinton of Wake county, June 4, Franklin county, R.R. June 9, 1846 Deming, Gurdon S. of Fayetteville to Harriet Munn of Springfield, Mass., Sept. Springfield, Mass., R.R. Oct. 2, 1846 Dickinson, Miss M. V. to Thomas D. Walker, Apr., Wilmington, R.R. April 7, 1846 Dicks, Mary I. to Eli W. Hauner, Sept. Guilford county, R.R. Sept. 25, 1846 Dickson, Laura to Major George P. Faw, Oct. 15, Ashe county, R.R. Nov. 3, 1846 Dimock, Henry to Mary Owens of Beaumont county, Aug., Newbern, R.R. Aug. 11, 1846 Dobson, Rebecca to J. B. Barrett of New York, July, Milton, R.R. July 31, 1846 Donnell, Marvina McNeely to T.G. Wharton, Mar. Guilford county, R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Dortch, William T. of Nashville to Mary Elizabeth Pittman, April, Nash county, R.R. April 7, 1846 Earle, John W. to Margaret Carter Pope, Aug., Edgecombe county, R. R. Aug. 25, 1846 Eason, Sarah Ann Elizabeth to Dr. Thomas L. Vincent, Dec. 3, Johnston county, R.R. Dec. 11, 1846 Eborn, Elizabeth F. to Archibald Craig, July, Washington, R.R. July 14, 1846 Ector, Martha Allen to Freeman Leath of Caswell County, Jan., Orange county, R.R. January 20, 1846 Edmondston, P. M. of Charleston to Catharine A. Devereux, Feb. 19, Conocoary, Halifax, R.R. February 27, 1846 Edwards, Elizabeth A. to J. M. Fuller, Jan., Franklin county, R. R. Jan. 20, 1846 Edwards, Frances to Thomas Fitts, Jan., Granville county, R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Elliott, Milly to John N. Butt, Feb., Perquimans county, R. R. Feb. 24, 1846 Empie, Ann Smith to Dr. William H. Hill of Wilmington, Mar. 9, Richmond, Va., R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Eubank, Mary to Athling Trott, Mar. Jones county, R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Evans, Eliza to Daniel Clark, Feb., Fayetteville, R. R. Mar. 3, 1846 Evans, Frances of Wake county to William Holder, June 24, Raleigh, R.R. June 26, 1846 Evans, Mary Jane of Hillsboro to Henry Bagley of Tennessee, Sept. 29, Hillsboro, R.R. Oct. 2, 1846 Evans, Pauline E. to L. P. Olds, September 18, Greenville, R. R. Oct. 9, 1846 Faw, Major George P. to Laura Dickson, Oct. 15, Ashe county, R. R. Nov. 3, 1846 Fewell, Ann Eliza to William S. Wall, Feb. Rockingham county, R. R Feb. 6, 1846 Fisher, Mary McB to Dr. Richard B. Hill of Wilmington, May 5, Salisbury, R. R. May 15, 1846 Fitts, Henry to Winnifred Hayes, Jan., Franklin county, R.R. January 20, 1846 Fitts, Thomas to Frances Edwards, Jan., Granville county, R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Freeman, A. C. to Frances Hearne, June, Albemarle, Stanley county, R. R. June 2, 1846 Freeland, Cynthia to Hinton Kirkpatrick, Mar. Orange county. R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Forrest, Eliza to Charles J. O'Hagan, Mar. Lenoir county. R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Frost, Thomas A. to Mary Robbing, Sept. Wilmington. R.R. Sept. 18, 1846 Fulbright, Elizabeth Ann Manning to Maj. Matthew J. Common, Je. Haywood county. R.R. Je. 30, 1846 Fuller, Col. Elijah to Mary Ann McKay, Jly. Fayetteville. R.R. Jly. 14, 1846 Fuller, Jones of Mobile, Ala. to Anna L. Thomas of Louisburg, My. 13, Louisburg. R.R. My. 19, 1846 Fuller, J. N. to Elizabeth A. Edwards, Jan. Franklin county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Fuller, Solomon