Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Adams, T. R. of Raleigh to Maggie M. Smith of Newbern, Nov. 23, Newbern. D. S. Nov. 25, 1870 Albright, Joseph P. of Alamance county to Amanda C. Jordan of Phila., Pa.. Dee. :',0, Phila., Pa. D. S. Jan. 3, 1870 Allen, Bettie G. of this State to B. F. Greenwood formerly of Ky. and this State, Mar. 24. Henry county, 111. D. S. Mar. 31, 1870 Allen. Charles S. of Raleigh to Annie E. Murrav, Jan. 25, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 26, 1870 Atkins, Archie Staccy to Cornelia Lilly, Jan. 26, Stanly county. D. S. Pel,. 2. 1870 Bailey, Sidney of Granville county to Henrietta Garner, My. 29, D. S. Je. 3, 1870 Baker, George of I.ouisburg to Emma E. Hall, Jan. 27, Johnston county. D. S. Feb. 4, 1870 Baker. Sarah Ann to C. S. Reno, My. 2, Wilmington. D. S. My. 6, 1870 Barham. Thomas of Johnston countv to Mrs. Adeline Cole, Oct. 19, Raleiph- D. S. Oct. 21. 1870 Barringer, General Rufus to Margaret Taylor Long. Sept. 6, Concord. D. S. Sept., 1870 Battle, W. H. to Colypso A. Coppidge, Aug. 16, Franklin county. D. S. Aug. 18, 1870 Beall, Dr. James F. of Davidson county to M. Cornelia Harper, Dec. 29, Fairfield near Lenoir. D. S. Jan. 12, 1870 Blake, Demsey of Tenn. & Wake county to Cynthia Hopson, Jan. 5, Wake county. D. S. Jan. 8, 1870 Bowman. Celia of High Point to S. F. Feelford of Newbern, Oct. 27. D. S. Nov. 7, 1870 Boyd, Maggie of Graham to Henry Robertson of Company Shops, Jly- 5 - Graham. D. S. Jly. 9, 1870 Bridges, B. H. to Miss M. D. McKinney, Sept. 1, Cleveland county. D- S - Sept. 28, 1870 Briggs, Mrs. F. II. of Edgecombe county to W. G. Briggs of Raleigh, Dec. 24, Weldon. D. S. Jan. 5, 1870 Briggs, W. G. of Raleigh to Mrs. P. H. Briggs of Edgecombe county, Dec. 24, Weldon. D. S. Jan. 5, 1870 Broughton, Martha of Wake county to Chas. R. Dednam, Jan. 4, Wake county. D. S. Feb. 14, 1870 Buffaloo, Wm. to Catherine Wilder, Mar. 22, Raleigh. D. S. Mar. 30, 1870 Bundy, Nathan of Guilford county to Mrs. Mary Thomas, Sept, 5. D. S. Sept. 10, 1870 Burns, L. M. of Guilford county to Susan R. Klutts, Oct. 30, Guilford county. D. S. Nov. 7, 1870 Burton, Maj. Henry W. of Lincolnton to Sarah C. Kcenan, Oct. 5, Lincolnton. D. S. Oct, 11, 1870 Butt, Adeline P. of Bertie county to Geo. W. Downing of Chicago, 111. Feb. 9, Windsor. D. S. Feb. 17, 1870 Bynum, John Gray, Jr. to Henrietta Erwin, Sept. 21, Morganton. D. S. Sept. 28, 1870 Campbell, R. II. to Miss C. M. Freeland, Nov. 3, Mecklenburg county. D. S. Nov. 9, 1870 Castleberry, Caroline to Dowd Martin, Jan. 11, Wake county. D. S. Jan. 13, 1870 Chapman, Edward of New Orleans to Lucius Polk (daughter of Leonidas Polk) Jan. 8, New Orleans, La. D. S. Jan. 19, 1870 Churchill, M. W. to Cornelia M. Rutges, My. 5, Raleigh. D. S. My. 9, 1870 Cole, Mrs. Adeline to Thomas Barham of Johnston county, Oct. 19, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 21, 1870 Conn, Dixon G. to Ella R. Dowell, Sept. 15, Asbury. D. S. Sept. 19. 