North Carolina Marriage Records 1828

    Transcribed by Glenn Fields, Jackie Purdy & Carol Robinson

    Albritton, James, Jr. to Margaret Osmond, Dec. 11, Greene county.    
    R. R. Jan. 8, 1828. 
    Alexander, Dr. Amzi to Mary Delia Harris, Oct. 30, Mecklenburg county. 
    R. R. Nov. 25, 1828.
    Allen, John to Miss Browning, Sept., Franklin county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1828. 
    Alston, Henrietta Green to Augusta H. Kenan, Je. 19, Georgia. R. R. Jly. 11, 1828. 
    Alexander, Dorcas Jane to Eli H. Lide of Darlington District, S. C., Dec. 4, Mecklenburg county.    
    R. R. Jan. 14, 1828. 
    Anderson, William E.  of Hillsborough to Elizabeth Burgwyn, Jan.   10,Guilford county.  
    R. R. Jan. 22, 1828. 
    Area, Caroline E. to Geo. W. Spears, Oct. 7, Cabarrus county.    R. R. Oct. 24, 1828.
    Baker, Daniel B. to Mary Potter, Nov. 20, Smithville. R. R. Dec. 12, 1828. 
    Ballenger, Sarah Ann of Culpepper county, Va. to Thomas C. Frohock of Rowan county, Jan. 10, 
    Sparta, Tenn.    R. R. Feb. 12, 1828. 
    Banks, T. to Patsey Cone, Jan. 22, Edgecombe county.    R. R. Feb. 8, 1828. 
    Barclay, Esther to John S. Raboteau, Jr. of Raleigh, Jly. 13, Cumberland county. 
    R. R. Jly. 18, 1828.
    Barr, John D. to Ann Overman, Sept., Greensborough. R. R. Oct. 3, 1828. 
    Barringer, Mary to Charles W. Harris, Jly. 1, Cabarrus county. R. R. Jly. 18, 1828.
    Batts, Eliza to Wm. Gardner, Jan. 22, Edgecombe county.  R. R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Bell, Mary to Cado Cherry, Nov. 16, Edgecombe county.  R. R. Nov. 28, 1828.
    Bennitt, Charles C. to Eveline A. Bennitt, Je. 29, Warren county.  R. R. Aug. 15, 1828.
    Bennitt, Eveline A. to Charles C. Bennitt, Je. 29, Warren county.  R. R. Aug. 15, 1828.
    Benson, Spencer to Nancy Rice, Mar. 27, Rowan county.  R. R. Apr. 29, 1828.
    Berry, Tresse D. to Elisha Woodward, Sr. Edgecombe county.  R. R. Je. 10, 1828.
    Blackburn, Hulit to Mrs. Bethany Flynt, Sept. 14, Stokes county.  R. R. Oct. 14, 1828.
    Blake, Rev. Bennet T. of Raleigh to Fetney I. Price, Feb. 21, Raleigh.  R. R. Feb. 26, 1828.
    Blakely, Thomas J. of Petersburg, Va. to Ann Stafford of Halifax, Oct. 13, Tarborough.  
    R. R. Oct. 31, 1828.
    Blanks, Susannah to Logustin P. Pool of Kentucky, Jan. 18, Granville county.  
    R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Boddie, Louie to Bartholomew F. Moore, Dec. 2, Nash county.  R. R. Dec. 12, 1828.
    Boger, Sally to John Reinhardt, Sept. 25, Rowan county.  R. R. Oct. 24, 1828.
    Boon, Joseph G. to Harriet Latham, Sept. 25, Johnston county.  R. R. Oct. 7, 1828.
    Bost, William to Jacob Tarborough, Sept. 11, Lincoln county.  R. R. Oct. 10, 1828.
    Bouchier, James H. to Elizabeth Hammons, Macon county.  My. 1, Franklin.  
    R. R. Je. 6, 1828.
    Bradley, Willie to Mrs. Lynch, Jan. 22, Edgecombe county.  R. R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Branch, Mrs. Martha to Toby Lewis of Dumplintown, Jan., Halifax.  R. R. Jan. 29, 1828.
    Brevard, Mary M. to Richard T. Brumby of Columbia, S. C., My.  Lincoln county.  
    R. R. My. 13, 1828.
    Brown, James to Rebecca Wilson, Jan. 10, Guilford county.  R.R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Brown, Peter M. to Elizabeth Pool, Jan. 3, Salisbury.  R. R. Jan. 14, 1828.
    Browning, Miss to John Allen, Sept., Franklin county.  R. R. Sept. 23, 1828.
    Brownrigg, Mary Ann to Col. Hardy Cross of Virginia, Sept. 23, Chowan county.  
    R. R. Oct. 10, 1828.
    Brumby, Richard T. of Columbia, S. C. to Mary M. Brevard, My., Lincoln county.  
    R. R. My. 13, 1828.
    Bullock, Ann H. of Warren county to Nathaniel C, Bullock of Granville county, Jan. 24.  
    R. R. Feb. 8, 1828. 
    Burgwin, Elizabeth to William E. Anderson of Hillsborough.  Jan. 10, Guilford county.  
    R. R. Jan. 22, 1828.
    Burt, Harriet to Dr. Wm. Jones, Jan. 16, Granville county.  R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Butt, Sarah to Malachi Russel of Elizabeth City, Aug., Norfolk.  R. R. Aug. 29, 1828.
    Bynum, John W. of Chatham county to Mrs. Daniel Gallent, Aug. 5, Mecklenburg county.  
    R. R. Aug. 22, 1828.
    Cade, Rebecca to David L. Evans, Dec. 4, Fayetteville.  R. R. Dec. 5, 1828.
    Callum, Mrs. Hannah to N. H. Harding, Dec. 3, Raleigh.  R. R. Dec. 5, 1828.