to Mrs. Cook, Jan. Franklin county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Furman, Wm. to Rebecca Wynn, Jan. Franklin county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Gaines, Col. James L. to Mrs. Mary Cochran, Jan. Stanly county. R.R. Jan. 13, 1846 Gaither, Samuel to Frances E. Hogan, Oct. 14, Lexington. R.R. Oct. 20, 1846 Gallaway, Mary E. to Nathaniel W. Williams of Smith county, Tenn. Jan. 20, Rockingham county. R.R. Jan. 30, 1846 Gibboney, William of Wytheville, Va. to Caroline A. Kyle, Nov. Fayetteville. R.R. Nov. 24, 1846 Gillespie, Mary Jane to Rev. Albert M. Shipp of Fayetteville, My. Cheraw. R.R. My. 12, 1846 Gilliam, Caroline J. to Dr. Thomas B. Powell of Wake county, Oct. Sussex county, Va. R.R. Oct. 30, 1846 Gooding, T. Thomas to Olivia H. Hargett, Jan. Newbern. R.R. Jan. 30, 1846 Gordon, George Bradford of Gates county to Elizabeth Ann Jones of Perquimons county, Je. Perquimons county. R.R. Je. 5, 1846 Graham, Charles of Lincoln county to Mary Eliza Mebane of Greensborough, Oct. 14, Greensboro. R.R. Oct. 20, 1846 Graham, Mary E. to Henry C. Hurdle, Jan. Orange county. R.R. Jan. 13, 1846 Greenfield, George to Sarah Ann Mabry, Feb. Lexington. R.R. Feb. 13, 1846 Gregory, John C. of Mecklenburg county, Va. to Martha Jane McCargo of Oxford, Sept. 24, Oxford. R.R. Sept. 29, 1846 Grier, Thomas I. to Mrs. Mary Luckey, Apr. Charlotte. R.R. Apr. 17, 1846 Grinnell, Frank of Mass, to Marion Gales Johnson of Warren county, Dec. 8, Washington, D. C. R.R. Dec. 18, 1846 Hamilton, Isabella of Burnside, Granville county to Henry E. C. Basker- ville of Virginia, Feb. Granville county. R.R. Feb. 24, 1846 Hargett, Olivia H. to Thomas T. Gooding, Jan. Newbern. R.R. Jan. 30, 1846 Harp, John W. to Amanda H. Wynne, My. 13, Wake county. R.R. Je. 16, 1846 Harrison, Charles A. of Raleigh to Susannah D. Caraway of Sampson county, Sept. 7, Chesterfield, Court House, S. C. R.R. Sept. 11, 1846 Harvey, William Henry to Eliza P. Blackwell, Jly. Newbern. R.R. Jly. 21, 1846 Hathcock, William to Ann Murden, Sept. 11, Pittsboro. R.R. Sept. 18, 1846 Hauner, Eli W. to Mary I. Dicks, Sept. Guilford county. R.R. Sept. 25, 1846 Hayes, Winifred to Henry Fitts, Jan. Franklin county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Hayman, W. W. to Eunice Barrow, Jly. Beaufort. R.R. Jly. 17, 1846 Hearne, Frances to A. C. Freeman, Je. Albemarle, Stanly county. R.R. Je. 2, 1846 Heigh, William H. of Fayetteville to Catharine Badger, My. 6, Raleigh R.R. My. 8, 1846 Hendricks, Nancy C. to John Smith, Jr., Sept. Greensboro. R.R. Sept. 25, 1846 Herring, Richard to Margaret Matthews, Nov. 26, Sampson county. R.R. Dec. 11, 1846 Hessey, Cornelia Ann to Bazilia Ward, Jan. Orange county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Hester, Valleria Ann to James S. Walton, Dec. 2, Wake county. R.R. Dec. 11, 1846 Hicks, George to Miss Mungo, Jan. Franklin county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Hight, Janfes to Mary Powell, Jan. Franklin county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Hight, Thomas S. to Elizabeth Brown, Jan. Franklin county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Hill, Dr. Richard B. of Wilmington to Mary McB. Fisher, My. 5, Salisbury. R.R. 15, 1846 