North Carolina Marriage Records 1805Transcribed by Diane Siniard Alford, Elias to Charity Hedgepeth, Nov. 28, Robeson county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805 Allen, Mary to Benjamin White of Craven county, Jan. 1, Craven county. R. R. Jan. 14, 1805 Alston, Nancy to John Sutherland of Wake county, Oct. 17, Warren county. R. R. Oct. 28, 1805 Armstrong, Bell to Joel Williams, Jr., Mar. 28, Cumberland county. R. R. Apr. I, 1805 Atkin, Mrs. Thomas to Samuel Holloman of Raleigh, Feb. 6, Raleigh. R. R. Feb. 11, 1805 Atkins, Eliza A. to Samuel Kittrel, Jr. of Granville county, Apr. 18, Raleigh. R. R. Apr. 22, 1805 Bachelor, Fanny to Lucas J. Benners, Jan. 6, Newbern. R. R. Jan. 28, 1805 Barbie, Henrietta to Thomas Moore, Jan. 28, Orange county. R. R. Feb. 11, 1805 Battle, Polly to Olen Lamon, Je. 27, Edgecombe county. R. R. Jly. 8, 1805 Benners, Lucas J. to Fanny Bachelor, Jan. 6, Newbern. R. R. Jan. 28, 1805 Bernard, Julia of Wilmington to William J. Scarborough of Savannah, Apr. 18, Wilmington. R. R. May 6, 1805 Blackmore, Mrs. Mary of Duplin county to Isaac R. Eaves of Swansboro, Je. 27, Duplin county. R. R. Jly. 8, 1805 Bloodworth, Thomas to Ann Evans, Jan., Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 21, 1805 Bond, Harriet to Richard Eppes, Nov., Halifax. R. R. Nov. 18, 1805 Bradley, Richard of Wilmington to Eliza Young of Bladen county, Mar. 26, Wilmington. R. R. Apr. 8, 1805 Bridges, Betsey to John Sanders, Feb. 13, Wake county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1805 Brooks, Patsey to Ezenus Bush, Nov. 28, Caswell county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805 Bush, Ezenus to Patsey Brooks, Nov. 28, Caswell county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805 Bush, Lois to Thomas Henslee, Nov. 21, Caswell county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805 Calhorda, John to Polly M'Clammy, Aug. I, Wilmington. R. R. Aug. 19, 1805 Caller, Charles to Susan Leonard, Nov. 6, Warren ton. R. R. Nov. 18, 1805 Childers, Osborn of Rockingham to Polly Hill of Raleigh, Feb. 21, Stokes county. R. R. Mar. 18,1805 Christmas, Mrs. Jane to Capt. John Green, Oct. 13, Warren county. R. R. Oct. 28, 1805 Clements, Woodson to Keziah Duskins, Jan. 24, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 28, 1805 Courtis, Patsey to John Rand, Je. 20, Wake county. R. R. Je. 24, 1805 Dameron, Patience to Daniel Jackson. Nov. 28. Caswell county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805 Davis, Green of Franklin county to Charlotte Hunter, Jan., Wake county. R. R. Jan. 21, l805 Dickson, Joseph of Duplin county to Lucy Gillespie, Sept. 10, Duplin county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1805 Dickson, Lewis to Kitty Hill, Sept. 11, Duplin county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1805 Dodd, Jemina to Willie Sledge of Franklin, Feb. 6, Raleigh. R. R. Feb. 11, 1805 Dogherty, Nelly to David Yarborough, Sept., Hillsborough. R. R. Oct. 7, 1805 Drake, Silas to Aserath Rowland, Dec. I, Robeson county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805 Duke, Lanier of Warren county to John Washington of Granville county, Aug., Warren county. R. R. Aug. 26, 1805 Dunn, Henrietta of Duplin county to William Thompson of Sampson county, Sept., Duplin county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1805 