Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Albright, Dr. Wm. of Guilford county to Josephine R. Rankin, Nov., Guilford county. R. R. Nov. 22, 1867 Alexander, Miss M. R. of Mecklenburg county, Va. to Norfleet Smith of Scotland Neck, Oct. 15, Mecklenburg county, Va. R. R. Nov. 8, 1867 Anderson, Mrs. Rebecca B. of Hillsboro to Maj. John W. Graham, Oct. 9, Hillsboro. R. R. Oct. 22,1867 Atwater, Mary C. to Kerney Bynum, Jr., Sept. 24, Orange county. R. R - Oct. 4, 1867 Billings, John R. of Pittsylvania county, Va., to Maggie S. Moore of Rockingham county, Aug. 27. R. R. Sept. 17, 1867 Boyd, James E. of Graham to Sallie Holt of Alamance county, Sept. 12. Graham. R. R. Sept. 24,1867 Brown, Peter M. to Martha A. White, Oct 17, High Point. R. R. Nov. 29, 1867 Bynum, Kerney, Jr. to Mary C. Atwater, Sept. 24, Orange county. R- *• Oct 4, 1867 Caldwell, Mildred D. to Martin V. Pann, Je. 30, Guilford county. R. R. J^' 12,1867 Castle, B. Y. to Aurela A. Ebert, Oct. 27, Forsyth county. R. R. Nov. «. 1867 Conigland, Edward of Halifax to Emily M. Long of Northampton county, Sept. 18. R. R. Sept. 24, 1867 Craven, Mary M. of Randolph county to R. M. Gretter of Greensboro, Sept. 3, Randolph county. R. R. Sept. 10, 1867 Crowson, Sue E. to Maj. W. W. Vannoy, Jly. 7, Wilkesboro. R. R. Aug. 9, 1867 Crumpler, Irwin T. of Forsythe county to Martha Guthrie, Sept. 15, Forsythe county. R. R. Sept. 24, 1867 Davie, James M. Hobson to Sallie C. Pearson, Jly. 23, Yadkin county. R. R. Aug. 9, 1867 Davis, Miss R. J. to William J. Wright, Nov. 21, High Point. R. R. Nov. 29, 1867 Deal, Wm. H. to Ann Eliza Oliphant. Oct. 31, Fayetteville. R. R. Nov. 12, 1867 Denny, A. M. to Mary A. Joyner, Sept. 26, Liberty. R. R. Oct. 8, 1867 Doub, Miss M. S. to P. F. Doub of Greensboro, Sept. 17, Forsyth county. R. R. Oct. 4, 1867 Doub, P. F. of Greensboro to Miss M. S. Doub, Sept. 17, Forsyth county. R. R. Oct. 4, 1867 Downing, Sallie A. of Edgecombe county to John H. Savage, Aug. 1, Edgecombe county. R. R. Aug. 16, 1867 Ebert, Aurelia A. to B. Y. Castle, Oct. 27, Forsyth county. R. R. Nov. 6, 1867 Edwards, Thomas A. to Julia A. Oakley, Oct. 17, Wilson Mills, Johnston county. R. R. Oct. 29, 1867 Fleming, P. C. to Sallie Norwood, Oct. 10, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 11, 1867 Fraps, A. W. of Raleigh to Margaret Stonebanks of New York, Sept. 24, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 4, 1867 Graham, Maj. John W. to Mrs. Rebecca B. Anderson of Hillsboro, Oct. 9, Hillsboro. R. R. Oct. 22, 1867 Green, Jesse of Buncombe county to Laura L. Thrash, Sept. 1, Buncombe county. R. R. Sept. 10, 1867 Gretter, R. M. of Greensboro to Mary M. Craven, Randolph county, Sept. 3, Randolph county. R. R. Sept. 10, 1867 Guthrie, Martha of Forsyth county to Irvin T. Crumpler, Sept. 15, Forsyth county. R. R. Sept. 24, 1867 Hanks, Martha E. to