North Carolina Marriage Records 1833Transcribed by Carol Robinson Abernethy, William A. to Barbara Reinhardt, Apr. 2, Lincoln County. R.R. Apr. 9, 1833. Adcock, Frances to John H. Liles Jr. of Anson County, Feb. 19, Anson County. R.R. Mar. 12, 1833. Alford, Sophia to Zachariah Drake, Feb., Robeson County. R.R. Mar. 5, 1833. Alston, Joseph J. of Tennessee to Louisa D. Thomas, Je. Louisburg. R.R. Jly. 9, 1833. Ambrose, Ann Maria to Robert W. James of Wilmington, Apr. 3, Onslow County. R.R. Apr. 16, 1833. Andrews, William J. of Edgecombe to Virginia Hawkins, My. 8, Franklin County. R.R. My. 22, 1833. Arrington, Mary to Thomas R. Wiggins, Apr. 11, Nash County. R.R. Apr. 30, 1833. Bagge, Rebecca to Rev. Henry A. Shultz, Apr. 16, Salem. R.R. Apr. 30, 1833. Bailey, Capt. Anson to Elizabeth Barksdale, Jly., Fayetteville. R.R. Jly. 23, 1833. Baine, Sarah to William G. Townsend of Cabarrus County, Oct. 31, Mecklenburg County. R.R. Dec. 3, 1833. Baine, William T. of Pittsborough to Martha Ann Hill of Wake County, Sept. 4, Raleigh. R.R. Sept. 10, 1833. Baker, Laura to rev. Joseph Saunders, Mar. 25, Martin County. R.R. My. 21, 1833. Baldwin, H.J. of South Carolina to Lucy Ann Daniel, Jan. 15, Ashborough, Randolph County. R.R. Feb. 1, 1833. Barksdale, Elizabeth to Capt. Anson Bailey, Jly., Fayetteville. R.R. Jly. 23, 1833. Barringer, Paul B. to Mary P. Carson, Apr. 4, Concord. R.R. Apr. 30, 1833. Bell, Lucinda to William S. Mhoon, Sept. 18, Raleigh. R.R. Sept. 24, 1833. Berryman, Mary to Richard Cole, Mar. 7, Moore County. R.R. Mar. 26, 1833. Bizzell, William H. to Mary Fort, Apr., Wayne County. R.R. Apr. 23, 1833. Blake, Mary S. to George C. McNeill, Dec. 27, Fayetteville. R.R. Jan. 18, 1833. Blue, Malcom to Isabella M. Patterson, Oct., Moore County. R.R. Nov. 5, 1833. Bradley, Rev. Jacky to Susan Russell of Fayetteville, Mar. 7, Robeson County. R.R. Mar. 26, 1833. Branch, Sarah to James Hunter, Jly. 16, Enfield, Halifax County. R.R. Jly. 30, 1833. Bridges, Mrs. Jane B. to Elisha Harrison, Mar. 28, Johnston County. R.R. Apr. 2, 1833. Brinkley, John A. to Jane Parrish, Dec. 5, Granville County. R.R. Jan. 18, 1833. Brooke, Anna Matilda of Montgomery County, Pa. to Bernard Dupry of Raleigh, Oct. 29, Phila. R.R. Nov. 12, 1833. Brown, Asa A. of Wilmington to Lucy Brown, Dec. 19, Bladen County. R.R. Jan. 11, 1833. Brown, Geo. W. to Harriet B. Long of Salisbury, My. 21. R.R. Jly. 9, 1833. Brown, Lucy to Asa A. Brown of Wilmington, Dec. 19, Bladen County. R.R. Jan. 11, 1833. Brown, Mary to Thomas Mayo, Feb. 19, Edgecomb County. R.R. Mar. 13, 1833. Bryan, John to Mary Ellison, Apr. 4, Craven County. R.R. Apr. 9, 1833. Bryant, Mrs. Priscilla to James Ethergain, Aug. 22, Scotland Neck, Halifax County. R.R. Sept. 10, 1833. Buffaloe, William of Raleigh to Margaret Farrow, Oct. 1, Hyde County. R.R. Oct. 15, 1833. Bunting, Samuel to Eliza Moore, Feb., Sampson County. R.R. Mar. 12, 1833. Burch, Oliver L. of Raleigh to Cornelia R. Lewis, Oct. 21, Chapel Hill. R.R. Nov. 5, 1833. Burnett, Caroline to Ebenezer Hyman, Jan. 15, Martin County. R.R. Feb. 1, 1833. Burton, Frances A.M. to Michael Hoke of Lincolnton, Apr. 8, Beatties Ford, Lincoln County. R.R. My. 21, 1833. Caison, Cannon of Fayetteville to Harriet Jessop, Apr. 10, Balden County. R.R. My. 21, 1833. Calhoun, A.C. to Eugenia Chappell, Jan. 3, Cumberland County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1833. Callender, Mrs. Anna to Mr. Vansycle of Newbern, Jan. 