Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Aldrich, Annie F. of Charleston to Robert P. Waring, My. 8, Charlotte. D. S. My. 11, 1866 Alphin, Elizabeth to Isaac N. Benton, My. 26, Gates county. D. S. My. 31, 1866 Alston, James W. to Laura C. Terrell, Mar. 11, Warren county. D. S. Mar. 19, 1866 Andrews, Prof. Lewis W. of Georgia to Fannie M. Ogbum of Greensboro, Je. 21, Greensboro. D. S. Je. 25, 1866 Atkinson, Mary E. to William Richardson, Je. 27, Johnston county. D. S. Je. 30, 1866 Bagley, Major W. H. of Perquimons county to Addie A. Worth, Mar. 1, Raleigh. D. S. Mar. 5, 1866 Bailieff, Robert D. of Havana to Susan G. Gaston of this State, Feb. 12, Edgewater Duchess county, N. Y. D. S. Apr. 10, 1866. Baker, Jas. to Sallie J. Carter of New Hanover county, Mar. 8, Fayetteville. D. S. Apr. 6, 1866 Barham, Mary L. of Louisburg to Jacob A. Heartsfield of Wake county, Je. 6, Louisburg. D. S. Je. 9, 1866 Barrett, Capt. David S. to Mary A. Caldwell, My. 30, Moore county. D. S. Je. 12, 1866 Bartlette, Capt. A. Blackwell of Kentucky to Ross Czella Harriss of Halifax county, Mar. 15, Littleton. D. S. Mar. 23, 1866 Benton, Isaac N. to Elizabeth Alphin, My. 26, Gates county. D. S. My. 31, 1866 Bethel, Hettie E. of Greensboro to Horace N. Snow, Jan. 31, Winston. D. S. Feb. 6, 1866 Blackwell, Nannie E. to John D. Wortham, Apr. 19, Granville county. D. S. Apr. 24, 1866 Blount, Winnie to Willie Graham, Jan. 18, Robeson county. D. S. Jan. 27, 1866 Blount, Dr. Wm. A. of Washington, Beaufort county to Kate L. Masters of Newbern Dec. 20, Washington, Beaufort county. D. S. Jan. 4, 1866 Boon, Adelia of Northampton county to Joseph A. Collier of Greensville, Va-, Mar. 22., Jackson. D. S. Mar. 30, 1866 Bridger, Capt. J. P. of this State to Minnie B. Watson of Charlotte county, Va., Apr. 4. D. S. Apr. 10, 1866 Brown, Annie of Louisburg to Thomas Watson of Warren county, Feb. 20, Louisburg. D. S. Mar. 5, 1866 Brown, Crissie J. of Randolph county to Dr. E. B. King of High Point, Mar. 31, Guilford county. D. S. Je. 16, 1866 Brown, Julia P. of Hillsboro to Capt. L. G. Lynch, Jan. 16, Orange county- D. S. Jan. 29, 1866 Brown, Love G. of Raleigh to Richard Young, Mar. 22, Raleigh. D. S. Mar. 24, 1866 Bryan, Maj. J. C. of Ala. to Willie A. Staton of Edgecombe county, Apr. 5, Edgecombe county. D. S. Apr. 24, 1866 Buffkin, Maj. Malachi of Pasquotank county to Mrs. Margaret I. Messenger, My. 26, Gates county. D. S. My. 31, 1866 Bullock, Mrs. Sarah A. of Granville county to William M. Sneed, Mar. l i Aspen Lawn, Granville county. D. S. Mar. 20, 1866 Burke, Law Lewis D. of Fayetteville to Mary E. Spivey of Nansemond county, Va., My. 10. D. S. My. 16, 1866 Butler, Ransom of Wake county to Cary Ann Tomison, Mar. 29, Falls of the Neuse, Wake county. D. S. Apr. 24, 1866 Caldwell, Mary A. to Capt. David S. Buerett, My. 30, Moore