Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Alley, Abram to Mrs. Margaret M. Stamper, Mar. 8, Iredell county. R. R. Mar. 23, 1859 Alston, Lucy F. to J. V. Perkins of Pitt county, Nov. 8, Pine Grove, Warren county. R. R. Nov. 16, 1859 Alston, Sallie to Rodger Grigory, Oct. 3, Chatham county. R. R. Oct. 12, 1859 Amfs, Lewis of Granville county to Rosa Amis, Oct. 31, Granville county. R. R. Nov. 16, 1859 Amis, Rosa of Granville county to Lewis Amis, Oct. 31, Granville county. R. R. Nov. 16, 1859 Anderson, Betty to Thomas Thompson, Dec. 14, Paul's church, Edenton. R. R. Jan. 5, 1859 Atkinson, T. H. of Johnston county to Martha A. Richardson, Oct. 12. R. R. Oct. 19, 1859 Bagby, Mary L. to Dr. John M. Smithie of Greenbrier, Va., Dec. 21, Oak Hill, Granville county. R. R. Jan. 19, 1859 Baldwin, Miss M. C. D. of California to Hon. Edward Stanly, My. 10, Sacremento, California. R. R. Je. 29, 1859 Barbour, Ruben to Sarah Thompson, Jan. 20, Iredell county. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Beam, Jacob A. to Margaret E. Oates of Cleveland county, Mar. 11. R. R. Apr. 6, 1859 Belvin, Thomas H. of Wake county to Sarah H. Ellis, Je. 19. R. R. Jly. 20, 1859 Benbury, John A. of Tyrell county to Harriet A. Ryan of Windsor, Je. 23, Windsor. R. R. Jly. 6, 1859 Benton, Uriah of Halifax county to Martha Bradley, Nov. 10, Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 Bizzell, F. M. of Wilmington to Sarah J. Rayner, Mar. 3, Wayne county. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Blake, William R. of Raleigh to Susan C. Holt, Dec. 22, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 24, 1859 Blount, Mrs. Winneyford of Contentinea, Pitt county to James S. May, Jan. 25. R. R. Feb. 19, 1859 Boyd, George D. of Rockingham to Eliza Webb, Mar. 29, Winston. R. RApr. 12, 1859 Bradley, Martha of Halifax county to Uriah Benton, Nov. 10, Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 Branton, Rhodie C. of Wake county to Jno. Jenkins, Mar. 1, Iredell county. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Brinkley, John J. to Margaret Otrick, Feb. 25, Mocksville. R. R. Mar. 23, 1859 Brown, Elizabeth S. of Raleigh to Ebenezer B. Burns of Cabarrus county, Mar. 3, Raleigh. R. R. Mar. 9, 1859 Brown, George of Franklin county to Lavinia B. Daniel of Wake county, Aug. 4. R. R. Aug. 17, 1859 Brown, Jane to William Crabtree, Dec. 22, Orange county. R. R. Jan. 19, 1859 Brown, Miss R. F. of Taunton, Mass. to Dr. A. J. Thompson formerly of Wake county, Dec. 1, Warrenton Collegiate Institute. R. R. Dec. 7, 1859 Bryan, Henry R. to Mary B. Norcott, Nov. 24, Newbern. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 Bryan, Ruth of Moore county to John A. Shepard, Mar. 10. R. R. Apr. 6, 1859 Brogdon, James of Granville county to Mary Cash, Jan. 1, Granville county. R. R. Mar. 23, 1859 Brooks, George W. of Raleigh to Miss Lucie H. Webb of Greene county, Ala., Jly. 20, Greensborough, Ala. R. R. Aug. 17, 1859 Browder, B. M. of Tenn. to Sallie A. McCraw, Mar. 1, Surry county. R. RMar. 16, 1859 Bullock, Ophelia of Halifax county to Jesse Heptinstall, Nov. 2, Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 