North Carolina Marriage Records 1803

    Transcribed by Diane Siniard

    Alston, Temperance to Atherton Dawson, My. 12, Warren county. R. R. My. 16, 1803 
    Atkins, Lewis to Miss Bird, Oct. 18, Wake county. R. R. Oct. 24, 1803 Barge, Richard to 
    Miss Parker of Cape Fear, Oct. 18, Fayetteville. R. R Oct. 24, 1803
    Branch, John Jr. to Elizabeth Foort, Apr. 6, Halifax county. R. R. Apr.11, 1803
    Bennehan, Rebecca of Orange county to Duncan Cameron of HiIIsborough, Mar., Orange county. 
    R. R. Mr. 7, 1803 
    Bird, Miss to Lewis Atkins, Oct. 18, Wake county, R. R. Oct. 24, 1803 Bludworth, William of 
    New Hanover county to Mary Larkins, My. 5. R. R. My. 16, 1803
    Blythe, Mrs. Mary to Charles Carrol, Apr., Wilmington. R. R. My. 2, 1803
    Boyd, Jane of Mecklenburg county, Va. to John D. Hawkins of Raleigh, My. 2, Mecklenburg 
    county, Va. R. R. My. 16, 1803
    Brownrigg, Thomas to Susanna Martin, Dec. 29; Halifax. R. R. Jan. 17, 1803
    Bush, Mrs. William to Needham Whitfield of Wayne county, Jly. 10, Jones county. R. R. Aug. 8, 
    Caldwell, Rev. Joseph to Susan Roan, Jly. 16, Fayetteville. R. R. Jly. 18, 1803
    Cameron, Duncan of Hillsborough to Rebecca Bennehan of Orange county, Mar., Orange county. 
    R. R. Mar. 7, 1803
    Campbell, Peggy to Isham Edwards, Sept. 29, Person county. R. R. Oct. 17, 1803
    Carroll, Charles to Mrs. Mary Blythe, Apr., Wilmington. R. R. My. 2, 1803 
    Cochran, Mrs. to James Turner, Sept. 10, Warrenton. R. R. Sept. 19, 1803
    Cohen, Miss of Charleston, S. C. to Aaron Lazarus of Wilmington, My. 10, Charleston, S. C. 
    R. R. Je. 6, 1803
    Dawson, Atherton to Temperance Alston, My. 12, Warren county. R. R. My. 16, 1803
    Edwards, Isham to Peggy Campbell, Sept. 29, Person county. R. R. Oct. 17, 1803
    Foort, Elizabeth to John Branch, Jr., Apr. 6, Halifax county. R. R. Apr. 11, 1803
    Fulwood, Mrs. Ann to Ezekiel Smith, Apr. 17, Brunswick county. R. R. My. 2, 1803
    Gaston, William of Newbern to Susan Hay, Sept. 4, Fayetteville. R. R. Sept. 19, 1803
    Geddy, Misshaw of Raleigh to William Hall of Haywood county, Jan. 6, Franklin county. R. R. 
    Jan. 10, 1803
    Gillespie, Elizabeth of Duplin county to Aaron Morgan of New Hanover county, My. R. R. My, 
    16, 1803
    Gilmore, Stephen to Miss Teams, Jan., Cumberland county. R. R. Jan. 10, 1803
    Green, Colonel Thomas A. to Hollon West, Oct. 5, Newbern. R. R. Oct. 24, 1803 
    Hall, Dr. Thomas to Mrs. Sitgreaves, Jan. 6, Halifax. R. R. Jan. 17, 1803
    Hall, William of Haywood county to Misshaw Geddy of Raleigh, Jan. 6, Franklin county. R. R. 
    Jan. 10, 1803 
    Harrison, Mr. to Sally Jones, Aug. 25, Newbern. R. R. Sept. 5, 1803 
    Hawkins, John D. of Raleigh to Jane Boyd of Mecklenburg county, Va., My. 2, Mecklenburg 
    county, Va. R. R. My. 16, 1803
    Hay, Susan to William Gaston of Newbern, Sept. 4, Fayetteville. R. R. Sept. 19, 1803
    Henderson, Polly to John Lacey, My., Rockingham county. R. R. My. 30, 1803
    Holcroft, Courtney to Colonel John Ingles, Nov. 12, Wake county. R. R. Nov. 14, 1803
    Hunter, Henry of Wake county to Nancy Seawell of Franklin county, Dec. 7, Franklin county. 
    R. R. Dec. 12, 1803
    Ingles, Colonel John to Courtney Holcroft, Nov. 12, Wake county. R. R. Nov. 14, 1803
    Jeffreys, Mrs. of Person county to James Thompson, Feb. 17, Wake county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1803
    Jones, Edward of Warren county to Betsey Seawell, Feb. 17, Franklin county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1803
    Jones, Martha B. to James Turner, My., Halifax county. R. R. My. 16, 1803
