Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Arnold, Rev. J. D. of Asheville to Nannie Clark of Raleigh, Jan. 1, Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 1, 1891 . m , Atwater, Mary E. of Chatham county to J. M. Turner of Wake county, Je. 17, Chatham county. N. 0. Je. 23, 1891 Bailey, F. L. of Raleigh to Mollie Winston of Franklinton, Mar. 17, Franklinton. N. O. Mar. 18, 1891 Barber, W. W. of Wilkesboro to Mariana M. Wilcox of Ashe county, Oct. 3, Ashe county. N. O. Oct. 4, 1891 Barnes, Guy V. to Mary Ella Williams, Feb. 25, Kittrell. N. O. Mar. 3, 1891 Barnes, L. W. of Henderson to Eva Lyon of Durham, Mar. 12, Durham. N. O. Mar. 13, 1891 Batchelor, Dr. Kemp B. of Balto., Md. & Raleigh to Ferebee Dewey of Raleigh, Dec. 30, Raleigh. N. O. Dec. 30, 1891 Battle, Gaston of Rocky Mount to Tamar Haughton Manning of Chapel Hill, Dec. 31, Chapel Hill. N. O. Jan. 3, 1891 Battle, Mary Lindsay of Lilesville to Collier Cobb of this state and Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 27, Lilesville. N. O. Jan. 28, 1891 Beale, Nannie E. of Baton Rouge, La. to J. Frank Wilkes of Charlotte, Oct. 7, Atlanta, Ga. N. 0. Oct. 12, 1891 Beckwith, S. J. of Hyde county to Lulie Speed, Oct. 27, Franklin county. N. 0. Oct. 29, 1891 Berwanger, Abe. of Raleigh to Carrie Lyon of Washington, D. C , Mar. 22, Washington, D. C. N. O. Mar. 25, 1891 Betts, Ida to Joseph H. Weathers, Je. 11, Raleigh. N. 0. Je. 12, 1891 B etts, Miss of Raleigh to C. E. Goodwin of Raleigh, Jan. 22, Durham. N. 0. Jan. 24, 1891 Bishop, Myrtle G. of Raleigh to W. W. Wyatt of Norfolk, Va., My. 20, Raleigh. N. 0 . My. 21, 1891 Borden, Jno. L. of Goldsboro, Oct. 8, Goldsboro. N. O. Oct. 9, 1891 Bridgers, Jeneva to John W. Pearce, Feb. 5, Wake county. N. O. Feb. 10, 1891 Busbee, Charles Manly of this State to Florence Elinor Cooper, Jan. 22, Washington, D. C. N. O. Mar. 25, 1891 Cameron, Col. Benehan of this State to Sallie Mayo of Richmond, Va., Oct. 28, Richmond, Va. N. 0. Oct. 27, 1891 Cannady, Mary H. of Franklin county to James A. Henley of Franklinton, My. 27, Franklin county. N. O. My. 29, 1891 Capehart, M. Armistead of Kittrell to Thomas L. Feild of London, England, Feb. 10, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 10, 1891 Chamberlain, Prof. J. R. of Raleigh to Hope Summerell of Salisbury, Je. 24, Salisbury. N. 0 . Je. 25, 1891 Clark, Nannie of Raleigh to Rev. J. D. Arnold of Asheville, Jan. 1, Raleigh. N. 0. Jan. 1, 1891 Cobb, Collier of this State & Cambridge, Mass. to Mary Lindsay Battle of Lilesville, Jan. 27, Lilesville. N. O. Jan. 28, 1891 Cobb, Rev. Dr. Needham to Miss Fennell, Sept., New Hanover county. N. O. Sept. 6, 1891 Conrad, Charles H. of Danville, Va. to Kathryn Keogh of Greensboro, Nov. 18, Greensboro. N. O. Nov. 19, 1891 Cooper, Florence Elinor to Charles Manly Busbee of this State, Jan. 22, Washington, D. C. N. O. Jan. 23, 1891 Cowan, J. McRae to Sue Northrop, Oct. 30, Wilmington. N. O. Oct. 31, 1891 Crowell, Dr. J. F. of Trinity College, Durham to Carrie H. Pascoe, Apr. 30, Woodbury, N. J. N. 0. Apr. 23, 1891 Cross, John W. to Iola Howie, Nov. 25, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 26, 1891 Cross, Lizzie t