county. D. SJe. 12, 1866 Carlile, James H. of Louisburg to Emma P. F. Jones of St. Louis, Mo., Ja°- 18, Memphis, Tenn. D. S. Feb. 5, 1866 Carter, Archibald G. to Margaret Sterling of Greensboro, Mar. 14. D. SMar. 23, 1866 Carter, Martha P. of Murfreesboro to Lieut. Jno. A. Morgan of Hertford, Perquimons county, My. 5, Murfreesboro. D. S. My. 8, 1866 Carter, Sallie J. of New Hanover county to Jas. Baker, Mar. 8, Fayetteville. D. S. Apr. 6, 1866 Charles, Francis M. to Augusta S. Jones, My. 1, Tarboro. D. S. My. 12, 1866 Charles, Georgia to Rudolphus S. Dashield, Jan. 2, Elizabeth City. D. S. Jan. 24, 1866 Cheek, John to Mrs. M. E. Shemwell, Dec. 21, Orange county. D. S. Jan. 29, 1866 Christopher, C. D. to Valeria King of Raleigh, Feb. 7, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 8, 1866 Clark, Ella of Halifax to John T. Gregory (formerly Adj. 12th N. C. Infantry), My. 9. D. S. My. 19, 1866 Clark, Walter of Newbern to Augustus E. Simmons, Apr. 3, Thomasville. D. S. Apr. 14, 1866 Cole, Victoria of Raleigh to C. D. Parker of Goldsboro, My. 28, Raleigh. D. S. My. 30, 1866 Collier, Joseph A. of Greensville, Va. to Adelia Boon of Northampton county, Mar. 22, Jackson. D. S. Mar. 30, 1866 Costin, Isabel to Fred G. Robinson, Je. 13, Wilmington. D. S. Je. 21, 1866 Cotten, Robt. R. of Tarboro to Sally S. Southall of Murfreesboro, Mar. 13, Murfreesboro. D. S. Mar. 20, 1866 Cowand, Col. D. G. of Washington county to Jane J. Jones, Apr. 4, Henderson. D. S. Apr. 13, 1866 Cozart, Lucy A. to Nathan H. Pipen, My. 23, Granville county. D. S. Je. 2, 1866 Crafton, Bedford A. to Mollie Simpson of Rockingham, Feb. 20, Rockingham. D. S. Mar. 3, 1866 Cunningham, Kate to N. S. Richardson of Moseley Hall, Je. 21, Greene county. D. S. Je. 23, 1866 Daniel, Lizzie of Halifax county to Tom Holeman, Jr., of Shelby county, Tenn., Feb. 14, Halifax county. D. S. Feb. 16, 1866 Dashield, Rudolphus S. to Georgia Charles, Jan. 2, Elizabeth City. D. S. Jan. 24, 1866 Davis, Alice O. of Mecklenburg county to Major William M. Smith of Tenn., Apr. 12. D. S. Apr. 17, 1866 Davis, J. Henry of Carteret county to Sarah Gibbs, My. 24, Beaufort. D. S. My. 29, 1866 Davis, Louisa J. of New Orleans, La. to W. J. Ramsay of this State, Jan. 10, Brooklyn, N. Y. D. S. Jan. 19, 1866 Ellington, Wm. E. of Rockingham county to Martha A. Thomas of Greensboro and Louisburg, Jan. 24, Greensboro. D. S. Jan. 27, 1866 Ellis, Ann L. to J. C. Young, Feb. 11, Franklinton. D. S. Feb. 16, 1866 Faulcon, Mary Ellen to Peter R. Hines, Jr., Apr. 30, Littleton. D. S. My. 7, 1866 Field, Mrs. Bettie Mason of Warren county to Col. H. L. Hopkins of Petersburg, Va. D. S. Apr. 6, 1866 Frazer, Lieut. F. C. to Sophia Eugenia Coltrane, Jan. 18, Randolph county. D. S. Jan. 26, 1866 Freeman, Mrs. Rixy to Ferdinand Kuester of Raleigh, My. 10, Clayton, Johnston