Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Abrams, W. J. to Jennie Rogers, Sept. 22, Raleigh. R. O. Sept. 29, Raleigh. 1878 Adams, James to Susannah Adams, Mar. 27, Panther Branch Township, Wake county. R. O. Apr. 3, 1878 Adams, John Quentin, Jr., to Annie Blalock, Apr. 1, Panther Branch Township, Wake county. R. O. Apr. 3, 1878 Adams, Susannah to James Adams, Mar. 2 7 , Panther Branch Township, Wake county. R. 0 . Apr. 3 , 1878 Allen, J. M. of Raleigh to Helen Harris, Dec. 1, Wake county. R. 0 . Dec. 3 , 1878 Allred, James T. to Lucinda Sheffield, Feb. 1 0 , Moore county. R. O. Mar. 2 , 1878 Andrews, Ellen to M. Hinds, Apr. 4, Cumberland county. R. O. My. 1 1 , 1878 Andrews, Kause to James L. Webb, Feb. 27, Shelby. R. O. Mar. 1 4 , 1 8 78 Armstrong, T. J. to Annie E . Durham, Sept. 1, Rocky Point, Pender county. R. O . Sept. 5, 1878 Ashe, Samuel T. of Wadesboro to Margaret Devereux of Raleigh, Dec. 4, Raleigh. R. O. Dec. 5, 1 8 78 Batchelor, Bessie B. of Raleigh to Harry Loeb of Wilmington, Oct. 2 2 , Raleigh. R. O. Oct. 2 3 , 1878 Beaver, Alice E. to Carson A. B. Beaver, Jan. 3 1 , Rowan county. R. O. Feb. 16, 1 8 78 Beaver, Carson A. B. to Alice E. Beaver, Jan. 3 1 , Rowan county. R. O. Feb. 16, 1 8 78 Bell, Marietta to Henry L. Hall of Newbern, Jan. 30, Harlow, Carteret county. R. O. Feb. 3, 1 8 78 Bennett, Laura A. to Joseph F. Capel, Feb. 13, Richmond county. R. O. Mar. 2 , 1 8 78 Blair, L. J. of Randolph county to Miss S. E. Tomlinson, Jan. 3 1 , New Salem. R. O. Feb. 1 6 , 1 8 78 Blalock, A. J. to Mary J. Johnson, Jan. 3, Harnett county. R. O. Mar. 2 1 , 1878 Blalock, Annie to John Quentin Adams, Jr. Apr. 1, Panther Branch Township, Wake county. R. O . Apr. 3 , 1 8 78 Blue, Daniel of Moore county to Julia A. Fry, Feb., Carthage. R. O . Feb. 10, 1878 Brady, Noah P. to Sarah Purvis, Jan. 16, Raleigh. R. O. Feb. 16, 1878 Brewer, Hattie B. of Wake Forest to Dr. J. B. Powers of Pender county, Nov. 5, Wake Forest College. R. O. Nov. 6, 1878 Brink, Gracie to Jos. G. Worth, Apr. 16, Wilmington. R. O. Apr. 1 8 , 1 8 78 Britt, Joseph of Moore county to Kittie Campbell, Jan. 10, Moore county. R. O. Jan. 2 5 , 1 8 78 Brodie, Ed. to Martha Gudger, Jan. 2 6 , Raleigh. R. O. Jan. 27, 1 8 78 Cagle, Enoch W. of Moore county to Alice Warner, Jan. 20, Moore county. R. O. Feb. 1 0 , 1 8 78 Callahan, Miss M. A. to A. R. Mason, My. 2 2 , Cumberland county. R. O. Je. 1, 1 8 78 Calvert, C. C. to Hannah Hughes, Feb. 7, Washington, Beaufort county. R. O. Feb. 1 5 , 1 8 78 Cameron, Christian of Harnett county to Daniel S. Cameron, Mar. 1 3 , Fayetteville. R. O. Mar. 1 5 , 1878 Cameron, Christian A. of Harnett county to Edgar S. Smith of Wake county, Jan. 16, Harnett county. R. R. Mar. 1 4 , 1878 Cameron, Douglas W. to James K. P. Harrington, Feb. 7, Harnett county. R. R. Mar. 1 4 , 1 8 78 Cameron, Daniel S. of Harnett county to Christian Cameron, Mar. 13, Fayetteville. E. 0. Mar. 15, 1878 Campbell, Edith to W. H. Revels, Dec. 27, Raleigh. R. 0. Mar. 21, 1878 Campbell, Kittie of Moore county to Joseph Britt, Jan. 10, Moore county. R. O. Jan. 25, 1878 Cannon, Mrs. Kate of Tenn. to Capt. Frederick Olds of Raleigh, Je. 20, Raleigh. R. O. Je. 21, 1878 Capel, Joseph F. to Laura A. Bennett, Feb. 13, Richmond county. R. O. Mar. 2, 1878 Carlton, Maggy