9, New hanover County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1833. Cameron, Paul C. to Ann Ruffin, Dec. 20, Orange County. R.R. Jan. 4, 1833. Cameron, Dr. Thomas N. to Isabella Wilkins, Dec., Fayetteville. R.R. Dec. 24, 1833. Campbell, Frances of Brunswick County to Hugh Y. Waddell, Apr. 23, Clarendon. R.R. Je. 4, 1833. Candler, george W. to Rachel E. Moore, Je. Buncombe County. R.R. Je. 18, 1833. Capeheart, George W. to Susan R. MRTIN, nOV., wINTON. r.r. dEC. 3, 1833. Caroline, Mary Bird of Orange County to Jordan Hill of Raleigh, Oct. 24, Greensboro, Alabama. R.R. Nov. 5, 1833. Carson, Mary P. to Paul B. Barringer, Apr. 4, Concord. R.R. Apr. 30, 1833. Carson, Ruth Matilda to Wm. B. Hawkins, Jly. 7, Burke County. R.R. Jly. 23, 1833. Carter, Louisa Jane of Chatham County to Hiram Hadley of Indiana, Apr. 21, Chatham County. R.R. Je. 4, 1833. Chambers, Wm. to Nancy Thompson, Feb. 16, Orange County. R.R. Mar. 19, 1833. Chapman, Isabella C. to Arthur Lewis of Wilmington, Oct., Cumberland County. R.R. Nov. 12, 1833. Chappell, Eugenia to A.A. Calhoun, Jan. 3, Cumberland County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1833. Cherry, Elizabeth to Thomas Howell of Martin County, Feb. 3, Pitt County. R.R. Feb. 26, 1833. Cherry, Merina to Robert Rew, Dec. 27, Washingto, Beaufort County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1833. Chipley, Juliana St. Clair to Dr. Elisha Stedman of Pittsborough, Apr., Kentucky. R.R. Apr. 16, 1833. Christman, Thomas F. to Grizzy Ann Hill, Jly. 16, Wake County. R.R. Jly. 23, 1833. Clark, Frances H. of Scotland Neck to Andrew B. White of Pennsylvania, Apr. 11, Scotland neck. R.R. Apr. 30, 1833. Clark, Laura P. to John W. Cotton, Dec., Tarborough. R.R. Han. 4, 1833. Clark, Louisa to Archibald Forves, Jan. 21, Greeneville, Pitt County. R.R. Feb. 1, 1833. Clark, Margaret to Lewis Thpmpson, Jan. 22, Bertie County. R.R. Feb. 1, 1833. Clark, Maria to James Parks, Mar. 7, Hillsborough. R.R. Mar. 19, 1833. Clark, Dr. A.A. to Margaret J. Nicholson, Mar. 18, Bladen County. R.R. My. 7, 1833. Cofled, Sarah of Bertie County to Wm. E. L. Parrish, Feb., Cumberland County. R.R. Mar. 5, 1833. Cole, Richard to Mary Berryman, Mar. 7, Moore County. R.R. Mar. 26, 1833. Collins, Major William F. of Nash County to Apphia S. Williams, Dec. 18, Chatham County. R.R. Dec. 24, 1833. Cotton, John W. to Laura P. Clark, Dec., Tarborough. R.R. Jan. 4, 1833. Cousins, Wm. A. of Virginia to Matilda Duty, Dec. 5, Granville County. R.R. Jan. 18, 1833. Craig, Laura S. to Dr. John H. Treadwell, Sept., Montgomery County. R.R. Oct. 1, 1833. Crawford, Thomas R. of Beaufort County to Susan Fonville, Mar., Craven County. R.R. Mar. 12, 1833. Crenshaw, Mary Ann to John M. Fleming, Mar. 12, Wake Forest. R.R. Mar. 19, 1833. Cutlar, Ann E. to Thomas F. Davis, My. 20, Wilmingto. R.R. Je. 4, 1833. Daniel, Lucy Ann to H.J. Baldwin of South Carolina, Jan. 15, Ashborough, Randolph County. R.R. Feb. 1, 1833. Davis, Thomas F. Ann E. Cutlar, My. 20, Wilmington. R.R. Je. 4, 1833. Deberry, Wilson to Elizabeth Wall, Aug. Montgomery County. R.R. Aug. 20, 1833. Deloach, Louisa W. to William W. Taylor, Feb. 14, Raleigh. R.R. 22, 1833. Dennis, Rev. James to Caroline Helm, Sept. 24, Smithfield. R.R. Oct. 1, 1833. Dinkins, Lucinda to Lewis G. Slaughter of Salisbury., My. 20, Mecklenburg County. R.R. Jly. 9, 1833. Dodd, James to Eliza M. Evans of Fayetteville, Feb. 21, Cumberland County. R.R. Mar. 12, 