Hill, Dr. William H. of Wilmington to Ann Smith Empie, Mar. 9, Richmond, Va. R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Hilsabeck, J. J. of Stokes county to Matilda Poindexter, Feb. Surry county. R.R. Feb. 13, 1846 Hogan, Eugenia A. to Col. John Humphreys of Mississippi, Feb. Randolph county. R.R. Feb. 13, 1846 Hogan, Frances E. to Samuel Gaither, Oct. 14, Lexington. R.R. Oct. 20, 1846 Holder, William of Wake county to Frances Evans, Je. 24, Raleigh. R.R. Je. 26, 1846 Holmes, Susan L. to Capt. David Williams, Oct. Wilmington. R.R. Nov. 3, 1846 Holt, Elizabeth A. to Dr. Wm. D. Lindsay, Oct. 14, Lexington. R.R. Oct. 20, 1846 Hope, George Nelson of London to Martha P. Taylor of Yanceyville, Aug. 2, Yanceyville. R.R. Aug. 28, 1846 Hopgood, Jarva to Lemuel Birmingham, Jly. Anson county. R.R. Jly. 17, 1846 Hoskins, John A. to Lydia Johnson of Orange county, Feb. Guilford county. R.R. Feb. 6, 1846 Hoskins, Thomas F. to Anna Macy, Feb. 3, Guilford county. R.R. Feb. 10, 1846 Hoskins, Rich'd T. of Alabama to Elizabeth A. Lawrence, Oct. Tarboro. R.R. Oct. 13, 1846 Howell, Mary Jane of Brownsville, Tenn. to Spencer R. Wood of Louisburg, Nov. 17, Brownsville, Tenn. R.R. Dec. 25, 1846 Huckabee, Geo. F. of Alabama to Willie F. Carter, Feb. Windsor, Bertie county. R.R. Feb. 6, 1846 Hudson, Hilliard of Wake county to Mary H. Denby of Franklin county, Je. 4, Franklin county. R.R. Je. 9, 1846 Humphreys, Col. John J. of Mississippi to Eugenia A. Hogan, Feb. Randolph county. R.R. Feb. 13, 1846 Hunt, Andrew of Lexington to Elizabeth Chaffin, Sept. Davie county. R.R. Sept. 18, 1846 Hunt, Mary Allen to Thomas J. McGehee of Person county, Sept. 23, Hunting Glen Pittsylvania county, Va. R.R. Sept. 29, 1846 Hunt, Sarah to David .Stone, Jan. Franklin county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Huntington, Wm. to Harriet Sophia Brown, Nov. Wilmington. R.R. Nov. 24, 1846 Hurdle, Henry C. to Mary B. Graham, Jan. Orange county. R.R. Jan. 13, 1846 Huske, Isabella D. to Dr. John C. Williams, Nov. Fayetteville. R.R. Nov. 24, 1846 Hyman, Mary S. to James Strange of Fayetteville, Oct. Williamston. R.R. Oct. 30, 1846 Imgram, Wm. B. of Randolph county to Frances Birckhead, Nov. Davidson county. R.R. Nov. 13, 1846 Jackson, Louisa to John Turner, Feb. Orange county. R.R. Feb. 17, 1846 Jacocks, Margaret Stevenson to Ed. A. Leigh, Jly. 14, Durant's creek, Perquimons county. R.R. Jly. 28, 1846 Jeffreys, Cornelia to Dr. Joseph Thaxton, Dec. Person county. R.R. Dec. 29, 1846 Johnson, Dewitt C. to Eliza Dear, My. 12, Randolph county. R.R. Je. 26, 1846 Johnson, Col. Kemp of Warren county to Mary Q. Robards of Orange county, Nov. Granville county. R.R. Nov. 13, 1846 Johnson, Lydia to John A. Hoskins of Orange county, Feb. Guilford county. R.R. Feb. 6, 1846 Johnson, Marion Gales of Warren county to Frank Grinnell of Mass. Dec. 8, Washington, D. C. R.R. Dec. 18, 1846 Jones, A. W. to Velma T. Brooks, Aug. Moore county. R.R. Aug. 11, 1846 Jones, Elizabeth Ann of Perquimons county to George Bradford Gordon of Gates county, Je. Perquimons county. R.R. Je. 5, 1840 Jones, William to Sarah W. Rumley, Jly. Beaufort. R.R. Jly. 21, 1846 Justice, Alexander to Mary B. Tillman, Mar. Newbern. R.R. Mar. 31, 1846 Kennedy, John to Agnes Bryant, Mar. Fayetteville. R.R. Mar. 3, 1846 