Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Avera, D. B. to Mattie Fowle, Je. 7, Raleigh. N. 0. Je. 8, 1882 Ball, Joseph R. to Lida R. Merrill, Feb., Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 9, 1882 Ballentine, Civil A. to W. S. Woods, Buckhorn Township, Wake county, Feb. 5, Buckhorn Township, Wake county. N. O. Feb. 7, 1882 Blacknall, Mamie Morehead to George H. Clowes of Waterbury, Conn., Je. 27, Atlantic Hotel, Morehead. N. O. Je. 29, 1882 Blinson, Charity to Berry Rogers, Feb., Wake county. N. 0. Feb. 14, 1882 Brandwell, Jarrett of Wake county to Isabella Richardson, Johnston county, Jan. N. 0 . Jan. 22, 1882 Brown, Louis T. of Raleigh to Josie Richards of Hillsboro, My. 18, Hillsboro. N. 0 . My. 18, 1882 Burwell, Mary S. to Capt. B. R. Lacy, Je. 27, Raleigh. N. 0 . Je. 28, 1882 Cherry, Sallie of Greenville to Capt. Lawrence W. Vick of Johnston county, Je. 14, Greenville. N. O. Je. 16, 1882 Clowes, George H. of Waterbury, Conn, to Mamie Morehead Blacknall, Je. 27, Atlantic Hotel, Morehead. N. O. Je. 29, 1882 Coniber, Emma to Charles Wallin, Mar. 15, Raleigh. N. O. Mar. 16, 1882 Davis, Minnie E. of Georgetown to T. R. Jones of Raleigh, Feb. 5, Washington, D. C. N. 0 . Feb. 9,1882 Enniss, P. C. to Kate C. Hervey, Jan. 17, Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 18, 1882 Fawle, Mattie to D. B. Avera, Je. 7, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 8, 1882 Garriss, Octavia J. to George B. Taylor, Jan. 17, Northampton county. N. 0. Jan. 20,1882 Gattis, W. A. of Durham to Nannie Utley of Chapel Hill, My. 25. N. 0. Je. 1,1882 Haigh, George B. of Company Shops to Dora Williamson of Graham, Je. 21, Company Shops. N. 0 . Je. 22, 1882 Hamlet, J. T. to Annie Uzzle, Je. 21, Raleigh. N. 0 . Je. 23, 1882 Harllee, Minnie of Woodville to Dr. E. W. Pugh of Windsor, Dec. 28, Woodville, Bertie county. N. O. Jan. 22, 1882 Hill, Thomas of Hickory to Mary Ruffin of Hillsboro, Apr. 26, Hillsboro. N. O. Apr. 26, 1882 Jones, T. R. of Raleigh to Minnie E. Davis of Georgetown, Feb. 5, Washington, D. C. N. 0 . Feb. 9, 1882 King, Robt. A. to Sarah J. Watson, Jan. 25, Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 26, 1882 Lacy, Capt. B. R. to Mary S. Burwell, Je. 27, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 28, 1882 Leak, Mamie W. to Walter L. Parsons of Wadesboro, Feb. 8, Rockingham. N. O. Feb. 14, 1882 Meares, William B. of Davidson county to Julia E. Strudwick of Hillsboro, My.18, Hillsboro. N. O. My. 20, 1882 Merrill, Lida R. to Joseph R. Ball, Feb., Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 9,1882 Nowell, Walter H. to Maggie B. Simpson, Mar. 15, Belvidere. N. O. Mar. 26, 1882 Parsons, Walter L. of Wadesboro to Mamie W. Leak, Feb. 8, Rockingham. N. O. Feb. 14,1882 Pearson, Richmond of this State to Gabrielle Thomas of Richmond, V a , Mar. 29, Richmond, Va. N. 0. Apr. 1, 1882 Pugh, Dr. E. W. of Windsor to Minnie Harllee of Woodville, Dec. 28, Woodville, Bertie county. N. O. Jan. 22, 1882 Ransom, Fannie P. to F. M. Williams of Newton, Mar. 22, Newbern. N. 0. Mar. 26, 1882 Richardson, Isabella of Johnston county to Jarrett Brandwell of Wake county, Jan. N. 0. Jan. 22, 1882 Richards, Josie of Hillsboro to Louise T. Brown of Raleigh, My. 18, Hillsboro. N. 0. My. 18, 1882 Rogers, Berry to Charity Blinson, Feb, Wake county. N. O. Feb. 14, 1882 Simpson, Maggie B. to Walter H. Nowell, Mar. 15, Belvidere. N. O. Mar. 26, 1882 Smith, Laura of Durham county to James W. Stell of Wake county, Feb. 22, Durham county. N. 0. Feb. 25, 1882 Stell, James A. of Wake county to Laura Smith, Durham county, Feb. 22, Durham county. N. 0. Feb. 25, 1882 Straughan, Mary A. E. to W. F. G. Styles of Franklin county, Feb. 22, Wake county. N. O. Feb. 25, 1882 Strudwick, Julia E. of Hillsboro to William B. Meares of Davidson county, My. 18, Hillsboro. N. O. My. 20, 1882 Styles, W. F. G. of Franklin county toMary A. E. Straughan, Feb. 22, Wake county. N. 0 . Feb. 25, 1882 Taylor, George B. to Octavia J. Garriss, Jan. 17, Northampton county. N. O. Jan. 20, 1882 Thomas, Gabrielle of Richmond, Va. to Richmond Pearson of this State, Mar. 29, Richmond, Va. N. 0. Apr. 1, 1882 Utley, Nannie of Chapel Hill to W. A. Gattis of Durham, My. 25. N. 0. Je. 1, 1882 Uzzell, Annie to J. T. Hamlet, Je. 21, Raleigh. N. 0. Je. 23, 1882 Wick, Capt. Lawrence W. of Johnston county to Sallie Cherry of Greenville, Je. 14, Greenville. N. 0. Je. 16, 1882 Wallin, Charles to Emma Coniber, Mar. 15, Raleigh. N. 0. Mar. 16, 1882 Watkins, Leacy to James W. Williams, Feb., St. Mathews Township, Wake county. N. 0 . Feb. 7, 1882 Watson, Sarah J. to Robt. A. King, Jan. 25, Raleigh. N. 0. Jan. 26, 1882 White, Kate to C. C. Williams, My., Raleigh. N. 0 . My. 26, 1882 Williams, C. C. to Kate White, My., Raleigh. N. 0. My. 26, 1882 Williams, F. M. of Newton to Fannie P. Ransom, Mar. 22, Newbern. N. 0. Mar. 26, 1882 Williams, James W. to Leacy Watkins, Feb., St. Mathews Township, Wake county. N. 0. Feb. 7, 1882 Williamson, Dora of Graham to George B. Haugh of Company Shops, Je. 21, Company Shops. N. O. Je. 22, 1882 Woods, W. S. to Civil A. Ballentine of Buckhorn Township, Wake county, Feb. 5, Buckhorn Township, Wake county. N. 0 . Feb. 7, 1882
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