    Campbell, Elizabeth H. to Calvin J. Whitaker, My. 6, Warrenton.  R. R. My. 9, 1828.
    Carman, Wm. R. to Julia Carver, Apr. 16, Cumberland county.  R. R. Apr. 25, 1828.
    Carr, Dolly to Dr. Elijah Crosby, Feb. 14, Duplin county.  R. R. Mar. 4, 1828.
    Carraway, S. B. of Washington county to Harriet Wiggins, Jan. 10, Lenoir county.  
    R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Carrell, Stephen to Nancy Glenn, Oct. 2, Orange county.  R. R. Oct. 7, 1828.
    Carver, Julia to Wm. R. Carman, Apr. 16, Cumberland county.  R. R. Apr. 25, 1828.
    Cathy, Esther to Robert Hannah, My. 2, Iredell county.  R. R. Je. 17, 1828.
    Chadwick, David W. of Carteret county to Charity Cratch, Mar. 16, Newbern.  
    R. R. Mar. 21, 1828.
    Cherry, Cado to Mary Bell, Nov. 16, Edgecombe county.  R. R. Nov. 28, 1828.
    Childs, George A. to Eliza Wilhite, My. 1, Raleigh.  R. R. My. 6, 1828.
    Chisholm, Whitson H. of Montgomery county to Martha Stanback, Feb. 26, 
    Richmond county.  R. R. Mar. 28, 1828.
    Churchill, Charles of Connecticut to Miss Matilda Johnston, Sept. 11, Iredell county.  
    R. R. Oct. 10, 1828.
    Clancy, John D. to Laura A. Lindsay, Mar. 20, Greensborough.  
    R. R. Mar. 25, 1828.
    Clark, Louisa to Tho. Phillips, Je. 12, Orange county.  R. R. Jly. 11, 1828.
    Clement, Jesse A. to Melina Nail, Jan. 1, Salisbury.  R. R. Jan. 14, 1828.
    Cole, Lemuel to Anness Nichols, Jly. 3, Wake county.  R. R. Jly. 22, 1828.
    Collier, Maria to Charles M. Seawell of Fayetteville, My. 10, Decatur county, Ga.  
    R. R. Je. 3, 1828.
    Cone, Patsy to T. Banks, Jan. 22, Edgecombe county.  R. R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Cook, Willie to Willy King, Sept. 26, Wake county.  R. R. Sept. 30, 1828.
    Cook, Miss Willoughby to G. W. Gary of Halifax, Je. 19, Southampton, Va.  
    R. R. Jly. 11, 1828.
    Courts, Daniel to Eliza A. Waugh, Apr. 3, Stokes county.  R. R. Apr. 25, 1828.
    Craig, Eliza to Seburn Lynch, Oct., Orange county.  R. R. Oct. 14, 1828.
    Crawford, Rebecca to Robert M. Knox, Je., Elizabeth City.  R. R. Je. 13, 1828.
    Creech, Eliza to Frederick M’Kay, Mar. 4, Greene county.  R. R. Mar. 28, 1828.
    Crosby, Dr. Elijah to Dolly Carr, Feb. 14, Duplin county.  R. R. Mar. 4, 1828.
    Cross, Col. Hardy of Virginia to Mary Ann Brownrigg, Sept. 23, Chowan county.  
    R. R. Oct. 10, 1828.
    Culpepper, John of this State to Mrs. Abigail Lansdale, Apr. 27, Montgomery county, Md.  
    R. R. Je. 10, 1828.
    Cumming, William H. of Greensboro to Lavinia Rose, Jly. 10, Roxboro.  R. R. Jly. 11, 1828.
    Cunningham, Rev. Paxton of Tennessee to Priscilla Eliza Davidson of Haywood county, Jan. 27.  
    R. R. Feb. 26, 1828.
    Currin, James to Margaret Smith, Dec. 27, Granville county.  R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Curry, Cornelia to McDowell Woodside, My. 29, Mecklenburg county.  R. R. Je. 17, 1828.
    Daniel, Nathaniel C. of Granville county to Ann H. Bullock of Warren county, Jan. 24.  
    R. R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Daniel, Walter K. of Halifax, Va. to Nancy P. Pool, Jan. 14, Granville county.  
    R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Dannelly, Wm. C. to Ann Eliza Slade of Warrenton, Jan. 24, Macon, Ga.  
    R. R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Davidson, Priscilla Eliza of Haywood county to Rev. Paxton Cunningham of Tennessee, Jan. 27,  
    R. R. Feb. 26, 1828.
    Dearing, Alex B. of Rockingham to Rutha M. Rogers, Stokes county, Nov. 13, Stokes county. 
     R. R. Nov. 24, 1828.
    Dellinger, Solomon of Lincoln county to Catharine Rendleman of Rowan county, My. 27.  
    R. R. Je. 17, 1828.
    Deloach, Martha to James Newland, Oct. 23, Raleigh.  R. R. Oct. 28, 1828.
    Dismukes, Dr. George W. to Mary S. Peguese of Anson county, My. 6, Wadesborough.  
    R. R. My. 25, 1828.
    Dixon, Martha B. of Duplin county to Lemuel D. Hatch of Newbern, Jan. 8, Duplin county.  
    R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Dixon, Washington to Mary Ormond, Jan. 13, Greene county.  R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Donaldson, Robert of New York to Susan Jane Gaston, Feb. 14, Newbern.  R. R. Feb. 22, 1828.
    Dotson, Mary Ann to Tubal Early Strange, Jan. 10, Greensborough.  R. R. Jan. 22, 1828.
    Douglass, Archibald of Fayetteville to Eliza F. Moore, My., Lumberton.  R. R. Je. 3, 1828.
    Dowdy, Elizabeth to James Smith, Mar., Camden county.  R. R. Apr. 1, 1828.
