Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Adams, Len H. of Wake county to Sagne H . Mitchener, Nov. 30, Raleigh. D . S. Dec. 6, 1865 Adams, Lynn of Raleigh to Sarah P. Williams of Wake county, Nov. 15, Raleigh. D. S. Dec. 6, 1865 Anderson, T. J. of Raleigh & Gaston R. R. to Eugenia A. Whitfield, Dec. 12, Weldon, Halifax county. D . S. Dec. 15, 1865 Atkins, Gen. Smith of Freeport, 111. to Eleanor H . Swain of Chapel Hill, Aug. 23, Chapel Hill. D . S. Sept. 2, 1865 Bagwell, A. S. to Susan Hood, Nov. 9, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 11, 1865 Bradsher, Corbinna to John P. Cannady of Granville county, Oct. 15, Person county. D. S. Oct. 27, 1865 Bridgers, Mary P. of Wake county to T . H . Peoples, Dec. 27. D. S. Dec. 30, 1865 Brockwell, Emma J. to Wm. M. Waterbury of Fayetteville, Sept. 12, Prince George county, Va. D. S. Sept. 15, 1865 Burkhead, Fannie M. to James E. Walker, Sept. 21, Randolph county. D. S. Oct. 9, 1865 Burroughs, Wm. L. to Mrs. Rebecca W. Turner, Oct. 18, Granville county. D. S. Dec. 11, 1865 Cannady, John P. of Granville county to Corbinna Bradsher, Oct. 15, Person county. D. S. Oct. 27, 1865 Chadwick, Mrs. Louisa to Thomas Perry Chadwick, Oct. 24, Carteret county. D. S. Nov. 23, 1865 Chadwick, Thomas Perry to Mrs. Louisa Chadwick, Oct. 24, Carteret county. D. S. Nov. 23, 1865 Charlotte, George W. of Newbern to Maggie W. Manson of Beaufort, Nov. 30. D. S. Dec. 11, 1865 Collins, Fannie R. to George Wright, Dec. 6, Granville county. D. S. Dec. 12, 1865 Cramer, Lieut. Jno. T. of Ohio to Jennie Thomas of Thomasville, Nov. 30. D. S. Dec. 9, 1865 Cross, Rev. W., D. D. of the N. C. Conference to Mrs. Margaret C. Patterson of Louisburg.Dec. 14. D. S. Dec. 15, 1865 Davis, Missouri A. of Halifax, Va. to Jordan Tyson, Jr. of Chatham county, Aug. 2, Fayetteville. D. S. Sept. 6, 1865 Egerton, Jas. J. of Warren to Virginia C. Landis of Oxford, Dec. 6, Oxford. D. S. Dec. 11, 1865 Ellington, Frances R. to Capt. Michael W. Paschall, Dec. 19, Warren county. D. S. Dec. 28, 1865 Exum, Fannie E. of Wilson to Zcno H. Greene of Wilmington, Dec. 13, Wilson. D. S. Dec. 29, 18G5 Finch, Martha E. to W. T . Hodge of Wake County, Sept. 21, Raleigh. D. S. Sept. 22, 1865 Gilbert, Susan E. of Raleigh to Capt. Albert Mangum of Phila., Aug. 15, Raleigh. D. S. Aug. 19, 1865 Gorman, Laura S. to James C. King, Nov. 14, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 16, 1865 Green, Sarah A. of Orange county to Lemuel M. Yearby of Wake county, Nov. 28. D. S. Dec. 9, 1865 Greene, Zeno H. of Wilmington to Fannie E. Exum of Wilson, Dec. 13, Wilson. D. S. Dec. 29, 1865 Grist, Allen, Jr. of Washington to Nannie Holiday, Nov. 22, Enfield. D. S. Dec. 9, 1865 Gulley, Nannie of Clayton to Rufus W. Smith of Raleigh, Aug. 12, Clayton, Johnston county. D. S. Sept. 16, 1865 Hardie, Pickney to Mollie Price, Nov. 8, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 11, 1865 Hicks, Martaa A. to Jno. F. King, Aug. 23, Warren county. D. S. Aug. 26, 1865 High, Mrs. Mary of Raleigh to Lewis Vorhuf of Germany, Nov. 19. D. S. Dec. 6, 1865 Holiday, Nannie to Allen