North Carolina Marriage Records 1843

    Transcribed by Diane Siniard

    Abernathy, John C to Sarah S. Hutson, Je., Mecklenburg county. 
    R. R. Je. 13, 1843
    Adams, Lucy Ann to Henry Turner, Dec., Wake county. R. R. Dec. 29, 1843
    Ainsley, Asa of Washington county to Margaret Wynn, Mar., Chowan county. 
    R. R. Mar. 7, 1843
    Albert, Mary to Johnston Underwood, Dec., Orange county. R. R. Dec. 29, 1843
    Alexander, Leander D. of Mississippi to Margaret Parks, Aug., Mecklenburg 
    county. R. R. Aug. 25, 1843
    Allen, Elizabeth to John Mitchell, Oct., Granville county. R. R. Oct. 27, 1843
    Alston, Louisa B. to Thos K. Thomas, Nov. 16, Louisburg. R. R. Nov. 21, 1843
    Alston, Thomas N. F. of Warren county to Elizabeth Perry, Feb. 22, Franklin 
    county. R. R. Mar. 3, 1843
    Arendel, Dr. M. F. to Zilphia Ann Leecraft, Nov., Carteret county. R. R. 
    Dec. 1, 1843
    Arnold, Hezekiah to Miss Patrick, Mar., Washington county. R. R. Mar. 7, 1843
    Austin, Elizabeth to Harrison Tyrrell, Nov., Caswell county. R. R. Nov. 3, 1843
    Bailey, Frances C. to MaJ. J. M. Hunt of Granville county, Oct., Person 
    county. R. R. Oct. 27, 1843
    Baker, Frances to Lieut. John Chambers of Wake county, Feb. 15, Franklin 
    county. R. R. Feb. 21, 1843
    Baker, Mary Ann to John W. Munroe of Cumberland county, Jly., Robeson 
    county. R. R. Jly. 14, 1843
    Balance, Mrs. Lavinia to John Ross, Apr., Washington, Beaufort county. 
    R. R. Apr. 18, 1843
    Baldwin, Agnes J. to James A. Smith of Robeson county, Feb., Wilmington. 
    R. R. Feb. 3, 1843
    Barrow, Ann to Robert T. D. Young of Louisburg, Jan. 18, Franklin county.
    R. R. Feb. 3, 1843
    Barton, Harriet to Richard H. Lee, Dec., Hillsboro.    R. R. Dec. 29, 1843 
    Baskerville, John to Sarah D. Young, Dec., Granville county.   R. R. Dec. 8,
    Battle, Cornelia V. to John S. Dancy of Tarboro, Dec., Cool Springs, Edgecombe 
    county.    R. R. Dec. 22, 1843 
    Bennett, Francis S. to Benjamin S. Cox, Oct., Anson county.   R. R. Oct. 17,
    Bettner, Charles of Newbern to Eliza Booth, Apr., Columbus, Mississippi.
    R. R. Apr. 21, 1843 
    Belts, Calvin of Wake county to Sarah Stone of Grauville county, Sept. 20,
    Granville county.    R. R. Sept. 29, 1843 
    Bishop,  F.  W.  to  Elizabeth  Links,  Feb.,  Washington,  Beaufort  county.
    R. R. Feb. 21, 1843 
    Bishop, Martha to Cullen Powell, Nov., Halifax county.    R. R. Nov.  14,
    Blount, Alex C. to Julia E. Washington of Wayne county, Oct. 26, Newbern.
    R. R. Nov. 3, 1843
    Blum, Alexander C. to Antionette M. Shultz, Je., Salem.   R. R. Je. 2, 1843 
    Bogle, James of this State to Rebecca Riggs of Baltimore, Jan., New York.
    R. R. Jan. 10, 1843 
    Boger,  Mathias  of Salisbury  to  Sarah  R.  Derr,  Je.   28,  Lincoln county.
    R. R. Jly. 18, 1843 
    Boon, Dr. James H. of this State to Julia Smith of Philadelphia, Aug.,
    Philadelphia.    R. R. Aug. 4, 1843 
    Booth, Eliza to Charles Bettner of Newbern, Apr., Columbus, Mississippi.
    R. R. Apr. 21, 1843 
    Bowman, Margaret Hampton to Rev. John L. Moore of Germantown, Aug.,
    Stokes county.    R. R. Aug. 4, 1843 
    Brian, Hellen to Emeline G. Rumley, Dec. 22, Carteret county.    R. R. Jan.
    10, 1843 
    Briggs, Ann E. to Joseph C. Meador, My., Hertford county.    R. R. My. 2,
    Briggs, Bradfoot to Darcas Elizabeth Hambleton, Apr., Washington, Beaufort 
    county.    R. R. Apr. 18, 1843 
    Briggs, William W. to Lucy Ochiltree, Mar., Fayetteville.    R. R. Mar. 7,
    Brodie, Martha A. R. to Lieut. C. H. Kennedy of U. S. N., Oct. 11, Warren
    county.    R. R. Oct. 17, 1843 
    Brown, Benjamin F. to Mary Jamison, Je., Mecklenburg county.    R. R. Je.
    13,  1843
    Brown, Columbia A. to Frederick J. Lord, Dec. 13, Wilmington.    R. R.
    Dec. 19, 1843
    Brown, Laura to Joseph Chambers, Sept., Salisbury.    R. R. Sept. 8, 1843 
    Brown, William H. to Mrs. Naomi Dancy, Feb., Iredell county.    R. R. Feb.
    14,  1843
    Browning, Williamson to Sarah H. Eubanks of Virginia, Feb., Garysburg.
    R. R. Feb. 3, 1843 
    Bumpass, Rev. Sidney D. of Raleigh to Frances M. Webb, Dec. 27, Person
    county.    R. R. Jan. 6, 1843
    Burns, Sarah to Col. John C.  Sosserman of Pontotoc,  Mississippi,  Feb.,
    Cabarrus county.    R. R. Feb. 28, 1843 
    Burwell, Blair of Staunton to Mary Ann Davis, Sept. 13, Franklin county.
    R. R. Sept. 29, 1843 
    Caddell, Presly to Hannah M'Crummen, Sept., Moore county.    R. R. Sept.
    15, 1843 
    Caldwell, James H. of Falkland, Alabama to Amelia Caroline Crenshaw of
    Wake Forest, Aug. 17.   R. R. Aug. 29, 1843 
    Callum, James R. of Milton to Mary Clancy, Dec., Hillsboro.    R. R. Dec.
    12, 1843 
    Campbell, Archibald of Robeson county to Catharine Q. M'Neill, Jan. 19,
    Rockfish.   R. R. Feb. 3, 1843 
    Campbell, Penelope of Norfolk to John Wilson of Milton, Oct., Philadelphia.