o Thos. Medlin, Jly. 16, Raleigh. N. O. Jly. 17, 1891 Davis, Rev. E. H. of Louisburg to Maggie Dotamade, Dec. 2, High Point N. O. Dec. 3, 1891 Davis, Hunter of Raleigh to Charles McMillan of Fayetteville, Aug. 18 Fayetteville. N. O. Aug. 19, 1891 Dewey, Ferebee of Raleigh to Dr. Kemp B. Batchelor of Balto., Md. & Raleigh, Dec. 30, Raleigh. N. 0. Dec. 30, 1891 Dotamade, Maggie to Rev. E. H. Davis of Louisburg, Dec. 2, High Point. N. O. Dec. 3, 1891 Dowd, Frank to Anna Babbington, My. 28, Charlotte. N. O. My. 30, 1891 Dunn, Anna V. to J. H. Smith, Nov. 13, Neuse. N. 0. Nov. 14, 1891 Harris, J. J. 0 f High Point to Laura Stamey of Greensboro, Jly. 22, High Point. N. O. Jly. 28, 1891 Fennell, Miss to Rev. Dr. Needham B. Cobb, Sept., New Hanover county. N. O. Sept. 6, 1891 Feild, Thomas L. of London, England to M. Armistead Capehart of Kittrell, Feb. 10, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 10, 1891 Fowle, Helen Whitaker of Raleigh to Thomas Duerson Knight of Chic, 111., Jly. N. O. Jly. 21, 1891 Goodwin, C. E. of Raleigh to Miss Betts of Raleigh, Jan. 22, Durham. N. O. Jan. 24, 1891 Graham, Lulu to Junius H. Harden, Sept. 23, North Alamance county. N. O. Oct. 4, 1891 Graves, S. Porter to Kate Hollingsworth, Feb. 11, Mt. Airy. N. O. Feb 17, 1891 Gray, Mary of Greensboro to Jas. A. Hodges of Fayetteville, Jan. 2, Greensboro. N. O. Jan. 3, 1891 Gunter, R. E. of Enfield to Millie McDonald, Oct. 6, Louisburg. N. 0. Oct. 8, 1891 Hambright, C. W. of Durham to Laurie Turrentine of Burlington, Je., Roxboro. N. O. Jly. 1, 1891 Hancock, F. W. of Newbern to Lizzie Hobgood of Oxford, Nov. 18, Oxford. N. O. Nov. 19, 1891 Harden, Junius H. to Lulu Graham, Sept. 23, North Alamance county. N. O. Oct. 4, 1891 Harris, Dr. H. H. of Wake Forest to Martha L. Person of Louisburg, Oct. 6, Louisburg. N. O. Oct. 8, 1891 Harris, R. R. to Ina Mann, Jly. 15, Franklin county. N. 0. Jly. 16, 1891 Hawkins, Juliet B. to Elijah J. Hester, Jly. 15, Louisburg. N. O. Jly. 16, 1891 Henley, James A. of Franklinton to Mary H. Cannady of Franklin county, My. 27, Franklin county. N. O. My. 29, 1891 Herman, Mary of Cary to R. W. Youngblood of S. C., Apr. 29, Cary. N. O. Apr. 30, 1891 Hester, Elijah J. to Juliet B. Hawkins, Jly. 15, Louisburg. N. 0. Jly. 16, 1891 Higgs, Mrs. Laura to J. W. Watkins, Aug. 16, Raleigh. N. O. Aug. 18, 1891 Hinton, Jennie of Wake county to Wm. R. Watson of Warrenton, Oct. 14, Wake county. N. 0. Oct. 15, 1891 Hodges, Jas A. o f Fayetteville to Mary Gray of Greensboro, Jan. 2, Greensboro. N. O. Jan. 3, 1891 Holderfield, W. B. to Lillian M. Reeves, Mar. 9, Raleigh. N. O. Mar. 11, 1891 Hollingsworth, Kate to S. Porter Graves, Feb. 11, Mt. Airy. N. 0 . Feb. 17, 1891 Howie, Iola to John W. Cross, Nov. 25, Raleigh. N. 0 . Nov. 26, 1891 Hubbard, India A. to Lashley Jones, Jly. 2, Raleigh. N. O. Jly. 3, 1891 Israel, W. R. to Maggie Turrentine, Oct. 21, Durham. N. 0. Oct. 22, 1891 Jarrell, Sanford J. to Delia Sadler, Feb., Sterns. N. 0 . Feb. 19, 1891 Johnson, John S. to Mrs. Nary B. Stone, Oct. 28, Raleigh. N. 0 . Oct. 29, 1891 Jones, Lashley to India A. Hubbard, Jly. 2, Raleigh. N. 0 . Jly. 3, 1891 Jordan, Mamie to Prof. J. E. Matheny, Apr. 