Emma to Dr. James L. Nicholson of Richland, Onslow county, Feb. 7, Duplin county. R. O. Feb. 12, 1878 Carson, Rebecca W. of Spartanburg, S. C. to Col. W. M. Hardy of Asheville, Aug. 19, Spartanburg, S. C. R. O. Aug. 31, 1878 Cheshire, Annie G. to S. S. Nash, Apr. 23, Calvary church, Tarboro. R. O. Apr. 25, 1878 Clontz, Mary A. of Buncombe county to Thomas H. Tillinghast of Raleigh, Dec. 19, French Broad, Buncombe county. R. O. Jan. 20, 1878 Coffield, Miss A. C. to Robert Johnson, Feb. 14, Hamett county. R. O. Mar. 21, 1878 Connelly, Mary to James H. Hodgen, My. 16, Robeson county. R. O. My. 19, 1878 Cooper, Harry to Miss M. C. Pickard, Apr. 3, Raleigh. R. O. Apr. 4, 1878 Cosgrove Michael of Johnston county to Eliza J. Flynn, Je. 13, O'Neal Township, Johnston county. R. O. Je. 14, 1878 Covington, Nettie Settle of Richmond county to Piatt D. Walker of Charlotte, Je. 10, Reidsville. R. 0 . Je. 11, 1878 Cox, Dougan C. of Chatham county to Mary E. Troy, Jan. 24, Randolph county. R. 0. Feb. 10, 1878 Culbreth, Mary to Charles Nixon, Apr. 24, Cumberland county. R. 0. My. 11, 1878 Cuningham, Helen Chambers to Walter Ballard Gwynn of Asheville, Dec. 12, Okoloma, Pittsylvania county, Va. R. O. Jan. 23, 1878 Currie, Ida, formerly of Robeson county to H. G. Hannah of Kentucky, Jan. 10, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. R. O. Feb. 1, 1878 Curtis, Walter G. of Smithville to Margaret Johnston, My. 9, Clifton Hill, Annandale, N. J. R. O. My. 15, 1878 Daniels, Paul J. to Mollie E. Small, Jan. 29, Pamlico county. R. O. Feb. 3, 1878 Daniels, R. M. to Mrs. Alice C. Lancaster, Jan. 28, Pamlico county. R. O. Feb. 3, 1878 Davis, W. A. to Mollie J. Jones, Feb. 20, Oxford. R. O. Feb. 22, 1878 Davis, J. T. to Belle McKinnon, Jan. 17, Moore county. R. D. Feb. 16, 1878 Dawson, Susan of Onslow county to C. E. Voss of Newbern, Jan. 20, Jacksonville, Onslow county. R. O. Jan. 20, 1878 Deaderic, Nina to Robert B. Glenn of Rockingham county, Jan. 8, KnoxviHe, Tenn. R. O. Feb. 13,1878 Devereux, Margaret of Raleigh to Samuel T. Ashe of Wadesboro, Dec 4, Raleigh. R. O. Dec 6, 1878 Dezerne, Julia A. of Yadkin county to C. C. Spainhour of Stokes county, Feb. 14, Yadkin county. R. O. Feb. 19, 1878 Dobbin, Theo. W. to Mary A. Watson, Je. 11, Raleigh. R. 0. Je. 12, 1878 Doddson, J. M. of Wilson to Ula Stevenson of Kinston, Mar. 12, Kinston. R. O. Mar. 15, 1878 Dollar, Eliza J. of Bunn's Level, Harnett county to Col. Curtis Hobbs, Jan. 17, Bunn's Level. R. O. Feb. 2, 1878 Dulin, Miss M. E. to Hugh A. Norwood, Jan. 29, Union county. R. 0 . Feb. 7, 1878 Durham, Annie E. to T. J. Armstrong, Sept. 1, Rocky Point, Pender county. R. 0. Sept. 5, 1878 Estes, Dr. James of Va. to Nannie J. Steele of Rockingham, Je. 27, Rockingham. R. O. Je. 29, 1878 Everett, Dr. Sam'l S. to Alice L. Walker, Je. 26, Wilmington. R. O. Jly. 2, 1878 Felts, William R. to Martha I. Neal, Dec. 26, Warren county, near Littleton. R. O. Dec. 29, 1878 Fields, Elvada to Parrish Foust, Jan. 31, Randolph county. R. 0 . Feb. 16, 1878 Fitzgerald, Mrs. Martha R. of Nottaway, Va. to Col. E. P. Jones of Greensboro, Aug. 23, Richmond, Va. R. 0 . Aug. 23, 1878 Flynn, Eliza J. of Johnston county to Michael Cosgrove, Je. 13, O'Neal Township, Johnston county. R. 0 . Je. 14, 1878 Foust, Parrish to