Duskins, Keziah to Woodson Clements, Jan. 24, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 28, 1805 Eaves, Isaac R. of Swansboro to Mrs. Mary Blackmore of Duplin county, Je. 27, Duplin county. R. R. Jly. 8, 1805 Eppes, Richard to Harriet Bond, Nov., Halifax. R. R. Nov. 18, 1805 Evans, Ann to Thomas Bloodworth, Jan., Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 21, 1805 Finch, Elizabeth to John Walker, Oct. 17, Warren county. R. R. Oct. 28, 1805 Fox, Lark of Franklin county to Eliza Gholson .of Brunswick county, Feb. 20. R. R. Mar. 11, 1805 Gallagher, Capt. to Ann Kewell, Sept., Washington. R. R. Sept. 30, 1805 Gaston, William to Miss M'Lure, Oct., Newbern. R. R. Oct. 21, 1805 Gerard, Mrs. of Tarborough to Harry Hunter of Williamston, Je. 24, Tarborough. R. R. Jly., 8, 1805 Gholson, Eliza of Brunswick county to Lark Fox of Franklin county, Feb. 20. R. R. Mar. 11, 1805 Gillespie, Lucy to Joseph Dickson of Duplin county, Sept. 10, Duplin county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1805 Glen, Thompson of Granville county to Polly Hodges of Cumberland county, Mar. 28. R. R. Apr. 1, 1805 Good, Benjamin to Fanny Oliver of Newbern, Apr. 21, Newbern. R. R. My. 6, 1805 Goodloe, John M. to Eliza Jelks, Nov. 14, Raleigh. R. R. Nov. 18, 1805 Gordon, Flora to John Nicholson, Nov. 28, Richmond county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805 Graham, James of Richmond county to Betsey M'Neill of Cumberland county. Dec., Cumberland county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805 Graves, Isbell to William Graves, Nov. 26, Caswell county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805 Graves, William to Isbell Graves, Nov. 26, Caswell county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805 Green, Capt. John to Mrs. Jane Christmas, Oct. 13, Warren county. R. R. Oct. 28, 1805 Harden, Jane to William Whiteside, Aug. 29, Orange county. R. R. Sept. 2. 1805 Hedgepeth, Charity to Elias Alford, Nov. 28, Robeson county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805 Henslee, Thomas to Lois Bush, Nov. 21, Caswell county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805 Herndon, Polly to Obid Powel of Chatham county, Jly. 4, Orange county. R. R. Jly. 15, 1805 Hill, Kitty to Lewis Dickson, Sept. 11, Duplin county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1805 Hill, Levina to Dr. Sterling Wheaton of Raleigh, Jan. 20, Franklin county. R. R. Jan. 28, 1805 Hill, Polly of Raleigh to Osborn Childers of Rockingham, Feb. 21, Stokes county. R. R. Mar. 18, 1805 Hilliard, Carter of Nash county to Amy Hunt, Sept. 18, Franklin county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1805 Hodges, Polly of Cumberland county to Thompson Glen of Granville county, Mar. 28. R. R. Apr. 1, 1805 Holloman, Samuel of Raleigh to Mrs. Thomas Atkin, Feb. 6, Raleigh. R. R. Feb. 11, 1805 Hunt, Amy to Carter Hilliard of Nash county, Sept. 18, Franklin county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1805 Hunter, Charlotte to Green Davis of Franklin county, Jan., Wake county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1805 Hunter, Harry of Williamston to Mrs. Gerard of Tarborough, Je. 24, Tarborough. R. R. Jly. 8, 1805 Ingram, Miss of Franklin to Charles Wortham of Warren county, Jan. 31. R. R. Feb. 11, 1805 Jackson, Daniel to