North Carolina Marriage Records 1825

    Transcribed by Glenn Fields & Jackie Purdy

    Allan, Mary to Dr. Thomas H. Wright, Je. 9, Wilmington.    R. R. Je. 21, 1825 
    Allen, John of Lincoln county to Polly Williams of Pendleton, S. C., Je. 23, Lincoln county.    
    R. R. Jly. 19, 1825 
    Alsobrook, David of Chapel Hill to Mary Neal of Orange county, Je. 16. R. R. Je. 28, 1825
    Alston, Jane to Mr. Tyson, Oct., Chatham county.    R. R. Oct. 14, 1825 
    Anderson,  Dr.  Athelston  of Nashville  to  Miss Irby,  Je.   2,  Mecklenburg county, Va.    
    R. R. Jly. 15, 1825 
    Anderson,  William  to  Martha  Faucett,  Oct.   6,  Orange county.    R.  R. Nov. 1, 1825 
    Arey, Joseph to Selina C. Staiert, Apr. 26, Payetteville.    R. R. My. 10, 1825 
    Atkinson, James of Virginia to Patsey Faulkner of Lincoln county, Je. 23. R. R. Jly. 19, 1825 
    Avery, Nancy to James M. O'Neill, Apr. 5, Burke county.    R. R. Apr. 26, 1825 
    Bacon, Joseph G. to Rebecca Carrington, Feb.  3, Hillsborough.     R. R. Feb. 25, 1825 
    Baine, Rev. George A. to Frances Carney, Oct. 30, Newbern.    R. R. Nov. 1, 1825 
    Baird, Israel of Buncombe county to Mary Tate, Apr.  4, Burke county. R. R. Apr. 26, 1824 
    Ballard, Wm. W. to Amelia Davis, My.  13, Fayetteville.    R. R. My.  24, 1825 
    Barnett, Polly to Dempsey Holder, Sept. 24, Wilkes county.    R. R. Oct. 25, 1825 
    Barringer, Margaret to John Boyd of Charlotte, Jan. 20, Cabarrus county. R. R. Feb. 8, 1825 
    Bass, John  of Granville county to Abigail  Solomon,  Jly.   13, Granville county.    
    R. R. Jly. 19, 1825 
    Bates, John to Eleanor Pickett, Jan.  26, Wadesborough.    R.  R. Feb.  8, 1825 
    Battle, William  H. of Edgecombe county to Lucy M.  Plummer, Je.  1, Warrenton.    
    R. R. Je. 7, 1825 
    Beach, Lucinda A.  to Archibald Largent, Apr.  5, Burke county.     R.  R. Apr. 26, 1825 
    Benbury, Sarah to Lemuel Halsey, Mar. 22, Chowan county.    R. R. Apr. 5, 1825 
    Bird, Silas of Lancaster District, S. C. to Mrs. Susannah M'Cain, Jly.  9, Mecklenburg county.    
    R. R. Jly. 19, 1825 
    Bivens, William to Miss Chapman, Oct. 6, Orange county.    R. R. Nov. 1, 1825 
    Black, Isabella to Norman Campbell, Aug. 22, Cumberland county.    R. R. Oct. 4, 1825 
    Blalock, William to Mary Wilder, Mar. 3, Wake county.    R. R. Mar. 15, 1825 
    Blount, Thomas M. of Edenton to Elizabeth Knight of Phila., Mar.  29, Edenton.    
    R. R. Apr. 19, 1825
    Boddie, Mary of Nash county to Josiah Crudup of Wake county, My. 5, Nash county. 
    R.R. My. 17, 1825
    Booth, Julia to John Peabody, Feb. Fayetteville. R.R. Feb. 22, 1825
    Borden, William Hill to Elizabeth Dixon, My. 17, Newbern. R.R. Sept. 6, 1825
    Bowen, Ellen to Jas. Marsh, Sept. Beaufort county. R.R. Sept. 8, 1825
    Bowman, Col. George of Ashe county to Nancy Bryan of Wilkes county, Feb. 10. 
    R.R. Mar. 22, 1825
    Boyd, John of Charlotte to Margaret Barringer, Jan. 20. Cabarrus county. R.R.Feb. 8, 1825
    Boyden, N. to Ruth Martin, Jan. 20, Stokes county. R.R. Feb. 22, 1825
    Boylan, Mrs. Jane of Wake county to Samuel Williams of Cumberland county, My. 12,
    Wake county. R.R. My. 17, 1825
    Bradley, Penelope to William Howentown,  Je.15, Enfield. R.R. Je. 18, 1825 
    Brandon, Catherine of Halifax, Va. To Jas. H. White of Milton, Je. 22, Person county.
    R.R. Jly. 8, 1825
    Bridges, Horace D. to Louisa G. Johnson, My. 26, Chatham county. R.R. Je. 28, 1825
    Brown, Eliza R.A. of Granville county, Va. To Richard F. Yarbrough, Je. 22, Wake county.
    R.R. Je. 24, 1825
    Brown, Dr. Anderson of Orange county to Sarah C.D. Payne of Fredericktown, Md., My. 31,
    Guilford county. R.R. Je. 28, 1825
    Brown, James R. to Sarah A. Craig, Feb. 9, Wilmington. R.R. Mar. 1, 1825
    Bryan, Alice to John G. Kinsey, Newbern, Apr. 10. R.R. Apr. 26, 1825
    Bryan, Ann S. to James H. Smith, Aug. 7, Johnston county. R.R. Aug. 12, 1825
    Bryan, Nancy of Wilkes county to Col. George Bowers of Ashe county, Feb. 10. 
