Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Adams, H. R. formerly of Raleigh now Knoxville, Tenn. to Gertrude Harris of Raleigh, Je. 18. N. O. Je. 19, 1890 Allen, Corrie to John White, Je., Raleigh. N. 0 . Je. 24, 1890 Arrington, Arthur of Raleigh to Lula S. Leach of Leachburg, Johnston county, My., Leachburg. N. O. My. 22, 1890 Baird, Mollie E . of Asheville to Gaston Ward of Chapel Hill, Jan. 8, Asheville. N. O. Jan. 10, 1890 Baird Atter to Jos J Barrow, Sept. 24, near Louisburg. N. O. Sept. 26, 1890 Barnes, Annie of Jonesboro to Rev. L. Stanly of Greensboro, Oct. 29, Jonesboro. N. O. Oct. 31, 1890 Barrow, Jos. J. to Pattie R. Ballard, Sept. 24, near Louisburg. N. O. Sept. 26, 1890 Beasley, Annie to Joseph Long, Feb. 3, Harnett county. N. O. Mar. 9, 1890 Betts, W. P. to Rosa Porter, Nov. 6, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 8, 1890 Bobbitt, Rev. J. B. to Hattie M. Hervey, Oct. 1, Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 2, 1890 Branch, Stella G. of Branch Hill to Augustus J. Cooke of Raleigh, Feb. 21, Gibson, Ohio. N. 0. Feb. 22, 1890 Bridgers, R. R. of Raleigh to Annie Cain of Durham, Je. 25, Durham. N. O. Je. 26, 1890 Bridgers, W. H. of Springhope, Nash county, to Nettie Freeman of Raleigh, Sept. 23, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 24, 1890 Brooks, Almeta of Garner to Thos. Pace of Wake county, Nov. N. O. Nov. 29, 1890 Broughton, Ida S. to C. H. Stonebanks of Raleigh, Feb. 6, Asbury. N. O. Feb. 8, 1890 Broughton, J. L. to Effie Upchurch of Raleigh, Feb. 6, Asbury. N. O. Feb. 8, 1890 Bryan, Annie to W. A. Upchurch, My. 21, Raleigh. N. O. My. 22, 1890 Burgin, Lillie to Alonzo H. Crowell, Feb. 20, Hickory. N. O. Feb. 23, 1890 Burke, M. Josie to Col. Jno. C. Tipton, Mar. 17, Salisbury. N. O. Mar. 20, 1890 Burns, Emma of Pittsboro to Herbert E. Norris, Dec. 11, Greensboro. N. O. Dec. 12, 1890 Bynum, Raymond D. to Emma A. Freeman, Nov. 18, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 19, 1890 Cain, Annie of Durham to R. R. Bridgers of Raleigh, Je. 25, Durham. N. O. Je. 26, 1890 Cameron, Gales Thomas to Abbie Smith, Je. 25, Raleigh. N. 0. Je. 26, 1890 Carraway, Miss M. L. of Kinston to Thomas L. Marriner of Plymouth, Jly. 23, Kinston. N. O. Jly. 27, 1890 Christopher, Elizabeth H. to Charles H. Kaylor, Oct. 15, Raleigh. N. 0. Oct. 21, 1890 Clifton, Dr. J. B. of Louisburg to Lucy D. Clifton of Henderson, Je. 4, Henderson. N. O. Je. 5, 1890 Clifton, Lucy D. of Henderson to Dr. J. B. Clifton of Louisburg, Je. 4, Henderson. N. 0. Je. 5, 1890 Cole, Lucian G. to Lollie Corbette, Nov. 12, Durham. N. O. Nov. 13, 1890 Conigland, Margaret Wyatt of Halifax county to A. P. Fries of Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 26, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 27, 1890 Cook, H. L. to Minnie Watson, Apr. 25, Fayetteville. N. 0. Apr. 26, 1890 Cooke, Augustus