1833. Dodson, Lucy M. to Jacob Ramsour of Lincolnton, Oct. 3, Milton. R.R. Oct. 15, 1833. Donaldson, Amanda Malvina to John Winslow of Fayetteville, Oct.2, Wake County. R.R. Oct. 15, 1833. Donoho, Wm. C. to Nancy Miles, Mar. 21, Caswell County. R.R. Apr. 2, 1833. Dosssey, Margaret O. of Society Hill, S.C. to John B. Williams of Windsor, Oct. 15. R.R. Nov. 12, 1833. Drake, Zachariah to Sophia Alford, Feb., Robeson County. R.R. Mar. 5, 1833. Dupuy, Bernard of Raleigh to Anna Matilda Brooke of Montgomery County, Pa. Oct. 29, Philadelphia. R.R. Nov. 12,1833. Duty, Matilda to Wm. A. Cousins of Virginia, Dec. 5, Granville County. R.R. Jan. 18, 1833. Edwards, Winifred to Joseph M. M'Kinney, Apr. 2, Greene County. R.R. Apr. 16, 1833. Ellison, Mary L. to John Bryan, Apr. 4, Craven County. R.R. 16, 1833. Ethergain, James to Mrs. Priscilla Bryant, Aug. 22, Scotland Neck, Halifax County. R.R. Sept. 10, 1833. Evans, Eliza to James Dodd of Fayetteville, Feb. 21, Cumberland County. R.R. Mar. 12, 1833. Faison, Eliza Ann to Patrick Murphy, Je., Sampson County. R.R. Je. 18, 1833. Faison, Jas. of Sampson County to Elizabeth Lane, Oct., 15, Wayne County. R.R. Oct. 29, 1833. Farrow, Margaret to William Buffaloe of Raleigh, Oct. 1, Hyde County. R.R. Oct. 15, 1833. Finley, Caroline Ellen to James Harper of Burke County, Sept., Sugusta County, Va. R.R. Sept. 24, 1833. Fleming, John M. to Mary Ann Crenshaw, Mar. 12, Wake Forest. R.R. Mar. 19, 1833. Fonville, Susan to Thomas R. Crawford of Beaufort County, Mar., Craven County. R.R. Mar. 12, 1833. Forbes, Archibald to Louisa Ann Clark, Jan. 21, Greenville, Pitt County. R.R. Feb. 1, 1833. Fort, Mary to William H. Bizzell, Apr., Wayne County. R.R. Apr. 23, 1833. Foster, William H. of Louisburg to Ann Eliza Taylor, Jly., Franklin County. R.R. Jly. 30, 1833. Foster, William of Louisburg to Mary Ellen Wiatt, Aug. 29, Raleigh. R.R. Sept. 3, 1833. Freeman, Edith of Robeson County to Thomas L. Todd of South Carolina, Apr. 4, Lumberton. R.R. My. 21, 1833. Freeman, Capt. Richard P. to Sarah L.J. Worley, Sept., Bertie County. R.R. Sept. 24, 1833. Gant, Joshua R. to Ann W. Reeves, Sept., Orange County. R.R. Sept. 24, 1833. Garland, Hannah S. to David Ryan. Jly., Bertie County. R.R. Jly. 30, 1833. Garrett, Dr. Richard W. to Mary T. Lea, My., Chatham County. R.R. My. 28, 1833. Gauze, John Peter to Hannah Jane Green, Feb. 21, Brunswick County. R.R. Mar. 5, 1833. Gibson, Jan\mes to Janet Newberry, Sept., Fayetteville. R.R. Oct. 1, 1833. Goodloe, Attelia of State to Richard C. Williams of Dresden, Dec. 31, Fayette County, Tenn. R.R. Mar. 12, 1833. Goodloe, Robert C. to Mary Ann Harper, Dec. 18, Franklin County. R.R. Jan. 18, 1883. Goodwin, Maria L. to Benson F. Jones, Oct. 1, Raleigh. R.R. Oct. 8, 1833. Guy, Wm. H. Susan M'Cullers, Sept. 24, Smithfield. R.R. Oct. 1, 1833. Graves, Mary of Caswell County to James Mebane of Orange County, Feb., Caswell County. R.R. Feb. 22, 1833. Green, Hannah Jane to Peter John Gauze, Feb. 21, Brunswick County. R.R. Mar. 5, 1833. Hackney, Candace Hinton to Albert G. Hinton, Aug. Chatham County. R.R. Aug. 13, 1833. Hadley, Hiram of Indiana to Louisa Jane Carter of Chatham County, Apr. 21, Chatham County. R.R. Je. 4, 1833. Hall, Sarah to Richard H. Smith, Dec. 4, Warrenton. R.R. Dec. 17, 1833. Harper, James of Burke County to Caroline Ellen Finley., Augusta County, Va. R.R. Sept. 24, 1833. Harper, Mary Ann to Robert C. Goodloe, Dec. 18, Franklin County. R.R. Jan. 18, 1833. Harrison, Elisha to Mrs. Jane B. Brifges, Mar. 23, Johnston County. R.R. Apr. 2, 1833. Hatch, Caroline E. to Henry G. Smith of Lenoir County, Jan. 21, Fayette County, Tenn. R.R. Apr. 9, 1833. Hauser, William to Ann Susanna Shultz, Dec. 26, Salem. R.R. Jan. 18. 