    R.R. Mar. 22, 1825
    Bullock, Col. William to Sarah Jones, Feb., Chowan county. R.R. Feb. 25, 1825
    Burbank, Eliza Ann to Joseph Potts,  Je. Washington, Beaufort county. R.R. Je. 29, 1925
    Burwell, Lucy A. to Dr. Charles Sturdivant of Granville county, Je. 2, Mecklenburg, Va.
    R.R. Je. 21, 1825
    Burke, Maj. Jno. M’Neill of Person county to Sarah Ann Pledger of Wilcox county, Jan. 20.
    R.R. Feb. 15, 1825
    Burton, Horace A. of Granville county to Margaret D. Williams of Warren county, Je. 2.
    R.R.  Je. 21, 1825
    Butler, Harriett M. to John Williams, My. 8, Elizabeth City. R.R. My. 24, 1825
    Butts, Ann P. of Northampton county to Allen James of Petersburg, Va. My 6, 
    Northampton county. R.R. My. 31, 1825
    Caldwell, Robert to Mariah Latta, Jly. 13, Guilford county. R.R. Jly. 26, 1825
    Campbell, Alexander to Eleanor Whitaker, Nov. 23, Raleigh. R.R. Nov. 25, 1825
    Campbell, Norman to Isabella Black, Aug.22, Cumberland county. R.R. Oct. 4, 1825
    Carney, Frances to Rev. George A. Baine, Oct. 30, Newbern. R.R. Nov. 1, 1825
    Carrington, Rebecca to Joseph G. Bacon, Feb. 3, Hillsborough. R.R. Feb. 25, 1825
    Carter, Nancy C.T. of Halifax county to Richard M’Cain of Petersburg. My. 17, Halifax
    county. R.R. My. 24, 1825
    Chambers, William to Ann C. M’Connaughey, Apr. 14, Rowan county. R.R. Apr. 26, 1825
    Chapman, Miss to William Bivens, Oct. 6, Orange county. R.R. Nov. 1, 1825
    Cheek, Elbert of Warrenton to Susan Hayes of Warren county, Je. 1. R.R. Je. 7, 1825
    Christmas, Susan to Dr. James A. Craig, Feb. 17, Orange county. R.R. Mar. 11, 1825
    Churchill, Claudius B. to Lucy Holliday, Jan., Newbern. R.R. Jan. 24, 1825
    Clanton, Frances M. to Maclain Sledge, Je. 6, Warren county. R.R. Je. 17, 1825
    Clarke, William F. of Raleigh to Catherine B. Halander, Jly. 15, Oxford. R.R.Jly. 19, 1825
    Clemmons, Angelina to Thomas Hall, My. 15, Davidson county. R.R. Je. 28, 1825
    Cochran, Mary to Wm. Villines, Aug. 30, Person county. R.R. Sept. 13, 1825
    Cochran, Maj. William G. of Caswell county to Elizabeth Liston Travis, My. 10, Philadelphia.
    R.R. Je. 7, 1825
    Coit, Jas. of Cheraw, S.C. to Francis S. Taber of Fayetteville, Jan. 12, Fayetteville.
    R.R. Jan. 28, 1825
    Collins, Annis to Lewis M. Cowper, Dec. 22, Portsmouth, Va. R.R. Jan. 7, 1825
    Collins, Ann McD. to Spencer O’Brien, Apr. 7, Halifax county. R.R. Apr. 12, 1825
    Coman, Margaret to John R. Love of Haywood county, Oct. 16, Raleigh. R.R. Feb. 18, 1825
    Conner, Mrs. Elizabeth to James Kay, Jan., Newbern. R.R. Jan., 14, 1825
    Cottrell, Benj.n of Warren county to Mary J. Daniel of Wake county, My. 13. 
    R.R. My. 17, 1825
    Cowper, Lewis M. of Murfreesborough to Annis Collins, Dec. 22, Portsmouth, Va.
    R.R. May. 17, 1825
    Cox, Peggy to David M’Crory, Oct. 4,, Orange county. R.R. Nov. 1, 1825
    Craig, Dr. James A. to Susan Christmas, Feb. 17, Orange county. R.R. Mar. 11, 1825
    Craig, Sarah A. to James R. Brown, Feb. 9, Wilmington. R.R. Mar. 1, 1825
    Crudup, Josiah of Wake county to Mary Boddie of Nash county, My. 5, Nash county.
    R.R. My. 17, 1825
    Curtis, Matilda to Wm. S, M’Ewen of Raleigh, Sept., Connecticut. R.R. Sept. 23, 1825
    Daniel, Chesley of Raleigh to Susan G. Ford, Feb. South Carolina. R.R. Feb. 4, 1825
    Daniel, John R.J. to Martha L. Stith, Apr. 5, Halifax. R.R. Apr. 12, 1825
    Daniel, Mary J. of Wake county to Benj’s Cottrell of Warren county, My. 13. R.R. My. 17, 1825
    Davie, Allen I to Rosa Powell, Jly. 21, Halifax. R.R. Aug. 2, 1825
    Davies, Susan of Raleigh to Adam Hutchison, Feb. 10, Augusta. R.R. Feb. 22, 1825
    Davis, Alfred of Georgia to Elizabeth Yarbrough of Franklin county, Sept. 14, Franklin county.
