Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Adams, Wm. of Cumberland county to Miss C. C. Mclver of Moore county, Jan. 15. N. O. Jan. 24, 1885 Allen, Thomas of Raleigh to Bettie Alston of Halifax county, Nov. 24, Wake county. N. 0. Nov. 25, 1885 Alston, Bettie of Halifax county to Thomas Allen of Raleigh, Nov. 24, Wake county. N. 0. Nov. 25, 1885 Andrews, Allie to John Q. West of Washington, D. C, Feb. 4, Raleigh. N. 0. Feb. 5, 1885 Atkinson, Col. John Wilder of Wilmington to Mrs. Bettie Andrews Srtange of Raleigh, Mar. 17, Raleigh. N. O. Mar. 18, 1885 Ball, George T. to Ellen Harris, Nov. 18, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 19, 1885 Barnes, Pattie Helen to Rev. George Badger Wetmore, Apr. 8, Banner Elk, Watauga county. N. 0 . Apr. 12,1885 Battle, H. B. of Raleigh to Alice M. Wilson of Morganton, Nov. 25, Morganton. N. 0. Nov. 25, 1885 Blackwell, James W. of Durham to Fannie K. Womble of Raleigh, Jly. 14, Raleigh. N. 0 . Jly. 15,1885 Boyd, Walter B. of Henderson to Bettie Lane Hawkins of Franklin county, Oct. 6, Louisburg. N. O. Oct 14,1885 Brantley, William R. to Miss E. G. Robertson, Feb. 25, Raleigh. N, 0. Feb. 26, 1885 Broadfoot, Capt. John B. of Fayetteville to Fannie Bryan, Oct. 15, Newberne. N. 0 . Oct 17, 1885 Bryan, Fannie to Capt. Jno. B. Broadfoot of Fayetteville, Oct. 15, Newbern. N. 0. Oct. 17,1886 Bryan, William A. of Branford, Conn, to Annie Skinner Williams of Raleigh, Apr. 15, Raleigh. N. 0. Apr. 16, 1885 Buford, Emily Townes of Richmond, Va. to Clement E. Manly of Newbern, Jan. 6, Richmond, Va. N. 0 . Jan. 9, 1886 Butts, James A. to Fannie M. Cooper, Jly. 24, Kelvin Grove, House Creek Township, Wake county. N. O. Jly. 26, 1885 Carter, P. A. to Bettie Upchurch, Nov. 26, Raleigh. N. O. Nov; 26, 1886 Charles, Mrs. A. J. to Fernando B. Staton of Edgecombe county, Jan. 29, near Tarboro. N. 0. Feb. 3, 1885 Clark, Eudora Alice to Joseph W. Nicholson, Je. 24, Halifax county. N. O. Je. 26, 1885 Cooper, Fannie M. to James A. Butts, Jly. 24, Kelvin Grove, House Creek Township, Wake county. N. 0 . Jly. 25, 1885 Cowper, Bryan Grimes to Minnie C. Teck, Apr. 8, Raleigh. N. O. Apr. 9, 1885 Cunningham, Hattie of Person county to Rev. T. I. Packard of Alexandria, Va., Je. 3, Person county. N. O. Je. 9, 1885 Emory, Ella B. to Charles T. Frasier, Sept. 24, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 25, 1885 Fleming, Ella of Raleigh to George S. Houston of Davidson College, Jan. 14, Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 15, 1885 Franklin, Charles M. to Mrs. Frances Jones, Aug. 6, Swift Creek Township, Wake county. N. O. Aug. 7, 1885 Frasier, Charles T. to Ella B. Emory, Sept. 24, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 25, 1885 Gooch, Joseph H. to Sallie G. Lockhart, Feb. 24, Weldon. N. 0 . Feb. 26,1885 Hardin, John B. of Duplin county to Mollie J. Pennington of Durham county, My. 18, Raleigh. N. O. My. 19, 1885 Harrison, Minnie to George B. Meares, Feb. 10, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 11,1885 Hawkins, Bettie Lane of Franklin county to Walter B. Boyd of Henderson, Oct. 6, Louisburg. N. O. Oct. 14,1886 Haywood, Lavine of Raleigh to William