    Drake, Dr. John H. of Nash county to Mary Richard Williams of Pitt county, My. 27, Pitt county.  
    R. R. Jly. 11, 1828.
    Drake, Dr. N. J. of Nash county to Mrs. Eliza Thorne of Halifax county, Nov., Halifax county.  
    R. R. Nov. 4, 1828.
    Draughton, Drusilla to Burrill Dunn, Jan. 22, Edgecombe county.  R. R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Dumas, Isham A. of Richmond county to Emeline Robinson, Mar. 5, Montgomery county.  
    R. R. Mar. 25, 1838.
    Dunn, Burrill to Drusilla Draughton, Jan. 22, Edgecombe county.  R. R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Duplaine, Benoni C. of Raleigh to Susan Everly, Nov. 27, Philadelphia.  R. R. Dec. 2, 1828.
    Eaks, Emily to George W. Wilkinson, Jan. 16, Granville county.  R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Eaton, Mary H. to Alex H. Falconer, Sept. 11, Warren county.  R. R. Sept. 23, 1828.
    Eaton, William of Warren county to Eliza L. Hickman, Jan. 1, King William county.  
    R. R. Jan. 14, 1828.
    Elliott, James to Mary Ann Relfe, Je.,  Elizabeth City.  R. R. Je. 13, 1828.
    Eliott, John to Eliza M. Smith, My., Iredell county.  R. R. My. 13, 1828.
    Ellis, Tabitha to Hartwell Reeves, Aug. 14, Raleigh.  R. R. Aug. 19, 1828.
    Evans, David L. to Rebecca Cade, Dec. 4, Fayetteville.  R. R. Dec. 5, 1828.
    Evans, Susan to William R. Smith of Halifax county.  Jan. 22, Edgecombe county.  
    R. R. Jan. 29, 1828.
    Everly, Susan to Benoni C. Duplaine of Raleigh, Nov. 27, Philadelphia.  R. R. Dec. 2, 1828.
    Falconer, Alex H. to Mary H. Eaton, Sept. 11, Warren county.  R. R. Sept. 23, 1828.
    Farrar, Alex’r J. to Pamela S. Walton, Jan. 3, Granville county.  R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Faulkner, Sarah D. to Dr. Henry L. Plummer, Je. 3, Warrenton.  R. R.  Je. 6, 1828.
    Fenner, Mrs. Sarah of Franklin county to Henry N. Jasper of Washington, Beaufort county.  
    Sept. 17.  R. R. Oct. 14, 1828.
    Ferguson, Mary E. to Henry L. Jones, Jly. 29, Fayetteville.  R.  R. Aug. 5, 1828.
    Field, Fanny to Elijah Staley, Sept. 9, Randolph county.  R. R. Oct. 3, 1828.
    Finch, Miss E. M. to Thomas Godsey, My. 16, Iredell county.  R. R. Je. 17, 1828.
    Fisher, Mrs. Diana to Hon. Lemuel Sawyer, Nov., Brooklyn, N. Y.  R. R. Nov. 25, 1828.
    Flynt, Mrs. Bethany to Hulit Blackburn, Sept. 14, Stokes county.  R. R. Oct. 14, 1828.
    Forney, Fatima E. to Hugh A. Tate, Jan. 3, Burke county.  R. R. Jan. 29, 1828.
    Foscue, Sarah to Frederick Foy of Jones county, Aug. 27, Newbern.  R. R. Aug. 29, 1828.
    Foy, Frederick of Jones county to Sarah Foscue, Aug. 27, Newbern.  R. R. Aug. 29, 1828.
    Freshwater, Elizabeth to Redmon Infield, My., Wilmington.  R. R. My. 13, 1828.
    Franklin, Eliza to Edward Moore, Dec. 19, Granville county.  R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Frohock, Thomas A. of Rowan county to Sarah Ann Ballenger of Culpepper county, Va., 
    Jan. 10, Sparta, Tenn.  R. R. Feb. 12, 1828.
    Fuller, R. W. of Lumberton to Orra W. Powell, Feb. 19, Robeson county.  R. R. Mar. 4, 1828.
    Gallent, Mrs. Daniel to John W. Bynum of Chatham county, Aug. 5, Mecklenburg county.  
    R. R. Aug. 22, 1828.
    Gardner, Wm. to Eliza Batts, Jan. 22, Edgecombe county.  R. R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Gary, G. W. of Halifax to Willoughby Cook, Je. 19, Southampton, Va.  R. R. Jly. 11, 1828.
    Gaston, Susan Jane to Robert Donaldson of New York, Feb. 14, Newbern.  R. R. Feb. 22, 1828.
    Gavin, Sarah Jane to Samuel Torrans, Mar. 20, Sampson county.  R. R. Apr. 8, 1828.
    Gee, Mrs. S. H. of Alabama to Mary T. Williams, Nov. Warren county.  R. R. Nov. 28, 1828.
    Gillespy, Alexander to Elizabeth Robinson, Feb. 7, Mecklenburg county.  R. R. Mar. 4, 1828.
    Gilmore, William S. of Greensboro to Catharine A. Gorrell, Mar. 13, Greene county.  
    R. R. Mar. 28, 1828.
    Glenn, Nancy to Stephen Carrell, Oct. 2, Orange county.  R. R. Oct. 7, 1828.
    Godsey, Thomas to Miss E. M. Finch, My. 16, Iredell county.  R. R. Je. 17, 1828.
    Gorrell, Catharine to William S. Gilmore of Greensboro, Mar. 13, Greene county.  
    R. R. Mar. 28, 1828.
    Gould, Eliza J. to Wm. D. Wood, Je. 17, Rowan county.  R. R. Jly. 8, 1828.
    Gowing, John to Margaret Stacy, Feb. 14, Newbern.  R. R. Feb. 22, 1828.
    Graves, Mary to Thos. W. Graves, Fly. 17, Caswell county.  R. R. Aug. 5, 1828.