    R.R. Sept. 20, 1825
    Davis, Amelia to Wm. W. Ballard, My. 13, Fayetteville. R.R. My. 24, 1825
    Davis, Thomas to Keziah Wheeler, Oct. 6, Guilford county. R.R. Oct. 18, 1825
    Davis, Wm. F. of Norfolk county, Va. To Mrs. Melissa Gold, My. 5, Currituck Count House.
    R.R. My. 24, 1825
    Dejarnett, Elizabeth to Asa Vestal, My. 12, Huntsville. R.R. Jy. 31, 1825
    Dicken, Mrs. Martha to James J. Pittman, Apr. 5, Halifax county. R.R. Apr. 12, 1825
    Dickerson, Jane of Virginia to James Gwynn of Wilkesboro. R.R. Mar. 22, 1825
    Dinkins, Mary to Washington Morrison, Oct. 20, Mecklenburg county. R.R. Nov. 1, 1825
    Dixon, Elizabeth to William Hull Borden, My. 17, Newbern. R.R. My. 31, 1825
    Donaldson, Eliza to Thomas C. Hooper, My. 24, Fayetteville. R.R. Je. 7, 1825
    Drake, Harriot to Benjamin Ivy, Aug. 22, Halifax county. R.R. Oct. 4, 1825
    Drake, Mathew M. to Winifred Fitz, Nov., Warren county. R.R. Nov. 8, 1825
    Dukenmenier, Elizabeth to Thos, Foster of Augusta, Ga., Sept. 22, Fayetteville
    Earnest, David of Burke county to Eveline Jones of Wilkes county, My. 10, Wilkes
    county. R.R. My. 31, 1825
    Earnhart, Sarah to Amos Fite, Apr. 14, Rowan county. R.R. My. 3, 1825
    Elliott, Robt. To Christiana M’Lean, Apr. 7, Iredell county. R.R. Apr. 26, 1825
    Eure, Elisha H. to Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, Apr. 14, Halifax county. R.R. Apr. 26, 1825
    Faucett, Martha to William Anderson, Oct. 6, Orange county. R.R. Nov. 1, 1825
    Faulkner, Patsey of Lincoln county to James Atkinson of Virginia, Je. R.R. Jly, 19, 1825
    Fisher, Anthony of Tennessee to Nancy R. Turner, Sept. 8, Caswell county. 
    R.R. Sept. 23, 1825
    Fite, Amos to Sarah Earnhart, Apr. 14, Rowan county. R.R. My. 3, 1825
    Fitz, Winifred to Mathew M. Drake, Nov., Warren county. R.R. Nov. 8, 1825
    Fonvielle, Richard, Jr. of Craven county to Ann Grant of Jones county, Mar. 24, Jones county.
    R.R. Apr. 12, 1825
    Fonville, Elizabeth to Henry R. Foy, Je. 9, New Hanover county. R.R. Je. 21, 1825
    Ford, Susan G. to Chesley Daniel of Raleigh, Feb. South Carolina. R.R. Feb. 4, 1825
    Foscue, Eliza to Daniel S. Saunders of Onslow county, Jan., Jones county. 
    R.R. Jan. 23, 1825
    Foster, Thos. of Augusta, Ga. To Elizabeth Dukenmenier, Sept. 22. Fayetteville.
    R.R. Oct. 14, 1825
    Foy, Henry R. to Elizabeth Fonville, Je. 9, New Hanover county. R.R. Je. 21, 1825
    Francis, Henry to Elizabeth Hawkins, Jly. 3, Bertie county. R.R. Jly. 26, 1825
    Freeman, Geo. W. of Franklin county to Theresa T. Tartt of Edgecombe county, Dec. 13,
    Edgecombe county. R.R. Dec. 27, 1825
    Freeman, Miss L.S. of Massachusetts to Weston R. Gales of Raleigh, Apr. 21, 
    Sandwich, Mass.R.R. My. 10, 1825
    Frizell, William T. to Mary Wilson, Jly. 27, Fayetteville. R.R. Aug. 9, 1825
    Fulmore, James to Martha Powell, Feb., Lumberton. R.R. Feb. 22, 1825
    Gales, Weston R. of Raleigh to Miss. K. S. Freeman of Massachusetts, Apr. 21, Sandwich.
    Mass. R.R. My. 10, 1825
    Gentry, Tabitha S. to P.G. Harden, Sept. 21, Rockingham county. R.R. Oct. 25, 1825
    Gilmore, Margaret to Robert Sloan, Sept. 29, Mecklenburg county. R.R. Oct. 14, 1825
    Gold, Mrs. Melissa to Wm. F. Davis of Norfolk county, Va., My. 5, Currituck Court House.
    R.R. My. 24, 1825
    Goodloe, Adeline to Dabney Goodloe, Sept., Franklin county. R.R. Sept. 9. 1825
    Goodloe, Dabney to Adeline Goodloe, Sept., Franklin county. R.R. Sept. 9, 1825
    Goodwyn, Robert T. of Fayetteville to Caroline F. Mumford, Aug. 4, Bladen county.