    R. R. Nov. 3, 1843 
    Carrington,  Mary E.  of Raleigh  to  Dr.  Wm.  C.  Crump  of Manchester,
    Virginia, Nov. 22, Greenville, Pitt county.    R. R. Dec. 8, 1843 
    Carter, Adaliza to Zebulon English, Nov., Randolph county.    R. R. Nov. 10,
    Chambers, Lieut John of Wake county to Francis Baker, Feb. 15, Franklin 
    county. R. R. Feb. 21, 1843
    Chambers, Joseph to Laura Brown, Sept., Salisbury.   R. R. Sept. 8, 1843 
    Cheshire, Rev. Joseph B. to Elizabeth Parker, Feb., Tarboro.    R. R. Feb.
    17, 1843 
    Clancy, Mary to James R. Callum of Milton, Dec., Hillsboro.    R. R. Dec.
    12, 1843
    Clapp, Wm. to Matilda Thomas, Nov., Anson county.    R. R. Dec. 1, 1843 
    Clark, Mary Sumner to Dr. Wm. Geo. Thomas, Nov., Tarboro.    R. R. Nov.
    10, 1843 
    Clark, Rosannah C. to Archibald W. Hedgepeth, Oct., Hillsboro.    R. R.
    Oct. 24, 1843
    Clements, Mrs. Mary to Jeremiah G. Respass of Beaufort, Mar., Williamston, 
    Martin county.    R. R. Mar. 21, 1843
    Coart, John C. to Margaret Templeton, Feb., Newbern.    R. R. Feb. 7, 1843 
    Cobb, Miss H. E. A. to J. H. Peebles, Feb., Kinston, Lenoir county.    R. R.
    Feb. 7, 1843 
    Coleman, Elizabeth Delight to James A. Rozier of Robeson county, Dec.,
    Columbus county.    R. R. Dec. 12, 1843 
    Collet, Samuel of Davidson county to Jane Frazer, Nov., Randolph county.
    R. R. Nov. 10, 1843 
    Collins, Ann of Edenton to Hon. William B. Shepard, Je. 8, Edenton.   R. R.
    Je. 9, 1843 
    Conrad, Catharine to Dr. A. C. Wharton, Feb., Stokes county.    R. R. Feb.
    7, 1843 
    Conrad,' Julia A. to Dr. Beverly Jones, Nov., Stokes county.    R. R. Dec. 1st,
    Cooley, Tarmesia to Daniel D. Philips, Je., Hillsboro.    R. R. Je. 13, 1843 
    Cooper, Laura Weston to George H. Tonnoffski, Mar. 16, Raleigh.    R. R.
    Mar. 21, 1843 
    Cotfield, Margaret L. to Thomas D. Warren of Edenton, Je., Chowan county.
    R. R. Je. 9, 1843
    Courts, Jane F. to James M. Moore, Feb., Rockingham county.    R. R. Feb.
    7, 1843 
    Cowan, Sally S. to Dr. James F. M'Ree, Jr., My. 9, Wilmington.   R. R. My.
    23, 1843 
    Cox, Benjamin S. to Francis S. Bennett, Oct., Anson county.   R. R. Oct. 17,
    Cox, Jacob to Martha Walker, Nov, Randolph county.   R. R. Dec. 1, 1843 
    Crabtree, Wesley to Elizabeth Gattls, Dec., Orange county.   R. R. Dec. 12,
    Craven, George W. of Randolph county to Elizabeth Pharr, Feb., Cabarrus
    county.    R. R. Feb. 7, 1843
    Crenshaw, Amelia Carolina of Wake Forest to James H Caldwell of Falkland, 
    Alabama, Aug. 17, Wake Forest.    R. R. Aug. 29, 1843 
    Cromartie, Duncan to Mary A. Mckay, Dec., Bladen county.   R. R. Dec. 22,
    Cromartie,  Sophia  C.  of  Bladen  county  to  Lewis  C.  Gates  of  Sampson
    county, Nov. 1, Bladen county.    R. R. Nov. 10, 1843 
    Crump,   Dr.   Win.   C.   of   Manchester,   Virginia   to   Mary   E. Carrington   of
    Raleigh, Nov. 22, Greenville, Pitt rounty.    R. R. Dec. 8, 1843 
    Dancy, John S. of Tarboro to Cornelia V. Battle, Dec., Edgecombe county.
    R. R. Dec. 22, 1843 
    Dancy, Mrs. Naomi to William H. Brown, Feb., Iredell county.   R. R. Feb.
    14, 1843 
    Davenport, Ephraim B. to Mary Speight, Mar., Edenton.    R. R. Mar. 7,
    Davis, Geo. W. of Wilmington to Mary Adelaide Polk of Salisbury, Dec. 17,
    Rosedale, Fayette county, Tennessee.    R. R. Jan. 10, 1843 
    Davis, Mary Ann to Blair Burwell of Staunton, Sept. 13, Franklin county.
    R. R. Sept. 29, 1843 
    Deems, Prof, to Anna Disosway of New York, Je. 29, Asbury, New Jersey.
    R. R. Jly. 11, 1843 
    Derr, Sarah R. to Mathias Boger of Salisbury, Je. 28, Lincoln county.   R. R.
    Jly. 18, 1843 
    Dilworth, Richard of Caswell county to Lucy Ann Eskridge, Nov., Person
    county.   R. R. Nov. 3, 1843 
    Disbrow, Rev. Charles H. to Mary E. B. Gordon, My., Gates county.    R. R.
    My. 12, 1843 
    Disosway, Anna of New York to Prof. Deems of New York, Je. 29, Asbury,
    New Jersey.    R. R. Jly. 11, 1843 
    Dobbin, Catharine L. to J. G. Shepherd, Apr., Fayetteville.   R. R. Apr. 25,
    Donaho, Emily of Milton to Capt. Alfred Stanly of Louisiana, Sept., Milton.
    R. R. Sept. 29, 1843 
    Donnell, Malvina R. to Alexander M'Neely, Je., Guilford county.    R. R.
    Je. 2, 1843 
    Douglas, Sarah L. to Emery M. West, Oct., Anson county.    R. R. Oct. 17,
    Douglass, Dr. George B. to Mary Ellis, Dec., Davidson county.    R. R. Dec.
    8, 1843 
    Dowd, Elizabeth to Daniel M'Crummen, Nov. 2, Moore county.    R. R. Nov.
    14, 1843
    Drake, Dr. John G. F. to Mary Ann Harrison, Oct. 24, Nash county.   R. R.
    Nov. 7, 1843 
    Dudley, David C. of Raleigh to Carolina Shipp, Feb. 26, Wake county.
    R. R. Aug. 1, 1843 
    Dunn, John of Moore county to Jureah Haywood, Dec., Montgomery county.