    Graves, Thos. W. to Mary Graves, Fly. 17, Caswell county.  R. R. Aug. 5, 1828.
    Gregory, C. to Henrietta Henderson, Jan. 20, Onslow county.  R. R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Gregory, Thomas L. B. to Mary Frances W. Pitman, Oct. 7, Halifax county.  
    R. R. Oct. 31, 1828.
    Green, John C., Jr. to Elizabeth Macon, Jan. 31, Warren county.  R. R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Guffy, Henry to Elizabeth Walker, Sept. 30, Rowan county.  R. R. Oct. 31, 1828.
    Gunter, Henry to Harriet Josey, Jan., Halifax county.  R. R. Jan. 22, 1828
    Hale, Edward J. to Sarah Jane Walker of Wilmington. My. 27, Fayetteville.  
    R. R. My. 30, 1828.
    Hammons, Elizabeth of Macon county to James H. Bouchier, Je. 1, Franklin.  
    R. R. Je. 6, 1828.
    Hannah, Robert to Esther Cathy, My. 2, Iredell county.  R. R. Je. 17, 1828.
    Harding, N. H. to Mrs. Hannah Callum, Dec. 3, Raleigh.  R. R. Dec. 5, 1828.
    Hargrave, Jesse to Esther Lindsay, Sept. 14, Davidson county.  R. R. Sept. 23, 1828.
    Harnwell, Buckner to Rhoda Westmoreland, My. 2, Lincoln county.  R. R. Je. 17, 1828.
    Harrell, Sylvia to John Pender, Jan. 22, Edgecombe county.  R. R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Hart, Catharine to George W. Whitfield, Feb., Johnson (sis) county.  R. R. Feb. 29, 1828.
    Harris, Charles W. to Mary Barringer, Jly. 1, Cabarrus county.  R. R. Jly. 18, 1828.
    Harris, Mary Delia to Dr. Amzi Alexander, Oct. 30, Mecklenburg county.  
    R. R. Nov. 25, 1828
    Harriss, Richard to Rebecca S. Holmes, Je. 10, Brunswick county.  R. R. Jly. 22, 1828.
    Hatch, Lemuel D. of Newbern to Martha B. Dixon of Duplin county, Jan. 8, Duplin county.  
    R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Haywood, Egbert of Davidson county to Sally Johnson of Warren county, Je. 8, 
    Haredman county, Tenn.  R. R. Je. 17, 1828. 
    Henderson, Henrietta to C. Gregory, Jan. 20, Onslow county.  R. R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Hendon, Louisa to John Seawell of Raleigh, My., Tennessee.  R. R. My. 30, 1828.
    Hendon, Dr. Wm. T. of Greene county to Maria T. Holliday, Dec., Newbern.  
    R. R. Dec. 23, 1828.
    Henry, James Edward to Ann Eliza Jones, Je. 25, Wilkes county.  R. R. Jly. 22, 1828.
    Hickman, Eliza L. to William Eaton of Warren county, Jan. 1, King William county.  
    R. R. Jan. 14, 1828.
    Hicks, Theresa A. T. of Franklin county to John M. Mason of Raleigh, Sept. 3, Franklin county.  
    R. R. Sept. 9, 1828.
    Hill, Samuel to Rebecca Hornaday, Apr., Orange county.  R. R. Apr. 15, 1828.
    Hillman, Laney to N. H. Thomas, Jan. 17, Halifax county.  R. R. Jan. 29, 1828.
    Hinton, Frederic A. of this State to Eliza Ann Howell of Philadelphia, Je. 10, Philadelphia.  
    R. R. Je. 20, 1828.
    Holliday, Maria T. to Dr. Wm. T. Hendon of Greene county, Dec., Newbern.  
    R. R. Dec. 23, 1828.
    Holmes, Rebecca S. to Richard Harriss, Je. 10, Brunswick county.  R. R. Jly. 22, 1828.
    Hooper, Eliza to John Hooper, Je. 17, Lincoln county.  R. R. Jly. 11, 1828.
    Hooper, John to Eliza Hooper, Je. 17, Lincoln county.  R. R. Jly. 11, 1828.
    Hopkins, Daniel to Mrs. Jenkins, Dec. 28, Edgecombe county.  R. R. Jan. 22, 1828.
    Hornaday, Rebecca to Samuel Hill, Apr., Orange county.  R. R. Apr. 15, 1828.
    Howell, Eliza Ann of Phila. to Frederic A. Hinton of this State, Je. 10, Philadelphia.  
    R. R. Je. 20, 1828.
    Houze, Thomas Y. to Frances Pickett, Sept. 25, Wadesborough.  R. R. Oct. 14, 1828.
    Hudler, Amos to Frances Tignor, Feb. 19, Newbern.  R. R. Feb. 22, 1828.
    Hughes, Dr. Isaac to Eliza Ann M’Lin, Dec., Newbern.  R. R. Dec. 12, 1828.
    Infield, Redmond to Elizabeth Freshwater, My., Wilmington.  R. R. My. 13, 1828.
    Ingalls, Capt. John to Ann Catharine Williams, Mar. 20, Newbern.  R. R. Mar. 21, 1828.
    Jackson, Micajah to Miss Temperance Ricks, Jan. 22, Edgecombe county.  R. R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Jasper, Henry N. of Washington, Beaufort county to Mrs. Sarah Fenner of Franklin county, 
    Sept. 17.  R. R. Oct. 14, 1828.
    Jenkins, Mrs. to Daniel Hopkins, Dec. 28, Edgecombe county.  R. R. Jan. 22, 1828.
    Johnson, John to Eliza Webb, Sept. 18, Rowan county.  R. R. Oct. 14, 1828.
    Johnston, Matilda to Charles Churchill of Connecticut, Sept. 11, Iredell county.  