    R.R. Aug. 9, 1825
    Govan, Andrew R. to Mary P. Jones, Mar. 10, Northampton county. R.R. Mar. 18, 1825
    Grant, Ann of Jones county to Richard Fonvielle, Jr. of Craven county, Mar. 24, Jones county.
    R.R. Apr. 12, 1825
    Graves, Nancy to Capt. William Graves, My., Caswell county. R.R. My. 24, 1825
    Graves, Capt. William to Nancy Graves, My., Caswell county. R.R. My. 24, 1825
    Gwynn, James of Wilkesborough to Jane Dickerson of Virginia, Mar. 1. R.R. Mar. 22, 1825
    Hager, Aaron to Miss L.N. Steely of Lincoln county, Je. 23. R.R. Jly, 19, 1825
    Hakey, Rebecca Ann of Wilmington to Joseph Towns of Cheraw, S.C., Feb. Wilmington.
    R.R. Mar. 1, 1825
    Halander, Catherine B. to William F. Clarke of Raleigh, Jly. 15, Oxford. R.R. Jly. 19, 1825
    Hall, Thomas to Angelina Clemmons, My. 15, Davidson county. R.R. Je. 28, 1825
    Halsey, Lemuel to Sarah Benbury, Mar. 22, Chowan county. R.R. Apr. 5, 1825
    Harden, P.G. to Tabitha S. Gentry, Sept. 21, Rockingham county. R.R. Oct. 25, 1825
    Hardy, James F. of Newberry District, S.C. to Jane Patton of Asheville, Dec. 23, Asheville. 
    R.R. Jan. 28, 1825
    Hardy, Susanna to Rev. Orwin Maye, Apt. 21, Greene county. R.R. My. 17, 1825
    Harris, Arthur to Mrs. B. Harris, Aug. 24, Montgomery county. R.R. Sept. 6, 1825
    Harris, Charity to James Sedgwick, Sept. 1, Guilford county. R.R. Sept. 13, 1825
    Harris, Dr. James S. to Jane J. Hayes, Sept, 20, Lincoln county. R.R. Nov. 8, 1825
    Hudson, Lawrence to Margaret Hendren, Aug. 4, Rowan county. R.R. Sept. 2, 1825
    Hunter, Jacob to Ruth T. High, Jly. 19, Wake Forest. R.R. Jly. 26, 1825
    Hutchison, Adam to Susan Davies of Raleigh, Feb. 10, Augusta. R.R. Feb. 22, 1825
    Ingram, Dr. Jno. To Lydia M’Millan, Sept. 8, Moore county. R.R. Sept. 20, 1825
    Irby, Miss to Dr. Athelston Anderson of Nashville, Je. 2, Mecklenburg county, Va. 
    R.R. Jly. 15, 1825
    Ivy, Benjamin to Harriot Drake, Aug. 22, Halifax county. R.R. Oct. 4, 1825
    James, Allen of Petersburg, Va. To Ann P. Butts of Northampton county, My.,  
    Northampton county. R.R. My. 21, 1825
    James, Sedgwick to Charity Harris, Sept. 1, Guilford county. R.R. Sept. 12, 1825
    Jay, James to Mrs. Elizabeth M’Kissack, Jan., Person county. R.R. Jan. 7, 1825
    Jones, Eveline of Wilkes county to Ambrose Mills of Rutherford county, Feb. 1, 
    Rutherford county. R.R. Feb. 22, 1825
    Jones, Mary P. to Andrew P. Govan, Mar. 10, Northampton county. R.R. Mar.18, 1825
    Jones, Nancy of Wilkes county to Ambrose Mills of  Rutherford county, Feb. 1, Rutherford county.
    R.R. Feb. 22, 1825
    Jones, Sarah of Warren county to William Taylor of Granville county, Aug. 2. R.R. Aug. 9, 1825
    Jones, Col. Tignal to Emily High, Jan. 25, Wake county. R.R. Feb. 25, 1825
    Johnson, Benjamin to Mary Ann Joyner, Apr. 14, Halifax. R.R. Apr. 26, 1825
    Johnson, Caroline to John M’Neill, Aug. 24, Richmond county. R.R. Sept. 2, 1825
    Johnson, Mrs. Elizabeth to Elisha H. Eure, Apr. 14, Halifax county. R.R. Apr. 26, 1825
    Johnson, James to Mary Ann O’Quin, Mar., Fayetteville. R.R. Mar. 11, 1825
    Johnson, Louisa G. to Horace D. Bridges, My. 26, Chatham county.    R. R.
    Je. 28, 1825 
    Johnson, Margaret to Wm. Patton, Sept. 27, Orange county.    R. R. Nov. 8, 1825 
    Johnson,  Thomas   D.  to  Miss  S.   G.  M'Aden,   Feb.   24,   Caswell  county. 