Elvada Fields, Jan. 31, Randolph county. R. 0 . Feb. 16, 1878 Fox, David of Chatham county to Mag York, Feb. 14, Chatham county. R. O. Mar. 26, 1878 Frazier, Edward to Mary E. Hays, Jan. 21, Randleman's Factory, Randolph county. R. O. Feb. 16, 1878 Fry, Julia A. of Moore county to Daniel Blue, Feb., Carthage. R. O. Feb. 10, 1878 Fuller, Dr. Junius T. of Roxboro to Ella Hunt, Feb. 27, near Oxford. R. O. Mar. 6, 1878 Gardner, Miss E. to Solomon H. Stephenson, Jan. 13, Harnett county. R. O. Mar. 21, 1878 Gattis, Quint to Maggie Riggan, Dec, Raleigh. R. O. Dec. 11, 1878 Giles, Norwood of Wilmington to Virginia Strong of Raleigh, Nov. 27, Raleigh. R. O. Nov. 28, 1878 Glenn, Robert B. of Rockingham county to Nina Deaderic, Jan. 8, Knoxville, Tenn. R. O. Feb. 13, 1878 Graddy, James R. of Harnett county to Mary E. Harrington, My. 22, Harnett county. R. O. Je. 1,1878 Gray, Dr. Robah H. of Winston to Ella Wilson of Danville, Va. Oct 1, Danville. R. O. Oct. 5, 1878 Griswold, Mary to Rev. J. Worrall Lamour, Jan. 15, Goldsboro. R. O. Jan. 16,1878 Gudger, Martha to Ed. Brodie, Jan. 26, Raleigh. R. O. Jan. 27, 1878 Gwyn, Walter Ballard of Asheville to Helen Chambers Cuningham, Dec. 12, Okoloma, Pittsylvania county, Va. R. 0 . Jan. 23, 1878 Hall, Henry L. of Newbern to Marietta Bell, Jan. 30, Harlow, Carteret county. 0. Feb. 8,1878 Hannah, Allie M. to Thomas C. Worth of Raleigh, Oct. 3, near Charlotte Court House, Va. R. O. Oct. 4, 1878 Hannah, H. G. of Kentucky to Ida Currie formerly of Robeson county, Jan. 10, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. R. O. Feb. 1, 1878 Hardy, Alice of Kinston to Wm. Hunter, Feb. 12, Lenoir county. R. O. Feb. 14, 1878 Hardy, Col. W. M. of Asheville to Rebecca W. Carson of Spartanburg, S. C. R. O. Aug. 31, 1878 Harrington, James K. P. to Douglas W. Cameron, Feb. 7, Harnett county. R. R. Mar. 14, 1878 Harrington, Mary Ann Smith of Harnett county to Thomas B. McLeod, Dec. 20. R. R. Jan. 17, 1878 Harrington, Mary E. to James R. Graddy of Hamett county, My. 22, Harnett county. R. O. Je. 1, 1878 Harris, Ellen to Henry Parham, My. 14, Raleigh. R. O. My. 15, 1878 Harris, Helen to J. M. Allen of Raleigh, Dec. 1, Wake county. R. O. Dec. 3, 1878 Hatcher, Bettie F. to Robert Morgan, Jan. 3, Raleigh. R. O. Jan. 11, 1878 Hays, Mary E. to Edward Frazier, Jan. 21, Randleman's Factory, Randolph county. R. O. Feb. 16, 1878 Heck, Mary Lou to William H. Pace, Oct. 16, Raleigh. R. O. Oct. 17, 1878 Henley, Bettie B. to M. S. C. Vann, Dec. 18, Franklinton. R. O. Dec. 19, 1878 Hill, A. J. of Holly Springs to Mary Ann Myatt of Panther Branch Township, Jan. 21. R. O. Jan. 22, 1878 Hill, Thomas of Chatham county to Elizabeth Martindale of Moore county, Jan. 10. R. 0. Jan. 18, 1878 Hinds, M. to Ellen Andrews, Apr. 4, Cumberland county. R. O. My. 11, 1878 Hobbs, Col. Curtis of Bunn's Level, Harnett county, to Eliza J. Dollar, Jan. 17, Bunn's Level, Harnett county. R. O. Feb. 2, 1878 Hodgin, James H. to Mary Connelly, My. 16, Robeson county. R. O. My. 19, 1878 Holt, Arabella to Walter C. Richardson, Nov. 26, Raleigh. R. O. Nov. 27, 1878 Holt, Mary A. to A. J. Jackson, Dec. 4, Raleigh. R. O. Dec. 5, 1878 Howie, Thos. K. of Wake county to Mary M. Mclnwaile, Dec. 18, Raleigh. R. O. Dec. 19, 1878 Hughes, Hannah to C. C. Calvert, Feb. 