North Carolina Marriage Records 1818Transcribed by Glenn Fields & Katherine Ricker Alston, Col. Lemuel J. of Alabama territory to Mrs. Joseph J. Williams, Jr. of Halifax county, Feb. 3, Halifax county. R. R. Feb. 13, 1818 Anderson, John to Julia Taylor of this State, My. 7, Washington, D. C. R. R. My. 22, 1818 Austin, Hannan to Charles Stuart of Fayetteville, Feb. 25, Tarborough. R. R. Mar. 20, 1818 Baker, James to May C. Broadfoot, Mar. 12. Fayetteville. R. R. Mar. 27, 1818 Baker, John C. of Brunswick county to Harriet Saunders, Apr. 23, Wake county. R. R. Apr. 24, 1818 Bass, Maclin to Sarah Judkins, Nov., Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 20, 1818 Bird, Empson to Mary Jordan, Mar. 5, Orange county. R. R. Mar. 27, 1818 Bowell, Eliza Ann to Archibald Ochiltree, My. 14, Fayetteville. R. R. My. 29, 1818 Boyd, Mary to Stephen D. Rice, Feb. 5, Rockingham. R. R. Feb. 27, 1818 Boykins, Rebecca to John Edwards, Aug. 19, Wake county. R. R. Aug. 21, 1818 Broadfast, Mary C. to James Baker, Mar. 12, Fayetteville. R. R. Mar. 27, 1818 Brown, Betsey to Rev. Daniel Smith, My. 12, Robeson county. R. R. My. 29, 1818 Brownrigg, Thomas to Mrs. James Hathaway, Apr. 11, Edenton. R. R. Apr. 17, 1818 Bunch, Micajah to Sarah Stand in of Chowan county, Je. R. R. Je. 19, 1818 Bynum, John W. of Chatham county to Eliza Daniel, Nov. 10, Wake county. R. R. Nov. 13, 1818 Cameron, John A. to Mrs. Halliday, Oct. 19, Fayetteville. R. R. Dec. 4, 1818 Cameron, Dr. T. N. to Jane A. \Wilder, Oct. 26, Petersburg, Va. R. R. Dec. 4, 1818 Cannon, Col. N. of Tennessee to Raphael U. Wellborn, Nov., Wilkes county. R. R. Nov. 13, 1818 Carloss, William of South Carolina to Sarah M'Leran. Apr. 16, Fayetteville. R. R. My. 1. 1818 Carthy, Catherine to Peter Custis, .Jan. 15. Newbern. R. R. .Jan. 30, 1818 Cobb, John of Lenoir county to Miss Grist. Je.. Washington. R. R. Je. 19, 1818 Cobb, John to Ann Grist of Beaufort county, My. 25. R. R. My. 29, 1818 Cocke, Sally to Alexander Winstead. Aug. S, Person county. R. R. Aug. 28, 1818 Cole, Jas. C. to Mary C. Snead, Aug. 25, Newbern. n. R. Sept. 11, 1818 Cooke, Mrs. Margaret to Bennet Partin, Aug. 27. Chapel Hill. R. R. Sept. 4, 1818 Cooper, Wm. \V. to Frances A. Spaight, Oct. 15, Murfreesboro. R. R. Oct. 16, 1818 Custus, Peter to Catharine Carthey, Jan. 15. Newbern. R. R. Jan. 30, 1818 Crittenden, Margaret of Halifax county to Dl'. Anthony A. Wyche of Virginia, Nov. 12. Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 20, 181S Croom, Willie J. of Lenoir county to Elizabeth Holliday of Greene county, Dec. 16. R. R. Jan. 2, 1818 Daniel, Eliza to John W. Bynum, Chatham county, Nov. 10, Wake county. R. R. Nov. 13, 1818 Daniel, Woodson of Granville county to Betsey Mitchell of Lewisburg, Feb. 23. R. R. Feb. 27, 1818 Davis, Anna to Joseph Summer!, Jly. 2, Fayetteville. R. R. Jly. 17, 1818 Donoho, Col. Archimedes to Mary Williamson, Dec., Person county. R. R. Dec. 18, 1818 Edwards, John to Rebecca Boykin, Aug. 19, Wake county. R. R. Aug. 21, 1818 Everett, Dr. S. B. to Amelia Parker, My. 10, Brunswick county. R. R. My. 29, 1818 Exum, John to Olza Johnson of Granville county, Dec., Edgecombe county. R. A. Jan. 2, 1818 Fonville, Elizabeth to Valentine Richardson, Aug. 23, Craven county. R. R. Sept. 11, 1818 Foster, Dr. Isaac to Margaret Long of Murfreesborough, Aug. 2, Hertford county. R. R. Aug. 21, 1818 Frazer, John A. to Frances A. Jones, Jan. 8, Craven county. R. R. Jan. 23, 1818 Freeman, George W. to Mrs. Ann Yates Gholson, Oct. 25, Franklin county. R. R. Dec. 4, 1818 Gales, Carolina Matilda to Major Thomas L. West of Bertie county, Mar. 18. R. R. Mar. 27, 1818 Gholson. Mrs. Ann Yates to George W. Freeman, Oct. 25, Franklin county. R. R. Dec. 4, 1818 Grist, Ann of Beaufort county to John Cobb, My. 25. R. R. My. 29, 1818 Gilmour, Stephen of Cumberland county to Amy Pearson of Wake county, My. 27. R. R. My. 29, 1818 Grist, Miss to John Cobb of Lenoir county, Je., Washington. R. R. Je. 19, 1818 Halliday, Mrs. to John A. Cameron, Oct. 19, Fayetteville. R. R. Dec. 4, 1818 Halsey, Mary Jane to Samuel Langdon, My. 13, Wilmington. R. R. My. 29, 1818 Hathaway, Mrs. James to Thomas Brownrigg, Apr. 11, Edenton. R. R. Apr. 17, 1818 Haughton. Edward to Abs Walton, Mar., Gates county. R. R. Mar. 13, 1818 Harris. Julia Ann to Capt. John T. Lane, Aug. 16, Craven county. R. R. Sept. 11. 1818 Heidleburg. Margaret to Gray Westbrook, Mar. 25, Greene county. R. R. Apr. 1.. 1818 Hill. Albert G. to Mrs. Maria Lash, Apr. 8, Fayetteville. R. R. Apr. 24, 1818 Hill. Louisa to George Spruil of Edgecombe county, Dec., Halifax county. R. R. Dec. 18. 1818 Holliday, Elizabeth of Greene county. to Willie J. Croom of Lenoir county, Dec 16. R. R. Jan. 2. 1818 Hunter. Mary to Capt. Thomas G. Scott of Raleigh, Jly. 22, Raleigh. R. R. Jly. 24. 1818 Jeffreys, Lucy or Franklin county to Wm. Terrell of Wake county, Sept. 29. R. R. Oct. 9. 1818 Jocelyn. Mrs. 1. A. of Sampson county to Dr. S. Williams. My. 12, Wilmingt'on. R. R. My. 29. 1.8l8 Johnson, Olza of Granville county to John Exum, Dec., Edgecombe county. R. R. Jan. 2, 1818 Jones, Francis A. to John A. Frazer, ,Jan. 8, Craven county. R. R. Jan. 23, 1818 Jordan, Mary to Empson Bird, Mar. 5, Orange county. R. R. Mar. 27, 1818 Judkins, Sarah to Maclin Bass, Nov., Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 20, 1818 Kollock, Rev. Shepard K. of Guilford county to Sarah R. Littlejohn, Feb. 19, Oxford. R. R. Feb. 20, 1818 Lane, Capt. John T. to Julia Ann