Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Aehenback, George of Jersey City, N. J. to Miss M. F. Walton, Je. 30, Rowan county. D. S. Jly. 3, 1874 Allen, Mrs. of Person county to Joseph Howard of Granville county, Apr. 8. D. S. Apr. 17, 1874 Allen, Pascom to Minnie Kingsland formerly of Raleigh, Apr. 14, Wake county. D. S. Apr. 17, 1874 Allen, Pattie to Mr. Tillery of Halifax, Dec. 2, Raleigh. D. S. Dec. 3, 1874 Askew, W. F. Jr. of Raleigh to Emma McCauley of Monroe, Je. 24, Monroe Union county. D. S. Je. 29, 1874 Austin, Betie of Warrenton to M. Van B. Tucker of Raleigh, Jan. 8, Warrenton. D. S. Jan. 9, 1874 Austin, Minerva Ann to Marshall Parish, Nov. 25, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 25, 1874 Bahnson, Carrie of Salem to Thomas h, Norwood of Mebanville, Je. 22, Salem. D. S. Je. 25, 1874 Bahnson, Dr. Henry T. of Salem to Emma C. Fries, Apr. 14, Salem. D. S. Apr. 20, 1874 Baker Miss M H to Maj Wm. Huske, Dec. 17, Fayetteville. D. S. Jan. 3 1874 Baskford Thomas J. of Raleigh to Lucy A. Kriminger of Salisbury, Sept. 24, Salisbury. D. S. Sept. 28, 1874 Beatty, Judge W. H. of California to Elizabeth McKay Love of this State, Je. 17, Hamilton, Nevada. D. S. Je. 22, 1874 Beavers Claude to Dora Hayes, Dec. 24, Wake county. D. S. Dec. 29, 1874 Beves Cora E. to W. E. Foster, Je. 10, Franklinton. D. S. Je. 16, 1874 Bond Darnel of Enfield to Maggie Bond, Jan. 7, Brownsville, Tenn. D. & Jan. 14, 1874 Branch Lucinda to Alfred H. Sweat, Sept. 24, Burke county. D. S. Oct. 7, 1874 Briggs, T.H Jr of Raleigh to Sarah Grandy of Oxford, Oct 21, Oxford D. S. Oct. 26, 1874 Brinkley, Walter W. to Rebecca Dean, Dec. 16, Wake county. D. S. Dec. 17, Bryan Annie to Andrew Syme, J a n . 29, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 31, 1874 Bullock C W formerly of Va to Jennie King of Raleigh Nov 17 Raleigh D.S. Nov 18 1874 Bunch Mattie A. to W. M. Utley,Je 18, Raleigh D.S. Jr 19 1874 Carr, Lizzie M of Chapel Hill to Rev Junius T Harris of the NC Conference Mar 24, Chapel Hill D.S. Mar 27 1874 Clark, Walter of Raleigh to Susan Washington Graham, Jan. 28, Hillsboro. D. S. Jan. 31, 1874 Clifton, Berry of Louisburg to Lucy Andrews, Sept. 22, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 22, 1874 Cole, James W. of Moore county to Mary Jane Mclver, Mar. 19, Moore county. D. S. Apr. 17, 1874 Coogan, Jas. to Mary Moore, Jly. 23, Raleigh. D. S. Jly. 25, 1874 Cooper, George B. to Clara Bond, Dec. 18, Bertie county. D. S. Jan. 4, 1874 Cooley, Lula H. to M. V. Rogers, Oak Grove Township, Wake county, Dec. 8. D. S. Dec. 11, 1874 Crabtree, Cad J. to Abigail J. Upchureh, Jly. 2, Wake county. D. S. Jly. 7, 1874 Daughtrey, Willie L. of Suffolk, Va. to Beatrice J. Hines of Kittrell, Oct. 7. D. S. Oct. 8, 1874 Dean, Geo. W. to Margaret Knott, Apr. 9, Wake county. D. S. Apr. 17, 1874 Dean, Rebecca to Walter W. Brinkley, Dec. 16, Wake county. D. S. Dec. 17, 1874 Dearall, Angeline of Wake county to James T. Williamson, Oct. 29, D. S. Oct. 31, 1874 Dennis, J. M. of Wake county to Ida B. Royster, Nov. 19, Apex. D. S. Jan. 14, 1874 Douglas, W. C. of Georgia to Jessie Taylor of Chatham county, My. 20, Piney Grove, Wake county. D. S. Je. 9, 1874 Dupree, Dr. Daniel to Eliza S. Flint formerly of Rapide Parish, La., Dec. 24, Nashville, Tenn. D. S. Dec. 31, 1874 Ellington, Sallie J. to John W. Thompson, Feb. 10, Apex. D. S. Feb. 12, 1874 Farish, Sallie W. to Charles G. Joyner of Greenville, Nov. 5, Caswell county. D. S. Nov. 11, 1874 Fearing, Henry M. to Sue M. Fetter, Oct. 7, Elizabeth City. D. S. Oct. 10, 1874 Felts, Matilda to John L. Madison of Yadkin county, Jan. 29, Wilkes county. D. S. Feb. 12, 1874 Ferrell, Betsy to Alex Robeson, Oak Grove Township, Wake county, Dec. D. S. Dec. 