county. D. S. My. 14, 1866 Freeman, Virginius of Norfolk, Va. to Sophia Palmer of Goldsboro, Mar. 15, Goldsboro, D. S. Mar. 24, 1866 French, Maggie G. of Wilmington to Rev. G. S. Jones of Hendersonville, Apr. 3, Wilmington. D. S. Apr. 10, 1866 French, Willie R. to Eliza McLauchlin of Columbia, S. C, Feb. 21, Floral College. D. S. Feb. 27, 1866 Fuller, Adelia of Fayetteville to Thos. J. Wood, M.D., Feb. 21, Lumberton. D. S. Feb. 27, 1866 Fuller, Daniel C. of Franklin county to Sarah Williams, Feb. 1, Warren county. D. S. Mar. 6, 1866 Gardner, Lucintha to Willie Jones of Wake county, My. 31, Raleigh. D. S. Je. 2, 1866 Garrard, Lucy L. to Alsey M. Leathers, Dec. 12, Orange county. D. S. Jan. 29, 1866 Gary, Susan A. of Northampton county to Wm. H. Harris of Norfolk, Va., Dec. 21, D. S. Jan. 4, 1866 Gaston, Susan G. of this State to Robert D. Bailieff of Havana, Feb. 12, Edgewater, Duchess county, N. Y. D. S. Apr. 10, 1866 Gayle, Annie S. of Norfolk county, Va. to Major Kemp Plummer late C S A of Warren county, Je. 14. Portsmouth, Va. D. S. Je. 21, 1866 Gibbs, Laura D. of Carteret county to Isaac E. Ramsay, My. 24, Beaufort. D. S. My. 29, 1866 Gibbs, Sarah of Carteret county to J. Henry Davis, My. 24, Beaufort. D. S. My. 29, 1866 Goodloe, Lewis D. of Warrenton to Mrs. Annie V. Lemay of Raleigh, Apr. 26, Raleigh. D. S. My. 2, 1866 Graham, Harriet N. to Alex McDougald, M.D. of Richmond, Va., Mar. 13, Robeson county. D. S. Mar. 30, 1866 Graham, Willie to Winnie Blount, Jan. 18, Robeson county. D. S. Jan. 27, 1866 Gregory, John T. of Halifax formerly Adjutant 12th N. C. Infantry to Ella Clark, My. 9. D. S. My. 19, 1866 Green, Mollie C. to Dr. George L. Kirby, Je. 7, Goldsboro. D. S. Je. 16, 1866 Griffis, Candis of Wake county to Jeptha Lassiter, Apr. 12, Falls of Neuse, Wake county. D. S. Apr. 25, 1866 Haigh, Sallie C. to Joseph B. Underwood, Jan. 25, Fayetteville. D. S. Feb. 3, 1866 Harbour, Pattie to Capt. Benj. F. White of the 6th N. C. Infantry, Je. 14, Alamance county. D. S. Je. 21, 1866 Harris, Wm. H. of Norfolk, Va., to Susan A. Gary, of Northampton county, Dec. 21. D. S. Jan. 4, 1866 Harriss, Rosa Czella of Halifax county to Capt. A. Blackwell Bartlette of Kentucky, Mar. 15, Littleton. D. S. Mar. 23, 1866 Harriss, Rev. Stephen A. of Davie county to Rachel Mendenhall of Guilford county, Jan. 2, D. S. Jan. 26, 1866 Hasory, L. of Kinston to Mary A. Yorke of Concord, My. 22, Concord. D- & Je. 2, 1866 Haswell, Thomas N. of Granville county to Susan E. Pearce, Dec. 1®' Franklin county. D. S. Jan. 10, 1866 Hayes, James to Mary J. Newman, Feb. 15, Warren county. D. S. Mar. 6, 1866 Heartsfield, Jacob A. of Wake county to Mary L. Barham of Louisburg', Je. 6, Louisburg. D. S. Je. 9, 1866 Heflin, Emma of this State to Daniel W. Rencher of Alabama, Je. 14, Granville county. D. S. Je. 18, 1866 Henson, Capt. J. M. to