1833. Hawkins, Virginia to William J. Andrews of Edgecombe County, My. 8, Franklin County. R.R. My. 28, 1833. Hawkins, Wm. B. to Ruth Matilda Carson, Jly. 7, Burke County. R.R. Jly. 23, 1833. Hayes, John L. to Margaret M. Smith, Nov. 7, Charlotte. R.R. Dec. 3, 1833. Hearn, Mary R. to Danford Richards, Feb. 3, Tarborough. R.R. Feb. 26, 1833. Herring, Rachel to William M. Miller of Duplin County, Mar. 5, Lenoir County. R.R. Mar. 12, 1833. Helm, Caroline to Rev. James Dennis, Sept. 24, Smithfield. R.R. Oct. 1, 1833. Heyer, Harriet to Rev. Henry A. Rpwland of Fayetteville, Sept., New York. R.R. Sept. 10, 1833. Hill, Grizzy Ann to Thomas F. Christman, Jly. 16, Wake County. R.R. Jly. 23, 1833. Hill, Jordan of Raleigh to Miss Caroline Mary Bird of Orange County, Oct. 24, Greensboro, Alabama. R.R. Nov. 5, 1833. Hill, Martha Ann of Wake County to William T. Bain of Pittaborough, Sept. 4, Raleigh. R.R. Sept. 10, 1833. Hill, Winifred B. to Rev. William Norwood, Apr. 11, Soctland Neck. R.R. Apr. 23, 1833. Hinton, Albert G. Candance Hinton Hackney, Aug., Chatham County. R.R. Aug. 13, 1833. Hoke, Michael of Lincolnton to Frances A.M. Burton, Apr. 8, Beatties Ford, Lincoln County. R.R. My. 21, 1833. Holderby, George H. to Delilah Morehead, Sept., Rockingham County. R.R. Sept. 24, 1833. Holmes, Mary to Capt. Alexander M'Neill, Aug. 15, Cumberland County. R.R. Sept. 3, 1833. Holt, John R. Catherine Trollinger, Aug. 23, Orange County. R.R. Sept. 10, 1833. Horne, John R. Edgecombe County to Eliza Jane Burt, Oct. 24, Nash County. R.R. Nov. 12, 1833. House, Sarah Willis to Col. Archibald S. Mc'Neill of Coumberland County, Feb., Haywood, Chatham County. R.R. Mar. 5, 1833. Howard, Eliza S. to William N. Peden, Oct. 30, New Hanover County. R.R. Nov. 19, 1833. Howell, Thomas of Martin County to Elizabeth Cherry, Feb. 3, Pitt County. R.R. Feb. 26, 1833. Hunter, James to Sarah Branch, Jly. 16, Enfield, Halifax County. R.R. Jly. 30, 1833. Hunter, Mildred to Benjamin Williams of Chatham County, Apr. 23, Wake County. R.R. Je. 4, 1833. Hugh, Matthew to Penelope Perry, Nov. Bertie County. R.R. Dec. 3, 1833. Huie, Robt. of Salisbury to Mary Partee, Sept. 26, Rowan County. R.R. Oct. 15, 1833. Hyman, Ebenezer to Caroline Burnett, Jan. 15, Martin County. R.R. Feb. 1, 1833. Jacocks, Mary Caroline to James V. Reed, Jly. 23, Perquimans County. R.R. Aug. 13, 1833. James Robert W. of Wilmington to Ann Maria Ambrose, Apr. 3, Onslow County. R.R. Apr. 16, 1833. Jeffreys, William O. to Mary M'Gary, Sept., Fayetteville. R.R. Oct. 1, 1833. Jessop, Harriet, to Cannon Calson of Fayetteville, Apr. 10, Bladen County. R.R. My. 21, 1833. Johnson, C.S. to Sibella Murchison, Apr. 10, Cumberland County. R.R. My. 14, 1833. Jones, Ann Elizabeth to Henry W. Montague, My., Wake County. R.R. My. 28, 1833. Jones, Benson F. of Oxford to Maria L. Goodwin, Oct. 1, Raleigh. R.R. Oct. 8, 1833. Jones, Susan J. to P.R. Stringfield, Sept., New Hanover County. R.R. Sept. 24, 1833. Jones, Thomas to Evelina Taylor, Dec., Martin County. R.R. Jane. 4, 1833. Kendall, Miss to Thomas Randle, Jan. 3, Montgomery County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1833. Kennedy, Capt. Josiah of Moore