1870 Coppidge, Colypso A. to W. II. Battle, Aug. 16, Franklin county. D. S. Aug. 18, 1870 Cowles, Wm. H. H. to R. Cora Worth, Je. 1, Ashe county. D. S. Je. 13, 1870 Craven, Dr. J. A. Jr. of Randolph county to Miss E. A. Guthrie of Chatham county, Mar. 16, Chatham county. *D. S. Mar. 22, 1870 Cumming, Preston of Wilmington to Virginia W. Lilly, Nov. 10, Fayetteville. D. S. Nov. 19, 1870 Curry, S. A. of Wilmington to Flora E. Thomas of Thomasville, Dec. 23, Thomasville. D. S. Jan. 11, 1870 Daniels, Mrs. R. E. of Haywood county to Sam L. Love, Oct. 11, Haywood county. D. S. Oct. 26, 1870 Davis, Dr. Wm. H. of Franklin county to Bello Speed of Granville county, Feb. !), Granville county. D. S. Feb. 18, 1870 Dednam, Chas. R. of Wake county to Martha Broughton, Jan. 4, Wake county. D. S. Feb. 14, 1870 Downing, Geo. W. formerly of Chicago, 111. to Adeline P. Butt of Bertie county, Fel). 9, Windsor. D. S. Feb. 17, 1870 Drake, Dr. John A. of Nash county to Miss F. A. Hamilton of Mecklenburg county, Va., Aug. 23, Mecklenburg county, Va. D. S. Aug. 27, 1870 Earnhardt, Miss Joe of Lexington to Capt. Mack Heitman, Nov. 17. D. S. Nov. 19, 1870 Earnheart, Bettie to Chas. W. Kennerly, Sept. 18, Rowan county. D. S. Sept. 28, 1870 Erwin, Henrietta to John Gray Bynum, Jr., Sept. 21, Morganton. D. S. Sept. 28, 1870 Faust, J. Henry to Amelia L. Harah, Oct. 26, Salisbury. D. S. Oct. 29, 1870 Feelford, S. F. of Newbern to Celia A. Bowman of Highpoint, Oct. 27. D. S. Nov. 7, 1870 Freeland, Miss C. M. to R. H. Campbell, Nov. 3, Mecklenburg county. D. S. Nov. 9, 1870 Frink, Samuel of Wilmington to Mary C. Landis, Nov. 10, Oxford. D. S. Nov. 15, 1870 Fuller, Emma J. of Randolph county to W. S. Pope of Hartsville, Mo., Dec. 24, Randolph county. D. S. Jan. 5, 1870 Garden, Dr. D. B. of Va. to Nannie W. Hamlet of Granville county, Mar. 8, Kittrell, Granville county. D. S. Mar. 12, 1870 Garner, Henrietta of Granville county to Sidney Bailey, My. 29. D. S. Je. 3, 1870 Gates, Mattie of Orange county to Wm. S. Terry, Je. 5, Orange county. D. S. Je. 10, 1870 Gooch, Wm. of Wake county to Mary Jackson, Aug. 28, Wake county. D. S. Aug. 28, 1870 Granger, Alice E. to M. J. Ham, Oct. 5, Wayne county. D. S. Oct. 11, 1870 Graves, Charles M. to Eugenia Hinton, Sept. 28, Norfolk, Va. D. S. Oct. 3, 1870 Gray, Z. P. of Tenn. to Delia H. Haywood, Sept. 28, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 30, 1870 Greenwood, B. F. formerly of Ky. and N. C. to Bettie G. Allen of this State. Mar. 24, Henry county, 111. D. S. Mar. 31, 1870 Guion, Capt. B. B. of Edgecombe county to Rebecca A. Powell of Wake county, Apr. 12. D. S. Apr. 14, 1870 Gunter, Wm. T. of Chatham county to Cornelia F. Thomas, Apr. 14, Merry Oak, Chatham county. D. S. Apr. 20, 1870 Guthrie, Miss E. A. of Chatham county to Dr. J. A. Craven, Jr. of Randolph county, Mar. 16, Chatham county. D. S. Mar. 22, 1870 Harris, Maj. W. H. A. to