Burch, Sarah of Person county to L. G. Clayton, Sept. 6, Person county. R. R. Oct. 5, 1859 Burns, Ebenezer B. of Cabarrus county to Elizabeth S. Brown of Raleigh, Mar. 3, Raleigh. R. R. Mar. 9, 1859 Burt, Lewellen of Wake county to William O. Overby of Raleigh, Sept. 15, Wake county. R. R. Oct. 5, 1859 Busick, Jenety of Guilford county to Thomas McNeely, Mar. 24, Winston. R. R. Apr. 12,1869 Bustle, Dorcus to Mr. Simpson of Iredell county, Apr. 2. R. R. Apr. 12, 1859 Butler, William of Wake county to Bromay Lassita, Feb. 13, Falls of Neuse. R. R. Feb. 19, 1859 Bynum, Mrs. Mary L. to Hon. Richmond M. Pearson, Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Sept. 22, Burke county. R. R. Oct. 5, 1859 Byrum, Carrie J. of Wilson to Dr. R. W. King of Stantonsburg, Nov. 8, Wilson. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 Campbell, Wm. J. to Miss M. J. Fleming, Mar. 2, Iredell county. R. B. Mar. 23, 1859 Cardin, John W. of Tally Ho, Granville county to Ann Eliza Chamblee, Feb. 16, Orange county. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Carmichael, Louisa M. to James A. White, Mar. 10, Liberty. R. R. Mar. 23, 1859 Carter, Nancy of Wake county to Wm. Pace, Oct. 24. R. R. Nov. 9, 1859 Cash, Mary of Granville county to James Brogdon, Jan. 1, Granville county. R. R. Mar. 23, 1859 Cass, Mary to Abel Welborn, Dec. 15, Wilkes county. R. R. Dec. 24, 1859 Chalmers, Thomas of Scotland to Callete Williams, Aug. 4, Milburnie. R. R. Aug. 17, 1859 Chamblee, Ann Eliza to John W. Cardin of Tally Ho Granville county, Feb. 15, Orange county. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Chears, Dr. Benj. to Sarah Grady, My. 3, Chesterfield District, S. C. R. R. My. 25, 1859 Clark, Enoch to Winnie Ann Gunter, Dec. 22, Chatham county. R. R. Jan. 5, 1859 Clarke, Bettie J. to N. A. Pleasants, Apr. 26, Wake county. R. R. My. 4, 1859 Clayton, L. G. of Person county to Sarah F. Burch, Sept. 6, Person county. R. R. Oct. 5, 1859 Clements, Hannah of Williamston to Henry A. Gilliam of Plymouth, My. 25, Williamston. R. R. Je. 8, 1859 Cohen, Jonas formerly of Richmond, Va. to Ann E. Sykes of Enfield, Nov. 14, Enfield. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 Collett, John to Sarah E. Green, Apr. 3, Raleigh. R. R. Apr. 20, 1859 Cook, Duncan of Alamance county to Emma Stanford, Nov. 13, Orange county. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 Cooper, Samuel of Wake county to Agnes Smith, Feb. 10. R. R. Mar. 2, 1859 Cottrell, Mollie G. to W. J. Montgomery of Albemarle, Jly. 19, Fall Branch, Tenn. R. R. Jly. 27, 1859 Craton, Dr. M. D. to Annie Washington, Mar. 2, Goldsboro. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Crawford, Cornelia of Orange county to James Thompson of Alamance county, Je. 30, Orange county. R. R. Jly. 6, 1859 Crawford, William R. of Wake county to Mary Ann Stephens, Mar. 30. R. R. Apr. 6, 1859 Crabtree, William to Jane Brown, Dec. 22, Orange county. R. R. Jan. 19, 1859 Crowson, W. S. of Ocala, Fla. to Emily McCain, Mar. 29, Randolph county. R. R. Apr. 6, 1859 Cutchins, Ann of Edgecombe county to John J. Mishew, Apr. 19, Nash