Kennon, Mrs. Maria P. to Joseph 0. Ridley of Bertie county, Nov. 5, Oxford. R.R. Nov. 24, 1846 Kimbrel, Matilda to Robert M. Clark, Feb. Mecklenburg county. R.R. Feb. 6, 1846 Kincey, Mary A. to William M. Boylan, Oct. 22, Raleigh. R.R. Oct. 27, 184G King, Eliza J. to James G. Richmond of Caswell county, Feb. Orange county. R.R. Feb. 17, 1846 Kirkpatrick, Arminta to Eliza Deaver, Je. Haywood county. R.R. Je. 30, 1846 Kirkpatrick, Hinton to Cynthia Freeland, Mar. Orange county R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Kyle, Caroline A. to William Gibboney of Wytheville, Va., Nov. Fayetteville. R.R. Nov. 24, 1846 Lambert, Martha to Richard Phillips, Dec. 17, Randolph county. R.R. Dec. 29, 1846 Lassiter, Eveline Demarious to Thomas C. Robertson. Oct. 29, Forest- ville. R.R. Nov. 6, 1846 Lathan, Eleanor to George M. Bonner, Jly. Washington. R.R. Jly. 14, 1846 Lawrence, Elizabeth A. to Rich'd T. Hoskins, of Alabama, Oct. Tarboro. R.R. Oct. 13, 1846 Laws, John to Mary M'Cullum, Aug. Hillsboro. R.R. Aug. 11, 1846 Leach, Col. J. M. to Eliza Lewis Montgomery, Je. Lexington. R.R. Jly. 14, 1846 Leath, Freeman of Caswell county to Martha Allen Ector, Jan. Orange county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Leigh, Ed. A. to Margaret Stevenson Jacocks, Jly. 14, Durant's Creek, Perquimons county. R.R. Jly. 28, 1846 Lindeman, Mary to George T. Cooke, Oct. 28, Raleigh. R.R. Oct. 30, 1846 Lindsay, Dr. Wm. D. to Elizabeth A. Holt, Oct. 14, Lexington. R.R. Oct. 20, 1846 Lockard, Ann of Caswell county to Henry Read of Person county, Aug. R.R. Aug. 28, 1846 Long, James A. to Agnes Calclcleugh, Dec. 9, Lexington, Davidson county. R.R. Jan. 2, 1846 Love, Edwin T. to Mrs. Julia McTaggart, Nov. Wilmington. R.R. Nov. 24, 1846 Luckey, Mrs. Mary to Thomas I. Grier, Apr. Charlotte. R.R. Apr. 17, 1840 Macy, Anna to Thomas F. Hoskins, Feb. 3, Guilford county. R.R. Feb. 10, 1846 M'Adams, Mary F. to John Ward, Feb. Orange county. R.R. Feb. 17, 1846 McCargo, Martha Jane of Oxford to John C. Gregory of Mecklenburg county, Va. Sept. 24, Oxford. R.R. Sept. 29, 1846 M'Cauley, John W. of Orange county to Nancey Jane Walker, Jan. Caswell county. R.R. Jan. 13, 1846 M'Cauley, Samuel S. S. of Anson county to Elizabeth Ellen M'Dade, Jan. Chapel Hill. R.R. Jan. 30, 1846 M'Coll, D. J. to Elizabeth C. Wooten, Je. Bladen county. R.R. Je. 5, 1846 M'Connell, Washington J. of Greensboro to Emily S. Sperry, Sept. Baltimore, Md. R.R. Sept. 15, 1846 M'Cullum, Mary to John Laws, Aug. Hillsboro. R.R. Aug. 11, 1846 M'Dade, Elizabeth Ellen to Samuel S. S. M'Cauley of Anson county, Jan. Chapel Hill. R.R. Jan. 30, 1846 M'Dougald, Major Neill of Bladen county to Margaret J. Robeson, Nov. Sampson county. R.R. Nov. 6, 1846 M'Gehee, Thomas J. of Person county to Mary Allen Hunt. Sept. 23, Hunting Glen Pittsylvania county, Va. R.R. Sept. 29, 1846 M'lver, Malinda B. to Rev. John C. Coit of Cheraw, S. C. Je. Fayetteville. R.R. Je. 16, 1846 M'Kay, Caroline M. of Bladen county to James M. Peterson of Sampson county, Je. Bladen county. R.R. Je. 2, 1846 M'Kay, Catharine Ann to David Fulton, Aug. Wilmington. R.R. Aug. 18, 1846 M'Kay, Mary Ann to Col. Elijah Fuller, Jly. Fayetteville. R.R. Jly. 14, 1846 M'Laurm, Wm. to Elizabeth Whitehead, My. Fayetteville, R.R. My. 12, 1846 M'Lean, Miss