Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Adams, Edith M. to M. A. Partin, Nov. 17, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 26, 1869 Adams, J. P. H. of Wake county to Miss F. A. Yates, Oct. 13, Wake county. D. S. Oct. 15, 1869 Alford, Elizabeth L. of Wake county to Chas. E. I. Jones, Jan. 21, Wake county. D. S. Jan. 25, 1869 Alley, Donie of Raleigh to Mortimer T. Fleming, Jan. 27, Petersburg, Va. D. S. Feb. 2, 1869 Alley, Henry to Alice Winkler, Apr. 12, Salem. D. S. Apr. 16, 1869 Allison, Robert of York to Mrs. I. E. Arrowgood, Mar. 18, Long Creek, Gaston county. D. S. Mar. 30, 1869 Archbell, Annie B. of Beaufort county to James B. Hancock, Feb. 16. Beaufort county. D. S. Mar. 8, 1869 Arrowgood, Mrs. I. E. to Robert Allison of York, Mar. 18, Long Creek, Gaston county. D. S. Mar. 30, 1869 Askew, Mollie R. of Hertford county to W. P. Shaw of Colerain, Sept. 29, Pitch Landing. D. S. Oct. 5, 1869 Askins, Elizabeth of Craven county to Alfred Gaskins, Oct. 7, Swift Creek. D. S. Oct. 11, 1869 Atkinson, Emma to J. T. Haythe, My. 25, Milton. D. S. My. 28, 1809 Aycock, F. M. of Wayne county to Zilphia L. Newsome of Wilson, Mar. 25, Wilson county. D. S. Apr. 1, 1869 Baker, Joseph of Bladen county to Anna McGehee Mar. 7, Bladen county- D. S. Apr. 1, 1869 Baker, Miss M. H. of Tarboro to Wm. Howard, Oct. 6, Tarboro. D. S. Oct- 11, 1869 Barlow, Samantha of Wake county to Mrs. Jas. R. Laton, Jly. "*> Wake county. D. S. Jly. 24, 1869 Barnett, Wm. S. of Oxford to Augusta J. Shaw of Franklinton, My- «• D. S. My. 13, 1869 Bass, Robert J. of Halifax county to Virginia McKenna of Norfolk, Va-. My. 6. D. S. My. 13, 1869 Bassett, R. M. of New York City to Fannie J. Lewis formerly of R»le iSb , Feb. 10, Memphis, Tenn. D. S. Feb. 18, 1869 Beard, Jas. W. of New York City to Susan J. Phillips of Northampton county, Feb. 24, Northampton county. D. S. Feb. 27, 1869 Beavers, Geneva to L. B. Stone, Dec. 23, Wake county. D. S. Dec. 25, 1869 Bell, Joseph M. of Yadkin county to Emma L. Johnson, Dec. 24, Yadkin county. D. S. Jan. 22, 1869 Bell, Dr. S. A. of Salisbury to M. Florence Whitehurst of Norfolk, Va., Je. 1, Norfolk, Va. D. S. Je. 15, 1869 Bellamy, N. B. of Edgecombe county to Mary Joanna Johnson, Je. 3, Raleigh. D. S. Je. 3, 1869 Benbury, Mrs. Harriet A. to Col. D. M. Carter of Washington, My 6, Edenton. D. S. My. 12, 1869 Best, Geo. W. of Wayne county to Mrs. Bettie Wooten, Apr. 20. D. S. Apr. 30, 1869 Beverly, W. P. of Anson county to Miss N. A. Teel, Mar. 24, Anson county. D. S. Apr. 14, 1869 Biggs, Capt. Wm. of Tarboro Southerner to Lizzie Cooper. Apr. 29, Oxford. D. S. My. 7, 1869 Blackwood, Ella E. to Col. R. M. Oates of Charlotte. Je. 1, Cleaveland Mineral Springs. D. S. Je. 4, 1869 Bland, J. T. to Rebecca S. Highsmith, My. 5, Harrell's Store. D. S. My. 19, 1869 Blount, Kate Theodosia of Woodville, Miss, to Col. Jno. L, Cantwell of Wilmington, Apr. 20, Woodville, Miss. D. S. Apr. 30, 1869 Bond, Henry F. to Kate Washington, Nov. 17, at Vernon near Kinston. D. S. Nov. 27, 1869 Bradford, James A. to Margaret C. Johnston, Nov. 2, Cabarrus county. D. S. Nov. 10, 1869 Bradley, Coleman to Leatha Edwards, Feb. 16, Polk county. D. S. Apr. 5. 1869 Bragg, Blanche of Raleigh to Andrew Svmc, Apr. 28, Raleigh. D. S. Apr. 29, 1869 Bray, Bettie J. of Mt. Airy to Allen J. Sparger, Feb. 18, Mt. Airy. D. S. Mar. 11, 1869 Brewer, Robert to Agnes Covington near Red House, Mar. 25, Asheville. D. S. Apr. 17, 1869 Briggs, P. M. of Portsmouth, Va. to Fannie Mahoney of Wilson, Nov. 4, Wilson. D. S. Nov. 10, 1809 Brinkley, John S. of Wake county to Miss N. C. Brinkley, Sept. 14, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 15, 1869 Brinkley, Miss N. C. of Wake county to John S. Brinkley, Sept. 14, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 15, 1869 Brittain, Miss H. E. of Buncombe county to J. A. Whitted, My. 18, D. S. Je. 12, 1869 Brockwell, Martha E. of Orange county to Andrew J. Perkins, Mar. 21, Orange county. D. S. Apr. 8, 1869 Broughton, N. B. to Caroline R. Lougee, My. 20, Raleigh. D. S. May 21, 1869 Brown, Jane to Albert T. Faucette, Feb. 4, Orange county. D. S. Mar. 6, 1869 Brown, Miss L. C. of Mecklenburg county to R. C. Freeman, Oct. 7, Mecklenburg county. D. S. Oct. 12, 1869 Brown, Martha to M. A. Parker, Feb. 17, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 18, 1869 Brown, Col. John E. of Charlotte to Laura P. Morison, Nov. 2, Cottage Home, Lincoln county. D. S. Nov. 10, 1869 Brown, Robt. W. of Wilmington to Emma V. Plunket, Apr. 27, Wilmington, D. S. Apr. 30, 1869 Brown, W. W. to Jaley Rigsby, Dec. 5, Wake county. D. S. Dec. 7, 1869 Brown, William of Greenville, S. C. to Mrs. Mary Stover of Raleigh. (Daughter of Andrew Johnson Pres. U. S.) D. S. Apr. 27, 1869 Bruns, J. H. of Catawba county to Mollie E. Wilifong, Apr. 14. D. S. Apr. 30, 1869 Bryan, Lillie Gray of Raleigh to H. Hamilton Young of Granville county, Nov. 10, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 20, 1869 Bullock, Bettie of Edgecombe county to Henry H. Griffin, Je. 17, near Rocky Mt. D. S. Je. 25, 1869 Burgess, J. R. to Mrs. Caroline E. Wilson, Je. 8, Salisbury. D. S. Je. 10, 1869 Burgin, S. W. of Buncombe county to Hannah Whiting, Jly. 29, Raleigh. D. S. Jly. 29, 1869 Burgiss, Robert C. of Yadkin county to Mrs. Mollie Thomasson, Apr. 6, Hamptonville. D. S. Apr. 19, 1869 Burgwynn, George Pollock of Aliston to Emma Wright Ridley of Southampton county, Va., My. 27, Bonnie Down. D. S. Je. 3, 1869 Burnett, William of Orange county to Sirenna Maynard of Wake county, Apr. 15. D. S. My. 5, 1869 Burns, Walter P. of Hyde county to Louisiana Fisher, Feb. 