North Carolina Marriage Records 1808Transcribed by Diane Siniard Alston, Samuel of Wake county to Sarah A. D. Williams of Martin county, Nov. 11, Martin county. R. R. Dec. S, l808 Arnold, Sally to Joseph Green of Newbern, Feb., Craven county. R. R. Feb. 11, l808 Atkins, Zilly to Daniel Thomas, Feb. 24, Caswell county. R. R. Mar. 10, 1808 Bagley, George to Nancy Williamson, My. 12, Caswell county. R. R. Je. 2, 1808 Bethol, Mrs. to Rev. George Roberts of Person county, Aug. 4, Rockingham. R. R. Aug. IS, 1808 Blount, Joseph of Bertie county to Fanny Connor of Pasquotank county, Jan., Pasquotank county. R. R. Jan. 28, l808 Boyd, James to Lucy Lyne of Granville county, Jly., Warren county. R. R. Jly. 28, 1808 Branch, Thomas of Southampton to Emily Bynum, Oct. 18, Northampton county. R. R. Oct. 27, 1808 Brown, Henry to Lucia Messick, Oct. 7, Surry county. R. R. Oct. 20, 1808 Bryan, Maria to J. Justice, Dec. 31, Newbern. R. R. Jan. 14, 1808 Burwell, S. of Mecklenburg county, Va. to Miss Marshall of Granville county, Oct. R. R. Oct. 13, 1808 Bynum, Emily to Thomas Branch of Southampton, Oct. 18, Northampton county. R. R. Oct. 27, 1808 Camp, Mrs. to Durrel Rogers, Mar., Wake county. R. R. Mar. 10, 1808 Cooper, Sally to Richard Davis, Oct., Wake county. R. R. Oct. 27, 1808 Cowan, Joseph of Danville, Va. to Susan Hart of Caswell county, Je. 2 R. R. Je. 9, 1808 Davis, Hyder Aly of South Carolina to Eliza Jones, My. 26, Northampton county. R. R. Je. 2, 1808 Davis, Richard to Sally Cooper, Oct.,Wake county. R. R. Oct. 27, lS08 Donoho, Polly of Caswell county. to John C. Eliot of Rutherford county, Feb. 24. R. R. Mar. 10, 1808 Eakin, John to Sally Walker of Rutherford county, Aug. 18, Rutherfordton. R. R. Sept. 15, 1808 Easton, Miss E. H. S. to John Kennedy of Beaufort county, Feb. 25, Milton, Pitt county. R. R. Mar. 3, 1808 Elliot, John C. of Rutherford county to Polly Donoho of Caswell county, Feb. 24. R. R. Mar. 10, 1808 Fabre, Mrs. Eliza to Samuel Simpson, Aug. 15, Newbern. R. R. Aug. 25, 1808 Gardner, Abigail to Capt. Benj. Simmons, Mar. 17, Jones county. R. R. Apr. 7, 1808 Green, Joseph of Newbern to Sally Arnold, Feb., Craven county. R. R. Feb. 11, 1808 Hamilton, Col. John to Nancy Scott, Apr., Pasquotank county. R. R. Apr. 7, 1808 Hart, Susan of Caswell county to Joseph Cowan of Danville, Va., Je. 2. R. R. Je. 9, 1808 Harvey, Eliza to James C. Stanly, Dec., Newbern. R. R. Dec. 29, 1808 Harvey, Eliza of Washington, Beaufort county to Edmund MacNair, Dec. 21, Washington. R. R. Dec. 29, 1808 Hatch, Mrs. Lemuel of Jones county to John S. West of Craven county, Sept. 11, Newbern. R. R. Sept. 29, 1808 Hatcher, Elizabeth to Allen Hightower, Feb. 24, Caswell county. R. R. Mar. 10, 1808 Haywood, Harriot of this State to Dr. D. Moore of Nashville, Tenn., Aug., Tenn. R. R. Aug. 4, 1808 Hightower, Allen to Elizabeth Hatcher, Feb. 24, Caswell county. R. R. Mar. 10, 1808 Hinton, Jos. B. to Rosa R. Simpkins, My. 19, Newbern. R. R. Je. 2, 1808 Jones, Eliza to Hyder Aly Davis of South Carolina, My. 26, Northampton county. R. R. Je. 2, 1808 Judkins, Nathaniel of Halifax to Sally Pasteur, Nov. 20. R. R. Dec. 29, 1808 Justice, J. to Maria Bryan, Dec. 31, Newbern. R. R. Jan. 14, 1808 Keais, Barbara to Slade Pearce, Oct. 5, Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Oct. 20, 1808 