Patience Dameron, Nov. 28, Caswell county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805 Jelks, Eliza to John M. Goodloe, Nov. 14, Raleigh. R. R. Nov. 18, 1805 Jerkins, Thomas to Grissel Sears, Jan. 6, Newbern. R. R. Jan. 28, 1805 Johnson, Patience to Mr. Murphy, Oct. 17, Franklin county. R. R. Oct. 28, 1805 Joseph, Solomon Moses to Mrs. Euphen Alston Rhoads, Sept., Washington. R. R. Sept. 30, 1805 Kerr, Rev. John of Caswell county to Mrs. J. Williams of Halifax county, Va., Apr. 18. R. R. My. 6, l805 King, John to Mrs. Rebecca Mebane, Aug. 29, Orange county. R. R. Sept. 2, 1805 Kittrel, Samuel Jr. of Granville county to Eliza A. Atkins, Apr. 18, Raleigh. R. R. Apr. 22, 1805 Lamon, Olen to Polly Battle, Je. 27, Edgecombe county. R. R. Jly. 8, 1805 Langley, Sally to Wesley Whitaker, Oct. 7, Raleigh. R. R. Nov. 11, 1805 Lenox, Fanny to Samuel Tredwell of Edenton, Jan., Bertie county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1805 Leonard, Susan to Charles Caller, Nov. 6, Warrenton. R. R. Nov. 18, 1805 Lewis, Lucy Ann of Granville county to James Seawell of Franklin county. R. R. Dec. 30, 1805 Lewis, Wm. of Person county to Miss Medlock of Caswell county, Jan. 31. R. R. Feb. 11, 1805 Lloyd, Polly to Roderic Sessums, Je. 27, Tarborough. R. R. Jly. 8, 1805 Long, Betsey to Thomas Harvey, Nov., Hertford. R. R. Nov. 25, 1805 Long, Nicholas of Fayetteville to Catherine Taylor of Raleigh, Mar. 28, Raleigh. R. R. Apr. I, 1805 M'Clammy, Polly to John Calhorda, Aug. I, Wilmington. R. R. Aug. 19, 1805 M'Clure, Miss to William Gaston, Oct., Newbern. R. R. Oct. 21, 1805 M'Farland, Flora of Richmond county to James M'Farland of Charleston, S. C., Nov. 28, Richmond county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805 M'Farland, James of Charleston, S. C. to Flora M'Farland of Richmond county, Nov. 28, Richmond county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805 M'Neill, Betsey of Cumberland county to James Graham of Richmond county, Dec., Cumberland county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805 Marshall, Robert L. of Gates county to Mrs. Elizabeth Martin of Halifax county, Jan. 6. R. R. Jan. 21, 1805 Martin, Mrs. Elizabeth of Halifax county to Robert L. Marshall of Gates county, Jan. 6. R. R. Jan. 21, 1805 Mebane, Mrs. Rebecca to John King, Aug. 29, Orange county. R. R. Sept. 2, 1805 Medlock, Miss of Caswell county to Wm. Lewis of Person county, Jan. 31. R. R. Feb. 11, 1805 Morgan, Lemuel of Orange county to Mary Shaw, Jan. 24, Wake county. R. R. Feb. 11, 1805 Moore, Thomas to Henrietta Barbie of Orange county, Jan. 28. R. R. Feb. 1, 1805 Morton, Miss of Charlotte county, Va. to Rev. Hugh Shaw of Wake county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1805 Murphy, Mr. to Patience Johnson, Oct. 17, Franklin county. R. R. Oct. 28, 1805 Nicholson, Elizabeth to William Rigan, Oct. 17, Warrenton. R. R. Oct. 28, 1805 Nicholson, John to Flora Gordon, Nov. 28, Richmond county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805 Norris, Polly to John Walton, Aug. 22, Wake county. R. R. Aug. 26, 1805 Norwood, Polly to Joseph Outerbridge, Sept. 26, Franklin county. R. R. Sept. 30, 1805 Oliver, Fanny of Newbern to Benjamin Good, Apr. 21, Newbern. R. R. My. 6, 1805 Outerbridge, Joseph to Polly Norwood, Sept. 26, Franklin county. R. R. Sept. 30, 1805 Powel, Obid