    R. R. Mar. 11, 1825
     Johnson, William, Jr.  to  Eliza Pearson, My.  25, Anson county.    R.  R. Je. 7, 1825 
    Johnston, Dovey to  Rev. Jas.  Stafford, Aug.  23, Rowan county.     R.  R. Sept. 6, 1825 
    Johnston, Henry to Nancy Nantz, Je. 23, Mecklenhurg county.    R. R. Jly. 19, 1825 
    Johnston, Nancy to John Rankin, Je. 23, Lincoln county.    R. R. Jly. 19, 1825 
    Joyner, Mary Ann to Benjamin Johnson, Apr. 14, Halifax.    R. R. Apr. 26, 1825
    Kay, James to Mrs. Elizabeth Conner, Jan., Newbern.    R. R. Jan. 14, 1825 
    Killian, Nancy to John Hoke, Apr. 7, Burke county.    R. R. My. 3, 1825 
    Kimbell, Mary C. of Warren county to Peyton H. Liles of Raleigh, Nov., Alabama.    
    R. R. Jan. 14, 1825
    Kinsey, John G. to Alice Bryan, Apr. 10, Newbern.    R. R. Apr. 26, 1825 
    Knight, Elizabeth of Phila. to Thomas M. Blount of Edenton,  Mar.  29, Edenton.    
    R. R. Apr. 19, 1825 
    Kornegay, Miss to John Rhodes, Nov. 17, Wayne county.    R. R. Nov. 29, 1825 
    Largent, Archibald to Lucinda A.  Beach, Apr.  5, Burke county.    R. R. Apr. 26, 1825 
    Latta, Mariah to Robert Caldwell, Jly. 13, Guilford county.    R. R. Jly. 26, 1825 
    LeGrand, Edwin O. of Montgomery county to Martha O. M'Gehee, Feb. 9, Person county.  
    R. R. Feb. 25, 1825 
    Lesurer, Elizabeth A. P. to Capt. James M. Scales, Nov. 10, Rockingham county.    
    R. R. Dec. 9, 1825 
    Liles, Peyton H. of Raleigh to Mary C. Kimbell of Warren county, Nov., Alabama.    
    R. R. Jan. 14, 1825 
    Love, John R. of Hay wood county to Margaret Coman, Oct. 16, Raleigh. R. R. Feb. 18, 1825 
    Lucas, Sarah to Jonathan P.  Sneed of Hillsborough, Mar.  24, Chatham county.    
    R. R. Apr. 5, 1825 
    Lumsden, Eliza E.  to George W.  McDonald, Je.  7, Fayetteville.     R.  R. Je. 14, 1825 
    M'Aden, Miss S. G. to Thomas E. Johnson, Feb. 24, Caswell county.    R. R. Mar. 11, 1825 
    M'Cain, Mrs. Susannah to Silas Bird of Lancaster District, S. C., Jly. 9, Mecklenburg county.    
    R. R. Jly. 19, 1825 
    M'Cain, Richard of Petersburg to Nancy C. T. Carter of Halifax county, My. 17, Halifax county.    
    R. R. My. 24, 1825 
    M'Connaughey,  Ann   C.   to   William  Chambers,  Apr.   14,   Rowan  county. 
    R. R. Apr. 26, 1825 
    M'Corkle,  Elizabeth  S. of Rowan county to  Rev.  James  H.  Bowman of Maury 
    county, Tenn., Aug. 9, Rowan county.    R. R. Sept. 2, 1825
    M'Crory, David to Peggy Cox, Oct. 4, Orange county.    R. R. Nov. 1, 1825 
    M'Donald, George W. to Eliza E. Lumsden, Je. 7, Fayetteville.    R. R. Je. 14, 1825 
    M'Ewen, Wm. S. of Raleigh to Matilda Curtis, Sept., Connecticut.    R. R. Sept. 23, 1825 
    M'Gehee, Martha O. to Edwin O. LeGrand of Montgomery county, Feb. 9, Person county.    
    R. R. Feb. 25, 1825 
    M'lver, Mrs. Ann to Green Womack of Pittsborougb, Nov., Moore county. R. R. Nov. 8, 1825 
    M'Kessack,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  to  James  Jay,  Jan.,  Person  county.     R.  R. Jan. 7, 1825 
    M'Lean, Christiana to Robt. Elliott, Apr. 7, Iredell county.   R. R. Apr. 26, 1825 
    M'Learen, Frances P.  B. of Chatham  county to Thomas Williamson of Caswell county, Je. 21.    
    R. R. Oct. 18, 1825 
    M'Leron, Mrs. of Chatham county to Thos. Williamson of Caswell county, Je. 21.    
    R. R. Sept. 13, 1825 
    M'Neill,  John  to Caroline Johnson, Aug.  24,  Richmond county.     R.  R. Sept. 2, 1825
    M'Rae, Margaret Mary to Doyle O'Harlon of Wilmington, Oct. 10, Fayetteville.    
    R. R. Oct. 18, 1825 
    M'Rum,  Rachel to John Rogers,  Sept.  22, Mecklenburg county.     R.  R. Oct. 14, 1825
    Marsh, Jas. to Ellen Bowen of Beaufort county, Sept.    R. R. Sept. 6, 1825 
    Martin, Benjamin S. to Sally Rousaw, Je. 28, Wilkes county.    R. R. Jly. 22, 1825 
    Martin, Jno. B. to  Nancy Harris, Aug.  24, Montgomery county.    R.  R. Sept. 6, 1825
    Martin, Ruth to N. Boyden, Jan. 20, Stokes county.    R. R. Feb. 22, 1825 
    Mathews, Sarah to Major John Michael, My. 10, Lincolnton.   R. R. My. 31, 1825
    Mebane, Elbridge to Miss Moore, Oct. 6, Orange county.  R. R. Nov. 1, 1825 
    Mebane,  Jas., Jr.  of Tennessee to  Rebecca P.  Mebane,  Sept.  1,  Orange county.    