    R. R. Dec. 8, 1843 
    Eberhart, Henry to Susanna Haywood of Northampton county, Feh., Gaston
    county.   R. R. Feb. 28, 1843
    Eliott, Elisha to Sarah Elliott, Mar, Edenton. R. R. Mar. 7, 1843 
    Elliott, Sarah to Elisha Elliott, Mar., Edenton. R. R. Mar. 7, 1843 
    Ellis, Mary to Dr. George B. Douglass, Dec., Davidson county. R. R. Dec.
    8, 1843 
    Ellison, James, Jr. to Sarah Jane, Nov., Washington, Beaufort county.
    R. R. Nov. 3, 1843 
    English, Zebulon to Adaliza Carter, Nov., Randolph county.    R. R. Nov.
    10, 1843
    Eppes, Miss H. P. to P. E. Hervey, Oct., Halifax.   R. R. Oct. 6, 1843 
    Eppes, Dr. Willie I. to Temperance B. Joyner, Nov., Halifax county.   R. R.
    Nov. 14, 1843
    Ernul, Ann to Henry Whitehurst, Nov, Craven county.   R. R. Dec. 1, 1843 
    Eskridge, Lucy Ann to Richard Dilworth of Caswell county, Nov., Person
    county.   R. R. Nov. 3, 1843 
    Eubanks, Sarah H. of Virginia to Williamson Browning, Feb., Garysburg.
    R. R. Feb. 3, 1843 
    Evans, Dr. Augustus C. to Eliza C. W. Washington, Mar. 16, Waynesboro.
    R. R. Mar. 21, 1843 
    Evans, Catharine of Hillsborough to John Turner, My. 18, Fayetteville.
    R. R. My. 23, 1843 
    Everett, David B. to Sarah R. Rainey, My. 4, Wayne county.    R. R. Je. 2,
    Fearrington, John J. to Elizabeth E. Mebane, Feb. 23, Pittsboro.    R. R.
    Feb. 28, 1843 
    Fentress, Thomas R. to Margaret Johnson, Sept. 6, Raleigh.    R. R. Sept. 8,
    Ferebee, Samuel to Mary Harrington, Nov., Currituck county.    R. R. Nov.
    14, 1843 
    Ferrill, Jane to William Patterson Montgomery of Guilford county, Aug. 3,
    Orange county.   R. R. Aug. 29, 1843 
    Ficklen, Joseph B. of Falmouth, Va. to Ellen M'Gehee, Je. 22, Person county.
    R. R. Jly. 4, 1843 
    Flow, John to Jane Russel, Feb., Mecklenburg county.    R. R. Feb.  28,
    Fotterall, Marian  to Samuel R.  Potter of Wilmington,  Oct.  18, Philadelphia
    R. R. Oct. 31, 1843 
    Foust, Mrs. Rebecca C. to Daniel C. Harden, Feb., Orange county.    R. R.
    Feb. 21, 1843 
    Franklin, Joseph R. to Henrietta Rowe, Aug., Newbern.    R. R. Aug. 25,
    Frazer, Jane to Samuel Collett of Davidson county, Nov., Randolph county.
    R. R. Nov. 10, 1843
    Gathings, Philip to Elizabeth White, Nov., Anson county.    R. R. Dec. 1,
    Gattis, Elizabeth to Wesley Crabtree, Dec., Orange county.    R. R. Dec. 12,
    Gillespie, Mary E. to Dr. Samuel D. Rankin, Nov., Rowan county.    R. R.
    Dec. 1, 1843. 
    Gilliam,  Robert B.  of Oxford  to  Melissa Kittrell  of Franklin,  Dec.  27,
    Franklin county.    R. R. Dec. 29, 1843
    Glover, Edwin to Laura Smith, Sept., Fayetteville.    R. R. Sept. 15, 1843 
    Gordon, Mary E. B. to Rev. Charles H. Disbrow, My., Gates county.    R. R.
    My. 12, 1843 
    Graves, Mary U. to Col. Harrison M. Waught, Apr. 11, Surry county.    R. R.
    Apr. 28, 1843 
    Green, Robert N. to Prudence N. Ward, Mar., Chatham county.    R. R. Mar.
    17, 1843 
    Greer, John F. of Ashe county to Martha C. Jones of Caldwell county, My.
    16, 1843.    R. R. Je. 9, 1842 
    Guion, Ferebe E. to Dr. John R. Justice, Dec., Newbern.     R. R. Dec.  22,
    Hall, Frances E. to Rev. James Stacy, Jan., Fayetteville.    R. R. Jan. 10,
    Hambleton, Darcos Elizabeth to Bradfoot Briggs, Apr., Washington, Beaufort 
    county.    R. R. Apr. 18, 1843 
    Hamilton, Hugh C. to Susan L. Massie of Virginia, Aug., Catawba county.
    R. R. Aug. 25, 1843 
    Harden, Daniel C. to Mrs. Rebecca C. Foust, Feb., Orange county.    R. R.
    Feb. 21, 1843 
    Hargrove, Hamilton H. to Eliza E. Overman, Nov., Lexington.    R. R. Nov.
    10, 1843 
    Harper, James of Darke county, Ohio to Louisa C. M'Dowell of Caldwell
    county, Sept. 12, Caldwell county.   R. R. Sept. 19, 1843 
    Harris, Stephen of Craven county to Mary E. White, Nov., Orange county.
    R. R. Nov. 3, 1843 
    Harrison, Mary Ann to Dr. John G. F. Drake, Oct. 24, Nash county.    R. R.
    Nov. 7, 1843 
    Haywood, Jureah to John Dunn of Moore county, Dec., Montgomery county.
    R. R. Dec. 8, 1843 
    Haywood, Susanna to Henry Eberhart of Northampton county, Feb., Gaston
    county.   R. R. Feb. 28, 1843 
    Hedgpeth, Archibald W. to Rosannah C. Clark, Oct., Hillsboro.    R. R. Oct.
    24, 1843 
    Henderson, Wm. A. to Mary A. Cooper, Dec., Mecklenburg county.    R. R.
    Dec. 19, 1843
    Hervey, P. E. to Miss H. P. Eppes, Oct., Halifax.    R. R. Oct. 6, 1843 
    Hiatt, Col. Joab to Julia Sharpe, Feb., Rockingham.   R. R. Feb. 7, 1843 
    Hicks, Thomas C. of Granville county to  Susan Fenner Ligon, Oct.  12,
    Wake Forest.    R. R. Oct. 13, 1843 
    Hill, Samuel of Randolph county to Maria Miller of Jones county, Feb. 4,
    Wayne county.    R. R. Feb. 17, 1843 
    Hlnard, Thomas to Louisa Wootten, Sept. 14, Johnston county.    R. R.
    Sept. 29, 1843
    Hinton, Salina to Wm. H. H. M'Cullers, Sept. 20, Johnston county.    R. R.
    Sept. 29, 1843 
    Hogan, James to Catharine J. Strayhorn, Oct., Orange county.    R. R. Oct.
