Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Allen, Lizzie formerly of Raleigh now Bennettsville, S. C. to Oscar McCullen of Raleigh, Oct. 4, Raleigh. N. 0. Oct. 5, 1884 Adams, Mamie to J. L. Tomlinson, Aug. 5, Wilson. N. 0. Aug. 6, 1884 Allen, Eugene S. of Warrenton to Florence Meade of Franklin, Sept. 25, Louisburg. N. O. Sept. 27, 1884 Allen, Irene to G. TJ. Baucom, Nov. 20, Garner station. N. O. Nov. 22, 1884 Anderson, B. R. of Asheville to Susie V. Baker of Hickory, Jan. 1, Hickory. N. O. Jan. 11, 1884 Archbell, Henry of Kinston to Lillie Whitehurst, Aug. 2, Kinston. N. O. Aug. 3, 1884 Avera, Mary of Wake county to Moses Winston of Selma, Je. 4. N. 0. Je. 6, 1884 Avery, Lottie P. to John A. Gilmer, Je. 17, Morganton. N. O. Je. 21, 1884 Baker, Susie V. of Hickory to B. R. Anderson of Asheville, Jan. 1, Hickory. N. O. Jan. 11, 1884 Baucom, G. U. to Irene Allen, Nov. 20, Garner station. N. O. Nov. 22, 1884 Beam, Ed. of Rutherford county to Kate Bennett of Burke county, Dec. 17, Burke county. N. O. Dec. 28, 1884 Bennett, Kate of Burke county to Ed. Beam of Rutherford county, Dec. 17, Burke county. N. O. Dec. 28, 1884 Bethell, James W. of Rockingham county to Anna L. Scales of Rockingham, Richmond county, Dec. 17. N. O. Dec. 18, 1884 Blake, Laura S. of Wake county to Dr. Will H. Bobbitt of Raleigh, Oct. 29. N . O. Oct. 30, 1884 Bobbitt, Dr. Will H. of Raleigh to Laura S. Blake of Wake county, Oct. 29. N. O. Oct. 30, 1884 Boylan, Wm. to Placide Engelhard, Nov. 5, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 6, 1884 Branton, Mrs. Mary of Barton's creek Township, Wake county to Joseph C Cope of House creek Township, Wake county, Feb. N. O. Feb. 16, 1884 Browder, David H. to Mary C. Polk, Oct. 29, Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 31, 1884 Brown, Lottie to Mattie Crawford, Dec. 17, Raleigh. N. 0. Dec. 18, 1884 Burt, Annie E. to W. B. Wheeler of Raleigh, Feb. 13, Holly Springs. N. 0 . Feb. 15, 1884 Capps, Mary E. to E. B. Phillips, Dec. 24, Wilson county. N. O. Dec. 28, 1884 Cook, Charles formerly of Henderson to Lizzie Pool of Raleigh, My. 21, Raleigh. N. O. My. 22, 1884 Cope, Joseph C. of House creek Township, Wake county to Mary Branton of Barton's creek Township, Wake county, Feb. N. 0. Feb. 16,1884 Crawford, Mattie to Lottie Brown, Dec. 17, Raleigh. N. 0 . Dec. 18,1884 Duke, J. W. of Seaboard, Northampton county to Miss H. M. Peete, Southhampton, Va,, Jly. 23. N. 0 . Jly. 26, 1884 Edwards, Joseph E. to Katie Maglenn, Jan. 16, Laurinburg. N. 0. Jan. 18, 1884 Elias, David of Baltimore to Helen Grausman of Raleigh, Sept. 10, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 11, 1884 Engelhard, Placide to Wm. Boylan, Nov. 5, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 6, 1884 Ferree, Mattie of Morganton to Samuel Newton of High Point, Dec. 10, Morganton. N. O. Dec. 13,1884 Gait, Lieut. Roger H , U. S. N. to Mary Meares formerly of Wilmington, Oct. 22, San Francisco. N. O. Oct. 24, 1884 