North Carolina Marriage Records 1842Transcribed by Diane Siniard Adams, Henderson to Mrs. Dobson, Aug., Davidson county. R. R. Aug. 30, 1842 Albright, George to Barbary Holt, Feb., Orange county. R. R. Feb. 15, 1842 Alexander, George of Mecklenburg county to Sarah P. Harris, Feb., Cabarrus county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Alexander, Sophronia to Calvin Patton, Feb., Buncombe county. R. R. Mar. 1, 1842 Allen, Julia E. to Thomas Richardson, Apr., Newbern. R. R. Apr. 29, 1842 Allen, Samuel of Granville county to Louisa Jones, Jan. 22, Franklinton. R. R. Feb. 11, 1842 Allison, Robert W. of Concord to Sarah Ann Phifer, Je., Cabarrus county. R. R. Je. 14, 1842 Ambrose, Miss H. E. to Lewis C. Henderson, Jan., Onslow county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Anderson, William S. to Francis Caroline Radcliffe of Charleston, South Carolina, Jly., Wilmington. R. R. Jly. 15, 1842 Arendell, Louisa P. to Rev. William Closs, Sept. 1, Louisburg, Franklin county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1842 Armfleld, Jonathan of Greensboro to Sarah Jane Brown, Je., Rowan county. R. R. Je. 17, 1842 Atkins, Elizabeth F. to Obadiah Page, Mar., Wake county. R. R. Mar. 22, 1842 Atkins, Martha J. to Pleasant Trice, Apr. 26, Orange county. R. R. My. 6, 1842 Atkinson, Delany to George M'Millan, Jan., Fayetteville. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 Atwater, Martha to Manley Strowel, Aug., Orange county. R. R. Aug. 23, 1842 Austin, A. A. to Martha Joyner, Mar., Halifax. R. R. Mar. 15, 1842 Avent, Harriet to Calvin Bray, Mar., Chatham county. R. R. Mar. 18, 1842 Bagge, Antoinetta L. to Samuel B. Brietz, Apr., Salem. R. R. Apr. 8, 1842 Bailey, William H. of Hertford county to Maria Pate, Apr., Richmond county. R. R. Apr. 26, 1842 Baker, Joseph to Eliza Couch, Feb., Hillsboro. R. R. Feb. 15, 1842 Baker, Julia Imogens of Norfolk to James H. Gautier, Jan., Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Feb. 1, 1842 Baker, Wm. H. to Martha A. Stephens, Feb., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Ball, Alfred L. of Milton to Cynthia C. Hill of Raleigh, My. 31, Raleigh. R. R. Je. 3, 1842 Barr, Margaret Amanda to Dr. Robert S. Smart, Feb., Rowan county. R. R. Mar. 1, 1842 Barringer, Jane C. to Gen. W. C. Means, Jan., Cabarrus county. R. R. Jan. 11, 1842 Battle, Susan to Dr. William H. McKee, Mar. 8, Raleigh. R. R. Mar. 11, 1842 Beatty, Hayes W. to Eliza Robinson, My. 12, Fayetteville. R. R. My. 13, 1842 Benbow, Paris of Fayetteville to Mary Kennedy, Je. 9, Wayne county. R. R. Je. 24, 1842 Benson, William S. to Penelope Jones, Oct., Bath, Beaufort county. R. R. Nov. 1, 1842 Berry, Benjamin W. of Wilmington to Miss A. E. Williams of New Hanover county, Oct. 13. R. R. Oct. 28, 1842 Berry, Betsey Hill to John Gammell, Jan., Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 25, 1842 Berry, Mary to James Sitton, Feb., Henderson county. R. R. Feb. 11, 1842 Berry W. to Miss A. E. Williams, Oct., New Hanover county. R. R. Oct. 25, 1842 Bethune, Alexander of Charlotte to Catharine M'Gilvary, Jan., Fayetteville. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Bevers, Jane to Major Reuben Flemming, Feb. 24, Wake county. R. R. Mar. 1, 1842 Bishop, H. to Sarah Ann Sholer, My., Wilmington. R. R. My. 20, 1842 Black, Narcissa to John R. Weddington of Cabarrus county, Sept., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1842 Blum, Mary A. to David Kelly of Surry county, Oct., Stokes county. R. R. Nov. 1, 1842 Blunt, Sarah J. P. of Greenville county, Virginia to Henry Peebles of Northampton county. R. R. Mar. 8, 1842 Boger, Catharine to Miles Mowry, Feb., Salisbury. R. R. Feb. 18, 1842 Bondurant, Anna M. to James H. Curtis of Fayetteville, Feb., Linden, Alabama. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Boon, Margaret Ann to Hector M'Millan, Oct., Fayetteville. R. R. Oct. 25, 1842 Bostick, Frances Ann to Jno. T. McColl, Jly., Richmond county. R. R. Jly. 12, 1842 Boyd, Nancy to Jackson Poe, Dec., Chatham county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1842 Bozzel, Mary L. to Samuel F. Kerr, Feb., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Bradley, Ann to Alonzo J. Wills, Jan., Newborn. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 Branch, Joseph to Jane Marshall, Feb., Halifax county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Branch, Margaret to Mr. Partin, Feb., Halifax county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Bray, Calvin to Harriet Avent, Mar., Chatham county. R. R. Mar. 18, 1842 Brietz, Samuel E. to Antoinetta L. Bagge, Apr., Salem. R. R. Apr. 8, 1842 Briggs, Ann E. to Charles C. Nelson of Newbern, Apr. 25, Raleigh. R. R. Apr. 26, 1842 Broadfoot, William G. to Frances Wetmore, Feb., Fayettevllle. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Brooks, Clarissa to John Tyler, Jan., Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Jan. 11, 1842 Brown, Charles P. to Priscilla W. Crenshaw, Jly., Stokes county. R. R. Jly. 22, 1842 Brown, Jacob to Eliza J. Rothrock, Apr. 7, Davidson county. R. R. My. 3, 1842 Brown, Martha M. to John Stuart, Mar. 17, Wake county. R. R. Mar. 25, 1842 Brown, Mary A. to William Dixon, Jr. of Green county, Jan., Greenville, Pitt county. R. R. Jan. 11, 1842 Brown, Sarah Jane to Jonathan Armfield of Greensboro, Je., Rowan county. R. R. Je. 17, 1842 Brown, Susan A. to Maj. R. G. Rankin of Wilmington, My., Smithville, Brunswick county. R. R. My. 20, 1842 Brown, Sylvester to Hannah Roundtree, Je., Pitt county. R. R. Je. 10, 1842 Burgin, Alney of Burke county to Drucilla Whitson, Feb., Buncombe county. R. R. Mar. 1, 1842 Byrne, Thos. H. to Mary