7, Washington, Beaufort county. R. D. Feb. 15, 1878 Hunsucker, Miss L. M. to W. J. Stewart, Feb. 14, Moore county. R. O. Mar. 2, 1878 Hunt, Ella to Dr. Junius T. Fuller of Roxboro, Feb. 27, near Oxford. R. O. Mar. 6,1878 Hunter, Wm. to Alice Hardy of Kinston, Feb. 12, Lenoir county. R. O. Feb. 14, 1878 Jackson, A. J. to Mary A. Horton, Dec. 4, Raleigh. R. O. Dec. 5, 1878 Johnson, Mary J. to A. J. Blalock, Jan. 3, Harnett county. R. O. Mar. 21, 1878 Johnson, Robert to Miss A. C. Coffield, Feb. 14, Harnett county. R. O. Mar. 21, 1878 Johnston, Margaret to Walter G. Curtis of Smithville, My. 9, Clifton Hill, Annandale, N. J. R. O. My. 15, 1878 Jones, John W. to Alveretta Rogers, Feb. 6, Brooklyn village, Wake county. R. 0. Feb. 7, 1878 Jones, Mollie J. to W. A. Davis, Feb. 20, Oxford. R. O. Feb. 22, 1878 Jones, Rebecca Cadwaller to Dr. Augustus Knox of Raleigh, My. 21, Hillsboro. R. O. My. 22, 1878 Jones, Col. E. P. of Greensboro to Mrs. Martha R. Fitzgerald of Nottoway, Va. Aug. 22, Richmond, Va. R. O. Aug. 23, 1878 Kerr, John W. of Salisbury to Henrietta Prempert of Raleigh, Jan. 7, Goldsboro. R. O. Jan. 11, 1878 Kimbrell, Andrew to Rebecca L. Love, Feb. 17, Pocket. R. 0. Mar. 2, 1878 Kittrell, Minnie of Oxford to Rev. V. W. Shields, Feb. 27, Wenona, Miss. R. O. Mar. 6, 1878 Knox, Dr. Augustus of Raleigh to Rebecca Cadwaller Jones, My. 21, Hillsboro. R. O. My. 22, 1878 Lamour, Rev. J. Worrall to Mary Griswold, Jan. 15, Goldsboro. R. O. Jan. 16, 1878 Lancaster, Mrs. Alice C. to R. M. Daniels, Jan. 28, Pamlico county. R. O. Feb. 3, 1878 Latta, Charles G. to Mollie Whitehead, My. 6, Raleigh. R. O. My. 7, 1878 Legg, Caroline of Mapleville, R. I. to James M. Stockard of Haw River, Mar. 13. R. O. Mar. 17, 1878 Lentz, Robert C. to Margaret A. Rufty of Sharpe's Township, Jan. 24, Alexander county. R. 0 . Feb. 10, 1878 Lewis, Corina of Randolph county to Peter L. Shamburger of Moore county, Nov. 19, Concord Township, Randolph county. R. O. Dec. 6, 1878 Loeb, Harry of Wilmington to Bessie B. Batchelor of Raleigh, Oct. 22. Raleigh. R. O. Oct. 23, 1878 Lofland, D. D. to Rosey A. Smith, Mar. 3, Yadkin county. R. O. Mar. 8, 1878 Love, Rebecca L. to Andrew Kimbrell, Feb. 17, Pocket. R. O. Mar. 2, 1878 Lovett, N. C. to Martha A. Morrison of Beaver creek village, Jan. 23, Cumberland county. R. O. Feb. 16, 1878 Lumsden, Blanche of Raleigh to Luther White of Granville county, Oct. 29, Raleigh. R. O. Oct. 30, 1878 Lyon, W. H. of Raleigh to Bettie Wood of Johnston county, Nov. 27, Raleigh. R. O. Nov. 30, 1878 t _ o n McDonald, Henry C. of Sanford to Kate Stewart of Rockingham, Jan. 30. Rockingham. R. O. Feb. 7,1878 . _ ., McDougald, Alexander of Chesterfield county, S. C. to Herietta McDougald of Cumberland county, Jan. 31, Cumberland county. R. O. Feb. 16,1878 McDougald, Henrietta of Cumberland county to Alexander McDougald of Chesterfield county, S. C, Jan. 31, Cumberland county. R. O. Feb. lb, 1878 MsGaskill, Christian of Montgomery county to Alfred McNair of Richmond county, Jan. 18. R. O. Jan. 25, 1878 McGill, Neill to Bettie A. McNeill, Jan. 31, Cumberland county. R. O. Feb. 16, 1878 Melnwaile, Mary M. to Thos. K. Howie of Wake county, Dec. 18, Raleigh. R. 0 . Dec. 19,1878 McKee, Neill G. of Abbott Township to Susanna, Mar. 12, Bladen