County to Ann Eliza M'Neill, Aug., Tennessee. R.R. Aug. 20, 1833. Kidd, Nabby to George N'Neill, Aug. Fayetteville. R.R. Aug. 13, 1833. Lane, Elizabeth to Jas. Faison of Sampson County, Oct. 15, Wayne County. R.R. Oct. 29, 1833. Lawrence, Dr. Josiah of Tarboro to Mary Eliza Toole, Feb. 20, Greenville. R.R. Mar. 12, 1833. Lea, Mary T. to Dr. Richard W. Garrett, My., Chatham County. R.R. My. 28, 1833. Lea, Thomas L. to Ann Wright, Apr. 18, Caswell County, R.R. My. 7, 1833. Leach, James T. Elizabeth W. Saunders, Jly. 21, Johnston County. R.R. Jly. 30, 1833. Leak, F. T. of Rockingham to Harriet Harris of Nothampton, Mass., Apr. 16, Rockingham. R.R. My. 28, 1833. Lewis, Arthur of Wilmington to Isabella C. Chapman, Oct., Cumberland County. R.R. Nov. 12, 1833. Lewis, Cornelia R. Oliver L. Burch of Raleigh, Oct. 31, Chapel Hill. R.R. Nov. 5, 1833. Liles, John H. Jr. to Frances Adcock of Anson County, Feb. 19, Anson County. R.R. Mar. 12, 1833. Lilly, David C. of Montgomery County to Eliza Spencer, Jly., Anson County. R.R. Jly. 23, 1833. Lindsay, Nancy Lavinia to Milton H. Saunders, Jly. 30, Guilford County. R.R. Aug. 20, 1833. Long, Hariet B. of Salisbury to Geo. W. Brown, My. 21, Jly. 9, 1833. Love, Jane to Dr. Osborne Sugg, Je. 4, Wake County. R.R. Je. 11, 1833. Lumpkin, Elizabeth to Geo. Winburn, Dec. 7, Granville County. R.R. Feb. 18, 1833. Lumsden, F. A. of Raleigh to Mrs. Clara W. Powell, Apr., Wilmington. R.R. Apr. 23, 1833. Lynum, Alice to Thomas Reynolds, Dec., Raleigh. R.R. Dec. 31, 1833. M'Coy, Emeline of Bladen County to William Nash Whitted, Sept. 7, Hillsborough. R.R. Sept. 24, 1833. M'Crane, Isabella to Malcom M. M'Kay, Apr. 14, Cumberland County. R.R. My. 28, 1833. M'Gary, Mary to William O. Jeffreys, Sept., Fayetteville. R.R. Oct. 1, 1833. M'Cullers, Susan to Wm. H. Guy, Sept., Smithfield, R.R. Oct. 1, 1833. M'Kay, Malcolm M. to Isabella M'Crane, Apr. 14, Cumberland County. R.R. My. 28, 1833. M'Kinney, Joseph M. to Winifred Edwards, Apr. 2, Greene County. R.R. Apr. 16, 1833. M'Laughlin, Benjamin L. of South Carolina to Eliza M'Lean, Jly., Richmond County. R.R. Jly. 30, 1833. M'Lean, Major Alexander D. to Catharine M'Lean, Jan. 3, Cumberland County. R.R. Jan. 26, 1833. M'Lean, Catharine to Major Alexander M'Lean, Jan. 3, Cumberland County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1833. M'Lean, Eliza to Benjamin L. M'Laughlin of South Carolina, Jly., Richmond County. R.R. Jly. 30, 1833. M'Neill, Ann Eliza to Capt. Josiah Kennedy of Moore County, Aug., Tennessee. R.R. Aug. 20, 1833. M'Neill, Capt. Alexander to Mary Holmes, Aug. 15, Cumberland County. R.R. Sept. 3, 1833 M'neill, Col. Archibald S. of Cumberland County to Sarah Willis House, Feb., Haywood, Chatham County. R.R. Mar. 5, 1833. M'Neill, George C. to Mary S. Blake, Dec. 27, Fayetteville. R.R. Jan. 18, 1833. M'Neill, George to Nabby Kidd, Aug., Fayetteville. R.R. Jan. 13, 1833. M'Rae, Johne to Catharine Ann Smith, Nov. 7, Cumberland County. R.R. Nov. 19, 1833. Mahoney, James of Cheraw, S.C. to Helen P. Richardson of Bladen County, Dec. 27, Fayetteville. R.R. Jan. 18, 1833. Mask, Fanny of Richmond County to Elijah Whealington of Alabama, Arp. 21, Richmond County. R.R. My. 7, 1833. Marsh, Harriet of Northampton, Mass to F.T. Leake of Rockingham, Apr. 16, R.R. My. 28, 1833. Martin, Emily A. to James Waddell of Wadesborough, Sept. 26, Anson County. R.R. Oct. 15, 1833. Martin, Susan H. to George W. apeheart, Nov., Winton. R.R. Dec. 