18, Lake Landing, Hyde county D. S. Mar. 11, 1869 Butner, Carrie to Henry Clay Thomas, Je. 24, Salem. D. S. Jly 5, 1869 Cain, C. G. of Cumberland county to Ellen Pate, Mar. 4, Cumberland county. D. S. Apr. 26, 1869 Cain, J. W. to Miss S. C. Dunham, Mar. 25, Bladen county. D. S. Apr. 22, 1869 Calhoun, Mrs. Mary to W. T. Scott of Iowa, Mar. 2, Winston. D. S. Mar. 23, 1869 Canfield, Orlando of Miss, to Charity A. Edwards of Lenoir county, Nov. 16. D. S. Nov. 26, 1869 Cantwell, Col. Jno. L. of Wilmington to Kate Theodosia Blount of Woodville, Miss., Apr. 20, Woodville, Miss. D. S. Apr. 30, 1869 Capehart, C. of Norfolk, Va. to Miss M. M. Capehart of Bertie county, Dec. 28, "Scotch Hall", Bertie county. D. S. Jan. 7, 1869 Carlton, V. D. of Wilkesboro to Isabella Walker of Statesville, Mar. 9, Charlotte. D. S. Mar. 16, 1869 Carroll, S.H. of Wake county to Willie Pool, My 30, Wake county D.S. My 31, 1869 Carson, J. L. of Rutherfordton to Mollie Sloan, My. 12. D S. My. 19, 1869 Carter, Col. D.M. of Washington to Mrs. Harriet A. Benbury, My. 6, Edenton. D.S. My 12, 189 Caudle, John D. of Wake county to Rebecca P. Williams, Dec. 22, Raleigh. D.S. Dec 24, 1869 Cawthorne, Sue B to Capt Wm. J. White, Apr 7, Warrenton. D. S. Apr 10, 1869 Christmas, John of Hillsboro to Sallie W. Hancock, Oct. 16, Hillsboro. D. S. Oct. 19, 1869 Clark, Mrs. Temple T. of Halifax county to J. Buxton Williams of Buxton place, Warren county. D. S. Nov. 20, 1869 Clegg, Lizzie of Chatham county to S. F. Patterson of Orange county, Dec. 2. D. S. Mar. 9, 1869 Cole, Mary of Rutherford county to W. Z. T. Griffin, Sept. 30. D. S. Oct. 5, 1869 Coley, Fannie of Wayne county to W. B. Ford, My. 27, Wayne county. D. S. My. 31, 1869 Collins, Wm. to Isidore Pierce, Oct. 20, Franklin county. D. S. Oct. 25, 1869 Cook, Tabitha H. of Chatham county to Charles Harrington, Apr. 1, Chatham county. D. S. Apr. 17, 1869 Cook, Theresa to Capt. David II. Graves, Mar. 10, Selma, Johnston county. D. S. Mar. 13, 1869 Cooper, Lizzie to Capt. Wm. Biggs of Tarboro Southerner, Apr. 29, Oxford. D. S. My. 7, 1869 Corsbie, Martha A. to Mahon Woody of Thornstown, Ind., Oct. 18, Guilford county. D. S. Oct. 25, 1869 Covington, Agnes near the Rd House to Robert Brewer, Mar. 25, Asheville. D. S. Apr. 17, 1869 Covington, Dr. E. A. to Hattie R. Edwards, My. 19, near Wadesboro. D. S. Je. 4, 1869 Cowart, T. J. of Polk county to Miss S. J. Coxey, Jan. 28, McDowell county. D. S. Apr. 5, 1869 Cowart, W. W. of Polk county to Rhoda E. Williams, Feb. 25, Polk county. D. S. Apr. 5, 1869 Cox, Mary A. to Henry C. Oldham of Wilmington. Apr. 14, Henderson. D. S. Apr. 21, 1869 Cox, Obedience of Greene county to A. L. Darden, Oct, 20. D. S. Nov. 1, 1869 Cox, Robert B. of Hertford to Mollie N. Whedbee, My. 27, Hertford, Perquimans county. D. S. Je. 4. 1869 Coxey, Miss S. J. to T. J. Cowart of Polk county, Jan. 28, McDowell county. D. S. Apr. 5, 1869 Craton, Mary of Rutherford to Geo. H. Mills, Mar. 4, Rutherford. D. S. Mar. 20, 1869 Crews, Alexander to Cora Hart of Oxford, Jan. 7, St. Stephens church, Oxford. D. S. Jan. 14, 1869 Crudup, J. B. of Kittrell to Miss M. M. McNeill, Dec. 14, Christian county, K.V. D. S. Dee. 24, 1869 Crump, Mrs. Nannie to M. II. Russell of Montgomery county, My. 5, High Point. D. S. My. 13, 1869 Culverhouse, Annie of Salisbury to A. J. Phillips, Apr. 13, Salisbury. D. S. Apr. 17, 1869 Daniel, F. M. to Fannie R. Snipe, Mar. 26, Person county. D. S. Apr. 7, 1869 Daniel, Wm. D. of Halifax to Fannie Kingsland of Raleigh, Aug. 28, Raleigh. D. S. Aug. 31, 1869 Darby, Dr. A. J. of Wake county to Nannie H. 0. Johns, Sept. 15, Wake county. D. S. Sept. 17, 1869 Darden, A. L. of Greene county to Obedience Cox, Oct. 20. D. S. Nov. 4, 1869 Darden, J. Robert of Nansemond county, Va. to Mattie J. White, Mar 9, Perquimans county. D. S. Mar. 19, 1869 Daskins, George M. of Greensboro, Ala. to Hattie E. Glenn of Yadkin county, Dec. 22, Yadkin county. D. S. Jan. 5, 1869 Daver, Nannie to C. W. McLean, Jan. 14, Newbern. D. S. Jan. 18, 1869 Davis, Lizzie B. of Warren county to Caleb P. Thorne, Oct. 21, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 30, 1869 Davis, Thos. W. of Portsmouth, Va. to Frances V. Price, Je. 23, Wilmington. D. S. Je. 29, 1869 Deal, Emma E. to W. F. Denton, Sept. 30, Edgecombe county. D. S. Oct. 15, 1869 Dement, Miss T. J. of Franklin county to J. H. Duke of Warren county, Mar. 7. D. S. Mar. 17, 1869 Denton, W. F. to Emma E. Deal, Sept. 30, Edgecombe county. D. S. Oct. 15, 1869 Devereux, Ellen of Raleigh to Col. J. W. Hinsdale of Fayetteville, Sept. 23, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 24, 1869 Dewey, Frank H. of Charlotte to Maria Justice of Lincolnton, Jan. 21, Lincolnton. D. S. Jan. 28, 1869 Dicken, J. L. of this State to Mary A. McPeacke of Tunica, Miss., Jly- 8 ' White Sulphur Springs, Pulaski county, Ark. D. S. Aug. 23, 1869 Diddle, Kitty J. to C. T. Watson, Apr. 15, Raleigh. D. S. Apr. 21, 1869 Doughty, Chas. H. to Annie Tyler, Je. 24, Tarboro. D. S. Jly. 2, 1869 Dowd, Annie L. to Alphens F. Thompson of Wake Forest, Apr. 14. D. S. Apr. 22, 1869 Downs, Lt. John T. to Nannie I. Dunn, My. 20, Providence, Union county- D. S. My. 28, 1869 Duke, J. H. of Warren county to Miss T. J. Dement of Franklin county, Mar. 7. D. S. Mar. 17, 1869 Dunham, Miss S. C, to J. W. Cain, Mar. 25, Bladen countv. D. S. Apr- 22, 1869 Dunham, T. B. to Phebe Melvin, Mar. 31, Bladen county. D. S. Apr. 22. 