of Chatham county to Polly Herndon, Jly. 4, Orange county. R. R. Jly. 15, 1805 Rand, John to Patsey Courtis, Je. 20, Wake county. R. R. Je. 24, 1805 Rhodes, Mrs. Euphen Alston to Solomon Moses Joseph, Sept., Washington. R. R. Sept. 30, 1805 Riggan, William to Elizabeth Nicholson, Oct. 17, Warren ton. R. R. Oct. 28, 1805 Rowland, Aserath to Silas Drake, Dec. 1, Robeson county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1805. Sanders, John to Betsey Bridges, Feb. 13, Wake county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1805 Scarborough, William Jr. of Savannah to Julia Bernard of Wilmington, Apr. 18, Wilmington. R. R. My. 6, 1805 Seawell, James of Franklin county to Lucy Ann Lewis of Granville county, Dec., Granville county. R. R. Dec. 30, 1805 Sessums, Roderic to Polly Lloyd, Je. 27, Tarborough. R. R. Jly. 8, 1805 Shaw, Rev. Hugh of Wake county to Miss Morton of Charlotte county, Va., Feb. R. R. Feb. 18, 1805 Shaw, Mary to Lemuel Morgan of Orange county, Jan. 24, Wake county. R. R. Feb. 11, 1805 Sledge, Willie of Franklin to Jemina Dodd, Feb. 6, Raleigh. R. R. Feb. 11, 1805 Spruill, Benjamin of Tyrrell county to Susannah Thomas of Raleigh, Dec. 19. R. R. Dec. 23, 1805 Sutherland, John of Wake county to Nancy Alston, Oct. 17, Warren county. R. R. Oct. 28, 1805 Swann, Maria to John D. Toomer, Dec. 9, Wilmington. R. R. Dec. 16, 1805 Taylor, Catherine of Raleigh to Nicholas Long of Fayetteville, Mar. 28, Raleigh. R. R. Apr. 1, 1805 Thomas, Susannah of Raleigh to Benjamin Spruill of Tyrrell county, Dec. 19. R. R. Dec, 23, 1805 Thompson, William of Sampson county to Henrietta Dunn of Duplin county, Sept., Duplin county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1805 Toomer, John D. to Maria Swann, Dec. 9, Wilmington. R. R. Dec. 16, 1805 Tredwell, Samuel of Edenton to Fanny Lenox, Jan., Bertie county. R. R. Jan. 21, 1805 Ure, Mrs. Mary to John Williams, Aug. 15, Wilmington. R. R. Sept. 2, 1805 Walker, John to Elizabeth Finch, Oct. 17, Warren county. R. R. Oct. 28, 1805 Walton, Edward of Orange county to Polly Willis, Jan. 31, Chatham county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1805 Walton, John to Polly Norris, Aug. 22, Wake county. R. R. Aug. 26, 1805 Washington, John of Gl'anville county to Lanier Duke of Warren county, Aug., Warren county. R. R. Aug. 26, 1805 Whitaker, Wesley to Sally Langley, Oct. 7, Raleigh. R. R. Nov. 11, 1805 Wheaten, Dr. Sterling of Raleigh to Levina Hill, Jan. 20, Franklin county. R. R. Jan. 28, 1805 White, Beuajah of Lenoir county to Mary Allen of Craven county, Jan. 1, Craven county. R. R. Jan. 14, 1805 Whiteside, William to Jane Harden, Aug. 29, Orange county. R. R. Sept. 2, 1805 Williams, Joel, Jr. to Bell Armstrong, Mar. 28, Cumberland county. R. R. Apr. 1, 1805 Williams, John to Mrs. Wray Ure, Aug. 15, Wilmington. R. R. Sept. 2, 1805 Williams, Mrs. J. of Halifax county, Va. to Rev. John Kerr of Caswell county, Apr. 18. R. R. My. 6, 1805 Willis, Polly to Edward Walton of Orange county, Jan. 31, Chatham county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1805 Wortham, Charles of Warren county to Miss Ingram of Franklin, Jan. 31. R. R. Feb. 11, 1805 Yarborough, David to Neely Dogerty, Sept., Hillsborough. R. R. Oct. 7, 1805 Young, Eliza of Bladen county to Richard Bradley of Wilmington, Mar. 26, Wilmington. R. R. Apr. 8, 1805 |