Kennedy, John of Beaufort county to Miss E. H. S. Easton, Feb. 25, Milton, Pitt county. R. R. Mar. 3, 1808 Lewis, David of Newbern to S. Tignor, Feb., Craven county. R. R. Feb. 11, 1808 Little, Catharine to Edward Wilkinson, Nov. 22, Robeson county. R. R. Dec. 8, 1808 Lyne, Lucy of Granville county to James Boyd, Jly., Warren county. R. R. Jly. 28, 1808 M'Culloch, Major Samuel to Sarah W. Moore, My. 12, Halifax. R. R. My. 19, 1808 Machen, T. W. to Mary Rowe, My. 10, Newbern. R. R. My. 19, 1808 M'Lin, Miss E. to Rich'd Pearson of Rowan county, Mar. 3, Newbern. R. R. Mar. 24, 1808 M'Nair, Edmund of Tarboro to Eliza Harvey of Washington, Beaufort county, Dec. 21, Washington. R. R. Dec. 29, 1808 M'Queen, Ann to Richard Street of Moore county, Je., Chatham county. R. R. Je. 30, 1808 Maney, Eliza to William H. Murfree, Jan. 6, Murfreesborough. R. R. Jan. 14, 1808 Marshall, Miss of Granville county to S. Burwell of Mecklenburg county, Va., Oct. R. R. Oct. 13, 1808 Mason, D. of Halifax county to Dorthea Smith of Northampton county, Apr. 12. R.R. My. 5, 1808 Messick, Lucia to Henry Brown, Oct. 7, Surry county. R.R. Oct 20, 1808 Moore, Dr. D. of Nashville to Harriot Haywood of this State, Aug., Tenn. R.R. Aug. 4, 1808 Moore, Sarah W. to Major Samuel M'Culloch, My. 12, Halifax. R.R. My. 19, 1808 Morris, Sally to Samuel Pearson, Jan. 12, Raleigh. R.R. Jan 14, 1808 Murfee, William H. to Eliza Maney, Jan 6, Murfeesborough. R.R. Jan 14, 1808 Myatt, Cyrene to John Whitaker, Jr., Apr. 21, Wake county. R.R. Apr. 28, 1808 Paddison, Hannah to John Stewart, Mar. 8, Raleigh. R.R. Mar. 10, 1808 Parker, Theopilus to Mary Toole, Nov. 23, Tarborough. R.R. Jan 14, 1808 Pasteur, Sally to Nathaniel Judkins of Halifax, Nov. 20. R.R. Dec. 29, 1808 Pearce, Slade to Barbara Keals, Oct. 5, Washington, Beaufort county. R.R. Oct 20, 1808 Pearson, Rich'd of Rowan county to Miss E. M'Lin, Mar 3, Newbern. R.R. Mar. 24, 1808 Rice, Marcey of Caswell county to Samuel Watt of Rockingham county, Jan. 28, Caswell county. R.R. Feb. 18, 1808 Roberts, Rev. George of Person county to Mrs. Bethol, Aug. 4, Rockingham. R.R. Aug. 18, 1808 Rowe, Mary to T.W. Machen, My. 10, Newbern. R.R. My. 19 1808 Scott, Nancy to Col. John Hamilton, Apr., Pasquotank county. R.R. Apr. 7, 1808 Simpkins, Rosa R. to Jos. B. Hinton, My. 19, Newbern. R.R. Je. 2, 1808 Simpson, Samuel to Mrs. Eliza Fabre, Aug 15, Newbern. R.R. Aug. 25, 1808 Singleton, Ann to J. Tullock, Mar. 3, Caswell county. R.R. Mar 17, 1808 Slade, Nancy to John Stamps, Jan. 14, Caswell county. R.R. Jan 21, 1808 Smith, Dorothea of Northampton county to D. Mason of Halifax, Apr. 12. R.R. My. 5, 1808 Stamps, John to Nancy Slade, Jan. 14, Caswell county. R.R. Jan. 21, 1808 Staley, James C. to Eliza Harvey, Dec., Newbern. R.R. Dec 29, 1808 Stewart, John to Hannah Paddison, Mar. 8, Raleigh. R.R. Mar. 10, 1808 Street, Richard of Moore county to Ann M'Queen, Je., Chatham county. R.R. Je. 30, 1808 Simmons, Capt. Benj. to Abigail Gardner, Mar. 17, Jones county. R.R. Apr 7, 1808 Taylor, Ann L. to Henry Young, Aug., Granville county. R.R. Aug 4, 1808 Thomas, Daniel to Zilly Atkins, Feb. 24, Caswell county. R.R. Mar. 10, 1808 Tignor, S. to David Lewis of Newbern, Feb., Craven county. R.R. Feb. 11, 1808 Toole, Mary to Theopilus Parker, Nov. 23, Tarborough. R.R. Jan. 14, 1808 |