Robert H. Pender, Aug. 7, Tarboro. R. R. Aug. 16, 1867 Hargrave, Juliet of Lexington to Capt. Frank C. Robbins, Oct. 31, Lexington. R. R. Nov. 29, 1867 Harris, Mary J. of Guilford county to Thompson L. Johnson, Jly. 14. R. R. Jly. 26,1867 Hayworth, Emma of Randolph county to Alex Wary of Phila., Aug. 21, High Point. R. R. Oct. 22, 1867 Hedgecook, Elizabeth to A. S. Newlin, Oct. 17, High Point. R. R. Nov. 29, 1867 Hinsdale, Fannie B. to Maj. Jas. C. McRae, Oct. 31, Fayetteville. R. R. Nov. 12, 1867 Hoffman, Dr. W. H. of Gaston county to Miss E. 3. Jenkins, Jly. 2. R. R. Jly. 26,1867 Holt, Claudia H. to Capt. D. C. Pearson, of Morganton, Oct. 2, Lexington. R. R. Oct. 11, 1867 Holt, Sallie of Alamance county to James E. Boyd of Graham, Sept. 12, Graham. R. R. Sept. 24, 1867 Horton, Emma T. of Wadesborough to J. 0. H. Nuttall of Concord, Nov. 12, Wadesborough. R. R. Nov. 22, 1867 Hyman, Col. Joseph H. of Tarboro to Sallie P. Rayner of Coahoma county, Miss., Nov. 13, Columbia county, Miss. R. R. Nov. 22, 1867 Jenkins, Miss E. J. of Gaston county to Dr. W. H. Hoffman, Jly. 2. R. RJly. 26, 1867 Johnson, Thompson L. of Guilford county to Mary J. Harris, Jly. 14. R. BJly. 26, 1867 Joyner, Mary A. to A. M. Denny, Sept. 26, Liberty. R. R. Oct. 8, 1867 Kennedy, Mrs. Martha of Carthage to A. R. McDonald, Sept. 10, Carthage. R. R. Sept. 24, 1867 Kerner, Miss P. L. of Kernersville, Forsyth county to Wm. D. Stockton, Sept. 3, Kernersville. R. R. Sept. 10, 1867 Kreth, Melina of Raleigh to Christian Weikel, Sept. 3, Raleigh. R. R. Sept. 6, 1867 Langly, E. D. of Balto. to Caroline Mantague of Roanoke this State, Jly. H> Norfolk. R. R. Jly. 19, 1867 Laswell, Capt. R. F. of Evansville, Indiana to Maggie Wheeler of Roxboro, Nov. 17, Roxboro. R. R. Nov. 26, 1867 Leak, Robt. S. of Richmond county to Maggie Moore, Aug. 14, Raleigh. R- RAug. 16, 1867 Long, Emily M. of Northampton county to Edward Conigland of Halifax, Sept. 8. R. R. Sept. 24, 1867 Long, Mary C. to Abel R. Mitchell, Aug. 15, Haw River, Alamance county. R. R. Aug. 27, 1867 Lowe, Lizzie of Halifax to Jas. L. Ousby, Jly. 17, Halifax. R. R. Jly- 2 6 ' 1867 Lowe, Louisa J. of Chatham county to John Nelson, Jly. 21, Chatham county. R. R. Aug. 30, 1867 Lynn, Frances A. to Stephen T. Vass, Oct. 12, Bruce's Cross Roads. R- B ' Oct. 29, 1867 McDonald, A. R. of Carthage to Mrs. Martha Kennedy, Sept. 10, Carthage- R. R. Sept. 24, 1867 McRae, Maj. Jas. C. to Fannie B. Hinsdale, Oct. 31, Fayetteville. R. R- N o V ' 12, 1867 Mallory, Wm. S. to M. Pamela Shepperd of Salem, Aug. 6, Tarboro. RAug. 16, 1867 Mantague, Caroline of Roanoke this State to E. D. Langly of Balto., Jly- l l f Norfolk. R. R. Jly. 19, 1867 Mason, Mary G. to S. G. Ryan, Dec. 30, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 31, 1867 Mason, Rebecca E. of Raleigh to Wm. S. Mitchell of Washington, D. C R. R. Sept. 