Grist, Jr. of Washington, Nov. 22, Enfield. D. S. Dec. 9, 1865 Hood, Susan to A. S. Bagwell, Nov. 9, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 11, 1865 Hurse, Mary Ann of Wake county to Thomas Miller of Australia, Nov. 5. D. S. Dec. 6, 1865 Hutchinson, Dr. E. Nye of Charlotte to Bettie C. Jenkins of Salisbury, Jly. 26. D. S. Aug. 15, 1865 Jenkins, Bettie C. of Salisbury to Dr. E. Nye Hutchinson, of Charlotte, Jly. 26. D. S. Aug. 15, 1865 Jenkins, Wm. H. P. to Lou Kearney, Oct. 18, Granville county. D. S. Oct. 19, 1865 Johnson, Chas. L. of Illinois to Amanda C. King of Raleigh, Oct. 4, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 5, 1865 Kearney, Lou to Wm. H. P. Jenkins, Oct. 18, Granville county. D. S. Oct. 19, 1865 King, Amanda C. of Raleigh to Chas. L. Johnson of Illinois, Oct. 4, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 5, 1865 King, James C. to Laura F. Gorman, Nov. 14, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 16, 1865 King, Jno. F. to Martaa A. Hicks, Aug. 23, Warren county. D. S. Aug. 26, 1865 King, Mrs. Mary Ann to Tolbert Ligon, Nov. 14, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 16, 1865 Kirkman, Miss M. L. to Maj. W. H. Martin, Nov. 16, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 18, 1865 Landis, Virginia C. of Oxford to Jos. J. Edgerton of Warren, Dec. 6, Oxford. D. S. Dec. 11, 1865 Lemay, Octavia L. of Raleigh to Alex A. Sledge of Texas, Dec. 20, Wake county. D. S. Dec. 23, 1865 Ligon, Tolbert to Mrs. Mary Ann King, Nov. 14, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 16,1865 McRae, Col. John of Fayetteville to Mrs. Martha McRae of Richmond county, Aug. 23, Mangum. D. S. Sept. 11, 1865 McRae, Mrs. Martha of Richmond county to Col. John McRae of Fayetteville, Aug. 23, Mangum. D. S. Sept. 11, 1865 Magnin, Capt. Albert of Phila. to Susan E. Gilbert of Raleigh, Aug. 15, Raleigh. D. S. Aug. 19, 1865 Marsh, Mary M. of Fayetteville to Benj. F. Reeves of Chatham county, Aug. 2, Fayetteville. D. S. Sept. 6, 1865 Martin, Maj. W. H. to Miss M. L. Kirkham, Nov. 16, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 18, 1865 Mauson, Maggie W. of Beaufort to George W. Charlotte of Newbern, Nov. 30. D. S. Dec. l l , 1865 Miller, Thomas of Australia to Mary Ann Hurse of Wake county, Nov. 5. D. S. Dec. 6, 1865 Mitchener, Sagne H. of Wake county to Len H. Adams, Nov. 30, Raleigh. D. S. Dec. 6, 1865 Montague, Marietta to George Tnoffski, Nov. 21, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 23, 1865 Moore, Rev. William H. of N. C. Conference to Josephine Redding of Beaufort county, Nov. 16, Beaufort. D. S. Nov. 27, 1865 Newberby, Charlotte of Washington county to Jeremiah Read, Dec. 5. D. S. Dec. 28, 1865 Paschall, Emily T. of Franklin county to Allen P. Tharrington, Dec. 21. D. S. Dec. 28, 1865 Paschall, Capt. Michael W. to Francis R. Ellington, Dec. 19, Warren county. D. S. Dec. 28, 1865 Patterson, Mrs. Margaret C. of Louisburg to Rev. W. Cross, D.D. of the N. C. Conference, Dec. 14. D. S. Dec. 15, 1865 Peoples, T. H. of Wake county to Mary P. Bridgers, Dec. 27. D. S. Dec. 30, 1865 Price, Mollie