    24, 1843 
    Holland, Margaret M. to Col. Sam'l N. Stowe, Oct., Lincoln county.    R. R.
    Oct. 31, 1843 
    Horton, Col. Samuel P. to Carolina C. Lee of Johnston county, Je.  22,
    Wake county.    R. R. Je. 27, 1843 
    Hunt, Maj. J. W. of Granvllle county to Frances C. Bailey, Oct., Person
    county.   R. R. Oct. 27, 1843 
    Hunt, William C. of Concord to Rosannah B. Potter, Dec., Charlotte.   R. R.
    Dec. 8, 1843 
    Hunter, Henry F. of Mecklenburg county to Mary S. Neel, Apr., Cabarrus
    county.    R. R. Apr. 14, 1843 
    Huston, Sarah S. to John C. Abernathy, Je., Mecklenburg county.    R. R. Je.
    13, 1843
    Hybart, Tho. L. to Eliza Maffit, Feb., Fayetteville.    R. R. Feb. 24, 1843 
    Irvine, Wm. of Bedford, Virginia to Mary Ann Lewis, Aug., Milton.    R. R.
    Aug. 25, 1843 
    Iseley, Emily Ann to Ezekiel May, Apr., Guilford county.    R. R. Apr. 18,
    Jamison, Mary to Benjamin F. Brown, Je., Mepklenburg county.    R. R. Je.
    13, 1843 
    Jane,  Sarah  to  James Ellison,  Je.,  Nov.,  Washington,  Beaufort  county.
    R. R. Nov. 3, 1843 
    Jeffreys, Adelaide of Franklin county to Noah Sessom, Apr., Marshall
    county, Mississippi.   R. R. Apr. 18, 1843 
    Jeffreys, Robert J. to Miss M. P. Jenkins, Jly., Orange county.    R. R. Jly.
    11, 1843
    Jenkins, Miss M. P. to Robert J. Jeffreys, Jly., Orange county.    R. R. Jly.
    11, 1843 
    Jewett, C. Adelaide to George P. Swift of Georgia, Apr., Robeson county.
    R. R. Apr. 28, 1843 
    Johnson, Louisa to Charles F. Jones, Aug., Randolph county.    R. R. Aug.
    4, 1843 
    Johnson, Margaret to Thomas R. Fentress, Sept. 6, Raleigh.    R. R. Sept.
    8, 1843 
    Jones, Rev. Amos W. of this State to Mary E. Womack, Oct. 4, Pittsboro.
    R. R. Oct. 10, 1843 
    Jones,  Barnabas,  Jr. to Martha Helen  Stephenson,  Oct.  26,  Wake county.
    R. R. Oct. 31, 1843 
    Jones, Dr. Beverly to Julia A. Conrad, Nov., Stokes county.   R. R. Dec, 1,
    Jones, Charles F. to Louisa Johnson, Aug., Randolph county. R. R. Aug. 4,
    Jones, Dr. Edmund A. of CaldweU county to Harriet N. Dunlap, Nov., Charlotte
    R. R. Nov. 17, 1843
    Jones, Martha C. of Caldwell county to John F. Greer of Ashe county, My. 16 
    R. R. Je. 9, 1843 
    Jones, Mary to Peter Brown Ruffin, Nov. 10, Hillsboro.    R. R. Nov. 21,
    Joyner, Temperance B. to Dr. Willie I. Eppes, Nov., Halifax county.    R. R.
    Nov. 14, 1843 
    Julian, Jesse B. to Isabella B. Troy, Dec. 5, Randolph county.    R. R. Dec.
    19, 1843 
    Justice, Dr. John R. to Ferebe E. Ouion, Dec., Newborn.    R. R. Dec. 22,
    Kelley, Wm. John to Lovedy M'Kethan, Oct. 4, Cumberland county.   R. R.
    Oct. 17, 1843 
    Kennedy, Lieut. C. H. of U. S. N. to Martha A. R. Brodie, Oct. 11, Warren
    county.    R. R. Oct. 17, 1843 
    Kerlock, Lydia to Albert Wallace of Mecklenburg county, Aug., Anson
    county.    R. R. Aug. 25, 1843 
    Keton, William of Petersburg, Virginia to Mary A. C. White of Henderson,
    Granville county, Dec. 14.    R. R. Dec. 22, 1843 
    Killough, David B. to Mary Rodgers, Apr., Cabarrus county.   R. R. Apr. 18,
    Klngsbury, Elizabeth to Julius M. Love, Aug., Salisbury.    R. R. Aug. 26,
    Kittrell, Melissa of Franklin county to Robert B. Gilliam of Oxford, Dec.
    27, Franklin county.   R. R. Dec. 29, 1843
    Latimer, Z. to Elizabeth Savage, Jly., Wilmington.   R. R. Jly. 14, 1843 
    Lee, Caroline C. of Johnston county to Col. Samuel P. Horton, Je. 22, Wake
    county.   R. R. Je. 27, 1843
    Lee, Richard H. to Harriet Barton, Dec., Hillsboro.    R. R. Dec. 29, 1843 
    Lee, Thursday A. to David S. Mathias of Sampson county, Nov., New Hanover 
    county.   R. R. Dec. 1, 1843 
    Leecraft, Zilphia Ann to Dr. M. F. Arendel, Nov., Carteret county.    R. R.
    Dec. 1, 1843 
    Lewis, Lucy Ann to Archibald Williams of Franklin, My., Oxford.    R. R.
    My. 9, 1843 
    Lewis, Mary Ann to Wm. Irvine of Bedford, Virginia, Aug., Milton.    R. R.
    Aug. 25, 1843 
    Ligon, Susan Fenner to Thomas C. Hicks of Granville county, Oct. 12, Wake
    Forest.    R. R. Oct. 13, 1843 
    Lindeman, Elizabeth to Jeremiah Nixon of New Hanover county, Apr. 19,
    Raleigh.   R. R. Apr. 21, 1843 
    Linke, Elizabeth to F. W.  Bishop, Feb., Washington, Beaufort county.
    R. R. Feb. 21, 1843 
    Little, Martha A. to Thomas Respass, Apr., Washington, Beaufort county.
    R. R. Apr. 18, 1843
    Locke, William to Jane A. Wheeler, Dec., Salisbury.   R. R. Dec. 8, 1843 
    London, M. of Wilmington to Rachel Troy of Columbus, Jly., Columbus
    county.    R. R. Jly. 21, 1843 
    Long, William J. of Randolph county to Mary Webb, Jly., Hillsboro.   R. R.
    Jly. 11, 1843 
    Lord, Frederick J. to Columbia A. Brown, Dec.  13, Wilmington.    R. R.
    Dec. 19, 1843 
    Love, Julius M. to Elizabeth Kingsbury, Aug., Salisbury.    R. R. Aug. 25,
    Lumley, Mrs. Sarah to Capt.  George W. Styron, Nov., Carteret county. 