23, Raleigh. N. 0 . Apr. 24, 1891 Keogh, Kathryn of Greensboro to Charles H. Conrad of Danville, Va., Nov. 18, Greensboro. N. 0 . Nov. 19, 1891 Knight, Thomas Duerson of Chic, 111. to Helen Whitaker Fowle of Raleigh, Jly. N. 0. Jly. 21, 1891 London, Dr. John H. formerly of Pittsboro to Inder T. Tucker of Raleigh, Oct. 21, Raleigh. N. 0. Oct. 22, 1891 Lyon, Carrie of Washington, D. C. to Abe Berwanger of Raleigh, Mar 22, Washington, D. C. N. 0. Mar. 25, 1891 McDonald, Millie to R. E. Gunter of Enfield, Oct. 6, Louisburg. N. 0. Oct. 8, 1891 McDowell, Mrs. Smantha Helen (nee Thomas, Feb. 27, Raleigh. N. 0. Mar. 8, 1891 McGhee, J. H. of Franklinton to Eula Penny of Wake county, Oct. 14, Wake county. N. 0. Oct. 17, 1891 Mclver, Maggie of Lee county to Henry Watkins of Henderson, Mar. 3. N. 0. Mar. 4, 1891 McMillan, Charles of Fayetteville to Hunter Davis of Raleigh, Aug. 18, Fayetteville. N. 0 . Aug. 19, 1891 Mangum, Minnie to Nathan Wilson, Jly. 8, Chapel Hill. N. 0 . Jly. 10, 1891 Mann, Ina to R. R. Harris, Jly. 15, Franklin county. N. 0 . Jly. 16, 1891 Mann, Pattie E. to Chas. A. Wood, Sept. 23, Winston. N. O. Sept. 26, 1891 Manning, Tamar Haughton of Chapel Hill to Gaston Battle of Rocky Mount, Dec. 31, Chapel Hill. N. O. Jan. 3, 1891 Matheny, Prof. J. E. to Mamie Jordan, Apr. 23, Raleigh. N. O. Apr. 24, 1891 Medlin, Thos. to Lizzie Cross, Jly. 16, Raleigh. N. O. Jly. 17, 1891 Meyer, Laura B. of Richmond to Sam! Watts of Auburn, Sept. 17, Richmond. N. 0. Sept. 29, 1891 Micks, Rowena of Clinton & Goldsboro to Jno. L. Borden of Goldsboro, Oct. 8, Goldsboro. N. 0. Oct. 9, 1891 Mayo, Sallie of Richmond, Va. to Col. Benehan Cameron of this State, Oct. 28, Richmond, Va. N. 0 . Oct. 27, 1891 Morton, George L. of Wilmington to Eliza Ward of Onslow county, Mar. 27, Onslow county. N. O. Mar. 27, 1891 Nicholson, Dr. W. H. of Louisburg to Genevieve Perry, Feb. 10 near Louisburg. N. O. Feb. 11, 1891 Northrop, Sue to J. McRee Cowan, Oct. 30, Wilmington. N. O. Oct. 31,1891 O'Neal, Sallie to N. Smith, Feb. 5, Wake county. N. O. Feb. 10, 1891 Parham Mariah A. of Raleigh to Col. James T. Respass of Beaufort county Mar. 8, Raleigh. N. 0. Mar. 10, 1891 Pascoe, Carrie H. to Dr. J. F. Crowell of Trinity College, Durham, Apr. 30, Woodbury, N. J. N. O. Apr. 23, 1891 Pearce, John W. to Jeneva Bridgers, Feb. 5, Wake county. N. 0. Feb. 10 1891 Penny, Eula of Wake county to J. H. McGhee of Franklinton, Oct. 14, Wake county. N. 0. Oct. 17, 1891 Perry, Genevieve to Dr. W. H. Nicholson of Louisburg, Feb. 10, near Louisburg. N. O. Feb. 11, 1891 Person, Martha L. of Louisburg to Dr. H. H. Harris of Wake Forest, Oct. 6, Louisburg. N. 0. Oct. 8, 1891 Prairie Mrs. J. P. of Richmond to Mr. Strudwick of Auburn, Aug. N. O. Aug. 2, 1891 Rash, A. Y. to Alice Templeton, Mar. 12, Wilkes county. N. 0. Mar. 21, 1891 Reeves, Lillian M. to W. B. Holderfield, Mar. 9, Raleigh. N. 0. Mar. 11, 1891 Respass, Col. James T. of Beaufort county to Mariah A. Parham of Raleigh, Mar. 8, Raleigh. N. 0. Mar. 10, 1891 Rose, Dora of Winston to J. Rosenstock of Va., Je. 10, Winston. N. O. Je. 12, 1891 Rosenstock, J. of Va. to Dora Rose of Winston, Je. 10, Winston. N. 0. Je. 12, 1891 Rumple, Lina Lee