Mrs. Jane Wilson, Je. 26, Raleigh. D. S. Je. 27, 1866 Hepler, R. K. P. of Davidson county to Sally Moore, Apr. 26, Davidson county. D. S. My. 2, 1866 Hiatt, Annie E. of Greensboro to John Rossiter of Newbern, My. 16. D. S. My. 19, 1866 Higgens, Georgia of Newbern to Thomas A. Woodley of Kinston, Mar. 28, Boon Hill, Johnston county. D. S. Mar. 31, 1866 Hill, Dr. William G. of Raleigh to Rachel P. Jones, Mar. 29, Raleigh. D. S. Mar. 30, 1866 Hines, Peter R., Jr. to Mary Ellen Faulcon, Apr. 30, Littleton. D. S. My. 7, 1866 Holden, Richard of Franklin county to Margaret J. Kearney of Warren county, Jan. 4, near Fayetteville. D. S. Jan. 10, 1866 Holeman, Tom, Jr. of Shelby county, Tenn. to Lizzie Daniel of Halifax county, Feb. 14, Halifax county. D. S. Feb. 16, 1866 Hollingsworth, B. F. to Mattie Sunday, Jan. 10, Fayetteville. D. S. Feb. 3, 1866 Holloman, Miss A. M. of Harnett county to Simeon Smith af Raleigh, Feb. 18, Harnett county. D. S. Feb. 24, 1866 Holmes, Sarah J. of Granville county to Joseph Prety, Dec. 24, Granville county. D. S. Jan. 10, 1866 Hopkins, Col. H. L. of Petersburg, Va. to Mrs. Bettie Mason Field of Warren county. D. S. Apr. 6, 1866 Houston, Robt. M. to Mary F. Wood of Wilmington, Feb. 22, Lumberton. D. S. Feb. 27, 1866 Howard, A. B. of Iredell county to Isabella McRorie, Je. 20, Statesville. D. S. Je. 21, 1866 Hudgins, R. W. of Middlesex county, Va. to Mary E. Parker of Lenoir county, Jan. 24. D. S. Feb. 6, 1866 Hunter, Henry B., Jr. to Emma T. Jones of Warren county, Je. 27. D. S. Je. 29, 1866 Ivey, Capt. John R. to Sallie Turner, My. 1, Rocky Mount, Edgecombe county. D. S. My. 8, 1866 Jennings, Minerva Louise to Daniel A. Williams, Jan. 25, Norfolk county, Va. D. S. Feb. 3, 1866 Jones, Augusta S. to Francis M. Charles, My. 1, Tarboro. D. S. My. 12, 1866 Jones, Emma T. to Henry B. Hunter, Jr. of Warren county, Je. 27. D. S. Je. 29, 1866 Jones, Emma P. F. of St. Louis, Mo. to James H. Carlile of Louisburg, Jan. 18, Memphis, Tenn. D. S. Feb. 5, 1866 Jones, Rev. G. S. of Hendersonville to Maggie G. French of Wilmington, Apr. 3, Wilmington. D. S. Apr. 10, 1866 Jones, George of Goldsboro to Sallie B. Richards of Washington, Mar. 20, Washington, Beaufort county. D. S. Mar. 29, 1866 Jones, Jane J. of Henderson to Col. D. G. Cowand of Washington county, Apr. 4, Henderson. D. S. Apr. 13, 1866 Jones, Rachel P. to Dr. William G. Hill of Raleigh, Mar. 29, Raleigh. D. S. Mar. 30, 1866 Jones, Willie to Lucintha Gardner of Wake county, My. 31, Raleigh. D. S. Je. 2, 1866 Jordan, Alice P. of Sunsbury, Gates county to Capt. John T. West of Norfolk county, Va., Apr. 26, Sunsbury, Gates county. D. S. My. 2, 1866 Kearney, Margaret J. of Warren county to Richard Holden of Franklin county, Jan. 4 near Franklinton. D. S. Jan. 10, 1866 King, Dr. E. B. of High Point to Chrissie J. Brown of Randolph