    R. R. Dec. 1, 1843
    Lumpkin, Mrs. Mary to John Walters, Oct., Granville county.    R. R. Oct.
    27, 1843 
    M'Aulay,  Martin  A.   to  Adaline  Scarbrough,   Dec.,   Montgomery  county.
    R. R. Dec. 8, 1843 
    M'Cormick, Anne to Arch'd M'Lauchlin, Mar., Robeson county.    R. R. Mar.
    31, 1843 
    M'Crummen, Daniel to Elizabeth Dowd, Nov. 2, Moore county.    R. R. Nov.
    14,  1843
    M'Crummen, Hannah to Presley Caddell, Sept., Moore county.   R. R. Sept.
    15,  1843
    M'Cullers, Wm. H. H. Sr. to Salina Hinton, Sept. 20, Johnston county.
    R. R. Sept. 29, 1843 
    M'Dowell, Louisa C. of Caldwell county to James Harper of Darke county,
    Ohio, Sept. 12, Caldwell county.    R. R. Sept. 19, 1843 
    M''Gehee, Ellen to Joseph B. Ficklen of Falmouth, Virginia, Je. 22, Person
    county.   R. R. Jly. 4, 1843 
    M'llhenny, Eliza C. to James Shines, Oct. 14, Wilmington.    R. R. Oct. 27,
    M'Kay, Mary A. to Duncan Cromartie, Dec., Bladen county.    R. R. Dec. 22,
    M'Kethan, Lovedy to John Wm. Kelley, Oct. 4, Cumberland county.    R. R.
    Oct. 17, 1843 
    M'Lean, Hannah C. to MaJ. Newton Wharton, Je., Ouilford county.    R. R.
    Je. 2, 1843 
    M'Leod, William to Martha Ann Vaughan, Aug. 17, Raleigh.   R. R. Sept. 1,
    M'Millan, Dugald to Mary Wright, Oct. 16, New Hanover county.    R. R.
    Oct. 31, 1843 
    M'Nair, Annabella to John M'Nair, Jly., Robeson county.    R. R. Jly. 28,
    M'Nair, John to Annabella M'Nair, Jly., Robeson county.    R. R. Jly. 28,
    M'Neely, Alexander R. Donnell, Je., Guilford county.    R. R. Je. 2, 1843 
    M'Neill, Elizabeth to John C. Sinclair, Mar., Robeson county.    R. R. Mar.
    31, 1843 
    M'Neill, Harriet Almira to Duncan M'Kay, Jan. 8, Robeson county.    R. R.
    Feb. 17, 1843 
    M'Kay, Duncan to Harriet Almira M'Neill, Jan. 8, Robeson county.    R. R.
    Feb. 17, 1843 
    M'Lauchlin, Arch'd to Anne M'Cormick, Mar., Robeson county.    R. R. Mar.
    31, 1843 
    M'Rae, Almira A. to Green Williams, Mar., Montgomery county.   R. R. Mar.
    31, 1843 
    M'Ree, Dr. James F. Jr. to Sally S. Cowan, My. 9, Wilmington.    R. R. My.
    23, 1843. 
    M'Williams, William J. to Mary Ann Murch, Feb., Washington, Beaufort
    county.   R. R. Feb. 21, 1843 
    Massie, Susan L. of Virginia to Hugh C. Hamilton, Aug., Catawba county.
    R. R. Aug. 25, 1843
    Mathias, David S. of Sampson county to Thursday A. Lee, Nov., New Hanover 
    county.    R. R. Dec. 1, 1843
    May, Bzekiel to Emily Ann Iseley, Apr., Guilford county.   R. R. Apr. 18, 1843 
    Mebane, Capt. Morgan to Mary Morrow, Dec., Orange county.    R. R. Dec.
    29, 1843 
    Meacham, Elizabeth A. to Hampton R. West, My., Anson county.   R. R. My.
    12, 1843 
    Meador, Joseph C. to Ann E. Brlggs, My., Hertford county.    R. R. My. 2,
    Mebane, Elizabeth E. to John J. Fearrington, Feb., Pittsboro.   R. R. Feb.
    28,  1843
    Miller, Maria ol Jones county to Samuel Hill of Randolph county, Feb. 4,
    Wayne county.   R. R. Feb. 17, 1843 
    Mitchell, John to Elizabeth Allen, Oct., Granville county.    R. R. Oct. 27,
    Mixon, Charles W. to Anna Maria Underbill, Mar., Chowan county.    R. R.
    Mar. 7, 1843
    Maffitt, Eliza to Tho' L. Hybart, Feb., Fayetteville.    R. R. Feb. 24, 1843 
    Montgomery, William Patterson of Guilford county to Jane Ferrill, Aug. 3,
    Orange county.    R. R. Aug. 29, 1843 
    Moore, George  I. of New Hanover county to Hulda Murray, Je.,  Duplin
    county.    R. R. Je. 13, 1843 
    Moore, James M. to Jane F. Courts, Feb., Rockingham county.    R. R. Feb.
    7, 1843 
    Moore, Rev. John L. to Margaret Hampton Bowman of Germantown, Aug.,
    Stokes county.   R. R. Aug. 4, 1843 
    Moore, Martha A. to Stephen L. Tucker of Raleigh, Apr. 6, Franklin county.
    R. R. Apr. 14, 1843 
    Morrow, Mary to Capt. Morgan Mebane, Dec., Orange county.    R. R. Dec.
    29,  1843
    Morton, Chambers to Eliza Ussery, Dec., Montgomery county.    R. R. Dec.
    22, 1843 
    Munroe, John W. to Mary Ann Baker of Cumberland county, Jly., Robeson
    county.    R. R. Jly. 14, 1843 
    Murch, Mary Ann to William J. M'Williams, Feb., Washington, Beaufort
    county.    R. R. Feb. 21, 1843 
    Murphy, Hamson F. to Elizabeth A. Simpson, Je., New Hanover county.
    R. R. Je. 13, 1843 
    Murray, Hulda to George I. Moore, of New Hanover county, Je., Duplin
    county.   R. R. Je. 13, 1843 
    Neel, Mary S. to Henry F. Hunter of Mecklenburg county, Apr., Cabarrus
    county.    R. R. Apr. 14, 1843 
    Newkirk, Ann J. to Dr. J. B. Seavey, Nov. 9, New Hanover county.    R. R.
    Dec. 1, 1843 
    Nicholson, Rev. David B. to Zilphia Pearsall, Nov., Duplin county.    R. R.
    Nov. 17, 1843 
    Nixon, Jeremiah of New Hanover county to Elizabeth Lindeman, Apr. 19,
    Raleigh.    R. R. Apr. 21, 1843 
    Northcott,  Queen   to  Joseph  Owen   of  Moore  county,  My.,   Montgomery
    county.    R. R. My. 12, 1843 
    Oates, Lewis C.  of Sampson county to Sophia C.  Cromartie of Bladen
    county, Nov. 1, Bladen county.    R. R. Nov. 10, 1843
    Oates, Nicey to Gideon A. Thompson, Sept. 6, Moore county.    R. R. Sept.