P. Walker, Jly., Fayetteville. R. R. Jly. 22, 1842 Burton, Rev. Robert O. to Elizabeth H. Joyner, Apr., Halifax county. R. R. Apr. 8, 1842 Cain, P. H. to Susan W. Cheshire, Jan., Davie county. R. R. Feb. 1, 1842 Caldwell, Jos. P. of Statesville to Amanda M'Culloch, Oct., Rowan county. R. R. Nov. 1, 1842 Cameron, Walter A. of Hillsboro to Elizabeth P. Walker, Mar., Petersburg. R. R. Mar. 15, 1842 Campbell, Jane Isabella to Angus Munn, Feb., Cumberland county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Cannon, Sarah L. to Atlas J. Peebles, Dec. 16, Jackson. R. R. Jan. 4, 1842 Capehart, Amelia of Murfreesboro to John Kimberly of New York City, Jly. 14, Murfreesboro. R. R. Jly. 29, 1842 Capel, Neomy to Andrew J. Thomas, Jan., Anson county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Capps, Thomas to Martha Smith, My., Lincoln county. R. R. My. 24, 1842 Carmalt, Julia H. to Leonard H. Royster of Raleigh, Sept., Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Sept. 6, 1842 Carmichael, Levin to Susan Newman, Feb., Hillsboro. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Carpenter, Willis to Ulcey Jones, Jly. 20, Wake county. R. R. Aug. 2, 1842 Carter, Joseph to Sarah Ann Charlotte, Jan., Newbern. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 Carter, Mary to John Hendricks, Feb., Davie county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1842 Casey, Margaret to George Washington Rose of Charleston, South Carolina, Jly. 22, Fayetteville. R. R. Aug. 5, 1842 Charlotte, Sarah Ann to Joseph Carter, Jan., Newbern. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 Cheshire, Sarah Frances to Joseph B. Webb, Jr. of Hillsboro, Mar., Eden ton. R. R. Mar. 11, 1842 Cheshire, Susan W. to P. H. Cain, Jan., Davie county. R. R. Feb. 1, 1842 Christy, John H. to Ann Aurelia Roberts, Aug., Buncombe county. R. R. Sept. 6, 1842 Clark, John Newton to Theresa Tinnin, Mar., Orange county. R. R. Mar. 15, 1842 Clark, Julia to Edgar Cuthbert, Apr., Newbern. R. R. Apr. 29, 1842 Clarke, Warner to Eliza Williamson, Je. 8, Salisbury. R. R. Je. 17, 1842 Clifton, H. B. of Sampson county to Mary Whitfield, Apr., Duplin county. R. R. Apr. 19, 1842 Clifton, Nancy S. to John H. Whitfield of Duplin county, Jan., Sampson county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Cline, Elizabeth S. to Joshua B. Hudson, Feb., Cabarrus county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Clodfelter, George A. to Isabella R. Gray, Feb., Iredell county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Closs, Rev. William to Louisa P. Arendell, Sept. 1, Louisburg, Franklin county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1842 Coart, Mary Elizabeth to William Dunn, Apr., Newbern. R. R. Apr. 8, 1842 Coatney, Martha to Edward Vick, Jr., Jly., Anson county. R. R. Jly. 29, 1842 Cobia, Mrs. Louisa of Charleston, South Carolina & Wilmington to John I. Roberts of- Chapel Hill, Sept. 20, Chapel Hill. R. R. Sept. 27, 1842 Cochran, Robert, Jr. to Marinda Virginia Weisiger, Apr., Fayetteville. R. R. Apr. 19, 1842 Cole, Georgia to Mary Ann Long, Aug., Rockingham, Richmond county. R. R. Aug. 23, 1842 Coleman, Dr. R. to Catharine Scott both of this State, My., Tallahatchie, Mississippi. R. R. Je. 3, 1842 Collier, Major John W. of Wayne county to Caroline Oliver, Jan., Newbern. R. R. Jan. 18, 1842 Couch, Eliza to Joseph Baker, Feb., Hillsboro. R. R. Feb. 15, 1842 Couch, Susan to Harris Kirkman, Oct., Greensboro. R. R. Oct. 18, 1842 Crawford, Eliza Ann to Samuel Terry of Richmond county, Mar., Rockingham R. R. Mar. 18, 1842 Crenshaw, Priscilla W. to Charles P. Brown, Jly., Stokes county. R. R. Jly. 22, 1842 Cromartie, Mary C. to John M. Fennell of New Hanover county, Apr., Bladen county. R. R. Apr. 26, 1842 Crudup, Martha to Joshua Perry of Franklin, My. 11, Granville county. R. R. My. 17, 1842 Cry, Catharine to James M. Godfrey, Jly., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Aug. 2, 1842 Curtis, James H. of Fayetteville to Anna M. Bondurant, Feb., Linden, Alabama R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Cuthbert, Edgar to Julia Clark, Apr., Newbern. R. R. Apr. 29, 1842 Davis, James to Elizabeth Ann O'Briant, Oct., Warren county. R. R. Oct. 18, 1842 Davis, Mary Susan to A. B. M'Caleb of Wilmington, Jan., Duplin county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Devereux, John, Jr. to Margaret Mordecai, My. 25, Wake county. R. R. My. 27, 1842 Dillehay, John of Macon county, Alabama to Jane Sledge, Aug. 10, Halifax county. R. R. Aug. 26, 1842 Dinkins, A. D. of Mississippi to Cynthia D. Springs, Jly., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Aug. 2, 1842 Dixon, George W. to Mrs. Catharine Gibson, Nov., Newbern. R. R. Nov. 22, 1842 Dixon, William, Jr., of Greene county to Mary A. Brown, Jan., Greenville, Pitt county. R. R. Jan. 11, 1842 Dobson, Mrs. to Henderson Adams, Aug., Davidson county. R. R. Aug. 30, 1842 Duckett, Mary Matilda to John A. Patton of Georgia, Aug., Buncombe county. R. R. Sept. 6, 1842 Dudley, Eliza Ann to Thomas R. Purnell, My., Wilmington. R. R. My. 20, 1842 Dumas, Franklin of Richmond county to Jane Wall, Sept., Stanly county. R. R. Sept. 9, 1842 Dunn, William to Mary Elizabeth Coart, Apr., Newbern. R. R. Apr. 8, 1842 Eagle, Margaret to William Holbrooks, Feb., Rowan county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1842 Earnheart, Margaret to John Waggoner of Cabarrus county, Feb., Rowan county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1842 Edwards, Emily of Chatham county to Jeremiah Walker, Apr. 5, Guilford county. R. R. Apr. 29, 1842 Edwards, Frances to Robert Woody, Jan., Chatham county. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 Elliott, Eleanor to Peter Thurston, Jan., Greensboro. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 Evans, William to Jane Winfield, Jan., Beaufort. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Everest, Rev. Charles W. of Connecticut to Sarah Louisa Mallett, My. 31, Fayetteville. R. R. Je. 3, 1842 Faires, Margaret A. to C. A. Hoover, Jly., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Aug. 2, 1842 Fennell, John M. of New Hanover county to Mary C. Cromartle, Apr., Bladen county. R. R. Apr. 26, 1842 Field, Charlotte to William W. Warren, Jan., Guilford county. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 Finn, Mrs. Eliza C. to Irwin Battle, Jan., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Jan. 11, 1842 Flack, Saunders to Susan Webb, Feb., Guilford county. R. R. Feb. 11, 1842 Flemming, Major Reuben to Jane Bevers, Feb. 24, Wake county. R. R. Mar. 1, 1842 Flintift, William to Rebecca Hogan, Aug., Orange county. R. R. Aug. 23, 1842 Foard, Carolina to Hezekiab Turner of Rowan county, Feb., Davie county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Forest, Roland to Jane A. Moss, Oct., Stanly county. R. R. Oct. 21, 1842 Forlaw, Susan J. to Capt. Win. Sabiston, Je., Beaufort, Carteret county. R. R. Je. 10, 1842 Foust, Jane to Edwin M. Holt, Feb., Orange county. R. R. Feb. 16, 1842 Franklin, Columbus C. to Anna A. Gwyn, Jan. 12, Cedar Hill, Jonesville. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 Frazier, Ricbard to Mary Jane Watson, Dec., Chatham county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1842 Galbraith, Charlotte of Duplin, Ireland & Raleigh to Henry Dana Ward of New York, My., Fairfax county, Virginia. R. R. Je. 3, 1842 Gamble, Ellen to J. B. Walton, Jan., Fayettevllle. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 Gammell, John to Betsey Hill' Berry, Jan., Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 25, 1842 Gardner, Bryan to Caroline Nelson, Sept., Newbern. R. R. Sept. 30, 1842 Gardner, Mary Maria to William H. Huntley of Anson county, Jan., Guilford county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Gardner, Samuel W. to Lucy Stacy, Aug., Montgomery county. R. R. Aug. 5, 1842 Garner, Malinda to Samuel Hughes, Aug., Davie county. R. R. Aug. 30, 1842 Gaston, Eliza of this State to George W. Graham of Washington, Nov. 15, Georgetown, District of Columbia. R. R. Nov. 22, 1842 Gautier, James H. to Julia Imogene Baker of Norfolk, Jan., Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Feb. 1, 1842 Gibson, Mrs. Catharine to George W. Dixon, Nov., Newbern. R. R. Nov. 22, 1842 Gill, John to Sarah Hicks, Mar. 23, Wake county. R. R. Mar. 25, 1842 Godfrey, James M. to Catharine Cry, Jly., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Aug. 2, 1842 Goodnight, Mrs. Margaret C. to John A. Overcast of Rowan county, Feb., Cabarrus county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Goodwin, Ann to James Harrell of Gates county, Feb., Chowan county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Graham, George W. of Washington to Eliza Gaston of this State, Nov. 15, Georgetown, District of Columbia. R. R. Nov. 22, 1842 Graham, James to Helen Justice, Aug., Orange county. R. R. Aug. 23, 1842 Gray, Elizabeth H. to Robert Moffitt both formerly of Raleigh, Mar. 22, Belleville, Illinois. R. R. My. 27, 1842 Gray, Isabella R. to George A. Clodfelter, Feb., Iredell county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Green, Cecelia Susan to Moses Haywood, Dec., Montgomery county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1842 Green, Rosa to Thomas King, Oct, Halifax county. R. R. Oct. 25, 1842 Gregory, David to Rina Williams, Dec., Fayetteville. R. R. Dec. 9, 1842 Gwyn, Anna A. to Columbus C. Franklin, Jan. 12, Cedar Hill, Jonesville. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 Hacket, Eliza L. to Nathan D. Hunt of Jonesville, Jan. 11, Mulberry Hill, Wilkes county. R. R. Feb. 1, 1842 Hall, Jane to Alfred Hester, Feb., Macon county. R. R. Mar. 1, 1842 Hampton, Robert to William Holland of Sampson county, Feb., Davidson county. R. R. Mar. 1, 1842 Hampton, Susan to William Holland of Salem, Feb., Davidson county. R. R. Feb. 25, 1842 Hardison, Susan B. to John G. Whitecar, Jan., Plymouth, Washington county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Hardy, Mary Eleanor to Starky B. Sharp of Hertford county, Nov., Wood- ville, Bertie county. R. R. Nov. 29, 1842 Harrell, James of Gates county to Ann Goodwin, Feb., Chowan county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Harris, Rev. A. F. to Margaret Louisa Lambeth, Feb., Davidson county. R. R. Feb. 25, 1842 Harris, Fletcher to Martha Sledge, Oct., Granville county. R. R. Oct. 18, 1842 Harris, Sarah P. to George Alexander of Mecklenburg county, Feb., Cabarrus county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Hastings, James to Mary Reeves, Feb., Orange county. R. R. Feb. 15, 1842 Hatch, Franklin to Jane Poe, Dec., Chatham county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1842 Haywood, Moses to Cecelia Susan Green, Dec., Montgomery county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1842 Henderson, Lewis C. to Miss H. B. Ambrose, Jan., Onslow county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Hendricks, John to Mary Carter, Feb., Davie county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1842 Herring, Mrs. Nancy to William Henry Warren, Oct., Sampson county. R. R. Oct. 25, 1842 Hester, Alfred to Jane Hall, Feb., Macon county. R. R. Mar. 1, 1842 Hewlett, A. V. W. to Jane Whitenbury, Jan., Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 25, 1842 Hicks, Lucy to Capt. James