Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Allen, Annie B. to T. S. Lemay, Dec. 19, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 26, 1860 Anderson, William E. of Raleigh to Mary Louisa Syme, Apr. 26, Raleigh. My. 2, 1860 Arrington, Lewis of Halifax county to Jesse W. Green, Nov. 29. R- B - Dec. 12, 1860 Atkin, Rev. T. W. of Knoxville, Tenn. to Susan G. Lindsay of Asheville, My. 2, Asheville. R. R. My. 16, 1860 Avent, Wm. R. of Miss, to Lizzie Lawrence, Jan. 25, Halifax county. R- RFeb. 15, 1860 Barnes, W. D. to Arabella C. Cotten, Dec. 19, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 26, I860 Biddle, Mollie S. of Craven county to Dr. Jas. P. Bryan of Kinston, Oct 3, Wake Forest College. R. R. Oct. 10, 1860 Bledsoe, Lizzie of Raleigh to Quentin Busbee, Dec. 18, Raleigh. R. R- 26, 1860 Bledsoe, Rebecca H. of Raleigh to Ralph P. Buxton of Fayetteville, Dec 18. Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 26, 1860 Blinson, Mary to Jerry Coleman of Wake county, Jan. 18, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 25, 1860 Bryan, Dr. Jas. P. of Kinston to Mollie S. Biddle of Craven county, Oct. 3, Wake Forest College. R. R. Oct. 10, 1860 Busbee, Quentin of Raleigh to Lizzie Bledsoe, Dec. 18, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 26, 1860 Buxton, Ralph P. of Fayetteville to Rebecca H. Beldsoe of Raleigh, Dec. 18, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 26, 1860 Carter, Sue A. of Murfreesboro to Charles Henry Foster, My., Murfreesboro. R. R. My. 16, 1860 Causey, O. S. to Nannie L. Robbins, Dec. 6, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 12, 1860 Coleman, Jerry of Wake county to Mary Blinson, Jan. 18, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 25, 1860 Cook, Alvin D. to Helen Talley Holcomb of Yadkin county, Feb. 9, Yadkin county. R. R. Feb. 15,1860 Cotten, Arabella C. to W. D. Barnes, Dec. 19, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 26, 1860 Crawley, L. T. of Wake county to Elizabeth Henrick, Feb. 16. R. R. Mar. 7, 1860 Crenshaw, Major John M. of Wake Forest to Louisa J. Norman, Oct. 28, Wake Forest. R. R. Nov. 6, 1860 Curni, TelKha of Yadkin county to Lewis Williams Johnson, Nov. 6, Hamptonsville, Yadkin county. R. R. Nov. 21, 1860 Dabney, Susan to Lyell Smedes, Nov. 1, Raymond, Miss. R. R. Nov. 21, 1860 Daniel, Junius of Halifax to Ellen Williams Long, Oct. 30, Northampton county. R. R. Nov. 6. 1860 Dodd, William H. of Raleigh to R. Maggie Upchurch, Nov. 14, Raleigh. R. R.'Nov. 21, 1860 Draughon, Robert formerly of Sampson county to Isham Woodall, Oct. 31, Smithfield. R. R. Nov. 21, 1860 Edmonds, Benjamin F. of Wake county to Rebecca Ann Parish, Feb. 29. R. R. Mar. 14, 1860 Flowers, Everett of Wake county to Nancy Riggan, Mar. 18, Raleigh. R. R. Mar. 21, 1860 Foster, Charles Henry of Murfreesboro to Sue A. Carter, My., Murfreesboro. R. R. My. 16, 1860 Garrett, Mary L. of Chatham county to R. J. Powell of Powellton, Nov. 8. R. R. Dec. 12, 1860 Gill, Jno. of Franklin county to Priscilla M. Jones, Dec. 22, Franklin county. R. R. Jan. 18, 1860 Gorman, Martha J. to W. F. Ramsay, Oct. 2, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 10, 1860 Green, Jesse W. of Halifax county to Lewis Arrington, Nov. 29. R. R. Dec. 12, 1860 Greene, Robert of Greenville to Eva Sallie Smith, Apr. 18, Greenville. R. R. My. 2, 1860 Griffice, Haywood of Wake county to Annie Wiggins, Oct. 23, Wake county. R. R. Nov. 7,1860 Gross, Jacob G. of Yadkin