3, 1833. Martin, William of Granvill County to Sarah Yeargin, Feb. 5, Wake County. R.R. Feb. 15, 1833. Mayo, Thomas to Mary Bryan, Feb. 19, Edgecombe County. R.R. Mar. 13, 1833. Mebane, James of Orange County to Mary Graves of Caswell County, Feb., Caswell County. R.R. Feb. 22, 1833. Mendenhall, Rhoda to Messer A. Vestal of Jamestown, Feb., Guilford County. R.R. Mar. 5, 1833. Meredith, Elizabeth to Calvin Peacock, Jan. 3, Montgomery County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1833. Mhoon, William S. to Lucinda A. Bell, Sept. 18, Raleigh. R.R. Sept. 24, 1833. Miles, Nancy to Wm. C. Donoho, Mar. 21, Caswell County. R.R. Apr.2, 1833. Miller, Thomas of Burke County to Mary Ann Robards, Granville County, Jan. R.R. Jan. 18, 1833. Miller, William M. of Duplin County to Rachel Herring, Mar. 5, Lenoir County. R.R. Mar. 12, 1833. Mitchell, Jane of Newbern to Jonas Watson, Sept. 10, Chapel Hill. R.R. Sept. 24, 1833. Montague, Henry to Ann Elizabeth Jones, My., Wake County. R.R. My. 28, 1833. Moore, Alfred to Cresy Van, Jan. 8, Greenville, Pitt County. R.R. Feb. 1, 1833. Moore, Cornelia G. to Julius P. Moore, Je. 3, Person County. R.R. Jly. 9,1833. Moore, Rachel E. to George W. Candler, Je., Buncombe County. R.R. Je. 18, 1833. Moore, Junius P. to Cornelia G. Moore, Je. 3, Person County. R.R. Jly. 9, 1833. Morehead, Delilah to George H. Holderby, Sept., Rockingham County. R.R. Sept. 24,1833. Murchison, Sibella to C.S. Johnson, Apr. 10, Cumberland County. R.R. My. 4, 1833. Murphey, Alexander A. to Eliza G. Womack, Apr. 16, Haywood County. R.R. Apr. 30, 1833. Murphy, Patrick to Eliza Ann Faison, Je. Sampson County. R.R. Je. 18, 1833. Newberry, Janet to James Gibson, Sept., Fayetteville. R.R. Oct. 1, 1833. Newsom, James D. of Wake County to Miss Perry, Mar., Franklin County. R.R. Mar. 19, 1833. Nicholson, Margaret J. to Dr. A.A. Clarke, Mar. 18, Bladen County. R.R. My. 7, 1833. Norwood, Rev. William to Winifred B. Hill, Apr. 11, Scotland Neck. R.R. Apr. 23, 1833. Parish, Jane to John A. Brinkley, Dec. 5, Granville County. R.R. Jan. 15, 1833. Parks, James to Maria Clark, Mar. 7, Hillsborough. R.R. Mar. 19, 1833. Parrish, Wm. E.L. to Sarah Cofield of Bertie County, Feb., Cumberland County. R.R. Mar. 5, 1833. Partee, Mary to Robt. Hule of Salisbury, Sept. 26, Rowan County. R.R. Oct. 15, 1833. Patterson, Isabella M to Malcolm Blue, Oct., Moore County. R.R. Nov. 5, 1833. Peacock, Calvin to Elizabeth Meredith, Jan. 3, Montgomery County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1833. Peden, William N. to Eliza S. Howard, Oct. 30, New Hanover County. R.R. Noc. 19, 1833. Perry, Miss to James D. Newsom of Wake County, Mar., Franklin County. R.R. Mar. 19, 1833. Perry, Penelope to Matthew Hughes, Nov., Bertie County. R.R. Dec. 3, 1833. Potter, Olivia to John M. Stedman, Nov. 7, Fayetteville. R.R. Nov. 19, 1833. Powell, Mrs. Clara W. to F.A. Lumsden of raleigh, Apr., Wilmington. R.R. Apr. 23, 1833. Pucket, Eli to Ann W. Swain, Apr., Iredell County. R.R. Apr. 22, 1833. Purcell, Malcolm to Clarky Sophia Drake, Feb., Robeson County. R.R. Mar. 5, 1833. Ramsour, Jacob of Lincolnton to Lucy M. Dodson, Oct. 3, Milton. R.R. Oct. 15, 1833. Randle, Thomas to Miss Kendell,, Jan. 3, Montgomery County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1833. Reed, James V. to Mary Caroline Jacobs, Jly. 23, Perquimans County. R.R. Aug. 13, 1833. Reeves, Ann W. to Joshua R. Gant, Sept., Orange County. R.R. Sept. 