J. of Raleigh to Stella G. Branch of Branch Hill, Feb. 21, Gibson, Ohio. N. O. Feb. 22, 1890 Corbette, Lollie to Lucian G. Cole, Nov. 12, Durham. N. 0. Nov. 13, 1890 Crowell, Alonzo H. to Lillie Burgin, Feb. 20, Hickory, N. C. N. O. Feb. 23, 1890 Davis, Jos. J., Jr. of Granville county to Cammie Webb of Louisburg, Aug. 13, Louisburg. N. 0. Aug. 14, 1890 Dawson, James B. of Charlotte to Bettie Mallison, Je., Croatan, Craven county. N. O. Je. 5, 1890 DeRossett, Mamie of Wilmington to Walter Lawrence Holt of Burlington, Feb. 13, Wilmington. N. O. Feb. 14, 1890 Doyle, Michael to Ida Morris, Oct. 22, Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 30, 1890 Emery, Charles H. to Janie Tyson, Feb. 9, House Creek Township, Wake county. N. O. Feb. 13, 1890 Eudy, Nonie of Bethlehem, Pa. to Capt. Fred Taylor of Raleigh, Jan. 8, Raleigh. N. 0. Jan. 9, 1890 Faison, Pauline of Raleigh to Louis Thorpe of Granville county, Feb. 12, Raleigh. N. 0. Feb. 13, 1890 Field, Alex to Louie Hughes, Mar. 5, Oxford. N. O. Mar. 9, 1890 Fleming, Van C. of Birmingham, Ala. to Lizzie Allen, Sept. 10, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 11, 1890 Freeman, Emma A. to Raymond D. Bynum, Nov. 18, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 19, 1890 Freeman, Nettie of Raleigh to W. H. Bridgers of Springhope, Nash county, Sept. 23, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 24, 1890 Fries, A. P. of Jacksonville, Fla. to Margaret Wyatt Conigland of Halifax county, Feb. 26, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 27, 1890 Fuller, Kate of Raleigh to F. I. Hill of Faison, Jan. 22, Raleigh. N. 0. Jan. 23, 1890 Fuller, Marion to Prof. E. W. Kennedy, Apr. 18, Durham. N. 0. Apr. 19, 1890 Gales, Jean C. to Capt. Dallas T. Ward, Apr. 9, Raleigh. N. 0 . Apr. 9, 1890 Gales, Thomas Cameron to Abbie Smith, Je. 25, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 26, 1890 Gilmer, Edison to Maie Keogh, Feb. 12, Greensboro. N. 0 . Feb. 16, 1890 Glenn, Lucy E. of Raleigh to C. H. Younger of Mebane, Feb. 26, Raleigh. N. 0 . Mar. 1, 1890 Gudger, Capt. J. M. of Raleigh to Mrs. John Houston of Yancey county, Je. 17, near Burnsville. N. 0. Je. 24, 1890 Harden, William Hill to Ella Kate Troy, Aug. 6, Asheville. N. 0. Aug. 8, 1890 Harris, Gertrude of Raleigh to H. R. Adams formerly of Raleigh now of Knoxville, Tenn., Je. 18, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 19, 1890 Harris, Dr. J. H. of Franklinton to Lula Timberlake, Feb. 19, near Louisburg. N. 0. Feb. 22, 1890 Harward, Loretta of Raleigh to W. B. Potter of Raleigh & Saratago, N. Y., Jly. 3, Raleigh. N. O. Jly. 4, 1890 Henderson, A. J. to Nora Smith, Nov. 12, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 13, 1890 Hervey, Hattie M. to Rev. J. B. Bobbitt, Oct. 1, Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 2, 1890 Hill, F. I. of Faison to Kate Fuller of