    R. R. Sept. 20, 1825 
    Mebane, Rebecca P. to Jas. Mebane, Jr. of Tennessee, Sept.  1, Orange county.    
    R. R. Sept. 20, 1825 
    Merony, John A. to Mary Hendricks, Aug. 9, Rowan county.    R. R. Sept. 2, 1825 
    Michael, Major John to Sarah Mathews, My. 10, Lincolnton.    R. R. My. 31, 1825
    Miller, Hardy to Penelope Smith, Je. 14, Bertie county.    R. R. Je. 28, 1825 
    Miller, Wm. to Catherine Mowry, Aug. 14, Rowan county.    R. R. Sept. 2, 1825 
    Mills, Ambrose of Rutherford county to Nancy Jones of Wilkes county, Feb. 1, Rutherford county.    
    R. R. Feb. 22, 1825 
    Maye, Rev. Irwin to Susannah Hardy, Apr. 21, Greene county.    R. R. My. 17, 1825 
    Montgomery, Edward to Tabitha P. Penix, Feb. 22; Caswell county.   R. R. Mar. 11, 1825 
    Montgomery,  Nancy to  Bembury Walton  of Gates county,  Jan., Bertie county.    
    R. R. Feb. 8, 1825
    Moore, Alfred of Hertford to Kezia Nixon of Perquimons county, My. 5. R. R. My. 24, 1825
    Moore, Miss to Elbridge Mebane, Oct. 6, Orange county.  R. R. Nov. 1, 1825 
    Norris, Thos. of Guilford county to Elizabeth York of Rockingham county, Sept. 8, 
    Rockingham county.    R. R. Sept. 23, 1825 
    Morrison,  Washington  to  Mary Dinkins,   Oct.   20,  Mecklenburg  county. R. R. Nov. 1, 1825 
    Mowry, Catherine to Wm. Miller, Aug. 14, Rowan county.    R. R. Sept. 2, 1825 
    Mumford,   Caroline  P.   to  Robert  T.   Goodwyn  of  Fayetteville,  Aug.   4, Bladen county.    
    R. R. Aug. 9, 1825 
    Nantz, Nancy to Henry Johnston, Je. 23, Mecklenburg county.    R. R. Jly. 19, 1825 
    Neal, Mary of Orange county to David Alsobrook of Chapel Hill, Je. 16, R. R. Je. 28, 1825 
    Nevill, Patrick H. to Lydia Smith, Je. 17, Halifax county.    R. R. Je. 28, 1825 
    Nixon, Kezia of Perquimons county to Alfred Moore of Hertford, My. 5. R. R. My. 24, 1825 
    Norfleet,  Penelope to Thomas Satterfield,  Feb.,  Chowan county.    R.  R. Feb. 25, 1825 
    Nuttall, Mary to James Patterson, My. 12, Granville county.    R. R. My. 31, 1825 
    O'Brian,   Spencer  of  Warrenton  to   Ann   McD.   Collins,  Apr.   7,   Halifax county.  
    R. R. Apr. 12, 1825
    O'Harlon, Doyle of Wilmington to Margaret Mary M'Rae, Oct. 10, Fayetteville.    R. R. Oct. 18, 1825 
    O'Neill, James M. to Nancy Avery, Apr. 5, Burke county.    R. R. Apr. 26, 1825 
    O'Quin, Mary Ann to James Johnson, Mar., Fayetteville.    R. R. Mar. 11, 1825 
    Paisley, Polly M. to Rev. John Rankin, Je., Greensborough.    R. R. Je. 7, 1825 
    Patterson, James to Mary Nuttall, My. 12, Granville county.    R. R. My. 31, 1825 
    Patton, Jane of Asheville to James F. Hardy of Newberry District, S. C., Dec. 23, Asheville. 
    R. R. Jan. 28, 1825 
    Patton, Wm. to Margaret Johnson, Sept. 27, Orange county.   R. R. Nov. 8, 1825 
    Payne,  Sarah  C.  D.   of Fredericktown,  Md.  to  Dr.  Anderson Brown  of Orange county, My. 31, 
    Guilford county. R. R. Je. 28, 1825 
    Peabody, John to Julia Booth, Feb., Fayetteville.    R. R. Feb. 22, 1825 
    Pearson,  Eliza to William Johnson, Jr.,  My.   25, Anson county.     R.  R. Je. 7, 1825 
    Penix, Tabitha P. to Edward Montgomery, Feb. 22, Caswell county.    R. R. Mar. 11, 1825 
    Pettijohn, Capt. John C. of Plymouth to Martha Pew of Martin county, Dec. 26, Martin county.    
    R. R. Jan. 14, 1825 
    Pew, Martha of Martin county to Capt. John C. Pettijohn of Plymouth, Dec. 26, Martin county.    
    R. R. Jan. 14, 1825
    Pickett, Eleanor to John Bates, Jan. 26, Wadesborough.    R. R. Feb. 8, 1825 
    Pittman, James J. to Mrs. Martha Dicken, Apr. 5, Halifax county.    R. R. Apr. 12, 1825 
    Pledger,  Sarah  Ann  of Wilcox county  to  Maj.  Jno.   M'Neill  of  Person county, Jan. 20.    