    15, 1843
    Ochiltree, Lucy to William W. Briggs, Mar., Payetteville.    R. R. Mar. 7, 1843
    Orrell, Major C. J. of Fayetteville to Mildred Eliza Waiters, Feb., Clarendon, 
    Brunswick county.   R. R. Feb. 3, 1843
    Overman, Eliza E. to Hamilton H. Hargrove, Nov., Lexington.    R. R. Nov. 10, 1843
    Owen, Joseph of Moore county to  Queen Northcott,  My.,  Montgomery county.   
    R. R. My. 12, 1843
    Paisley, William J. to Margaret J. Wiley, Feb. 1, Gullford county.    
    R. R. Feb. 21, 1843
    Parker, Caroline N. to Theophilus S. Underwood, Oct. 7, Sampson county. 
    R. R. Feb. 17, 1843
    Parker, Elizabeth to Rev. Joseph B. Cheshire, Feb., Tarboro.    R. R. Feb. 17, 1843
    Parks, Margaret to Leander D. Alexander of Mississippi, Aug., Mecklenburg county
    R. R. Aug. 25, 1843
    Patrick, Miss to Hezekiah Arnold, Mar., Washington county.    R. R. Mar. 7, 1843
    Patterson, Mariam G. to Peyton R. Tunstall, Dec. 13, Franklin county. 
    R. R. Dec. 29, 1843
    Pearsall, Zilphia to Eev. David Nicholson, Nov., Duplin county.   R. R. Nov. 17, 1843
    Peebles, J. H. to Miss H. E. A. Cobb, Feb., Kinston, Lenoir county.    
    R. R. Feb. 7, 1843
    Pender, Amarilla James to Robert H. Pender, Nov., Edgecombe county. 
    R. R. Nov. 10, 1843
    Pender, Robert H. to Amarilla James Pender, Nov., Edgecombe county. 
    R. R. Nov. 10, 1843
    Perkins, Ann G. to James P. Wood of this State, Feb., Brownsville, Tennessee.
    R. R. Feb. 3, 1843
    Perry, Elizabeth to Thomas N. F. Alston of Warren county, Feb. 22, Franklin county
    R. R. Mar. 3, 1843
    Pharr, Elizabeth to George W. Craven of Randolph county, Feb., Cabarrus county.   
    R. R. Feb. 7, 1843
    Phifer, Louisa to Robert S. Young, Dec., Cabarrus county.   R. R. Dec. 15, 1843
    Philips, Daniel D. to Tarmesia H. Cooley, Je., Hillsboro.   R. R. Je. 13, 1843
    Philips, Mary to Emmanuel Whitfleld, Aug., Washington.    R. R. Aug. 29, 1843
    Polk, Mary Adelaide of Salisbury to Geo. W. Davis of Wilmington, Dec. 17, 
    Rosedale, Fayette county, Tennessee.    R. R. Jan. 10, 1843
    Potter, Henry H. of Fayetteville to Isabella C. Scott of Raleigh, Sept. 14, 
    Raleigh.    R. R. Sept. 15, 1843
    Potter, Samuel R. of Wilmington to Marian Fotterall,  Oct.  18, Philadelphia.    
    R. R. Oct. 31, 1843
    Potter, Rosannah B. to William C. Hunt of Concord, Dec., Charlotte.    
    R. R. Dec. 8, 1843
    Powell, Cullen to Martha Bishop, Nov., Halifax county.    R. R. Nov.  14, 1843
    Primrose, John to EHza Tarbox, Oct. 19, Raleigh.    R. R. Oct. 24, 1843 
    Raboteau, Charles C. to Sarah A. Wynne, My. 2, Louisburg.   R. R. My. 9,
    Rainey, Sarah R. to David B. Everett, My. 4, Wayne county.   R. R. Je. 2,
    Rankin, Dr. Samuel D. to Mary E. Gillespie, Nov., Rowan county.    R. R.
    Dec. 1, 1843
    Ray, Charles to Elizabeth Smith, Feb., Davie county.    R. R. Feb. 7, 1843 
    Reinhardt, Daniel F. of Lincolnton to Harriet E. Shuford, Nov., Lenoir,
    Caldwell county.    R. R. Nov. 17, 1843 
    Respass, Thomas to Martha A. Little, Apr., Washington, Beaufort county.
    R. R. Apr. 18, 1843
    Respass, Jeremiah G. of Beaufort to Mrs. Mary Clements, Mar., Williamston, 
    Martin county.   R. R. Mar. 21, 1843 
    Rlggs, Rebecca of Baltimore to James Bogle of this State, Jan., New York.
    R. R. Jan. 10, 1843
    Ringstaff, Susan to Merrel Utly, Nov., Hlllsboro.    R. R. Nov. 3, 1843 
    Robinson, John  R.  to  Harriet A.  Henderson,  Dec.,  Mecklenburg county.
    R. R. Dec. 19, 1843 
    Rodgers, Mary to David B Killough, Apr., Cabarrus county.   R. R. Apr. 18,
    Rogers, Thomas M. to Euphemia Brockett, Nov., Wilmington.    R. R. Dec.
    1, 1843 
    Ross, John to Mrs. Lavinia Balance, Apr., Washington, Beaufort county.
    R. R. Apr. 18, 1843 
    Rowe, Henrietta to Joseph R. Franklin, Aug., Newbern.    R. R. Aug. 26,
    Royster, Marcus to Frances Webb, Oct., Granville county.    R. R. Nov. 3,
    Rozier, James A. of Robeson county to Elizabeth Delight Coleman, Dec.,
    Columbus county.   R. R. Dec. 12, 1843 
    Ruffin, Peter Brown to Mary Jones, Nov.  10, Hillsboro.    R. R. Nov.  21,
    Rumley, Emeline G. to Hellen Brian, Dec. 22, Carteret county.    R. R. Jan.
    10, 1843 
    Russel, Jane to John Flow, Feb., Mecklenburg county.    R. R. Feb.  28,
    Sanders, Col. Jno*. F. of Johnston county to Emily J. Thompson, Jly. 4,
    Chatham county.    R. R. Jly. 14, 1843 
    Sanders, Linn P. of Madison county, Virginia to Polly Ann Sanders, Nov.,
    New Hanover county.   R. R. Dec. 1, 1843 
    Sanders, Polly Ann to Linn P. Sanders of Madison county, Virginia, Nov.,
    New Hanover county.   R. R. Dec. 1, 1843
    Savage, Elizabeth to Z. Latimer, Jly., Wilmington.    R. R. Jly. 14, 1843 
    Scarbrough,  Adaline  to   Martin  A.   M'Aulay,   Dec.,  Montgomery  county.
