North Carolina Marriage Records 1836Transcribed by Carol Robinson Alexander, Allen of Lincolnton to Adelaide Graham, My. 26, Rowan County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Alexander, Isaac F. of Rutherford County to Judith C. M'Kenzie of Greenville, S.C., Jan. 2. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Alexander, James of Cabarrus County to Mary Allen of Mecklenburg County, Feb. 18. R.r. Mar. 8, 1836. Alexander, Margaret D. to John M'Query, jan. 2, Mecklenburg County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Allegood, William C. to Milly Allegood, Apr. Beaufort County. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Allen, Mary of Mecklenburg County to James Alexander of Cabarrus County, Feb. 18. R.R. Mar. 8, 1836. Allen, Reynold to Jane Kennon, My. 18, wake Country. R.R. My. 24, 1836. Alford, Willie to Clarissa Fullmore, Oct. Robeson County. R.R. Nov. 8, 1836. Alston, Ariella of Halifax County to James B. Hawkins of Warren County, Jan. 16, Butterwood. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Anderson, Albert G. of Caswell County to Mary Thatch of Perquimans County, Jan. 7. R.R. Jan. 26. 1836. Anderson, Rev. Wm. of Virginia Conference to Paulina Ann Kezee os Caswell County, Mar. 15. R.R. Apr. 19, 1836. Andrez, Col. Samuel H. to Mrs. William Jones, Je., Bladen County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Archer, Wm. of Jamaica to Caroline Crandall, Feb. 20, Wilmington. R.R. Mar. 8, 1836. Arnold, Elizabeth to Ransom Ridge, oct. 11, Randolph County. R.R. Nov. 8, 1836. Ashe, William S. to Sarah Ann Green, Jan. 6, Wilmington. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Austil, Major to Mary Moore, Oct. 16, Surry County. R.R. Nov. 22, 1936. Austin, Catharine E. of Washingto, Beaufort County to George W. Kelly of Massachusetts, Oct., Portsmouth, this State.. R.R. Nov. 8, 1836. Autry, Rev. Dr. S. this State to Emily R. Brown, Oct., Madison County, Alaba,a. R.R. Nov. 8, 1836. Badger, George E. to Mrs. Delia Williams, Apr. 16, Raleigh. R.R. Apr. 19, 1836. Bailey, Celina to Thomas Jenkins, Je. 20, Raleigh. R.R. Jly. 12, 1836. Bain, John to Louisa C. Benton, Jan. 7, Hillsborough. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Ballantine, Rose to Maj. Wm. e. Crump, My., Jackson, northampton County. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Barber, Martha Ann to T.S. Chambers, Dec. 31, Rowan County. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Barnett, Ann to Joseph M. Stanfield of Person County, Je., Milton. R.R. Je. 7, 1836. Barringer, Elizabeth to Edwin Harris, Aug. 9, Cabarrus County. R.R. Aug. 23, 1836. Barry, Jona A. to Mary Steadman Owen, my. 16, Wilmington. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Beatty, Henry B. ofCumberland County to Jane Morisey, My. 4, Sampson County. R.R. My. 24, 1836. Beaver, Daniel to Leah Catchy, Apr., Rowan County. R.R. Apr. 19, 1836. Bell, Margaret to Lawrence H. Hearn, My., Tarboro. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Belt, John P. to Mary A. Bradford of Connecticut, Apr., Iredell County. R.R. Apr. 19, 1836. Benton, Louisa C. to John Bain, Jan. 7, Hillsborough. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Bethel, Agnes G. of Rockingham to Dr. Thomas Torian of Halifax, Va., Je. 29. R.R. Jly. 12, 1836. Biles, Alex of Salisbury to Hannah J. Kingsberry, Sept. 22, Lancaster, S.C. R.R. Oct. 18, 1836. Bird, Horace of Watertown to Fanny Fish of Salem, My., Salem. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Blair, J. to Abigail M'Crara, Aug. 25, Burke County. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. Blake, Capt. Isham of Fayetteville to Mary F. Hall of Brunswick County, Oct. 26, R.R. Nov. 8, 1836. Bland, Olivia E. to Joseph Littlejohn of Oxford, Apr. 20, Vicksburg, Mississippi. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Blue, Nancy A. of Cumberland County to Ephriam Singletary of Bladen County, Jan. 24, Fayetteville. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Billes, Rev. Edwin A. of Salisbury to Harriet A. Pailer of Charleston, S.C., Mar. 6, Charleston. R.R. Mar. 29, 1836. Bond, Henry F. to Sarah Clark, My. 3, Scotland Neck, Halifax County. R.R. My. 17, 1836. Borland, Dr. Euclid to Elizabeth R. Moore, My. 12, Murfreesborough. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Bowers, Mrs. Sarah to Thomas Twine of Gates County, Oct., Portsmouth, Va. R.R. Nov. 1, 1836. Bracewell, Rooda to William Hayles, My., Edgecombe County. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Bradford, Mary A. of Connecticut to John P. Belt, Apr., Iredell County. R.R. Apr. 19, 1836. Brassfield, Caroline to William H. Whitaker, Jan. 14, Wake County. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Bridges, Elisha to Betsey Jones, Dec. 22, Lincoln County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Brinson, James M'C. to Sarah Mitchell, Dec. 20, Newbern. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Brown, Emily R. to Rev. Dr. A. Autry of this State, Oct. Madison County, Alabama. R.R. Nov. 8, 1836. Brown, Peyton H. of Louisburg to Sarah Turner of Warren County, My., Warren County. R.R. My. 17, 1836. Brown, R.F. of Wilmington to Mrs. Caroline A. Nelson, My., Fayetteville. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Brown, Wm. R. of Martin County to Ellen Hyman of Edgecombe County, Dec. 7. R.R. Feb. 1836. Buchanan, Wm. James to Mary Ann Murphey, Jan. 24, Fayetteville. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Burch, james to Eliza Pass, Jan. 18, Person County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Butler, Mary to Alexander Puryear, Dec. 22, Granville County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Butt, Elizabeth to Henry Picard, Feb. 18, Elizabeth City. R.R. Mar. 8, 1836. Byrum, Jacob to Leah Byrum, Je., Edenton. R.R. Je. 7, 1836. Byrum, Leah to Jacon\b Byrum, Je., Edenton. R.R. Je. 7, 1836. Cabarrus, Mary to Thomas H. Keane of La Grange, Jly., Shelby County, Ga. R.R. Jly. 19, 1836. Cage, J. Douglas to Sophia A. Wright of Salisbury, Dec., La Grange, Tenn. R.R. Dec. 27, 1836. Cameron, John D. to Jane Smith, Jan. 4, Richmond County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Campbell, Evelina B. to John Keer, Jr., Jan. 23, Yanceyville, Caswell County. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Carroll, John B. of New York to Henrietta B. Smith, Jan 10, Newbern. R.R. Jan. 12, 1836. Carson, Alfred to Myra Correll, Aug. 30, Iredell County. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. Carson, R.C. of Concord to Harriet Wilson, Dec. 8, Mecklenburg County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Carstaphen, Sarah to Thos. Pender of Plymouth, Dec. 10, Edgecombe County. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Carter, Chloe to Frederick Whitehurst, Je. 13, Pasquotank County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Carter, Mrs. Cornelia A. to John M. Daniel, Jly. 28, Milton. R.R. Aug. 2, 1836. Catchy, Leah to Daniel Beaver, Apr., Rowan County. R.R. Apr. 19, 1836. Chambers, T.S. to Martha Ann Barber, Dec. 31, Rowan County. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Chance, sarah to Joseph Smith, Apr. 2, Richmond County. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Cheney, Mary Y. of Warrenton to H. Greely of New York, Jly. 4, Warrenton. R.R. Aug. 2, 1836. Chumbley, Larkin to Elizabeth Montogory, Jan. 23, Milton. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Chum, Adelia Arinda to John J. Humphreys of Talladega, Alabama, Dec. 19. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Chunn, Alfred of Asheville to Margaret M'Kesson of Morganton, Dec. 17, Lincoln County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Clancy, Elizabeth B. to Charles N.B. Evans, Jr., Je., Hillsborough. R.R. Je. 7, 1836. Clark, Sarah to Henry F. Bond, My. 3, Scotland Neck, Halifax County. R.R. My. 17, 1836. Clark, Mrs. Susannah to Jesse Durham, Aug. 22, Orange County. R.R. Jly. 19, 1836. Clark, Susan to Newton Crawford, Sept. 6, Iredell County. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. Clayland, Mrs. Sarah to Nathaniel Taylor of Mocksville, Jan. 20, Forks of the Yadkin. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Clemens, Mary to Ephraim D. Harris, Je. 2, Surry County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Cobb, Amelia to Charles B. Frances, Feb. 16, Bertie County. R.R. Mar. 15, 1836. Cobb, Gray E. of Robeson County, to Sarah Graham, Apr., Richmond County. R.R. Apr. 19, 1836. Coleman, Charles of Halifax County, Va. to Sarah A. Eaton, Mar. 3, Granville County. R.R. Mar. 29, 1836. Cook, Caroline to Capt. James Wilson, Jan. 28, Mecklengurg County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Cook, Martha of Northampton County to Edw'd Murphy, Apr. 2, Murfreesboro. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Correll, Cynthia to James Nolley, My., Salisbury. R.R. My. 17, 1836. Correll, Myra to Alfred Carson, Aug. 30, Iredell County. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. Cotton, Emily to Jos. Crump, Oct., Chatham County. R.R. Oct. 11, 1836. Cowan, John to Mary G. Robison, Dec. 31, Rowan County. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Cowan, Martha M. to Dr. Benj. I. Hicks of Oxford, Mar. 29, Warren County, Mississippi. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Craig, John to Malinda Miner, Apr. 7, Wentworth, Rockingham County. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Graige, Burton of Salisbury to Eliza P. Erwin, Sept. 15, Burke County. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. Crandall, Caroline to Wm. Archer of Jamaica, Feb. 20, Wilmington. R.R. Mar. 8, 1836. Crawford, Newton to Susan Clarke, Sept. 6, Iredell County. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. Creecy, Charles of Chowan County to Edith Goodman of Gates County, Mar. 22, Gates County. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Crump, Jos. to Emily Cotton, Oct., Chatham County. R.R. Oct. 11, 1836. Crump, Lucinda J. to Richardson Faucett, Dec. 9, Chatham County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Crump, Maj. Wm. E. to Rosa Ballatine, My., Jackson, Northampton County. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Culverhouse, Hugh to Rebecca Wood, Jan. 22, Salisbury. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Currie, Lauchlin of Alabama to Sarah M'Donald, Dec. 4, Richmond County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Currie, Sarah to Alexander Graham, Oct. 13, Moore County. R.R. Nov. 1, 1836. Curry, Margaret to Moses A. White, Jan. 15, Salisbury. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Dancy, Delha to Angesilaus S. Foreman of Virginia, Nov., Tarboro. R.R. 22, 1836. Daniel, John M. to Mrs. Cornelia A. Carter, Jly. 28, milton. R.R. Aug. 2, 1836. Daniel, Joseph J. to Margaret Neville, Sept. 14, Halifax County. R.R. Oct. 4, 1836. Davis, Susan to J.D. Liles of Tindallville, Anson County, Je. 2, South Carolina. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Decoin, Robert L. of New Orleans, La. to Jane R. Righton, Oct., Chowan County. R.R. Nov. 1, 1836. Devereux, Elizabeth P. to Thomas F. Jones of Perquimans County, Jly. 29, Raleigh. R.R. Aug. 2, 1836. Day, Joseph of Norfolk to Elizabeth Robertson, Sept., Currituck County. R.R. Oct. 11, 1836. Dayden, Louisa of Virginia to Enock R. Gale, Je. 30, Elizabeth City. R.R. Jly. 19, 1836. Dudley, Christopher, Jr. to Agnes B. Hattridge, My. 10, Wilmington. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Dunn, Wm. V. to Elizabeth M'Quay, Feb. 2, Charlotte. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Duren, Sarah to James Rorie, Feb., Anson County. R.R. Mar. 6, 1836. Durham, Martha to Joh P. Rainey, Dec. 5, Caswell County. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Durham, Jesse to Mrs. Susanna Clark, Aug. 22, Orange County. R.R. Jly. 19, 1836. Eaton, Elizabeth W. to Dr. edward W. Faulcon, Nov. 14, Warren County. R.R. Nov. 22, 1836. Eaton, Sarah A. to Charles Coleman of Halifax County, Va., Mar. 3, Granville County. R.R. Mar. 29, 1836. Elliott, Elizabeth D. to Dr. J. Williams of Cabarrus County, Jan., Rutherford County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Ellis, Mrs. A. to Nathaniel M. Terrill of Tarboro, Sept., Washington, Beaufort County. R.R. Oct. 11, 1836. Ellison, Wm. J.I. to Frances Hyman, Jan. 6, Williamston, Martin County. R.R. Jan 26, 1836. Erwin, Eliza P. to Burton Craig of Salisbury, Sept. 15, Burke County. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. Erwin, Elizabeth to Eli M. Stewart, Dec. 19, Rowan County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Estes, Sophia to H.P. Grenell, Aug. 20, Burke County. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. Evans, Charles N.B. Jr. to Elizabeth Clancy, Je., Hillsborough. R.R. Je. 7, 1836. Evans, Thomas of Chowan County to Mrs. Jacob Goodwin, Nov., Perquimans County. R.R. Nov. 22, 1836. Facuett, John R. to Catharine S. Freeland, Jan. 22, Orange County. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Faucett, Richardson to Lucinda J. Crump, Dec. 3, Chatham County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Faulcon, Dr. Edward W. to Elizabeth W. Eaton, Nov. 14, Warren County. R.R. Nov. 22, 1836. Fidler, Joseph to Polly Shellhorn, Apr. 14, Stokes County. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Finle, Augustus of Milton to Ann Edwards Williamson of Caswell County, Je. 9. r.R. Je. 21, 1836. Fish, Fanny of Salem to Horace Bird of Watertown, My., Salem. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Fisher, Isaac to Ann Webb, Sept. 4, Burke County. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. Fisher, Thomas to Caroline W. Gay, Dec. 23, Halifax County. R.R. Jan 26, 1836. Flauner, Mary E. to William H. Mayhew of Washington, Beaufort County, Dec. 25, Newbern. R.R. Jan. 12, 1836. Fleming, Charlotte I. to Rev. William M. Green, Dec. 23, Pittsborough. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Flow, James to Mary E. M'Neely, Apr. 12, Mecklenburg County. R.R. My. 10, 1836. Foreman, Agesilaus S. of Virginia to Delha Dancy, Nov., Tarboro. R.R. Nov. 22, 1836. Foreman, John L. of Pitt County to Martha E. Hoskins, Feb. 26, Chowan County. R.R. Mar. 15, 1836. Forester, Smith of Charleston, S.C. to Addison C. Hinton of Wake County, Oct. 4, Washington, D.C. R.R. Oct. 18, 1836. Fort, William, Jr. to Amy Ann Myatt, Je. 8, Wake County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Fraley, Benjamin of Salisbury to Jane P. Wallace of Cabarrus County, Oct. 23, Cabarrus County. R.R. Nov. 8, 1836. Frances, Charles B. to Amelia Cobb, Feb. 16, Bertie County. R.R. Mar. 15, 1836. Freeland, Catharine S. to John R. Faucett, Jan. 22, Orange County. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Freeman, John of Montgomery County to Maria Moss of Salisbury, Jan. 20, Salisbury. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Fullmore, Clarissa to Willie Alford, Oct. Robeson County. R.R. Nov. 8, 1836. Gale, Enock R. to Louisa Dayden of Virginia, Je. 30, Elizabeth City. R.R. Jly. 19, 1836. Gay, Caroline w. to Thomas Fisher, Dec. 23, Halifax County. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Gheen, Warren to Sarah Winders, Feb. 13, Rowan County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Gibson, Hetty P. to Jesse P. Wiseman of Davidson County, Oct. 29, Rowan County. R.R. Nov. 8, 1836. Giles, William B to Almeria Reston of Wilmington, Je. 22, Bladen County. R.R. Je. 28, 1936. Gilleland, Henderson to Lavinia Jones, Dec. 30, Lincoln County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Gillespie, Capt. James of Rowan County to Jane Ramsey of Rutherford County & Pennsylvania, Jan. 29, Rutherfordton. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Goodman, Edith of Gates County to Charles Creecy of Chowan County, Mar. 22, Gates County. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Goodwin, Mrs. Jacob to Thomas Evans of Chowan County, Nov., Perquimans County. R.R. Nov. 22, 1836. Graham, Adelaide to Allen Alexander of Lincolnton, rowan County, My. 26, Rowan County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Graham, Alexander to sarah Currie, Oct. 13, Moore, County. R.R. Nov. 1, 1836. Graham, Sarah ro Gray e. Cobb of Robeson County, Apr., Richmond County. R.R. Apr. 19, 1836. Graham, William A. of Hillsboro to Susan Washington, Je. 8, Newbern. R.R. Je. 21, 1836. Graves, Ann S. to Solomon Graves of Newton County, Ga., My. 22, Yanceyville, Caswell County. R.R. Je. 7, 1836. Graves, Elizabeth to Col. William Lea, Je. 20, Yanceyville. R.R. Jly. 12, 1836. Graves, Henry Lee of Yanceyville to Rebecca Graves, Feb. 3, Caswell County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Graves, Maj. John H. of Yanceyville to Julia Ann Hill of Chatham County, Je. 14, Orange County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Graves, Rebecca Williams to Henry Lee Graves of Yanceyville, Feb. 3, Caswell County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Graves, Soloman of Newton County, Ga. to Ann S. Graves, My. 22, Yanceyville, Caswell County. R.R. Je. 7, 1836. Gray, E.D. to Sarah E. Weathers, Sept., Mecklenburg County. R.R. Oct. 11, 1836. Greely, H. of New York to Mary Y. Cheney of Warrenton, Jly. 5, Warrenton. R.R. Jly. 19, 1836. Green, Howel to Catharine M'Duffir, Dec. Richmond County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Green, Sarah Ann to William S. Ashe, Jan. 6, Wilmington. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Green, Rev. William M. to Charlotte I. Fleming, Dec. 23, Pittsborough. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Grenell, H.P. to Sophia Estes, Aug. 20, Burke County. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. Hall, Mary F. of Brunswick County to Capt. Asham Blake of Fayetteville County. R.R. Mar. 29, 1836. Hampton, Joseph W. to Sarah Stirewalt of Cabarras County, Mar. 13, Lexington. R.R. Mar. 29, 1836. Harbert, Margaretta to Rev. James O. Stedman of Fayetteville, Nov., Philadelphia. R.R. Nov. 22, 1836. Hardin, Lauriston B. of Raleigh to Anna M.H. Hooe of Alexanderia, Jan. 16, Alexandria. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Harris, Edwin to Elizabeth Barringer, Aug. 9, Cabarras County. R.R. Aug. 23, 1836. Harris, Ephraim D. to Mary Clemons, Je. 2, Surry County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Harris, Mary to John Ragland, Feb. 13, Granville County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Harrison, Andrew W. of Caswell County to Matilda H. Sharp of Manchester, Va., Oct., Caswell County. R.R. Oct. 25, 1836. Harvey, Elizabeth B. to Rev. Wm. W. Williams, Aug. 9, Palmyra, Martin County. R.R. Aug. 23, 1836. Hatch, Mary to Albert G. Anderson of Caswell County, Jan., Perquimans County. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Hattridge, Anges B. to Christopher Dudley, Jr., My. 10, Willimgton. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Hawkins, Frank to Ann Carolina Read, Jan. 3, Halifax County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Hawkins, James B. of Warren County to Ariella Alston of Halifax County, Jan. 16, Butterwood. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Hayles, William to Rhoda Bracewell, My., edgecombe County. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Hearn, Lawrence H. to Margaret Bell, My., Tarboro. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Henderson, Jane C. to Dr. Luco Michell, Dec. 24, Salisbury. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Henderson, Priscilla to Dr. Willie Jones of Milton, My. 5, Caswell County. R.R. My. 17, 1836. Herndon, S.J. to Isaac Kirk, Jan. 8, Salem. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Hicks, Dr. Benj. I. of Oxford to Marin M. Cowan, Mar. 29, Warren County, Mississippi. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. High, Eliza C. to Joseph L. Moring, Jan. 3, Wake County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Hill, Julia Ann of Chatham County to Maj. John H. Graves of Yanceyville, Je. 14, Orange County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Hill, Thomas of New Hanover County to Eliza Y. Toomer, Apr. 21, Fayetteville. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Hill, Thomas B. of Halifax County to Maria Simpson of Newbern, Sept. 15, Hollsboro. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. Hillard, Martha to Utley Benton, Jly. 14, Chapel Hill. R.R. Jly. 19, 1836. Hines, Peter E. of Edgecombe County to Mary May, Feb. 18, Pitt County. R.R. Mar. 8, 1836. Hinton, Addison C. of Wake County to Annie Smith Forster of Charleston, S.C., Oct. 4, Washington, D.C. R.R. Oct. 18, 1836. Hinton, Caroline of New York to Dr. Thomas P. Hinton, Feb. 4, Pasquotank County. R.R. Mar. 15, 1836. Hinton, Dr. Thomas P. to Caroline Hinton of New York, Feb. 4, Pasquotank County. R.R. Mar. 15, 1836. Hodge, Mrs. Nancy of Rowan County to John Pealer of Montogomery County, Apr. R.R. Apr. 19, 1836. Holbrooke, Wm. of Cabarrus County to Elizabeth Stezer of Rowan County, Apr. 12, Mecklenburg County. R.R. M10, 1836. Hooe, Anna M.H. of Alexandria to Lauriston B. Hardin of Raleigh, Jan. 16, Alexandria. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Hooper, George of Alabiania to Caroline Mallet, Oct. 7, Fayetteville. R.R. Oct. 25, 1836. Hoskins, Martha E. to John L. Foreman of Pitt County, Feb. 26, Chowan County. R.R. Mar. 15, 1836. Howell, Josiah, Jr. to Winifred Perry, Dec. 31, Bertie County. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Howell, James to Jane Witherton, Jan., Bertie County. R.R. Jane. 26, 1836. Howerton, Frances J. to Thomas L. White of Milton, Je. 16, Halifax County, Va. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Humphreys, John J. of Talladega, Alabama to Adelia Armida Chum, Dec. 19, Asheville. R.R. Jane. 5, 1836. Huske, Joanna to Dr. Benjamin Robinson, My., Fayetteville. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Hutcheson, Elizabeth to Manliff Ozment, Jan. 21, Guilford County. R.r. Mar. 1, 1835. Hyman, Ellen of Edgecombe County to Wm. R. Brown of Martin County, Dec. 7. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Hyman, Frances to Wm. J. I. Ellison, Jan. 6, Williamston, Martin County. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Ingram, Wesley M. of Anson County to Rachel Mason of Richmond County, Dec. 17, Richmond County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Ingram, Wincey P. to John C. Wadsworth of Cheraw, Feb. 25, Anson County. R.R. Mar. 8, 1836. Iredell, Annie to Cadwaller Jones of Hillsboro, Jan. 5, Raleigh. R.R. Jan. 12, 1836. Irvine, Isaac J. to Esther M. Ray of Rutherford County, Je. 2, Rutherford County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Jacocks, Charles of Bertie County to Martha A. Mullen, Dec., Elizabeth City. R.R. Dec. 27, 1836. James, Sarah Julia to Andrew M'Intyre of Kenansville, Jan. 4, Wilmington. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Jenkins, Thomas to Celina Bailey, Je. 20, Raleigh. R.R. Jly. 12, 1836. Johnston, Delia to John W. Prout, Dec. 18, Raleigh. R.R. Dec. 20, 1836. Johnston, Mary to Winslow M'Ree, Feb. 18, Mecklenburg County. R.R. Mar. 8, 1836. Jones, Betsey to Elisha Bridges, Dec. 22, Lincoln County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Jones, Cadwaller of Hillsboro to Annie Iredell, Jan. 5, Raleigh. R.R. Jan. 12, 1836. Jones, Eli A. of Caswell County to Ann L. Vanhook of Person County, Je. 16, Person County. R.R. Jly. 12, 1836. Jones, Lavina to Henderson Gilleland, Dec. 30, Lincoln County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Jones, louisa to Hon. A. Rencher of Salisbury, Sept. 27, Pittsboro, Chatham County. R.R. Oct. 18, 1836. Jones, Thomas F. of Perquimans County to Elizabeth P. Devereux, Jly. 29, Raleigh. R.R. Aug. 2, 1836. Jones, Mrs. William to Col. Samuel H. Andrez, Je., Bladen County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Jones, Dr. Willie of Milton to Priscilla Henderson, My. 6, Caswell County. R.R. My. 17, 1836. Johnson, Nancy of Wake County to Lisbon Williams, Sept. 22, Raleigh. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. Jordan, Amanda Malvina to Geo. Sanders of Washington, Mar. 10, Pitt County. R.R. Mar. 29, 1836. Justice, Mrs. Ann L. to James Morrow, Jly., Orange County. R.R. Jly. 26, 1836. Keane, Thomas H. of La Grange to Mary Cabarrus of Shelby County, Ga., Jly. R.R. Jly. 19, 1836. Kelly, George W. of Massachusetts to Catharine E. Austin of Washington, Beaufort County, Oct., Portsmouth, N.C. R.R. Nov. 8, 1836. Kellt, Dr. James A. to Margaret Patterson, Feb., Moore County.. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Keer, John Jr. to Evelina B. Campbell, Jan. 23, Yanceyville, Caswell County. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Kelson, Joanna of Spartanburg District, S.C. to Rev. William C. Rankin of Rutherford County, Sept. 29. R.R. Oct. 25, 1836. Kennon, Jane to Reynold Allen, My, 18, Wake County. R.R. My. 24, 1836. Kezee, Paulina Ann of Caswell County to Rev. Wm. Anderson of Virginia Conference, Mar. 15. Apr. 19, 1936. Kingsberry, Hannah J. to Alex Biles of Salisbury, Sept. 22, Lancaster, S.C. R.R. Oct. 18, 1836. Kingsbury, Eliza of New York to Joseph James Ridley, Oct. 24, Oxford. R.R. Nov. 1, 1836. Kirk, Isaac to S.J. Herndon, Jan. 8, Salem. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Laboyteaux, Wm. to Sally Thompson, Je. 13, Elizabeth City. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Lasseter, Mrs. Harriet to Mungo T. Ponton, Dec. 8, Halifax County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Lawrence, Joshua L. to Harriet Mayo, Oct. Edgecombe County. R.R. Oct. 11, 1836. Lawrence, Maria to Haywood Parker of this State, Apr., Greensboro, Alabama. R.R. My. 2, 1836. Lea, Col. William to Elizabeth Graves, Je. 20, Yanceyville. R.R. Jly. 12, 1836. Lee, Sidney of Caswell County to Frances Torian, Apr. 20, Halifax County, Va. R.R. My. 3, 1836. Lee, Susan Virginia of Norfolk to Wm. S. Eright of Chowan County, Sept/ 22, Norfolk. R.R. Oct. 4, 1836. Lenoir, Laura L.C. to Joseph C. Norwood of Hillsboro, Je. 14, Fort Defiance, Wilks County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Liles, J.D. of Tindallville, Anson County to Susan Davis, Je., South Carolina. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Lindsay, Amanda to James N. Ross, Feb., Guilford County. R.R. Apr. 19, 1836. Littlejohn, Joseph of Oxford to Olivia E. Bland, Apr. 20, Vicksburg, Mississippi. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Lyon, Benton T. to Penelope C. Pittman, My., Edgecombe County. R.R. My. 31, 1836. M'Allister, Rachel to Samuel Whitaker, Mar. 14, Wake County. R.R. My. 2, 1836. M'Collum, Margaret J. to George W. Reeves of Somerville, Tenn, Sept. 8, Hillsborough. R.r. Sept. 27, 1836. M'Combs, Joseph to Miss M. Parks, Apr. 12, Mecklenburg County. R.R. My. 10, 1836. M'Crara, Abigail to J. Blair, Aug. 12, Burke County. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. M'Donald, Sarah to Lauchlin, Currie of Alabama, Dec. 4, Richmond County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. M'Duffie, Catharine to Hovel Green, Dec., Richmond County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. M'Intyre, Andrew of Kenansville to Sarah Julia James, Jan. 4, Wilmington. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. M'Kenzie, Judith C. of Greenville District, S.C. to Isaac Alexander of Rutherford County, Jan. 2. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. M'Kesson, Margaret of Morganton to Alfred Chum of Asheville, Dec. 7, Lincoln, County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. M'Lean, Flora to john M'Lean, Mar. 10, Robeson County. R.R. Mar. 29, 1836. M'Lean, Capt. Henry to Sophia Weeks, Feb., Fayetteville. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. M'Lean, John to Flora M'Lean, Mar. 10, robeson County. r.R. Mar. 29, 1836. M'Millian, William to Ann M'Neill, Oct., Cumberland County. R.R. Nov. 8, 1836. M'Neely, Mary E. to James Flow, Apr. 12, Mecklenburg County. R.R. My. 10, 1836. M'Neill, Ann to William M'Millian, Oct., Cumberland County. R.R. Nov. 8, 1836. M'Quay, Elizabeth to Wm. V. Dunn, Feb. 2, Charlotte. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. M'Query, John to Margaret D. Alexander, Jan. 2, Mecklenburg County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. M'Ree, Winslow to Mary Johnston, Feb. 18, Mecklenburg County. R.R. Mar. 8, 1836. Mallett, Caroline to George Hooper of Alabama, Oct. 7, Fayetteville. R.R. Oct. 25, 1836. Marsh, William M. to Nancy E. Oden, Apr. 19, Beaufort County. R.R. My. 10, 1836. Marshall, Capt. Henry of Surry County to Maria Vance of Stokes County, Apr. 14, Stokes County. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Mason, Rachel of Richmond County to Wesley M. Ingram of Anson County, Dec. 17, Richmond County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Maxwell, James to Virginia M. Nunnery, Apr., Warrenton. R.R. My. 10, 1836. May, Mary to Peter E. Hines, Feb. 18, Pitt County. R.R. Mar. 8, 1836. Mayhew, William H. of Washington, Beaufort County to Mary E. Fluner, Dec. 25, Newbern. R.R. Jan. 13, 1836. Mayo, Harriet to Joshua L. Lawrence, Oct., Edgecombe County. R.R. Oct. 11, 1836. Mervy, Joseph of Cheraw, S.C. to Jane Potter, Feb. 11, Fayetteville. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Miller, Mrs. Rhonda to Drury Parker, Jan. 11, Rowan County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Miner, Malinda to John Craig, Apr. 7, Wentworth, Rockingham County. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Mitchell, Dr. Lucco to Jane C. Henderson, Dec. 24, Salisbury. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Mitchell, Sarah to James M.C. Brinson, Dec. 20, Newbern. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Montgomery, Elizabeth to Larkin Chumbley, Jan. 23, Milton. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Moore, Alexander to Elizabeth White, Sept. 1, Burke County. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. Moore, Elizabeth R. to Dr. Euclid Borland, My. 12, Murfreesborough. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Moore, Mary to Major Austill, Oct. 16, Surry County. R.R. Nov. 22, 1836. Morgan, Sarah Ann to Jesse Watkins, Jan. 4, Richmond County. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Moring, Joseph L. to Eliza C. High, Jan. 3, Wake County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Morisey, Jane to Henry B. Beatty of Cumberland County, My. 4, Sampson County. R.R. My. 24, 1836. Morris, Davidson of Princess Ann County, Va. to Sarah Jones of Currituck County, Currituck County, Apr. R.R. Apr. 19, 1836. Morris, Sarah Ann to James Phelps, Feb. 18, Beaufort, Carteret County. R.R. Mar. 8, 1836. Morrow, James to Mrs. Ann L. Justice, Jly., Orange County. R.R. Jly. 26, 1836. Moss, Maria of Salisbury to John Freeman of Montogomery County, Jan. 20, Salisbury. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Mullen, Martha A. to charles Jacocks of Bertie County, Dec., Elizabeth City. R.R. Dec. 27, 1836. Murphey, David of Sampson County to Emeline P. Whitaker of Raleigh, Mar. 3, Raleigh. R.R. Mar. 8, 1836. Murphey, Mary Ann to Wm. James Buchanan, Jan. 24, Fayetteville. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Murphy, Charles to Caroline Russum, Dec. 27, Guilford County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Murphy, Edw'd to Martha Cook of Northampton County, Apr. 2, Murfreesboro. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Myatt, Amy to William Fort, Jr., Je. 8, Wake County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Nelson, Mrs. Caroline A. to R. F. Brown of Wilimgton, My., Fayetteville. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Neville, Margaret to Joseph J. Daniel, Sept. 14, Halifax County. R.R. Oct. 4, 1836. Nolley, James to Cynthia Carrell, My., Salisbury. R.R. My. 17, 1836. Norfleet, John H. to Susan M. Verrell, Je. 6, Person County. R.R. Jly. 19, 1836. Norfleet, John M. to Susan M. Verrell, Je. 9, Person County. R.R. Jly. 12, 1836. Norwood, Joseph C. of Hillsboro to Laura L.C. Lenoir, Je. 14, Fort Defiance, Wilkes County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Nunnery, Virginia M. to James Maxwell, Apr., Warrenton. R.R. My. 10, 1836. Oden, Nancy E. to William M. Marsh, Apr. 19, Beaufort County. T.R. My. 10, 1836. Ogden, George to Mrs. Arcadia Ormond, Aug 4, Washington, Beaufort County. R.R. Aug. 23, 1836. Ormond, Mrs. Arcadia to George Ogden, Aug. 4, Washington, Beaufort County. R.R. Aug. 23, 1836. Orrel, Lorenzo D. to Miss E. Spence, Aug. 11, Guilford County. R.R. Sept. 13, 1836. Owen, Mary Steadman to Jona A. Barry, My. 16, Wilmington. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Owen, William H. to Mary Pendergast, Apr., Chapel Hill. R.R. My. 3, 1836. Owens, Samuel to Jane Winders, Feb. 13, Rowan County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Ozment, Manliff to Elizabeth Hutchson, Jan. 21, Guilford County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Pace, John to Louisa Sledge, Oct. 7, Fayetteville. R.R. Oct. 25, 1836. Page, Elizabeth J. to Joseph Thaxton of Halifax, Va. Apr. 29, Person County. R.R. My. 10, 1836. Page, Malvina to Stimson H. Whitaker, Jan., Wake County. R.R. Jan. 12, 1836. Paisley, Sarah Jane to Robert M. Sloan, Aug. 25, Guilford County. R.R. Sept. 13, 1836. Palmer, Martha to Joshua Ricks, Jan. 21, Guilford County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836 Panky, Stephen, Jr. to Rachel Williams, Dec. 4, Richmond County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Parker, Drury to Mrs. Rhoda Miller, Jan. 11, Rowan County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Parker, Haywood of the State to Maria Lawrence, Apr., Greensboro, Alabama. R.R. My. 2, 1836. Parker, Lydia to Capt. Matthew Pierce of Halifax County, Dec. 22, Nansemond County, Va. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Parks, Miss M. to Joseph M'Combs, Apr. 12, Mecklenburg County. R.R. My. 10, 1836. Pass, Eliza to Jesse Burch, Jan. 18, Person County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Patterson, Margaret to Dr. James A. Kelly, Feb., Moore County. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Patton, Ann Eliza to robert F. Purnell of Halifax, My., Philadelphia. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Payne, Elizabeth to J. Stokes, Oct. 12, Caswell County, R.R. Oct. 25, 1836. Pealer, John of Montgomery County to Mrs. Nancy Hodge of rowan County, Apr. R.r. Apr. 19, 1836. Peebles, Eliza to Henry S. Williams of Tennessee, Dec. 13, Northampton County. R.R. Dec. 20, 1836. Peel, John to Elizabeth Witherton, Jan. 6, Bertie County. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Pender, Solomon of Mississippi to Margaret Rhodes, My. 31, Bertie County. R.R. Je. 31, 1836. Pender, thomas of Plymouth to Sarah Carstaphen, Dec. 10, Edgecombe County. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Pendergrast, Mary to William H. Owen, Apr., Apr. Chapel Hill. R.R. My. 3, 1836. Perry, Jackson of Raleigh to Jane Williams, Apr. 14, Charlotte. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Perry, Lucy W. to Wm. H. Williams of Warren County, Je. 15, Franklin County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Perry, Winifred to Josiah Howell, Jr. Dec. 31, Bertie County. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Phelps, James W. to Sarah Ann Morris, Feb. 18, Beaufort, Carteret County. R.R. Mar. 8, 1836. Picard, Henry to Elizabeth Butt, Feb. 18, Elizabeth City. R.R. Mar. 8, 1836. Pierce, Capt. Matthew of Halifax County to Lydia Parker, dec. 22, Nansemond County, Va. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Pinckston, Nancy to Burrell Roberts, Feb. 4, Rowan County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Pinkston, Mary to Alex Shupping, Mar., Rowan County. R.R. Apr. 19, 1836. Pittman, Penelope C. to Benton T. Lyon, My. Edgecombe County. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Plummer, John to Eliza Wharton, Oct. 20, Davidson County. R.R. Nov. 8, 1836. Polk, Mrs. Laura to Dr. William Tait of Morganton, Sept. 27, Charlotte. R.R. Oct. 11, 1836. Ponton, Mungo T. to Mrs. Harriet Lasseter, Dec. 8, Halifax County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Pool, Lewis of Wake County to Catharine Shaw, Je. 16, Raleigh. R.R. Je. 21, 1836. Potter, Jane to Joseph Mervy of Cheraw, S.C., Feb. 11, Fayetteville. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Prout, John W. to Delia Johnston, Dec. 18, Raleigh. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Purnell, Robert F. of Halifax to Ann Eliza Patton, My., Philadelphia. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Puryear, Alexander to Mary Butler, Dec. 22, Granville County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Ragland, John to Mary Harris, Feb. 13, Granville County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Rainey, John P. to Martha Durham, Dec. 5, Caswell County. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Rainey, John W. of Salisbury to Margaret V. Wilkerson, Oct. 20, Cabarrus County. R.R. Nov. 5, 1836. Rainor, Mary to Stephen O. Sutton, Feb. 10, Sampson County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Ramsay, Joseph of Plymouth to Margaret Burcher, Je., Elizabeth City. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Ramsey, Jane of Rutherford County & Pennsylvania to Capt. James Gillespie of Rowan County, Jan. 28, Rutherfordton. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Ranklin, Rev. William C. of Rutherford County to Joanna Kelso of Spartanburg District, S.C., Sept. 29. R.R. Oct. 25, 1836. Ray, Esther M. to Isaac J. Irvine of Rutherford County, Je. 2, Rutherford County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Read, Ann Carolina to Frank Hamkins, Jan. 3, Halifax County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Reeves, George W. of Somerville, Tenn. to Margaret J. M'Collum, Sept. 8, Hillsborough. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. Relf, Margaret to Henry Skinner, Apr. 7, Camden County. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Rencher, Hon. A. of Salisbury to Louisa Jones, Sept. 27, Pittsboro, Chatham County. R.R. Oct. 18, 1836. Reston, Almeria to William B. Giles of Wilmington, Je. 22, Bladen County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Rhodes, Margaret to Solomon Pender of Mississippi, My. 31, Bertie County. R.R. Je. 31, 1836. Ricks, Joshua to Martha Palmer, Jan. 21, Guilford County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Ridenhour, Sophia to James A. Scott, Apr., Cabarrus County. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Ridge, Ransom to Elizabeth Arnold, Oct. 11, Randolph County. R.R. Nov. 8, 1836. Ridley, Joseph James to Eliza Kingsbury of New York, Oct. 24, Oxford. R.R. Nov. 1, 1836. Righton, Jane R. to Robert L. Decoin of New Orleans, La., Oct., Chowan County. R.R. Nov. 1, 1836. Roberts, Burrel to Nancy Pinckston, Feb. 4, Rowan County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Roberts, Elizabeth to Joseph Dey of Norfolk, Sept., Currituck County. R.R. Oct. 11, 1836. Robeson, Grisey to Thomas A. Waitt, Jly., Wake County. R.R. Je. Je. 28, 1836. Robinson, Dr. Benjamin W. to Joanna Huske, My., Fayetteville. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Robison, Mary G. to John Cowan, Dec. 31, Rowan County. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Rorie, James to Sarah Duren, Feb. 19, Anson County. R.R. Mar. 8, 1836. Ross, James N. to Amanda Lindsay, Feb., Guilford County. R.R. Apr. 19, 1836. Roulhac, J.G.B. of Bertie County to Catharine Ruffin, Nov. 24, Orange County. R.R. Dec. 13, 1836. Rudd, Lucinda of Milton to N.B. Thomas, Jan. 29, Person County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Rude, Angelina P. to George W. Williamson, Apr. 12, Mecklenburg County. R.R. My. 10, 1836. Ruffin, Catharine to J.G. Roulhac of Bertie County, Nov. 24, Orange County. R.R. Dec. 13, 1836. Russell, Elizabeth to Marmaduke Savage, Sept, Sept. 15, Halifax County. R.R. Oct. 4, 1836. Russell, Mrs. Frances M. to George B. Tunstall, Nov. 15, Franklin County. R.R. Nov. 22, 1836. Russum, Caroline to Charles Murphy, Dec. 27, Guilford County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Sanders, Geo. of Washington to Amanda Malvina Jordan, Mar. 10, Pitt County. R.R. Mar. 29, 1836. Savage, Marmaduke to Elizabeth Russell, Sept. 15, Halifax. R.R. Oct. 4, 1836. Scott, James A. to Sophie Ridenhour, Apr., Cabarrus County. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Scott, Dr. William D. to Margaret Rankin, Je. 30, Guilford County. R.R. Jly. 19, 1836. Setzer, Elizabeth of Rowan County to William Holbrooks of Cabarrus County, Mar. 29, Rowan County. R.R. Apr. 19, 1836. Sharp, Matilda of Manchester, Va. to Andrew W. Harrison, Oct. 4, Caswell County. R.R. Nov. 1, 1836. Shaw, Catharine to Lewis Pool of Wake County, Je. 14, Raleigh. R.R. Je. 21, 1836. Shaw, Henry M. to Mary K. Trotman, Apr. 2, Camden County. r.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Shellhorn, Polly to Joseph Fidler, Apr. 14, Stokes County. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Sherwood, Nancy to Henry Yates, Aug. 11, Guilford County. R.R. Sept. 13, 1836. Shield, S.D. to Mary S. Snow, Jan. 3, Halifax County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Shultz, Theodore to Dr. F.H. Shuman, Oct. 14, Salem. R.R. Nov. 1, 1836. Shuman, Dr. F.H. to Theodora Shultz, Oct. 14, Salem. R.R. Nov. 1, 1836. Shupping, Alex to Mary Pinkston, Mar., Rowan County. R.R. Apr. 19, 1836. Simpson, Maria of Newbern to Thos. B. Hill of Halifax County, Sept. 15, Hillsboro. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. Singletary, Ephraim of Bladen County to Nancy A. Blue of CumberlandCounty, Fayetteville, Jan. 24. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Singleton, Robert of Edenton Mrs. Margaret Ann Vannayse of New York, Apr. 2. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Skinner, Henry to MaReef, Apr. 7, Camden County. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Sledge, Louisa to John Pace, Oct. 7, Fayetteville. R.R. Oct. 25, 1836. Sloan, Robert M. to Sarah Jane Paisley, Aug. 25, Guilford County. R.R. Sept. 13, 1836. Smith, Henrietta to john B. Carroll of New York, Jan. 10, Newbern. R.R. Jan. 12, 1836. Smith, Jane to john D. Cameron, Jan4, Richmond County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Smith, Joseph to Sarah Chance, Apr. 2, Richmond County. R.R. Apr. 26, Smith, Mary to Samuel W. William, Sept. 15, Wake County. R.R. Oct. 4, 1836. Snow, Mary S. to S.D. Sheild, jan. 3, Halifax County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Somervill, Catharine to William John Taylor, U.S. Navy, Aug. 4, Warrenton. R.R. Aug. 16, 1836. Spence, Miss E. to Lorenzo D. Orrel, Aug. 11, Guilford County. R.R. Sept. 13, 1836. Stamps, Minton of Madison, Rockingham County to Martha P. Stetson, Je. 14, Stokes County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Stanfield, Joseph M. to Ann Barnett of Person County, Je. Milton. R.R. Je. 7, 1836. Stedman, Rev. James O. of Fayetteville to Margaretta Harbert, Nov., Philadelphia. R.R. Nov. 22, 1836. Stetson, Martha P. to Minton Stamps of Madison, Rockingham County, Je. 14, Stokes County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Stewart, Eli M. to Elizabeth Erwin, Dec. 19, Rowan County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Stirewalt, Sarah of Cabarrus County to Joseph W. Hampton, Mar. 13, Lexington. R.R. Mar. 29, 1836. Stokes, J. to Eliza Payne, Oct. 12, Caswell County. R.R. Oct. 25, 1836. Stokes, Joel to Elizabeth C. Payne, Oct. 12, Caswell County. R.R. Nov. 1, 1836. Stewart, Daniel to Mary M'Callum, Mar. 3, Robeson County. R.R. Mar. 29, 1836. Sugg, George W. of Lincoln County to Margaret Roder of Mecklenburg County. Jly. 26, 1836. Sutton, Stephen O. to Mary Rainor, Feb. 10, Sampson County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Swann, Eveline to John F. Zimmerman, Jan. 27, Waughton, Stokes County. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Tait, Dr. William of Morganton to Mrs. Laura Polk, Sept. 27, Charlotte. R.R. Oct. 11, 1836. Taylor, Drury S. to Lucy L. Taylor of Granville County, Dec. 26, Tipton County, Tenn. R.R. Mar. 29, 1836. Taylor, Lucy L. of Granville County to Drudy S. Taylor, Dec. 26, Tipton, Tenn. R.R. Mar 29, 1836. Taylor, Nathaniel of Mocksville to Mrs. Sarah Clayland, Jan. 20, Forks of the Yadkin. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Terrill, Nathaniel M. of Tarboro to Mrs. Eliza A. Ellis, Sept., Washington, Beaufort County. R.R. Oct. 11, 1836. Thatch, Mary of Perquimans County to Albert G. Anderson of Caswell County, Jan. 7. R.R. Jan 26, 1836. Thaxton, Joseph of Halifax, Va. to Elizabeth J. Page, Apr. 29, Person County. R.R. My. 10, 1836. Thomas N.B. to Lucinda Rudd of Milton, Jan. 29, Person County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Thompson, Sally to Wm. Laboyteaux, Je. 13, Elizabeth City. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Toomer, Eliza Y. to Thomas Hill of New Hanover County, Apr. 21, Fayetteville. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Torian, Frances to Sidney S. Lee of Caswell County, Apr. 20, Halifax County. R.R. My. 3, 1836. Torian, Dr. Thomas Of Halifax County, Va. to Agness G. Bethel of Rockingham, Je. 29. R.R. Jly. 12, 1836. Trotman, Mary K. to Henry M. Shaw, Apr. 2, Camden County. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Tunstall, George B. to Mrs. Frances M. Russell, Nov. 15, Franklin County. R.R. Nov. 22, 1836. Turner, Mary to Wm. R. Hamilton of Petersburg, Va., Mar. 1, Granville County. R.R. Mar. 29, 1836. Turner, Sarah of Warren County to Peyton H. Brown of Louisburg, My., Warren County. R.R. My. 17, 1836. Turner, William to Christiana Walton, Je. 22, Wake County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Twine, Thomas of Gates County to Mrs. Sarah Bowers, Oct., Portsmouth, Va. R.R. Nov. 1, 1836. Twitty, James to Caroline Cheek, My. Warren County. R.R. My. 31, 1836. Utley, Benton to Martha Hilliard, Jly. 14, Chapel Hill. R.R. Jly. 19, 1836. Utley, Caroline to Henderson Utley, Sept. 8, Wake County. R.R. Oct. 4, 1836. Utley, Henderson to Caroline Utley, Sept. 8, Wake County. R.R. Oct. 4, 1836. Vance, Maria of Stokes County to Capt. Henry Marshall of Surry County. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Vanhook, Ann L. of Person County to Eli A. Jones of Caswell County, Je. 16, Caswell County. R.R. Jly. 12, 1836. Vannayse, Mrs. Margaret Ann of New York to Robert Singleton of Edenton, Apr. 2. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Verrell, Susan M. to John H. Norfleet, Je. 6, Person County. Jly. 19, 1836. Wadsworth, John C. of Cheraw to Wincey P. Ingram, Feb. 25, Anson County. R.R. Mar. 8, 1836. Waitt, Thomas A. to Grisey Roberson, Jly., Wake County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Wallace, Jane P. of Cabarrus County to Benjamin Fraley of Salisbury, Oct. 23, Cabarrus County. Nov. 8, 1836. Walton Christiana to William Turner, Je. 22, Wake County. R.R. Je. 23, 1836. Washington, Susan to William A. Graham of Hillsboro, Je. 8, Newbern. R.R. Je. 21, 1836. Watkins, Jesse to Sarah Ann Morgan, Jan., Richmond County. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Weathers, Sarah E. to E.D. Gray, Sept., Mecklenburg County. R.R. Oct. 11, 1836. Webb, Ann to Isaac Fisher, Sept. 4, Burke County. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. Weeks, Sophia to Capt. Henry M.Lean, Feb., Fayetteville. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Wharton, Eliza to John Plummer, Oct. 20, Davidson County. R.R. Nov. 8, 1836. Whitaker, Emeline of Raleigh to David Murphey of Sampson County, Mar. 3, Raleigh. R.R. Mar. 8, 1836. Whitaker, Samuel, Jr. Rachel M'Allister, Mar. 14, Wake County. R.R. My. 2, 1836. Whitaker, Stimson H. to Malvina Page, Jan., Wake County. R.R. Jan. 12, 1836. Whitaker, William H. to Caroline Brassfield, Jan. 14, Wake County. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. White, Elizabeth to Alexander Moore, Sept. 1, Burke County. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. White, Moses A. to Margaret Curry, Jan. 15, Salisbury. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. White, Thomas L. of Milton to Frances J. Howerton, Je. 16, Halifax County, Va. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Whitehurst, Frederick to Chloe Carter, Je. 13, Pasquotank County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Wilkerson, Margaret V. to John W. Rainey of Salisbury, Oct. 20, Cabarrus County. R.R. Nov. 8, 1836. Williams, Mrs. Delia to George E. Badger, Apr. 16, Raleigh. R.R. Apr. 19, 1836. Williams, Henry S. of Tennessee to Eliza Peebles, Dec. 13, Northampton County. R.R. Dec. 20, 1836. Williams, Dr. J. of Cabarrus County to Elizabeth D. Elliott, Jan,. Rutherford County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Williams, Jane to Jackson Perry of Raleigh, Apr. 14, Charlotte. R.R. Apr. 26, 1836. Williams, John Taylor, US. Navy to Catharine Somerville, Aug. 4, Warrenton. R.R. Aug. 16, 1836. Williams, Lisbon to Nancy Johnson of Wake County, Sept. 22, Raleigh. R.R. Sept. 27, 1836. Williams, Rachel to Stephen Panky, Jr. Dec. 4, Richmond County. R.R. Jan. 5, 1836. Williams, Samuel W. to Mary Smith, Sept. 15, Wake County. R.R. Oct. 4, 1836. Williams, Wm. H. Of Warren County to Lucy W. Perry, Je. 15, Franklin County. R.R. Je. 28, 1836. Williams, Rev. Wm. W. to Elizabeth B. Harvey, Aug. 9, Palmyra, Martin County. R.R. Aug. 23, 1836. Williamson, Ann Edwards of Caswell County to Augustus Finie of Milton, Je. 9. R.R. Je. 21, 1836. Williamson, George W. to Angelina P. Rude, Apr. 12, Mecklenburg County. R.R. My. 10, 1836. Willis, Oscar of Burke County to Sarah Ann Willis, Oct. 20, Halifax. R.R. Nov. 1, 1836. Willis, Sarah Ann to Oscar Willis of Burke County, Oct. 20, Halifax. R.R. Nov. 1, 1836. Wilson, Harriet to R.C. Carson of Concord, Dec. 8, Mecklenburg County. R.R. Jan. 6, 1836. Wilson, Capt. James to Caroline Cook, Jan. 28, Mecklenburg County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Winders, Jane to Samuel Owens, Feb. 13, Rowan County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Winders, Sarah to Warren Gheen, Feb. 13, Rowan County. R.R. Mar. 1, 1836. Wiseman, Jesse P. of Davidson County to Hetty P. Gibson, Oct. 28, Rowan County. R.R. Nov. 8, 1836. Witherton, Elizabeth to John Peel, Jan. 6, Bertie County. R.R. Jan. 26, 1836. Witherton, Jane to James Howell, Jan., Bertie County. R.R. Jan 26, 1836. Wood, Rebecca to Hugh Culverhouse, Jan. 22, Salisbury. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. Wright, Sophia A. of Salisbury to Cage J. Douglass, Dec., Le Grange, Tenn. R.R. Dec. 27, 1836. Yates, Henry to Nancy Sherwood, Aug. 11, Guilford County. R.R. Sept. 13, 1836. Zimmerman, John F. to Eveline Swann, Jan. 27, Waughtown, Stokes County. R.R. Feb. 2, 1836. |