Raleigh, Jan. 22, Raleigh. N. 0. Jan. 23, 1890 Hill, Joseph Morrison of Charlotte to Kate Reynolds of Fort Smith, Ark., N. 0. Dec. 5, 1890 Hinton, A. C. to Bessie Seawell, Nov. 12, Raleigh. N. 0 . Nov. 13, 1890 Hinton, Jenny of Raleigh to Lewis McKenzie Turner, Feb. 21, Washington, D. C. N. O. Mar. 5, 1890 Holt, Walter Lawrence of Burlington to Mamie DeRossett of Wilmington. N. O. Feb. 14, 1890 Houston, Mrs. John of Yancey county to Capt. J. M. Gudger of Raleigh, Je. 17, near Burnsville. N. O. Je. 24, 1890 Hughes, Louie to Alex Field, Mar. 5, Oxford. N. O. Mar. 9, 1890 Hughes, Nannie of New Bern to Edmund Strudwick of Norfolk, Va., Je., New Bern. N. 0 . Je. 6, 1890 Huske, Benjamin R. of Fayetteville to Hannah Attmore Oliver of New Bern, April 16, New Bern. N. O. Apr. 18, 1890 Jackson, Herbert of Raleigh to Annie Hyman Phillips of Tarboro, Oct. 2 2 , Tarboro. N. 0 . Oct. 22 , 1890 Johnson, Milton H. of Pender county to Minnie J. Norris of Wake county, Je. 18, Raleigh. N. 0 . Je. 19, 1890 Johnston, Mary E. to Eldridge Smith, Jan. 7, Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 8, 1890 Jones, Thos. A. of Asheville to Josephine Myers of Wilmington, Oct. 8, Wilmington. N. O. Oct. 10, 1890 Kayler, Charles H. to Elizabeth H. Christophers, Oct. 15, Raleigh. N. 0 . Oct. 21 , 1890 Kennedy, Prof. E. W. to Marion Fuller, Apr. 18, Durham. N. 0 . Apr. 19 , 1890 Keogh, Maie to Edison Gilmer, Feb. 12, Greensboro. N. O. Feb. 1 6 , 1890 Kinealy, Prof. J. H. to Grace Strong, Je. 26, Raleigh. N. 0 . Je. 27, 1890 King, Charles R. of Greystone to Sallie Lumley of Raleigh, Apr. 11, Raleigh. N. O. Apr. 13 , 1890 Leach, Lula S. of Leachburg, Johnston county to Arthur Arrington of Raleigh, My., Leachburg. N. O. My. 2 2 , 1 8 90 Lilly, Edmund J. to Lizzie McRae, Sept. 17, Fayetteville. N. 0 . Sept. 21 , 1890 Long, Joseph to Annie Beasley, Feb. 3 , Harnett county. N. 0 . Mar. 9, 1890 Lumley, Sallie of Raleigh to Charles R. King of Greystone, Apr. 11, Raleigh. N. 0 . Apr. 13, 1 8 90 McDaniel, Dora of Kinston to E. B. Lewis of Asheville, Dec, Kinston. N. O. Dec. 3 0 , 1 8 90 McDowell, Maggie of Charlotte to Baron Herman Von Maltzahn of Berlin, Dec 9, Charlotte. N. 0 . Dec. 1 1 , 1890 McRae, Lizzie to Edmund J. Lilly, Sept. 17, Fayetteville. N. 0 . Sept. 21 , 1890 Mallison, Bettie to James B. Dawson of Charlotte, Je., Croatan, Craven county. N. O. Je. 5, 1890 Maltzahn, Von Baron Herman of Berlin to Maggie McDowell of Charlotte, Dec. 9, Charlotte. N. O. Dec. 1 1 , 1890 Marriner, Thomas L. of Plymouth to Miss M. L. Carraway of Kinston, Jly. 2 3 , Kinston. N. O. Jly. 2 7 , 1890 Massenburg, Mamie of Henderson to C. G. Moore of Littleton, Sept. 3, Henderson. N. O. Sept. 5, 1S90 Maynard, Pennie to Charles E. Williams, Oct. 1, Morrisville. N. 0 . Oct. 3, 1890 Moore, C. G. of Littleton to Mamie Massenburg of Henderson, Sept. 3, Henderson. N. O. Sept. 5, 1890 Moore, Rev. J. W. to