Jane Hines, Apr. 10, Franklin county. D. S. Apr. 22, 1870 Helper, Sallie to Charles Noble, Jr., Apr. 28, Salisbury. D. S. My. 3, 1870 Hines, Jane to Maj. W. H. A. Harris, Apr. 10, Franklin county. D. S. Apr. 22, 1870 Hinton, Annie of Wake county to Alexander Jeffreys, Apr. 3, Raleigh. D. S. Apr. 5, 1870 Hall, Emma E. to George Baker of Louisburg, Jan. 27, Johnston county. D. S. Feb. 4, 1870 Ham M. J. to Alice E. Granger, Oct. 5, Wayne countv. D. S. Oct. 11, 1870 Hamilton, Miss F. A. of Mecklenburg county, Va. to Dr. John A. Drake of Nash county, Aug. 23, Mecklenburg countv, Va. D. S. Aug. 27, 18''° Hamlet, Nannie W. of Granville county to Dr. D. B Garden of Va. Mar. 8, Kittrell, Granville county. D. S. Mar. 12 1870 Hampton, Dr. Leroy of Hamptonville to R.' Matilda Madison, Sept. 11, Yadkin county. D. S. Sept. 20, 1870 Harah, Amelia L. to Henry J. Faust, Oct. 26, Salisbury. D. S. Oct. 29, 1870 Harper M. Cornelia to Dr. James F. Beall of Davidson county, Dec. 29, Fairfield near Lenoir. D. S. Jan. 12, 1870 Harris, E. Florence to James T. Harris o'f Franklin county, Oct. 6, Raleigh' D. S. Oct. 7, 1870 Harris, Henry C. to Lula P. Jackson, Nov. 26, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 27, 1870 Harris, James T. of Franklin county to E. Florence Harris, Oct. 6, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 7, 1870 Harris, Meta C. to J. M. Mclver, Jan. 26, Gulf, Chatham county. D. S. Feb. 24, 1870 Harris, Venitia B. to T. F. Lee of Wake county, Oct. 20, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 24, 1870 Haywood, Delia H. to Z. P. Gray of Tenn., Sept. 28, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 30, 1870 Heitman, Capt. Mack of Lexington to Miss Joe Earnhardt, Nov. 17. D. S. Nov. 19, 1870 Hester, Candace of Wake county to W. A. Pulley, Feb. 10, Wake county. D. S. Feb. 14, 1870 Hester, Catharine to W. E. Weathers, Feb. 10, Wake county. D. S. Feb. 14, 1870 Hinton, Eugenia to Charles M. Graves, Sept. 28, Norfolk, Va. D. S. Oct. 3, 1870 Hopson, Cynthia of Wake county to Demsey Blake of Tenn. and Wake county. D. S. Jan. 8, 1870 Hoyle, Sallie J. of Granville county to George P. Renn, Jan. 19, D. S. Jan. 19, 1870 Hudson, Hattie formerly of Raleigh to George W. Poe of Chatham county, Feb. 23, Newbern. D. S. Feb. 25, 1870 Ingham, H. Clay of Davidson county to Flora A. Lewis, Dec. 23, Randolph county. D. S. Jan. 5, 1870 Jackson, Lula R. to Henry C. Harris, Nov. 26, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 27, 1870 Jackson. Mary of Wake county to Wm. Gooch, Aug. 28, Wake county. D. S. Aug. 28, 1870 Jeffreys, B. W. of Wake county to Miss A. 0. Jeffreys, Feb. 9, Wake county. D. S. Feb. 11, 1870 Jeffreys, Alexander of Wake county to Annie Hinton, Apr. 3, Raleigh. D. S. Apr. 5, 1870 Jeffreys, Miss A. 0. of Wake county to B. W. Jeffreys, Feb. 9, Wake county. D. S. Feb. 11, 1870 Jennings, Lizzie D. of Little Rock, Ark. to John Rutherford, Aug. 29, Bridgewater, Burke