Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Allen, Louisa F to John D griffin oct Wake county D.S. Nov 1 1876 Allen, Maria C of Raleigh to B D Webb of Scotland Neck, Feb 23 Raleigh D.S. Feb 23 1876 Allen, William of Stanly county to Mrs Jackbyral S Eason of Anson county Jan 20 near Ansonville D.S. Feb 3 1876 Argo, T. M. to Mrs. Kate Baker of Raleigh, Jly. 25, Fayetteville. D. S. Jly. 27, 1876 Badham, Mary to H. M. Ramseur, Jan. 6, Charlotte. D. S. Jan. 11, 1876 Baker, Mrs. Kate to T. M. Argo of Raleigh, Jly. 25, Fayetteville. D. S. Jly. 27, 1876 Ballard, Benjamin W. of Franklinton to W. Eleanor Parker of Warrenton, Mar. 29, Warrenton. D. S. Mar. 31, 1876 Baughan, Georgiana to Joseph P. Prairie of Raleigh, Feb. 9, Richmond, Va. D. S. Feb. 11, 1876 Beaver, D. H. to Margaret A. Pechel, Dec. 23, Rowan county. D. S. Jan. 14, 1876 Beavers, Laura S. to Thornton S. Fisher, Jan. 27, Concord. D. S. Feb. 3, 1876 Bell, Carrie E. to Rev. D. A. Long of Graham, Oct. 25, Enfield. D. S. Oct. 31, 1876 Benbow, Anna R. to John L. King, Jan. 27, Guilford county. D. S. Feb. 8, 1876 Benbow, Julia R. to R. H. Gleaves of Wytheville, Va, Jan. 27, Guilford county. D. S. Feb. 8, 1876 Berry, Dr. John to Mary Strayhorn, Oct. 2, Hillsboro. D. S. Oct. 3, 1876 Betts, Henrietta E. to Robert P. Coffleld of Hamett county, Feb. 3, Apex. D. S. Feb. 8, 1876 Blount, Pennie to H. Mc E. McMillan, Dec. 30, Lumberton. D. S. Jan. 14, 1876 Boddie, E. Cornelia of Raleigh to Rev. J. P. Moore of Warrenton, Jan. 26, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 26, 1876 Bowen, G. J. to Willie Ann Dupree, Oct, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 1, 1876 Briggs, John D. of Raleigh to Florence H. Dunn, Apr, Wake Forest. D. S. Apr. 14, 1876 Brooks, W. C. to Georgia Kellinger of Elizabeth City, Je. 29, Norfolk, Va. D. S. Jly. 15, 1876 Brown, Annie to J. T. Moore, Sept. 12, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 13, 1876 Brown, E. J. to Lee Jeffreys, My. 10, Raleigh. D. S. My. 10, 1876 Brown, W. D. to Sarah McDowell, Nov. 22, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 23,1876 Bunch, E. S. to Cora Eddins, Oct, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 1, 1876 Burns, Henry A. to Mary F. Fields, Oct. 3, Chatham county. D. S. Oct. 24, 1876 Carver, John M. to Nellie A. Seawell, Feb. 16, Wake county. D. S. Feb. 19, 1876 Cherry, Lillie of Portsmouth, Va. to W. H. Jarvis, Jr. of Petersburgh, Oct. 26, Weldon. D. S. Oct. 31, 1876 Clark, M. H. to Cora Fenner, Oct, Halifax. D. S. Oct. 31, 1876 Coffleld, Robert P. of Harnett county to Henrietta E. Betts, Feb. 3, Apex. D. S. Feb. 8, 1876 Dinkins, W. D. to Susan King, Oct, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 1, 1876 Duke, Emma F. to Daniel M. Windley, Feb. 24, Beaufort county. D. S. Mar. 6,1876 Dupree, Willie Ann to G. J. Bowen, Oct, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 1, 1876 Eason, Mrs. Jackbyral S. of Anson county to William Allen of Stanly county, Jan. 20, near Ansonville. D. S. Feb. 3,1876 Eddins, Cora to E. S. Bunch, Oct, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 1,1876 Fenner, Cora to M. H. Clark, Oct, Halifax. D. S. Oct. 31, 1876 Fields, Mary F. to Henry A. Burns, Oct. 3, Chatham county. D. S. Oct. 24, 1876 Fisher, Mary H. to James H. Spencer, Dec. 9, Cleveland county. D. S. Jan. 14, 1876 