county. R. 0 . Mar. 14, 1878 McKee, Susanna of Abbott Township to Neill G. McKee, Mar. 12, Bladen county. R. 0 . Mar. 14, 1878 McKinnon, Belle to J. T. Davis, Jan. 17, Moore county. R. O. Feb. 16, 1878 McLelland, Kate of Statesville to Dr. S. W. Stevenson of Mooresville, Dec. 27, Statesville. R. O. Jan. 1, 1878 McLendon, Rev. J. J. of Ansonville to Nellie M. Robertson of Iredell county, Dec. 28, near Statesville. R. O. Jan. 1, 1878 McLeod, Edith A. to John Matthews, Jan. 29, Harnett county. R. O. Mar. 21, 1878 McLeod, Thomas B. of Moore county to Mary Ann Smith Harrington, Harnett county, Dec. 20. R. R. Jan. 17, 1878 McLeod, Thos. B. of Moore county to Mary Ann Smith, Harnett county, Dec. 20, Harnett county. R. O. Jan. 20, 1878 McNair, Alfred of Richmond county to Christian McGaskill of Montgomery county, Jan. 18. R. O. Jan. 25, 1878 McNeill, Bettie A. to Neill McGill, Jan. 31, Cumberland county. R. O. Feb. 16, 1878 McRary, Jasper N. to Fannie Williams, Aug. 8, Raleigh. R. O. Aug. 10, 1878 McRee, Penelope Johnston to J. D. Smith of Cumberland county, Apr. 22, Fayetteville. R. O. Apr. 28, 1878 Mallett, Pattie G. of Chapel Hill to Oliver M. Royster of Hickory, Nov. 13, Chapel Hill. R. 0 . Nov. 16, 1878 Mangum, Avrietta to Robert W. Taylor, Apr. 29, Raleigh. R. O. Apr. 30, 1878 Marley, C. C. of Carthage to A. D. Muse, Jan. 22, Carthage. R. O. Jan. 25, 1878 Marsh, D. M. of Chatham county to Fannie E. Muse of Moore county, Feb. 24. R. 0 . Mar. 2, 1878 Martin, Sarah to Bryant Pope of Wake county, Sept. 18, Wake county. R. 0. Sept. 20, 1878 Martindale, Elizabeth of Moore county to Thomas Hill of Chatham county, Jan. 10. R. 0. Jan. 18, 1878 Mason, A. R. to Miss M. A. Callahan, My. 22, Cumberland county. R. Q. Je. 1,1878 Mathews, A. J. to Eady Ann Mathews, Feb. 3, Moore county. R. O. Mar. 2, 1878 Mathews, Eady Ann to A. J. Mathews, Feb. 3, Moore county. R. O. Mar. 2, 1878 Mathews, James D. of Moore county to Rebecca Mathews, Dec. 20, Moore county. R. 0 . Jan. 18,1878 Matthews, John to Edith A. McLeod, Jan. 29, Harnett county. R. O. Mar. 21, 1878 Mathews, Rebecca of Moore county to James D. Mathews, Dec. 20, Moore county. R. O. Jan. 18, 1878 Maxwell, Murdock of Cumberland county to Roberta P. Royal, Jan. 17, Sampson county. R. O. Feb. 16, 1878 Mills, N. B. to Elmira S. Poston, Jan. 24, Iredell county. R. O. Feb. 7, 1878 Mitchell, Benj. H. of Youngsville to Mary S. Wyatt of Raleigh, Nov. 13. R. 0. Nov. 14,1878 Monroe, D. J. to Fannie Monroe, Jan. 10, Cumberland county. R. O. Mar. 14, 1878 Monroe, Fannie to D. J. Monroe, Jan. 10, Cumberland county. R. O. Mar. 14, 1878 Morgan, Robert to Bettie F. Hatcher, Jan. 3, Raleigh. R. O. Jan. 11, 1878 Morrison, Martha A. of Beaver creek village to N. C. Lovett, Jan. 23, Cumberland county. R. 0. Feb. 16, 1878 Muse, A. D. of Carthage to C. C. Marley, Jan. 22, Carthage. R. O. Jan. 25, 1878 Muse, Fannie E. of Moore county to D. M. Marsh of Chatham county. R. O. Mar. 2, 1878 Myatt, Mary Ann of Panther Branch Township to A. J. Hill of Holly Springs, Jan. 21. R. 0 . Jan. 22, 1878 Myatt, W. A. to Miss C. S. Perry, Je. 19, Raleigh. R. 0. Je. 20, 1878 Nash, S. S. to Annie G. Cheshire, Apr. 23, Calvary church, Tarboro. R. 0. Apr. 25, 1878 Neal, Martha I. to William R. Felts, Dec. 26, Warren county, near Littleton. R. 