R. J. to Dr. Isaac Wilson of Mecklenburg county, Sept. Lincoln county. R.R. Sept. 25, 1846 M'Mullen, James to Sarah Brown, Nov. 29, Sampson county. R.R. Dec. 11, 1846 M'Neill, Barbara to Capt. Thomas J. Bulla, Sept. Cumberland county. R.R. Sept. 15, 1846 M'Pheeters, Dr. William Marcellus of Raleigh to Pink Seldon of Washington, D. C. Je. 11, Montrose, Mo. R.R. Je. 30, 1846' M'Taggart, Mrs. Julia to Edwin T. Love, Nov. Wilmington. R.R. Nov. 24, 1846 Mabry, Sarah Ann to George Greenfield, Feb. Lexington. R.R. Feb. 13, 1846 Matthews, Margaret to Richard Herring, Nov. 26, Sampson county. R.R. Dec. 11, 1848 Mathews, Mary A. to Thomas Southmayd, Sept. Wilmington. R.R. Sept. 18, 1846 Mebane, Dr. D. C. of Greensboro to Susan Watkins, Mar. Pittsylvania county. Va. R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Mebane, Mary Eliza of Greensborough to Charles Graham of Lincoln county, Oct. 14, Greensboro. R.R. Oct. 20, 1846 Medley, Mary G. to L. B. Stone, Nov. Granville county. R.R. Nov. 13, 1846 Melchor, Jacob to Mrs. Margaret Winicoff, Mar. Cabarrus county. R.R. Mar. 13, 1846 Mock, Susan to James Campbell, Sept. Davidson county. R.R. Sept. 25, 1846 Montgomery, Eliza Lewis to Col. J. M. Leach, Je. Lexington. R.R. Jly. 14, 1846 Moody, Martha A. to Alexander A. Covington, Sept. Rockingham. R.R. Sept. 15, 1846 Moore, Rebecca to William Brown, Mar. Lenoir county. R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Morehead, Mary Cormna to William A. Avery of Burke county, My. 27, Greensborough. R.R. Je. 2, 1846 Morrow, Eliza to Robert Tate, Jan. Orange county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Moses, George C. to Eliva Thompson, Jan. 8, Springbank, Wayne county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Mullen, Augustus L. to Sarah Ann Brown, Feb. Perquimons county. R.R. Feb. 24, 1846 Mungo, Miss to George Hicks, Jan. Franklin county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Munn, Harriet of Springfield, Mass, to Gurdon S. Denning of Fayette- ville, Sept. Springfield, Mass. R.R. Oct. 2, 1846 Murden, Ann to William Hathcock, Sept. 11, Pittsboro. R.R. Sept. 18,1846 Myatt, Wm. A. to Amelia H. Rand, Nov. 10, Wake county. R.R. Dec. 22, 1846 Nelson, Mrs. Esther to Alex H. Stanly, My. Newbern. R.R. My. 29, 184G Nelson, Lieut. Francis of the U. S. Navy to Mary S. Nelson, Jan. 28. Fayetteville. R.R. Jan. 30, 1846 Newby, Dr. George C. to Margaret Tyson of Moore county, Je. Fayetteville. R.R. Je. 2, 1846 Noe, Mrs. Susan S. to Captain Samuel Whitehurst, Mar. Newbern. R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Norwood, Mary to Thomas Briggs, Sept. 13, Wake county. R.R. Sept. 15, 1846 O'Hagan, Charles J. to Eliza Forrest, Mar. Lenoir county. R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Olds, L. P. to Pauline E. Evans, Sept. 18, Greenville. R.R. Oct. 9, 1846 Outlaw, Mary E. to Lewis Bond of Bertie county, Sept. 22, Franklin county. R.R. Oct. 2 ,1846 Owen, William T. to Sarah M. Buie of Richmond county, Sept. Bladen county. R.R. Sept. 8, 1846 Owens, Mary of Beaufort county to Henry Dimock, Aug. Newbern. R.R. Aug. 11, 1846 Page, Emeline J. to Mills H. Brown of Raleigh, Jly. 7, Wake county. R.R. Jly. 17, 1846 Parker, John A. of Wilmington to Miss M. A. Alway, Jly. Waynesboro. R.R. Jly. 21, 1846 