Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Allen, Carolina to Frank DeForest of Albany, N. Y. Apr. 20, Wake county. D. S. Apr. 22, 1871 Arden, John to Rebecca A. Cole, Jan. 9, Durham Township, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 2, 1871 Ashe, Anna C. of this State to George Tilghman of Maryland, Apr. 13, Stockton, Calif. D. S. My. 25, 1871 Atkins, Josiah to Margaret Marcom, Feb. 7, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 27, 1871 Atkinson, Fannie of Company Shops to Capt. William H. Green, Je. 19, Company Shops. D. S. Jan. 23, 1871 Badham, Fannie of Tampico to George F. Bason of Alabama, My. 10, Graham. D. S. My. 15, 1871 Bailey, C. B. of Nash county to Mary Jane Lewis, Mar. 23, Nash county. D. S. Mar. 30, 1871 Barnhardt, Harriet A. of Charlotte to William A. Owen of Yorkville, S. C, Feb. 28. Charlotte. D. S. Mar. 2, 1871 Bason, George F. of Alabama to Fannie Badham of Tampico, My. 10, Graham. D. S. My. 15, 1871 Boyer, Dr. S. S., U.S.A. to Rebecca M. Drew of Smithville, Feb. 27, Wilmington. D. S. Mar. 2, 1871 Boylan, Bettie of Raleigh to Geo. H. Snow, Jan. 18, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 20, 1871 Brantly, Louise of Atlanta to Col. John L. Morehead of Charlotte, Apr. 11, Atlanta, Ga. D. S. Apr. 14, 1871 Briant, Calvin O. to Eliza Ann Markham, Jan. 5, Durham Township, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 2, 1871 Briant, Mary 0. of Orange county to E. A. Woods, Feb. 23, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 27, 1871 Budgett, William S. of Davidson county to Miss F. Lynch of Hillsboro, Je. 8, Hillsboro. D. S. Je. 15, 1871 Burton, Helen L. to Charles Martin Murden, My. 4, Edenton. D. S. My. 9, 1871 Campbell, Cornelia E. of Ashe county to Calvin Hodgins, Dec. 22. D. S. Jan. 5, 1871 Cannon, Kate A. of Tenn. to John D. Primrose of Raleigh, Jan. 11, Hillsboro. D. S. Jan. 13, 1871 Castle, Wm. H. to Jane Desom, Jan. 30, Durham Township, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 2, 1871 Cobb, John K. of Caswell county to Lucy Massie, Feb. 2, Caswell county. D. S. Feb. 9, 1871 Cole, Rebecca A. to John Arden, Jan. 9, Durham Township, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 2, 1871 Cook, J. W. to Rebecca Williams, Mar., Orange county. D. S. Mar. 27, 187 Cotton, Godwin to Kate L. Lovejoy, Feb. 21, Scotland Neck. D. S. Feb. 28, 1871 Cotten, Maggie A. to M. L. Wood, Feb. 22, Rebel Park, Bertie county. D. S. Feb. 28, 1871 Cowan, Mary of Pittsboro to Josh G. James of Wilmington, Apr. 19, Pittsboro. D. S. Apr. 24, 1871 Crocker, Alonzo of Harnett county to Susan L. Roboteau, Je. 10, Barclaysville. D. S. Je. 13, 1871 Crossland, S. T. formerly of Fayetteville to Mrs. Billie Hardee of Greene county, Jan. 3. D. S. Jan. 14, 1871 Crump, Charles M. of Guilford county to Laura Davies of Chatham county, Feb. 23, Chatham county. D. S. Feb. 25, 1871 Davies, Laura of Chatham county to Charles M. Crump of Guilford county. Feb. 23, Chatham county. D. S. Feb. 25, 1871 Davis, L. D. H. to Mary E. Pope, Jan. 24, Durham Township, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 2, 1871 Davis, Peter R. of Warren countv to Winnie Wiggins of Halifax, Mar. 23. D. S. Apr. 3, 1871 DeForest, Frank of Albany, N. Y. to Carolina Allen, Apr. 20, Wake county. D. S. Apr. 22, 1871 Dosom, Jane to Wm. H. Castle, Jan. 30, Durham Township, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 2, 1871 Drew, Rebecca M. of Smithville to Dr. S. S. Boyer, U.S.A. Feb. 27, Wilmington. D. S. Mar. 2, 1871 Duke. Jane to James 0. Latta, Feb. 19, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 27, 1871 Elliott, Ephraim H. to Mollie Small of Perquimons