1869 Dunn, E. S. to Miss A. V. Wynne, My. 5, Wake county. D. S. My. 13, 1 ^ Dunn, Nannie I. to Lt. John T. Downes, My. 20, Providence, Union county. D. S. My. 28, 1869 Dunn Wiley J. of Edgecombe county to Lucy P. Ferguson, Je. 8, Rocky Mt. D. S. Je. 11, 1869 Dwinelle Mary L. to Edwin L. Haynes of Shoe Hill. Apr. 21, Yorkville Bladen county. D. S. Apr. 23, 1869 Earnshaw, Laura B. to Jos. W. Wilson, Je. 16, Charlotte. D. S. Je. 22, 1869 Eccles, Mary O. of Davie county to John S. Jones of Wake county, Apr. Davie county. D. S. Apr. 30, 1869 Eckel Henrietta of Wilmington to A. W. Watson of Salisbury, Apr. 28, Wilmington. D. S. Apr. 30, 1869 Edwards Charity A. of Lenoir county to Orlando Canfield of Miss., Nov. 16, D. S. Nov. 26, 1869 Edwards, Hattie R. to Dr. E. A. Covington, My. 19, near Wadesboro. D.S. Je 4, 1869 Edwards, Leatha to Coleman Bradley, Feb. 16, Polk county. D. S. Apr. 5, 1869 Egerton, Mary Louise to Dr. Owen L. Ellis, Feb. 4, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 12, 1869 Ellington, Jesse T. of Clayton to Delia A. Smith, Je. 9, Johnston county. D. S. Je. 12, 1869 Ellis, Dr. Owen L. to Mary Louisa Egerton, Feb. 4, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 12, 1869 Faucette, Albert T. to Jane Brown, Feb. 4, Orange county. D. S. Mar. 6, 1869 Faun, E. M. to Miss M. L. Kirley, Mar. 9, near Statesville. D. S. Mar. 23, 1869 Ferguson, Lucy P. of Edgecombe county to J. Wiley Dunn, Je. 8, Rocky Mt. D. S. Je. 11, 1869 Ferrell, George W. to Lizzie May, Dec. 22, Wake county. D. S. Dec. 25, 1869 Fincher, Mary L. of Mecklenburg county to N. P. Tredwick, Sept. 23. D. S. Oct. 7, 1869 Fisher, Louisiana of Hyde county to Walter P. Burns, Feb. 18, Lake Landing, Hyde county. D. S. Mar. 11, 1869 Fleming, T. Mortimer of Raleigh to Donie Alley, Jan. 27, Petersburg, Va. D. S. Feb. 2, 1869 Flemming, Leonard to D. N. McKay of Harnett county, Feb. 17, Rolesville, Wake county. D. S. Feb. 19, 1869 Ford, W. B. of Wayne county to Fannie Coley, My. 27, Wayne county. D. S. My. 31, 1869 Foust, Sarah L. to John P. Starr, Oct. 14, Guilford county. D. S. Oct. 25, 1869 Fraley, White of Rowan county to Fannie Steele, Oct. 26, Rowan county. D. S. Oct. 29, 1869 Freeman, R. C. of Mecklenburg county to Miss L. C. Brown, Oct. 7, Mecklenburg county. D. S. Oct. 12, 1869 Frost, William H. of Wilmington to Alice Y. Thurston, My. 13, Wilmington. D. S. My. 21, 1869 Frothingham, Cornelia to Capt. James Metts, Nov. 11, Wilmington. D. S. Nov. 16, 1869 Fuller, Mary J. to Thomas D. Tinnin, Apr. 27, Hillsboro. D. S. My. 5, 1869 Gaither, Sarah Eliza to James Preston Hampton of Yadkin county, Nov. 23, Mocksville. D. S. Dec. 7, 1869 Gaskins, Alfred of Craven county to Elizabeth Askins, Oct. 7, Swift Creek. D. S. Oct. 11, 1869 Gatling, John of Gates county to Sallie Moore of Raleigh, My. 13, Raleigh. D. S. My. 12, 1869 Gayle, John H. of Portsmouth, Va. to Cora E. Wilcox of Warrenton, Sept. 9, Warrenton. D. S. Sept. 17, 1869 Gentry, D. R. of Alleghany county to Bliss L. A. Thomas of Grayson county, Va., Feb. 17, Independence, Grayson county, Va. D. S. Apr. 29, 1869 Gibbons, Lemuel H. to Luttie J. Partridge, Jan. 7, Washington Hill, Moore county. D. S. Jan. 11, 1869 Glenn, Hattie E. of Yadkin county to George M. Daskin of Greensboro, Ala. Dec. 22, Yadkin county. D. S. Jan. 5, 1869 Gold, H. of Cleveland county to Alice Moore of Yancey county, My. 9, Burnsville. D. S. Je. 29, 1869 Grady, Julia H. of Anson county to E. W. Ratliff, Mar. 13, Anson county. D. S. Apr. 14, 1869 Graham, Capt. Jas. of Graham to Lizzie Cheshire Webb of Hillsboro, Je. 7, Hillsboro. D. S. Jly. 12, 1869 Grandy, Hettie to Capt. John A. Williams of Oxford, Dec. 17. D. S. Jan. 14,1869 Graves, Capt. David H. to Theresa L. Cook, Mar. 10, Selma, Johnston county. D. S. Mar. 13, 1869 Green, Brian W. to Mary D. Jeffreys, Feb. 15, Wake county. D. S. Feb. 18, 1869 Green, J. P. to Margaret Wilson, Apr. 29, Mecklenburg county. D. S. My. 11, 1869 Green, Leonidas M. to Prien G. Jeffreys, Feb. 15, Wake county. D. S. Feb. 18, 1869 Green, Dr. W. W. of Granville county to Lavinia Perry, Aug. 3, Franklin county. D. S. Aug. 14, 1869 Greene, Lizzie C. of Elizabeth City to Hon. Charles Pool, Je. 16, Pasquotank county. D. S. Jly. 9, 1869 Grier, Maggie A. of Mecklenburg county to Dr. W. R. Miller of Wake county, Sept. 7, Charlotte. D. S. Sept. 9, 1869 Griffin, Eliza J. of Martin county to John G. Simpson of Carteret county, Feb. 11, 1869. D. S. Mar. 11, 1869 Griffin, Henry H. of Edgecombe county to Bettie Bullock, Je. 17, near Rocky Mt. D. S. Je. 25, 1869 Griffin, Samuel H. of Nash county to Amariah Renfrow, Mar. 28, Nash county. D. S. Apr. 5, 1869 Griffin, W. Z. T. of Rutherford county to Mary Cole, Sept. 30, D. S. Oct. 5, 1869 Gross, Luther of Rutherford county to Calledonia Moore, Sept. 30. D. S. Oct. 5, 1869 Gunter, Levi of Moore county to Cornelius J. Temple, Apr. 20, Moore county. D. S. My. 5, 1869 Gunter, Miss M. T. to J. K. Melvin of Bladen county, Mar. 18, Moore county. D. S. Apr. 14, 1869 Hall R. N. of Orange county to Miss M. A. Valines of Person county, Mar. 15, Person county. D. S. Mar. 31, 1869 Hamlet, Dr. J. W. to Elizabeth Sweaney, Apr. 25, Person county. D. S. My. 5, 1869 Hampton James Preston of Yadkin county to Sarah Eliza Gaither, Nov. 23, Mocksvdle. D. S. Dec. 7, 1869 Hancock James B. of Beaufort county to Annie B. Archbell, Feb. 16, Reaufort county. D. S. Mar. 8, 1869 Hancock Sallie W of Hillsboro to John Christmas, Oct. 16, Hillsboro. u - fe- Oct. 19, 1869 Hardin, E.J. of Morganton to Sophia Manly, My. 27, Raleigh. D. S. My. 28, 1869 Harper, J.F. to Nannie Josephine Sugg, Oct 21, Greene county D.S. Oct 30, 1869 Harper, John C. of Nashville of 12th Regt. N. C. Troops to Hattie A. E. Johnson, Mar. 11, Nashville. D. S. Mar. 17, 1869 Harrington, Charles G. of Chatham county to Tabitha H. Cook, Apr. 