Paschall, Mary T. to Alexander F. Spencer of Oxford. Dec. 10, Washington, D. C. R.R. Dec. 18, 1846 Pearson, Nancy F. to Capt. Joseph P. Coe of Guilford county, Mar. Rockingham county. R.R. Mar. 6, 1846 Perkins, Rebecca Jane to John N. Benners, Jan. Craven county. R.R. Jan. 30, 1846 Perry, Temperance of Franklin county to Gen. Jno. H. Williamson of Georgia. My. 20. R.R. Je. 5, 1846 Peterson, James N. of Sampson county to Caroline M. M'Kay of Bladen county, Je. Bladen county. R.R. Je. 2, 1846 Phillips, Richard to Martha Lambert, Dec. 17, Randolph county. R.R. Dec. 29, 1846 Philpot, Elizabeth J. to Umstead Rencher of Alabama, Jan. 11, Person county. R.R. Jan. 30, 1846 Pittman, Mary Elizabeth to Wm. T. Dortch of Nashville. Apr. Nash county. R.R. Apr. 7, 1846 Poindexter, Matilda to J. J. Hilsabeck of Stokes county, Feb. Surry county. R.R. Feb. 13, 1846 Pope, Margaret Carter to John W. Earle, Aug. Edgecomb county. R.R. Aug. 25, 1846 Porter, Mary to Samuel W. Boatwright, Feb. Mecklenburg county. R.R. Feb. 13, 1846 Powell, Mary to James Hight, Jan. Franklin county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Powell, Mary E. V. to Col. Samuel S. Biddle of Carven county. Oct. 28, Wake Forest. R.R. Nov. 3, 1846 Powell, Dr. Thomas B. of Wake county to Mrs. Caroline J. Gilliam, Oct. Sussex county, Va. R.R. Oct. 30, 1846 Proffett, Jane to Edmund Turner, Sept. Anson county. R.R. Sept. 8, 1S46 Ramsey, Ann to Wm. P. Taylor, Je. 3, Pittsboro. R.R. Je. 26, 1846 Ramsour, Alfred to Jane Chipley, Feb. Statesville. R.R. Feb. 13, 1840 Rand, Amelia H. to Wm. A. Wyatt, Nov, 10, Wake county. R.R. Dec. 22, 1846 Ranclleman, John H. of Stokes county to Elizabeth Jane Apperson, Feb. Surry county. R.R. Feb. 13, 1846 Ratliff. John J. to Jane Streater, Sept. Anson county. R.R. Sept. 8, 1846 Read, Henry of Person county to Ann Lockard of Caswell county. Aug. R.R. Aug. 28, 1846 Regan. Willis of Montgomery county to Nancy Smith, Je. Richmond county. R.R. Je. 2, 1846 Reid, J. J. to Margaret Winchester, Mar. Rockingham. R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Rencher, Umstead of Alabama to Elizabeth J. Philpott. Jan. 11. Person county. R.R. Jan. 30, 1846 Richards, Jno. S. of Wilmington to Ann Williams, London England, Jan. Wilmington. R.R. Jan. 13, 1846 Richmond, James G. of Caswell county to Eliza J. King, Feb. Orange county. R.R. Feb. 17, 1846 Ridley, Joseph O. of Bertie county to Mrs. Maria P. Kennon, 'Nov. 5, Oxford. R.R. Nov. 24, 1846 Ridley, Virginia L. of Graville county to Jas B. Sims of Franklin county, Aug. Oxford. R.R. Aug. IS, 1846 Robards, Mary Q. of Orange county to Col. Kemp Johnson of Warren county, Nov. Granville county. R.R. Nov. 13, 1846 Robbins, Mary to Thomas A. Frost. Sept. Wilmington. R.R. Sept. 18, 1846 Robertson, Thomas C. to Demarious Eveline Lassiter, Oct. 29, Forest- ville. R.R. Nov. 6, 1846 Robeson, Margaret J. to Major Neill M'Dougall of Bladen count, Nov. Sampson county. R.R. Nov. 6, 1846 Robinson, Mary J. to E. G. Ward of Duplin county, Oct. Sampson county. R.R. Nov. 3, 1846 Roseborough, Rufus M. to Emeline Belt, Feb. Iredell county. R.R. Feb. 13, 1846 Royal, Mary Ann to Thomas Underwood, Dec. 1, Sampson county. R.R. Dec. 11, 1846 Rumley, Sarah W. to William Jones, Jly. Beaufort. R.R. Jly. 21, 1846 Sanders, Lucian H. to Martha