Gill, Junius to Ida Taylor, Apr. 9, Raleigh. N. O. Apr. 10, 1884 Gilmer, John A. to Lottie P. Avery, Je. 17, Morganton. N. O. Je. 21, 1884 Grausman, Helen of Raleigh to David Elias of Baltimore, Sept. 10, Raleigh N. O. Sept. 11, 1884 Gray, Eugene E. of Winston to Lizzie A. Huske of Fayetteville, Nov. 25, Hillsboro. N. O. Nov. 27, 1884 Green, Sadie of Fayetteville to Pembroke Jones of Wilmington, Oct. 27, Tokay, three miles from Fayetteville. N. O. Nov. 15, 1884 Hackney, E. C. to Lina A. Mallory, Je. 25, Durham. N. O. Je. 28, 1884 Hauser, Elizabeth to Henry P. Martin, Aug. 28, East Bend. N. O. Sept. 2, 1884 Honeycutt, Emily J. to Edmund H. Wilson, Jan, Panther branch Township, Wake county. N. O. Jan. 15, 1884 Hall, Mary Weldon of Raleigh to George B. Wetmore, Jr., Sept, near Salisbury. N. O. Sept. 27, 1884 Hull, Lula M. of Athens, Ga. to James McKimmon of this State, Je, Athens, Ga. N. O. Je. 28, 1884 Huske, Lizie A. of Fayetteville to Eugene E. Gray of Winston, Nov. 25, Hillsboro. N. 0. Nov. 27, 1884 Iden, Geo. E. to Eleanor Royster, Jan. 9, Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 10, 1884 Iderstine, Hattie Van of Brooklyn, N. Y. to Capt. D. T. Ward of this State, My. 13, Brooklyn, N. Y. N. O. My. 14, 1884 Jennings, Emma to Andrew J. Williams of Raleigh, Oct. 1, Chapel Hill. N. O. Oct. 4, 1884 Jones, Pembroke of Wilmington to Sadie Green of Fayetteville, Oct. 27, Tokay, three miles from Fayetteville. N. 0. Nov. 15, 1884 Kornegay, W. F. of Greensboro to Annie L. Snow of Raleigh, Jly. 15, Raleigh. N. O. Jly. 16, 1884 Kramer, Henrietta to Joseph E. Pogue, Feb. 20, Raleigh. N. 0. Feb. 21, 1884 Kramer, Samuel to Willie L. White, Je. 25, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 27, 1884 Loeb, Samuel of Harrisonburg, Va. to Isabella Rosenthal of Raleigh, Jan. 24, Raleigh. N. 0. Jan. 24, 1884 Long, William Williams to Sally Mason, Dec. 10, Northampton county. N. O. Dec. 13, 1884 McCuIlen, Oscar of Raleigh to Lizzie Allen formerly of Raleigh now Bennettsville, S. C, Oct. 4, Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 5, 1884 McKimmon, James of this State to Lula M. Hull of Athens, Ga, Je, Athens, Ga. N. O. Je. 28, 1884 Maglenn, Katie to Wm. Joseph E. Edwards, Jan. 16, Laurinburg. N. O. Jan. 18, 1884 Mallory, Lina A. to E. C. Hackney, Je. 25, Durham. N. 0 . Je. 28, 1884 Manning, Sallie C. to Dr. Frank P. Venable of Chapel Hill, Nov. 3, Chapel Hill. N. 0 . Nov. 5, 1884 Martin, Henry P. to Elizabeth Hauser, Aug. 28, East Bend. N. O. Sept. 3, 1884 Mason, Sally to William Williams Long, Dec. 10, Northampton county. N. O. Dec. 13, 1884 Meade, Florence of Franklin to Eugene S. Allen of Warrenton, Sept. 25, Louisburg. N. O. Sept. 27, 1884 Meares, Mary formerly of Wilmington to Lieut. Roger H. Gait, U. S. N., Oct. 22, San Francisco. N. O. Oct. 24, 1884 Moore, Julia W. of Hartford county to William S. Yeates of Washington, D. C , Jan. 16, Hartford county. N. O. Jan. 26, 1884 Moseley, Grace of Halifax county to W. S. 