5, 1876 Massenburg, J. D. of Franklin to Carrie V. Tucker, Oct. 3, Franklinton- R. R. Oct. 22, 1867 Miller, Gideon L. of Winston to Penelope A. Warner of Thomasville, Sep4- 5, Thomasville. R. R. Sept 17, 1867 Miller, Mrs. Sarah R. to Jacob A. Sowers, Oct. 23, Salem. R. R. Oct. 29, ^ Mills, Isaac N. of Grayson county, Va. to Sallie Thomas of Rockingham county, Aug. 15. R. R. Sept. 17, 1867 Mitchell, Abel R. to Mary C. Long, Aug. 15, Haw River, Alamance county,. R. R. Aug. 27, 1867 Mitchell, Wm. S. of Washington, D. C. to Rebecca E. Mason, Raleigh, Sept. 5, Raleigh. R. R. Sept. 6, 1867 Moore, Maggie A. to Robt. S. Leak, Richmond county, Aug. 14, Raleigh. R. R. Aug. 16, 1867 Moore, Maggie S. of Rockingham county to John R. Billings of Pittslvania county, Va., Aug. 27. R. R. Sept. 17, 1867 Nelson, John of Chatham county to Louisa J. Lowe, Jly. 21, Chatham county. R. R. Aug. 30, 1867 Newlin, A. S. to Elizabeth Hedgecook, Oct. 17, High Point. R. R. Nov. 29, 1867 Norwood, Sallie to P. C. Fleming, Oct. 10, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 11, 1867 Nuttall, J. O. H. of Concord to Emma T. Horton of Wadesborough, Nov. 12, Wadesborough. R. R. Nov. 22, 1867 Oakley, Julian A. to Thomas A. Edwards, Oct. 17, Wilson Mills, Johnston county. R. R. Oct. 29, 1867 Oliphant, Ann Eliza to Wm. H. Deal, Oct. 31, Fayetteville. R. R. Nov. 12, 1867 Ousby, Jas. L. of Halifax county to Lizzie Lowe, Jly. 17, Halifax. R. R. Jly. 26, 1867 Pann, Martin V. to Mildred D. Caldwell, Je. 30, Guilford county. R. R. Jly. 12, 1867 Payne, John F. to Mary J. White, Oct. 31, High Point. R. R. Nov. 29, 1867 Pearson, Capt. D. C. of Morganton to Claudia H. Holt, Oct. 2, Lexington. R. R. Oct. 11, 1867 Pearson, Sallie C. to James M. Hobson Davie, Jly. 23, Yadkin county. R. R. Aug. 9, 1867 Pender, Robert H. to Martha E. Hanks, Aug. 7, Tarboro. R. R. Aug. 16, 1867 Penn, Ella Smiles to W. L. Scott of Greensboro, Je. 24, Henry county, Va. R. R. Jly. 12, 1867 Phifer, Robert to Mrs. Mahalah Query, Jly. 25, Union county. R. R. Aug. 9, 1867 Pfohl, A. F. to Jane E. Reich, Sept. 19, Salem. R. R. Sept. 24, 1867 Query, Mrs. Mahalah to Robert Phifer, Jly. 25, Union county. R. R. Aug. 9, 1867 Rankin, Josephine R. of Guilford county to Dr. Wm. Albright, Nov., Guilford county. R. R. Nov. 22, 1867 Rayner, Sallie P. of Coahoma county, Miss, to Col. Joseph H. Hyman of Tarboro, Nov. 13, Columbia county, Miss. R. R. Nov. 22, 1867 Reece, Mary to Alpheus L. Wright, Sept. 24, Greensboro. R. R. Oct. 1, 1867 Reich, Jane E. to A. F. Pfohl, Sept. 19, Salem. R. R. Sept. 24, 1867 Robbins, Capt. Frank C. of Lexington to Juliet Hargrave, Oct. 31, Lexington. R. R. Nov. 29, 1867 Robertson, Mrs. Nancy to Elder Burwell Temple, Jly. 18, Wake county. R.' R. Jly. 23, 1867 Ryan, S. G. to Mary G. Mason, Dec. 30, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 31, 1867 Sapp, N. W. to