county to Caroline Hoots, Jan. 26, Yadkin county. R. R. Feb. 15,1860 Gunter, Wm. S. of Pittsboro to Mollie Holt, Je. 10, Pittsboro. R. R. Jly. 4, 1860 Giles, William of Cumberland county, to Rebecca Whitehead, Mar. 31, Greenwood. R. R. Apr. 25, 1860 Harrison, C. B. of Raleigh to Mrs. Marguerite F. (McKnight) Jeffreys, Sept. 25, Franklin county. R. R. Oct. 3, 1860 Hartzog, Cawline of Ashe county to John Martin, Nov. 4, Richlands, Ashe county. R. R. Dec. 12, 1860 Henrich, Elizabeth of Wake county to L. T. Crawley, Feb. 16. R. R. Mar. 7, 1860 Holcomb, Helen Talley of Yadkin county to Alvin D. Cook, Feb. 9, Yadkin county. R. R. Feb. 15, 1860 Holt, Mollie of Pittsboro to Wm. S. Gunter, Je. 10, Pittsboro. R. R. Jly. 4, 1860 Honeycutt, John A. to Mary Reddish, Feb. 15, Raleigh. R. R. Mar. 14, 1860 Hoots, Caroline of Yadkin county to Jacob Gross, Jan. 26, Yadkin county. R. R. Feb. 15, 1860 Horton, Theodore T. of Wake county to John W. Rhodes, Dec. 19, Wake county. R. R. Dec. 26, 1860 Hunnycutt, Rufus to Mrs. Lucetta Johnson, Jan. 11, Wake county. R. RJan. 18, 1860 Jeffreys, Mrs. Marguerite F. (McKnight) to C. B. Harrison of Raleigh, Sept. 25, Franklin county. R. R. Oct. 3, 1860 Johnson, Lewis Williams of Yadkin county to Telitha Curni, Nov. 6, Haniptonsville, Yadkin county. R. R. Nov. 21, 1860 Johnson, Mrs. Lucetta to Rufus Hunnycutt, Jan. 11, Wake county. R. RJan. 18, 1860 Jones, J. P. of Wadesboro to Victoria Moreno of Pensacola, Fla. Oct. 9, Pensacola, Fla. R. R. Oct. 31, 1860 Jones, Priscilla M. of Franklin county to Jno. Gill, Dec. 22, Franklin county. R. R. Jan. 18, 1860 Kirkham, Josephine of Raleigh to W. H. Savage of Macon, Ga., My. 27, Raleigh. R. R. Jly. 4, 1860 Lambeth, Martha A. C. to Abner G. Marks, Feb. 21, Chatham county. R. RMar. 7, 1860 Lawrence, Lizzie to Wm. R. Avent of Miss., Jan. 25, Halifax county. R- R - Feb. 15, 1860 Lea, Mollie of Petersburg, Va. to John Spelman of Salisbury, Feb. I6' Petersburg, Va. R. R. Mar. 7, 1860 Lee, Jane E. of Rolesville to Jno. W. Perry of Franklin county, Jan. Uğ Rolesville. R. R. Jan. 25, 1860 Lemay, T. S. to Annie B. Allen, Dec. 19, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 26, 1860 Lewis, Nancy of Chatham county to Samuel Perry, Mar. 8. R. R. Mar. 21, 1860 Lindsay, Susan G. of Asheville to Rev. T. W. Atkin of Knoxville, Tenn., My. 2, Asheville. R. R. My. 16, 1860 Long, Ellen Williams of Northampton county to Junius Daniel of Halif**' Oct. 30, Northampton county. R. R. Nov. 6, 1860 Marks, Abner G. to Martha A. C. Lambeth, Feb. 21, Chatham county- R. R. Mar. 7, 1860 Martin, John W. of Ashe county to Caroline Hartzog, Nov. 4, Richland*. Ashe county. R. R. Dec. 12,1860 Minims, William of Chatham county to Esperance Moore, Apr. 5, Haywood. R. R. My. 2, 1860 Moore, Esperance of Chatham county to William Mimms, Apr. 5, Haywood, R. R. My. 2, 1860 Moreno, Victoria of Pensacola, Fla. to J. P. Jones of Wadesboro, Oct. 9, Pensacola, Fla. R. R. Oct. 31, 1860 Myers, L. O. of Frederick, Md. to Reid Yarbrough of Raleigh, Apr. 3, Raleigh. R. R. Apr. 11, 1860 Norman, Louisa J. of Wake Forest to Major John M. Crenshaw, Oct. 28, Wake Forest. R. R. Nov. 6, 1860 Nowell, Emma to Allen Rogers, Feb. 16, Wake county. R. R. Mar. 7, 1860 Outlaw, Annie P. of Windsor to William T. Sutton of Bertie county, Nov. 6, Windsor. R. R. Nov. 14, 1860 Outlaw, Sallie S. of Raleigh to William Johnson Thomas of Hamilton, Ga., Oct. 24, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 31, 1860 Parish, Rebecca