county, Dec. 20, Perquimans county. D. S. Jan. 21, 1871 Ellis, Susan to John II. Gilbert, Mar., Orange county. D. S. Mar. 27, 1871 Faust. Emma L. of Randolph county to John S, Harris of Pitt county, Dec 13. Marlboro. Pitt county. D. S. Jan. 5, 1871 Ferrell. James A. to Malimla Vickers, Jan.'15, Durham Township, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 2, 1871 Finch, Miss M. W. of Raleigh to Dr. W. Rovster, Feb. 27, Raleigh. D. & Mar. 3, 1871 Garrett. Bettie of Edgecombe county to Sidney P. Hilliard formerly of Hilliardston, Je. 5, Edgecombe county. D S Je 22, 1871 Gilbert, John II. to Susan Ellis, Mar., Orange countv. D. S. Mar. 27, 1871 Green. Capt. William H. of Company Shops to Fannie Atkinson, Je- Company Shops. D. S. J a n . 23, 1871 Griffin J. S. of Rertie county to Mary Lockhart Smallwood, Apr. 27, Woodville. Bertie county. D. S. My. 3, 1871 Gulley, L. J. of Raleigh to Sophroni'a Stephens of Wake county, Jan- Wake county. P. S. Jan. 0. 1871 Haley, Ella R. to Jas. M. Patrass of Raleigh, My. 24, Raleigh. D. S. My- 1871 Hall G P . of Miss, to Bettie S. Nichols of this State, Jan. 25, Windsor. D. S. Jan, 30, 1S71 Hampton, John S. formerly of Salisbury to Mollie A. Jenkins of RaleiR", Mar. 12. Raleigh. D. S. Mar. 14, 1871 Hardee, Bettie F. of Johnston county to John Lassiter, Mar. 30, Johnston county. D. S. Apr. 0, 1871 Hardee Mrs. Billie of Greene county to S. T. Crossland formerly of Fayetteville, Jan. 3. D. S. Jan. 14, 1371 Harris John S. of Pitt county to Emma L. Faust of Randolph county, Dec 13, Marlboro, Pitt county. D. S. Jan. 5, 1871 Hilliard, Sydney P. formerly of Hilliardston to Bettie Garrett of Edgecombe county, Je. 5, Edgecombe county. D. S. Je. 22, 1871 Hodgins, Calvin of Ashe county to Cornelia E. Campbell, Dec. 22. D. S. Jan. 5, 1871 Horn, Emaline to Sterling Proctor, Dec. 24, Durham Township, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 2, 1871 James, Josh G. of Wilmington to Mary Cowan of Pittsboro, Apr. 10, Pittsboro. D. S. Apr. 24, 1871 Jenkins, Mollie A. of Raleigh to John S, Hampton formerly of Salisbury, Mar. 12, Raleigh. D. S. Mar. 14, 1871 Johnson, Emily S. of Raleigh to Cadwaller Jones, Jr. of Greensboro, Ala., Feb. 7, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 9, 1871 Jones, Cadwaller, Jr. of Greensboro, Ala. to Emily S. Johnson of Raleigh, Feb. 7, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 9, 1871 Kirkland, Lizzie of Chapel Hill to Dr. Edward Lindsay of Greensboro, Mar. 0, Chapel Hill. D. S. Mar. 10, 1871 Lane, Daniel of Craven county to Lavinia Rice of Alamance county, Feb. 1, "Sunny Side," Alamance county. D. S. Feb. 3, 1871 Lassiter, John of Johnston county to Bettie F. Hardee, Mar. 30, Johnston county. D. S. Apr. 6, 1871 Latta, James O. to Jane Duke, Feb. 19, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 27, 1871 Lawrence, Angelia to S. F. Tomlinson, Supt. N. C. Inst, of Deaf, Dumb & Blind, My. 2. Orange county. D. S. My. 9, 1871 Lee, Emma to J. P. Lorenzo Liles, Apr. 0, Ralei'jh. D. S. Apr. 7, 1871 Lewis, Mary Jane of Nash county to C. B. Bailey, Mar. 23, Nash county. D. S. Mar. 30, 1871 Lewter, A. Saunders of Durham to Carrie W. Woods, Mar. 19, Pitt county. D. S. Mar. 22, 1871 Liles, J. P. Lorenzo to Emma Lee, Apr. 0, Raleigh. D. S. Apr. 7, 1871 Lindsay, Dr. Edward of Greensboro to Lizzie Kirkland of Chapel Hill, Mar. 0, Chapel Hill. D. S. Mar. 10, 1871 Love joy, Kate L. to Godwin Gotten, Feb. 21, Scotland Neck. D. S. Feb. 28, 1871 Lynch, Maria F. of Hillsboro to William S. Budgett of Davidson county. Je. 8, Hillsboro. D. S. Je. 15, 1871 Marcom, Margaret to Josiah Atkins, Feb. 7, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 27, 1871 Markham, Eliza Ann to Calvin O. Briant, Jan. 5, Durham Township, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 2, 1871 Massie, Lucy of Caswell county to John K. Cobb, Feb. 2, Caswell county. D. S. Feb. 9, 1871 Morohead, Col. John L. of Charlotte to Louise Brantly of Atlanta, Ga., Apr. 11, Atlanta, Ga. D. S. Apr. 14, 1871 Murden, Charles Martin to Helen L. Burton, My. 4, Edenton. D. S. My. 9. 