North Carolina Marriage Records 1830Transcribed by Glenn Fields, Jackie Purdy, & Carol Robinson Adderton, Wm. To Amanda Hatch, Sept., Lexington. R.R. Sept. 1830 Alford, Susan to J. H. Hoffman, Dec. 5, Raleigh. R.R. Dec. 9, 1830 Allen, Evelina to Jesse Johnston, Feb. 25, Halifax county. R.R. Apr. 8, 1830 Allen, Jane to William J. Campbell, Mar. 18, Wilmington. R.R. Apr. 1, 1830 Allen, Dr. John to Martha A. Whitted, Dec., Orange county. R.R. Dec. 9, 1830 Allen, Col, Walter P. of Kinston to Mrs. S. Foy, My., Trenton, Jones county. R.R. My. 27, 1830 Allison, Frances C. to Rev. Wm. G.H. Jones of Fayetteville, Apr., Petersburg. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830 Allison, Robert G. of Iredell county to Harriet W. Chalmers, My. 30, Chapel Hill. R.R. My. 27, 1830 Amis, Martha to Thomas Cheatham, Oxford. R.R. Nov. 11, 1830 Anderson, Phoebe to Eaton Pullen, Dec., Halifax. R.R. Dec. 9, 1830 Andrews, Otis of Beaufort county to Elizabeth Wheathly of Martin county, Feb. 11, Martin county. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830 Armistead, Susan M. to Augustus Moore, Apr. 29, Edenton. R.R. My. 13, 1830 Ashe, Elizabeth to Owen Holmes, Jan. 6, Wilmington. R.R. Jan. 21, 1830 Austin, Martha of Tarborough to Rev. P. W. Dowd of Raleigh, Nov. R.R. Nov. 4, 1830 Ayer, Gen. Henry W. to Sarah C. Salmon, Aug., Fayetteville. R.R. Sept. 2, 1830 Bagley, Wm. Of Perquimans county to Mary Newborn, My., Chowan county. R.R. My. 20, 1830 Baldwin, Nathan to Melinda Hinshaw, Feb. 21, Guilford county. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830 Banks, Thaddeus to Sarah Gregory, Sept., Pasquotank county. R.R. Oct. 7, 1830 Banner, Martin to Mary Ogburn, Dec. 31, Stokes county. R.R. Feb. 4, 1830 Barr, Jane Caroline to Col. John F. McCorkle, Nov., Rowan county. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830 Barringer, Paul to Lovina Miller, Feb. 4, Rowan county. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830 Barry, Richard to Miss Burns, Je. 15, Lincoln county. R.R. Jly. 15, 1830 Battle, Amos. J. to Margaret H. Parker, Jan. 7, Edgecombe county. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830 Baxter, Ellen to John Hardin, Jan. 17, Rowan county. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830 Beam, Louisa to Abraham Irvine, Apr. Rutherford county. R.R. Apr. 15, 1830 Bedell, David H. of Burke county to Marina Wallace, Feb.18, Iredell county. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830 Bell, Emily to Thomas Cherry, Mar. 4, Tarborough. R.R. Mar. 25, 1830 Bell, Mr. of Halifax, Va. To Martha Hughs, Feb. 17, Person county. R.R. Mar. 23, 1830 Benford, John A. to Priscilla West., Dec. Halifax. R.R. Dec. 9, 1830 Benson, Beauford to Julia Ann Blanchard, Apr. 8, Orange county. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830 Berry, Dr. William A. to Ann Eliza Usher, Feb. 25, Wilmington. R.R. Apr. 8, 1830 Bickering, William to Emma R. Peed, Nov., Washington, Beaufort county. R.R. Nov. 18, 1830 Bidwell, Cyrus W. of Fayetteville to Harriet Gauze of Bladen county, My. 20, Bladen county. R.R. Je. 3, 1830 Biggs, Joseph to Elizabeth David, Jly. 29, Robeson county. R.R. Aug. 12, 1830 Blackwood, John to Polly M’Cauly, Apr. 13, Orange county. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830 Blackwood, Margaret M. to John McCauley, Mar. 15, Orange county. R.R. Apr. 15, 1830 Blanchard, Julia Ann to Beauford Benson, Apr. 8, Orange County. R R. Apr. 29, 1830. Blunt, Thomas D. to Mary R. Blunt of Southampton, Va. Jly. 21, Granville County. R.R. Aug. 19, 1830. Bond, Eliza L. of Raleigh to Collins M. Clarke of Scotland Neck, Sept. 19, Kinston, Lenoir County. R.R. Oct. 28, 1830. Bonner, Evan to Sophia D. Byhan, Je. 10, Salem. R.R. Je. 31, 1830. Borden, Mary W. of Carteret County to Isreal Sheldon of Hyde County, Feb. 25, Beaufort. R.R. Apr. 8, 1830. Borden, Thomas R. of Beaufort to Miss A. Jones, Je. 28. R.R. Jly. 8, 1830. Bost, Catharine to Charles Ludney, Sept., Cabarrus County. R.R. Sept. 9, 1830. Bost, William to Elizabeth Lance, Apr., Cabarrus County. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830. Bouchelle, J.E. Mary E. Patton, Nov. Burke County. R.R. Nov. 4, 1830. Boyd, Matilda S. to Joshus Davis, Aug. 12, Warren County. R.R. Aug. 26, 1830. Boylan, William of Raleigh to Jane Elliott, Nov., Cumberland County. R.R. Nov. 18, 1830. Branson, Sarah to Stephen Ward of Orange County, Feb. 25, Chatham County. R.R. Mar. 18, 1830. Braxton, Hiram to rachel Whitehead, Feb. 28, Chatham County. R.R. Mar. 18, 1830. Brewster, Jacob H. to Ann Eliza Eagles, Mar. 16, Hanover County. R.R. Apr. 1, 1830. Brobson, Rev. Mr. to Hannah A. Cromartie, Je., Bladen County. R.R. Je. 10, 1830. Brown, Edwin to Louisa Stansell, Mar., Pitt County. R.R. Mar. 23, 1830. Brown, Mary of Washington, D.C. to John H. Wheeler of Hertford County, Apr. 19, Washington, D.C. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830. Brown, William to Mary Vasseur, Sept., Halifax County. R.R. Sept. 23, 1830. Bryan, John S. of Plymouth to Lucy D. Haywood, Feb. 21, Raleigh. R.R. Feb. 25, 1830. Buffaloe, bryant. A. of Wake County to Adeline A. Cherry, Oct. 1, Martin County. R.R. Oct. 14, 1830. Bunting, Minerva to Joseph Gibson, Feb. 2, Randolph County. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830. Burnet, John W. of Columbus, S.C. to Mary E. Willis, Apr. Newbern. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830. Burns, Miss to Richard Berry, Je. 15, Lincoln County. R.R. Jly. 15, 1830. Byham, Sophia D. to Evan Bonner, Je. 10, Salem. R.R. Je. 21, 1830. Campbell, Elizabeth to John C. Smith of Johnston County. Jan., Cumberland County. R.R. Jan. 21, 1830. Campbell, William J. to Jane Allen, Mar. 18, Wilmington. R.R. Apr. 1, 1830. Caphart, F.M. to Martin Cowper, Nov. Murfreesboro. R.R. Nov. 11, 1830. Carlisle, Eliza Ann to Daniel Lovett, Feb. 14, Lenoir County. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830. Carpenter, Peter to Sarah Setzer, Je. Lincoln County. R.R. Je. 10. 1830. Carpenter, Susan to George F. Smith of Montgomery County, Je. 24, Anson County. R.R. Jly. 15, 1830. Carson, Isabelle C. to John Lattimore, Je. 8, Rutherford County. R.R. Jly. 31, 1830. Casey, Frederick to Margaret Sawyer, Jan., Elizabeth City. R.r. Jan. 31, 1830. Chalmers, Dr. Chas. of Chapel Hill to Mary Williams M'Bryde of Moore County, Je., Moore County. R.R. Je. 10, 1830. Chalmers, Harriet W. to Robert G. Allison, My. 20, Chapel Hill. R.R. My. 27, 1830. Chalmers, Eleanor to Samuel Taylor, Feb. 4, Rowan County. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830. Chambers, Maxwell to Catharine Troy, Jan., Salisbury. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830. Chandler, Joel to Eliza Walker, Mar., Person County. R.R. Mar. 23, 1830. Cheatham, Thomas to Martha Amis, Nov., Oxford. R.R. Nov. 11, 1830. Cherry, Adeline A. to Bryant A. Buffaloe of Wake County, Oct. 1, Martin County. R.R. Oct. 14, 1830. Cherry, Thomas to Emily Bell, Mar. 4, Tarborough. R.R. Mar. 25, 1830. Chisholm, Mary of Lawrenceville to Ralph Gorrell of Greensboro, Nov. R.R. Dec. 2, 1830. Clark, Benj. B. to Mary Ann Morehead, Dec. 14, Rutherford County. R.R. Feb. 4, 1830. Clarke, Collins M. of Scotland Neck to Eliza L. Bond of Raleigh, Sept. 19, Kinston, Lenoir County. R.R. Oct. 28, 1830. Commander, Mrs. Parthenia to Dr. James H. Williams, Je., Pasquotank County. R.R. Jly. 31, 1830. Cook, J.G. to Annabella Murchison of Fayetteville, Feb. 18, Cumberland County. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830. Cook, Martha A, to George W. Gary, Nov., Halifax County. R.R. Nov. 11, 1830. Cotner, Aaron to Charity Wells, Mar., Orange County. R.R. Mar. 18, 1830. Cowper, Martha to F.M. Capehart, Nov. Murfreesboro. R.T. Nov. 11, 1830. Cox, Presley T. of Giles County, Tenn. to Berthunia P. Smith, Nov. 24, Chatham County. R.R. Dec. 9, 1830. Cox, Thomas to Mary Moffett, Sept., Randolph County. R.R. Oct. 7, 1830. Coxe, Dr. D. Theodore of Philadelphia to Mary Halliday of Fayetteville, Mar. 11, Fayetteville. R.R. Mar. 18, 1830. Cromartie, Hannah A. to Rev. Mr. Brobeon, Je., Bladen County. R.R. Je. 10, 1830. Cruthers, Emeline to Christopher Neal of Craven County, Nov., Beaufort County. R.R. Nov. 18, 1830. Culpepper, Margaret to John M. King, Je., Elizabeth City. R.R. Jly. 31, 1830. Currie, Sally to Aaron V. Lee, Aug. 19, Caswell County. R.R. Sept. 2, 1830. Daniel, James to Jane Stuart, Aug. 19, Caswell County. R.R. Sept. 2, 1830. Dashiell, Margaret to Jos. B. Hinton of Beaufort County. Feb. 16, Raleigh. R.R. Feb. 18, 1830. Daves, John F. to Elizabeth B. Graham, Jan., Newbern. R.R. Jan. 21, 1830. Davis, Joshua to Matilda S. Boyd. Aug. 12, Warren County. R.R. Aug. 26, 1830. Deverux, Frances A. to Rev. Leonidas Polk, My. 6, Raleigh. R.R. My. 13, 1830. Dews, Eliza to William Roberson, Nov., Lincolnton. R.R. Nov. 4, 1820. Dews, Martha to Rev. Stephen Frontis of Iredell County., Feb. 2, Lincolnton. R.R. Feb. 25, 1830. Dickson, Mary Ann to Anderson Ferrill, Jan. 14, Orange County. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830. Dobson, Martha J. to Charles E. Rothe, Je. Davidson County. R.R. Je. 21, 1830. Dockery, Dr. Henry to Ann M'Kay of Cheraw, S.C. Nov. Greenville, Pitt County. R.R. Nov. 18, 1830. Dowd, Rev. P.W. of Raleigh to Martha Austin of Tarborough, Nov. R.R. Nov. 4, 1830. Dry, Abraham to Polly Harkey, Apr., Cabarrus County. R.R. Apr. 15, 1830. Duke, Wm. to S. Robards, Jan., Orange County. R.R. Jan. 21, 1830. Dunbiddin, Jane to Robert J. Potts, Jan. 7, Wilmington. R.R. Jan. 21, 1830 Dunval, William B. of Newbern to Eliza Murphy, Jan. Jones County. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830. Eagles, Ann Eliza to Jacob H. Brewster, Mar. 16, New Hanover County. R.R. Apr. 1, 1830. Eagles, Mrs. Caroline to Lieut. John H. Winder of U.S. Army, Nov. 10, Wilmingto. R.R. Dec. 2, 1830. Eaton, Nathaniel Macon of Warren County to Virginia Joanna Stith, Je. 22, Halifax. R.R. Je. 24, 1830. Elliott, Exum to Eliza Pool, Feb. 18, Perquimans County. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830. Elliott, Jane to William Boylan of Raleigh, Nov., Cumberland County. R.R. Nov. 18, 1830. Ellis, John S. to Fanny Moss, Oct. Granville County. R.R. Oct. 28, 1830. Ellison, Henry A. to Caroline S. Telfair, Jan. 6, Washington. R.R. Jan. 21, 1830. Ellyson, Zachariah to Mrs. Ceney Foster, Nov., Bertie County. R.R. Nov. 11, 1830. Emry, Isaac to Elizabeth White, Dec. 14, Rutherford County. R.R. Feb. 4, 1830. Eskridge, Rev. Vernon of Elizabeth City to Mary ann M'Lin, Aug. 23, Newbern. R.R. Sept. 2, 1830. Espy, Rev. Thomas of Iredell County to Mary Louisa Tate of Burke County. Apr. 21, R.R. My., 13, 1830. Evans, Mary Ann to Dr. Samuel L. Southerland of Warrenton, Jan. 7, Edgecombe County. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830. Falkner, Robert to Miss E.B. Wood, Dec. Person County. R.R. Dec. 9, 1830. Fearing, Oliver to Sarah Ann Williams, Mar., Elizabeth City. R.R. Mar. 18, 1830. Ferrill, Anderson to Mary Ann Dickson, Jan. 14, Orange County. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830. Fisher, William to Miss M'Lure, Nov., Cabarrus County. R.R. Nov. 11, 1830. Fort, Wm. of Wake Cpunty to Mrs. Elizabeth Whitfield of Johnson County, Dec. 20. R.R. Jan. 7, 1830. Foster, Mrs. Ceney to Zachariah Ellyson, Nov., Bertie County. R.R. Nov. 11, 1830. Foy, Mrs. S. to Col. Walter P. Allen of Kinston, My., Trenton, Jones County. R.R. My. 27, 1830. Freeze, Lydia to daniel Seaford, Sept., Rowan County. R.R. Sept. 9, 1830. Freeze, Milly to Michael P. Shuping, Sept., Rowan County. R.R. Sept. 9, 1830. Frontis, Rev. Stephen of Iredell County to Martha Dews, Feb. 2, Lincolnton. R.R. Feb. 25, 1830. Fuller, John to Rebecca Mann, Jan. 26, Granville County. R.R. Feb. 4, 1830. Gary, George W. to Martha A. Cook, Nov., Halifax County. R.R. Nov. 11, 1830. Gauze, Harriet of Bladen County to Cyrus W. Bidwell of fayetteville. My. 20, Bladen County. R.R. Je. 3, 1830. Gibson, Joseph to Minerva Bunting, Feb. 2, Randolph County. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830. Gibson, Margaret to Mathew B. Locke, Mar. 4, Rowan County. R.R. Mar. 18, 1830. Gillespie, margaret to Julian J. Reeves, Sept., Rowan County. R.R. Sept. 9, 1830. Gilmer, Dr. James F. of Mecklenburg County to Sarah Harris, Apr., Cabarrus County. R.R. Apr. 15, 1830. Glenn, Eliza A. of York District, S.C. to Whiten Stowe of Lincoln County, Mar. 8, R.R. My. 13, 1830. Gooden, Joseph to Elmina Graham, My. 13, Rutherford County. R.R. Je. 3, 1830. Gorrell, Ralph of Greensboro to Mary Chisholm of Lawrenceville, Nov. R.R. Dec. 2, 1830. Graham, Archibald of Fayetteville to Ann M'Lean, Je., Cumberland County. R.R. Je. 10, 1830. Graham, Elizabeth B. to John F. Daves, Jan., Newbern. R.R. Jan. 21, 1830. Graham, Elmina to Joseph Gooden, May. 13, Rutherford County. R.R. Je. 3, 1830. Gray, Mrs. Nancy to John Sowel, Dec., Moore County. R.R. Dec. 9, 1830. Gregory, Rev. George N. of Washington to Jane w. Tyler, Aug. 24, Washingto. R.R. Sept. 2, 1830. Gregory, Sarah to Thaddeus Banks, Sept., Pasquotank County. R.R. Oct., 7, 1830. Grimmer, Thomas to Nancy Whithead, Aug. 19, Scotland Neck. R.R. Aug. 26, 1830. Guffle, Rufus to Martha Ann Walton of Wake County, Sept. 29, Raleigh. R.R. Sept. 30, 1830. Hall, Rob't to Martha Walker, Mar. 15, Orange County. R.R. Apr. 15, 1830. Halliday, Margaret to John W. Sanford, Jly. 7, Fayetteville. R.R. Jly. 8, 1830. Halliday, Mary of Fayetteville to Dr. D. Theodore Coxe of Philadelphia. Mar. 11, Fayetteville. RR. Mar. 18, 1830. Hamilin, Eliza J. to Benj. W. Williamson of Tennessee, Jan. 5, Halifax County. R.R. Jan. 21, 1830. Hancock, Ann to Robert F. Pleasants, Jan., Hillsborough. R.R. Jan. 21, 1830. Hardin, John to Ella Baxter, Jan. 17, Rowan County. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830. Hardy, Harriet of Bertie County to Richard Wilder of Chowan County, Feb. 4, Bertie County. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830. Harky, Elizabeth to John Utly, Nov. Cabarrus County. R.R. Nov. 11, 1830. Harkey, Polly to Abraham Dry, Apr., Cabarrus County. R.R. Apr. 15, 1830. Harrell, David to Mary D. Harrell, Aug. 15, Gates County. R.R. Oct. 7, 1830. Harrell, Freeze to John H. Jones of Chowan County, Jly. 22, Bertie County. R.R. Aug. 19, 1830. Harrell, Jesse to Tabitha Swanner, Dec., Martin County. R.R. Dec. 9, 1830. Harrell, Mary D. to David Harrell, Aug. 15, Gates County. R.R. Oct. 7, 1830. Harris, Miss to William Piper, Mar. 15, Orange County. R.R. Apr. 15, 1830. Harris, Sarah to Dr. James F. Gilmer of Mecklenburg County, Apr., Cabarrus County. R.R. Apr. 15, 1830. Harrison, Rebecca to Southern Higgs, Jan. 12, Granvulle County. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830. Hart, Frances A. of Edgecombe County to James J. Hinton of Johnson County, Je. 17. R.R. Je. 31, 1830. Hartman, Eliza to Capt. David Linn, Je. 24, Rowan County. R.R. Jly. 15, 1830. Hatch, Amana to Wm. Adderton, Sept., Lexington. R.R. Sept. 9, 1830. Hatch, Elizabeth to Dr. William Holland of Trenton, Jan., Lenoir County. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830. Hatch, Hope, to Thomas W.C. Wingate, Jan., Jones County. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830. Haywood, Lucy D. to John B. Bryan of Plymouth, Feb. 21, Raleigh. R.R. Feb. 25, 1830. Henderson, William of Cabarrus County to Sarah C. Wilkinson, Apr., Salisbury. R.R. Apr. 15, 1830. Henley, Mary Ann to Andrew Hunt, Feb. 17, Guilford County. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830. Henly, Lucreita to Henry Hill, Mar. 5, Randolph County. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830. Hester, John to Anne Lydia Reich, Je. 3, Salem. R.R. Jly. 31, 1830. Hicks, George N. of Granville County to Mary Judge, Nov., Halifax County. R.R. Nov. 11, 1830. Hicks, Lethe to D.P. Paschall, Oct., Granville County. R.R. Oct. 28, 1830. Higgs, Southern to Rebecca Harrison, Jan. 12, Granville County. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830. Hill, Dicey W. to Benjamin Patrick, Apr. Beaufort County. R.R. Apr. 15, 1830. Hill, Mrs. Eliza K. to Peter Messurier. Dec 7, Raleigh. R.R. Dec. 9, 1830. Hill, Henry to Lucretia Henly, Mar. 5, Randolph County. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830. Hill, John H. to Mary Ann B. Holmes, My. 9, Wilmington. R.R. My. 27, 1830. Hill, Dr. William G. of Pittsborough to Adeline Hunter, My. 18, Raleigh. R.R. My. 20, 1830. Hinshaw, Melinda to Nsthsn Baldwin, Feb,. 21, Guilford County. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830. Hinton, James J. of Johnston County to Frances A. Hart of Edgecombe County, Je. 17. R.R. Je. 31, 1830. Hinton, Jos. B. of Beaufort County to Margaret Dashiel, Feb. 16, Raleigh. R.R. Feb. 18, 1830. Hoffman, J.H. to Susan Alford, Dec. 5, Raleigh. R.R. Dec. 9, 1830. Hogg, Lydia to William R.D. Lindsley, Oct. 27, Hillsborough. R.R. Nov. 11, 1830. Holland, Arnold to Pamelia Reid, My. Iredell County. R.R. My. 13, 1830. Holland, Dr. William of Trenton to Elizabeth Hatch, Jan., Lenoir County. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830. Holloway, Frances to Wm. King, Feb. 17, Person County. R.R. Mar. 23, 1930. Holmes, Mary Ann B. to Dr. John H. Hill, My. 9, Wilmington. R.R. My. 27, 1830. Holmes, Owen to Elizabeth H. Ashe, Jan. 6, Wilmington. R.R. Jan. 21, 1830. Holshouser, Alexander to Sally Miller, Apr., Cabarrus County. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830. Hooks, Eliza to Thos. Wright, Jr. Jan. 26, Duplin County. R.R. Feb. 4, 1830. Hooks, Samuel D. to Sarah Eliza Wright, Jan. 28, Duplin County. R.R. Feb. 4, 1830. Hooper, Frances G. to Wm. Weatherford, Feb. 4, Caswell County. R.R. Feb. 25, 1830. Howard, Dorcas W. to Thomas W. Patrick, Apr., Washington, Beaufort County. R.R. Apr. 15, 1830. Howard, Joseph to Mary Parham, Jan. 28, Granville County. R.R. Feb. 4, 1830. Hoyl, Eli of Hoylesville to Cynthia S. Ramsour, Jan. 14, Lincolnton. R.R. Feb. 4, 1830. Hubbard, Augustus to Frances Reader, Jan. 6, Raleigh. R.R. Jan. 14, 1830. Hughs, Catharine to Ro. Yancey, Feb. 17, Person County. R.R. Mar. 23, 1830. Hughs, Martha to Mr. Bell of Halifax, Va. Feb. 17, Person County. R.R. Mar. 23, 1830. Hunt, Andrew to Mary Ann Henley, Feb. 17, Guilford County. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830. Hunter, Adeline to Dr. William G. Hill, My. 18, Raleigh. R.R. My. 20, 1830. Hunter, Marina C. to John C. Savage, Je. Wilmington. R.R. Je. 10, 1830. Husted, Hiram W. of Johnston County to Hariet A. Slocum, Jan. 3, Wayne County. R.R. Jan. 14, 1830. Irvine, Abraham to Louisa Beam, Apr., Rutherford County. R.R. Apr. 15, 1830. Jeffers, Nancy, L. of Warren County to Chas D. Savage of Cumberland County, Feb. 17, Warren County. R.R. Apr. 1, 1830. Johnson, Mary to Capt. samuel Lowrie, Feb. 11, Mechleburg County. R.R. Apr. 8, 1830. Johnston, Henry to Emily Norfleet, Jan. 7, Edgecombe County. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830. Johnston, Jesse to Evalina Allen, Feb, 25, Halifax County. R.R. Apr. 8, 1830. Johnston, Miss, R.M.W to Archibald Smith of Raleigh, Aug., Augusta, Ga. R.R. Sept. 9, 1830. Jones, Miss A. to Thomas R. Borden of Beaufort, Je. 28. R.R. July. 8, 1830. Jones, Charlotte to Nelson Taylor of Martin County, Mar. 8, Scotland Neck. R.R. Mar. 25, 1830. Jones, John H. of Chowan County to Freeza Harrell, July. 22, Bertie County. R.R. Aug. 19, 1830. Jones, Rev. Wm. G.H. of Fayetteville to Frances C. Allison, Apr., Petersburg. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830. Judge, Mary to George N. Hicks of Granville County, Nov., Halifax County. R.R. Nov. 11, 1830. Kearney, Matilda to John B. Somervell, My. 19, Warren County. R.R. Je. 3, 1830. Keaton, Sarah to Lewis Kornegay, Apr., Duplin County. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830. Kellum, James to Charity M'Michael. Jan. 28, Guilford County. R.R. Feb. 4, 1830. Kelly, John to Mrs. James Thornton, Aug. Elizabeth City. R.R. Aug. 19, 1830. Kesler, Samuel to Tabitha Miller, Sept., Iredell County. R.R. Sept. 9, 1830. King, John M. to Margaret Culpepper, Je., Elizabeth City. R.R. Jly. 31, 1830. King, Wm. to Frances Holloway, Feb. 17, Person County. R.R. Mar. 23, 1830. Knox, John to Elizabeth M'Rum, Apr. Mecklenburg County. R.R. Apr. 15, 1830. Knox, Margaret to William B. Wood, Apr. 1, Rowan County. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830. Kornegay, Lewis to Sarah Keaton, Apr., Duplin County. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830. Lance, Elizabeth to William Bost, Apr., Cabarrus County. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830. Land, Benjamin to Ann W. Wilson, Apr., Currituck County. R.R. Apr. 22, 1830. Lassiter, Mrs. Elizabeth to Rev. W. Reed of Perquimans County. Jly. 27, Gates County. R.R. Aug. 19, 1830. Lattimore, John to Isabella C. Carson, Je. 8, Rutherford County. R.R. Jly. 31, 1830. Les, Aaron V. to Sally Currie, Aug. 19, Caswell County. R.R. Sept. 2, 1830. Lees, David of Mecklenburg County to Nancy Wethers of York District, S.C. Mar. 8. R.R. My. 13, 1830. Lewis, John of gates County to Margaret A. Reid of Newbern. My., Somerton, Virginia. R.R. My. 27, 1830. Lindsay, Harper to Martha Strange of Virginia, Nov., Greensborough. R.R. Nov. 18, 1830. Linsay, Mary to James T. Moorehead of Rockingham County, My. 13, Greensborough. R.R. My. 27, 1830. Lindsley, William R.D. Lydia Hogg. Oct. 27, Hillsborough. R.R. Nov. 11, 1830. Linn, Capt. David to Eliza Hartmen, Je. 24, Rowan County. R.R. Jly. 15, 1830. Locke, Mathew B. to Margaret Gibson, Mar. 4, Rowan County. R.R. Mar. 18, 1830. Long, Wm. L. to Mary Morrison, Dec. 29, Rutherford County. R.R. Feb. 4, 1830. Loomis, Dr. Harris to Julia Mitchell, Apr., Newbern. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830. Lovett, Daniel to Eliza Ann Carlisle, feb. 14, Lenoir County. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830. Lowrie, Capt. Samuel to Mary Johnson, Feb. 11, Mecklenburg County. R.R. Apr. 8, 1830. Lowry, Benjamin to Ann Shaw, Je. 10, Pasquotank County. R.R. Jly. 31, 1830. Ludney, Charles to Catharine Bost, Sept. Cabarrus County. R.R. Sept. 9, 1830. M'Bryde, Mary Williams of Moore County to Dr. Chas Chalmers of Chapel Hill, Je., Moore County. R.R. Je. 10, 1830. M'Cauley, John to Margaret Blackwell, Mar. 16, Orange County. R.R. Apr. 15, 1830. M'Cauley, Polly to John Blackwood, Apr. 13, Orange County. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830. M'Colmon, Janet to Col. Thorogood Pate, Sept., Cumberland County. R.R. Oct. 7, 1830. M'Corkle, Col. John F. to Jane Caroline Barr, Nov. Rowan County. R.R. Nov. 11, 1830. M'Cullers, John of Johnston County to Jane Whitaker, Nov. 11, Wake County. R.R. Nov. 18, 1830. M'Gehee, Amanda S. to William Terry of Danville, Va., Sept. 14. R.R. Sept. 23, 1830. M'Graw, Calvin to Lovina Wagner, Apr., Cabarrus County. R.R. Apr. 15, 1830. M'Kay, Ann of Cheraw, S.C. to Dr. Henry Dockery, Nov., Greenville, Pitt County. R.R. Nov. 18, 1830 M'Lean, Ann to Archibald Graham of Fayetteville, Je., Cumberland County. R.R. Je. 10, 1830 M'Lin, Mary Ann to Rev. Vernon Eskeridge of Elizabeth City, Aug. 23, Newbern. R.R. Sept. 2, 1830. M'Lure, Miss to William Fisher, Nov., Cabarrus County. R.R. Nov. 11, 1830. M'Michael, Charity to James Kellum, Jan. 28, Guilford County. R.R. Feb. 4, 1830. M'Rae, Duncan G. to Ann B. Wingate, Mar 11, Wilmington. R.R. Mar. 18, 1830. M'Rum, Elizabeth to John Knox, Apr., Mecklenburg County. R.R. Apr. 15, 1830. Mann, Rebecca to John Fuller, Jan. 26, Granville County. R.R. Feb. 4, 1830. Marley, Jesse of Randolph County to Laura Mathews, Jan., Chatham County. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830. Marlin, Margaret to James Tomason, Je. 10, Rowan County. R.R. Je. 31, 1830. Martin, Mary Elizabeth to John S. Wood of Windsor, Jly., Hertford, Perquimans County. R.R. Jly. 15, 1830. Mason, Sarah to Abraham Nash, Sept., Iredell County. R.R. Sept. 9, 1830. Mathews, Laura to jesse Marley of Randolph County, Jan., Chatham County. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830. Mathias, Martha Ann to Jordan Simpson, My., Chowan County. R.R. My. 20, 1830. Mayhew, Fankey to James Rankin, Sept., Iredell County. R.R. Sept. 9, 1830. Messurer, Le Peter to Mrs. Eliza K. Hill, dec. 7, Raleigh. R.R. Dec. 9, 1830. Miller, Lovina to Paul Barringer, feb. 4, Rowan County. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830. Miller, Sally to Alexander Holshouser, Apr., Cabarrus County. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830. Miller, Tabitha, to samuel Kesler, Sept., iredell County. R.R. Sept. 9, 1830. Moss, Fanny to John S. Ellis, Oct. Granville County. R.R. Oct. 28, 1830 Mitchell, Elizabeth P. of Newbern to Isaac P. Partridge of Raleigh, Nov. 18, Newbern. R.R. Nov. 25, 1830. Mitchell, Julia to Dr. Harris Loomis, Apr., Newbern. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830. Moffett, Mary to Thomas Cox, Sept., Randolph County. R.R. Oct. 7, 1830. Moody, Capt. Nathaniel to Elizabeth J. Null, dec. 21, Stokes County. R.R. Feb. 4, 1830. Moore, Augustus to Susan M. Armistead, Apr. 29, Edenton. R.R. My. 13, 1830. Moore, Eliza to Joshua B. Oliver, New Hanover County, Apr., Jones County. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830. Morehead, James T. of Rockingham County to Mary Lindsay, My. 13, Greensborough. R.R. My. 27, 1830. Morehead, Mary Ann to Benj. B. Clark, Dec. 14, Rutherford County. R.R. Feb. 4, 1830. Morris, Emma to Jacob Sessoms of Halifax County. Jly. 8, Martin County. R.R. Sept. 2, 1830. Morrison, Mary to Mm. L. Long, Dec. 29, Rutherford County. R.R. Feb. 1830. Munn, John to Mary H. salmon, Nov., fayetteville. R.R. Nov. 18, 1830. Murchison, Anabella of Fayetteville to J.G. Cook, Feb. 18, Cumberland County. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830. Murphy, Eliza to William B. Duval of Newbern, Jan., Jones County. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830. Murphy, Thomas R. to Rachel P. Watson, Aug., of Fayetteville. R.R. Aug. 5, 1830. Nash, Abraham to Sarah Mason, Sept. Iredell County. R.R. Sept. 9, 1830. Neal, Christopher of Craven County to Emeline Cruthers, Nov., Beayfort County. R.R. Nov. 18, 1830. Neel, Samuel J. to Louisa Ross, My. 6, Mecklenburg County. R.R. My. 27, 1830. Nelson, Esther to Josephus Nelson, Feb. 24, Craven County. Apr. 8, 1830. Nelson, Josephus to Esther Nelson, Feb. 24, Craven County. R.R. Apr. 8, 1830. Newborn, Mary to Wm. Bagley of Perquimqns County. My., Chowan County. R.R. My. 20, 1830. Newby, Exum to Elizabeth Wilson, Apr. Pasquotank County. R.R. Apr. 22, 1830. Newby, Samuel to Martha Ann Perry, Feb. 7, Perquimans County. R.R. Mar. 11, 1830. Norfleet, Emily to Henry Johnston, Jan. 7, Edgecombe County. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830. Norwood, Jane B. to Samuel W. Tillinghast of Fayetteville, Jly. 26, Hillsboro. R.R. Aug. 12, 1830. Null, Elizabeth J. to Capt. Nathaniel Moody, Dec. 21, Stokes County. R.R. Feb. 4, 1830. Nuttall, Isabella G.A. to Wm. O. Patton, Sept. 23, Granville County. R.R. Nov. 11, 1830. Ogburn, Mary to Martin Banner, Dec. 31, Stokes County. R.R. Feb. 4, 1830. Oliver, John of Jones County to Mrs. Penelope Simmons, Jan., Lenoir County. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830. Oliver, Joshua B. of New Hanover County to Eliza Moore, Apr., Jones County. R.R. Apr. 29, 1830. Parham, mary to Joseph Howard, Jan. 28, granville County. R.R. Feb. 4, 1830. Parker, Margaret H. to Amos J. Battle, Jan. 7, Edgecombe County. R.R. Jan. 28, 1830. Parker, Dr. Richard M. to Emeline Riddick, Jan., Gates County. R.R. Jan. 31, 1830. Parker, Simon to Ann Smith, Apr. Halifax. R.R. Apr. 22, 1830. Parsons, Miss of Mansfield Nottinghamshire England to Rev. Benjamin Reichel of Salem, Apr. 12. R. R. Apr. 29, 1830. Partridge, Isaac P. of Raleigh to Elizabeth P. Mitchell of Newbern, Nov. 18, Newbern. R. R. Nov. 25, 1830. Paschall, D. P. to Lethe Hicks, Oct., Granville county. R. R. Oct. 28, 1830. Pate, Col. Thorogood of Richmond county to Janet M’Colmon, Sept., Cumberland county. R. R. Oct. 7, 1830. Patrick, Benjamin to Dicey W. Hill, Apr., Beaufort county. R. R. Apr. 15, 1830. Patrick, Thomas W. to Dorcas W. Horward, Apr., Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Apr. 15, 1830. Patton, Mary E. to J. E. Bouchelle, Nov., Burke county. R. R. Nov. 4, 1830. Patton, Wm. O. to Isabella G. A. Nuttall, Sept. 28, Granville county. R. R. Nov. 11, 1830. Pearson, Giles to Elizabeth Ellis, Mar. 11, Rowan county. R. R. Mar. 25, 1830. Peed, Emma R. to William Bickering, Nov., Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Nov. 18, 1830. Peeler, Henry to Sophia Trexler, Apr. 8, Rowan county. R. R. Apr. 29, 1830. Perry, Martha Ann to Samuel Newby, Feb. 17, Perquimans county. R. R. Mar. 11, 1830. Pike, Mrs. Susannah to Frederick Shoffner, Feb. 28, Orange county. R. R. Mar. 18, 1830. Piper, William to Miss Harris, Mar. 15, Orange county. R. R. Apr. 15, 1830. Pider, Elizabeth to Christopher Reinhardt, Sept., Burke county. R. R. Apr. 9, 1830. Pleasants, Robert F. to Ann Hancock, Jan., Hillsborough. R. R. Jan. 21, 1830. Poisson, John D. to Julia Toomer, Mar. 16, New Hanover county. R. R. Apr. 1, 1830. Polk, Rev. Leonidas to Frances A. Devereaux, My. 6, Raleigh. R. R. My. 13, 1830. Pool, Eliza to Exum Elliott, Feb. 18, Perquimans county. R. R. Mar. 11, 1830. Potts, Robert J. to Jane Dunbibbin, Jan. 7, Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 21, 1830. Powell, Davis to Susan Powell, Aug. 17, Halifax county. R. R. Sept. 2, 1830. Powell, Martha to William Webb, Oct. 21, Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 11, 1830. Powell, Susan to Davis Powell, Aug. 17, Halifax county. R. R. Sept. 2, 1830. Pullen, Eaton to Phoebe Anderson, Dec., Halifax. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830. Puryear, Appling of Halifax county, Va. to Frances Wilkerson of Granville county. Mar. 4. R. R. Mar. 23, 1830. Ramsour, Cynthia S. to Eli Hoyle of Hoylesville, Jan. 14, Lincolnton. R. R. Feb. 4, 1830. Rankin, James to Frankey Mayhew, Sept., Iredell county. R. R. Sept. 9, 1830. Reed, Rev. W. of Perquimans county to Miss Elizabeth Lassiter, Jly. 27, Gates county. R. R. Aug. 19, 1830. Reader, Frances to Augustus Hubbard, Jan. 6, Raleigh. R. R. Jan. 14, 1830. Reeves, Julius J. to Margaret Gillespie, Sept., Rowan county. R. R. Sept. 9, 1830. Reich, Lydia Anne to John Hisler, Je. 3, Salem. R. R. Jly. 31, 1830. Reichel, Rev. Benjamin of Salem to Miss Parsons of Mansfield Nottinghamshire, England, Apr. 12. R. R. Apr. 29, 1830. Reid, Margaret A. of Newbern to John Lewis of Gates county, My., Somerton, Virginia. R. R. My. 27, 1830. Reid, Pamelia to Arnold Holland, My., Iredell county. R. R. My. 13, 1830. Reinhardt, Christopher to Elizabeth Pider, Sept., Burke county. R. R. Sept. 9, 1830. Riddick, Emeline to Dr. Richard M. Parker, Jan., Gates county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1830. Ridley, Thomas D. to Mary R. Blunt of Southampton, Va., Jly. 21. Granville county. R. R. Aug. 19, 1830. Robards, George of Orange county to Harriet Wells of Person county, Aug. 12. R. R. Sept. 2, 1830. Robards, S. to Wm. Duke, Jan., Orange county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1830. Robeson, William to Eliza