    R. R. Oct. 10, 1828.
    Jones, Ann Eliza to James Edward Henry, Je. 25, Wilkes county.  R. R. Jly. 22, 1828.
    Jones, Henry L. to Mary E. Ferguson, Jly. 29, Fayetteville.  R. R. Aug. 5, 1828.
    Jones, Louisa to Ashley Saunders of Johnston county, Nov., Raleigh.  R. R. Nov. 14, 1828.
    Jones, Dr. Wm. to Harriet Burt, Jan. 16, Granville county.  R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Josey, Harriet to Henry Gunter, Jan., Halifax county.  R. R. Jan. 22, 1828.
    Kenan, Augustus H. to Henrietta Green Alston, Je. 19, Georgia.  R. R. Jly. 11, 1828.
    Kerr, Whitfield of Statesville to Maria Louisa Wilson of Wilkesborough, Sept,. 5, Wilkesborough.  
    R. R. Sept. 23, 1828.
    King, Willy to Willie Cook, Sept. 26, Wake county.  R. R. Sept. 30, 1828.
    Kirkman, Jane of Randolph county to William Stephenson of Guilford county, Nov. 6.  
    R. R. Dec. 2, 1828.
    Knox, Robert M. to Rebecca Crawford, Je., Elizabeth City.  R. R. Je. 13, 1828.
    Lamb, James to Ann Ozborne, Nov. 13, Randolph county.  R. R. Dec. 2, 1828.
    Landsdale, Mrs. Abigail to John Culpepper of this State, Apr. 27, Montgomery county, Md.  
    R. R. Je. 10, 1828.
    Latham, Harriet to Joseph G. Boon, Sept. 25, Johnston county.  R. R. Oct. 7, 1828.
    Lemay, Susannah F,. to Nelson Philips of Hillsboro, Oct. 29, Lemay’s X. Roads.  
    R. R. Nov. 18, 1828.
    Lemay, Thomas J. Jr. to Eliza Ann Sledge, My. 14, Franklin county.  R. R. My. 20, 1828.
    Leonard, Charity to Nathan Stanley of Guilford county, Nov. 6.  R. R. Dec. 2, 1828.
    Lewis, Emily A. to James Speed of Virginia, Dec. 24, Granville county.  R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Lewis, Toby of Dumplintown to Mrs. Martha Branch, Jan., Halifax county.  R. R. Jan. 29, 1828.
    Lide, Eli H. of Darlington District, S. C. to Dorcas Jane Alexander, Dec. 4, Mecklenburg county.  
    R. R. Jan. 14, 1828.
    Lightfoot Caroline to James C. Mitchell, My. 2, Chatham county.  R. R. Je. 3, 1828.
    Lilly, Edmund F. of Montgomery county to Catharine Shaw, Apr., Cumberland county.  
    R. R. Apr. 8, 1828.
    Little, William of Stantonsburg to Temperance Speight, Mar. 27, Greene county.  
    R. R. Apr. 11, 1828.
    Lindsay, Laura A. to John D. Clancy, Mar. 20, Greensborough.  R. R. Mar. 25, 1828.
    Lindsay, Esther to Jesse Hargrave, Sept. 4. Davidson county.  R. R. Sept. 23, 1828.
    Lock, Henrietta R. M. to James West, Jan. 16, Granville county.  R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Lynch, Lemuel of Hillsborough to Margaret Palmer of Orange county, Oct. 2.  
    R. R. Oct. 7, 1828.
    Lynch, Mrs. to Willie Bradley, Jan. 22, Edgecombe county.  R. R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Lynch, Seburn to Eliza Craig, Oct., Orange county.  R. R. Oct. 14, 1828.
    M’Cay, Frederick to Eliza Creech, Mar. 4, Greene county.  R. R. Mar. 28, 1828.
    M’Collum Mary to Joseph W. Marshall, Jan. 29, Hillsborough.  R. R. Feb. 12, 1828.
    M’Cullock, Mary to Jacob Propst, Apr. 1, Lincolnton.  R. R. Apr. 29, 1828.
    M’Cuiston, Sarah to William Unthank, Sept. 25, Guilford county.  R. R. Sept. 26, 1828.
    M’Lin, Eliza Ann to Dr. Isaac Hughes, Dec., Newbern.  R. R. Dec. 12, 1828.
    Macon, Elizabeth to John C. Green, Jr. Jan. 31, Warren county.  R. R.  Feb. 8, 1828.
    Mahler, Peter to Susan Neal of Orange county, Jly., Tuscaloosa, Alabama.  
    R. R. Jly. 22, 1828.
    Manning, Adeline to Alexander Spence, Jan., Edenton.  R. R. Jan. 22, 1828.
    Marble, Jarvis to Harriet Robeson, Jan. 3, Guilford county.  R. R. Jan. 22, 1828.
    Mason, John M. of Raleigh to Theresa A. T. Hicks of Franklin county.  Sept. 3, Franklin county.  
    R. R. Sept. 9, 1828.
    Marshall, Joseph W. of Milton to Mary M’Collum, Jan. 29, Hillsborough.  R. R. Feb. 12, 1828.
    Mayo, Frederick to Manisia Ganer Menetta Anders Sylvester Maivia Lewellen Sherrard, 
    Mar. 27, Edgecombe county.  R. R. Apr. 11, 1828.
    Merrit, John to Susan Verell, Nov. 27, Beaufort.  R. R. Dec. 12, 1828.
    Mitchell, James C. to Caroline Lightfoot, My. 2, Chatham county.  R. R. Je. 3, 1828.
    Moore, Bartholomew to Louise Boddie, Dec. 2, Nash county.  R. R. Dec. 12, 1828.
    Moore, Edward to Eliza Franklin, Dec. 19, Granville county.  R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Moore, Eliza F. to Archibald Douglass of Fayetteville.  My., Lumberton.  R. R. Je. 3, 1828.