0. Dec. 29, 1878 Nicholson, Dr. James L. of Richland, Onslow county to Maggy Emma Carlton, Feb. 7, Duplin county. R. O. Feb. 12, 1878 Nixon, Charles T. to Mary Culbreth, Apr. 24, Cumberland county. R. 0. My. 11, 1878 Noell, Lucy R. to James W. Tillett, Nov. 10, Mt. Tuzah, Person county. R. 0. Dec. 3, 1878 Norwood, Fanny to John W. Peed of Wake county, Nov. 3, Banks of the Neuse river, Shad Island, New Light Township. R. 0. Nov. 7, 1878 Norwood, Hugh A. to Miss M. E. Dulin, Jan. 29, Union county. R. O. Feb. 7, 1878 Olds, Capt. Frederick of Raleigh to Mrs. Kate Cannon of Tenn, Je. 20, Raleigh. R. O. Je. 21, 1878 Overby, Sarah E. of Yadkin county to John H. Ring, My. 26, East Bend. R. O. Je. 2,1879 Pace, William H. to Mary Lou Heck, Oct 16, Raleigh. R. O. Oct 17, 1878 Parham, Henry to Ellen Harris, My. 14, Raleigh. R. 0 . My. 16, 1878 Paschall, Jennette of Chatham county to Robert D. Smith, Feb. 2, Chatham county. R. O. Mar. 26,1878 Peed, John W. to Fanny Norwood of Wake county, Nov. 3, Banks of the Neuse, Shad Island, New Light Township. R. O. Nov. 7, 1878 Perry, Miss C. S. to W. A. Myatt, Je. 19, Raleigh. R. O. Je. 20, 1878 Perry, Julia F. to Frank Weathers, Oct 13, House creek Township, Wake county. R. O. Oct 15, 1878 Pettigrew, Jane North to William S. Miller of South Carolina, Feb. 25, Scuppernong, Washington county. B, O. Feb. 28,1878 Pickard, Miss M. C. to Harry Cooper, Apr. 3, Raleigh. R. O. Apr. 4, 1878 Poe, Jennie of Pittsboro to Phillip Taylor of Raleigh, Je. 4, Pittsboro. R. O. Je. 11, 1878 Poe, Rosa of Pittsboro to George W. Thompson, Jr. of Raleigh, Nov. 9, Pittsboro. R. 0 . Nov. 17, 1878 Pope, Bryant to Sarah Martin of Wake county, Sept. 18, Wake county. R. 0 . Sept. 20, 1878 Poston, Elmira S. to N. B. Mills, Jan. 24, Iredell county. R. O. Feb. 7, 1878 Powers, Dr. J. B. of Pender county to Hattie B. Brewer of Wake Forest, Nov. 5, Wake Forest College. R. O. Nov. 6, 1878 Prempert, Henrietta of Raleigh to John W. Kerr of Salisbury, Jan. 7, Goldsboro. R. O. Jan. 11, 1878 Price, Hon. Charles of Salisbury to Mrs. Thompson of Mobile, Ala., Jly. 30, Mobile, Ala. R. O. Aug. 11, 1878 Purvis, Sarah to Noah P. Brady, Jan. 16, Raleigh. R. O. Feb. 16, 1878 Reddish, Claudia A. to Samuel L. Younts, Jan. 31, Trinity College, Durham. R. O. Feb. 16, 1878 Renfrow, Florence Celestia to W. Thornton Utley, Oct. 2, Raleigh. R. O. Oct. 3, 1878 Renn, Capt. Louis W. to Lillian W. Scarlette, Sept. 25, Raleigh. R. O. Sept. 26, 1878 Revels, W. H. to Edith Campbell, Dec. 27, Raleigh. R. O. Mar. 21, 1878 Richardson, Walter C. to Arabella Holt, Nov. 26, Raleigh. R. O. Mar. 27, 1878 Rickert, Henry H. of Arkansas to Jennie C. Sharpe of Iredell county. R. 0 . Feb. 10, 1878 Riggan, Maggie to Quint Gattis, Dec. Raleigh. R. O. Dec. 11, 1878 Ring, John H. of Yadkin county to Sarah E. Overby, My. 26, East Bend. R. O. Je. 2, 1878 Robenett, John C. to Sarah Walker of Ellendale Township, Jan. 20, Alexander county. R. O. Feb. 10, 1878 Robertson, Nellie M. of Iredell county to Rev. J. J. McLendon of Ansonville, Dec. 28, near Statesville. R. O. Jan. 1, 1878 Robinson, Lucie M. to John Williams, Mar. 21, Manchester. R. O. Mar. 27, 1878 Rogers, Alveretta to John W. Jones, Feb. 6, Brooklyn village, Wake county. R. 0 . Feb. 7,1878 Rogers, Jennie to W. J. Abrams, Sept. 