Ann of Wake county to Benjamin F. Edmonds, Feb. 29. R. R. Mar. 14, 1860 Perry, Jno. W. of Franklin county to Jane E. Lee of Rolesville, Jan. 11, Rolesville. R. R. Jan. 25, 1860 Perry, Samuel, Sr. of Chatham county to Nancy Lewis, Mar. 8. R. R. Mar. 21, 1860 Peterson, Rev. E. M. of Va. Conference to Ellen B. Skinner of Edenton, Jan. 4, Edenton. R. R. Jan. 18, 1860 Phillips, Thomas T. of Anson county to Francis Sink, Oct. 9. R. R. Oct. 31, 1860 Powell, R. J. of Powellton to Mary L. Garrett of Chatham county, Nov. 8. R. R. Dec. 12, 1860 Radford, Christopher C. of Johnston county to Mary Ann Upchurch, Nov. 7, Johnston county. R. R. Nov. 21, 1860 Ramsay, W.' F. to Martha J. Gorman, Oct. 2, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 10, 1860 Reddish, Mary to John A. Honeycutt, Feb. 5, Raleigh. R. R. Mar. 14, 1860 Register, Jane of Wake county to Nathan Tart, Dec. 4. R. R. Dec. 12, 1860 Rhodes, John W. of Wake county to Theodore T. Horton, Dec. 19, Wake county. R. R. Dec. 26, 1860 Riddle, S. L. to Miss M. T. White, Oct. 29, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 31, 1860 Riggan, Nancy of Wake county to Everett Flowers, Mar. 18, Raleigh. R. R. Mar. 21, 1860 Robbins, Nannie L. to 0 . S. Causey, Dec. 6, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 12, 1860 Rogers, Allen to Emma Nowell, Feb. 16, Wake county. R. R. Mar. 7, 1860 Savage, W. H. of Macon, Ga. to Josephine Kirkham of Raleigh, My. 27, Raleigh. R. R. Jly. 4, 1860 Sink, Francis of Anson county to Thomas Phillips, Oct. 9. R. R. Oct. 31, 1860 Skinner, Ellen B. of Edenton to Rev. E. M. Peterson of Va. Conference, Jan. 4, Edenton. R. R. Jan. 18, 1860 Smedes, Lyell to Susan Dabney, Nov. 1, Raymond, Miss. R. R. Nov. 21, 1860 Smith, Sallie of Greenville to Robert Greene, Apr. 18, Greenville. R. R. My. 2, 1860 Spelman, John of Salisbury to Mollie Lea of Petersburg, Va., Feb. 15, Petersburg, Va. R. R. Mar. 7, 1860 Stell, Wm. R. of Wake county to Eliza A. Watkins, Oct. 30. R. R. Nov. 7, 1860 Sutton, William T. of Bertie county to Annie P. Outlaw of Windsor, Nov. 6, Windsor. R. R. Nov. 14, 1860 Swain, Col. W. B. of Bertie county to Miss M. C. Young of Granville county, Oct. 30, Castalia, Granville county. R. R. Nov. 14, 1860 Syme, Mary Louisa to William E. Anderson of Raleigh, Apr. 26, Raleigh. R. R. My. 2, 1860 Tart, Nathan of Wake county to Jane Register, Dec. 4. R. R. Dec. 12, 1860 Upchurch, Mary Ann of Johnston county to Christopher C. Radford, Nov. 7, Johnston county. R. R. Nov. 21, 1860 Upchurch, R. Maggie of Raleigh to William H. Dodd, Nov. 14, Raleigh. R. R. Nov. 21, 1860 Watkins, Eliza A. of Wake county to Wm. R. Stell, Oct. 30. R. R. Nov. 7, 1860 White, Miss M. T. to S. L. Riddle, Oct. 29, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 31, 1860 Whitehead, Rebecca of Cumberland county to William Giles, Mar. 31, Greenwood. R. R. Apr. 25, 1860 Wiggins, Annie of Wake county to Haywood Griffiee, Oct. 23, Wake county. R. R. Nov. 7, 1860 Williams, John Thomas of Hamilton, Ga. to Sallie S. Outlaw of Raleigh, Oct. 24, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 31, 1860 Woodall, Isham to Robert Draughon formerly of Sampson, Oct. 31, Smithfield. R. R. Nov. 21, 1860 Yarbrough, Reid of Raleigh to L. 0. Myers of Frederick, Md., Apr. 3, Raleigh. R. R. Apr. 11, 1860 Young, Miss M. C. of Granville county to Col. W. B. Swain of Bertie county, Oct. 30, Castalia, Granville county. R. R. Nov. 14, 1860
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