Overby, Sept., Granville county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1842 Hicks, Priscilla M. to Dr. Wm. M. Mason, Jan. 15, Buncombe county. R. R. Feb. 1, 1842 Hicks, Sarah to John Gill, Mar. 23, Wake county. R. R. Mar. 25, 1842 Higginbotham, Mrs. Mary C. to Col. James White of Cabarrus county, My., Charlotte. R. R. My. 24, 1842 Hill, Cynthia. C. of Raleigh to Alfred L. Ball of Milton, My. 31, Raleigh. R. R. Je. 3, 1842 Hill, Dr. Nicholas to Nancy Jones, Dec., Granville county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1842 Hines, Peter of Edgecombe county to Emma J. Snow, Mar. 22, Raleigh. R. R. Mar. 25, 1842 Hinton, Mary B. to John L. Prichard of Danville, Georgia, Sept. 1, Wake county. R. R. Sept. 6, 1842 Hogan, Rebecca to William Flintiff, Aug., Orange county. R. R. Aug. 23, 1842 Holbrooks, William to Margaret Eagle, Feb., Rowan county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1842 Holden, Attelia W. to John F. Lyons of Granville county, My. 11, Orange county. R. R. My. 24, 1842 Holland, William of Salem to Susan Hampton, Feb., Davidson county. K. R. Feb. 25, 1842 Holland, William of Sampson county to Robert Hampton, Feb., Davidson county. R. R. Mar. 1, 1842 Holt, Barbary to George Albright, Feb., Orange county. R. R. Feb. 15, 1842 Holt, Edwin M. to Jane Foust, Feb., Orange county. R. R. Feb. 15, 1842 Holt, John of Orange county to Sarah Jane Mebane of Guilford county, Je. 16, Guilford county. R. R. Je. 28, 1842 Hoover, C. A. to Margaret A. Faires, Jly., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Aug. 2, 1842 Hoppers, Adam P. to Esther M. Lusk, Feb., Buncombe county. R. R. Mar. I, 1842 Horton, Mrs. U. C. of Augusta, Georgia to Henry L. Myrover, Apr., Fayette- ville. R. R. Apr. 26, 1842 Howard, Julius to Aide Sykes, Feb., Orange county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Hudson, Joshua B. to Elizabeth S. Cllne, Feb., Cabarrus county, R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Hudson, William to Pamela Winchester, Feb., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Huggins, Elizabeth to R. C. Slagle, Feb., Macon county. R. R. Mar. 1, 1842 Hughes, Samuel to Malinda Garner, Aug., Davie county. R. R. Aug. 30, 1842 Hunt, Nathan, D. of Jonesville to Eliza L. Hacket, Jan. 11, Mulberry Hill, Wilkes county. R. R. Feb. 1, 1842 Hunter, Editha Duleena to James Wallace, Mar., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Mar. 15, 1842 Hunter, Edward R. of this State to Carmi Ann Watts, Sept., Portsmouth, Virginia. R. R. Sept. 27, 1842 Huntley, William H. of Anson county to Mary Maria Gardner, Jan., Guilford county R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Hutchinson, John to Martha Shute, Jan., Newbern. R. R. Jan. 18, 1842 Ingles, Eliza to Jefferson Parker, Jan., Davie county. R. R. Feb. 1, 1842 Ingram, John to Jane Stokes, Feb., Rowan county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1842 Iredell, Penelope J. to Griffith J. M'Ree of Wilmington, Oct. 20, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 25, 1842 Irwin, Battle to Mrs. Eliza C. Finn, Jan., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Jan. II, 1842 I srael, Mary Lancaster to Dr. James R. Washington of Kinston, Lenoir county, Je., Philadelphia. R. R. Je. 10, 1842 Israel, Nelson of Cherokee county to Indiana Lane, Feb., Buncombe county. R. R. Feb. 11, 1842 Israel, Capt. P. to Sarah E. Wolf, Jan. 15, Buncombe county. R. R. Feb. 1, 1842 Jacobs, Lavinia to Washington Thomason, Oct., Rowan county. R. R. Oct. 21, 1842 Jacobs, Mary to Drewry Smith, Oct., Salisbury. R. R. Nov. 1, 1842 Jarrel, Mary to James Stuart, Oct., Richmond county. R. R. Oct. 28, 1842 Jewett, Caroline M. to Rev. John R. M'Intosh, Jly., Robeson county. R. R. Jly. 12, 1842 Johnson, Harriet to W. T. Shipp, Feb., Lincoln county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Jones, Amelia Ann to William W. Whitaker, Dec., Wake county. R. R. Dec. 30, 1842 Jones, Henry J. to Rachel E. Wilson, Jan. 15, Buncombe county. R. R. Feb. 1, 1842 Jones, Louisa to Samuel Allen of Granville county, Jan. 22, Franklinton. R. R. Feb. 11, 1842 Jones, Louisa E. of Wake county to Dr. Jacob G. Walker of Leasburg, Cas- well county. R. R. Jly. 15, 1842 Jones, Nancy to Dr. Nicholas Hill, Dec., Granville county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1842 Jones, Penelope to William S. Benson, Oct., Bath, Beaufort county. R. R. Nov. 1, 1842 Jones, Ulcey to Willis Carpenter, Jly. 20, Wake county. R. R. Aug. 2, 1842 Jones, Rev. William M. of the N. C. Conference to Eliza Ann Page, Sept. 27, Wake county. R. R. Oct. 7, 1842 Joyner, Elizabeth H. to Rev. Robert O. Burton, Apr., Halifax county. R. R. Apr. 8, 1842 Joyner, Martha to A. A. Austin, Mar., Halifax. R. R. Mar. 16, 1842 Justice, Helen to James Graham, Aug., Orange county. R. R. Aug. 23, 1842 Kelly, David of Surry county to Mary A. Blum, Oct., Stokes county. R. R. Nov. 1, 1842 Kennedy, Mary to Paris Benbow of Fayetteville, Je. 9, Wayne county. R. R. Je. 24, 1842 Kerr, Eliza to John Patterson of Iredell county, Feb., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Kerr, Samuel F. to Mary L. Bozzel, Feb., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Kimberly, John of New York City to Caroline Amelia Capehart of Murfrees- boro, Jly. 14, Murfreesboro. R. R. Jly. 29, 1842 Kinchen, Roycraft to Nancy Thomasson, Oct., Wake county. R. R. Oct. 7, 1842 King, Thomas to Rosa Green, Oct., Halifax county. R. R. Oct. 25, 1842 Kingsbury, Henrietta W. to Wm. C. Love, Aug., Salisbury. R. R. Aug. 30, 1842 Kirkman, Harris to Susan Couch, Oct., Greensboro. R. R. Oct. 18, 1842 Kissler, Rev. Paul of this State to Mary Wingard of Lexington, South Carolina, Jan., South Carolina. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Lambeth, Amanda Malvina to John Shoup, Feb., Davidson county. R. R. Feb. 25, 1842 Lambeth, Margaret Louisa to Rev. A. F. Harris, Feb., Davidson county. R. R. Feb. 25, 1842 Lane, Indiana to Nelson Israel of Cherokee county, Feb., Buncombe county. R. R. Feb. 11, 1842 Leak, Mary Jane to Thomas Steele, Jan., Rockingham, Richmond county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Lewis, Mildred to Louis Thorp, Oct., Oxford. R. R. Nov. 1, 1842 Liles, Caroline to John D. Williams, Oct., Anson county. R. R. Oct. 7, 1842 Lillington, J. A. to Elizabeth Kerr Williams of Wake county, Aug. 9, Surry county. R. R. Aug. 19, 1842 Lloyd, K. to Elizabeth M'Dowell, Jan. 6, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 11, 1842 Locke, William to Augusta Wheeler, New York, Apr. 30, Salisbury. R. R. My. 3, 1842 Long, Mary Ann to Georgle Cole, Aug., Rockingham, Richmond county. R. R. Aug. 23, 1842 Love, Wm. C. to Henrietta W. Ktagsbury, Aug., Salisbury. R. R. Aug. 30, 1842 Lusk, Esther M. to Adam P. Hoppers, Feb., Buncombe county. R. R. Mar. 1, 1842 Lynch, Dr. John of Cheraw, South Carolina to Eliza Ellen Macnamara, Sept. 8, Armfield, Rowan county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1842 Lyons, John F. of Granville county to Attelia W. Holden, My. 11, Orange county. R. R. My. 24, 1842 M'Caleb, A. B. of Wilmington to Mary Susan Davis, Jan., Duplin county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 M'Coll, Jno. T. to Frances Ann Bostick, Jly., Richmond county. R. R. Jly. 12, 1842 M'Connell, Robert K. to Elizabeth Ross, Feb., Cabarrus county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 M'Cullock, Amanda to Jos. P. Caldwell, of Statesville, Oct., Rowan county. R. R. Nov. 1, 1842 M'Daniel, Caroline to Davis Oldham, Mar., Chatham county. R. R. Mar. 18, 1842 M'Dowell, Elizabeth to K. Lloyd, Jan. 5, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 11, 1842 M'Dowell, John of Bladen county to Miss Randle, Aug., Stanly county. R. R. Aug. 30, 1842 M'Gilvery, Catharine to Alexander Bethune, Jan., Fayetteville. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 M'Intosh, Rev. John R. to Caroline M. Jewett, Jly., Robeson county. R. R. Jly. 12, 1842 M'Kee, Dr. William H. to Susan Battle, Mar. 8, Raleigh. R. R. Mar. 11, 1842 M'Laurin, John to Effy Stalker, Jan., Richmond county. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 M'Lendon, John G. of Cheraw, South Carolina to Elizabeth M'Leod, Jly., Anson county. R. R. Jly. 29, 1842 M'Leod, Elizabeth to John G. M'Lendon of Cheraw, South Carolina, J-ly., Anson county. R. R. Jly. 29, 1842 M'Millan, George to Delany Atkinson, Jan., Fayetteville. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 M'Millan, Hector to Margaret Ann Boon, Oct., Fayetteville. R. R. Oct. 25, 1842 M'Namara, Eliza Ellen to Dr. John Lynch of Cheraw, South Carolina, Sept. 8, Armfield, Rowan county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1842 M'Pheeters, James G. of Raleigh to Susan Thorowgood of Norfolk, Mar. 3, Petersburg. R. R. Mar. 11, 1842 M'Ree, Griffith J. of Wilmington to Penelope J. Iredell, Oct. 20, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 25, 1842 Mallett, Sarah Louisa to Rev. Charles W. Everest of Connecticut, My. 31, Payetteville. R. R. Je. 3, 1842 Manning, Thomas to Rhoda White, Aug., Guilford county. R. R. Aug. 30, 1842 Marsh, Elizabeth Ann to Maj. James P. Rives, Feb., Chatham county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Marsh, James F. to Mary W. Troy, Feb., Randolph county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Marshall, Jane to Joseph Branch, Feb., Halifax county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Mason, John to Elizabeth Morgan, Jan., Davie county. R. R. 'Feb. 1, 1842 Mason, Dr. Wm. M. to Priscilla M. Hicks, Jan. 15, Buncombe county. R. R. Feb. 1, 1842 Means, Gen. W. C. to Jane C. Barringer, Jan., Cabarrus county. R. R. Jan. 11, 1842 Mebane, Sarah Jane of Guilford county to John Holt of Orange county, Je. 16, Guilford county. R. R. Je. 28, 1842 Mendenhall, Charles to Rachel Veach, Aug., Guilford county. R. R. Aug. 30, 1842 Mendenhall, Dr. George M. of Westville, Mississippi to Elizabeth J. Thomas, Apr., Anson county. R. R. My. 12, 1842 Mendenhall, Mordecai of Guilford county to Lydia Pugh of Chatham county, Jan., Randolph county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Minor, B. B. of Richmond, Virginia to Virginia M. Otey, My. 26, Columbia, Tennessee. R. R. Je. 17, 1842 Moffit, Robert to Elizabeth H. Gray both formerly of Raleigh, Mar. 22, Belleville, Illinois. R. R. My. 27, 1842 Monroe, Dr. Hugh A. of Unionsville, South Carolina to Lucy Gillespie Wright, Apr., Bladen county. R. R. My. 13, 1842 Moore, Mrs. Mary to James W. Osborue, Apr , Charlotte. R. R. Apr. 19, 1842 Moore, William of Fayetteville to Serreptha Ann Ritter, Jan., Moore county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Mordecai, Margaret to John Devereux, Jr., Wake county. R. R. My. 27, 1842 Morgan, Elizabeth to John Mason, Jan., Davie county. R. R. Feb. 1, 1842 Morrison, Alexander to Sally F. Shaw, Jan., Cumberland county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Moss, Jane A. to Roland Forest, Oct., Stanly county. R. R. Oct. 21, 1842 Mowry, Miles to Catharine Boger, Feb., Salisbury. R. R. Feb. 18, 1842 Munn, Angus to Jane Campbell, Feb., Cumberland county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Murray, Mordacy B. to Robert G. Terrell, Sept. 20, Raleigh. R. R. Sept. 23, 1842 Murrell, Martha M. of Wake county to Richard Whiting, Jly., Tuscaloosa, Alabama. R. R. Jly. 12, 1842 Myrover, Henry L. to Mrs. U. C. Horton of Augusta, Georgia, Apr., Fayetteville R. R. Apr. 26, 1842 Nash, Frederick K. to Margaret Potter, Feb. 16, Fayetteville. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Neel, Emily to George F. Oehler, Jan., Cabarrus county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Nelms, J. P. to Miss S. J. Parsons, Je., Anson county. R. R. Je. 24, 1842 Nelson, Charles C. of Newbern to Ann E. Briggs, Apr. 25, Raleigh. R. R. Apr. 26, 1842 Nelson, Tho. Edward to Mrs. Mary Ann Whitely, Dec. 15, Pitt county. R. R. Jan. 14, 1842 Newlin, Oliver to Sarah Ellen Puryear, Aug., Orange county. R. R. Aug. 23, 1842 Newman, Susan to Levin Carmichael, Feb., Hillsboro. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 O'Briant, Elizabeth Ann to James Davis, Oct., Warren county. R. R. Oct. 18, 1842 O'Daniel, Adeline to Jackson Stone, My., Chatham county. R. R. My. 24, 1842 Oehler, George F. to Emily Neel, Jan., Cabarrus county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Oldham, Davis to Caroline M'Daniel, Mar., Chatham county. R. R. Mar. 18, 1842 Oliver, Caroline to Major John W. Collier of Wayne county, Jan., Newbern. R. R. Jan. 18, 1842 Osborne, James W. to Mrs. Mary Ann Moore, Apr., Charlotte. R. R. Apr. 19, 1842 Otey, Virginia M. to B. B. Minor of Richmond, Virginia, My. 26, Columbia, Tennessee. R. R. Je. 17, 1842 Overby, Capt. James to Lucy Hicks, Sept., Granville county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1842 Overcast, John A. of Rowan county to Mrs.. Margaret C. Goodnight, Feb., Cabarrus county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Overman, William to Mary E. Slater, Oct., Davidson county. R. R. Oct. 7, 1842 Page, Eliza Ann to Rev. William M. Jordan of N. C. Conference, Sept. 27, Wake county. R. R. Oct. 7, 1842 Page, Obadiah to Elizabeth F. Atkins, Mar., Wake county. R. R. Mar. 22, 1842 Panel, John to Mary Sloop, Feb., Rowan county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1842 Parker, Jetferson to Eliza Ingles, Jan., Davie county. R. R. Feb. 1, 1842 Parsons, Miss S. J. to J. P. Nelms, Je., Anson county. R. R. Je. 24, 1842 Partin, Mr. to Margaret Branch, Feb., Halifax county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Pate, Maria to William H. Bailey of Hertford county, Apr., Richmond county. R. R. Apr. 26, 1842 Patterson, John of Iredell county to Eliza Kerr, Feb., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Patton, Calvin to Sophronia Alexander, Feb., Buncombe county. R. R. Mar. 1, 1842 Patton, John A. of Georgia to Mary Matilda Duckett, Aug., Buncombe county. R. R. Sept. 6, 1842 Peebles, Atlas J. to Sarah L. Cannon, Dec. 15, Jackson. R. R. Jan. 4, 1842 Peebles, Henry of Northampton county to Sarah J. P. Blunt of Greenville county, Virginia. R. R. Mar. 8, 1842. Perry, Joshua of Franklin to Martha Crudup, My. 11, Granville county. R. R. My. 17, 1842 Person, Anthony A. to Elizabeth M. Terrell, Dec., Franklin county. R. R. Dec. 30, 1842 Phifer, Sarah Ann to Robert W. Allison of Concord, Je., Cabarrus county. R. R. Je. 14, 1842 Poe, Jackson to Nancy Boyd, Dec., Chatham county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1842 Poe, Jane to Franklin Hatch, Dec., Chatham county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1842 Polk, Susan to Hon. Kenneth Rayner of Washington, District of Columbia, Jly. 12, Raleigh. R. R. Jly. 15, 1842 Pool, Jane to Aaron Wright, Oct., Montgomery county. R. R. Oct. 28, 1842 Potter, Margaret to Frederick K. Nash, Feb. 16, Fayetteville. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Prichard, John L. of Danville, Georgia to Mary B. Hinton, Sept. 1, Wake county. R. R. Sept. 6, 1842 Pugh, Lydia of Chatham county to Mordecal Mendenhall of Guilford county, Jan., Randolph county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842. Purnell, Thomas R. to Eliza Ann Dudley, My., Wilmington. R. R. My. 20, 1842 Puryear, Sarah Ellen to Oliver Newlin, Aug., Orange county. R. R. Aug. 23, 1842 Radcliffe, Francis Caroline of Charleston, South Carolina to William S. Anderson, Jly., Wilmington. R. R. Jly. 15, 1842 Randle, Miss to John M'Dowell of Bladen county, Aug., Stanly county. R. R. Aug. 30, 1842 Rankin, Adam M. to Louisa M. Kerr, Jly., Guilford county. R. R. Aug. 2, 1842 Rankin, Maj. R. G. of Wilmington to Susan A. Brown, My., Smithville, Brunswick county. R. R.-My. 20, 1842 Ray, Henry M. of Cabarrus county to Martha A. Sumpter, Jan., Iredell county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Rayner, Hon. Kenneth of Washington, District of Columbia to Susan Polk, Jly. 12, Raleigh. R. R. Jly. 16, 1842 Reeves, Mary to James Hastings, Feb., Orange county. R. R. Feb. 15, 1842 Rlbelin, Asa to Susan C. Walton, Apr. 7, Davidson county. R. R. My. 3, 1842 Richardson, Thomas to Julia E. Allen, Apr., Newbern. R. R. Apr. 29, 1842 Ridley, Mrs. Mary to John C. Taylor, Sept., Granville county. R. R. Sept. 13, 1842 Ritter, Serreptha Ann to William Moore of Fayetteville, Jan., Moore county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Rives, Maj. James F. to Elizabeth Ann Marsh, Feb., Chatham county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Roberts, Ann Aurelia to John H. Christy, Aug., Buncombe conty. R. R. Sept. 6, 1842 Roberts, John I. of Chapel Hill to Mrs. Louisa Cobea of Charleston, South Carolina & Wilmington, Sept. 20, Chapel Hill. R. R. Sept. 30, 1842 Robinson, Eliza to Hayes W. Beatty, My. 12, Fayetteville. R. R. My. 13, 1842 Roney, Henry to Elizabeth Tarpley, Aug., Orange county. R. R. Aug. 23, 1842 Rose, George Washington of Charleston, South Carolina to Margaret Casey, Jly. 22, Payetteville. R. R. Aug. 5, 1842 Ross, Elizabeth to Robert