16, 1874 Fetter, Sue M. to Henry M. Fearing, Oct. 7, Elizabeth City. D. S. Oct. 10, 1874 Fleming, Eudora to Christopher Riggan, Dec. 23, Warren county. D. S. Jan. 2, 1874 Flint, Eliza S. formerly of Rapide Parish, La. to Dr. Daniel Dupre formerly of Raleigh, Dec. 24. Nashville, Tenn. D. S. Dec. 31, 1874 Forrest, James M. to Samatha C. Thompson, Jan. 29, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 31, 1874 Foster, W. E. to Cora E. Beves, Je. 10, Franklinton. D. S. Je. 16, 1874 Fries, Emma C. of Salem to Dr. Henry T. Bahnson, Apr. 14, Salem. D. S. Apr. 30, 1874 Gulley, Charity E. to Y. E. Young, Nov. 3, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 5, 1874 Graham, Susan Washington to Walter Clark of Raleigh, Jan. 28, Hillsboro. D. S. Jan. 31, 1874 Grandy, Sarah of Oxford to T. H. Briggs, Jr. of Raleigh, Oct. 21, Oxford. D. S. Oct. 26, 1874 Hayes, W. H. to Bettie A. Thompson, Jan. 29, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 31, 1874 Hines, Beatrice J. of Kittrell to Willie L. Daughtrey of Suffolk, Va., Oct. 7. D. S. Oct. 8, 1874 Hargrove, John S. of Norfolk to Pattie Hawkins, Oct. 21, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 26, 1874 Harris, Cicero W. Jr. of Wilmington to Carrie A. Jenkins, Jly. 2. Wilson. D. S. Jly. 3, 1874 Harris, Rev. Junius T. of the N. C. Conforence to Lizzie M. Carr of Chapel Hill, Mar. 24, Chapel Hill. D. S. Mar. 27, 1874 Harris, Mittie to James W. Young, Dec. 16, Franklin county. D. S. Dec. 19, 1874 Harrison, J. T. to Cally L. Smith, Jan. 21, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 25, 1874 Hawkins, Pattie to John S. Hargrove of Norfolk, Oct. 21, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 26, 1874 Hayes, Dora to Claude Beavers, Dec. 24, Wake county. D. S. Dec. 29, 1874 Herndron, Lou E. of Chatham county to Dr. N. Durant York, Mar. 15, Chatham county. D. S. Mar. 17, 1874 Howard, Joseph of Granville county to Mrs Allen of Person county, Apr. 8. D. S. Apr. 17, 1874 Howland, Lizzie to Stanley M. Riggsbee, Feb. 5, Cary, Wake county. D. S. Feb. 7, 1874 Huske, Maj. Wm. to Miss M. H. Baker, Dec. 17, Fayetteville. D. S. Jan- 1874 . Jenkins, Carrie A. to Cicero W. Harris, Jr. of Wilmington, Jly. 2, Wilson. D.S. Jly. 3, 1874 Jones, Mollie A. of Raleigh to John Murphy of Greene county, Jly. 1. Raleigh. D. S. Jly. 1, 1874 Jones, T. N. of Raleigh to Katie Skelton, Dec. 31, Richmond, Va. D. S. Jan. .3, 1874 Joyner Charles G. of Greenville to Sallie W. Farish, Nov. 5, Caswell county. D. S. Nov. 11, 1874 King.Jennie of Raleigh to C. W. Bullock formerly of Va. Nov. 17, Raleigh- D. S. Nov. 18, 1874 King, Louisa F. of Wake county to Henry C. Watkins, Je. 30, near Raleigh. D.S. Jly. 1 1874 Kingsland, Minnie formerly of Raleigh to Pascom Allen, Apr 14 Wake count D.S. Apr 17 1874 Knott, Margaret to Geo W Dean, Apr 9 Wake county D.S. Apr 17 1874 Kriminger, Lucy A of Salisbury to Thomas J Bashford of Raleigh, Sept 24, Salisbury D.S. Sep 28 1874 Lamont Mary A. to John K. Ray, Apr. 2, Wake county. D. S. Apr. 17, 1874 Lewis, Lizzie of Milton, Caswell county to Nat M Richmond, Oct 28, Milton, Caswell county D.S. Oct 29 1874 Love, Elizabeth McKay of this State to Judge W H Beatty of California Je 17 Hamilton, Nevada D.S. Je 22 1874 Madison, John L of Yadkin county to Matilda Felts, Jan. 29, Wilkes county. D.S. Feb 12 1874 McCauley, Emma of Monroe to W F Askew Jr of Raleigh, Je 24, Monroe, Union County, D.S. Je 29 1874 Mclver, Mary Jane of Moore county to James W. Cole, Mar. 19, Moore county. D. S. Apr. 17, 1874 McKay, J. Franklin to Anne F. McPherson, Mar. 19, Robeson county. D. S. Apr. 17, 1874 McNeill, Kate R. to Jas. Utley, Jr., Oct, Fayetteville. D. S. Oct. 31, 1874 McPherson, Anne F. to J. Franklin McKay, Mar. 