22, Raleigh. R. O. Sept. 29, 1878 Royal, Roberta P. to Murdoch Maxwell of Cumberland county, Jan. 17, Sampson county. R. O. Feb. 16, 1878 Royster, Oliver M. of Hickory to Pattie G. Mallett of Chapel Hill, Nov. 13, Chapel Hill. R. 0 . Nov. 16, 1878 Rufty, Margaret A. of Sharpe's Township to Robert C. Lentz, Jan. 24, Alexander county. R. 0 . Feb. 10, 1878 Russell, Thomas to Artilla Brown, Feb. 12, Chatham county. R. O. Mar. 2, 1878 Savage, Ellen to Hon. Alfred M. Waddell, Jly. 1, Wilmington. R. O. Jly. 3, 1878 Sears, A. A. of Durham to Mary E. Thompson, Dec. 24, Raleigh. R. 0. Dec. 25, 1878 Scarlette, Lillian W. to Capt. Louis W. Renn, Sept. 25, Raleigh. R. O. Sept. 26, 1878 Sharpe, Jennie C. of Iredell county to Henry H. Rickert of Arkansas, Jan. 4, near Statesville. R. O. Feb. 10, 1878 Shamburger, Peter L. of Moore county to Corinna Lewis of Randolph county, Nov. 19, Concord Township, Randolph county. R. 0. Dec. 6, 1878 Sheffield, Lucinda to James T, Allred, Feb. 10, Moore county. R. O. Mar. 2, 1878 Shields, Rev. V. W. to Minnie Kittrell of Oxford, Feb. 27, Winona, Miss. R. O. Mar. 6, 1878 Smith, J. D. of Cumberland county to Penelope Johnston McRee, Apr. 22, Fayetteville. R. O. Apr. 28,1878 Shoaf, Chalmers S. to Laura Rebecca Turner, Feb. 6, Rowan county. R. O. Feb. 16, 1878 Small, Mollie E. to Paul J. Daniels, Jan. 29, Pamlico county. R. 0. Feb. 3, 1878 Smith, Edgar S. of Wake county to Christian A. Cameron of Harnett county, Jan. 16, Harnett county. R. R. Mar. 14, 1878 Smith, Mary of Lenoir county to J. B. Temple of Wake county, Oct. 16. R. O. Oct. 20, 1878 Smith, Mary Ann of Harnett county to Thos. B. McLeod of Moore county, Dec. 20, Harnett county. R. 0. Jan. 20, 1878 Smith, Robert D. of Chatham county to Jennette Paschall, Feb. 2, Chatham county. R. O. Mar. 26, 1878 Smith, Rosey A. to D. D. Lofland, Mar. 3, Yadkin county. R. O. Mar. 8, 1878 Spainhour, C. C. of Stokes county to Julia A. Dezerne of Yadkin county, Feb. 14, Yadkin county. R. O. Feb. 19, 1878 Stephenson, Solomon H. to Miss E. Gardner, Jan. 13, Harnett county. R. O. Mar. 21, 1878 Stevens, W. E. of Sampson county to Cora Wooten of Columbus county, Nov. 27, Columbus county. R. 0. Dec. 6, 1878 Stevenson, Dr. S. W. of Mooresville to Kate McLelland of Statesville, Dec. 27, Statesville. R. O. Jan. 1, 1878 Stevenson, Ula of Kinston to J. M. Doddson of Wilson, Mar. 12, Kinston. R. O. Mar. 15, 1878 Stewart, Kate of Rockingham to Henry C. McDonald of Sanford, Jan. 30, Rockingham. R. O. Feb. 7, 1878 Stewart, W. J. to Miss L. M. Hunsucker, Feb. 14, Moore county. R. O. Mar. 2, 1878 Stockard, James M. of Haw River to Caroline Legg of Mapleville, R. I., Mar. 13. R. O. Mar. 17, 1878 Strong, Virginia of Raleigh to Norwood Giles of Wilmington, Nov. 27, Raleigh. R. O. Nov. 28, 1878 Taylor, Phillip of Raleigh to Jennie Poe of Pittsboro, Je. 4, Pittsboro. R. O. Je. 11, 1878 Taylor, Robert W. to Avrietta Mangum, Apr. 29, Raleigh. R. 0. Apr. 30, 1878 Taylor, Pink to Jasper Waddell, My. 6, Raleigh. R. 0 . My. 8, 1878 Thomason, Mary E. to A. A. Sears of Durham, Dec. 24, Raleigh. R. 0. Dec. 25, 1878 Temple, J. B. of Wake county to Mary Smith of Lenoir county, Oct. 16. R. 0 . Oct. 20, 1878 Thompson, George W. Jr. of Raleigh to Rosa Poe of Pittsboro, Nov. 9, Pittsboro. R. O. Nov. 17, 1878 