    Jones, Polly to James Palmer of Hawfields, Dec. 26, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 4, 1803 
    Jones, Sally to Mr. Harrison, Aug. 25, Newbern. R. R. Sept. 5, 1803 
    Kollock, Mary of New Jersey to Frederic Nash of Newbern, Sept., Elizabethtown, N. J. R. R. Sept. 
    19, 1803
    Lacey, John to Polly Henderson, My., Rockingham county. R. R. My. 30, 1803
    Larkins, Mary to William Bludworth of New Hanover county, My. 5. R. R. My. 16, 1803
    Lazarus, Aaron of Wilmington to Miss Cohen of Charleston, S. C., My. 10, Charleston, S. C. 
    R. R. Je. 6, 1803
    Rackan, James to Marianne Wingate, Nov. 6, Fayetteville. R. R. Nov. 14, 1803
    M'Ree, Helen to Mr. Turner of Sampson county, Mar., Cumberland county. R. R. Mar. 21, 1803
    Martin, Susanna to Thomas Brownrigg, Dec. 29, Halifax. R. R. Jan. 17, 1803 
    Moore, Jas. to Jean L. Overton, My. 19, Fayetteville. R. R. My. 30, 1803 
    Moore, Polly to Richard Stanford, Sept. 11, Person county. R. R. Sept. 26, 1803
    Morgan, Aaron of New Hanover county to Elizabeth Gillespie of Duplin county, My. R. R. 
    My. 16, 1803 
    Nash, Elizabeth S. to Robert Ogden, Je., Newbern. R. R. Je. 20, 1803 
    Nash, Frederic of Newbern to Mary Kollock of New Jersey, Sept., Elizabethtown, N. J. R. R. 
    Sept. 19, 1803
    Ogden, Robert to Elizabeth S. Nash, Je., Newbern. R. R. Je. 20, 1803 
    Overton, Jean L. to Jas. Moore, My. 19, Fayetteville. R. R. My. 30, 1803 
    Palmer, James of Hawfields to Polly Jones, Dec. 26, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 4, 1803
    Parish, John of Raleigh to Miss Sims of Wake county, ""lar. 1. R. R. Mar.7, 1803
    Parker. Miss of Cape Fear to Richard Barge, Oct. 18, Fayetteville. R. R. Oct. 24, 1803 
    Potts. Jeffe to Nancy Starling, Sept. 4, Fayetteville. R. R. Sept. 19, 1803 
    Rhodes, Patsey to Samuel Whitaker, Dec. 15, Wake county. R. R. Dec. 19, 1803
    Roan. Susan to Rev. Joseph Caldwell, Jly. 16, Fayetteville. R. R. Jly. 18, 1803
    Seawell, Betsey to Edward Jones of 'Warren county, Feb. 17, Franklin county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1803
    Seawell. Nancy of Franklin county to Henry Hunter of Wake county, Dec. 7, Franklin county. 
    R. R. Dec. 12, 1803
    Sims, Miss of Wake county to John Parish of Raleigh, Mar. 1. R. R. Mar. 7, 1803
    Sit greaves, Mrs. to Dr. Thomas Hall, Jan. 6, Halifax. R. R. Jan. 17, 1803
    Smith, Ezekiel to Mrs. Ann Fulwood, Apr. 17, Brunswick county. R. R. My. 2, 1803
    Stanford, Richard to Polly Moore, Sept. 11, Person county. R. R. Sept. 26, 1803 
    Starling, Nancy to Jeffe Potts, Sept. 4, Fayetteville. R. R. Sept. 19, 1803
    Taylor, Charles of Granville county to Miss Turner of Wake county, Nov. 23. R. R. Nov. 28, 1803
    Teams, Miss to Stephen Gilmore, Jan., Cumberland county. R. R. Jan. 10, 1803
    Thompson, James of Person county to Mrs. Jeffrey, Feb. 17, Wake county. R. R. Feb. 22, 1803
    Turner, James to Martha B. Jones, My., Halifax county. R. R. My. 16, 1803 
    Turner, James to Mrs. Cochran, Sept. 10, Warrenton. R. R. Sept. 19, 1803 
    Turner, Miss of Wake county to Charles Taylor of Granville county, Nov. 23. R. R. Nov. 28, 1803
    Turner, Mr. of Sampson county to Helen M'Ree, Mar., Cumberland county. R. R. Mar. 21, 1803
    West, Hollon to Colonel Thomas A. Green, Oct. 5, Newbern. R. R. Oct. 24, 1803
    Whitaker, Samuel to Patsey Rhodes, Dec. 15, Wake county. R. R. Dec. 19, 1803
    Whitfield, Needham of Wayne county to Mrs. William Bush, Jly. 10, Jones county. R. R. Aug. 8, 1803
    Wingate, Marianne to James M'Rackan, Nov. 6, Fayetteville. R. R. Nov. 14, 1803

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