1871 Nichols, Bettie S. of this State to G. P. Hall of Miss., Jan. 25, Windsor. D. S. Jan. 30, 1871 Owen, William A. of Yorkville, S. C. to Harriet A. Barnhardt of Charlotte, Feb. 28, Charlotte. D. S. Mar. 2, 1871 Parker, Jacob of Perquimons county to Prissilla A. Simpson of Chowan county. Jan. 4. D. S. Jan. 21, 1871 Patrass, Jas. M. to Ella R. Haley of Raleigh, My. 24, Raleigh. D. S. My. 26, 1871 Paxton, Bettie B. to James C. Warren, Apr. 27, Edenton. D. S. My. 9, 1871 Pope, Mary E. to L. D. H. Davis, Jan. 24, Durham Township, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 2, 1871 Primrose, John D. of Raleigh to Kate A. Cannon of Tenn., Jan. 11, Hillsboro. D. S. Jan. 13, 1871 Proctor, Henrietta to Jno. A. Vickers, Jan. 25, Durham Township, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 2, 1871 Proctor, Sterling to Emaline Horn, Dec. 24, Durham Township, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 2, 1871 Rice, Lavinia of Alamance county to Daniel Lane of Craven county, Feb. 1, "Sunny Side," Alamance county. D. S. Feb. 3, 1871 Roboteau, Susan L. of Harnett county to Alonzo Crocker, Je. 10, Barclaysville. D. S. Je. 13, 1871 Royster, Dr. W. of Raleigh to Miss M. W. Finch, Feb. 27, Raleigh. D. S. Mar. 3, 1871 Simpson, Prissilla A. of Chowan county to Jacob Parker of Perquimons county, Jan. 4, D. S. Jan. 21, 1871 Small, Mollie of Perquimons county to Ephraim H. Elliott, Dec. 20, Perquimans county. D. S. Jan. 21, 1871 Smallwood, Mary Loekhart of Bertie county to J. S. Griffin, Apr. 27, Woodville, Bertie county. D. S. My. 3, 1871 Snow, Geo. H. of Raleigh to Bettie Boylan, Jan. 18, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 20, 1871 Stephens, Sophronia of Wake county to L. J. Gulley of Raleigh, Jan. 4, Wake county. D. S. Jan. 6, 1871 Stevens, John D. of Johnston county to Sarah Woodall, Apr. 23, Johnston county. D. S. Apr. 24, 1871 Thompson, Mary B. of Bertie county to Burges Urquhart, Je. 6, Woodville, Bertie county. D. S. Je. 13, 1871 Tilghman, George of Maryland to Anna C. Ashe of this State, Apr. 13, Stockton, Calif. D. S. My. 25, 1871 Tomlinson, S. F. Supt. of N . C. Inst, of Deaf, Dumb, and Blind, to Angelia Lawrence, My. 2, Orange county. D. S. My. 9, 1871 Urquhart, Burges of Bertie county to Mary B. Thompson, Je. 6, Woodville, Bertie county. D. S. Je. 13, 1871 Vickers, Jno. A. to Henrietta Proctor, Jan. 25, Durham Township, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 2, 1871 Vickers, Malinda to James A. Ferrell, Jan. 15, Durham Township, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 2, 1871 Warren, James C. to Bettie B. Paxton, Apr. 27, Edenton. D. S. My. 9, 1871 Wiggins, Winnie of Halifax to Peter R. Davis of Warren county, Mar. 23. D. S. Apr. 3, 1871 Williams, Rebecca to J. W. Cook, Mar, Orange county. D. S. Mar. 27, 1871 Woodall, Sarah of Johnston county to John D. Stevens, Apr. 23, Johnston county. D. S. Apr. 24, 1871 Wood, M. L. to Maggie A. Cotten, Feb. 22, Rebel Park, Bertie county. D. S. Feb. 28, 1871 Woods, Carrie W. to A. Saunders Lewter of Durham, Mar. 19, Pitt county. D. S. Mar. 22, 1871 Woods, E. A. of Orange county to Mary O. Briant, Feb. 23, Orange county. D. S. Feb. 27, 1871
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