24, 1833. Reinhardt, Barbara to William A. Abernethy, Apr. 2, Lincoln County. R.R. Apr. 9, 1833. Rew, Robert to Merna Cherry, Dec. 27, Washington, Beaufort County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1833. Reynolds, Thomas to Alice Lynum, Dec., Raleigh. R.R. Dec. 31, 1831. Richards, Danford to Mary R. Hern, Feb. 3, Tarborough. R.R. Feb. 26, 1833. Richardson, Helen. P. of Bladen County to James Mahoney, Cheraw, S.C., Dec. 27, Fayetteville. R.R. Jan. 18, 1833. Riley, Hannah to Daniel Thompson, Feb. 14, Orange County. R.R. Mar. 19, 1833. Robards, Mary Ann to Thomas Miller of Burke County, Jan., Granville County. R.R. Jan. 18, 1833. Rowland, Rev. Henry A. of Fayetteville to Harriet Heyer, Sept., New York. R.R. Sept. 10, 1833. Ruffin, Ann to Paul C. Cameron, Dec. 20, Orange County. R.R. Jan. 4, 1833. Russell, Susan of Fayetteville to Rev. Jacky Bradley, Mar. 7, Robeson County. R.R. Mar. 26, 1833. Ryan, David to Hannah S. Garland, Jly., Bertie County. R.R. Jly. 30, 1833. Sanders, Elizabeth W. to James T. Leach, Jly. 21, Johnston County. R.R. Jly. 30, 1833. Saunders, Rev. Joseph to Laura Baker, Mar. 25, Martin County. R.R. My. 21, 1833. Saunders, Milton H. to Nancy Lavinia Linsay, Jly. 30, Guilford County. R.R. Aug. 20, 1833. Sewell, Henrietta of Fayetteville to Col. James H. Smith of Palmyra, Halifax County. Nov. 6, Fayetteville. R.R. Nov. 19, 1833. Sherrill, Adam of Lincoln County to Ann Thompson, Apr., Iredell County. R.R. Apr. 23, 1833. Shultz, Ann Susanna to William Hauser, Dec. 26, Salem. R.R. Jan.18, 1833. Shultz, Rev. Henry A. to Rebecca Bagge, Apr. 16, Salem. R.R. Apr. 30, 1833. Slaughter, Lewis G. of Salisbury to Lucinda Dinkins, My. 20, Meckleburg County. R.R. Jly. 9, 1833. Slocum, John C. of Wayne County to Rachel Rebecca Wright., Feb. 28, Duplin County. R.R. Mar. 12, 1833. Smith, Catharine Ann to John M'Rae, Nov. 7, Cumberland County. R.R. Nov. 19, 1833. Smith, Henry G. of Lenoir County to Caroline E. Hatch, Jan. 21, Fayette County, Tenn. R.R. Apr. 9, 1833. Smith, Col. James H. of Palmyra, Halifax County to Henrietta Sewell of Fayetteville, Nov. 6, Fayetteville. R.R. Nov. 19, 1933. Smith, Joseph H. of Rockingham County to Susan Swaim, Feb. 7, Guilford County. R.R. Mar. 5, 1833. Smith, Margaret M. to John L. Hayes, Nov. 7, Charlotte. R.R. Dec. 3, 1833. Smith, Richard H. of Scotland Neck to Sarah Hall, Dec. 4, Warrenton. R.R. Dec. 17, 1833. Spencer, Eliza to David C. Lilly of Montgomery County, Jly., Anson County. R,.R. Jly. 23, 1833. Stedman, Dr. Elisha B. of Pittsborough to Julian St. Clair Chipley, Apr., Kentucky. R.R. Apr. 16, 1833. Stedman, John M. to Olivia Potter, Nov. 7, Fayetteville. R.R. Nov. 19, 1833. Stringfield, P.R. to Susan J. Jones, Sept., New Hanover County. R.R. Sept. 24, 1833. Sugg, John to Rebecca Love, My. 7, Wake County. R.R. My. 14, 1833. Sugg, Dr. Osborne to Jane Love, Je., 4, Wake County. R.R. Je. 11, 1833. Swain, Ann W. to Eli Pucket, Apr., Iredell County. R.R. Apr. 23, 1833. Swain, Ann W. to Eli Pucket, Apr., Iredell County. R.R. Apr. 23, 1833. Swain, Susan to Joseph H. Smith of Rockingham County, Feb. 7, Guilford County. R.R. Mar. 5, 1833. Taylor, Ann Eliza to William H. Foster of Louisburg, Jly., Franklin County. R.R. Jly. 30, 1833. Taylor, Evelina to Thomas Jones, Dec., Martin County. R.R. Jan. 4, 1833. Taylor, William W. to Louisa W, Deloach, Feb. 14, Raleigh. R.R. Feb. 22, 1833. Thompson, Ann to Adam Sherrill of Lincoln County. Arp., Iredell