to Pickney Hardie, Nov. 8, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 11, 1865 Primrose, John W. to Mary S. Twitty, Nov. 14, Warren county. D. S. Nov. 18, 1865 Redding, Josephine of Beaufort county to Rev. William H. Moore of N. C. Conference, Nov. 16, Beaufort county. D. S. Nov. 27, 1865 Reed, Jeremiah of Washington county to Charlotte Newberby, Dec. 5. D. S. Dec. 28, 1865 Reeves, Benj. F. of Chatham county to Mary M. Marsh of Fayetteville, Aug- 2, Fayetteville. D. S. Sept. 6, 1865 Sledge, Alex A. of Texas to Octavia L. Lemay of Raleigh, Dec. 20, Wake county. D. S. Dec. 23, 1865 Smith, Rufus W. of Raleigh to Nannie Gulley of Clayton, Aug. 12, Clayton, Johnston county. D. S. Sept. 16, 1865 Smith, S. A. of Raleigh to Maggie Wood of Virginia, Nov. 30. D. S. Dec. 6, 1865 Snelling, W. N. of Wake county to Amelia A. Whitaker, Oct. 11, Raleigh- D. S. Oct. 19, 1865 Stephens, Eleanor p. of Newark, N. J. to George Washington of Kinston, Nov. 28, Highlands of Navesink. D. S. Dec. 2, 1865 Swafford, John R. of Randolph county to Eliza Ann Winningham, Nov. 23. Cedar Falls. D. S. Nov. 29, 1865 Swain, Eleanor H. of Chapel Hill to Gen. Smith D. Atkins of Freeport, 111., Aug. 23, Chapel Hill. D. S. Sept. 2, 1865 Tharrington, Allen P. of Franklin county to Emily T. Paschall, Dec. 21. D. S. Dec. 28, 1865 Thomas, Jennie of Thomasville to Lieut. Jno. T. Cramer of Ohio, Nov. 30. D. S. Dec. 9, 1865 Tnoffski, George to Marietta Montague, Nov. 21, Raleigh. D. S. Nov. 23, 1865 Turner, Nancy to S. M. Whitaker, Oct. 11, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 19, 1865 Turner, Mrs. Rebecca W. to Wm. L. Burroughs, Oct. 18, Granville county. D. S. Dec. 11, 1865 Twitty, Mary S. to John W. Primrose, Nov. 14, Warren county. D. S. Nov. 18, 1865 Tyson, Jordan, Jr. of Chatham county to Missouri A. Davis of Halifax, Va., Aug. 2, Fayetteville. D. S. Sept. 6, 1865 Vorhuf, Lewis of Germany to Mrs. Mary High of Raleigh, Nov. 19. D. S. Dec. 6, 1865 Walker, James E. to Fannie M. Burkhead, Sept. 21, Randolph county. D. S. Oct. 9, 1865 Washington, George of Kinston to Eleanor P. Stephens of Newark, N. J., Nov. 28, Highlands of Navesink. D. S. Dec. 2, 1865 Waterbury, Wm. M. of Fayetteville to Emma J. Brockwell, Sept. 12, Oaklands Prince George county, Va. D. S. Sept. 15, 1865 Whitaker, Amelia A. of Wake county to W. N. Snelling, Oct. 11, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 19, 1865 Whitaker, S. M. to Nancy Turner, Oct. 11, Raleigh. D. S. Oct. 19, 1865 Whitfield, Eugenia A. to T. F. Anderson of Raleigh & Gaston R. R., Dec. 12, Weldon, Halifax county. D. S. Dec. 15, 1865 Williams, Sarah P. of Wake county to Lynn Adams of Raleigh, Nov. 15, Raleigh. D. S. Dec. 6, 1865 Winningham, Eliza Ann of Randolph county to John R. Swafford, Nov. 23, Cedar Falls. D. S. Nov. 29, 1865 Wood, Maggie of Virginia to S. A. Smith of Raleigh, Nov. 30. D. S. Dec. 6, 1865 Wright, George to Fannie R . Collins, Dec. 6, Granville county. D. S. Dec. 12, 1865 Yearby, Lemuel M. of Wake county to Sarah A. Green of Orange county, Nov. 28. D. S. Dec. 9, 1865
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