Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Aydlett, Edward F. of Elizabeth city to Ettie H. Briggs of Raleigh, Dec. 19, Raleigh. N. O. Dec. 20, 1883 Ball, Sarah P. of Halifax, Va. to Mark L. King formerly of Raleigh now Milton, My. 31. N. 0 . Je. 3, 1883 Blackledge, Mary of Craven county to Harry H. Roberts of Raleigh, Oct. 8, Newbern. N. 0 . Oct. 10, 1883 Boone, Sarah M. to Robert I. Stallings, Feb. 14, Boone. N. 0. Feb. 18, 1883 Briggs, Ettie H. of Raleigh to Edward F. Aydlett of Elizabeth city, Dec. 19, Raleigh. N. O. Dec. 20, 1883 Brown, Henry C. of Chatham county to Mollie Merritt of Pittsboro, Nov. 8, Pittsboro. N. O. Nov. 14, 1883 Burr, Addie to Judge Davis, Mar., Fayetteville. N. O. Mar. 15, 1883 Burwell, Dandridge S. to Mary Louise Cooke, Sept. 19, Norfolk, Va. N. 0. Sept 22, 1883 Cameron, Elizzie to George G. Wicker, Mar. 20., Moore county. N. 0. Apr. 19, 1883 Chavassee, Thomas H. to Lizzie A. Dockery of Weldon, Apr. 26, Weldon. N. 0. Apr. 27, 1883 Cherry, Solomon to Lizzie W. Gray, Feb., Windsor. N. 0 . Mar. 4,1883 Cooke, Mary Louise to Dandridge S. Burwell, Sept. 19, Norfolk, Va. N. O. Sept. 22, 1883 Crocker, Heber H. of Raleigh to Nellie Richardson of Greensboro, Nov. 6, Greensboro. N. O. Nov. 8, 1883 Crocker, Sallie to Mont R. Haynes, My. 9, Raleigh. N. 0 . My. 10, 1883 Cross, Charles E. of Gates county to Maggie S. Williams of Raleigh, Je. 6, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 7, 1883 rt xT Davis, Hon. Joseph J. to Louisa Kittrell, Nov. 13, Oxford. N. 0. Nov. 14, 1883 Davis, Judge to Addie Burr, Mar, Fayetteville. N. O. Mar. 15, 188o Denmark, J. W. to Juanita Polk, Mar. 7, Raleigh. N. 0. Mar. 8, 1883 Dockery, Lizzie A. to Thomas H. Chavassee of Weldon, Apr. 2G, Weldon. N. O. Apr. 27, 1883 Dortch, Annie L. to Thos. B. Hill, Dec. 19, Goldsboro. N. O. Dec. 22, 1883 Dudley, David C, Sr. to Mrs. Eveline Strickland, Je. 24, Wakefield, Wake county. N. 0. Je. 26, 1883 Durham, Eula of Cary to David Page of Hoffman, Nov, Wake county. N. 0. Dec. 1, 1883 Durham, I. W. of Raleigh to Annie B. Harrell, Je. 6, Monroe. N. 0 . Je. 7, 1883 Edwards, Rev. Robert A. of Phila. to Alice Mayer Lehman of Newbern, Je. 27, Newbern. N. 0. Je. 30, 1883 Ellington, Mollie G. to T. B. Jordan of Hoffman, Je. 20, Osgood, Chatham county. N. O. Je. 26,1883 Foster, Harry to Margaret Pegram, Oct, Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 12, 1883 Glenn, Dr. C. M. to Annie Jones, Dec, Greensboro. N. O. Dec. 19, 1883 Glenn, E. T. B. to Mary Pemberton, Dec. 19, Fayetteville. N. 0. Dec. 22, 1883 Graves, Ella W. to Geo. N. Thompson, Dec. 5, Locust Hill, Caswell county. N. 0. Dec. 12, 1883 Gray, Lizzie W. to Cherry Solomon, Feb, Windsor. N. O. Mar. 4, 1883 Hall, Heman R. to Meta Huske, Apr. 11, Fayetteville. N. O. Apr. 12, 1883 Hall, Janie of Oxford to Henry Perry, Mayor of Henderson, Nov. 28. N. O. Nov. 29, 1883 Harrell, Annie B. to I. W. Durham of Raleigh, Je. 6, Monroe. N. O. Je. 7, 1883 Haynes, Mont R. to Sallie Crocker, My. 9, Raleigh. N. O. May 10, 1883 Haywood, Alfred W. of Raleigh to Daisy Holt of Haw River, My. 23, Haw River. N. 0. My. 24, 1883 Henderson, Sallie E. of Raleigh to Thomas Mercer, Je. 21, Newbern. N. 0. Je. 22, 1883 Hicks, Meta of Oxford to Chas. I. Ward of Franklinton, Dec. 12, Oxford. N. O. Dec. 13, 1883 Hill, Thos. B. to Annie