North Carolina Marriage Records 1823

    Transcribed by Diane Siniard

    Adkins, Lucy to Iver M'CalIum, Jan. 16. Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 24, 1823 
    Alexander, Mrs. Ann to John Mariner, Aug. 28, Tyrrell county. R. R. Sept. 26, 1823
    Alexander, Benjamin F. to Hannah Wilson, Jly. 24, Mecklenburg county. R. R. Aug. 22, 1823 
    Allison, James to Elizabeth Wilson, Jan. 9, Orange county. R. R. Feb. 7, 1823 
    Alston, Emeline E. of Chatham county to William Hamlin of Halifax county, Jan. 23. R. R. Jan. 31, 1823
    Alston, Sarah N. to Marion Sanders of South Carolina, Je. 10. Halifax county. R. R. J e. 20, 1823
    Armistead, Stark to Mrs. James Tunstall of Bertie county, Jly. 2, Williamsborough. R. R. Jly. 25, 1823
    Armstrong, Barbary to Thomas Davis, Feb. 13, Duplin county. R. R. Feb. 21, 1823
    Armstrong, Elizabeth to William Lyon, Mar. 11, Stokes county. R. R. Mar. 14, 1823
    Atkins, Samuel to Mouring Harrison, Sept. 24, Wake county. R. R. Sept. 26, 1823
    Baird, Margaret R. to Samuel Smith of Tennessee, Feb. 11, Buncombe county. R. R. Mar. 7, 1823 
    Ball, James to Anna Read, Sept. 25, Warren county. R. R. Oct. 3, 1823 
    Barnes, William S. to Elizabeth Sumner, Apr. 8, Gates county. R. R. My. 9, 1823
    Barnet, John of Person county to Martha Pointer, Apr. 2, Halifax county, Va. R. R. Apr. 18, 1823 
    Barnett, Lavinia to Benj. Maitland, Oct. 31, Plymouth. R. R. Nov. 14, 1823 
    Barr, Margaret to Capt. John Houston, Sept. 23, Rowan county. R. R. Oct. 10, 1823
    Bell, Charlotte of Pasquotank county to Edmund Blount, My. 18. R. R. Je. 6, 1823 
    Bell, Sarah to Charles Harrell, Sept. 23, Elizabeth City. R. R. Aug. 9, 1823 
    Blount, Edmund to Charlotte Bell of Pasquotank county, My. 18. R. R. Je. 6, 1823
    Boice, Eliza to Dr. Robert Boyd, Je. 11, Wake county. R. R. Je. 27, 1823 
    Bolton, Charles to Ann Staffield, My. 15, Person county. R. R. My. 30, 1823 
    Bond, James to Penelope Leggett, Jan. 14, Bertie county. R. R. Feb. 7, 1823 
    Boyd, Dr. Robert to Eliza Boice, Je. 11, Wake county. R. R. Je. 27, 1823 
    Bradley, John to Nancy Pleasants, Jan., Wake county. R. R. Jan. 31, 1823 
    Brevard, Robert A. of Lincoln county, to Sarah H. Davidson of Iredell county, Jly. 29. R. R. Aug. 22, 1823
    Brittain, Gen'l. Philip to Sophia Lewis, Sept. 2, Buncombe county. R. R. Sept. 19, 1823
    Bryan, Mary to Rev. Rich'd Mason, Je. 10, Newbern. R. R. Je. 20, 1823 
    Bullock, William to Mary Hunt, Jan. 8, Granville county. R. R. Jan. 24, 1823 
    Cade, Parthenia to John Mullins, Mar. 25, Fayetteville. R. R. Apr. 11, 1823 
    Campbell, Wm. to Eliza M'Lean, Jly. 17, Lincoln county. R. R. Aug. 22, 1823 
    Carter, G. Archibald to Letitia Wilson, Je. 17, Rowan county. R. R. Jly. 4, 1823
    Charlton, Thomas I. to Mrs. Samuel Haughton of Chowan county, Jly. 8. R. R. Jly. 25, 1823
    Clark, Stephen to Mary Roberts, My. 22, Orange county. R. R. Je. 6, 1823 