county, Mar. 31, Guilford county. D. S. Je. 16, 1866 King, Valeria to C. D. Christopher of Raleigh, Feb. 7, Raleigh. D. S. Feb. 8, 1866 Kirby, Dr. George L. to Mollie C. Green, Je. 7, Goldsboro. D. S. Je. 16, 1866 Kuester, Ferdinand of Raleigh to Mrs. Rixy Freeman, My. 10, Clayton, Johnston county. D. S. My. 14, 1866 Lassiter, Jeptha of Wake county to Candis Griffin, Apr. 12, Falls of Neuse, Wake county. D. S. Apr. 25, 1866 Leathers, Alsey M. to Lucy L. Garrard, Dec. 12, Orange county. D. S. Jan. 29, 1866 Lemay, Mrs. Annie V. of Raleigh to Lewis D. Goodloe of Warrenton, Apr. 26, Raleigh. D. S. My. 2, 1866 Loftin, Martha E. of Davidson county to Capt. J. E. Sumner, Mar. 16, Thomasville. D. S. Mar. 19, 1866 Lowe, William B. of Springfield, Tenn. to Sue P. Stevens of Kentucky, My- D. S. Je. 11, 1866 Lynch, Capt. L. G. of Hillsboro to Julia P. Brown, Jan. 16, Orange county- D. S. Jan. 29, 1866 McDougald, Alex M. D. of Richmond, Va. to Harriet N. Graham, Mar. 13, Robeson county. D. S. Mar. 30, 1866 McLauchlin, Eliza of Columbia, S. C. to Willie R. French, Feb. 21, Floral College. D. S. Feb. 27, 1866 McNair, Elizabeth A. to Alex McRae, Jr., Apr. 18, Marion District, S. C. D. S. Apr. 24, 1866 McRae, Alex, Jr. to Elizabeth A. McNair, Apr. 18, Marion District, S. G D. S. Apr. 24, 1866 McRorie, Isabella to A. B. Howard of Iredell county, Je. 20, Statesville. D. S. Je. 21, 1866 Mahone, James H. of Charlottesville, Va. to Martha A. Rowland, My. 1?> near Henderson, Granville county. D. S. My. 23, 1866 Mahone, J. T. to Julia M. Wheeler, Nov. 20, Murfreesboro. D. S. Jan. 24, 1866 Masters, Kate L. of Newbern to Dr. W. A. Blount of Washington, Beaufort county, Dec. 20, Washington, Beaufort county. D. S. Jan. 4, 1866 Mendenhall, Rachel of Guilford county to Rev. Stephen A. Harriss of Davie county. D. S. Jan. 26, 1866 Messenger, Mrs. Margaret I. to Maj. Malachi Buffkin of Pasquotank county, My. 26, Gates county. D. S. My. 31, 1866 Morgan, Lieut. Jno. A. of Hertford, Pequimons county to Martha P. Carter of Murfreesboro, My. 5, Murfreesboro. D. S. My. 8, 1866 Moore, Francis M. to Lou J. Wright, Mar. 21, Pittsboro. D. S. Apr. 2, 18*6 Moore, Sally of Davidson county to R. K. P. Hepler, Apr. 26, Davidson county. D. S. My. 2, 1866 Moore, Samuel S. of Person county to Bettie A. Stanford of Orange county, Jan. 24, Oaks, Orange county. D. S. Jan. 26, 1866 Murphy, Louisa E. to Charles J. Williams, Feb. 27, Wilmington. D. S. Mar. 20, 1866 Newman, Mary J. to James Hayes, Feb. 15, Warren county. D. S. Mar. 6, 1866 Newsom, David R. to Sallie M. Thompson of Raleigh, My. 10, Raleigh. D. S. My. 12, 1866 Nichols, Emma M. to Evans Turner, Jan. 22, Orange county. D. S. Jan. 26, 1866 Nixon, Laura of Wilmington to Wm. L. Pitts, My. 16, Wilmington. D. S. My. 21, 1866 Nobles, Ellen J. to Charles W. Thomas of Louisburg, My. 