Miss S. L. Voss, Sept. 19, Winston. R. R. Oct. 8, 1867 Savage, John H. of Edgecombe county to Sallie A. Downing, Aug. 1, Edgecombe county. R. R. Aug. 16, 1867 Scott, W. L. of Greensboro to Ella Smiles Penn, Je. 24, Henry county, Va. R. R. Jly. 12, 1867 Shepperd, M. Pamela of Salem to Wm. S. Mallory, Aug. 6, Tarboro. R. R. Aug. 16, 1867 Smith, Norfleet of Scotland Neck to Miss M. R. Alexander of Mecklenburg county, Va., Oct. 15, Mecklenburg county, Va. R. R. Nov. 8, 1867 Sowers, Jacob A. to Mrs. Sarah R. Miller, Oct. 23, Salem. R. R. Oct. 29, 1867 Stockton, Wm. D. of Kernersville, Forsyth county to Miss P. L. Kerner, Sept. 3, Kernersville. R. R. Sept. 10, 1867 Stonebanks, Margaret of New York to A. W. Fraps, of Raleigh, Sept. 24, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 4, 1867 Stoner, Capt. Daniel of Chatham county to Mahala Stuart, Dec. 4, Chatham county. R. R. Dec. 17, 1867 Stuart, Mahala of Chatham county to Capt. Daniel Stoner, Dec. 4, Chatham county. R. R. Dec. 17, 1867 Temple, Elder Burwell to Mrs. Nancy Robertson, Jly. 18, Wake county. R. R. Jly. 23, 1867 Thomas, Sallie of Rockingham county to Isaac N. Mills of Grayson county, Va., Aug. 15. R. R. Sept. 17, 1867 Thrash, Laura L. of Buncombe county to Jesse Green, Sept. 1, Buncombe county. R. R. Sept. 1, 1867 Tomlinson, C. R. of Johnston county to Susan D. Wilson, Oct. 15, Wilson's Mill, Johnston county. R. R. Oct. 29, 1867 Tucker, Carrie V. of Franklin to J. P. Massenburg, Oct. 3, Franklinton. R. R. Oct. 22, 1867 Vannoy, Maj. W. W. to Sue E. Crowson, Jly. 7, Wilkesboro. R. R. Aug. 9, 1867 Voss, Miss S. L. to N. W. Sapp, Sept. 19, Winston. R. R. Oct. 8, 1867 Voss, Stephen T. to Frances A. Lynn, Oct. 12, Bruce Cross Roads. R. R. Oct 29, 1867 Warner, Penelope A. of Thomasville to Gideon L. Miller of Winston, Sept 5, Thomasville. R. R. Sept. 17, 1867 Wary, Alec of Phila. to Emma Hayworth of Randolph county, Aug. 21, High Point. R. R. Oct. 22, 1867 Weikel, Christian of Raleigh to Melina Kreth, Sept. 3, Raleigh. R. R. Sept. 6, 1867 Wheeler, Maggie of Roxboro to Capt. R. F. Laswell of Evansville, Indiana, Nov. 17, Roxboro. R. R. Nov. 26, 1867 White, Martha A. to Peter M. Brown, Oct. 17, High Point. R. R. Nov. 29, 1867 White, Mary J. to John F. Payner, Oct. 31, High Point. R. R. Nov. 29, 1867 Wilson, Susan D. of Johnston county to C. R. Tomlinson, Oct. 15, Wilson Mills, Johnston county. R. R. Oct. 29, 1867 Wright, Alpheus L. to Mary Reece, Sept. 24, Greensboro. R. R. Oct. 1, 1867 Wright, William L. to Miss R. J. Davis, Nov. 21, High Point. R. R. Nov.. 29, 1867 Allen, Wm. B. of Wake county to Fannie Daughtry of Isle of Wight, Jan. 31, D. S. Feb. 4, 1867 Alston, Edward of Warren county to Maria A. Davis of Franklin, Feb. 7. D. S. Feb. 12, 1867 Amis, Emily G. to L. N. Nowell, My 15, Raleigh. D. S. My. 18, 1867 Baker, Capt. J. H. of Wilson to Bettie