M. Marsh, Oct. 27, Asheboro. R.R. Nov. 6, 1846 Sanderson, Edward F. to Elizabeth Ann Simmons, Jan. Jones county. R.R. Jan. 30, 1846 Scott, Allen H. to Elizabeth Wiley, Sept. Guilford county. R.R. Sept. 25, 1846 Selden, Pink of Washington, D. C. to Dr. William Marcellus M'Pheeters of Raleigh, Je. 11, Montrose, Mi. R.R. Je. 30, 1846 Shaw, Helen Mary of Wilmington to James Banks of Fayetteville, Oct. Wilmington, R.R. Oct. 30, 1846 Shipp, Rev. Albert M. of Fayetteville to Mary Jane Gillespie, My. Cheraw. R.R. My. 12, 1846 Simmons, Ann to Dr. D. A. Campbell of Richmond county, Nov. Montgomery county. R.R. Nov. 6, 1846 Simmons, Elizabeth Ann to Edward F. Sanderson, Jan. Jones county. R.R. Jan. 30, 1846 Sims, Jas. B. of Franklin county to Virginia L. Ridley of Granville county. Aug. Oxford. R.R. Aug. 18, 1846 Slater, Jane to John D. Brown, Feb. Davidson county. R.R. Feb. 24, 1846 Sloan, Capt. Jas. of Iredell county to Nancy Torrence, Feb. Mecklenburg county. R.R. Feb. 6, 1846 Smith, John to Eliza S. Blake, Mar. Fayetteville. R.R. Mar. 17, 1840 Smith, John, Jr. to Nancy C. Hendricks, Sept. Greensboi-o. R.R. Sept. 25, 1846 Smith, Louisa of Raleigh to John W. Cosby, Je. 24, Raleigh. R.R. Je. 26, 1846 Smith,'Maria J. to Capt. A. J. Troy, Apr. Bladen county. R.R. Apr. 14, 1846 Smith, Nancy to Willis Regan of Montgomery county, Je. Richmond county. R.R. Je. 2, 1846 Smith, Mrs. Philadelphia H. to William B. Wright, Aug. 25, Fayette- ville. R.R. Sept. 1, 1846 Southmayd, Thomas to Mary A. Mathews, Sept. Wilmington. R.R. Sept. 18, 1846 Spencer, Ann L. of Halifax county, Va. to Giles N. Crowder of Warrenton, Jly. 30. R.R. Aug. 18, 1846 Spencer, Alexander F. to Mary T. Paschall of Oxford, Dec.10, Washington, D. C. R.R. Dec. 18, 1846 Sperry, Emily S. to Washington J. M'Connell of Greensboro, Sept. Baltimore. R.R. Sept. 15, 1846 Spurgin, Lauretta to John S. Brown of Randolph county, Apr. Davidson county. R.R. Apr. 28, 1846 Stanly, Alex H. to Mrs. Esther Nelson, My. Newbern. R.R. My. 29, 1846 Steed, Joseph W. to Letitia Sumner, Sept. Randolph county. R.R. Sept. 25, 1846 Strange, James of Fayetteville to Mary S. Hyman, Oct. Williamston. R.R. Oct. 30, 1846 Streater, Jane to John J. Ratliff, Sept. Anson county. R.R. Sept. 8, 1846 Stone, David to Sarah Hunt, Jan. Franklin county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Stone, L. B. to Mary Medley, Nov. Granville county. R.R. Nov. 13, 1846 Stout, Mary to William Workman, Mar. Orange county. R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Sumner, Letitia to Joseph W. Steed, Sept. Randolph county. R.R. Sept. 25, 1846 Swann, Betsey to A.D.Toomer, Nov. Pittsboro. R.R. Nov. 27, 1846 Taylor, Martha P. of Yanceyville to George Nelson Hope of London, Aug. 2, Yanceyville. R.R. Aug. 28, 1846 Taylor, Wm. P. to Ann Ramsey, Je. 3, Pittsboro. R.R. Je. 26, 1846 Thaxton, Dr. Joseph to Cornelia Jeffreys, Dec. Person county. R.R. Dec. 29, 1846 Thomas, Anna L. of Louisburg to Jones Fuller of Mobile, Ala. My. 13, Louisburg. R.R. My. 19, 1846 Thomas, Mrs. Sally to James Dameron, Aug. Caswell county. R.R. Aug. 28, 1846 Thompson, Eliva to George C. Moses, Jan. 8, Springbank, Wayne county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Tillman, Mary B. to Alexander Justice, Mar. Newbern. R.R. Mar. 31, 1846 