    Moore, Wesley to Ann Pitwood, Jan. 16, Granville county.  R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Moss, Eliza B. to Dr. W. W. Turner, Dec. 11, Randolph county.  R. R. Jan. 14, 1828.
    Nail, Melinda to Jesse A. Clement, Jan. 1, Salisbury.  R. R. Jan. 14, 1828.
    Neal, Susan of Orange county to Peter Mahler, Jly., Tuscaloosa, Alabama.  
    R. R. Jly. 22, 1828.
    Newland, James to Martha Deloach, Oct. 23, Raleigh.  R. R. Oct. 28, 1828.
    Nicholas, Anness to Lemuel Cole, Jly. 3, Wake county.  R. R. Jly. 22, 1828.
    Norcom, Dr. John of Plymouth to Ann Eunice Walker, Dec. 17, Washington county.  
    R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Norment, Rev. John H. to Mary Ann Spear, Jly. 17, Hillsboro.  R. R. Jly. 22, 1828.
    Ormond, Mary to Washington Dixon, Jan. 13, Greene county.  R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Osmond, Margaret to James Albritton, Jr. Dec. 11, Greene county.  R. R. Jan. 8, 1828.
    Osborne, Ann to James Lamb, Nov. 13, Randolph county.  R. R. Dec. 2, 1828.
    Ozmount, Tho’s to Abigail Parker, My. 10, Guilford county.  R. R. Je. 3, 1828.
    Palmer, Margaret of Orange county to Lemuel Lynch of Hillsborough, Oct. 2.  
    R. R. Oct. 7, 1828.
    Parker, Abigail to Tho’s Ozmount, My. 10, Guilford county.  R. R. Je. 3, 1828.
    Patterson, Sarah M. to John C. Rhodes, Jan. 8, Orange county.  R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Patton, James W. of Asheville to Jane Clarissa Walton, Jan. 24, Morganton.  
    R. R. Feb. 26, 1828.
    Pearce, Margaret to Rich’d B. Richards, Jan. 17, Halifax county.  R. R. Jan. 29, 1828.
    Peguese, Mary S. of Anson county to Dr. George W. Dismukes, Anson county, My. 6, 
    Wadesborough.  R. R. My. 25, 1828.
    Pender, John to Sylvia Harrell, Jan. 22, Edgecombe county.  R. R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Perkins, Elisha to Elizabeth Sherrill, Jan. 31, Lincoln count.  R. R. Feb. 26, 1828.
    Petway, Micajah to Elizabeth Skinner, Jan. 22, Edgecombe county.  R. R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Philips, John to Mary Wilkins, Jan., Halifax county.  R. R. Jan. 22, 1828.
    Philips, Nelson of Hillsboro to Susannah F. Lemay, Oct. 29, Lemay’s X. Roads.  
    R. R. Nov. 18, 1828.
    Phillips, Lucy T. of Wake county to Thomas M. D. Reed of Moore county, My. 13, 
    Wake Forest.  R. R. My. 16, 1828.
    Phillips, Tho. to Louisa Clark, Je. 12, Orange county.  R. R. Jly. 11, 1828.
    Pickett, Eliza to Solomon Thompson, Feb., Orange county.  R. R. Feb. 12, 1828. 
    Pickett, Frances to Thomas Y. Houze, Sept. 25, Wadesborough.  R. R. Oct. 14, 1828.
    Pitman, Mary Frances W. to Thomas L. B. Gregory, Oct. 7, Halifax county.  
    R. R. Oct. 31, 1828.
    Pitwood, Ann to Wesley Moore, Jan. 16, Granville county.  R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Plummer, Dr. Henry L. to Sarah D. Faulkner, Je. 3, Warrenton.  R. R. Je. 6, 1828.
    Pool, Elizabeth to Peter M. Brown, Jan. 3, Salisbury.  R. R. Jan. 14, 1828.
    Pool, Logustin P. of Kentucky to Susannah Blanks, Jan. 18, Granville county.  
    R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Pool, Nancy P. to Walter K. Daniel of Halifax, Va. Jan. 14, Granville county.  
    R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Potter, Mary to Daniel B. Baker, Nov. 20, Smithville.  R. R. Dec. 12, 1828.
    Potter, Robert of Oxford to Isabella A. Taylor of Granville county, Apr. 9.  
    R. R. Apr. 18, 1828.
    Powell, Orra W. to R. W. Fuller of Lumberton, Feb. 19, Robeson county.  
    R. R. Mar. 4, 1828.
    Price, Fetney I. to Rev. Bennet T. Blake of Raleigh, Feb. 21, Raleigh.  
    R. R. Feb. 26, 1828.
    Propst, Jacob to Mary McCulloch, Apr. 1, Lincolnton.  R. R. Apr. 29, 1828.
    Raboteau, John S., Jr. of Raleigh to Esther Barclay, Jly. 13, Cumberland county.  
    R. R. Jly. 18, 1828.
    Read, Lydia M. to Joseph I. Simmons, Nov. 11, Halifax.  R. R. Nov. 28, 1828.
    Reed, Thomas M. D. of Moore county to Lucy T. Phillips of Wake county, My. 13, 
    Wake Forest.  R. R. My. 16, 1828.
    Relfe, Mary Ann to James Elliott, Je., Elizabeth City.  R. R. Je. 13, 1828.
    Reeves, Hartwell to Tabitha Ellis, Aug. 14, Raleigh.  R. R. Aug. 19, 1828.
    Reinhardt, John to Sally Rogers, Sept. 25, Rowan county.  R. R. Oct. 24, 1828.
    Relay, Harriet to William C. Tucker, Je. 25, Raleigh.  R. R. Je. 27, 1828.
    Rendleman, Catharine of Rowan count to Solomon Dellinger of Lincoln county, My. 27.  