Ellie Reid of Steel Creek Township, Mecklenburg county, Je., Steel Creek Township. N. O. Je. 6, 1890 Moore, Mary Wright of Pittsboro to Thomas J. Woodridge of Asheville, Nov. 2 2 , Pittsboro. N. O. Nov. 2 3 , 1 8 90 Morris, Ida to Michael Doyle, Oct. 2 2 , Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 3 0 , 1890 Myers, Josephine of Wilmington to Thos. A. Jones of Asheville, Oct. 8, Wilmington. N. 0 , Oct. 10 , 1890 Neal, Lewis M. of Yanceyville to Nannie G. Womack, Oct. 22, Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 23, 1890 Norris, Herbert E. to Emma Burns of Pittsboro, Dec. 11, Greensboro. N. 0. Dec. 12, 1890 Norris, Minnie J. of Wake county to Milton H. Johnson of Pender county, Je. 18, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 19, 1890 Oliver, Hannah Attmore of Newbern to Benjamin R. Huske of Fayetteville, Apr. 16, New Bern. N. 0. Apr. 18, 1890 Pace, Thos. of Wake county to Almeta Brooks of Garner, Nov. N. O. Nov. 29, 1890 Parker, Lizzie to J. H. Williamson, Feb. 12, Hamilton. N. 0 . Feb. 15, 1890 Phillips, Annie Hyman of Tarboro to Herbert Jackson of Raleigh, Oct. 22, Tarboro. N. O. Oct. 22, 1890 Porter, Rosa to W. P. Betts, Nov. 6, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 8, 1890 Potter, W. B. of Raleigh and Saratoga, N. Y. to Loretta Harward of Raleigh, Jly. 3, Raleigh. N. 0. Jly. 4, 1890 Rand, Andrew B. to Callie Vestal of Raleigh, Jly. 9, Dunn, Harnett county. N. 0. Jly. 11, 1890 Reid, Ellie of Steel Creek Township, Mecklenburg county to Rev. J. W. Moore, Jr., Steel Creek Township. N. O. Je. 6, 1890 Reynolds, Kate of Fort Smith, Ark. to Joseph Morrison Hill of Charlotte, Dec, Fort Smith, Ark. N. O. Dec. 5, 1890 Rogers, Florence A. of California to Col. Thos. W. Strange of Wilmington, Feb., New York. N. O. Feb. 18, 1890 Sexton, R. R. to Lena Smith, Jly. 18, Raleigh. N. O. Jly. 20, 1890 Seawell, Bessie to A. C. Hinton, Nov. 12, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 13, 1890 Smith, George Herbert to Carrie Wright Strange, My. 1, Wilmington. N. O. Smith, Eldridge to Mary E. Johnston, Jan. 7, Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 8, 1890 Smith, Nora to A. J. Henderson, Nov. 12, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 13, 1890 Stephenson, Tom J. to Cora Whitaker, Oct. 18, Wake county. N. O. Oct. 19, 1890 Stonebanks, C. H. to Ida S. Broughton of Raleigh, Feb. 6, Asbury. N. O. Feb. 8, 1890 Strong, Grace to Prof. J. H. Kinealy, Je. 26, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 27, 1890 My. 2, 1890 Southerland, Thomas B. of Wilmington to Bessie Venable, Aug., Oxford. N. O. Aug. 15, 1890 Stanly, Rev. L. of Greensboro to Annie Barnes of Jonesboro, Oct. 29, Jonesboro. N. O. Oct. 31,1890 Strange, Carrie Wright to George Hubert Smith, My. 1, Wilmington. N. O. My. 2, 1890 Strange, Col. Thos. of Wilmington to Florence A. Rogers of