Harris, Aug. 16, Craven county. R. R. Sept. 11, 1818 Langdon, Samuel to Mary Jane Halsey, My. 13, Wilmington. R. R. My. 29, 1818 Lash, Mrs. Maria to Albert G. Hill, Apr. 8, Fayetteville. R. R. Apr. 24, 1818 Littlejohn, Sarah R. to Rev. Shepard K. Kollock of Guilford county, Feb. 19. Oxford. R. R. Feb. 20, 1818 Lloyd, Richard to Louisiana B. Mascoll, Nov. 18, Wilmington. R. R. Dec. 4, 1818 Long, Margaret 0f Murfreesborough to Dr. Isaac Foster, Aug. 2, Hertford county. R. R. Aug. 21, 1818 Long, Mary A. Of Halifax county to Dr. William Polk of Raleigh, .Je. 1. R. R. Je. 12, 1818 M'Leran, Sarah to William Carloss of South Carolina, Apr. 16, Fayetteville. R. R. My. I, 1818 Mascoll, Louisiana B. to Richard Lloyd, Nov. 18, Wilmington. R. R. Dec. 4, 1818 Mitchell, Betsey of Lewisburg to Daniel Woodson of Granville county, Feb. 23. R. R. Feb. 27, 1818 Myatt, Peninah to Jno. B. White, Jan. 22, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 30, 1818 Ochiltree, Archibald to Eliza Ann Bowell, My. 14, Fayetteville. R. R. My. 29, 1818 Outlaw, George of Bertie county to Mrs. Harrison Smith, Washington county, Jan. 29, Washington county. R. R. Feb. 6, 1818 Parker, Amelia to Dr. S. B. Everett, My. 10, Brunswick county. R. R. My. 29. 1818 Partin, Bennet to Mrs. Margaret Cooke, Aug. 27, Chapel Hill. R. R. Sept. 4. 1818 Pasteur, Elizabeth to John 1. Pasteur, Mar. 21, Farmville, Craven county. R. R. My. 1, 1818 Pasteur. John I. to Elizabeth Pasteur, Mar. 21, Farmville, Craven county. R. R. My. 1, 1818 Pearson, Amy of Wake county to Stephen Gilmour of Cumberland county, My. 27. R. R. My. 29, 1818 Picot, Peter O. of Plymouth to Martha Potter of Granville county, Je., Chapel Hill. R. R. Je. 19, 1818 Polk. Dr. William of Raleigh to Mary A. Long of Halifax county, .Je. 1. R. R. .Je. 12, 1818 Potter. Martha of Granville county to Peter O. Picot of Plymouth, .Je., Chapel Hill. R. R. .Je. 19. 1818 Powell. Phebe to Warren Wallace, Mar. 26. Pitt county. R. R. Apr. 17, 1818 Pugh. Mary to John Smallwood, Apr. 23, Bertie county. R. R. My. 8, 1818 Reed, John H. of Massachusetts to Raphel Rountree of Pitt county, Feb. 25. R.R. Mar. 20, 1818 Rice, Stephen D. to Mary Boyd, Feb. 5, Rockingham county. R.R. Feb 27, 1818 Richardson, Valentine to Elizabth Fonville, Aug 23, Craven county. R.R. Sept. 11, 1818 Rountree, Rachel of Pitt county to John H. Reed of Massachusetts, Feb. 26, R.R. Mar. 20, 1818 Sanders, Theophilus to Angelina Whitaker, Mar. 10, Raleigh. R.R. Mar. 13, 1818 Saunders, Harriet to John C. Baker of Brunswick county, Apr. 23, Wake county. R.R. Apr. 24, 1818 Scott, Capt. Thomas G. of Raleigh to Mary Hunter, Jly. 22, Raleigh. R.R. Jly. 24, 1818 Shaw, Robert to Lucy Watson, Mar. 8, Halifax. R.R. Mar. 20, 1818 Smallwood, John