K. M'Counell, Feb., Cabarrus county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Rothrock, Eliza J. to Jacob Brown, Apr. 7, Davidson county. R. R. My. 3, 1842 Roundtree, Hannah to Sylvester Brown, Je., Pitt county. R. R. Je. 10, 1842 Royster, Leonard H. of Raleigh to Julia H. Carmalt, Sept., Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Sept. 6, 1842 Russell, Daniel L. to Caroline E. Sanders, Jan., Onslow county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Russel, Charles to Mrs. Jane Skinner of Edenton, Aug., Portsmouth. R. R. Aug. 16, 1842 Sabiston, Capt. Wm. to Susan J. Forlaw, Je., Beaufort, Carteret county. R. R. Je. 10, 1842 Safret, Sarah to John Yost, Feb., Rowan county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1842 Sanders, Caroline E. to Daniel L. Russel, Jan., Onslow county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Scott, Catharine to Dr. R. Coleman both of this State, My., Tallabatchie, Mississippi. R. R. Je. 3, 1842 Sharp, Starky B. of Hertford county to Mary Eleanor Hardy, Nov., Wood- ville, Bertie county. R. R. Nov. 29, 1842 Shaw, Sally F. to Alexander Morrison, Jan., Cumberland county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Shipp, W. T. to Harriet Johnson, Feb., Lincoln county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Sholer, Sarah Ann to H. Bishop, My., Wilmington. R. R. My. 20, 1842 Shoup, John to Amanda Malvina Lambeth, Feb., Davidson county. R. R. Feb. 25, 1842 Shute, Martha to John Hutchison, Jan., Newbern. R. R. Jan. 18, 1842 Sitton, James to Mary Berry, Feb., Henderson county. R. R. Feb. 11, 1842 Skinner, Mrs. Jane of Edenton to Charles Russell, Aug., Portsmouth. R. R. Aug. 16, 1842 Slagle, R. C. to Elizabeth Huggins, Feb., Macon county. R. R. Mar. 1, 1842 Slater, Mary E. to William Overman, Oct., Davidson county. R. R. Oct. 7, 1842 Sledge, Jane to John Dillehay of Macon county, Alabama, Aug. 10, Halifax county. R. R. Aug. 26, 1842 Sledge, Martha to Fletcher Harris, Oct., Granville county. R. R. Oct. 18, 1842 Sloop, Mary to John Pahel, Feb., Rowan county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1842 Smart, Dr. Robert S. to Margaret Amanda Barr, Feb., Rowan county. R. R. Mar. 1, 1842. Smith, Drewry to Mary Jacobs, Oct., Salisbury. R. R. Nov. 1, 1842 Smith, Martha to Thomas Capps, My., Lincoln county. R. R. My. 24, 1842 Snow, Emma J. to Peter Hlnes of Edgecombe county, Mar. 22, Raleigh. R. R. Mar. 25, 1842 Springs, Cynthia D. to A. D. Dinkins of Mississippi, Jly., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Aug. 2, 1842 Springs, Margaret A. to Dr. John Withers of York District, South Carolina, Jly., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Aug. 2, 1842 Stacy, Lucy to Samuel W. Gardner, Aug., Montgomery county. R. R. Aug. 5, 1842 Stalker, Effy to John M'Laurin, Jan., Richmond county. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 Steele, Thomas to Mary Jane Leak, Jan., Rockingham, Richmond county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Stephens, Martha A. to Wm. H. Baker, Feb., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Stewart, James to Mary Jarrel, Oct., Richmond county. R. R. Oct. 28, 1842 Stokes, Jane to John Ingram, Feb., Rowan county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1842 Stone, Jackson to Adeline O'Daniel, My, Chatham county. R. R. My. 24, 1842 Strowd, Manley to Martha Atwater, Aug., Orange county. R .R. Aug. 23, 1842 Stuart, John to Martha M. Brown, Mar. 17, Wake county. R. R. Mar. 25, 1842 Sumpter, Martha A. to Henry M. Ray of Cabarrus county, Jan., Iredell county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Swaim, Mrs. Abiah to Lyndon Swaim of Greensborough, Nor. 3, Greensboro. R. R. Nov. 8, 1842 Swaim, Lyndon of Greensborough to Mrs. Abiah Swaim, Nov. 3, Greensboro. R. R. Nov. 8, 1842 Sykes, Aide to Julius Howard, Feb., Orange county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Tapp, William to Mary Thompson, My., Chatham county. R. R. My. 24, 1842 Tarpley, Elizabeth to Henry Roney, Aug., Orange county. R. R. Aug. 23, 1842 Taylor, John C. to Mrs. Mary Ridley, Sept., Granville county. R. R. Sept. 13, 1842 Terrell, Elizabeth M. to Anthony A. Person, Dec., Franklin county. R. R. Dec. 30, 1842. Terrell, P. D. of Wake county to Mildred Wheless, Feb. 8, Nash county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1842 Terrell, Robert G. to Mordacy B. Murray, Sept. 20, Raleigh. R. R. Sept. 23, 1842 Terry, Samuel of Richmond county to Eliza Ann Crawford, Mar., Rocking¬ham. R. R. Mar. 18, 1842 Thomas, Andrew J. to Neomy Capel, Jan., Anson county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Thomas, Elizabeth J. to Dr. George M. Mendenhall, of Westville, Missis¬sippi, Apr., Anson county. R. R. My. 12, 1842 Thomason, Washington to Lavinla Jacobs, Oct., Rowan county. R. R. Oct. 21, 1842 Thomasson, Nancy to Roycraft Kinchen, Oct., Wake county. R. R. Oct. 7, 1842 Thompson, Mary to William Tapp, My., Chatham county. R. R. My. 24, 1842 Thorowgood, Susan of Norfolk to James G. M'Pheeters of Raleigh, Mar. S.Petersburg. R. R. Mar. 11, 1842 Thorp, Louis to Mildred Lewis, Oct., Oxford. R. R. Nov. 1, 1842 Thurston, Peter to Eleanor Elliott, Jan., Greensboro. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 Tinnin, Theresa to John Newton Clark, Mar., Orange county. R. R. Mar. 15, 1842 Trice, Pleasant to Martha J. Atkins, Apr. 26, Orange county. R. R. My. 6, 1842 Troy, Mary N. to James F. Marsh, Feb., Randolph county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Turner, Hezekiah of Rowan county to Carolina Foard, Feb., Davie county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842. Tyler, John to Clarissa Brooks, Jan., Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Jan. 11, 1842 Upchurch, Bartlett to Jane Whitaker, Dec. 27, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 30, 1842 Veach, Rachel to Charles Mendenhall, Aug., Guilford county. R. R. Aug. 30, 1842 Vick, Edward, Jr. to Martha Coatney, Jly., Anson county. R. R. Jly. 29, 1842 Waggoner, John of Cabarrus county to Margaret Earnheart, Feb., Rowan county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1842 Walker, Elizabeth P. to Walter A. Cameron of Hillsboro, Mar., Petersburg. R. R. Mar. 15, 1842 Walker, Dr. Jacob G. of Leasburg, Caswell county to Louisa E. Jones of Wake county, Jly. 12, White Plains, Wake county. R. R. Jly. 15, 1842 Walker, Jeremiah to Emily Edwards of Chatham county, Apr. 5, Guilford county. R. R. Apr. 29, 1842 Walker, Mary P. to Thos. H. Byrne, Jly., Fayetteville. R. R. Jly. 22, 1842 Wall, Jane to Franklin Dumas of Richmond county, Sept., Stanly county. R. R. Sept. 9, 1842 Wallace, James to Editha Duleena Hunter, Mar., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Mar. 15, 1842 Walton, J. B. to Ellen Gamble, Jan., Fayetteville. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 Walton, Susan C. to Asa Ribelin, Apr. 7, Davidson county. R. R. My. 3, 1842 Ward, Henry Dana of New York to Charlotte Galbreath of Dublin, Ireland & Raleigh, My., Fairfax county, Virginia. R. R. Je. 3, 1842 Warren, William Henry to Mrs. Nancy Herring, Oct., Sampson county. R. R. Oct. 25, 1842 Warren, William W. to Charlotte Field, Jan., Guilford county. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 Washington, Dr. James R. of Kinston, Lenoir county to Mary Lancaster Israel, Je., Philadelphia. R. R. Je. 10, 1842 Watson, Mary Jane to Richard Frazier, Dec., Chatham county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1842 Watts, Carmi Ann to Edward R. Hunter of this State, Sept., Portsmouth, Virginia. R. R. Sept. 27, 1842 Webb, Joseph B. Jr. of Hillsboro to Sarah Frances Cheshire, Mar., Edenton. R. R. Mar. 11, 1842 Webb, Susan to Saunders Flack, Feb., Guilford county. R. R. Feb. 11, 1842 Weddington, John R. of Cabarrus county to Narcissa Black, Sept., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1842 Weisiger, Marinda Virginia to Robert Cochran, Jr., Apr., Fayetteville. R. R. Apr. 19, 1842 Wetmore, Frances to William G. Broadfoot, Feb., Fayetteville. R. R. Feb. 8, 1842 Wheeler, Augusta of New York to William Locke, Apr. 30, Salisbury. R. R. My. 3, 1842 Wheless, Mildred to P. D. Terrell of Wake county, Feb. 8, Nash county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1842 Whitaker, Jane to Bartlett Upchurch, Dec. 27, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 30, 1842 Whitaker, Samuel H. to Lydia A. Jones, Jly. 6, Wake county. R. R. Jly. 12, 1842 Whitaker, W. W. Jr. to Christian B. Wilson of Mecklenburg county, Virginia, Je. 16, Raleigh. R. R. Je. 21, 1842 Whitaker, William W. to Amelia Ann Jones, Dec., Wake county. R. R. Dec. 30, 1842 White, Col. James of Cabarrus county to Mrs. Mary C. Higginbotham, My., Charlotte. R. R. My. 24, 1842 White, Rhoda to Thomas Manning, Aug., Guilford county. R. R. Aug. 30, 1842 Whitecar, John G. to Susan B. Hardison, Jan., Plymouth, Washington county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Whitenbury, Jane to A. V. W. Hewlett, Jan., Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 25, 1842 Whitfleld, John H. of Duplin county to Nancy S. Clifton, Jan., Sampson county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Whitfield, Mary to H. B. Clifton of Sampson county, Apr., Duplin county. R. R. Apr. 19, 1842 Whiting, Richard to Martha M. Murrell of Wake county, Jly., Tuscaloosa, Alabama. R. R. Jly. 12, 1842 Whitley, Mrs. Mary Ann to Tho. Edward Nelson, Dec. 16, Pitt county. R. R. Jan. 14, 1842 Whitson, Drucilla to Alney Burgin of Burke county, Feb., Buncombe county. R. R. Mar. 1, 1842 Williams, Miss A. E. of New Hanover county to Benjamin W. Berry of Wilmington, Oct. 13. R. R. Oct. 28, 1842 Williams, Elizabeth Kerr of Wake county to J. A. Lillington, Aug. 9, Surry county. R. R. Aug. 19, 1842 Williams, John D. to Caroline Liles, Oct., Anson county. R. R. Oct. 7, 1842 Williams, Joseph of Tennessee to Melinda R. Williams, My. 31, Raleigh. R. R. Je. 3, 1842 Williams, Melinda R. to Joseph Williams of Tennessee, My. 31, Raleigh. R. R. Je. 3, 1842 Williams, Rina to David Gregory, Dec., Fayetteville. R. R. Dec. 9, 1842 Williamson, Eliza to Warner Clarke, Je. 8, Salisbury. R. R. Je. 17, 1842 Wills, Alonzo J. to Ann Bradley, Jan., Newbern. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 Wilson, Christian B. of Mecklenburg county, Virginia to W. W. Whitaker, Jr., Je. 16, Raleigh. R. R. Je. 21, 1842 Wilson, Rachel E. to Henry J. Jones, Jan. 15, Buncombe county. R. R. Feb. 1, 1842 Winchester, Pamela to William Hudson, Feb., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1842 Winfield, Jane to William Evans, Jan., Beaufort. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Wingard, Mary of Lexington, South Carolina to Rev. Paul Kissler of this State, Jan., South Carolina. R. R. Jan. 21, 1842 Withers, Dr. John of York District, South Carolina to Margaret A. Springs, Jly., Mecklenburg county. R. R. Aug. 2, 1842 Wolf, Sarah E. to Capt. P. Israel, Jan. 16, Buncombe county. R. R. Feb. 1, 1842 Woody, Robert to Frances Edwards, Jan., Chatham county. R. R. Feb. 4, 1842 Wright, Aaron to Jane Pool, Oct., Montgomery county. R. R. Oct. 28, 1842 Wright, Lucy Gillespie to Dr. Hugh A. Monroe of Unionville, South Caro¬lina, Apr., Bladen county. R. R. My. 13, 1842 Yost, John to Sarah Safret, Feb., Rowan county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1842 |