1, Chatham county. D. S. Apr. 17, 1869 Harris, Cattie E. to Thomas E, Parish of San Francisco, Calif., Nov. 9, Chatham county. D. S. Nov. 22, 1869 Harris, J. C. Logan of Raleigh to Florence C. Upehurch, Dec. 17, Weldon. D. S. Dec. 25, 1869 Hart, Cora to Alexander Crews of Oxford, Jan. 7, St. Stephens church, Oxford. D. S. Jan. 14, 1809 Harty, Annie of Charlotte to James MoCorlde, Sept. 7, Charlotte. D. S. Sept. 9, 1869 Hassell, L. Lockhart. to J usephine Parks, Mar. 10, Hillsboro. D. S. Apr. 6, 1869 Hawkins, W. J. of this State to Mollie H. White, My. 12, Lafayette Sq., Balto., Md. D. S. My. 13, 1869 Haynes, Edwin L. of Shoe Hill to Mary L. Dwinelle, Apr. 21, Yorkville, Bladen county. D. S. Apr. 23, 1869 H aythe, J. T. to Emma Atkinson, My. 25. Milton. D. S. My. 28, 1869 Henderson, Dr. C. A. to Miss A. E. Whitehead of Salisbury, My. 26, Statesville. D. S. Je. 4, 1869 Henderson, W. M. to Miss N. J. Norment, Apr. 13, Charlotte. D. S. Apr. 15, 1869 Highsmith, Rebecca S. to J. T. Bland, My. 5, Harrell's Store. D. S. My. 19, 1869 Hines, Emeline K. to Romulus Stanly, Jan. 31, Forsyth county. D. S. Apr. 3, 1869 Hinsdale. Col. J. W. of Fayetteville to Ellen Devereux of Raleigh, Sept. 23, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 24. 1869 Hogan, Mary to Henry D. Patterson. Feb. 4, Residence of brides grandfather. D. S. Fob. 8, 1869 Hogan, Mittie to If. II. Patterson. Feb. 4. Raleigh. D. S. Feb, 20, 1869 Hidden, Laura II. of Raleigh to Lewis P. Olds, Jan. 27, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 30. 1869 Holley, Thomas D. of Bertie county to Eva M. Smith, Mar. 2, Coleraine, Bertie county. D. S. Mar. 2, 1869 Honeycutt, Sallie A. of Wake county to Jas. E. Todd, Je. 17, Wake county. D. S. Je. 21, 1869 Howard, Wm. of Tarboro to Miss M. II. Baker, Oct. 6, Tarboro. D. S. Oct. 11, 1869 Hudillestone, J. E. to Sarah Warren, Dee. 2. Orange county. D. S. Dec. 9, 1869 Huffsteller, Mary M. to William B. Robinson, Mar. 18, Gaston county. D. S. Mar. 30, 1,869 Hughes, Dr. D. of Richmond county to Mrs. Carrie McKinnon, Mar. 16, Robeson county. D. S. Apr. 1, 1869 Jeffreys, Mary D. to Brian W. Green, Feb. 15, Wake county. D. S. Feb. 18, 1868 Jeffreys, Orien G. to Leonidas M. Green, Feb. 15, Wake county. D. S. Feb. 18, 1869 Johns, C. F. of Wake county to Hannah Yarborough, Oct, 21, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 3, 1869 Johns, Nannie H. O. of Wake county to Dr. A. J. Darby, Sept. 15, Wake county. D. S. Sept. 17, 1869 Johnson, Emma L. of Yadkin county to Joseph M. Bell, Dec. 24, Yadkin county. D. S. Jan. 22, 1869 Johnson, Hattie A. E. of Nashville to John C. Harper of 12th Regt. N. C. Troops, Mar. 14, Nashville. D. S. Mar. 17, 1869 Johnson, Mary Joanna to N. B. Bellamy of Edgecombe county, Je. 3, Raleigh. D. S. Je. 3, 1869 Johnson, Willie of Nash county to Eliza Ann Talbert, Apr., Nash county. D. S. Apr. 22, 1869 Johnston, Helen S. to Dr. Jno. D. Perry of Hertford county, Feb. 8, Edenton. D. S. Mar. 17, 1869 Johnston, Margaret C. to James A. Bradford, Nov. 2, Cabarrus county. D. S. Nov. 10, 1869 Jones, Chas. E. I. of Wake county to Elizabeth L. Alford, Jan. 21, Wake county. D. S. Jan. 25, 1869 Jones, John S. of Wake county to Mary O. Eccles of Davie county, Apr. 29, Davie county. D. S. Apr. 30, 1869 Josey, J. B. to Susan Miller, Feb. 24, Statesville. D. S. Mar. 10, 1869 Justice, Jno. G. to Jane McBee, My. 24, Lincolnton. D. S. Je. 4, 1869 Justice, Maria of Lincolnton to Frank H. Dewey of Charlotte, Jan. 21, Lincolnton. D. S. Jan. 28, 1869 Kerley, Miss M. L. to E. M. Faun, Mar. 9, near Statesville. D. S. Mar. 23, 1869 Kingsland. Fannie of Raleigh to Wm. D. Daniel of Halifax, Aug. 28, Raleigh. D. S. Aug. 31, 1869 Kramer, Sallie C, to Chas. E. Stephenson of Balto., Je. 30, Salem. D. S. Jly. 5, 1869 Lamb, Allen H. to Rachel C. Matthis, My. 6, Sampson county. D. S. My. 21, 1869 Lamb. Mary to James E. Taylor, Apr. 11, Newbern. D. S. Apr. 15, 1869 Laton, Mrs. Jas R. of Wake countv to Samantha Barlow. Jly. 4, Wake county. D. S. Jly. 24, 1869 Latham, John W. of Washington to Laura M. Smith, Dec. 2, Plymouth. D. S. Dec. 10, 1869 Lea, Dr. Calvin of Caswell county to Eugenia Lea, Je. 24. D. S. Je. 30,1869 Lea, Eugenia of Caswell county to Dr. Calvin Lea Je 24. D. S. Je. 30, 1869 Lewis, Katie E. to D. F. A. Sloan, Je. 15, Mecklenburg county. D. S. Je. 29, 1869 Lewis, Anna of Tarboro to Prof. L. R. Mills of Wake Forest College, Jan. 14. D. S. Jan. 19, 1869 Lewis, Fannie J. formerly of Raleigh to R. M. Bassett of New York City, Feb. 10, Memphis, Tenn. D. S. Feb. 18, 1869 Lindsay, Lottie E. to A. M. Pevton of Danville Va My 18, Greensboro. D. S. Je. 5, 1869 Lindsay, Lottie E. to A. M. Peyton of Danville, Va , My 18, Raleigh. D. S. My. 21, 1869 Lippard, Peter to Elizabeth Thomas, Mar. 10, Iredell county. D. S. Mar. 23, 1869 Lloyd, Cora of Orange county to Wm. Strain, Mr. 15. D. S. Mar. 31, 1869 Logan, Alice D. of Rutherfordton to J. Draughn Miller, Sept. 9, Rutherfordton. D. S. Sept. 22, 1869 Long, John B. to Emma K. Wiggins formerly of Oxford, Apr. 8, Oak Grove, Rusk, Texas. D. S. Apr. 30, 1869 Lougee, Caroline R. to N. B. Broughton, My. 20, Raleigh. D. S. My. 21, 1869 Love, L. Warren of Paris, Tenn. to P. D. Roberts of Rutherfordton, Sept. 28, Montrealla. D. S. Oct. 4, 1869 Love, Capt. M. H. of Waynesville to Rebecca Moore formerly of Jefferson county, Tenn., Feb. 2, Batesville, Ark. D. S. Mar. 8, 1869 Love, W. J. to E mm a S. Robeson, Apr. 28, Walnut Hill, Bladen county. D. S. My. 14, 1869 Lyon, Lurenia E. of Granville county to John H. Rogers formerly of Granville county, late of Fayetteville. D. S. Oct. 3, 1869 Lyon, Mary T. to Wm. D. Pitman, Apr. 