    Cook, Mary to David Oswall, Jr., Je. 22, Lumberton. R. R. Jly. 4, 1823 
    Corbett, Ann to Eli L. Larkins of Washington, Jan. 30, New Hanover county. R. R. Feb. 21, 1823
    Cotten, CIarissa to Robert Keating, Mar. 30, Edenton. R. R. Apr. 11, 1823 
    Cowan, Robert H. of Wilmington to Sarah Stone, Oct. 2, Wake county. R. R. Oct. 3, 1823
    Crawford, Mrs. Eliza to I. R. Douglass, Feb. 13, Wilmington. R. R. Feb. 21, 1823
    Creecy, Joseph of Chowan county to Sophia Trotman of Gates county, Apr.18 R. R. Apr. 18, 1823
    Davidson, Sarah H. of Iredell county to Robert A. Brevard of Lincoln county, Jly. 29. R. R. Aug. 22, 1823
    Davis, Eliza to Thomas P. Wortham of Warren county, Dec. 18, Mecklenburg county, Va. R. R. Dec. 26, 1823
    Davis, Thomas to Barbary Armstrong, Feb. 13, Duplin county. R. R. Feb. 21, 1823
    Day. Sarah Ann to Thomas Ragland of Georgia and this State, Nov. 6, Jones county. R. R. Nov. 21, 1823
    Dick, James of Alamance county to Martha Galbreath, Jan. 16, Guilford county. R. R. Jan. 31, 1823
    Dixon, Geo. W. to Antoinette Hunt, Jan. 9, Newbern. R. R. Jan. 24, 1823 
    Dodson, Elizabeth H. to Benjamin B. Dye, My. 15, Milton. R. R. My. 30, 1823 
    Donnell, Samuel to Priscilla Ogburn, My. 22, Guilford county. R. R. Je. 6, 1823
    Douglass, 1. R. to Mrs. Eliza Crawford, Feb. 13, Wilmington. R. R. Feb. 21, 1823 
    Dye, Benjamin B. to Elizabeth H. Dodson, My. 15, Milton. R. R. My. 30, 1823 
    Edwards, Weldon of Warren county to Lucy Norfleet of Halifax county, Je. 25. R. R. Jly. 4, 1823
    Falcon, Isaac N. of Halifax county to Martha Whitmill Falconer of Franklin county, Oct. 15, Warren county. 
    R. R. Nov. 7, 1823
    Falconer, Martha Whitmill of Franklin county to Isaac N. Falcon of Halifax, Oct. 15, Warren county. 
    R. R. Nov. 7, 1823 
    Forbes, Stephen B. to Maria Tisdale, Mar. 12, Newbern. R. R. Aug. 21, 1823 
    Farquhar, Abraham to Julia Lipscomb, Mar. 27, Person county. R. R. Apr. 18, 1823
    Galbreth, Martha to James Dick of Alamance county, Jan. 16, Guilford county. R. R. Jan. 31, 1823 
    German, Capt. of Tennessee to Mary Scott, Jly. 15. R. R. Aug. 22, 1823 
    Gillam, William of South Carolina to Theresa Matthieu of Salisbury, Jly. 3, Salisbury. R. R. Aug. 1, 1823
    Gould, Rev. Daniel to Mrs. Zilphia Torrence, Sept. 25, Statesville. R. R. Aug. 9, 1823 
    Green, Thomas to Nancy Willis, Aug. 7, Warrenton. R. R. Aug. 15, 1823 
    Hall, Nancy of Rowan county to Dr. William M'Kay of Sampson county, Sept. 25. R. R. Oct. 1O, 1823
    Hall, Sidney to Isaac Lamb, Feb. 9, Camden county. R. R. Feb. 21, 1823 
    Halsey, Joseph to Mary Wynne, Oct. 31, Tyrrell county. R. R. Nov. 14, 1823 
    Hamlin, William of Halifax county to Emeline E. Alston of Chatham county, Jan. 23. R. R. Jan. 31, 1823
    Hardin, William H. of Raleigh to Maria Hill of New Hanover county, Jan. 15, New Hanover county. 
