Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Anderson, Capt. Walker of Fla. to Kate Nash Cameron of Fayetteville, Apr. 21, Raleigh. R. R. Apr. 29, 1863 Bradley, Amoret G. to Major John Cameron, C. S. A., Jan. 14, Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 21, 1863 Cameron, Kate Nash of Fayetteville to Capt. Walker Anderson of Fla., Apr. 21, Raleigh. R. R. Apr. 29, 1863 Cameron, Major John W., C. S. A. to Amoret G. Bradley, Jan. 14, Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 21, 1863 Griffin, James B. to Gilly Spikes, Jan. 6, Raleigh. R. R. Feb. 10, 1863 Lloyd, Syntha to W. G. Perry, 6th N. C. Regt., Jan. 26, Raleigh. R. R. Feb. 10, 1863 Pegram, Margaret B. to Col. Sol. Williams, 2nd N. C. Cavalry, My. 20, Sussex county, Va. R. R. Je. 3, 1863 Perry, W. G., 6th N. C. Regt. to Syntha Lloyd, Jan. 26, Raleigh. R. R. Feb. 10, 1863 Spikes, Gilly to James B. Griffin, Jan. 6, Raleigh. R. R. Feb. 10, 1863 Wall, Meliscia of Wake county to John W. Woodfore, Je. 14, Wake county. R. R. Je. 17, 1863 Williams, Col. Sol., 2nd N. C. Cavalry to Margaret B. Pegram, My. 20, Sussex county, Va. R. R. Je. 3, 1863 Woodfore, John W. of Wake county to Meliscia Wall, Je. 14, Wake county. R. R. Je. 17, 1863
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