to Mary Pugh, Apr. 23, Bertie county. R.R. My. 8, 1818 Smith, Rev. Daniel to Betsy Brown, My. 12, Robeson county. R.R. My. 29, 1818 Smith, Mrs. Harrison of Washington county to George Outlaw of Bertie county, Jan. 29, Washington county. R.R. Feb. 6, 1818 Snead, Mary C. to Jas. C. Cole, Aug 25, Newbern. R.R. Sept. 11, 1818 Snell, Caleb to Susan Tilman, Nov. 29, Craven county. R.R. Dec. 18, 1818 Spaight, Frances A. to Wm. W. Cooper, Oct. 15, Murfreesboro. R.R. Oct. 16, 1818 Spivey, Repsey to Col. Charles Wynne, Jr., Apr. 26, Granville county. R.R. My. 29, 1818 Spruil, George of Edgecombe county to Louisa Hill, Dec., Halifax county. R.R. Dec. 18, 1818 Summerl, Joseph to Ann Davis, Jly. 2, Fayetteville. R.R. Jly. 17, 1818 Standin, Sarah to Macajah Bunch of Chowan county, Je. R.R. Je. 17, 1818 Stuart, Charles of Fayetteville to Hannan Austin, Feb. 25, Tarborough. R.R. May 20, 1818 Taylor, Julia of this State to John Anderson, My. 7, Washington, D.C. R.R. My. 22 , 1818 Terrell, Wm. of Wake county to Lucy Jeffreys of Franklin county, Sept. 29. R.R. Oct. 9, 1818 Tilman, Susan to Caleb Snell, Nov. 29, Craven county. R.R. Dec. 18, 1818 Turner, Henry B. to Mary S. Turner, Apr. 28, Wake county. R.R. Apr. 3, 1818 Turner, Mary S. to Henry B. Turner, Apr. 28, Wake county. R.R. Apr. 3, 1818 Wallace, Warren to Phebe Powell, Mar. 26, Pitt county. R.R. Apr. 17, 1818 Walton, Abs to Edward Haughton, Mar., Gates county. R.R. Mar. 13, 1818 Watson, Lucy to Robert Shaw, Mar. 8, Halifax. R.R. Mar. 20, 1818 Wellborn, Raphael S. to Col. N. Cannon of Tennessee, Nov., Wilkes county. R.R. Nov. 13, 1818 West, Major Thomas L. of Bertie county to Carolina Matilda Gales, Mar. 18. R.R. Mar. 27, 1818 Westbrook, Gray to Margaret Heidleburg, Mar. 25, Greene county. R.R. Apr. 17, 1818 Whitaker, Angelina to Theophilus Sanders, Mar. 10, Raleigh. R.R. Mar. 13, 1818 White, Jno. B. to Peninah Myatt, Jan. 22, Wake county. R.R. Jan. 30, 1818 Wilder, Jane A. to Dr. T. N. Cameron, Oct. 26, Petersburg. R.R. Dec. 4, 1818 Williams, Mrs. Joseph J., Jr. of Halifax county to Col. Lemuel J. Alston of Albama territory, Feb. 3, Halifax county. R.R. Feb. 13 1818 Williams, Dr. S. to Mrs. M. A. Jocelyn to Sampson county, My. 12, Wilmington. R.R. My. 29, 1818 Williamson, Mary to Col. Archimedes Donoho, Dec., Person county. R.R. Dec. 18, 1818. Winstead, Alexander to Sally Cocke, Aug. 8, Person county. R.R. Aug. 28, 1818 Wooster, John to Lucy A. Wright, My. 10, Wilmington. R.R. My. 29, 1818 Wright, Lucy A. to John Wooster, My. 10, Wilmington. R.R. My. 29, 1818 Wyche, Anthony C. of Virginia to Margaret Crittenden of Halifax county, Nov. 12, Halifax county. R.R. Nov. 20, 1818 Wynne, Col. Charles, Jr. to Repsey Spivey, Apr. 20, Granville county. R.R. My. 29, 1818 |