    R. R. Jan. 17, 1823 
    Harrell, Charles to Sarah Bell, Sept. 23, Elizabeth City. R. R. Aug. 9. 1823 
    Harrison, Mourning to Samuel Atkins, Sept. 24, Wake county. R. R. Sept. 26, 1823
    Hart, Miss A. E. to Henry Pipkin, Aug. 16, Northampton county. R. R. Aug. 22, 1823
    Haughton, Mrs. Samuel to Thomas 1. Charlton of Chowan county, Jly. 8. R. R. Jly. 25, 1823
    Hawks, Francis L. of Newbern to Emily Kirby of Connecticut, Nov. 11. R. R. Nov. 28, 1823
    Hicks, John R. to Rebecca Wood. Sept. 24, Granville county. R. R. Oct. 17, 1823 
    High, Delilah H. to Henry Hunter, Nov. 12, Wake county. R. R. Nov. 14, 1823 
    Hill, Major James K. to Sarah Ann Hurst, Feb. 11, Duplin county. R. R. Feb. 21, 1823
    Hill, Maria of New Hanover county to William H. Hardin of Raleigh, Jan. 15, New Hanover county. 
    R. R. Jan. 17. 1823
    Hill, Martha to Thomas Johnson of Warren county, Jan. 28, Franklin county. R. R. Jan. 31, 1823
    Hilton, Mrs. James to Sherwood Kennedy, Apr. 13, Davidson county. R. R. My. 16, 1823
    Hinton, Elizabeth to Warner M. Lewis, Oct. 29, Granville county. R. R. Nov. 14, 1823
    Hoke, Susannah to Robert F. Lawrence, Je. 5, Lincoln county. R. R. Jly. 11, 1823
    Houston, Capt. John to Margaret Barr, Sept. 23, Rowan county. R. R. Oct. 10, 1823
    Houston, Lydia to William R. Roane of Burke county, Mar. 18, Cabarrus county. R. R. April 11, 1823
    Hunt, Antoinette to Geo. W. Dixon, Jan. 9, Newbern. R. R. Jan. 24, 1823
    Hunt, Mary to William Bullock, Jan. 8, Granville county. R. R. Jan. 24, 1823 
    Hunter, Henry to Delilah H. High, Nov. 12, Wake county. R. R. Nov. 14, 1823 
    Hurst, Sarah Ann to Major James K. Hill, Feb. 11, Duplin county. R. R. Feb. 21, 1823
    Jessups, Hezekiah of Guilford county to Polly King of Stokes county, My. 22, Stokes county. 
    R. R. Je. 13, 1823
    Johnson, Anna Hayes to Gen. Romulus M. Sanders of Milton, My. 26, Charleston, S. C. R. R. Je. 13, 1823
    Johnson, Thomas of Warren county to Martha Hill, Jan. 28, Franklin county. R. R. Jan. 31, 1823.
    Jones, Elizabeth to Samuel Stoct, Apr. 13, Davidson county. R. R. My. 16. 1823 
    Keating, Robert to Clarissa Cotten, Mar. 30, Edenton. R. R. Apr. 11, 1823 
    Kennedy, Sherwood to Mrs. James Hilton, Apr. 13, Davidson county. R. R. My. 16, 1823
    Kerr, Elizabeth to Dr. James Wilson, Aug. 26, Rowan county. R. R. Sept. 12, 1823
    King, Polly of Stokes county to Hezekiah Jessups of Guilford county, My. 22, Stokes county. 
    R. R. Je. 13, 1823
    Kirby, Emily of Connecticut to Francis L. Hawks of Newbern, Nov. 11. R. R. Nov. 28, 1823
    Knox, Mrs. Mary to Dr. Edmund S. Lindsay of Currituck county, Sept. 3, Pasquotank county. 