county. D. S. Sept. 1, 1870 Jones, Mary E. to Joe E. Pittman. My. 25, Wilmington. D. S. My. 27, 1870 Jordan, Amanda C. of Phila. Pa. to Joseph P. Albright of Alamance county. Dec. 30, Phila. Pa. D. S. Jan. 3, 1870 Keenan, Sarah C. of Lincolnton to Maj. Henry W. Burton, Oct. 5, Lincolnton. D. S. Oct. 11, 1870 Keign, J. J. to Amanda Merryman, Apr. 27, Wilmington. D. S. My. 6, 1870 Kennerly, Chas. W. to Bettie Earnheart, Sept. 18, Rowan county. D. S. Sept. 28, 1870 King, Walter W. of Danbury to Nellie A. McAndlish of Salisbury, Oct. 4, Danbury. D. S. Oct. 8, 1870 Klutts, Susan R. of Guilford county to L. M. Burns, Oct. 30, Guilford county. D. S. Nov. 7, 1870 Landis, Mary C. to Samuel Frink of Wilmington, Nov. 10, Oxford. D. S. Nov. 15, 1870 Lane, Mrs. Bettie A. of Henderson to Col. Robert Strange of Wilmington, Aug. 10, Henderson. D. S. Aug. 18, 1870 Lane, Julia to Wm. L. Randolph, Jan. 27, Greene county. D. S. Feb. 9, 1870 Leake, Mrs. Maggie M. of Richmond county to Nash LeGrand, Nov. 9, Richmond county. D. S. Nov. 14, 1870 Leary, Gertrude of Oxford to Capt. W. J. Rasbury of Greene county, My. 3, Oxford. D. S. My. 23, 1870 LeGrand, Nash of Richmond county to Mrs. Maggie M. Leake, Nov. 9, Richmond county. D. S. My. 14, 1870 Lester, Mary Lee to John D. Watson of Miss., Sept. 18, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 20, 1870 Lewis, Flora A. to H. Clay Ingham of Davidson county, Dec. 23, Randolph county. D. S. Jan. 5, 1870 Lilly, Cornelia to Archie Stacey Atkins, Jan. 20, Stanly county. D. S. Feb. 2, 1870 Lilly, Virginia W. to Preston Cumming of Wilmington, Nov. 10, Fayetteville. D. S. Nov. 19, 1870 Linke, Paul Frederick Constantine to Susie Francis Renfrow of Nashville, Oct. 10, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 17, 1870 Little, Dr. William of Raleigh to Margaret L. Mordecai, Nov. 2, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 4, 1870 Lee, T. F. of Wake county to Venitia B. Harris, Oct. 20, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 24, 1870 Long, Margaret Taylor to Gen'l Rufus Barringer Sept. 0, Concord. D. S. Sept. 10, 1870 Love, Sam L. of Haywood countv to Mrs. R. E. Daniel, Oct. 11, Haywood county. D. S. Oct. 20, 1870 McAndlish. Nellie A. of Salisbury to Walter W. King of Danbury, Oct. -1, Danbury. D. S. Oct. 8, 1870 McDonald. John A. of Sumpter. S. C. to Cornelia P. Malone. Dec. 28, Lenoir county. D. S. Jan. 3, 1870 Melver, .1. M, to Meta C. Harris, Jan. 20, Gulf, Chatham county. D. S. Feb. 24, 1870 McKinney, Miss M. D. to B. H. Bridges, Sept. 1, Cleveland county. I>. S - Sept. 28, 1870 McLeod. Mary M. to William E. Murchison, Oct. 13 Harnett county. 