California, Feb. New York. N. O. Feb. 18, 1890 Strudwick, Edmund of Norfolk, Va. to Nannie Hughes of New Bern, Je., New Bern. N. O. Je. 6, 1890 Taylor, Capt. Fred of Raleigh to Nonie Eudy of Bethlehem, Pa., Jan. 8, Raleigh. N. 0. Jan. 9, 1890 Thorpe, Louis of Granville county to Pauline Faison of Raleigh, Feb. 12, Raleigh. N. 0. Feb. 13,1890 Timberlake, Lula to Dr. J. H. Harris of Franklinton, Feb. 19, near Louisburg, N. 0, Feb. 22, 1890 Tipton, Col. Jno. C. to M. Josie Burke, Mar. 17, Salisbury. N. 0. Mar. 20, 1890 Troy, Ella Kate to William Hill Harden, Aug. 6, Asheville. N. 0. Aug. 8, 1890 Troy, Etta May of Fayetteville to Horace Alexander Wyche of Waynesville, Je. 5, Asheville. N. O. Je. 6, 1890 Tucker, William R. to Gertrude Winder, Feb. 12, Raleigh. N. 0. Feb. 13, 1890 Turner, Lewis McKenzie to Jenny Hinton of Raleigh, Feb. 21, Washington, D. C. N. 0. Mar. 5, 1890 Tyson, Janie to Charles H. Emery, Feb. 9, House Creek Township, Wake county. N. O. Feb. 13, 1890 Upchurch, Effie to J. L. Broughton, of Raleigh, Feb. 6, Asbury. N. O. Feb. 8, 1890 Upchurch, W. A. to Annie Bryan, My. 21, Raleigh. N. 0. My. 22, 1890 Vaughan, Gracie V. of Greensboro to J. M. Wood of Spartanburg, S. C, Oct. 29, Greensboro. N. O. Oct. 30, 1890 Venable, Bessie to Thomas B. Southerland of Wilmington, Aug., Oxford. N. 0. Aug. 15, 1890 Vestal, Callie to Andrew B. Rand of Raleigh, Jly. 9, Dunn, Harnett county. N. O. Jly. 11, 1890 Ward, Dallas T. to Capt. Jean C. Gales, Apr. 9, Raleigh. N. 0. Apr. 9, 1890 Ward, Gaston W. of Chapel Hill to Mollie E. Baird of Asheville, Jan. 8, Asheville. N. 0. Jan. 10, 1890 Watson, Minnie to H. L. Cook, Apr. 25, Fayetteville. N. 0. Apr. 26, 1890 Webb, Cammie of Louisburg to Jos. J. Davis, Jr. of Granville county, Aug. 13, Louisburg. N. 0. Aug. 14, 1890 Whitaker, Cora to Tom J. Stephenson, Oct. 18, Wake county. N. O. Oct. 19, 1890 White, John to Corrie Allen, Jan., Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 24, 1890 Williams, Charles E. to Pennie Maynard, Oct. 1, Morrisville. N. 0. Oct. 3, 1890 Williamson, J. H. to Lizzie Parker, Feb. 12, Hamilton. N. 0. Feb. 15, 1890 Winder, Gertrude to William R. Tucker, Feb. 12, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 13, 1890 Womack, Nannie G. of Yanceyville to Lewis M. Neal, Oct. 22, Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 23, 1890 Womble, George to Eva G. Gattis, Dec. 10, Raleigh. N. 0 . Dec. 11, 1890 Wood, J. M. of Spartanburg, S. C. to Gracie V. Vaughan of Greensboro, Oct. 29, Greensboro. N. O. Oct. 30, 1890 Woodridge, Thomas J. of Asheville to Mary Wright Moore of Pittsboro, Nov. 22, Pittsboro. N. 0. Nov. 23, 1890 Wyche, Horace Alexander of Waynesville to Etta May Troy of Fayetteville, Je. 5, Asheville. N. O. Mar. 1, 1890 t Younger, C. H. of Mebane to Lucy E. Glenn of Raleigh, Feb. 26, Raleigh. N. O. Mar. 1, 1890
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