Peterson of Weldon, Feb. 28, Weldon. D. S. Mar. 8, 1867 Battle, Mary E. to Col. John L. Bridgers of Tarboro, Apr. 4. D. S. Apr. 12, 1867 Beckham, Pattie D. to Edward N. Jenkins, Jan. 15, Warren county. D. S. Feb. 4, 1867 Beckham, Sallie H. to R. A. Myrick, Jan. 15, Warren county. D. S. Feb. 4, 1867 Bencine, Annie M. V. to Capt. J. G. McElroy of Lenoir, Caldwell county. Mar. 26, near Salisbury. D. S. Apr. 2, 1867 Birdsong, J. C. of Petersburg, Va. to Ophelia Crocker of Raleigh, My. 8, Raleigh. D. S. My. 10, 1867 Bizzell, Mrs. Sarah J. of Wayne county to Charles Williams, Feb. 7, Wayne county. D. S. Feb. 18, 1867 Boyle, Mary A. of Plymouth to T. E. Darden of Va. Jan 31, Hamilton. D. S. Feb. 23, 1867 Bragg, Nancy to Calvin C. Sigman of Statesville, Jan. 10, Franklinton. D. S. Jan. 12, 1867 Brewer, Capt. S. W. of Chatham county to Cattie Paschal, My. 9, Chatham county. D. S. My. 16, 1867 Bridgers, Col. John L. of Tarboro to Mary E. Battle, Apr. 4. D. S. Apr. 12, 1867 Brown, Jacob T. to Luzena Welch, Mar. 7, High Point. D. S. Mar. 12, 1867 Bryan, Mattie, Jan. 25, Greene county. D. S. Jan. 23, 1867 Callias, Mattie to Thos. H. Stoner, Apr. 4, Fayetteville. D. S. Apr. 13, 1867 Carver, E. A. of Wake county to Corinna Seawell, Apr. 30, Forestville. D. S. My. 11, 1867 Cole, Levi of Orange county to Sallie N. Guess of Johnston county, Dec. 20, Johnston county. D. S. Jan. 4, 1867 Collins, John B. of Granville county to Indiana Georgia Royster of Raleigh, Jan. 8, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 9, 1867 Crews, James to Mrs. Sarah Currin, Mar. 14, Granville county. D. S. Mar. 30, 1867 Crocker, Ophelia of Raleigh to J. C. Birdsong of Petersburg, Va. My. 8, Raleigh. D. S. My. 10, 1867 Culbreth, Ellen of Davidson county to D. G. Wilborn, Mar. 10, Thomasville. D. S. Mar. 12, 1867 Currin, Sarah to James Crews, Mar. 14, Granville county. D. S. Mar. 30, 1 8 67 Darden, T. E. of Va. to Mary A. Boyle of Plymouth, Jan. 31, Hamilton. D. S. Feb. 23, 1867 Daughtrey, Fannie of Isle of Wight to Wm. B. Allen of Wake county, Jan. 31, Isle of Wight. D. S. Feb. 4, 1867 Davis, Maria of Franklin to Edward Alston of Warren county, Feb. 7, D. S. Feb. 12, 1867 Davis, Thos. C. to Lucy N. Wilson, My 28, Wilson's Mills, Johnston county. D. S. My. 31, 1867 Deems, Scotia Anna of this State to John T. White of Norfolk, Va. Jan. 1, Bait. Md. D. S. Feb. 23, 1867 Draughan, James W. of Edgecombe county to Sue S. ITellen, Feb. 12, Thomasville. D. S. Mar. 12, 1867 Everett, James E. to Mrs. Mary E. Harrell, Jan. 24, Gates county. D. S. Feb. 19, 1867 Flemming, Edward L. of Granville county to Fannie L. Hester, Dec. 25. D. S. Mar. 9, 1867 Foreman, C. H. of Norfolk county, Va. to Roxie C. Harris of this State, Apr. 25. D. S. My. 14, 1867 Fowler, Sarah Ann of Beaufort county to Richard Granger, Feb. 5, Washington, Beaufort county. D. S. Feb. 25, 1867 