16, Louisburg. D. S. My. 19, 1866 Northan, Emma E. of Smithfield to Dr. J. G. Rose, Feb., Smithfield. D. S. Feb. 5, 1866 Ogburn, Fannie M. of Greensboro to Prof. Lewis W. Andrews of Georgia, Je. 21, Greensboro. D. S. Je. 25, 1866 * Palmer, Isabella C. to Capt. G. W. Wilcox of Moore county, Jan. 31, Chatham county. D. S. Feb. 13, 1866 Palmer, Sophia of Goldsboro to Virginius Freeman of Norfolk, Va., Mar. 15, Goldsboro. D. S. Mar. 24, 1866 Parker, C. D. of Goldsboro to Victoria Cole of Raleigh, My. 28, Raleigh. D. S. My. 30, 1866 Parker, Capt. George T. of Gates county to Eunice Catherine Riddick of Nansemond county, Va., Dec. 21. D. S. Jan. 4, 1866 Parker, Mary E. of Lenoir county to R. W. Hudgins of Middlesex county, Va., Jan. 24. D. S. Feb. 6, 1866 Pearce, Susan E. to Thomas N. Haswell of Granville county, Dec. 10, Franklin county. D. S. Jan. 10, 1866 Penny, Roxanna of Wake county to Parris Yates, Jan. 30. D. S. Feb. 1, 1866 Pipen, Nathan H. to Lucy A. Cozart, My. 23, Granville county. D. S. Je. 2, 1866 Pitts, Wm. L. of Wilmington to Laura Nixon, My. 16, Wilmington. D. S. My. 21, 1866 Plummer, Major Kemp (late C S A) of Warren county to Annie S. Gayle of Norfolk county, Va., Je. 14, Portsmouth, Va. D. S. Je. 21, 1866 Poisson, Capt. John J. to Sallie Olivia Webb, Jan. 17, Rockingham. D. S. Jan. 24, 1866 Pool, William C. of Elizabeth City to Mary E. Stewart of Warren county, My. 30, near Warrenton. D. S. Je. 5, 1866 Prarie, Joseph to Amelia Scott, My. 10, Raleigh. D. S. My. 14, 1866 Prety, Joseph to Sarah J. Holmes of Granville county, Dec. 24, Granville county. D. S. Jan. 10, 1866 Ramsay, W. J. of this State to Louisa J. Davis of New Orleans, La., Jan. 10, Brooklyn, N. Y . D. S. Jan. 19, 1866 Ramsay, Isaac E. of Carteret county to Laura D. Gibbs, My. 24, Beaufort. D. S. My. 29, 1866 Rencher, Daniel W. of Alabama to Emma Heflin of this State. Je. 14, Granville county. D. S. Je. 18, 1866 Repiton, A. Paul of Wilmington to Maggie Stuart of Norfolk, Va., Apr. 24, Norfolk city, Va. D. S. Apr. 28, 1866 Richards, Sallie B. of Washington to George Jones of Goldsboro, Mar. 20, Washington, Beaufort county. D. S. Mar. 29, 1866 Richardson, N. S. of Moseley Hall to Kate Cunningham, Je. 21, Greene county. D. S. Je. 23, 1866 Richardson, William to Mary E. Atkinson, Je. 27, Johnston county. D. S. Je. 30, 1866 Riddick, Eunice Catherine of Nansemond county, Va. to Capt. George T. Parker of Gates county, Dec. 21. D. S. Jan. 4, 1866 Roane, Letitia L. of King and Queen county, Va. to Col. Charles E. Shober of Greensboro, Je. 21, Richmond, Va. D. S. Je. 27, 1866 Robinson, Fred G. to Isabel Costin, Je. 13, Wilmington. D. S. Je. 21, 1866 Rose, Dr J. G. of Smithfield to Emma Northan, Feb., Smithfield. D. S. Feb. 5, 1866 Rossiter, John of Newbern to Annie E. Hiatt of Greensboro, My. 16. D. S. My. 19, 1866 Rowland, Martha A. to