L. Dortch, Dec. 19, Goldsboro. N. 0 . Dec. 22, 1883 Hogg, Sarah E. to J. D. Rhodes, Nov, Wake county. N. O. Dec. 1, 1883 Holt, Daisy of Haw River to Alfred W. Haywood, My. 23, Haw River. N. O. My. 24, 1883 Howard, Phoebe of Granville county to W. B. Mann, Sept. 5, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 6, 1883 Jones, Annie to Dr. C. M. Glenn, Dec, Greensboro. N. 0 . Dec. 19, 1883 Jordan, T. B. of Hoffman to Mollie G. Ellington, Je. 20, Osgood, Chatham county. N. O. Je. 26,1883 Kelly, Wm. J. to Fannie Shields, Apr. 13, Moore county. N. O. Apr. 19, 1883 King, Mark L. formerly of Raleigh now Milton to Sarah P. Ball of Halifax, Va, My. 31. N. 0 . Je. 3, 1883 King, Nannie to John William Rogers, Sept. 20, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 20, 1883 King, Sara to Isadore Rosenthal of Raleigh, Sept. 19, New York. N. 0- Sept. 20, 1883 Kittrell, Louisa to Hon. Joseph J. Davis, Nov. 13, Oxford. N. O. Nov. 14, 1883 Leach, Nellie S. of Johnston county to A. D. Taylor of Raleigh, Jly. 31, Johnston county. N. O. Aug. 1, 1883 Lee, Cle. R. to Nannie M. Tomlinson, Nov. 28, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 29, 1883 Lehamn, Alice Mayer of Newbern to Rev. Robert A. Edwards of Phila., Je. 27, Newbern. N. O. Je. 30, 1883 London, Fannie T. to Capt. John W. Taylor, Mar. 27, Pittsboro. N. 0. Apr. 3, 1883 Maginnis, Maggie of New Orleans to Peter F. Pescud of Raleigh, Je. 17, New Orleans. N. O. Je. 20, 1883 Mann, W. B. of Raleigh to Phoebe Howard of Granville county, Sept. 5, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 6, 1883 May, Lanie of Franklin county to N. H. McCullers of Wake county, Franklin county. N. O. Je. 3, 1883 McAden, Ben T. of Charlotte to Lottie E. Thomas of Raleigh, Je., Raleigh. N. O. Je. 20, 1883 McCullers, N. H. of Wake county to Lanie May of Franklin county. N. O. Je. 3, 1883 McGee, H. F. of Charlotte, S. C. to Annie M. Wheeler, Raleigh, Je. 21, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 22, 1883 McKethan, N. A. of Blue's Crossing to Mollie Pleasants of Cary, Sept. 5. N. 0. Sept. 6, 1883 Mercer, Thomas D. to Sallie E. Henderson of Raleigh, Je 21, Newbern. N. O. Je. 22, 1883 Merrimon, James H. of Asheville to Annie H. Pleasant of La., Feb. 15. N. O. Feb. 20, 1883 Merritt, Mollie of Pittsboro to Henry C. Brown of Chatham county, Nov. 8, Pittsboro. N. O. Nov. 14, 1883 Moffitt, Eli of Moore county to Mrs. Elvira E. Walker of Randolph county, Apr. 31. N. O. My. 1, 1883 Myatt, Amelia of Wake county to A. T. Smith of Harnett county, Sept., Myatt's Mills. N. O. Sept. 20, 1883 Oliver, Elizabeth of Newbern to Martin Willard of Wilmington, Dec. 5, Newbern. N. O. Dec. 7, 1883 Page, David of Hoffman to Eula Durham of Cary, Nov., Wake county. N. O. Dec. 1, 1883 Painter, Rev. Louisa, Quaker preacher to Rev. Geo. F. Round of N. C. Conference, Aug., Bush Hill, Randolph county. N. O. Aug. 18, 1883 Pegram, Margaret to Harry Foster, Oct., Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 12, 1883 Pemberton, Mary to E. T. B. Glenn, Dec. 19, Fayetteville. N. O. Dec. 22, 1883 Perry, Henry, Mayor of Henderson, to Janie Hall of Oxford, Nov. 28. N. O. Nov. 29, 1883 Pescud, Peter F. of Raleigh to Maggie Maginnis of New Orleans, Je. 17, New Orleans. N. O. Je. 20, 1883 Pleasant, Annie H. of La. to James H. Merrimon of Asheville, Feb. 