Fox-hall, Edwin D. of Edgecombe county to Mary L. Hargrave, Jan. 1", Tarboro. D. S. Feb. 18, 1867 Frecland, Anna of Alamance county to James Keek, My. 16, Alamance county. D. S. My. 22, 1867 Gibbs, Sallie E. Jones to Wm. P. Hanes of Fulton, My. 8, Davie county. D. S. My. 31, 1867 Glover, Charles of Fayetteville to Eliza Mav Matthews, Apr. 25, Fayetteville. I). S. My. 8, 1867 Godwin, Dr. J. W. B. of Williamston to Margaret A. Young of Portsmouth, Va. My. 29, Portsmouth, Va. D. S. Je. 18, 1867 Goodridge, Kate P. of Norfolk, Va. to Capt. Henry E. Shepherd of Louisburg, Je. 25, Norfolk, Va. D. S. Je. 28, 1867 Granger, Richard of Beaufort county to Sarah Ann Fowler, Feb. 5, Washington, Beaufort county. D. S. Feb. 25, 1867 Graves, Mollie J. of Raleigh to Lieut. C. L. Turner of N. C. Army of Northern, Va. Jan. 16, Richmond, Va. D. S. Feb. 23, 1867 Gregory, Edward S. of Mecklenburg county, Va. to Alice J. Laws of Hillsborough, Mar. 12. D. S. Mar. 23, 1867 Gilbert, Dr. William J. of Wilmington to Sarah Jane McBrvde of Robeson county, Feb. 13. D. S. Feb. 18, 1867 Gilliam, Richard S. of Danville, Va. to Lula M. Moore, Rockingham, Jan. 7. D. S. Jan. 14, 1867 Hamner, Eleanor J. of Davidson county to James K. T. Thomas, Jan. 13 Davidson county. D. S. Jan. 18, 1867 Hanes, Wm. P. of Fulton to Sallie E. Jones Gibbs, My. 8, Davie county. D. S. My. 31, 1867 Hargrave, Mary L. of Edgecombe county to Edwin D. Foxhall, Jan. 13. Tarboro. D. S. Feb. 18, 1867 Harrell, Mrs Mary E to James E Everett, Jan 24, Gates county. D. S. Feb 19, 1867 Harris, Charles S. of Cabarrus county to Lizzie T. Mebane of Alamance county, Dec. 12, Alamance county. D. S. Jan. 3, 1867 Harris, Emma L. to John C. Russell, Jan. 31, Granville county. D. S. Feb. 2, 1867 Harris, Roxie C. of this State to C. H. Foreman of Norfolk county, Va. Apr. 25. D. S. My. 14, 1867 Harriss, Nena W. of Halifax county to Capt. S. Owens of Oxford and Miss. Feb. 14, Halifax county. D. S. Feb. 20, 1867 Hatch, Olin F. to Maggie Lynn, Mar. 25, Greensboro. D. S. Mar. 30, 1867 Hayes, Helen of Memphis to Capt. Francis D. Stockton, Feb. 28, Memphis. D. S. Mar. 22, 1867 Hearne, B. H. to Charlotte E. Moore of Pitt county, Feb. 26, Pitt county. D. S. Mar. 8, 1867 Hellen, Sue S. to James W. Draughan of Edgecombe county, Feb. 12, Thomasville. D. S. Mar. 12, 1867 Hester, Fannie L. of Granville county to Edward L. Flemming, Dec. 25. D. S. Mar. 9, 1867 Hinnant, Sarah J. to W. R. Hood, Feb. 17, Johnston county. D. S. Mar. 30, 1867 Hobgood, Capt. R. H. of Granville county to Mollie S. Maynard, My. 12, Johnston county. D. S. My. 15, 1867 Hood, W. R. to Sarah J. Hmnant, Feb. 17, Johnston county. D. S. Mar. 30, 1867 Howland, Matilda of Newbern to Chas. D. Upchurch, Jan. 4, Newbern. D S. Jan. 8, 1867 Idol, Andrew J. to Miss H. E. Payne, Feb. 28, High Point. D. S. Mar. 12, 1867 Jeffreys, Mrs. Rosa of Raleigh