James H. Mahone of Charlottesville, Va., My. 17, near Henderson, Granville county. D. S. My. 23, 1866 Scott, Amelia to Joseph Prarie, My. 10, Raleigh. D. S. My. 14, 1866 Shelly, Miss A. E. to P. C. Thomas, Feb. 8, Thomasville. D. S. Feb. 13, 1866 Shemwell, Mrs. M. E. to John Cheek, Dec. 21, Orange county. D. S. Jan. 29, 1866 Shober, Col. Charles E. of Greensboro to Letitia L. Roane of King and Queen county, Va., Je. 21, Richmond, Va. D. S. Je. 27, 1866 Simpson, Mollie of Rockingham to Bedford A. Crafton, Feb. 20, Rockingham. D. S. Mar. 3, 1866 Simmons, Augustus E. to Walter Clark of Newbern, Apr. 3, Thomasville- D. S. Apr. 14, 1866 Smith, Simeon of Raleigh to Miss A. M. Holloman of Harnett county, Feb. 18, Harnett county. D. S. Feb. 24, 1866 Smith, Major William M. of Tenn. to Alice O. Davis of Mecklenburg county> Apr. 12. D. S. Apr. 17, 1866 Sneed, William M. of Granville county to Mrs. Sarah A. Bullock, Mar. 14> Aspen Lawn, Granville county. D. S. Mar. 20, 1866 Snow, Horace N. of Greensboro to Hettie E. Bethel of Greensboro, Jan. 31. Winston. D. S. Feb. 6, 1866 Spivey, Mary E. of Nansemond county, Va. to Lewis D. Low Burke of Fayetteville, My. 10. D. S. My. 16,1866 Staton, Willie A. of Edgecombe county to Maj. J. C. Bryan of Ala., Apr. 6i Edgecombe county. D. S. Apr. 24, 1866 Stanford, Bettie A. of Orange county to Samuel S. Moore of Person county, Jan. 24, Oaks, Orange county. D. S. Jan. 26, 1866 Stedman, Major Charles M. of Fayetteville to Kate DeR. Wright of Wilmington, Jan. 8, Pittsborough. D. S. Jan. 19, 1866 Sterling, Margaret of Greensboro to Archibald G. Carter, Mar. 14. D. & Mar. 23,1866 Stevens, Emma of Raleigh to Wesley Whitaker, Je. 28, Raleigh. D. S. Je. 29, 1866 Stevens, Sue P. of Kentucky to William B. Lowe of Springfield, Tenn., My. D. S. Je. 11, 1866 Stewart, Mary E. of Warren county to William C. Pool of Elizabeth City, My. 30, near Warrenton. D. S. Je. 5, 1866 Stuart, Maggie of Norfolk to A. Paul Repition of Wilmington, Apr. 24, Norfolk City, Va. D. S. Apr. 28, 1866 Sumner, Capt. J. E. of Davidson county to Martha E. Loften, Mar. 16, Thomasville. D. S. Mar. 19, 1866 Sunday, Mattie to B. F. Hollingsworth, Jan. 10, Fayetteville D. S. Feb. 3, 1866 Thomas, Charles W. to Ellen J. Nobles of Louisburg, My. 16, Louisburg. D. S. My. 19, 1866 Thomas, Martha A. of Greensboro and Louisburg to Wm. E. Ellington of Rockingham county, Jan. 24, Greensboro. D. S. Jan. 27, 1866 Thomas, P. C. to Miss A. E. Shelby, Feb. 8, Thomasville. D. S. Feb. 13, 1866 Thompson, George A. of Fayetteville to Laura E. Walker of Louisburg, My. 1. D. S. My. 4, 1866 Thompson, Sallie M. to David R. Newsom of Raleigh, My. 10, Raleigh. D. S. My. 12, 1866 Tomison, Cary Ann of Wake county to Butler Ransom, Mar. 29, Falls of Neuse, Wake county. D. S. Apr. 24, 1866 Turner, Evans to Emma M. Nichols, Jan. 22, Orange