D. Martin (formerly of this State) New York, Feb. 17, Raleigh. N. 0 . Feb. 18, 1885 Heck, Minnie C. to Bryan Grimes Cowper, Apr. 8, Raleigh. N. O. Apr. 9, 1885 Hilliard, E. E. of Scotland Neck to Mary W. Montague of Wake Forest, Nov. 18. N. 0. Nov. 20, 1885 Hines, Rowena to Walter D. Shields of Scotland Neck, Feb. 12, Raleigh. N. 0. Feb. 13, 1885 Houston, George S. of Davidson College to Ella Fleming of Raleigh, Jan. 14, Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 15, 1885 Johnson, James Iredell to Rebecca Murray, Feb. 11, Raleigh. N. 0. Feb. 12, 1885 Jones, Adelia of Reidsville to Harry Stone of Anderson, S. C, Feb. 17, Reidsville. N. O. Feb. 20,1885 Jones, Mrs. Frances to Charles M. Franklin, Aug. 6, Swift Creek Township, Wake county. N. 0. Aug. 7, 1885 Jordan, Joseph W. to Nannie B. Jordan of Northampton county, Feb. 10, Jackson. N. O. Feb. 14, 1885 Jordan, Nannie B. of Northampton county to Joseph W. Jordan, Feb. 10, Jackson. N. O. Feb. 14, 1886 Lankford, Lelia to Robert E. Royall, Jan. 7, Wake Forest. N. 0. Jan. 14, 1885 Lewis, George of Carthage to Flora Wadsworth of Moore county, Jan. 15. N. O. Jan. 24, 1886 Little, Martha J. to John Thomas of England, Nov., Jamestown, Guilford county. N. 0 . Nov. 23,1886 Lockhart, Sallie G. to Joseph H. Gooch, Feb. 24, Weldon. N. 0. Feb. 26, 1886 Long, Lily of Harnett county to W. M. Sanders of Raleigh, My. 21, Harnett county. N. 0. My. 24, 1885 Long, W. R. to Miss K. M. Sanders, Feb. 25, Johnston county. N. 0 . Feb. 28,1885 Lyman, Cornelia Roma to Robert Lossing Niles, Jan. 28, Raleigh. N. 0. Jan. 29, 1885 McGee, Hattie of Raleigh to Wellford C. Reed of South Boston, V a , Nov. 18, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 18, 1885 Mclver, Miss C. C. of Moore county to Wm. Adams of Cumberland county, Jan. 15. N. 0. Jan. 24, 1885 Manly, Clement E. of Newbern to Emily Townes Buford of Richmond, Jan. 6, Richmond. N. 0. Jan. 9, 1885 Martin, William D. (formerly of this State) of New York to Lavine Haywood of Raleigh, Feb. 17, Raleigh. N. 0. Feb. 18, 1885 Meares, George B. to Minnie Harrison, Feb. 10, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 11, 1885 Montague, Mary W. of Wake Forest to E. E. Hilliard of Scotland Neck, Nov. 18. N. 0. Nov. 20,1885 Montgomery, Charlotte of Raleigh to James Williamson of Raleigh and Smithfield, Sept. 23, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 24, 1885 Moss, B. B. to Fieda Overton, Jan. 14, near Kittrell. N. O. Jan. 17, 1885 Murray, Rebecca to James Iredell Johnson, Feb 11, Raleigh. N. 0. Feb. 12,1885 Nelson, Frank of Hale county, Ala. to Nannie T. Nicholson of Halifax county, Nov. 25, Glenview. N. 0 . Dec. 3, 1885 Nicholson, Joseph W. to Alice Endore Clark, Je. 24, Halifax county. N. 0. Je. 26, 1885 Nicholson, Nannie T. of Halifax county to Frank Nelson of Hale county, Ala, Nov. 25, Glenview. N. O. Dec. 3 1885 Niles, Robert Lossing to Cornelia Roma Lyman, Jan. 28, Raleigh. N. 0. Jan. 29, 1885 Norfleet, Christine of Tarboro to Frank Stronach of Raleigh, Feb. 11, Tarboro. N. O. Feb. 13, 1885 Overton Fieda to B. B. Moss, Jan. 14, near Kittrell. N. O. Jan. 17, 1885 Packard Rev. T. I. of Alexandria, Va. to Hattie Cunningham of