20, Edgecombe county. D. S. Apr. 23, 1869 McBee, Jane to Jno. B. Justice, My. 24, Lincolnton. D. S. Je. 4, 1869 McCorkle, James of Charlotte to Annie Harty, Sept. 7, Charlotte. D. S. Sept. 9, 1869 McFarland, Annie V. of Richmond to A. D. Taylor of Raleigh, Dec. 15, Richmond. D. S. Dec. 18, 1869 McGehee, Anna of Bladen county to Joseph Baker, Mar. 7, Bladen county. D. S. Apr. 1, 1869 McGeachy, Alexander of Robeson county to Ann McNeill, Feb. 25. D. S. Mar. 9, 1869 Mcintosh, J. Taylor to Alice J. Simonton, Jly. 6, Taylorsville. D. S. Jly. 20, 1869 McKaughan. J. M. of Forsyth county to Martha A. Pitts, Apr. 8, Waughtown. D. S. Apr. 22, 1869 McKay, D. N. of Harnett county to Leonora Flemming, Feb. 17, Rolesville, Wake county. D. S. Feb. 19, 1869 McKenna, Virginia of Norfolk, Va. to Robert J. Bass of Halifax county, My. 6. D. S. My. 13, 1869 McKinnon, Mrs. Carrie to Dr. D. Hughes of Richmond county, Mar. 16, Robeson county. D. S. Apr. 1, 1869 McLean, C. C. to Anna Patterson, Mar. 5, Moore county. D. S. Apr. 26, 1869 McLean, C. W. to Nannie Daves, Jan. 14, Newbern. D. S. Jan. 18, 1869 McMinn, James to Eloise Whitted, Feb. 23, Hendersonville. D. S. Mar. 8, 1869 McNeill, Ann to Alexander McGeachy, of Robeson county, Feb. 25. D. S. Mar. 9, 1869 McNeill, Miss M. to J. B. Crudup of Kittrell, Dec. 14, Christian county, Ky. D. S. Dec. 24, 1869 McPeacke, Mary A. of Tunica, Miss, to J. L. Dicken of this State, Jly. 8, White Sulphur Springs, Pulaski county, Ark. D. S. Aug. 23, 1869 Mahoney, Fannie of Wilson to P. M. Briggs of Portsmouth, Va., Nov. 4, Wilson. D. S. Nov. 10, 1869 Malcolm, John of Guilford county to Martha Strickland of Rockingham county, Oct. 7, Simpsonville township, Rockingham county. D. S. Oct. 12, 1869 Manly, Sophia to E. J. Hardin of Morganton, My. 27, Raleigh. 1). S. My. 28, 1869 Mann, Narcisso J. of Franklin county to Dr. Dennett Perry of Franklin county, Apr. 6, Henderson. D. S. Apr. 10. 1869 Matthis, Rachel C. to Allen H. Lamb, Mv. 6, Sampson county. D. S. My. 21, 1869 May, Lizzie to George W. Ferrell, Dee. 22, Wake county. D. S. Dec 25. 1869 Maynard, Sireima of Wake county to William Burnett of Orange county, Apr. 15. D. S. My. 5, 1869 Melvin, J. K. of Bladen county to Miss M. T. Gunter, Mar. 18, Moore county. D. S. Apr. 14, 1869 Melvin, Phebe to T. B. Durham, Mar. 31, Bladen county. D. S. Apr. 23, I860 Metts, Capt. James to Cornelia Frothingham, Nov. 11, Wilmington. D. S. Nov. 10, 1869 Millei', J. Draughn of Rutherfordton to Alice D. Logan, Sept. 9, Rutherfordton. D. S. Sept. 22, 1869 Miller, Mary of Forsyth county to Sanford Ring, Apr. 22. D. S. My. 1, 1869 Miller, Paulina to James A. Reich, Mar. 6, Salem. D. S. Mar. 23, 1869 Miller, Susan to J. B. Josey, Feb. 24, Statesville. D. S. Mar. 10, 1869 Miller. D. W. R. of Wake county to Maggie A. Grier of Mecklenburg county, Sept. 7, Charlotte. D. S. Sept. 9, 1869 Mills, Geo. H. of Rutherford to Mary Craton, Mar. 4, Rutherford. D. S. Mar. 20, 1809 Mills, Prof. L. R. of Wake Forest College to Anna Lewis of Tarboro, Jan. 14. D. S. Jan. 19, 1809 Mitchell, James H. of Glenville, Ala. to Rebecca S. Ryan formerly of Chapel Hill, Je. 22, Raleigh. D. S. Je. 23, 1869 Moody, Dr. W. S. of Northampton county to Virginia G. Tabb of Columbus. Miss.. Mar., Garysburg. D. S. Mar. 27, 1869 Mooneyham, Lizzie of Wake county to Sidney Solomon, My. 5, Raleigh. D. S. My. 6, 1869 Moore, Alice of Yancey county to H. Gold of Cleveland county, My- Burnsville. D. S. Je. 29, 1869 Moore, Calledonia of Rutherford county to Luther Gross, Sept. 30. D. S. Oct. 5, 1869 Moore. Rebecca formerly of Jefferson county, Tenn. to Capt. M. H. Love of Waynesville, Feb. 2, Batervilla, Ark. D. S. Mar. 8, 1869 Moore, W. C. of Wake county to Mrs. Jane M. Proctor, Aug. 26, Wake county. D. S. Aug. 30, 1869 Moore, Sallie of Raleigh to John Catling of Gates county My. 13, Raleigh- D. S. My. 13, 1869 Morison, Laura P. to Col. John E. Brown of Charlotte, Nov. 2, Cottage Home, Lincoln county. D. S. Nov. 10, 1869 Morrison, Maggie of Wake county to Robert Roberts Oct 21, Charlotte. D. S. Oct. 25, 1869 Nash, Sue to Capt. John Wooster of Wilmington, Dec. 8, Hillsborough. D. S. Dec. 17, 1869 Neill, Capt. J. R. to Mrs. Ann E. Proffitt, Mar. 5, Yancey county. D. S. Mar. 20, 1869 Nelson, John W. of Spartanburg District, S. C. to Parthenia E. Robbins of Rutherford. D. S. Oct. 14, 1869 Newsom, J. D. of Raleigh to Sarah Stone of Franklin county, Feb., Franklin county. D. S. Feb. 20, 1869 Newsom, Mollie of Halifax county to Gideon Williams, My. 26, Halifax county. D. S. My. 31, 1869 Newsome, Emily F. of Wilson county to J. L. Newsome, Mar. 25, Wilson county. D. S. Apr. 1, 1869 Newsome, J. L. of Wilson county to Emily F. Newsome, Mar. 25, Wilson county. D. S. Apr. 1, 1869 Newsome, Zilphia L. of Wilson to F. M. Aycock of Wayne county, Mar. 25, Wilson county. D. S. Apr. 1, 1869 Nixon, Dr. Thomas F. to Annie E. Strickland, Jan. 27, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 29, 1869 Norment, Miss N. J. to W. M. Henderson, Apr. 13, Charlotte. D. S. Apr. 15, 1869 Oates, Col. R. M. of Charlotte to Ella E. Blackwood, Je. 1, Cleveland Springs. D. S. Je. 4, 1869 Oldham, Henry C. of Wilmington to Mary A. Cox, Apr. 14, Henderson. D. S. Apr. 21, 1869 Olds, Lewis P. of Raleigh to Laura H. Holden, Jan. 27, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 30, 1869 Page, Miss E. C. of Cabarrus county to J. A. Petre, Je. 23, Mt. Pleasant. D. S. Je, 29, 1869 Parish. Thomas E. of San Francisco. Calif, to Cattie E. Harris, Nov. 9, Chatham county. D. S. Nov. 22, 1869 Parker, M. A. to Martha Brown, Feb. 17, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 