0- S - Oct. 28, 1870 Madison R. Matilda to Dr. Lersy Hampton of Hamptonville, Sept. IU Yadkm county. D. S. Sept. 20, 1870 Malone, Cornelia P. of Lenoir county to John A. McDonald of Sumpter, S. ft Dec. 28, Lenoir county. D. S. Jan. 3 1870 Martin. Dowd to Caroline Castleberry, Jan. 11, Wake county. D. S. Jan 13, 1870 Merryman, Amanda to .1. J. Keign, Apr. 27, Wilmington. D. S. My. 6 1870 Miller. Virginia of Pittsburg, Pa. to P. H. Winston, Jr. of Bertie county. Jan. D. S. Jan. 18, 1870 Mordecai, Margaret L. to Dr. William Little of Raleigh, Nov. 2, Raleigh D. S. Nov. 4, 1870 Murchison, William E to Mary McLeod, Oct 13, Harnett county D.S. Oct 28 1870 Murray, Annie E. of Raleigh to Charles S. Allen, Jan. 25, Raleigh. D.S. Jan. 26, 1870 N oble, Charles, Jr. to Sallie Helper, Apr. 28, Salisbury. D. S. My. 3, 1870 Patterson, James U. of Granville county to Susan E. Patterson, Dec. 28, D. S. Jan. 19, 1870 Patterson, Susan E. of Granville county to James U. Patterson, Dec. 28, D. S. Jan. 19, 1870 Paylor, John D. to Ida J. Whitaker, Dec. 23, Thomasville. D. S. Jan. 7, 1870 Pittman, Joe E. to Mary E. Jones, My. 25, Wilmington. D. S. My. 27, 1870 Pittman, John of Edgecombe county to Margaret Walston, Jan. 5, Tarboro. D. S. Jan. 19, 1870 Poe, George W. of Chatham county to Hattie Hudson formerly of Raleigh, Feb. 23, Newbern. D. S. Feb. 25, 1870 Polk, Lucius (daughter of Rev. Leonidas Polk) to Edward Chapman of New Orleans, Jan. 8, New Orleans, La. D. S. Jan. 19, 1870 Pool, Josephine of Wake county to P. M. Stuart of Clayton, Oct. 19, Wake county. D. S. Oct. 21, 1870 Pope, W. S. of Hartsville, Mo. to Emma J. Fuller of Randolph county, Dec. 24, Randolph county. D. S. Jan. 5, 1870 Powell, Rebecca A. of Wake county to Capt. B. B. Guion of Edgecombe county, Apr. 12. D. S. Apr. 14, 1870 Pulley, W. A. of Wake county to Candace Hester, Feb. 10, Wake county. D. S. Feb. 14, 1870 Randolph, Wm. L. to Julia Lane, Jan. 27, Greene county. D. S. Feb. 9, 1870 Rasberry, Capt. W. J. of Greene county to Gertrude Leary of Oxford, My. 3, Oxford. D. S. My. 23, 1870 Red, Ella F. to James Watlington of Caswell county, Sept. 21, Charlotte. D. S. Sept. 28, 1870 Renfrow, Susie Fiances of Nashville to Paul Frederick Oonstantine Linke, Oct. 16, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 17, 1870 Renn, George P. of Granville county to Sallie J. Hoyle, Jan. 9. D. S. Jan. 19, 1870 Reno, C. S. to Sarah Ann Baker, My. 2, Wilmington. D. S. My. 6, 1870 Roberts, H. H. of Raleigh to Mary Lizzie Thomas, Jly. 28, Raleigh. D. S. Jly. 29, 1870 Robertson, Henry of Company Shops to Maggie Boyd of Graham, Jly. 5, Graham. D. S. Jly. 9, 1870 Royster, R. M. of Oxford to Fanny Thomas, Jly. 10, Granville county. D. S. Jly. 18, 1870 Rutges, Cornelia M. to M. W. Churchill, My. 5, Raleigh. D. S. My. 9, 1870 Rutherford, John to Lizzie D. Jennings of Little Rock, Ark. Aug. 29, Bridgewater, Burke county. D. S. Sept. 7, 1870 Savage, Wiley to Ann Wall, Nov. 16, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 21, 1870 Shankle, Jacob to Mary A. Watkins, Sept. 13, Stanly county. D. S. Sept. 28, 1870 Smith, Dora H. to George C. Upchurch, Feb. 2, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 3, 1870 Smith, Jane to W. H. Wyatt