county. D. S. Jan. 26, 1866 Turner, Sallie to Capt. John R. Ivey, My. 1, Rocky Mount, Edgecombe county. D. S. My. 8, 1866 Underwood, Joseph B. to Sallie C. Haigh, Jan. 25, Fayetteville. D. S. Feb. 3, 1866 Vest, Pattie G. of Williamsburg. Va. to Dr. L. P. Warren of Edenton, Apr. 4, Williamsburg, Va. D. S. Apr. 17, 1866 Walker, Laura E. of Louisburg to George A. Thompson of Fayetteville, My. 1. D. S. My. 4, 1866 Waring, Robert P. to Annie F. Aldrich of Charleston, S. C , My. 8, Charlotte. D. S. My. 11, 1866 Warren, Dr. L. P. of Edenton to Pattie G. Vest of Williamsburg, Va., Apr. 4, Williamsburg, Va. D. S. Apr. 17, 1866 Watson, Minnie B. of Charlotte county, Va. to Capt. J. P. Bridger of this State, Apr. 4. D. S. Apr. 10, 1866 Watson, Thomas of Warren county to Annie Brown of Louisburg, Feb. 20, Louisburg. D. S. Mar. 5, 1866 Webb, Sallie Olivia to Capt. John J. Poisson, Jan. 17, Rockingham. D. S. Jan. 24, 1866 West, Capt. John T. of Norfolk county, Va. to Alice P. Jordan of Sunsbury, Gates county, Apr. 26, Sunsbury, Gates county. D. S. My. 2, 1866 Wheeler, Julia M. to J. T. Mahone, Nov. 20, Murfreesboro. D. S. Jan. 24, 1866 Whitaker, Wesley, Jr. of Raleigh to Emma Stevens, Je. 28, Raleigh. D. S. Je. 29, 1866 White, Capt. Benj. F. of the 6th N. C. Infantry to Pattie Harbour, Je. 14, Alamance county. D. S. Je. 21, 1866 Wilcox, Capt. G. W. of Moore county to Isabella C. Palmer, Jan. 31, Chatham county. D. S. Feb. 13, 1866 Williams, Charles J. to Louisa E. Murphy, Feb. 27, Wilmington. D. S. Mar. 20, 1866 Williams, Daniel A. to Minerva Louise Jennings, Jan. 25, Norfolk county, Va. D. S. Feb. 3, 1866 Williams, Sarah of Franklin county to Daniel C. Fuller, Feb. 1, Warren county. D. S. Mar. 6. 1866 Wilson, Mrs. Jane to Capt. J. M. Henson, Je. 26, Raleigh. D. S. Je. 27, 1866 Wood, Mary F. of Wilmington to Robt. M. Houston, Feb. 22, Luniberton. D. S. Feb. 27, 1866 Wood, Thos. F., M.D. to Adelia Fuller of Fayetteville, Feb. 21, Lumberton. D. S. Feb. 27, 1866 Woodley, Thomas A. of Kinston to Georgia Higgens of Newbern, Mar. 28, Boon Hill, Johnston county. D. S. Mar. 31, 1866 Worth, Addie A. to Major W. H. Bagley of Perquimons county, Mar. 1, Raleigh. D. S. Mar. 5, 1866 Wortham, John D. to Nannie E. Blackwell, Apr. 19, Granville county. D. S. Apr. 24, 1866 Wright, Kate DeR. of Wilmington to Major Charles M. Stedman of Fayetteville, Jan. 8, Pittsborough. D. S. Jan. 19, 1866 Wright, Lou J. to Francie M. Moore, Mar. 21, Pittsboro. D. S. Apr. 2, 1866 Yates, Parris of Wake county to Roxanna Penny, Jan. 30. D. S. Feb. 1, 1866 Yorke, Mary A. of Concord to L. Hasory of Kinston, My. 22, Concord. D. S. Je. 2, 1866 Young, J. C. to Ann L. Ellis, Feb. 11, Franklinton. D. S. Feb. 16, 1866 Young, Richard to Love G. Brown of Raleigh, Mar. 22, Raleigh. D. S. Mar. 24, 1866
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