15. N. 0 . Feb. 20, 1883 Pleasants, Mollie of Cary to N. A. McKethan of Blue's Crossing, Sept 5. N. O. Sept. 6, 1883 Polk, Juanita to J. W. Denmark, Mar. 7, Raleigh. N. O. Mar. 8, 1883 Rhodes, J. D. to Sarah E. Hogg, Nov, Wake county. N. O. Dec. 1, 1883 Richardson, Nellie of Greensboro to Heber H. Crocker of Raleigh, Nov. 6, Greensboro. N. 0 . Nov. 8, 1883 Roberts, Harry H. of Raleigh to Mary Blackledge of Craven county, Oct. 8, Newbern. N. 0. Oct. 10, 1883 Rogers, John William to Nannie King, Sept. 20, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 20, 1883 Rosenthal, Isadore of Raleigh to Sara King, Sept. 19, New York. N. O. Sept. 20,1883 Round, Rev. Geo. F. of N. C. Conference to Rev. Louisa Painter, Quaker preacher, Aug, Bush Hill, Randolph county. N. O. Aug. 18, 1883 Shields, Fannie to Wm. J. Kelly, Apr. 13, Moore county. N. O. Apr. 19, 1883 Smith, A. T. of Harnett county to Amelia Myatt of Wake county, Sept, Myatt's Mills. N. O. Sept. 20, 1883 Smith, James F. to Emma G. Wall, Jan. 16, Stokes county. N. O. Jan. 19, 1883 Stallings, Robert I. to Sarah M. Boone, Feb. 14, Boone. N. 0. Feb. 18, 1883 Stewart, Ellen of Harnett county to Fab. A. Whitaker of Wake county, Feb. 18, Averasboro. N. O. Sept. 20, 1883 Straughan, Martha to Jefferson Turner, Nov. 27, Mark's creek Township, Wake county. N. O. Dec. 2, 1883 Strickland, Mrs. Eveline to David C. Dudley, Sr., Je. 24, Wakefield, Wake county. N. O. Je. 26, 1883 Swindell, Sudie F. of Washington, Beaufort county to Benjamin E. Tunnell of Lake Landing, Mar. 7, Hyde county. N. O. Mar. 15, 1883 Taylor, A. D. of Raleigh to Nellie S. Leach of Johnston county, Jly. 31, Johnston county. N. O. Aug. 1, 1883 Taylor, Capt. John W. to Fannie T. London, Mar. 27, Pittsboro. N. 0. Apr. 3, 1883 Thomas, Lottie E. of Raleigh to Ben T. McAden of Charlotte, Je, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 30, 1883 Thompson, Geo. N. to Ella W. Graves, Dec. 5, Locust Hill, Caswell county. N. O. Dec. 12, 1883 Thompson, Glovenia to James S. West, Oct. 30, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 3, 1883 Tomlinson, Nannie M. to Cle. R. Lee, Nov. 28, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 29, 1883 Tunnell, Benjamin E. of Lake Landing to Sudie F. Swindell of Washington, Beaufort county, Mar. 7, Hyde county. N. O. Mar. 15, 1883 Turner, Jefferson to Martha Straughan, Nov. 27, Mark's creek Township, Wake county. N. O. Dec. 2, 1883 Walker, Mrs. Elvira E. of Randolph county to Eli Moffitt of Moore county, Apr. 31. N. O. My. 1, 1883 Ward, Chas. I. of Franklinton to Meta Hicks of Oxford, Dec. 12, Oxford. N. O. Dec. 13,1883 Watkins, John to Carolina Hester, Nov, Wake county. N. O. Dec. 1, 1883 West, James S. to Glovenia Thompson, Oct. 30, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 3,1883 Whitaker, Fab. A. of Wake county to Ellen Stewart of Harnett county, Feb. 18, Averasboro. N. O. Sept. 20, 1883 Wicker, George G. to Elizzie Cameron, Mar. 20, Moore county. N. O. Apr. 19, 1883 Willard, Martin of Wilmington to Elizabeth Oliver of Newbern, Dec. 5, Newbern. N. O. Dec. 7, 1883 Williams, James Monroe to Nannie S. Woodson, Je. 19, Raleigh. N. 0. Je. 20, 1883 Williams, Maggie S. of Raleigh to Charles E. Cross of Gates county, Je. 6, Raleigh. N. 0. Je. 7, 1883
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