of Salisbury to James Graves Vardell of New Bern, Oct. 29, Salisbury. N. 0. Oct. 30, 1891 Russ, William M. of Raleigh to Hennie Williams of Greenville, Mar. 31, Greenville. N. O. Apr. 1, 1891 Sadler, Delia to Jarrell J. Sanford, Feb., Sterns. N. O. Feb. 19, 1891 Smith, J. H. to Anna V. Dunn, Nov. 13, Neuse. N. 0. Nov. 14, 1891 Smith, N. to Sallie O'Neal, Feb. 5, Wake county. N. 0 . Feb. 10, 1891 Speed, Lulie to S. J. Beckwith of Hyde county, Oct. 27, Franklin county. N. O. Oct. 29, 1891 Stamey, Lura of Greensboro to J. J. Farris of High Point, Jly. 22, High Point. N. O. Jly. 28, 1891 Stanback, Wm. of Richmond county to Pannie Scales, Oct. 28, Richmond county. N. O. Nov. 8, 1891 Stone, Mrs. Mary B. to John S. Johnson, Oct. 28, Raleigh. N. 0. Oct. 29, 1891 Strudwick of Auburn to Mrs. J. P. Prairie of Richmond, Va. N. 0. Aug. 2, 1891 Summerell, Hope of Salisbury to Prof. J. R. Chamberlain of Raleigh, Je. 24, Salisbury. N. O. Je. 25, 1891 Templeton, Alice to A. Y. Rash, Mar. 12, Wilkes county. N. 0. Mar. 21, 1891 Thiem, Lula to Walter Woollcott, Oct. 28, Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 29, 1891 Tucker, Inder T. of Raleigh to Dr. John H. London formerly of Pittsboro, Oct. 21, Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 22, 1891 Turner, J. M. of Wake county to Mary E. Atwater of Chatham county, Je. 17, Chatham county. N. 0. Je. 23, 1891 Turrentine, Laurie of Burlington to C. W. Hambright of Durham, Je., Roxboro. N. O. Jly. 1,1891 Turrentine, Maggie to W. R. Israel, Oct. 21, Durham. N. O. Oct. 22, 1891 Vardell, James Graves of New Bern to Linda Lee Rumple of Salisbury, Oct. 29, Salisbury. N. O. Oct. 30, 1891 Ward, Eliza of Onslow county to George L. Morton of Wilmington, Mar. 27, Onslow county. N. O. Mar. 27, 1891 Watkins, Henry of Henderson to Maggie Mclver of Lee county, Mar. 3. N. 0. Mar. 4, 1891 Watkins, J. W. to Mrs. Laura Higgs, Aug. 16, Raleigh. N. O. Aug. 18, 1891 Watson, Wm. R. of Warrenton to Jennie Hinton of Wake county, Oct. 14, Wake county. N. O. Oct. 15, 1891 Watts, Sam'l of Auburn to Laura B. Meyer of Richmond, Va., Sept. 17, Richmond, Va. N. O. Sept. 29, 1891 Weathers, Joseph H. to Ida Betts, Je. 11, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 12, 1891 Wilcox, Mariana M. of Ashe county to W. W. Barber of Wilkesboro, Oct. 3, Ashe county. N. O. Oct. 4, 1891 Wilkes, J. Prank of Charlotte to Nannie E. Beale of Baton Rouge, La., Oct. 7, Atlanta, Ga. N. O. Oct. 12, 1891 Williams, Hennie of Greenville to William M. Russ of Raleigh, Mar. 31, Greenville. N. O. Apr. 1, 1891 Williams, Mary Ella to Guy V. Barnes, Feb. 25, Kittrell. N. O. Mar. 3, 1891 Wilson, Nathan to Minnie Mangum, Jly. 8, Chapel Hill. N. O. Jly. 10, 1891 Winston, Mollie of Franklinton to F. L. Bailey of Raleigh, Mar. 17, Franklinton. N. 0. Mar. 18, 1891 Wood, Chas A. to Pattie E. Mann, Sept. 23, Winston. N. O. Sept. 26, 1891 Woollcott, Walter to Lula Thiem, Oct. 28, Raleigh. N. 0 . Oct. 29, 1891 Wyatt, W. W. of Norfolk, Va. to Myrtle G. Bishop of Raleigh, My. 20, Raleigh. N. O. My. 21, 1891 Youngblood, R. W. of S. C. to Mary Herman of Cary, Apr. 29, Cary. N. O. Apr. 30, 1891
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