19, Robeson county. D. S. Apr. 17, 1874 Moore, Mary to Jas. Coogan, Jly. 23, Raleigh. D. S. Jly. 25, 1874 Murphy, John of Greene county to Mollie A. Jones of Raleigh, Jly. 1, Raleigh. D. S. Jly. 1, 1874 Norwood, Thomas L. of Mebaneville to Carrie Bahnson of Salem, Je. 22, Salem. D. S. Je. 25, 1874 Parish, Marshall to Minerva Ann Austin, Nov. 25, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 25, 1874 Ray, John K. to Mary A. Lamont, Apr. 2, Wake county. D. S. April 17, 1874 Reese, Hattie V. of Hillsboro to D. S. Waitt of Raleigh, Nov. 3, Hillsboro. D. S. Nov. 7, 1874 Richmond, Nat M. of Milton, Caswell county to Lizzie Lewis, Oct. 28, Milton. D. S. Oct. 29, 1874 Riggan, Christopher to Eudora Fleming, Dec. 23, Warren county. D. S. Jan. 2, 1874 Riggsbee, Stanley M. to Lizzie Howland, Feb. 5, Cary, Wake county. D. S. Feb. 7, 1874 Robeson, Alex to Betsy Ferrell, Oak Grove Township, Wake county, Dee. D. S. Dec. 16, 1874 Rogers, M. V. to Lula H. Cooley, Oak Grove Township, Wake county. Dec. 8. D. S. Dec. 11, 1874 Root, Love Gales to Dr. Vines E. Turner, Sept. 16, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 16, 1874 Royster, Ida R. of Wake countv to J. M. Dennis, Nov. 19, Apex. D. S. Jan. 14, 1874 Skelton, Katie S. to T. N. Jones of Raleigh, Dec. 31, Richmond, Va. D. S. Jan. 3, 1874 Smith, Colly L. to J. T. Harrison, Jan. 21, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 25, 1874 Stevenson, Martin of Newbern to Augustine E. Stickney of Mobile, Ala. Sept. 7, Mobile, Ala. D. S. Sept. 12, 1874 Stickney, Augustine of Mobile, Ala. to Martin Stevenson of Newbern Sept. 7, Mobile, Ala. D. S. Sept. 12, 1874 Sweat, Alfred H. to Lucinda Branch, Sept. 24, Burke county. D. S. Oct. 7, 1874 Syme, Andrew to Annie Bryan, Jan. 29, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 31, 1874 Taylor, Josie of Chatham county to W. C. Douglas of Georgia, My. 20, Piney Grove, Wake county. D. S. Je. 9, 1874 Thompson, Bettie A. to W. H. Hayes, Jan. 29, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 31, 1874 Thompson, John W. to Sallie J. Ellington, Feb. 10, Apex. D^ S. Feb. 12, 1874 Thompson. Samantha C. to James M. Forrest, Jan. 29, Raleigh. D, S. Jan. 31, 1874 Tillery, Mr. of Halifax to Pattie Allen, Dec. 2, Raleigh. D. S. Dec. 3, 1874 Turner, Dr. Vines E. to Love Gales Root, Sept. 16, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 16, 1874 Tucker, M. Van B. of Raleigh to Bettie Austin of Warrenton, Jan. 8, Warrenton. D. S. Jan. 9, 1874 Upchurch, Abigail J. to Cad J. Crabtree, Jly. 2, Wake county. D. S. Jly. 7, 1874 Utley, Jas., Jr. to Kate R. McNeill, Oct., Fayetteville. D. S. Oct. 31, 1874 Utley, W. M. to Mattie A. Bunch, Je 18, Raleigh. D. S. Je. 19, 1874 Waitt, D. S. of Raleigh to Hattie V. Reese of Hillsboro, Nov. 3, Hillsboro. D. S. Nov. 7, 1874 Waitt, T. K. to Martha E. Johnson, Nov. 19, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 20, 1874 Walton, Miss M. F. to George Achenback of Jersey City, N. J., Je. 30, Rowan county. D. S. Jly. 3, 1874 Watkins, Henry C. of Wake county to Louisa F. King, Je. 30, near Raleigh. D. S. Jly. 1, 1874 Whitaker, E. A. to Virginia Whitaker, Feb. 6, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 7, 1874 Whitaker, Virginia to E. A. Whitaker, Feb. 6, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 7, 1874 Williamson, James T. to Angeline Dearall of Wake county, Oct. 29. D. S. Oct. 31, 1874 York, Dr. N. Durant of Chatham county to Lou E. Herndron, Mar. 15, Chatham county. D. S. Mar. 17, 1874 Young, James W. to Mittie Harris, Dec. 16, Franklin county. D. S. Dec. 19, 1874 Young, Y. E. to Charity E. Gulley, Nov. 3, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 5,1874
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