Dews, Nov., Lincolnton. R. R. Nov. 4, 1830. Robinson, Mrs. Hannah to Malcom Shaw, Dec., Cumberland county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830. Robwell, Robert, Jr. to Eliza Milam, Feb. 10, Warren county. R. R. Mar. 11, 1830. Roseborough, Margaret to James J. Turner, Apr., Iredell county. R. R. Apr. 15, 1830. Ross, Louisa to Samuel J. Neil, My. 6, Mecklenburg county. R. R. My. 27, 1830. Rothe, Charles E. to Martha J. Dobson, Je., Davidson county. R. R. Je. 31, 1830. Salmon, Mary H. to John Munn, Nov., Fayetteville. R. R. Nov. 18, 1830. Salmon, Sarah C. to Gen. Henry W. Ayer, Aug., Fayetteville. R. R. Sept. 2, 1830. Sandford, John W. to Margaret Halliday, Jly. 7, Fayetteville. R. R. Jly. 8, 1830. Savage, Chas. D. of Cumberland county to Nancy L. Jeffers of Warren county, Feb. 17, Warren county. R. R. Apr. 1,1830. Savage, John C. to Marina C. Hunter, Je., Wilmington. R. R. Je. 10, 1830. Sawyer, Margaret to Frederick Sawyer, Jan., Elizabeth City. R. R. Jan. 21, 1830. Seaford, Daniel to Lydia Feeze, Sept., Rowan county. R. R. Sept. 9, 1830. Sefford, Catharine to Daniel Stirewalt, Oct., Rowan county. R. R. Oct. 14, 1830. Sessoms, Jacob of Halifax county to Emma Morriss, Jly. 8, Martin county. R. R. Sept. 2, 1830. Setzer, Sarah to Peter Carpenter, Je., Lincoln county. R. R. Je. 10, 1830. Sharborough, David to Mary Spaight of Gates county, Apr., Pasquotank county. R. R. Apr. 22, 1830. Shaw, Ann to Benjamin Lowry, Je. 10, Pasquotank county. R. R. Je. 31, 1830. Shaw, Malcom to Mrs. Hannah Robinson, Dec., Cumberland county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830. Sheldon, Israel of Hyde county to Mary W. Borden of Carteret county, Feb. 25, Beaufort. R. R. Apr. 8, 1830. Shepperd, Hon. Augustine H. from this State to Martha Turner of Washington, D. C., Feb. 25, Washington. R. R. Mar. 11, 1830. Sherly, Abgail (sic) of Norfolk to William Swaim, My., Greensborough. R. R. My. 13, 1830. Sherrod, Capt. Wm. R. W. to Mary Taylor, Dec. Martin county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830. Shoffner, Frederick to Mrs. Susannah Pike, Feb. 28, Orange county. R. R. Mar. 18, 1830. Shuping, Michael P. to Milly Feeeze, Sept., Rowan county. R. R. Sept. 9, 1830. Simmons, Mrs. Penelope to John Oliver of Jones county, Jan., Lenoir county. R. R. Jan. 28, 1830. Simpson, Jordan to Martha Ann Mathias, My., Chowan county. R. R. My. 20, 1830. Slade, Thos. of Martin county to Eliza R. Gordan of Norfolk, Oct. 28, Warren county. R. R. Nov. 11, 1830. Slocum, Harriet A. to Hiram W. Husted, Jan. 3, Wayne county. R. R. Jan. 14, 1830. Smith, Ann to Simon Parker, Apr. 6, Halifax county. R. R. Apr. 22, 1830. Smith, Archibald of Raleigh to Miss R. M. W. Johnston, Aug., Augusta, Ga. R. R. Sept. 9, 1830. Smith, Bethunia P. to Presley T. Cox of Giles county, Tenn. Nov. 24, Chatham county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830. Smith, George F. of Montgomery county to Susan Carpenter, Je. 24, Anson county. R. R. Jly. 15, 1830. Smith, John C. of Johnston county to Elizabeth Campbell, Jan., Cumberland county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1830. Smith, Meade A. to Elizabeth Williams, Nov., Oxford. R. R. Nov. 11, 1830. Somervell, John B. to Matilda Kearney, My. 19, Warren county. R. R. Je. 3, 1830. Southerland, Dr. Samuel L. of Warrenton to Mary Ann Evans, Jan. 7, Edgecombe county. R. R. Jan. 28, 1830. Sowel, John to Mrs. Nancy Gray, Dec., Moore county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830. Spaight, Mary of Gates county to David Sharborough, Apr., Pasquotank county. R. R. Apr. 22, 1830. Stansell, Louisa to Edwin Brown, Mar., Pitt county. R. R. Mar. 23, 1830. Stirewalt, Daniel to Catharine Sefford, Oct., Rowan county. R. R. Oct. 14, 1820. Stith, Virginia Joanna to Nathaniel Macon Eaton of Warren county, Je. 22, Halifax. R. R. Je. 24, 1830. Stowe, Whiten of Lincoln county to Eliza A. Glenn of York District, S. C., Mar. 8. R. R. My. 13, 1830. Strange, Martha of Virginia to Harper Lindsay, Nov., Greensboro. R. R. Nov. 25, 1830. Stuart, Jane to James Daniel, Aug. 19, Caswell county. R. R. Sept. 2, 1830. Stuart, Mary to William M. White, Sept. 13, Raleigh. R. R. Sept. 16, 1830. Swaim, William to Abigail Sherly of Norfolk, Va., My. Greensborough. R. R. My. 13, 1830. Swanner, Tabitha to Jesse Harrell, Dec. Martin county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830. Tate, Mary Louisa of Burke county to Rev. Thomas Espy of Iredell county, Apr. 21. R. R. My. 13, 1830. Taylor, John C. of Granville county to Emily E. Tillinghast, Mar. 11, Fayetteville. R. R. Mar. 25, 1830. Taylor, Mary to Capt. Wm. R. W. Sherrod, Dec., Martin county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830. Taylor, Nelson of Martin county to Charlotte Jones, Mar. 3, Scotland Neck. R. R. Mar. 25, 1830. Taylor, Samuel of Charlotte to Eleanor Chambers, Feb. 4, Rowan county. R. R. Mar. 11, 1830. Telfair, Caroline S. to Henry A. Ellison, Jan. 6, Washington. R. R. Jan. 21, 1830. Terry, William L. of Danville, Va. to Amanda S. M’Gehee, Sept. 14, Person county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1830. Thomas, Susan to James T. White, Oct. 3, Beaufort. R. R. Oct. 14, 1830. Thomason, James