18, 1869 Parks, Josephine to Loekhart L. Hassell, Mar. 10, Hillsboro. D. S. Apr. 6, 1869 Partin, M. A. to Edith M. Adams, Nov. 17, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 26, 1869 Partridge, Luttier J. to Lemuel II. Gibbons, Jan. 7, Washington Hill, Moore county. D. S. Jan. 11, 1869 Pate, Ellen of Cumberland county to C. G. Cain, Mar. 4, Cumberland county. D. S. Apr. 26, 1869 Patrick, Jas. M. of Lenoir Institute to Mrs. Nannie E. Shelby, Apr. 15, Beaufort county. S. C. D. S. My. 7, 1869 Patterson, Anna to C. C. McLean, Mar. 5, Moore county. D. S. Apr. 26, 1869 Patterson, II. H. to Mittie Hogan, Feb. 4, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 20, 1869 Patterson, Henry D. to Mary Hogan, Feb. 4, Residence of brides grandfather. D. S. Feb. 8, 1869 P atterson, S. F. of Orange county to Lizzie Clegg of Chatham county, Dec. 2. D. S. Mar. 9, 1869 Pearson, Hattie A. of Burke county to George D. Pool, Jr. of Pasquotank county, Dec. 21, Silver creek near Morganton. D. S. Dec. 25, 1869 Perkins, Andrew J. of Orange county to Martha E. Brockwell, Mar. 21, Orange county. D. S. Apr. 8, 1869 Perkins, Penny A. of Goldsboro to C. G. Person, Mar. 6, Goldsboro. D. S. Mar. 27, 1869 Perry, Dr. Bennett of Franklin county to Narcissa J. Mann, Apr. 6, Henderson. D. S. Apr. 10, 1869 Perry, Dr. Jno. D. of Hertford county to Helen S. Johnston, Feb. 8, Edenton. D. S. Mar. 17, 1869 Perry, Lavinia of Granville county to Dr. W. W. Green, Aug. 3, Franklin county. D. S. Aug. 14, 1869 Person, C. G. of Goldsboro to Penny A. Perkins, Mar. 6, Goldsboro. D .S. Mar. 27, 1869 Peterson, Ann S. to Thomas Turner of Clinton, Mar. 11, Duplin county. D. S. Mar. 19, 1869 Petre, J. A. of Cabarrus county to Miss E. C. Page, Je. 23, Mt. Pleasant. D. S. Je. 29, 1869 Peyton, A. M. of Danville, Va. to Lottie E. Lindsay, My. 18, Raleigh. D. S. My. 21, 1869 Phillips, A. J. of Salisbury to Annie Culverhouse, Apr. 13, Salisbury. D. S. Apr. 17, 1869 Phillips, Susan J. of Northampton county to Jas. W. Beard of New York City, Feb, 24, Northampton county. D. S. Feb. 27, 1869 Pickett, Caroline V. of New Hanover county to Rev. M. L. Wood of North Carolina Conference-late missionary to China, Mar. 2, Wilmington. D. S. Mar. 6, 1869 Pierce, Anna E. of Raleigh to Dr. S. A. Taylor of Holly Springs, Apr. 3, Raleigh. D. S. Apr. 6, 1869 Pierce, Isidore to Wm. Collins, Oct. 20, Franklin county. D. S. Oct. 25, 1869 Pierce, John to Ida Outlaw, Oct. 20, Franklin county. D. S. Oct. 25, 1869 Pitman, Wm. D. to Mary T. Lyon, Apr. 20, Edgecombe county. D. S. Apr. 23. 1869 Pitts. Martha A. to J. W. McKaughan of Forsyth county, Apr. 8, Wauffhtown. D. S. Apr. 22, 1869 Plunket. Emma V. of Wilmington to Robt. W. Brown, Apr. 27, Wilmington. D. S. Apr. 30, 1869 Poe. Emma S. of Pittsboro to Jno. T. Womble of Raleigh, Jan. 6 D. SJan. 12, 1869 Pollock, Dr. I. J. of Denver, Colorado to Miss S. J. Reinhardt of Lincolnton, My. 4, Lincolnton. D. S. My. 11, 1869 Pool, Hon. Charles of Elizabeth City to Lizzie C. Greene, Je. 16, Pasquotank county. D. S. Jly. 9, 1869 Pool, George D„ Jr. of Pasquotank county to Hattie A. Pearson of Burke county, Dec. 21, Silver creek near Morganton. D. S. Dec. 25, I860 Pool, Willie of Wake county to S. H. Carroll, My. 30, Wake county. D. S. My. 31, 1869 Potter, W. F. to Florence D. R. Wright, Feb., Wilmington. D. S- Mar. 10, 1869 Presson, Mollie of Charlotte to W. E. Shaw, My. 6, Charlotte. D. S. My- 8, 1869 Price. Frances V. to Thos. W. Davis of Portsmouth, Va., Je. 23, Wilmington. D. S. Je. 29, 1869 RALEIGH NEWSPAPERS—1867-1887 645 Proctor, Mrs. Jane M. of Wake county to W. C. Moore, Aug. 26, Wake county. D. S. Aug. 30, 1869 Proffitt, Mrs. Ann E. to Capt. J. R. Neill, Mar. 5, Yancey county. D. S. Mar. 20, 1869 Pugh, Mary F. of Wilmington to D. Stelges, My. 26, Wilmington. D. S. Je. 1, 1869 Rampley, Cornelia of Hartford county, Md. to Capt. J. Calder Turner, Je. 8, Hartford county, Md. D. S. Je. 12, 1869 Ratliff, E. W. of Anson county to Julia H. Grady, Mar. 3, Anson county. D. S. Apr. 14, 1869 Reich, James A. to Paulina Miller, Mar. 6, Salem. D. S. Mar. 23, 1869 Reinhardt, Miss S. J. of Lincolnton to Dr. I. J. Pollock of Denver, Colo., My. 4, Lincolnton. D. S. My. 11, 1869 Renfrow, Amariah of Nash county to Samuel H. Griffin, Mar. 28, Nash county. D. S. Apr. 5, 1869 Renfrow, Perren of Nash county to Ellen Sorsby, Feb. 25, Nashville. D. S. Mar. 19, 1869 Ridley, Emma Wright of Southampton county, Va. to George Pollock Burgwynn of Aliston, My. 27, Bonnie Doun. D. S. Je. 3, 1869 Rigsby, Jiley to W. W. Brown, Dec. 5, Wake county. D. S. Dec. 7, 1869 Riley, Maggie to David Thompson, Jan. 25, Orange county. D. S. Mar. 6, 1869 Ring, Sanford of Forsyth county to Mary Miller, Apr. 22. D. S. My. 1, 1869 Robbins, Parthenia E. of Rutherford to John W. Nelson of Spartanburg District, S. C. D. S. Oct. 4, 1869 Roberts, P. D. of Rutherfordton to Miss L. Warren Love of Paris, Tenn., Sept. 28, Montrealla. D. S. Oct. 4, 1869 Roberts, Robert W. of Wake county to Maggie Morrison, Oct. 21, Charlotte. D. S. Oct. 25, 1869 Robertson, David of Forsyth county to Rosina Carolina Swaim, Apr. 13. D. S. Apr. 17 1869 Robertson, John to Rebecca J. Yarborough, Je. 10, Halifax county. D. S. Je. 15, 1869 Robeson, Emma S. to W. J. Love, Apr. 28, Walnut Hill, Bladen county. D. S. My. 14, 1869 Robinson, William B. to Mary M. Huffsteller, Mar. 18, Gaston county. D. S. Mar. 30, 1869 Rogers, John H. formerly of Granville county late of Fayetteville to Lurenia E. Lyon of Granville county, Oct. 21. D. S. Dec. 3, 1869 Royster, W. B. formerly of Raleigh to Julia Tutt of Columbia, S. C , Oct. 6, Columbia, S. C. D. S. Oct. 