to Rev. W. P. Roe of Chatham county, Mar. 26, Raleigh. D. S. Mar. 27, 1867 Jenkins, Edward N. to Pattie D. Beckham, Jan. 15, Warren county. D. S. Feb. 4, 1867 Joyner, Paulina to Dr. V. O. Thompson of Warren county, Dec. 20, Warren county. I). S. Jan. 14, 1867 Keek, James of Alamance county to Anna Freeland, My. 16, Alamance county. D. S. My. 22, 1867 Lassiter, Thomas of Raleigh to Nannie Young of Wake county, Apr. 18. D. S. Apr. 19, 1867 Laws, Alice .1. of Hillsborough to Edward S. Gregory of Mecklenburg county, Va. Mar. 12. D. S. Mar. 23, 1867 Lilly, Mary Alice to Rose F. Robinson, Apr. 25, Fayetteville. D. S. My. 8, 1867 Lloyd, Maj. W. P. of Tarboro to Laura Pender, Dec. 20, Tarboro. D. S. Feb. 23, 1867 Long, Alice J. to Rev. Wm. C. Wilson of N. C. Conference, My. 21, Greensboro. D. S. My. 31, 1867 Lynn, Maggie to Olin F. Hatch, Mar. 25, Greensboro. D. S. Mar. 30, 1867 McBryde, Sarah Jane of Robeson county to Dr. William J. Gilbert of Wilmington, Feb. 13. D. S. Feb. 18, 1867 McEachin, Mrs. M. Louisa of Marion, S. C. to Rev. William C. Power of S. C. Conference & Charlotte, Mar. 20. D. S. Mar. 26, 1867 McElroy, Capt. J. G. of Lenoir Caldwell county to Annie M. V. Bencine, Mar. 26 near Salisbury. D. S. Apr. 2, 1867 Martin, Sallie M. of Hamptonville, Yadkin county to Willie Wiseman of Davie county, Apr. 2, Hamptonville, Davie county. D. S. Apr. 16, 1867 Matthews, Eliza May of Fayetteville to Charles Glover, Apr. 25, Fayetteville. D. S. My. 8, 1867 Maynard, Mollie S. to Capt. R. H. Hobgood of Granville county, My. 12, Johnston county. D. S. My. 15, 1867 Mebane, Lizzie T. of Alamance county to Charles S. Harris of Cabarrus county, Dec. 12, Alamance county. D. S. Jan. 3, 1867 Mills, Ellen to John Mott, Mar. 25, Raleigh. D. S. Mar. 26, 1867 Moore, Charlotte E. of Pitt county to B. H. Hearne, Feb. 26, Pitt county. D. S. Mar. 8, 1867 Moore, Lula M. of Rockingham to Richard S. Gilliam of Danville, Va. Jan. 7. D. S. Jan. 14, 1867 Mott, John to Ellen Mills, Mar. 25, Raleigh. D. S. Mar. 26, 1867 Murray, Lieut. W. R. to Maggie Weatherly, Mar. 13, Greensboro. D. S. Mar. 30, 1867 Myrick, R. A. to Sallie H. Beckham, Jan. 15, Warren county. D. S. Feb. 4, 1867 Nowell, L. N. to Emily G. Amis, My. 15, Raleigh. D. S. My. 18, 1867 Owens, Capt. S. of Oxford and Miss, to Nena W. Harriss of Halifax county, Feb. 14, Halifax county. D. S. Feb. 20, 1867 Paschal, Cattie of Chatham county to Capt. S. W. Brewer, My. 9, Chatham county. D. S. My. 16, 1867 Payne, Miss H. E. to Andrew J. Idol, Feb. 28, High Point. D. S. Mar. 12, 1867 Pender, Laura of Tarboro to Maj. W. P. Lloyd, Dec. 20, Tarboro. D. S. Feb. 23, 1867 Peterson, Bettie of Weldon to Capt. J. H. Baker of Wilson, Feb. 28, Weldon. D. S. Mar. 8, 1867 Power, Rev. William C. of S. C. Conference & Charlotte to Mrs. M. Louisa McEachin of Marion, S. C. Mar. 20. D. S. Mar. 26, 1867 Rayner, Julia