Fisher, Thornton S. to Laura S. Beavers, Jan. 27, Concord. D. S. Feb. 3, 1876 Fowle, Annie F. to H. F. Harris of Halifax county, Feb. 2, Washington, Beaufort county. D. S. Feb. 10, 1876 Furguson, Elizabeth to Gaston Terry, Sept. 6, Barton creek Township, Wake county. D. S. Sept. 10, 1876 Gleaves, R. H. of Wytheville, Va. to Julia R. Benbow, Jan. 27, Guilford county. D. S. Feb. 8, 1876 Gold, Sallie E. to E. W. Thomason of Raleigh, Feb. 6, Newberry, S. C. D. S. Feb. 14, 1876 Graham, A. W. of Hillsboro to Lucy Horner, Nov. 21, Oxford. D. S. Nov. 23,1876 Green, Nellie to Dr. L. J. Picot, Oct, Warrenton. D. S. Oct. 31, 1876 Green, Dr. W. W. of Franklin to Sarah Susan Jones of Wake county, Feb. 23, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 23, 1876 Griffin, John D. to Louisa F. Allen, Oct, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 1, 1876 Harris, H. F. of Halifax county to Annie F. Fowle, Feb. 2, Washington, Beaufort county. D. S. Feb. 10, 1876 Henderson, Council to Lucy Ann Mills, Oct, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 1, 1876 Horner, Lucy to A. W. Graham of Hillsboro, Nov. 21, Oxford. D. S. Nov. 23, 1876 Horton, Sallie J. to W. T. Scarboro, Oct, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 1, 1876 Hughes, Agnes to Chas. W. Johnston, Jan. 27, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 3, 1876 Jarvis, W. H , Jr. of Petersburg to Lillie Cherry of Portsmouth, Va, Oct. 26, Weldon. D. S. Oct. 31, 1876 Jeffereys, Lee to E. J. Brown, My. 10, Raleigh. D. S. My. 10, 1876 Johnston, Chas. W. to Agnes Hughes, Jan. 27, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 3, 1876 Jones, Alice L. to H. D. Olive, Oct. 15, Wake county. D. S. Oct. 19, 1876 Jones, E. Metta to Needham P. Jones, Je. 6, Crabtree, Wake county. D. S. Je. 6, 1876 Jones, Helen L. to Joel D. Whitaker of Raleigh, Nov. 15, Warrenton. D. S. Nov. 16, 1876 Jones, Mark P. of Waren county to Nannie Jones of Wake county, Sept. 20, Wake county. D. S. Sept. 21, 1876 Jones, Nannie of Wake county to Mark P. Jones of Warren county, Sept 20, Wake county. D. S. Sept. 21,1876 Jones, Needham P. to E. Metta Jones, Je. 6, Crabtree, Wake county. D. S. Je. 6, 1876 Jones, Sarah Susan of Wake county to Dr. W. W. Green of Franklinton, Feb. 23, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 23, 1876 Kellinger, Georgia to W. C. Brooks of Elizabeth City, Je. 29, Norfolk, Va. D. S. Jly. 15, 1876 Kemp, Wyndham of Calvert, Texas to Mary Lewis Maury, Feb. 7, Concord. D. S. Feb. 10, 1876 King, John L. to R. Anna Benbow, Jan. 27, Guilford county. D. S. Feb. 8, 1876 King, Susan to W. D. Dinkins, Oct, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 1, 1876 Lamson, Susie to Frank 0. Wills, Oct 18, Raleigh. D. S. Oct 19,1876 Lassiter, W. A. to Charity Partin, Oct, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 1, 1876 Long, Rev. D. A. of Graham to Carrie E. Bell, Oct. 26, Enfield. D. S. Oct 31, 1876 McDowell, Sarah to W. D. Brown, Nov. 22, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 23, 1876 McMillan, H. McE. to Pennie Blount, Dec. 30, Lumberton. D. S. Jan. 14, 1876 Maury, Mary Lewis to Wyndham Kemp of Calvert, Texas, Feb. 7, Concord. D. S. Feb. 10, 1876 Mills, Lucy Ann to Council Henderson, Oct, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 1, 1876 Moore, Annie of Raleigh to Dr. Jos. Parker of