Tisdale, Henry of Newbern to Harriet Bancrift, Feb. Mobile, Ala R.R. Feb. 24, 1846 Toomer, A. D. to Betsey Swann, Nov. Pittsboro. R.R. Nov. 27, 1846 Torrence, Nancy to Capt. Jas. Sloan of Iredell county. Feb. Mecklenburg county. R.R. Feb. 6, 1846 Trigg, Mary S. to John H. Coleman of Asheville, Feb. Abingdon, Va. R.R. Feb. 24, 1846 Tripp, Mary E. to John B. Bonner, My. 14, Beaufort. R.R. My. 29, 1846 Trott, Athling to Mary Eubank, Mar. Jones county. R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Truelove, Priscilla to Isaac Davis, Feb. Surry county. R.R. Feb. 13, 1846 Troy, Capt. A. J. to Maria J. Smith, Apr. Bladen county. R.R. Apr. 14,18-46 Turner, Edmund to Jane Proffet, Sept. Anson county. R.R. Sept. 8, 1846 Turner, John to Louisa Jackson, Feb. Orange county. R.R. Feb. 17, 1846 Turner, Margaret to Elijah Crawford, Sept. Orange county. R.R. Sept. •18, 1846 Tyson, Margaret of Moore county to Dr. George C. Newby, Je. Fayette- ville. R.R. Je. 2, 1846 Underwood, Thomas to Mary Ann Royal, Dec. 1, Sampson county. R.R. Dec. 11, 1846 Vincent, Dr. Thomas L. to Sarah Ann Elizabeth Eason, Dec. 3, Johnston county. R.R. Dec. 11, 1846 Vines, Chas. L. of Edgecombe county to Martha Ann Williams, Jly. 7, Falkland, Pitt county. R.R. Jly. 17, 1846 Vaut, Dr. to Frances Wells, Feb. Columbus county. R.R. Mar. 3, 1846 Waff, Sarah E. to John Bonner, Je. Chowan county. R.R. Je. 2, 1846 Walker, Nancy Jane to John W. M'Cauley of Orange county. Jan. Caswell county. R.R. Jan. 13, 1846 Walker, Thomas D. to Miss M. V. Dickinson, Apr. Wilmington. R.R. Apr. 7, 1846 Walton, James C. to Julia Ann Wedding, Mar. 10, Raleigh. R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Walton, James S. to Valleria Ann Hester, Dec. 2, Wake county. R.R. Dec. 11, 1846 Ward, Bazilia to Cornelia Ann Hessey, Jan. Orange county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Wall, William S. to Ann Eliza Fewell, Feb. Rockingham county. R.R. Feb. 6, 1846 Ward, E. G. of Duplin county to Mary J. Robinson, Oct. Sampson county. R.R. Nov. 3, 1846 Ward, John to Mary F. M'Adams, Feb. Orange county. R.R. Feb. 17, 1846 Watkins, Susan to Dr. D. C. Mebane of Greensboro, Mar. Pittsylvania county, Va. R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Webb, Margaret to Dr. B. L. Cole, Jly. Granville county. R.R. Jly. 17, 1846 Wedding, Julia Ann to James C. Walton, Mar. 10, Raleigh. R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Wells, Frances to Dr. Vaut, Feb. Columbus county. R.R. Mar. 3, 1846 Woodbury, Lieut. D. P. of the U. S. Engineer Corp. to Catharine R. Childs, Dec. 23, Fort Johnson, Smithville. R.R. Jan. 6, 1846 Woodward, Mr. to Drucilla Davis, Jan. Franklin county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Workman, William to Mary Stout, Mar. Orange county. R.R. Mar. 17, 1846 Wooten, Elizabeth C. to D. J. M'Coll, Je. Bladen county. R.R. Je. 5, 1846 Wright, Ann to Daniel Willis of Bladen county, Apr. Cumberland county. R.R. Apr. 14, 1846 Wright, William B. to Mrs. Philadelphia H. Smith, Aug. 25, Fayetteville. R.R. Sept. 1, 1846 Wynn, Rebecca to Wm. Furman, Jan. Franklin county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 Wynne, Amanda H. to John W. Harp, My. 13, Wake county. R.R. Je. H6, 1846 Young, John to Miss Cook, Jan. Franklin county. R.R. Jan. 20, 1846 |