11, 1869 Ruffin, Annie D. to Jno. R. Smallwood, Je. 10, Bertie county. D. S. Je. 21, 1869 Russell, M. H. of Montgomery county to Mrs. Nannie Crump, My. 5, High Point. D. S. My. 13, 1869 Sanderlin, Rev. G. W. of Goldsboro to Eliza J. Wooten, Feb. 23, Mosely Hall. D. S. Mar. 1, 1869 Savage, George W. to Emma Suggs, Sept. 7, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 9, 1869 Scott, W. T. of Iowa to Mrs. Mary Calhoun, Mar. 2, Winston. D. S. Mar. 23, 1869 Sclby, Mrs. Nannie E. to Jas. M. Patrick of Lenoir institute, Apr. 15, Beaufort county, South Creek. D. S. Apr. 30, 1869 Shaw, Augusta J. of Franklinton to Wm. S. Barnett of Oxford, My. 6. D. S. My. 13, 1869 Shaw, W. E. of Charlotte to Mollie Presson, My. 6, Charlotte. D. S. My. 8, 1869 Shaw, W. P. of Colerain to Mollie R. Askew of Hertford county, Sept. 29, Pitch Landing. D. S. Oct. 5, 1869 Shelby, Mrs. Nannie E. to Jas. M. Patrick of Lenoir institute, Apr. 15, Beaufort county, South Creek. D. S. My. 7, 1869 Shuford, Frank of Iredell county to Laura Shuford, Je. 2, Warrensburg, Mo. D. S. Je. 29, 1869 Shuford, Laura of Iredell county to Frank Shuford, Jo. 2, Warrensburg, Mo. D. S. Je. 29, 1869 Simonton, Alice J. to J. Taylor Mcintosh, Jly. 6, Taylorsville. D. S. Jly. 20, 1869 Simpson, John G. of Carteret county to Eliza J. Griffin of Martin county, Feb. 11. D. S. Mar. 11, 1869 Sloan, D. F. A. to Kattie E. Lewis, Je. 15, Mecklenburg county. D. S. Je. 29, 1869 Sloan, Mollie of Rutherfordton to J. L. Carson, My. 12. D. S. My. 19, 1869 Smallwood, Jno. R. to Annie D. Ruffin, Je. 10, Bertie county. D. S. Je. 21, 1869 Smith, Delia A. to Jesse T. Ellington of Clayton, Je. 9, Johnston county. D. S. Je. 12, 1869 Smith, Eva M. to Thomas D. Holley of Bertie county, Mar. 2, Coleraine, Bertie county. D. S. Mar. 2, 1869 Smith, Junius M. of Danville, Va. to Anna B. Watt, Je. 1, Yanceyville. D. S. Je. 17, 1869 Smith, Laura M. to John W. Latham of Washington, Dec. 2, Plymouth. D. S. Dec. 10, 1869 Snipe, Fannie R. to F. M. Daniel, Mar. 26, Person county. D. S. Apr. 7, 1869 Solomon Sidney of Wake county to Lizzie Mooneyham, My. 5, Raleigh- D. S. My. 6, 1869 Sorsby, Ellen of Nash county to Perren Renfrow, Feb. 25, Nashville. D. S. Mar. 19, 1869 Sparger, Allen J of Mt Airy to Bettie J Bray, Feb 25 Nashville, D.S. Mar 11, 1869 Stanly, Romulus to Emeline E Hines, Jan 31, Forsyth county D.S. Apr 3, 1869 Starr, John P to Sarah L Foust, Oct 14, Guilford county. D.S. Oct 25, 1869 Steele, Fannie of Rowan county White Fraley, Oct 26, Rowan county D.S. Oct 29 1869 Steele, Sallie A of Alamance county to Samuel S Thompson. Mar 14, Alamance county D.S. Mar 27, 1869 Stelges D of Wilmington to Mary F Pugh, My 26, Wilmington. D.S. Jly 5, 1869 Stephenson, Chas. E of Blaton to Sallie C Kramer, Je 30, Salem D.S. Jly 5, 1869 Stinson, E. B. of h-edcll county to Eliza B. Tillinghast of Fayetteville, Dec. 31, Fayetteville. D. S. Jan. 1, 1869 Stone, L. B. to Geneva Beavers, Dec. 23, Wake county. D. S. Dec. 25, 1869 Stone, Sarah of Franklin county to J. D. Newsom of Raleigh, Feb., Franklin county. D. S. Feb. 20, 1869 Stover, Mrs. Mary daughter of Andrew Johnson to William Brown of Greenville, S. 0., Apr. 20, Raleigh. D. S. Apr. 27, 1869 Strain, Wm. of Orange county to Cora Lloyd, Mar. 15. D. S. Mar. 31, 1869 Strickland, Annie E. to Dr. Thomas F. Nixon, Jan. 27, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 29, 1869 Strickland, Martha of Rockingham county to John Maleom of Guilford county, Oct. 7, Simpsonville township, Rockingham county. D. S. Oct. 12, 1869 Sugg, Josephine Nannie to J. F. Harper, Oct. 21, Greene county. D. S. Oct. 30, 1869 Sugg, Lizzie to B. B. Williford, Mar. 3, Edgecombe county. D. S. Mar. 12, 1869 Suggs, Emma to George W. Savage, Sept. 7, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 9, 1869 Sutton, Capt. Wm. M. of Bertie county to Pattie W. White, Oct. 7. D. S. Oct. 16, 1869 Swain, Rosina Caroline of Forsyth county to David Robertson, Apr. 13. D. S. Apr. 17, 1869 Swoaney, Elizabeth to Dr. J. W. Hamlet, Apr. 25, Person county. D. S. My. 5, 1869 Syme, Andrew of Raleigh to Blanch Bragg, Apr. 28, Raleigh. D. S. Apr. 29, 1869 Tabb, Virginia G. of Columbus, Miss, to Dr. W. S. Moody of Northampton county, Mar. D. S. Mar. 27, 186!) Talbert, Eliza Ann of Nash county to Willie Johnson, Apr., Nash county. D. S. Apr. 22, 1869 Taylor, A. D. of Raleigh to Annie V. McFarland of Richmond, Va., Dee. 15, Richmond, Va. D. S. Dec. 18, 1869 Taylor, James E. to Mary Lamb, Apr. 11, Newbern. D. S. Apr. 15, 1869 Taylor, Dr. S. A. of Holly Springs to Anna E. Pierce, Apr. 3, Raleigh. D. S. Apr. 6, 1869 Tell, Miss N. A. of Anson county to W. P. Beverly, Mar. 24, Anson county. D. S. Apr. 14, 1869 Temple, Cornelius J. of Moore county to Levi Gunter, Apr. 20, Moore county. D. S. My. 5, 186!) Thomas. Elizabeth to Peter Lippard, Mr. 10, Iredell county. D. S. Mar. 23, 1869 Thomas, Henry Clay to Carrie Butner, Je. 24, Salem. D. S. Jly. 5, 1869 Thomas, Miss L. A. of Grayson county, Va. to D. R. Gentry of Alleghany county, Feb. 17, Independence Grayson county, Va. D. S. Apr. 29,1869 Thompson, Alpheus F. of Wake Forest to Annie L. Dowd, Apr. 14. D. S. Apr. 22, 1869 Thompson, David to Maggie Riley, Jan. 25, Orange county. D. S. Mar. 6, 1869 Thompson, Samuel S. of Alamance county to Sallie A. Steele, Mar. 14, Alamance county. D. S. Mar. 27, 1869 Thoneasson, Mrs. Mollie of Yadkin county to Robert C. Burgiss, Apr. 6, Hamptonville. D. S. Apr. 19, 1869 Thorne, Caleb P. of Warren county to Lizzie B. Davis, Oct. 21, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 30, 1869 Thurston, Alice Y. of Wilmington to William H. Frost, My. 