Gates county, Sept. 12, Raleigh. D. S. Sept 13, 1876 Moore, Rev. J. P. of Warrenton to E. Cornelia Boddie of Raleigh, Jan. 26, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 26, 1876 Moore, J. T. to Annie Brown, Sept. 12, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 13, 1876 Norris, Miss C. A. to M. T. Norris, Sept. 3, Wake county. D. S. Sept. 5, 1876 Norris, M. T. to Miss C. A. Norris, Sept. 3, Wake county. D. S. Sept. 5,1876 Olive, H. D. to Alice L. Jones, Oct. 15, Wake county. D. S. Oct. 19, 1876 Parker, Dr. Jos. of Gates county to Annie Moore of Raleigh, Sept. 12, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 13, 1876 Parker, W. Eleanor of Warrenton to Benjamin W. Ballard of Franklmton, Mar. 29, Warenton. D. S. Mar. 31, 1876 Partin, Charity to W. A. Lassiter, Oct, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 1, 1876 Pechel, Margaret A. to D. H. Beaver, Dec. 23, Rowan county. D. S. Jan. 14, 1876 Picot, Dr. L. J. to Nellie Green, Oct, Warrenton. D. S. Oct. 31, 1876 Pool, S. C. to Jennie Upchurch, Sept. 4, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 6, 1876 Prairie, Joseph P. of Raleigh to Georgiana Baughan, Feb. 9, Richmond, Va. D. S. Feb. 11, 1876 Ramseur, H. M. to Mary Badham, Jan. 6, Charlotte. D. S. Jan. 11, 1876 Rankin, Miss M. A. to J. M. Towles of Raleigh, Feb. 10, Winston. D. S. Feb. 11, 1876 Root, Charles to Annie Beach Smedes, Sept. 7, St. Mary's chapel, Raleigh. D. S. Sept 8, 1876 .„ Scarboro, W. T. to Sallie J. Horton, Oct, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 1, 1876 Seawell, Nellie A. to John M. Carver, Feb. 16, Wake county. D. S. Feb. 19,1876 Smedes, Annie Beach to Charles Root Sept. 7, St. Mary's chapel, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 8, 1876 spencer, James H. to Mary H. Fisher, Dec. 9, Cleveland county. D. S. Jan. 14,1876 Stamps, E. R. to Bettie Williams, Jan. 26, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 26,1876 Strayhorn, Mary to Dr. John Berry, Oct 2, Hillsboro. D. S. Oct 3,1876 Sutton, W. H. of Richmond, Va. to Amanda Weathers of Raleigh, Jly. 31, Raleigh. D. S. Aug. 2, 1876 Terry, Gaston to Elizabeth Furguson, Sept. 6, Barton creek Township, Wake county. D. S. Sept. 10, 1876 Thomason, E. W. of Raleigh to Sallie E. Gold, Feb. 6, Newberry, S. C. D. S. Feb. 14, 1876 Towles, J. M. of Raleigh to Miss M. A. Rankin, Feb. 10, Winston. D. S. Feb. 11, 1876 Watkins, Martha to P. Watkins, Oct., Wake county. D. S. Nov. 1, 1876 Watkins, P. to Martha Watkins, Oct., Wake county. D. S. Nov. 1, 1876 Weathers, Amanda of Raleigh to W. H. Sutton of Richmond, Va., Jly. 31. Raleigh. D. S. Aug. 2, 1876 Webb, B. D. of Scotland Neck to Maria C. Allen, Raleigh, Feb. 23, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 23, 1876 Wells, Frank 0. to Susie Lamson, Oct. 18, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 19, 1876 Whitaker, Joel D. of Raleigh to Helen L. Jones, Nov. 15, Warrenton. D. S. Nov. 16, 1876 Wilder, Dr. H. M. to Sallie D. Worsham, Feb., near Charlotte. D. S. Feb. 5, 1876 Williams, Bettie to E. R. Stamps, Jan. 26, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 26, 1876 Windley, Daniel M. to Emma F. Duke, Feb. 24, Beaufort county. D. S. Mar. 6, 1876 Worsham, Sallie D. to Dr. H. M. Wilder, Feb., near Charlotte. D. S. Feb. 5, 1876
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