Person county, Je 3, Person county. N. O. Je. 9, 1885 Page Henry A. of Blue's crossing, Moore county to Eva Pleasants, Louisburg, Nov. 4, Louisburg. N. O. Nov. 5, 1885 Pennington, Mollie J. of Durham county to John B. Hardin of Duplin county, My. 18 Raleigh. N. 0. My. 19, 1885 Pleasants, Eva of Louisburg to Henry A. Page of Blue's Crossing, Moore county, Nov. 4, Louisburg. N O Nov 5 1885 Pomer, Thomas J to Mary Woodhouse Sept., Currituck county. N. 0. Sep 25 1885 Rand, Linda to Dr H C Williams Oct 6 Rand's Mill Wake county. N. 0. Oct 7 1885 Reed, Wellford C of South Boston, Va to Hattie McGee of South Boston Va, Nov. 18, Raleigh. N. 0 . Nov. 18, 1885 Robertson, Miss E. G. to William R. Brantley, Feb. 25, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 26 1885 Royall, Robert E. to Lelia Lankford, Jan. 7, Wake Forest. N. O. Jan. 14, 1885 Sanders, Miss K. M. to W. R. Long, Feb. 2 5 , Johnston county. N. O. Feb. 28, 1 8 85 Sanders, W. M. of Raleigh to Lily Long of Harnett county, My. 2 1 , Harnett county. N. O. My. 2 4 , 1 8 85 Shaw, Capt. N. L. of Edenton to Mrs. Delia M. Jenkins of Warrenton, Nov. 10, Warrenton. N. O. Nov. 12, 1885 Shields, Walter of Scotland Neck to Rowena Hines, Feb. 1 2 , Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 13, 1 8 85 Staton, Fernando B. of Edgecombe county to Mrs. A. J. Charles, Jan. 2 9 , near Tarboro. N. O. Feb. 3, 1885 Stone, Harry of Anderson, S. C. to Adelia Jones of Reidsville, Feb. 17, Reidsville. N. O. Feb. 2 0 , 1885 S trange, Mrs. Bettie Andrews of Raleigh to Col. John Wilder Atkinson of Wilmington, Mar. 17, Raleigh. N. O. Mar. 18, 1885 Stronach, Frank of Raleigh to Christine Norfleet of Tarboro, Feb. 1 1 , Tarboro. N. O. Feb. 13, 1 8 8 5 Thomas, John of England to Martha J. Little, Nov., Jamestown, Guilford county. N. O. Nov. 2 3 , 1 8 8 5 Tucker, Loula S. of Raleigh to Dr. N. O. Harris of Atlanta, Ga., Apr. 8, Raleigh. N. 0 . Apr. 9 , 1 8 85 Tucker, Walter C. to Maggie B. Watson, Oct. 2 8 , Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 2 9 , 1885 Upchurch, Bettie to P. A. Carter, Nov. 2 5 , Raleigh. N. 0 . Nov. 25, 1885 Wadsworth, Flora of Moore county to George Lewis of Carthage, Jan. 1 5 . N. O. Jan. 24, 1885 Watson, Maggie B. to Walter C. Tucker, Oct. 2 8 , Raleigh. N. 0 . Oct. 2 9 , 1885 West, John Q. of Washington, D. C. to Allie Andrews, Feb. 4, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 5, 1 8 8 5 Wetmore, Rev. George Badger to Pattie Helen Barnes, Apr. 8, Banner Elk, Watauga county. N. O. Apr. 1 2 , 1885 Williams, Annie Skinner of Raleigh to William A. Bryan of Branford, Conn., Apr. 15, Raleigh. N. O. Apr. 1 6 , 1885 Williams, Dr. H. C. to Linda Rand, Oct. 6 , Rand's Mill, Wake county. N. O. Oct. 7, 1885 Williamson, James of Raleigh and Smithfield to Charlotte Montgomery of Raleigh, Sept. 2 3 , Raleigh. N. 0 . Sept. 2 4 , 1885 Wilson, Alice M. of Morganton to H. B. Battle of Raleigh, Nov. 25, Morganton. N. O. Nov. 25,1885 Womble, Fannie K. of Raleigh to James W. Blackwell of Durham, Jly. 14, Raleigh. N. O. Jly. 15, 1885 Woodhouse, Mary to Thomas J. Pomer, Sept., Currituck county. N. O. Sept. 25, 1885
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