13, Wilmington. D. S. My. 21, 1869 Tillinghast, Eliza B. of Fayetteville to E. B. Stinson of Iredell county, Dec. 31, Fayetteville. D. S. Jan. 1, 1869 Tinnin, Thomas D. to Mary J. Fuller, Apr. 27, Hillsboro. D. S. My. 5,1869 Todd, Jas. E. of Wake county to Sallie A. Honeycutt, Je. 17, Wake county. D. S. Je. 21, 1869 Townes, Fannie Hunt to Capt. Abram Wimbish, Apr. 27, Machpelah, Granville county. D. S. My. 5, 1869 Tredwick, N. P. to Mary L. Fincher of Mecklenburg county, Sept. 23. D. S. Oct. 7, 1869 Tuck, Rev. R. Clairborne of N. C. Christian Conference to Georgians Winston, Apr. 6, Franklin county. D. S. Apr. 21, 1869 Turner, Capt. J. Calder of Asheville to Cornelia Rampley of Hartford county, Md., Je. 8, Hartford county, Md. D. S. Je. 12, 1869 Turner, Thomas of Clinton to Ann S. Peterson, Mar. 11, Duplin county. D. S. Mar. 19, 1869 Tutt, Julia of Columbia, S. C. to W. B. Royster formerly of Raleigh, Oct. 6, Columbia, S. C. D. S. Oct. 11, 1869 Tyler, Annie to Chas. H. Doughty, Je. 24, Tarboro. D. S. Jly. 2, 1869 Upchurch, Florence C. of Raleigh to J. C. Logan Harris, Dec. 27, Weldon. D. S. Dec. 25, 1869 Valmes, Miss M. A. of Person county to R. N. Hall of Orange county, Mar. 15, Person county. D. S. Mar. 31, 1869 Walker, Isabella of Statesville to F. D. Carlton of Wilkesboro, Mar. 9, Charlotte. D. S. Mar. 16, 1869 Walton, Esther to John W. Whitelaw of Raleigh, My. 4, Raleigh. D. S. My. 7, 1869 Warren, Sarah to J. W. Huddleston, Dec. 2, Orange county. D. S. Dec. 9, 1869 Washington, Kate to Henry F. Bond, Nov. 17, at Vernon near Kinston. D. S. Nov. 27, 1869 Watson, A. W. of Salisbury to Henrietta Eckel of Wilmington, Apr. 28, Wilmington. D. S. Apr. 30, 1869 Watson C. T. to Kitty J. Diddle, Apr. 15, Raleigh. D. S. Apr. 21, 1869 Watt, Anna B. to Junius M. Smith of Danville Va Je 1, YanceyviUe- D. S. Je. 17, 1869 Webb, Lizzie Cheshire of Hillsboro to Capt. Jas. Graham, Je. 7, Hillsboro. D. S. Jly. 12, 1869 Webb, W. C. of Richmond county to Caroline Yates of Anson county, Je- 8 ' D. S. Je. 29, 1869 Whedbee, Mollie N. of Hertford to Robert B Cox My 27, Hertford, Perquimons county. D. S. Je. 4, 1869 White, Mattie J. to Robert J. Darden of Nansemond county, Va., Mar. 9> Perquimons county. D. S. Mar. 19 1869 White, Mollie H. to W. J. Hawkins of'this State, My. 12, Lafayette S*. Balto., Md. D. S. My. 13, 1869 White, Pattie W. of Bertie county to Capt. Wm. M. Sutten, Oct. 7. D. S. Oct. 16, 1869 White, Capt. Wm. J. to Sue B. Cawthorne, Apr. 7, Warrenton. D. S. Apr. 10, 1869 Whitehead, Miss A. E. of Salisbury to Dr. C. A. Henderson, My. 26, Statesville. D. S. Je. 4, 1869 Whitehurst, M. Florence of Norfolk, Va. to Dr. S. A. Beil of Salisbury, Je. 1, Norfolk, Va. D. S. Je. 15, 1869 Whitelaw, John W. to Esther Walton of Raleigh, My. 4, Raleigh. D. S. My. 7, 1869 Whiting, Hannah to S. W. Burgin of Buncombe county, Jly. 29, Raleigh. D. S. July 29, 1869 Whitted, Eloise to James McMinn, Feb. 23, Hendersonville. D. S. Mar. 8, 1869 Whitted, J. A. of Buncombe county to Miss H. E. Brittain, My. 18. D. S. Je. 12, 1869 Wiggins, Emma K. formerly of Oxford to John B. Long, Apr. 8, Oak Grove Rushe, Texas. D. S. Apr. 30, 1869 Williams, J. Buxton of Buxton place Warren county to Mrs. Tempe T. Clarke of Halifax county. D. S. Nov. 20, 1869 Williams, Gideon of Halifax county to Mollie Newsom, My. 26, Halifax county. D. S. My. 31, 1869 Williams, Capt. John A. to Hettie Grandy of Oxford, Dec. 17. D. S. Jan. 14, 1869 Williams, Rebecca P. of Wake county to John D. Caudle, Dec. 22, Raleigh. D. S. Dec. 24, 1869 Williams, Rhoda E. of Polk county to W. W. Cowart, Feb. 25, Polk county. D. S. Apr. 5, 1869 Wilcox, Cora E. of Warrenton to John H. Gayle of Porthsmouth, Va. Sept. 9, Warrenton. D. S. Sept. 17, 1869 Wilfong, Mollie E. of Catawba county to J. H. Bruns, Apr. 14, D. S. Apr. 30, 1869 Williford, B. B. to Lizzie Sugg, Mar. 3, Edgecombe county. D. S. Mar. 12, 1869 Wilson, Margaret to J. P. Green, Apr. 29, Mecklenburg county. D. S. My. 11, 1869 Wilson, Jos. W. to Laura B. Earnshaw, Je. 16, Charlotte. D. S. Je. 22, 1869 Wimbish, Capt. Abram to Fannie Hunt Townes, Apr. 27, Machpelah, Granville county. D. S. My. 5, 1869 Winkler, Alice to Henry Alley, Apr. 12, Salem. D. S. Apr. 16, 1869 Winston, Georgiana to Rev. R. Clairborne Tick of N. C. Christian Conference, Apr. 6, Franklin county. D. S. Apr. 21, 1869 Womble, Jno. T. of Raleigh to Emma S. Poe of Pittsboro, Jan. 6, D. S. Jan. 12, 1869 Wood, Rev. M. L. of N. C. Conference—late missionary to China to Caroline V. Pickitt of New Hanover county, Mar. 2, Wilmington. D. S. Mar. 6, 1869 Woody, Mahon of Thornton, Ind. to Martha A. Corsbie, Oct. 18, Guilford county. D. S. Oct. 25, 1869 Wooster, Capt. John of Wilmington to Sue Nash, Dec. 8, Hillsborough. D. S. Dec. 17, 1869 Wooten, Mrs. Bettie of Wayne county to Geo. W. Best, Apr. 20. D. S. Apr. 30, 1869 Wooten, Eliza J. to Rev. G. W. Sanderlin of Goldsboro, Feb. 23, Mosely Hall. D. S. Mar. 1, 1869 Wright, Florence D. R. to W. F. Potter, Fell., Wilmington. D. S. Mar. 10, 1869 Wynne, Miss A. V. to E. S. Dunn, My. 5, Wake county. D. S. My. 13, 1869 Yarborough, Hannah of Wake county to C. F. Johns, Oct. 21, Wake county. D. S. Nov. 3, 1869 Yarborough, Rebecca J. to John Robertson, Je. 10, Halifax county. D. S. Je. 15, 1869 Yates, Caroline of Anson county to W. C. Webb of Richmond county, Je. 8- D. S. Je. 29, 1869 Yates, Miss F. A. of Wake countv to J. P. H. Adams, Oct. 13, Wake county. D. S. Oct. 15, 1869 Young, H. Hamilton of Granville county to Lillie Gray Bryan of Raleigh. Nov. 10, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 20, 1869
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