of New York formerly of Martin county, Feb. 3, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 4, 1870 Smith, Maggie M. of Newd>ern to T. R. Adams of Raleigh, Nov. 23, Newbern. D. S. Nov. 25, 1870 Speed, Belle of Granville county to Dr. Wm. H. Davis of Franklin county, Feb. 9, Granville county. D. S. Feb. 18, 1870 Strange, Col. Robert of Wilmington to Mrs. Bettie A. Lane of Henderson, Aug. 10, Henderson. D. S. Aug. 18, 1870 Stuart, P. M. of Clayton to Josephine Pool of Wake county, Oct. 19, Wake county. D. S. Oct. 21, 1870 Terry, Wm. S. to Mattie E. Gates of Orange county, Je. 5, Orange county. D. S. Je. 10, 1870 Thomas, Cornelia F. of Chatham county to Wm. T. Gunter, Apr. 14, Merry Oak, Chatham county. D. S. Apr. 20, 1870 Thomas, Fanny of Granville county to R. M. Royster, Jly 10, Granville county. D. S. Jly. 18, 1870 Thomas, Flora E. of Thomasville to S. A. Curry of Wilmington, Dec. 23, Thomasville. D. S. Jan. 11, 1870 Thomas, Mary Lizzie of Raleigh to H. H. Roberts, Jlv. 28, Raleigh. D. S. Jly. 29, 1870 Thomas, Mrs. Mary of Guilford county to Nathan Bundy, Sept. 5. D. S. Sept. 10, 1870 Upchurch, George C. to Dora H. Smith, Feb. 2, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 3, 1870 Walker, Betty to Richard Watkins, Nov. 14, Warren county. D. S. Nov. 16, 1870 Walston, Margaret of Edgecombe county to John Pittman, Jan. 5, Tarboro. D. S. Jan. 19, 1870 Watkins, Mary A. to Jacob Shankle, Sept. 13, Stanly countv. D. S. Sept. 28, 1870 Watkins, Richard to Betty Walker, Nov. 14, Warren county. D. S. Nov. 16, 1870 Watlington, James of Caswell county to Ella F. Red, Sept. 21, Charlotte. D. S. Sept. 28, 1870 Watson, John D. of Miss, to Mary Lee Lester, Sept. 18, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 20, 1870 Weathers, W E to Catherine Hester, Feb 10 Wake county D.S. Feb 14 1870 Webb, Addie A. of Oaks to Leonidas T. Webb of Memphis, Tenn. formerly of Nashville, Jan. 31. D. S. Feb. 19, 1870 Webb Leonidas T. of Memphis, Tenn. formerly of Nashville to Addie A Webb of Oaks, Jan. 31. D. S. Feb. 19, 1870 Welch, Fannie H. of Chowan countv to Wm. D Welch of Chowan county, Mar. 3. Gates county. D. S. Mar. 24, 1870 Welch, Wm. D. of Chowan county to Fanny H. Welch, Mar. 3, Gates county. D. S. Mar. 24, 1870 Whitaker, Ida to John D. Paylor, Dec. 23, Thomasville. D. S. Jan. 7, 1870 Wilder, Catherine to Wm. Buffaloe, Mar. 22, Raleigh D. S. Mar. 30, 1870 Williams, Bettie of Wake county to John Williamson, Aug. 16, Raleigh- D. S. Aug. 17, 1870 Williamson, John of Wake county to Bettie Williams, Aug. 16, Raleigh- D. S. Aug. 17, 1870 Winston, P^ H Jr. of Bertie county to Virginia Miller of Pittsburg, Pa- Jan. D. S. Jan. 18, 1870 Worth, R. Cora to Wm. H. H. Cowles, Je. 1, Ashe county. D. S. Je. 13, 1870 Wyatt, W H of New York formerly of Martin county to Jane Smith, Feb. 3, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 4, 1870
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