Thompson, Mrs. of Mobile, Ala. to Hon. Charles Price of Salisbury, Jly. 30, Mobile, Ala. R. 0 . Aug. 11, 1878 Tillett, James W. to Lucy R. Noell, Nov. 10, Mt. Tirzah, Person county. R. 0. Dec. 3, 1878 Tillinghast, Thomas H. of Raleigh to Mary A. Clontz, Buncombe county. Dec. 19, French Broad, Buncombe county. R. O. Jan. 20, 1878 Tomlinson, Miss S. E. of Randolph county to L. J. Blair, Jan. 31, New Salem. R. O. Feb. 16, 1878 Trolinger, W. H. to Miss E. A. Walker, Dec. 11, Alamance county. R. 0 . Dec. 15, 1878 Troy, Mary E. to Dougan C. Cox of Chatham county, Jan. 24, Randolph county. R. O. Feb. 10, 1878 Turner, Laura Rebecca to Chalmers S. Shoaf, Feb. 6, Rowan county. R. 0. Feb. 16, 1878 Utley, W. Thornton to Celesia Florence Renfrow, Oct. 2, Raleigh. R. 0. Oct. 3, 1878 Vann, M. S. C. to Bettie B. Henley, Dec. 18, Franklinton. R. 0. Dec. 19, 1878 Voss, C. E. of Newbern to Susan Dawson of Onslow county, Jan. 20, Jacksonville, Onslow county. R. O. Jan. 30, 1878 Waddell, Hon. Alfred M. to Ellen Savage, Jly. 1, Wilmington. R. O. Jly. 3, 1878 Waddell, Jasper to Pink Taylor, My. 6, Raleigh. R. O. My. 8, 1878 Walker, Alice L. to Dr. SamT S. Everitt, Je. 26, Wilmington. R. O. Jly. 2, 1878 Walker, Miss E. A. to W. H. Trolinger, Dec. 11, Alamance county. R. O. Dec. 15, 1878 Walker, Piatt D. of Charlotte to Nettie Settle Covington of Richmond county. Je. Reidsville. R. O. Je. 11, 1878 Walker, Sarah of Ellendale Township to John C. Robenett, Jan. 20, Alexander county. R. O. Feb. 10, 1878 Warner, Alice of Moore county to Enoch Cagle, Jan. 20, Moore county. R. O. Feb. 10, 1878 Watson, Mary A. to Theo. W. Dobbin, Je. 11, Raleigh. R. O. Je. 12,1878 Weathers, Frank to Julia F. Perry, Oct. 13, House creek Township, Wake county. R. O. Oct. 15,1878 Webb, James L. to Kanse Andrews, Feb. 27, Shelby. R. O. Mar. 14, 1878 White, Luther of Granville county to Blanche Lumsden of Raleigh, Oct 29, Raleigh. R. O. Oct 30, 1878 Whitehead, Mollie to Charles G. Latta, My. 6, Raleigh. R. O. My. 7, 1878 Williams, Fannie to Jasper N. McRary, Aug. 8, Raleigh. R. 0 . Aug. 1 0 , 1878 Williams, John to Lucie M. Robinson, Mar. 2 1 , Manchester. R. 0 . Mar. 2 7 , 1878 Williams, Louisa to Thos. J. Willis, Dec. 10, Raleigh. R. 0 . Dec. 1 1 , 1878 Williams, S. Miller of South Carolina to Jane North Pettigrew, Feb. 2 5 , Scuppernong, Washington county. R. O. Feb. 2 8 , 1 8 78 Willis, Thos. J. to Louisa Williams, Dec. 10, Raleigh. R. O. Dec. 1 1 , 1878 Wilson, Ella of Danville, Va. to Dr. Robah H. Gray, Winston, Oct. 1, Danville. R. O. Oct. 5, 1 8 78 Wood, Bettie of Johnston county to W. H. Lyon of Raleigh, Nov. 2 7 , Raleigh. R. O. Nov. 3 0 , 1 8 7 8 Wooten, Cora of Columbus county to W. E. Stevens of Sampson county, Nov. 27, Columbus county. R. 0 . Dec. 6, 1878 Worth, Thomas C. of Raleigh to Allie M. Hannah, Oct. 3, near Charlotte Court House, Va. R. O. Oct. 4 , 1 8 7 8 Worth, Jos. G. to Gracie Brink, Apr. 16, Wilmington. R. O. Apr. 1 8 , 1878 Wyatt, Mary S. of Raleigh to Benj. H. Mitchell of Youngsville, Nov. 1 3 . R. O. Nov. 1 4 , 1878 York, Mag of Chatham county to David Fox, Feb. 14, Chatham county. R. O. Mar. 2 6 , 1878 Younts, Samuel L. to Claudia A. Reddick, Jan. 3 1 , Trinity College, Durham. R. O. Feb. 1 6 , 1878
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