    R. R. Sept. 19, 1823 
    Lamb, Isaac to Sidney Hall, Feb. 9, Camden county. R. R. Feb. 21, 1823 
    Larkins, Eli L. of Wilmington to Ann Corbett, Jan. 30, New Hanover county. R. R. Feb. 21, 1823
    Lawrence, Alexander J. to Mrs. Maria Snow, Jly. 29, Franklin county. R. R. Aug. I, 1823
    Lawrence, Robert E. to Susannah Hoke, Je. 5, Lincoln county. R. R. Jly. 11, 1823 
    Leggett, Penelope to James Bond, Jan. 14, Bertie county. R. R. Feb. 7, 1823 
    Lewis, Sophia to Gen'l. Philip Brittain, Sept. 2, Buncombe county. R. R. Sept. 19, 1823
    Lewis, Warner M. of Milton to Elizabeth Hinton, Oct. 29, Granville county. R. R. Nov. 14, 1823
    Lindsay, Dr. Edmund S. of Currituck. county to Mrs. Mary Knox, Sept. 3, Pasquotank county. 
    R. R. Sept. 19, 1823
    Lindsay, Jonathan to Mrs. Ann M'Donald, Apr. 24, Fayetteville. R. R. My. 16. 1823
    Lipscomb, Julia to Abraham Farquhar, Mar. 27. Person county. R. R. Apr. 18, 1823
    Lipscomb, William to Mrs. S. Rountree of Orange county, Mar. 27, Person county. R. R. Apr. 18, 1823
    Lockman, Miss to Spencer Shelton, Jly. 15, Lincoln county. R. R. Aug. 22. 1823
    Lyon, William to Elizabeth Armstrong, Mar. 11, Stokes county. R. R. Mar. 14, 1823 
    M'Callum, Iver to Lucy Adkins, Jan. 16, Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 24, 1823 
    M'Donald, Mrs. Ann to Jonathan Lindsey, Apr. 24, Fayetteville. R. R. My. 16, 1823
    M'Kay, Dr. William of Sampson county to Nancy Hall of Rowan county. Sept. 25. R. R. Oct. 10, 1823 
    M'Lean, Eliza to Wm. Campbell, Sept. 17, Lincoln county. R. R. Aug. 22, 1823 
    M'Leran, Maria to F. C. Reston of Wilmington, Mar. 27, Fayetteville. R. R. Apr. 11, 1823 
    Maitland, Benj. to Lavinia Barnett, Oct. 31, Plymouth. R. R. Nov. 14, 1823 
    Mariner, John to Mrs. Ann Alexander, Aug. 28, Tyrrell county. R. R. Sept. 26, 1823
    Martin, Robert to 'Polly Settle, Je., Rockingham Court-House. R. R. Je. 27. 1823 
    Mason, Rev. Rich'd to Mary Bryan, Je. 10, Newbern. R. R. Je. 20, 1823 
    Matthieu, Theresa of Salisbury to William Gillam of South Carolina, Jly. 3, Salisbury. R. R. Aug. 1, 1823
    Morgan, Sophia to Barnet Winstead, Mar. 23, Person county. R. R. Apr. 18, 1823
    Morrison, Louisa to John Phifer of Cabarrus county, Apr. 8, Mecklenburg county. R. R. My. 2, 1823 
    Mullins, John to Parthenia Cade, Mar. 25, Fayetteville. R. R. Apr. 11, 1823 
    Murphey, William D. to Betsey Whitted, Oct. 28, Chapel Hill. R. R. Nov. 7, 1823 
    Nelson, John W. to Mary Prentiss, Apr. 10, Newbern. R. R. My. 2, 1823 
    Norfleet, Lucy of Halifax county to Weldon Edwards of Warren county, Je. 25. R. R. Jly. 4, 1823
    Nunnally, William H. to Nancy Price, My. 22, Caswell county. R. R. Je. 13, 1823
    Ogburn, Priscilla to Samuel Donnell, My. 22, Guilford county. R. R. Je. 6, 1823
    Orents, Capt. Jacob to Jane Rutledge, Sept. 17, Lincoln county. R. R. Aug. 22, 1823 