to Margaret Marlin, Je. 10, Rowan county. R. R. Je. 31, 1830. Thornton, Mrs. James to John Kelly, Aug., Elizabeth City. R. R. Aug. 19, 1830. Tillinghast, Emily E. to John C. Taylor, Mar. 11, Fayetteville. R. R. Mar. 25, 1830. Tillinghast, Samuel W. of Fayetteville to Jane B. Norwood, Jly. 26, Hillsboro. R. R. Aug. 12, 1830. Toomer, Julia to John D. Poisson, Mar. 16, New Hanover county. R. R. Apr. 1, 1830. Trexler, Sophia to Henry Peeler, Apr. 8, Rowan county. R. R. Apr. 29, 1830. Troy, Catharine to Maxwell Chambers, Jan., Salisbury. R. R. Jan. 28, 1830. Turner, James J. to Margaret Roseborough, Apr., Iredell county. R. R. Apr. 15, 1830. Turner, Martha of Washington, D. C. to Hon. Augustine H. Shepperd from this State, Feb. 25, Washington, D. C. R. R. Mar. 11, 1830. Tyler, Jane W. to Rev. George N. Gregory of Washington, Aug. 24, Washington. R. R. Sept. 2, 1830. Utly, John to Elizabeth Harky, Nov., Cabarrus county. R. R. Nov. 11, 1830. Vasseur, Mary to William Brown, Sept., Halifax county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1830. Wagner, Lovina to Calvin M’Graw, Apr., Cabarrus county. R. R. Apr. 15, 1830. Walker, Eliza to Joel Chandler, Mar., Person county. R. R. Mar. 23, 1830. Walker, Martha to Robt. Hall, Mar. 15, Orange county. R. R. Apr. 15, 1830. Wallace, Marina to David H. Bedell of Burke county, Feb. 18, Iredell county. R. R. Sept. 30, 1830. Walton, Martha Ann of Wake county to Rufus Guffie, Sept. 29, Raleigh. R. R. Sept. 30, 1830. Ward, Stephen of Orange county to Sarah Branson, Feb. 25, Chatham county. R. R. Mar. 18, 1830. Watson, Rachel P. to Thomas R. Murphy, Aug., Fayetteville. R. R. Aug. 5, 1830. Weatherford, Wm. to Frances G. Hooper, Feb. 4, Caswell county. R. R. Feb. 25, 1830. Webb, William to Martha Powell, Oct. 21, Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 11, 1830. Wells, Charity to Aaron Cotner, Mar., Orange county. R. R. Mar. 18, 1830. Wells, Harriet of Person county to George Robards of Orange county, Aug. 12. R. R. Sept. 2, 1830. West, Priscilla to John A. Benford, Dec., Halifax. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830. Wethers, Nancy of York District, S. C. to David Lees of Mecklenburg county, Mar. 8. R. R. My. 13, 1830. Wheatley, Martin of Martin county to Otis Andrews of Beaufort county. Feb. 11, Martin county. R. R. Mar. 11, 1830. Wheeler, John W. of Hertford county to Mary Brown of Washington, D. C., Apr. 19, Washington, D. C. R. R. Apr. 29, 1830. Whitaker, Jane to John M’Cullers of Johnston county, Nov. 11, Wake county. R. R. Nov. 18, 1830. Whitaker, John K. to Harriet Whitaker, My. 26, Raleigh. R. R. My. 27, 1830. White, Elizabeth to Isaac Emry, Dec. 14, Rutherford county. R. R. Feb. 4, 1830. White, James T. to Susan Thomas, Oct. 3, Beaufort. R. R. Oct. 14, 1830. White, William M. to Mary Stuart, Sept. 13, Raleigh. R. R. Sept. 16, 1830. Whitehead, Nancy to Thomas Grimmer, Aug. 10, Scotland Neck. R. R. Aug. 26, 1830. Whitehead, Rachel to Hiram Braxton, Feb. 28, Chatham county. R. R. Mar. 18, 1830. Whitfield, Mrs. Elizabeth of Johnson (sic) county to Wm. Fort of Wake county, Dec. 20. R. R. Jan. 7, 1830. Whitted, Martha A. to Dr. John Allen, Dec., Orange county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830. Wilder, Richard of Chowan county to Harriet Hardy of Bertie county, Feb. 4, Bertie county. R. R. Mar. 11, 1830. Wilkerson, Frances of Granville county to Appling Puryear of Halifax county, Va. Mar. 4. R. R. Mar. 23, 1830. Williams, Elizabeth to Meade A. Smith, Nov., Oxford. R. R. Nov. 11, 1830. Williams, Dr. James H. to Mrs. Parthenia Commander, Je., Pasquotank county. R. R. Jly. 31, 1830. Williams, Minerva B. of Person county to Dr. James E. Williamson, Sept. R. R. Sept. 30, 1830. Williams, Sarah Ann to Oliver Fearing, Mar., Elizabeth City. R. R. Mar. 18, 1830. Williamson, Benj. W. of Tennessee to Eliza J. Hamlin, Jan. 5, Halifax county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1830. Williamson, Dr. James E. of Caswell county to Minerva B. Williams of Person county, Sept. R. R. Sept. 30, 1830. Wilkinson, Sarah C. to William Henderson of Cabarrus county, Apr. Salisbury. R. R. Apr. 15, 1830. Willis, Mary E. to John W. Burnet of Columbia, S. C. Apr., Newbern. R. R. Apr. 29, 1830. Wilson, Ann W. to Benjamin Land, Apr., Currituck county. R. R. Apr. 22, 1830. Wilson, Elizabeth to Exum Newby, Apr., Pasquotank county. R. R. Apr. 22, 1830. Winder, Lieut. John H. of the U. S. Army to Mrs. Caroline Eagles, Nov. 10, Wilmington. R. R. Dec. 2, 1830. Wingate, Ann S. to Duncan G. M’Rae, Mar. 11, Wilmington. R. R. Mar. 18, 1830. Wingate, Thomas W. C. to Hope Hatch, Jan., Jones county. R. R. Jan. 28, 1830. Wood, John S. of Windsor to Mary Elizabeth Martin, Jly., Hertford, Perquimans county. R. R. Jly. 15, 1830. Wood, William B. to Margaret Know, Apr. 1, Rowan county. R. R. Apr. 29, 1830. Word, Miss E. B. to Robert Falkner, Dec., Person county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830. Wright, Sarah Eliza to Samuel D. Hooks, Jan. 28, Duplin county. R. R. Feb. 4, 1830. Wright, Thos., Jr. to Eliza Hooks, Jan. 26, Duplin county. R. R. Feb. 4, 1830. Yancey, Ro. (sic) to Catharine Hughs, Feb. 17, Person county. R. R. Mar. 23, 1830. |