    R. R. Feb. 15, 1825
    Plummer, Lucy M. to William Battle of Edgecombe county, Je. 1, Warrenton.    R. R. Je. 7, 1825 
    Potts, Joseph to Eliza Ann Burbank, Je. 9, Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Je. 28, 1825
    Powell, Martha to James Fulmore, Feb., Lumberton.    R. R. Feb. 22, 1825 
    Powell, Rosa to Allen I. Davie, Jly. 21, Halifax.    R. R. Aug. 2, 1825 
    Primrose, Robert to Anne Stevens, Nov. 15, Newbern.    R. R. Nov. 22, 1825 
    Proudfit, Wm. to Eliza Walker, Oct.  20, Halifax county.    R. R. Nov.  8, 1825 
    Ramey, Elizabeth to Zachariah Hoover, Sr., My. 19, Caswell county.   R. R. My. 31, 1825 
    Rankin, John to Nancy Johnston, Je. 23, Lincoln county.    R. R. Jly. 19, 1825 
    Rankin, Rev. John to Polly M. Paisley, Je., Greensborough.    R. R. Je. 7, 1825 
    Reynolds, Joel of Hillsborough to Celia A. Moore, Je. 22.    R. R. Jly. 8, 1825 
    Reynolds, Wesley to Matilda Welch, Apr. 7, Iredell county.    R. R. Apr. 26, 1825 
    Rhodes, John to Miss Kornegay, Nov. 17, Wayne county.    R. R. Nov. 29, 1825 
    Riley, Jesse of Lincoln county to Sally Worke of Mecklenburg county, Je. 23.    R. R. Jly. 19, 1825
    Roach, Jno. to Sally Ray, Aug. 26, Orange county.    R. R. Sept. 20, 1825 
    Robards, Eliza L. of Granville county to Charles G. Rose of Person county, Je. 29, Granville county.    
    R. R. Jly. 8, 1825
    Roberts, William B. to Sarah Wills, Jan., Edenton.   R. R. Feb. 8, 1825 
    Rogers, John to Rachel M'Rum, Sept. 22, Mecklenburg county.    R. R. Oct. 14, 1825 
    Rose, Charles G. of Person county to Eliza L. Robards of Granville county, Je. 29, Granville county.    
    R. R. Jly. 8, 1825 
    Ross, Evelina E. to Dr. John M.  Harris, Apr.  19,  Mecklenburg county. R. R. My. 3, 1825 
    Satterfield,  Thomas  to  Penelope  Norfleet,  Feb., Chowan  county.     R.  R. Feb. 25, 1825 
    Saunders, Daniel S. of Onslow county to Eliza Foscue, Jan., Jones county. R. R. Jan. 28, 1825 
    Scales, Capt. James M. to Elizabeth A. P. Lesurer, Nov. 10, Rockingham county.    R. R. Dec. 9, 1825 
    Sedberry, David to Nancy Stancil, Sept. 1, Richmond county.    R. R. Sept. 20, 1825 
    Sledge, M'Clain to Frances M'Clanton, Je. 6, Warren county.   R. R. Je. 17, 1825 
    Sloan, Robert to Margaret Gilmore, Sept. 29, Mecklenburg county.    R. R. Oct. 14, 1825
    Smith, James H. to Ann S. Bryan, Aug. 7, Johnston county.    R. R. Aug. 12,1825 
    Smith, Lydia to Patrick H. Nevill, Je. 17, Halifax; county.    R. R. Je. 28, 1825
    Smith, Penelope to Hardy Miller, Je. 14, Bertie county.   R. R. Je. 28, 1825 
    Smoot, Nancy to Richard Williams, My. 12, Rowan county.    R. R. Je. 28, 1825 
    Sneed,  Jonathan  P.  of Hillsborough  to  Sarah Lucas,  Mar.   24,  Chatham county.  
    R. R. Apr. 5, 1825 
    Solomon,  Abigail  to  John  Bass of  Granville  county,  Jly.   13,  Granville county.    
    R. R. Jly. 22, 1825 
    Stafford, Rev. Jas.  to Dovey Johnston, Aug.  23,  Rowan county.     R.  R. Sept. 6, 1825 
    Staiert, Selina C. to Joseph Arey, Apr.  26, Fayetteville.    R. R.  My. 10. 1825 
    Steely, Miss L. N. to Aaron Hager of Lincoln county, Je. 23. R. R. Jly. 19, 1825
    Stevens, Anne to Robert Primrose, Nov. 15, Newbern.   R. R. Nov. 22, 1825 
    Stevens, Catharine A. of Raleigh to Wm. L. Hawley of Fayetteville, Sept., Roachland county, N. Y.    
    R. R. Sept. 30, 1825
    Stiner, Eliza J. B. to M. V. Dinnavant, Mar. 29, Halifax.   R. R. Apr. 5, 1825 
    Stith, Martha L. to John R. J. Daniel, Apr. 5, Halifax county.    R. R. Apr. 12, 1825 
    Stoddard, Mary Ann to Thomas G. Thurston of Wilmington, Aug., Albany, N. Y.    