    Oswall, David, Jr. to Mary Cook, Je. 22, Lumberton. R. R. Jly. 4, 1823 
    Patton, Elizabeth of Asheville to Dr. George D. H. Phillips of South Carolina, Je. 12. R. R. Jly. 11, 1823 
    Pedigrew, Thos. to Celia Tate, Dec. 4, Orange county. R. R. Dec. 16, 1823 
    Phifer, John of Cabarrus county to Louisa Morrison, Apr. 8, Mecklenburg county. R. R. My. 2, 1823
    Philips, Dr. George D. H. of South Carolina to Elizabeth Patton of Asheville, Je. 12. R. R. Jly. 11, 1823
    Pipkin, Henry to Miss A. E. Hart, Aug. 16, Northampton county. R. R. Aug. 22, 1823 
    Pleasants, Nancy to John Bradley, Jan., Wake county. R. R. Jan. 31, 1823 
    Pointer, Martha to John Barnet of Person county, Apr. 2, Halifax county, Va. R. R. Apr. 18, 1823 
    Prentiss, Mary to John W. Nelson, Apr. 10, Newbern. R. R. My. 2, 1823 
    Price, Nancy to William H. Nunnally, My. 22, Caswell county. R. R. Je. 13, 1823
    Ragland, Thomas of Georgia and this State to Sarah Ann Day, Nov. 6, Jones county, Ga. R. R. Nov. 21, 1823 
    Ratts, Polly to Jacob Wiseman, My. 15, Davidson county. R. R. Je. 6, 1823 
    Ravens, Mrs. John to Isaac Saterfield, Feb. 20, Person county. R. R. Apr. 18, 1823
    Read, Anna to James Ball, Sept. 25, Warren county. R. R. Oct. 3, 1823 
    Reaves, Mary to John Wadkins, Sept. 10, Warren county. R. R. Oct. 3, 1823 
    Reston, F. C. of Wilmington to Maria McLeran, Mar. 27, Fayetteville. R. R. Apr. 11, 1823
    Rice, Dorothy C. to Jonathan R. Waltington, Je. 12, Caswell county. R. R. Je. 27, 1823
    Rigsbee, Edward of Raleigh to Martha Sims, Jly. 25, Wake county. R. R. Aug. 1, 1823
    Roane, William R. of Burke county to Lydia Houston, Mar. 18, Cabarrus county. R. R. Apr. 11, 1823 
    Roberts, Mary to Stephen Clark, My. 22, Orange county. R. R. Je. 6, 1823 
    Rountree, Mrs. S. of Orange county to William Lipscomb, Mar. 27, Person county. R. R. Apr. 18, 1823
    Rusher, Jacob to Christina Verble, Aug. 7, Rowan county. R. R. Aug. 22, 1823 
    Russel, Mary to Stephen Theach, Mar. 16, Bertie county. R. R. Apr. 4, 1823 
    Rutledge, Jane to Capt. Jacob Orents, Sept. 17, Lincoln county. R. R. Aug. 22, 1823
    Sanders, Marion of South Carolina to Sarah N. Alston, Je. 10, Halifax county. R. R. Je. 20, 1823
    Sanders, Gen. Romulus M. of Milton to Anna Hayes Johnson, My. 26, Charleston, S. C. R. R. Je. 13, 1823
    Saterfield, Isaac to Mrs. John Ravens, Feb. 2O, Person county. R. R. Apr. 18, 1823
    Satterthwaite, Fanny to Hosea Tyson, Apr. 24, Hyde county. R. R. My. 9, 1823 
    Scott, Mary to Capt. German of Tennessee, Jly. 15. R. R. Aug. 22, 1823 
    Settle, Polly to Robert Martin, Jr., Rockingham Court House. R. R. Je. 27, 1823
    Shelton, Spencer to Miss Lockman, Jly. 15, Lincoln county. R. R. Aug. 22, 1823
    Simms, Winifred to Nathaniel Thompson of Raleigh, Jan. 7, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 17, 1823