    R. R. Dec. 8, 1843 
    Scott, Isabella C. of Raleigh to Henry H. Potter of Fayettevllle, Sept. 14,
    Raleigh.    R. R. Sept. 15, 1843 
    Seavey, Dr. J. B. to Ann J. Newkirk, Nov. 9, New Hanover county.    R. R.
    Dec. 1, 1843
    Sessoms, Noah to Adelaide Jeffreys of Franklin county, Apr., Marshal:
    county, Mississippi.    R. R. Apr. 18, 1843
    Sharpe, Julia to Col. Joab Hiatt, Feb., Rockingham.   R. R. Feb. 7, 1843 
    Shephard, Hon. William B. to Ann Collins of Edenton, Je.  8, Edenton.
    R. R. Je. 9, 1843 
    Shepherd, J. G. to Catharine L. Dobbin, Apr., Fayetteville.    R. R. Apr. 25
    Shines, James to Eliza C. M'llhenny, Oct. 14, Wilmington.    R. R. Oct. 27,
    Shipp, Caroline to David C. Dudley of Raleigh, Feb.  26, Wake county.
    R. R. Aug. 1, 1843 
    Shollington, Dr. Wm. E. J. to Sarah Barnes, Dec., Cool Springs, Edgeeombe
    county.    R. R. Dec. 22, 1843 
    Shuford, Harriet E. to Daniel F. Reinhardt of Lincolnton, Nov., Lenoir,
    Caldwell county.   R. R. Nov. 17, 1843
    Shultz, Antoinette M. to Alexander C. Blum, Je., Salem.   R. R. Je. 2, 1843 
    Simpson, Elizabeth A. to Murphy Hansom P., Je., New Hanover county.
    R. R. Je. 13, 1843 
    Sinclair, John C. to Elizabeth M'Neill, Mar., Robeson county.    R. R. Mar.
    31, 1843 
    Smith, Caroline to Mumford D. Williams, Dec., Montgomery county.    R. R.
    Dec. 22, 1843
    Smith, Elizabeth to Charles Ray, Feb., Davie county.   R. R. Feb. 7, 1843 
    Smith, Henderson to Gilly Taylor, Dee. 3, Raleigh.   R. R. Dec. 8, 1843 
    Smith, James A. of Robeson county to Agnes J. Baldwin, Feb., Wilmington
    R. R. Feb. 3, 1843 
    Smith, Julia of Philadelphia to Dr. James H. Boon of this State, Aug.,
    Philadelphia.    R. R. Aug. 4, 1843
    Smith, Laura to Edwin Glover, Sept., Fayetteville.    R. R. Sept. 15, 1843 
    Sosserman,  Col. John C.  of Pontotoc, Mississippi to Sarah Burns, Feb.,
    Cabarrus county.    R. R. Feb. 28, 1843 
    Speight, Mary to Ephriam B. Davenport, Mar., Edenton.     R. R. Mar.  7.
    Stacy, Rev. James to E. Frances Hall, Jan., Fayetteville.    R. R. Jan. 10.
    Stanly, Capt. Alfred of Louisiana to Emily Donaho of Milton, Sept., Milton
    R. R. Sept. 29, 1843 
    Stanly, Edward R. of Newbern to Harriet Elizabeth Tull,  Nov.,  Lenoir
    county.    R. R. Dec. 1, 1843 
    Stephenson, Martha Helen to Barnabas Jones, Jr., Oct. 26, Wake county.
    R. R. Oct. 31, 1843 
    Stone, Sarah of Granville county to Calvin Betts, Wake county, Sept. 20,
    Granville county.    R. R. Sept. 29, 1843 
    Stowe, Col. Sam'l N. to Margaret M. Holland, Oct., Lincoln county.    R. R.
    Oct. 31, 1843 
    Strayhorn, Catharine J. to James Hogan, Oct., Orange county.    R. R. Oct.
    24, 1843 
    Streather, E. J. to Elizabeth Wilson, Sept. 19, Anson county.    R. R. Oct.
    6, 1843 
    Styron,  Capt.  George W.  to  Mrs.  Sarah  Lumley, Nov.,  Carteret  county.
    R. R. Dec. 1, 1843
    Suit, John of Rolesvllle to Amanda C. Terrell of Wake county, My.  30.
    R. R. Je. 2, 1843
    Summerrell, M. W. to Emily R. White, Dec., Newbern.   R. R. Dec. 22, 1843 
    Sumner,  Charles of York to Arabella W.  Wynnter of Blairsville,  Feb.,
    Blairsville.    R. R. Feb. 7, 1843 
    Swift,  George P. of Georgia to Miss C. Adelaide Jewett, Apr.,  Robeson
    county.   R. R. Apr. 28, 1843 
    Swim, William of Randolph county to Hannah M. Walker, Aug. 3, Orange
    county.    R. R. Aug. 29, 1843
    Tarbox, Eliza to John Primrose, Oct. 19, Raleigh.   R. R. Oct. 24, 1843 
    Taylor, Gilly to Henderson Smith, Dec. 3, Raleigh.    R. R. Dec. 8, 1843 
    Templeton, Margaret to John C. Coart, Feb., Newbern.   R. R. Feb. 7, 1843 
    Terrell, Amanda C. of Wake county to John Suit of Rolesville, My. 30.
    R. R. Je. 2, 1843
    Thomas, Matilda to Wm. Clapp, Nov., Anson county.   R. R. Dec. 1, 1843 
    Thomas, Thos. K. to Mrs. Louisa B. Alston, Nov. IB, Louisburg.    R. R. Nov.
    21, 1843 
    Thomas, Dr. Wm. Geo. to Mary Sumner Clark, Nov., Tarboro.    R. R. Nov.
    10, 1843 
    Thompson, Emily J. to Col. Jno. F. Sanders of Johnston county, Jly. 4,
    Chatham county.   R. R. Jly. 14, 1843 
    Thompson, Gideon A. to Nicy Oats, Sept. 5, Moore county.   R. R. Sept. 15,
    Tonnoffske, George H. to Laura Weston Cooper, Mar. 16, Raleigh.    R. R.
    Mar. 21, 1843 
    Toomer,  Mary of Wilmington  to  Jonathan  Whaley,  Nov.,  Fayetteville.
    R. R. Dec. 1, 1843 
    Troy, Isabella B. to Jesse B. Julian, Dec. 5, Randolph county.    R. R. Dec.
    19, 1843 
    Troy,  Rachael  of Columbus  county to  M.  London  of Wilmington,  Jly.,
    Columbus county.   R. R. Jly. 21, 1843 
    Tucker, Stephen L. of Raleigh to Martha A. Moore, Apr. 6, Franklin county.
    R. R. Apr. 14, 1843 
    Tull,  Harriet Elizabeth to Edward  R.  Stanly of Newbern,  Nov.,  Lenoir
    county.    R. R. Dec. 1, 1843 
    Tunstall, Peyton R.  to Mariam G. Patterson,  Dec.  13, Franklin county.