    R. R. Je. 17, 1828.
    Rhodes, John C., to Sarah M. Patterson, Jan. 8, Orange county.  R. R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Rice, Nancy to Spencer Benson, Mar. 27, Rowan county.  R. R. Apr. 29, 1828.
    Richards, Rich’d B. to Margaret Pearce, Jan. 17, Halifax county.  R. R. Jan. 29, 1828.
    Ricks, Miss Temperance to Micajah Jackson, Jan. 22, Edgecombe county.  R. R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Ridley, Mary to Thomas K. Speeler of Bertie county, My. 22, Granville county.  R. R. Je. 3, 1828.
    Roberson, Nancy to John Weeks, Jan. 8, Mecklenburg county.  R. R. Jan. 29, 1828.
    Robinson, Elizabeth to Alexander Gillespie, Feb. 7. Mecklenburg county.  R. R. Mar. 4, 1828.
    Robinson, Emeline to Isham A. Dumas of Richmond county. Mar. 5, Montgomery county.  
    R. R. Mar. 25, 1828.
    Rogers, Rutha M. of Stokes county to Alex B. Dearing of Rockingham.  Nov. 13, Stokes county.  
    R. R. Nov. 25, 1828.
    Rose, Lavina to William H. Cumming of Greensboro, Jly. 10, Roxboro.  R. R. Jly. 11, 1828.
    Rothrock, Lydia to Charles Walk, Jan., Davidson county.  R. R. Jan. 14, 1828.
    Russel, Malachi of Elizabeth City to Sarah Butt, Aug., Norfolk.  R. R. Aug. 29, 1828.
    Russell, Susan to J. D. Young, Mar. 18, Newbern.  R. R. Mar. 21, 1828.
    Sanders, Ashley of Johnston county to Louisa Jones, Nov., Raleigh.  R. R. Nov. 14, 1828.
    Sawyer, Hon. Lemuel of this State to Mrs. Diana Fisher, Nov., Brooklyn, N. Y.  R. R. Nov. 25, 1828.
    Seawell, Charles M. of Fayetteville to Maria Collier, My. 10, Decatur county, Ga.  R. R. Je. 3, 1828.
    Seawell, John to Louisa Hendon of Raleigh, My., Tennessee.  R. R. My. 30, 1828.
    Shaw, Catharine to Edmund F. Lilly of Montgomery county, Apr., Cumberland county.  
    R. R. Apr. 8, 1818.
    Sherrard, Manisia Ganer Menetta Anders Sylvester Maivia Lewellen to Frederick Mayo, Mar. 27, 
    Edgecombe county.  R. R. Apr. 11, 1828.
    Sherrill, Elizabeth to Elisha Perkins, Jan. 31, Lincoln county.  R. R. Feb. 26, 1828.
    Sherwood, Thomas A. to Mrs. Mark Taylor, Je., Elizabeth City. R.R. Je. 13, 1828.
    Skinner, Elizabeth to Micajah Petway, Jan. 22, Edgecombe County. R.R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Slade, Ann Eliza of Warrenton to Wm. C. Dannelly, Jan. 24, Macon, Ga. R.R. Feb. 8, 1828.
    Sledge, Eliza Ann to Thomas J. Lemay Jr. My. 14, Franklin County. R.R. My. 20, 1828.
    Smith, Edwin of Johnston County to Eliza A. Smith, Sept. 25, Wake County. R.R. Oct. 7, 1828.
    Smith, Eliza A. to Edwin Smith of Johnston County, Sept. 25, 1825, Wake County. R.R. Oct. 7, 1828.
    Smith, Eliza M. to John Elliott, My. Iredell County. R.R. My. 13, 1828.
    Smith, James to Elizabeth Dowdy, Mar. Camden County. R.R. Apr. 1, 1828.
    Smith, Margaret to James Currin, Dec 27, Granville County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Smith, William R. of Halifax County to Susan Evans, Jan. 22, Edgecombe County. R.R. Jan. 29, 1828.
    Spear, Capt. William A. Of Anson County to Flora Wilkinson, My. 15, Robeson County. 
    R.R. My. 27, 1828.
    Spear, Mary Ann to Rev. John H. Norment, Jly. 17, Hillsboro. R.R. Jly. 22, 1828.
    Spears, Geo. W. to Caroline E. Area, Oct. 7, Cabarrus County. R.R. Oct. 24, 1828.
    Spied, James of Virginia to Emily A. Lewis, Dec. 24, Granville County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Speight, Temperance to William Little of Stantonburg, Mar. 27, Greene County. R.R. Apr. 11, 1828.
    Speller, Thomas K. of Bertie County to Mary Ridley, My. 22, Granville County. R.R. Je. 3, 1828.
    Spence, Alexander to Adeline Manning, Jan. Edenton. R.R. Jan. 22, 1828.
    Spruce, George to Mrs. Nancy Swain, Jan. 8, Guilford County. R.R. Jan. 22, 1828.
    Stacy, Margaret to John Gowing, Feb. 14, Newbern. R.R. Feb. 22, 1828.
    Stafford, Ann of Halifax to Thomas Blakely of Petersburg, Va. Oct. 13, Tarborough. R.R. Oct. 31, 1828.
    Staley, Elijah to Fanny Field, Sept. 9, Randolph County. R.R. Oct. 3, 1828.
    Standback, Martha to Whitson H. Chisholm of Montgomery County, Feb. 25, Richmond County. 
    R.R. Mar. 28, 1828.
    Stanley, Nathan to Charity Leonard of Guilford County, Nov. 6. R.R. Dec. 2, 1828.
    Stanton, Baker to Jeanette Young, dec. 20, Edgecombe County. R.R. Jan. 22, 1828.
    Stephenson, William of Guilford County to Jane. Kirkman of Randolph County, Nov. 6. 