    Smith, Samuel of Tennessee to Margaret Baird, Feb. 11, Buncombe county. R. R. Mar. 7, 1823
    Snow, Mrs. Maria to Alexander J. Lawrence, Jly. 29, Franklin county. R. R. Aug. I, 1823 
    Staffield, Ann to Charles Bolton, My. 15, Person county. R. R. My. 30, 1823 
    Stoct, Samuel to Elizabeth Jones, Apr. 13, Davidson county. R. R. My. 16, 1823
    Stone, Sarah to Robert Cowan of Wilmington, Oct. 2, Wake county. R. R. Oct. 3, 1923
    Sumner, David E. of Hertford county to Margaret Taylor, My. 1, Wake county. R. R. My. 2, 1823
    Sumner, Elizabeth to William S. Barnes, Apr. 8, Gates county. R. R. My. 9. 1823 
    Tate, Celia to Thos. Pedigrew, Dec. 4, Orange county. R. R. Dec. 12, 1823 
    Taylor, Elizabeth L. to Dr. Phillip H. Thomas, My. 1, Granville county. R. R. My. 16, 1823
    Taylor, Margaret to David E. Sumner of Hertford county, My. 1, Wake county. R. R. My. 2, 1823 
    Theach, Stephen to Mary Russel, Mar. 16, Bertie county. R. R. Apr. 4, 1823 
    Tisdale, Maria to Stephen B. Forbes, Mar. 12, Newbern. R. R. Mar. 21, 1823
    Thomas, Dr. Phillip H. of Milton to Elizabeth L. Taylor, My. 1, Granville county. R. R. My. 16, 1823
    Thompson, Nathaniel of Raleigh to Winifred Simms, Jan. 7, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 17, 1823
    Torrence, Mrs. Zilphia to Rev. Daniel Gould, Jly. 25, Statesville. R. R. Aug. 8, 1823
    Tunstall, Mrs. James to Stark Armistead of Bertie county, Jly. 2, Williamsborough. R. R. Jly. 25, 1825
    Tyson, Hosea to Fanny Satterthwaite, Apr. 24, Hyde county. R. R. My. 9, 1823 
    Verble, Christina to Jacob Rusher, Aug. 7, Rowan county. R. R. Aug. 22, 1823 
    Wadkins, John to Mary Reaves, Sept. 10, Warren county. R. R. Oct. 3, 1823
    Ward, James to Mrs. Joshua Ward, My. 24, Bertie county. R. R. Je. 13, 1823 
    Ward, Mrs. Joshua to James Ward, My. 24, Bertie county. R. R. Je. 13, 1823
    Watlington, Jonathan R. to Dorothy C. Rice, Je. 12, Caswell county. R. R. Je. 27, 1823
    Whitted, Betsey to William D. Murphey, Oct. 28, Chapel Hill. R. R. Nov. 7, 1823
    Willis, Nancy to Thomas Green, Aug. 7, Warrenton. R. R. Aug. 15, 1823 
    Wilson, Elizabeth to James Allison, Jan. 9, Orange county. R. R. Feb. 7, 1823 
    Wilson, Hannah to Benjamin F. Alexander, Jly. 24, Mecklenburg county. R. R. Aug. 22, 1823
    Wilson, Dr. James to Elizabeth Kerr, Aug. 26, Rowan county. R. R. Sept. 12, 1823
    Wilson, Letitia to Archibald G. Carter, Je. 17, Rowan county. R. R. Jly. 4, 1823
    Winstead, Barnet to Sophia Morgan, Mar. 23, Person county. R. R. Apr. 18, 1823 
    Wiseman, Jacob to Polly Ratts, My. 15, Davidson. R. R. Je. 6, 1823 
    Wood, Rebecca to John R. Hicks, Sept. 2.4, Granville county. R. R. Oct. 17, 1823
    Wortham, Thomas P. of Warren county to Eliza Davis, Dec. 18, Mecklenburg county, Va. R. R. Dec. 26, 1823
    Wynne, Mary to Joseph Halsey, Oct. 31, Tyrrell county. R. R. Nov. 14, 1823

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