    R. R. Dec. 29, 1843 
    Turner, Henry to Lucy Ann Adams, Dec., Wake county.    R. R. Dec.  29,
    Turner, John of Hillsboro to Catharine Evans, My. 18, Fayetteville.   R. R.
    My. 23, 1843 
    Tyrrell, Harrison to Elizabeth Austin, Nov., Caswell county.    R. R. Nov. 3,
    Underbill, Anna Maria to Charles Mixson, Mar., Chowan county.    R. R.
    Mar. 7, 1843 
    Underwood, Johnston to Mary Albert, Dec., Orange county.    R. R. Dec. 29,
    Underwood, Theophilus S. to Caroline N. Parker, Oct. 7, Sampson county.
    R. R. Feb. 17, 1843
    Ussery, Eliza to Chambers Morton, Dec., Montgomery county.    R. R. Dec. 22, 1843
    Utly, Merrel to Susan RingstafE, Nov., Hillsboro.    R. R. Nov. 3, 1843 
    Vanderford, Anderson of Raleigh to Virginia Waddell, Sept. 14, Franklin
    county.   R. R. Sept. 19, 1843 
    Vaughan, Martha Ann to William M'Leod, Aug. 17, Raleigh.    R. R. Sept.
    1, 1843 
    Weddell, Virginia to Anderson Vanderford of Raleigh, Sept. 14, Franklin
    county. R. R. Sept. 19, 1843 
    Walker, Hannah M. to William Swim of Randolph county, Aug. 3, Orange
    county.   R. R. Aug. 29, 1843
    Walker, Martha to Jacob Cox, Nov., Randolph county.   R. R. Dec. 1, 1843 
    Wallace, Albert of Mecklenburg county to Lydia Kerlock,  Aug.,  Anson
    county.    R. R. Aug. 25, 1843 
    Walters, John to Mrs. Mary Lumpkin, Oct., Granville county.    R. R. Oct.
    27, 1843 
    Ward, Prudence N. to Robert N. Green, Mar., Chatham county.   R. R. Mar.
    17, 1843 
    Warren, Thomas D. of Edenton to Margaret L. Cotfield, Je., Chowan county.
    R. R. Je. 9, 1843 
    Washington, Eliza C. W. to Dr. Augustus C. Evans, Mar. 16, Waynesboro.
    R. R. Mar. 21, 1843 
    Washington, Julia E. of Wayne county to Alex C. Blount, Oct. 26, Newbern.
    R. R. Nov. 3, 1843 
    Waiters, Mildred Eliza to Major C. J. Orrell, Feb., Clarendon, Brunswick
    county.    R. R. Feb. 3, 1843 
    Waugh, Col. Harrison M. to Mary U. Graves, Apr. 11, Surry county.    R. R.
    Apr. 28, 1843 
    Webb, Frances to Marcus Royster, Oct., Granville county.    R. R. Nov. 3,
    Webb, Frances M. to Rev. Sidney D. Bumpass of Raleigh, Dec. 27, Person
    county.    R. R. Jan. 6, 1843 
    Webb, Mary to William J. Long of Randolph county, Jly., Hillsboro.   R. R.
    Jly. 11, 1843 
    West, Emery M. to Sarah L. Douglas, Oct., Anson county.    R. R. Oct. 17,
    West, Hampton R. to Elizabeth A. Meacham, My., Anson county.    R. R. My.
    12, 1843 
    Whaley,  Jonathan  to  Mary  Toomer  of  Wilmington,  Nov.,  Fayetteville.
    R. R. Dec. 1, 1843 
    Wharton, Dr. A. C. to Catharine Conrad, Feb., Stokes county.    R. R. Feb.
    7, 1843 
    Wharton, Maj. Newton to Hannah C. McLean, Je., Guilford county.    R, R.
    Je. 2, 1843
    Wheeler, Jane A. to William Locke, Dec., Salisbury.    R. R. Dec. 8, 1843 
    White, Elizabeth to Philip Gathings, Nov., Anson county.    R. R. Dec. 1,
    White, Emily R. to W. W. Sumerrell, Dec., Newbern.    R. R. Dec. 22, 1843 
    White, Mary A. C. of Henderson, Granville county to William Keton of
    Petersburg, Virginia, Dec. 14.   R. R. Dec. 22, 1843 
    White, Mary E. to Stephen Harris of Craven county, Nov., Orange county.
    R. R. Nov. 3, 1843 
    Whitehurst, Henry to Ann Ernul, Nov., Craven county.    R. R. Dec. 1, 1843
    Whitfield, Emanuel to Mary Phillips, Aug., Washington.    R. R. Aug. 29,
    Wiley, Margaret J. to William J. Paisley, Feb. 1, Guilford county.   R. R.
    Feb. 21, 1843 
    Williams, Archibald of Franklin to Lucy Ann Lewis, My., Oxford.    R. R.
    My. 9, 1843 
    Williams, Green to Almira A. M'Rae, Mar., Montgomery county.    R. R.
    Mar. 31, 1843 
    Williams, Mumford D. to Caroline Smith, Dec., Montgomery county.   R. R.
    Dec. 22, 1843 
    Wilson, Elizabeth to E. J. Streather, Sept. 19, Anson county.    R. R. Oct. 6,
    Wilson, John of Milton to Penelope Campbell of Norfolk, Virginia, Oct.,
    Philadelphia.    R. R. Nov. 3, 1843 
    Womack, Mary E. to Rev. Amos W. Jones of this State, Oct. 4, Pittsboro.
    R. R. Oct. 10, 1843
    Wood, James P. of this State to Ann G. Perkins, Feb., Brownsville, Tennessee.
    R. R. Feb. 3, 1843 
    Wootten, Louisa to Thomas Hinard, Sept.' 14, Johnston county.    R. R. Sept.
    29, 1843 
    Wright, Mary to Dugald M'Millan, Oct. 15, New Hanover county.    R. R.
    Oct. 31, 1843 
    Wynn,  Margaret to Asa Ainsley of Washington  county,  Mar.,  Chowan
    county.    R. R. Mar. 7, 1843 
    Wynne, Sarah A. to Charles C. Raboteau, My. 2, Louisburg.    R. R. My. 9,
    Wynnter,  Arabella W.  of Blairsville to  Charles  Sumner of York,  Feb.,
    Blairsville.    R. R. Feb. 7, 1843 
    Young, Robert S. to Louisa Phifer, Dec., Cabarrus county.    R. R. Dec. 15,
    Young, Robert T. D. of Louisburg to Ann Ba^jrow, Jan. 18, Franklin county.
    R. R. Feb. 3, 1843 
    Young, Sarah D. to John Baskerville, Dec., Granville county.   R. R. Dec. 8,

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