0. B. Robinson, U. S. District Attorney, Jly. 24. N. O. Jly. 25, 1884 Newton, Samuel of High Point to Mattie Ferree of Morganton, Dec. 10, Morganton. N. O. Dec. 13, 1884 Pearce, A. B. to Nora Pool, Jly. 16, Raleigh. N. O. Jly. 17, 1884 Peete, Miss H. M. of Southampton, Va. to J. W. Duke of Seaboard, Northhampton, Va., Jly. 23. N. O. Jly. 26, 1884 Phillips, E. B. to Mary E. Capps, Dec. 24, Wilson county. N. O. Dec. 28, 1884 Pogue, Joseph E. of Henderson to Henrietta Kramer, Feb. 20, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 21, 1884 Polk, Mary C. to David H. Browder, Oct. 29, Raleigh. N. 0. Oct. 31, 1884 Pool, Lizzie of Raleigh to Charles Cook, formerly of Henderson, My. 21, Raleigh. N. O. My. 22, 1884 Pool, Nora to A. B. Pearce, Jly. 16, Raleigh. N. O. Jly. 17, 1884 Robinson, W. S. O. B., U. S. Distirct Attorney to Grace Moseley of Halifax county, Jly. 24. N. O. Jly. 25, 1884 Rosenthal, Isabella of Raleigh to Samuel Loeb of Harrisonburg, Va., Jan. 24, Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 24, 1884 Royster, Eleanor to Geo. E. Iden, Jan. 9, Raleigh. N. 0 . Jan. 10, 1884 Scales, Anna L. of Rockingham, Richmond county to James W. Bethell of Rockingham county, Dec. 17. N. O. Dec. 18, 1884 Settle, Mamie of Greensboro to Ben Sharpe of Tarboro., Oct., Greensboro. N. O. Oct. 4, 1884 Sharpe, Ben of Tarboro to Mamie Settle of Greensboro, Oct., Greensboro. N. 0. Oct. 4, 1884 Snow, Annie L. of Raleigh to W. F. Kornegay of Goldsboro, Jly. 15, Raleigh. N. O. Jly. 16, 1884 Taylor, E. B. of Wake county to Nettie Taylor of Wilson, Feb. 27, Wilson. N. 0. Feb. 29, 1884 Taylor, Ida to Junius Gill, Apr. 9, Raleigh. N. O. Apr. 10, 1884 Taylor, Nettie of Wilson to E. B. Taylor of Wake county, Feb. 27, Wilson. N. 0. Feb. 29, 1884 Tomlinson, J. L. to Mamie Adams, Aug. 5, Wilson. N. O. Aug. 6, 1884 Venable, Dr. Frank P. of Chapel Hill to Sallie C. Manning, Nov. 3, Chapel Hill. N. O. Nov. 5, 1884 Ward, Capt. D. T. of this State to Hattie Van Iderstine of Brooklyn, N. Y., My. 13, Brooklyn, N. Y. N. O. My. 14, 1884 Wetmore, George B., Jr. to Mary Weldon Hall of Raleigh, near Salisbury, Sept. N. O. Sept 27, 1884 Wheeler, W. B. of Raleigh to Annie E. Burt, Feb. 13, Holly Springs. N. 0. Feb. 15,1884 White, Jas. A. of Henderson to Isabelle M. Williams of Fayetteville, Feb. 20, Fayetteville. N. 0. Feb. 22, 1884 Whitehurst, Lillie of Kinston to Henry Archbell, Aug. 2, Kinston. N. 0. Aug. 3,1884 Williams, Andrew J. of Raleigh to Emma J. Jennings, Oct. 1, Chapel Hill. N. 0. Oct. 4, 1884 Williams, Isabella M. of Fayetteville to Jas. A. White of Henderson, Feb. 20, Henderson. N. O. Feb. 22, 1884 Wilson, Edmund H. to Emily J. Honeycutt, Jan, Panther branch Township, Wake county. N. 0. Jan. 15, 1884 Winston, Moses of Selma to Mary Avera of Wake county, Je. 4. N. 0. Je. 6, 1884 Yeates, William S. of Washington, D. C. to Julia W. Moore of Hartford county, Jan. 16, Hartford county. N. 0. Jan. 26, 1884
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