F. to R. W. Thornton of Fayetteville, Apr. 4, Wayne county. D. S. Apr. 13, 1867 Roe, Rev. W. P. of Chatham county to Mrs. Rosa Jeffreys of Raleigh, Mar. 26, Raleigh. D. S. Mar. 27, 1867 Rose, F. Robinson to Mary Alice Lilly, Apr. 25, Fayetteville. D. S. My. 8, 1867 Roseboro, Lucy J. to W. J. Weatherly of Greensboro, Mar. 11, Rowan county. D. S. Mar. 30, 1867 Royster, Indiana Georgia of Raleigh to John B. Collins of Granville county, Jan. 8, Raleigh. D. S. Jan. 9, 1867 Russell, John C. to Emma L. Harris, Jan. 31, Granville county. D- S - Feb. 2, 1867 Seawell, Corinna of Wake county to E A Carver Apr 30, Forestville. D. S. My. 11, 1867 Shepherd, Capt. Henry E. of Louisburg to Kate P. Goodridge of Norfolk, Va. Je. 25, Norfolk, Va. D. S. Je. 28 1867 Sigman, Calvin C. of Statesville to Nancy Bragg Jan. 10, Franklinton. D. S. Jan. 12, 1867 Stockton, Capt. Francis D. of Statesville to Helen Hayes of Memphis, Feb. 28, Memphis. D. S. Mar. 22 1867 Stoner, Thos. H. to Mattie Callias, Apr. 4, Fayetteville. D. S. Apr. 13, 186? Thomas, James K. P. of Davidson county to Eleanor J. Hamner, Jan. 13, Davidson county. D. S. Jan. 18, 1867 Thompson, Dr. V. 0. to Paulina Joyner of Warren county, Dec. 20, Warren county. D. S. Jan. 14, 1867 Thornton, R. W. of Fayetteville to Julia F. Rayner, Apr. 4, Wayne county. D. S. Apr. 13, 1867 Turner, Lieut. C. L. of N. C. Army of Northern Va. to Mollie J. Graves of Raleigh, Jan. 16, Richmond, Va. D. S. Feb. 23, 1867 Upchurch, Chas. D. to Matilda Howland of Newbern, Jan. 4, Newbern. D. S. Jan. 8, 1867 Weatherly, Maggie to Lieut. W. R. Murray, Mar. 13, Greensboro. D. S. Mar. 30, 1867 Weatherly, W. J. of Greensboro to Lucy J. Roseboro, Mar. 11, Rowan county. D. S. Mar. 30, 1867 Weissegar, J. W. to Maty E. Widdifield, Mar. 28, Fayetteville. D. S. Apr. 13, 1867 Welch, Luzena to Jacob T. Brown, Mar. 7, High Point. D. S. Mar. 12, 1867 Widdifield, Maty E. to J. W. Weissegar, Mar. 28, Fayetteville. D. S. Apr. 13, 1867 White, John T. of Norfolk, Va. to Scotia Anna Deems of this State, Jan. 1, Balto., Md. D. S. Feb. 23, 1867 Wilborn, D. G. of Davidson county to Ellen Culbreth, Mar. 10, Thomasville. D. S. Mar. 12, 1867 Williams, Charles of Wayne county to Mrs. Sarah J. Bizzell, Feb. 7, Wayne county. D. S. Feb. 18, 1867 Wilson, Lucy N. to Thos. C. Davis, My. 28, Wilson's Mills, Johnston county. D. S. My. 31, 1867 Wilson, Rev. Wm. C. of N. C. Conference to Alice J. Long, My. 21, Greensboro. D. S. My. 31, 1867 Wiseman, Willie of Davie county to Sallie M. Martin of Hamptonville, Yadkin county, Apr. 2, Hamptonville, Yadkin county. D. S. Apr. 16, 1867 Young, Margaret A. of Portsmouth, Va. to Dr. J. W. B. Godwin of Williamston, My. 29, Portsmouth, Va. D. S. Je. 18, 1867 Young, Nannie of Wake county to Thomas Lassiter of Raleigh, Apr. 18. D. S. Apr. 19, 1867
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