County. R.R. Apr. 23, 1833. Thompson, Daniel to Hannah Riley, Feb. 14, Orange County. R.R. Mar. 19, 1833. Thompson, Lewis to Margaret W. Clark, Jan. 22, Bertie County. R.R. Feb. 1, 1833. Thompson, Nancy to Wm. Chambers, Feb. Orange County. R.R. Mar. 19, 1833. Todd, Thomas L. of South Carolina to Edith Freeman of Robeson County, Apr. 4, Lumberton. R.R. My. 21, 1833. Toole, Mary Eliza to Dr. Josiah Lawrence of Tarboro, Feb. 20, Greenville. R.R. Mar. 12, 1833. Torrence, Margaret to Benj. F. Young of Iredell County, Apr., Mecklenburg County. R.R. Apr. 30, 1833. Townsend, William G. of Cabarrus County to Sarah Baine, Oct. 31, Meckleburg County. R.R. Dec. 3, 1833. Treadwell, Dr. John H. to Laura S. Craig, Sept., Montgomery County. R.R. Oct. 1, 1833. Trolinger, Catharine to John R. Holt, Aug. 23, Orange County. R.R. Sept. 10, 1833. Tucker, Horace P. to Mary Ann Williams, Aug. 28, Raleigh. R.R. Sept. 3, 1833. Van, Cresy to Alfred Moore, Jan. 8, Greenville, Pitt County. R.R. Feb. 1, 1833. Vansycle, Mr. Newbern to Mrs. Anna Callender, Jan. 3 New Hanover County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1833. Vestal, Messer A. to Rhoda Mendenhall of Jamestown, Feb., Guilford County. R.R. Mar. 5, 1833. Waddell, Hugh Y. to Frances Campbell of Brunswick County, Apr. 23, Clarendon. R.R. Je. 4, 1833. Waddell, James of Wadesborough to Emily A. Martin, Sept. 26, Anson County. R.R. Oct. 15, 1833. Wall, Elizabeth to Wilson Deberry, Aug., Montgomery County. R.R. Aug. 20, 1833. Waples, Nathaniel to Maria E. Mumford, Apr. 23, Lumberton. R.R. My. 21, 1833. Watson, Jones to Jane Mitchell of Newbern, Sept. 10, Chapel Hill. R.R. Sept. 24, 1833. Whealington, Elijah of Alabama to Fanny Mask of Richmond County, Apr. 21, Richmond County. R.R. My. 7, 1833. White, Andrew B. of Pennsylvania to Frances H. Clark of Scotland Neck, Apr. 11, Scotland Neck. R.R. Apr. 30, 1833. Whitted, William Nash to Emeline M'Coy of Bladen County, Sept. 7, Hillsborough. R.R. Sept. 24, 1833. Wiatt, Mary Ellen to William Foster of Louisburg, Aug. 29, Raleigh. R.R. Sept. 3, 1833. Wiggins, Thomas R. to Mary Arrington, Apr. 11, Nash County. R.R. Apr. 30, 1833. Wilkings, Isabella to Dr. Thomas N. Cameron, Dec. Fayetteville, R.R. Dec. 24, 1833. Williams, Apphie S. to Major William F. Collins of Nash County, Dec. 18, Chatham County. R.R. Dec. 24, 1833. William, Benjamin of Chatham County to Mildred Hunter, Apr. 23, Wake County. R.R. Je. 4, 1833. Williams, John B. of Windsor to Margaret P. Dossey of Society Hill, S.C., Oct. 15. R.R. Nov. 12, 1833. Williams, Mary Ann to Horace P. Tucker, Aug. 28, Raleigh. R.R. Sept. 3, 1833. Williams, Richard C. of Dresden to Attelia Goodloe of the State, Dec. 31, Fayette County, Tenn. R.R. Mar. 12, 1833. Winburn, Geo. to Elizabeth Lumpkin, Dec. 7, Granville County. R.R. Feb. 18, 1833. Winslow, John of Fayetteville to Malvina Donaldson, Oct. 2, Wake County. R.R. Oct. 15, 1833. Womack, Eliza to Alexander A. Murphy, Apr. 16, Haywood County. R.R. Apr. 30, 1833. Worley, Sarah L.J. to Capt. Richard P. Freeman, Sept., Bertie County. R.R. Sept. 24, 1833. Wright, Ann to Thomas L. Lea, Apr. 18, Caswell County. R.R. My. 7, 1833. Wright, Rachel Rebecca to John C. Slocum of Wayne County, Feb. 28, Duplin County. R.R. Mar. 12, 1833. Yeargin, Sarah to William Martin of Granville County, Feb. 5m Wake County. R.R. Feb. 15, 1833. Young, Benj. F. of Iredell County to Margaret Torrence, Apr., Mecklenburg County. R.R. Apr. 30, 1833. |