    R.R. Dec. 2, 1828.
    Strange, Tubal Early to Mary Ann Dotson, Jan. 10, Greensborough. R.R. Jan. 22, 1828.
    Simmons, Joseph I. to Lydia M. Read, Nov. 11, Halifax. R.R. Nov. 28, 1828.
    Swain, Mrs. Nancy to George Sprice Jan. 8 Guildford County. R.R. Jan. 22, 1828.
    Swaim, Nancy to Allen Swindle, Jan. 8, Randolph County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Swindle, Allen to Nancy Swaim, Jan. 8, Randolph County. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Tarbaugh, Jacob to William Bost, Sept. 11, Lincoln County. R.R. Oct. 10, 1828.
    Tate, Hugh A. to Fatima E. Forney, Jan. 3, Burke County. R.R. Jan. 29, 1828.
    Taylor, Isabella of Granville County to Robert Potter of Oxford, Apr. 9. R.R. Apr. 18, 1828.
    Taylor, Mrs. Mack to Thomas Sherwood, Je. Elizabeth City. R.R. Je. 13, 1828.
    Tharp, Elizabeth to John Willis, Jly., Brunswick County. R.R. Jly. 11, 1828.
    Thomas, N.H. to Lacey Hillman, Jan. 17, Halifax County. R.R. Jan. 29, 1828.
    Thompson, Solomon to Eliza Pickett, Feb. Orange County. R.R. Feb. 12, 1828.
    Thirne, Mrs, Eliza of Halifax County, to Dr. N.J. Drake of Nask County, Nov. Halifax County. 
    R.R. Nov. 4, 1828.
    Tignor, Frances to Amos Hudler, Feb. 19, Newbern. R.R. Feb. 22, 1828.
    Torrnas, Samuel to Sarah Jane Gavin, Mar. 20, Sampson County. R.R. Apr. 8, 1828.
    Tucker, William C. to Harriet Relay, Je. 25, Raleigh. R.R. Je. 27, 1828.
    Turner, Dr. W.W.T. to Eliza B. Moss, Jan. 11, Randolph County. R.R. Jan. 22, 1828.
    Unthank, William to Sarah M'Cuiston, Sept. 25, Guilford County. R.R. Sept. 26, 1828.
    Verell, Susan to John Merritt, Nov. 27, Beaufort. R.R. Dec. 12, 1828.
    Walk, Charles, to Lydia Rothrock, Jan. Davidson County. R.R. Jan. 14, 1828.
    Walker, Ann Eunice to Dr. John Norcom of Plymouth, Dec. 17, Washington County. 
    R.R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Walker, Elizabeth to Henry Guffy, Sept. 30, Rowan County. R.R. Oct. 31, 1828.
    Walker, Sarah Jane of Wilmington to Edward J. Hale, My. 27, Fayetteville. 
    R.R. My. 30, 1828.
    Walton, Jane Clarissa to James W. Patton of Asheville, Jan. 24, Morganton.  
    R.R. Feb. 26, 1828.
    Walton, Pamelia S. to Alex'r F. Farrar, Jan. 3, Granville County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Waugh, Eliza A. to Daniel Courts, Apr. 3, Stokes County. R.R. Apr. 25, 1828
    Webb, Eliza to John Johnson, Sept. 18, Rowan County. R.R. Oct. 14, 1828.
    Weeks, John to Nancy Roberson, Jan. 8, Mecklebury County. R.R. Jan. 29, 1828.
    West, James to Henrietta R.M. Lock Jan. 16, Granville County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Westmoreland, Rhoda to Buckner Harnwell, My. 2, Lincoln County. R.R. Je. 18, 1828.
    Whitaker, Charles J. of raleigh to Elizabeth H. Campbell, My. 6, Warrenton. 
    R.R. My. 9, 1828
    Whitfield, George w. to Catharine Hart, Feb. Johnson County. R.R. Feb. 29, 1828.
    Wiggins, Harriet to S.B. Carraway of Washington County, Jan. 10, Lenoir County. 
    R.R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Wilhite, Eliza to George A. Childs, My. 1, Raleigh. R.R. My. 6, 1828.
    Wilkerson, Geroge W. to Emily Eaks, Jan. 16, Granville County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1828. 
    Wilkins, Mary to John Philips, Jan., Halifax County. R.R. Jan. 22, 1828.
    Wilkinson, Flora to Capt. William A. Spear of Anson County. My. 15, Robeson County. 
    R.R. My. 27, 1828.
    Williams, Ann Catharine to Capt. Ingalls, Mar. 20, Newbern. R.R. Mar. 21, 1828.
    Williams, Mary Richard of Pitt County. R.R. Jly. 11, 1828.
    Williams, Mary T. to Mrs. S.H. Gee of Alabama, Nov. Warren County. 
    R.R. Nov. 28, 1828.
    Willis, John to Elizabeth Tharp, Jly., Brunswick County. R.R. Jly., 11, 1828.
    Wilson, Maria Louisa of Wilkesborough to Whitfield Kerr of Statesvill, Sept. 5. 
    R.R. Sept. 23, 1828.
    Wilson, Rebecca to james Wilson, Jan. 10, Guilford County. R.R. Jan. 25, 1828.
    Wood, Wm. D. to Eliza J. Gould, Je. 17, Rowan County. R.R. Jly. 8, 1828.
    Woodside, McDowell to Cornelia Curry, My. 29, Mecklenburg County. R.R. Je. 17, 1828.
    Woodward, Elisha, Sr. to Tresse D. Berry, Je., Edgecombe County. R.R. Je. 10, 1828.
    Young, J.D. to Susan Russell, Mar. 18, Newbern. R. R. Mar. 21, 1828.
    Young, Jeanette to Baker Staton. Dec. 20, Edgecombe County. R.R. Jan. 22, 1828.

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