    R. R. Sept. 2, 1825 
    Sturdivant,  Dr.  Charles  of Granville  county  to Lucy A.  Burwell,  Je.  2, Mecklenburg county, 
    Va.    R. R. Je. 21, 1825 
    Taber, Francis S. of Fayetteville to Jas. Coit of Cheraw, S. C., Jan. 12, Fayetteville.    
    R. R. Jan. 28, 1825 
    Tartt, Theresa T. of Edgecombe county to Geo. W. Freeman of Franklin county, Dec. 13, 
    Edgecombe county.    R. R. Dec. 27, 1825 
    Tate, Mary to Israel Baird of Buncombe county, Apr.  4, Burke county. R. R. Apr. 26, 1825 
    Taylor, William of Granville county to Sarah Jones of Warren county, Aug. 2.    R. R. Aug. 9, 1825
    Thurston, Alice C. to George Howard, Mar. 26, Halifax.  R. R. Apr. 5, 1825 
    Thurston, Thomas G. of Wilmington to Mary Ann Stoddard, Aug., Albany, N. Y.   R. R. Sept. 2, 1825 
    Tomkies, John F.  of Virginia to  Margaret M. Hoyle of Lincoln county, Nov. 10, Lincoln county.    
    R. R. Nov. 22, 1825 
    Towns, Joseph of Cheraw, S. C. to Rebecca Ann Halsey of Wilmington, Feb., Wilmington.  
    R. R. Mar. 1, 1825 
    Travis, Elizabeth Listen to Maj. William G.  Cochran of Caswell county, My. 10, Philadelphia.  
    R. R. Je. 7, 1825 
    Turner, Nancy R. to Anthony Fisher of Tennessee, Sept. 8, Caswell county. 
    R. R. Sept. 23, 1825
    Tyson, Mr. to Miss Jane Alston, Oct., Chatham county.    R. R. Oct. 14, 1825 
    Urquhart, James of Southampton, Va. to Antoinette Hill, Apr. 5, Halifax county.    
    R. R. Apr. 12, 1825 
    Vestal, Asa to Elizabeth Dejarnett, My. 12, Huntsville.    R. R. My. 31, 1825
    Villines, Wm. to Mary Cochran, Aug. 30, Person county.    R. R. Sept. 13, 1825
    Walker, Eliza to Wm. Proudfit, Oct. 20, Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 8, 1825 
    Walter,  Bembury of Gates county to  Nancy Montgomery,  Jan.,  Bertie county.    
    R. R. Feb. 8, 1825 
    Welch, Matilda to Wesley Reynolds, Apr. 7, Iredell county.    R. R. Apr. 26, 1825 
    Whitaker, Eleanor to Alexander Campbell, Nov. 23, Raleigh.    R. R. Nov. 25, 1825 
    White, Jas. H. of Milton to Catharine Brandon of Halifax, Va., Je.  22, Person county.    
    R. R. Jly. 8, 1825 
    Wilder, Mary to William Blalock, Mar. 3, Wake county.    R. R. Mar. 15, 1825 
    Williams, Eliza to Malachi Haughton, Mar. 22, Edenton.    R. R. Apr. 5, 1825 
    Williams, John to Harriet M. Butler, My. 8, Elizabeth City.    R. R. My. 24, 1825 
    Williams, Margaret D. of Warren county to Horace A. Burton of Granville county, Je. 2.    
    R. R. Je. 21, 1825 
    Williams, Polly of Pendleton, S. C. to John Allen of Lincoln county, Je. 23, Lincoln county.  
    R. R. Jly. 19, 1825 
    Williams, Richard to Nancy Smoot, My. 12, Rowan county.    R. R. Je. 28, 1825 
    Williams,  Samuel of Cumberland county to  Mrs. Jane Boylan of Wake county, My. 12, Wake county.    
    R. R. My. 17, 1825 
    Williamson, Thomas of Caswell countyto Frances P. B. Mclearen of Chatham county, Je. 21.    
    R. R. Oct. 18, 1825 
    Williamson, Thos. of Caswell county to Mrs. M'Leron of Chatham county, Je. 21.    
    R. R. Sept. 13, 1825
    Wills, Sarah to William B. Roberts, Jan., Edenton.    R. R. Feb. 8, 1825 
    Wilson, Mary to William T. Frizell, Jly. 27, Fayetteville.    R. R. Aug. 9, 1825 
    Womack, Green of Pittsborough to Mrs. Ann Mclver, Nov., Moore county. R. R. Nov. 8, 1825 
    Woodard, Wm. to Caroline Blount, Sept., Beaufort county.    R. R. Sept. 6, 1825 
    Worke, Sally of Mecklenburg county to Jesse Riley of Lincoln county, Je. 23.    
    R. R. Jly. 19, 1825 
    Wright, Dr. Thomas H. to Mary Allan, Je. 9, Wilmington.    R. R. Je.  21, 1825 
    Yarbrough,   Elizabeth   of   Franklin   county  to  Alfred   Davis   of  Georgia, Sept. 14, 
    Franklin county.    R. R. Sept. 20, 1825 
    Yarbrough, Richard F. of Fayetteville to Eliza R. A. Brown of Granville county, Va., Je. 22, 
    Wake Forest.    R. R. Je. 24, 1825 
    Yorke,   Elizabeth   of   Rockingham   county   to   Thos.   Morris   of   Guilford county, Sept. 8, 
    Rockingham county.    R. R. Sept. 23. 1825

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