county. R. R. Apr. 27, 1859 Daniel, J. Richard of Charlotte to Mary V. Sykes of Petersburg, Va., Apr. 21, Petersburg, Va. R. R. Apr. 27, 1859 Daniel, Lavinia of Wake county to George Brown of Franklin county, Aug. 4. R. R. Aug. 17, 1859 Daughtery, Harriet of Lenoir county to Wm. McMoore, Jan. 13, Lenoir county. R. R. Feb. 2, 1859 Davis, Hayne to Mary Pearson, Nov. 2, Richmond Hill. R. R. Nov. 16, 1859 Dement, Mary E. of Granville county to A. H. Upchurch, Nov. 13, Granville county. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 Easton, Joseph of Green county to Matha Edwards, Dec. 29. R. R. Jan. 12, 1859 Ector, Thomas S. of Alamance county to Mary C. Hurdle, Oct. 20. R. RNov. 9, 1859 Edmonds, Mary to James H. Pugh, Feb. 24, Wake county. R. R. Mar. 2, 1859 Edwards, Matha of Green county to Joseph Easton, Dec. 29. R. R. Jan. 12, 1859 Egerton, Charles W. to Miss M. L. McKnight, Je. 22, Franklin county. R. R. Jly. 13, 1859 Ellin, Sarah H. of Wake county to Thomas H. Belvin, Je. 19. R. R. Jly- 20, 1859 Fagg, Col. John A. of Madison county to Jane L. Smith, Mar. 2. R. RMar. 16, 1859 Ferrell, Rufus K. of Raleigh to Mary A. Vincent, Johnston county, Nov. 9, Johnston county. R. R. Nov. 16, 1859 Finley, Margaret G. to Michael Linebarger, Feb. 17, Gaston county. R. B. Mar. 16, 1869 Fleming, Miss M. J. to Wm. J. Campbell, Mar. 2, Iredell county. R. B. Mar. 23, 1859 Freeland, William J. to Harriet N. Holeman, Mar. 13, Orange county. R- B. Mar. 16, 1859 Gilliam, Henry A. of Plymouth to Hannah Clements of Williamston, My. 25, Williamston. R. R. Je. 8, 1859 Glenn, Hilsman to Arrenda McFarland, Dec. 19, Orange county. R. B. Jan. 12, 1859 Grady, Sarah to Dr. Benj. Chears, My. 3, Chesterfield District, S. C. R- B. My. 25, 1859 Graham, Archibald to Sarah Ray, Mar. 29, Cumberland county. R- B. Apr. 6, 1859 Graves, Hon. Calvin of Caswell county to Mrs. Mary L. Lea, formerly of Petersburg, Va., Feb. 14, Jackson, Tenn. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Gray, William S. of Windsor to Mary Webb, Oct. 25, Windsor. R. B. Nov. 9, 1859 Green, Sarah E. to John Collett, Apr. 3, Raleigh. R. R. Apr. 20, 1859 Grigory, Rodger O. to Sallie Alston, Oct. 3, Chatham county. R. R. Oct. 12, 1859 Guether, Ellen M. of Bethlehem, Pa. to Henry W. Rupp of Concord and Raleigh, My. 12, Bethlehem, Pa. R. R. Je. 1, 1869 Gulley, William B. to Laura L. Williams, Mar. 10, Raleigh. R. R. Mar. 16> 1859 Gunter, Winnie to Enoch Clark, Dec. 22, Chatham county. R. R. Jan. 5, 1859 Guthrie, Rev. Thomas W. of N. C. Conference to Emily P. Robbins of Washington, Beaufort county, Sept. 8, Washington, Beaufort county- R. R. Sept. 14, 1859 Hamilton, Daniel H. of Hillsboro to Frances Gray Roulhac, Nov. 15, Hillsboro. R. R. Dec. 21, 1859 Hardie, Susan A. to Lieut. W. W. Kirkland, U. S. Marine Corps, Feb. 1*» Savannah, Ga. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Hatchett, Allen to Eliza Womack, Mar. 30, Caswell county. R. R. Apr. 13, 1859 Hearn, Louisa to Robert Johnson, Dec. 22, Chatham county. R. R. Jan. 5, 1859 Heptinstall, Jesse of Halifax county to Ophelia Bullock, Nov. 2, Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 Herren, Sarah J. to Wm. W. Spikes, Jan. 13, Raleigh. R. R. Jan. 26, 1859 High, Roxannah S. to Henry L. Ray, Oct. 5, Faukland near Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 12, 1859 Hines, Elias C. of Edenton to Margaret A. Norfleet of Bertie county, Jan. 19, Bertie county. R. R. Feb. 2, 1859 Hogan, John Y. of Chapel Hill to Julia A. Strayhorn of Orange county, Oct. 20. R. R. Dec. 21, 1859 Holeman, Harriet N. to William J. Freeland, Mar. 13, Orange county. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Holt, Camilla A. to John W. Williams, Nov. 17, Warrenton. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 Holt, Susan C. of Raleigh to William R. Blake, Dec. 22, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 24, 1859 Huggins, W. F. of Jones county to Bettie Yeargin, Jan. 6, Raleigh. R. R. Feb. 2, 1859 Hunt, Martha E. to K. W. Koghill, Dec. 23, Granville county. R. R. Jan. 19, 1859 Hurdle, Mary C. of Alamance county to Thomas S. Ector, Oct. 20. R. R. Nov. 9, 1859 Iredell, Campbell T. to Mary Johnson, Nov. 1, Raleigh. R. R. Nov. 16, 1859 Jenkins, Jno. of Wake county to Rhodie C. Branton, Mar. 1, Iredell county. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Johnson, Mary to Campbell T. Iredell, Nov. 1, Raleigh. R. R. Nov. 16, 1859 Johnson, Phillip W. of Ala. formerly of Surry county to Emma Purefoy of Wake Forest College, Feb. 21, Wake Forest College. R. R. Mar. 1859 Johnson, Robert to Louisa Hearn, Dec. 22, Chatham county. R. R. Jan. 5, 1869 Johnson, Rigdon to Susan Wilder, Aug. 10, Wake county. R. R. Aug. 17, 1859 Johnston, Samantha to Gaston Jones, Jan. 20, Johnston county. R. R. Feb. 16, 1859 Jones, Gaston to Samantha Johnston, Jan. 20, Johnston county. R. R. Feb. 16, 1859 Jones, Josiah of Raleigh to Mariah F. Woodward, My. 1, Raleigh. R. R. My. 4, 1859 Jones, Mathersa Ann to W. B. Lancaster, Nov. 3, Nash county. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 Jones, Mary Ruffin of Jones county to William N. Patterson of Orange county, Mar. 30, Raleigh. R. R. Apr. 6, 1859 Jones, Robt B. to Virginia C. Mayes, Oct. 6, Granville county. R. R. Oct. 12, 1869 Jordan, John Parker of this State to Lizzie Wilder of Sussex county, N. J., Mar. 8, Watauga township, N. J. R. R. Mar. 23, 1869 Kelley, Albert of Wake county to Elizabeth J. Simpson, Jly. Wake county. R. R. Jly. 13, 1859 King, Dr. R. W. of Stantonsburg to Carrie J. Byrum of Wilson, Nov. 8, Wilson. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 King, William P. of Wake county to Elizabeth Young, Dec. 23, Rolesville, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 5, 1859 Kirkland, Lieut. W. W. U. S. Marine Corps to Susan A. Hardee, Feb. 16, Savannah, Ga. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Koghill, K. W. to Martha E. Hunt, Dec. 23, Granville county. R. R. Jan. 19, 1859 Lancaster, W. B. to Miss Mathersa Ann Jones, Nov. 3, Nash county. R. RNov. 30, 1859 Lassita, Bromay of Wake county to William Butler, Feb. 13, Falls of Neuse. R. R. Feb. 19, 1859 Lea, Mrs. Mary L. formerly of Petersburg, Va. to Hon. Calvin Graves of Caswell county, Feb. 14, Jackson, Tenn. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Linebarger, Michael to Margaret G. Finley, Feb. 17, Gaston county. R- RMar. 16, 1859 McCain, Emily to W. S. Crowson of Ocala, Fla., Mar. 29, Randolph county, R. R. Apr. 6, 1859 McCraw, Sallie A. to B. M. Browder, Mar. 1, Surry county. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 McFarland, Arrenda to Hilsman Glenn, Dec. 19, Orange county. R. R. Jan. 12, 1859 McKnight, Miss M. L. to Charles W. Egerton, Je. 22, Franklin county. R. R. Jly. 13, 1859 McMoore, Wm. of Lenoir county to Harriet Daughtery, Jan. 13, Lenoir county. R. R. Feb. 2, 1859 McNeely, Thomas of Guilford county to Jenety Busick, Mar. 24, Winston. R. R. Apr. 12, 1859 Macon, Thomas D. of Raleigh to Elizabeth Porter, Oct. 27, Raleigh. R. RNov. 9, 1859 Marion, Dr. John D. of Davidson county to Martha J. Yokely, Apr. 10- R. R. Apr. 20, 1859 Massey, Tatina to Wm. T. A. Williams of Rolesville, Oct. 27, Wake county- R. R. Nov. 9, 1859 May, James S. of Little Contentnea, Pitt county to Mrs. Winneyford Blount, Jan. 25, R. R. Feb. 19, 1859 Mayes, Virginia C. to Robt. B. Jones, Oct. 6, Granville county. R. R. Oct. 12, 1859 Miller, Charles R. of New York to Mrs. Palmyra Salter, Feb. 24, Newbern. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Mishew, John J. to Ann Cutchins of Edgecombe county, Apr. 19, Nash county. R. R. Apr. 27, 1859 Montgomery, W. J. of Albemarle to Mollie G. Cottrell, Jly. 19, Fall Branch, Tenn. R. R. Jly. 27, 1859 Murdock, Alex of Salisbury to Miss M. P. Peterson of Weldon, Nov. 7, Weldon. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 Nicholson, W. A. J. of Warren county to Bettie E. Williams, Nov. 1, Warrenton. R. R. Nov. 9, 1859 Norcott, Mary B. to Henry R. Bryan, Nov. 24, Newbern. R. R. Nov. 30,1859 Norfleet, Margaret A. of Bertie county to Elias C. Hines of Edenton, Jan- 19, Bertie county. R. R. Feb. 2, 1859 Norwood, A. G. of Granville county to Mary Riggan, Oct. 29. R. R. Nov. 9, 1859 Oates, Margaret E. of Cleveland county to Jacob A. Beam, Mar. 11. R. R. Apr. 6, 1859 Oldham, Alexander of Wilmington to Smitha A. Pipkin, Dec. 15, Goldsboro. R. R. Jan. 19, 1859 Otrich, Margaret to John J. Brinkley, Feb. 25, Mocksville. R. R. Mar. 23, 1859 Overby, William H. of Raleigh to Lewellen Burt of Wake county, Sept. 15, Wake county. R. R. Oct. 5, 1859 Pace, Wm. D. of Wake county to Nancy Carter, Oct. 24. R. R. Nov. 9, 1859 Parham, Elizabeth to Peyton P. Williams, Apr. 15, Raleigh. R. R. My. 18, 1859 Parker, Hannibal of Wake county to Mary E. Waitt, Apr. 20. R. R. My. 11, 1859 Patterson, William N. of Orange county to Mary Ruffin Jones of Jones county, Mar. 30, Raleigh. R. R. Apr. 6, 1859 Pearson, Mary to Hayne Davis, Nov. 2, Richmond Hill. R. R. Nov. 16, 1859 Pearson, Hon. Richmond M. Chief Justice of Supreme Court to Mrs. Mary L. Bynum, Sept. 22, Burke county. R. R. Oct. 5, 1859 Peepler, Alex to Sarah A. E. Peepler, Feb. 23, Rowan county. R. R. Mar. 23, 1859 Peepler, Sarah A. E. to Alex Peepler, Feb. 23, Rowan county. R. R. Mar. 23, 1859 Perkins, J. V. of Pitt county to Lucy F. Alston, Nov. 8, Pine Grove, Warren county. R. R. Nov. 16, 1859 Pender, Lieut. Wm. U. S. A. to Mary Frances Sheppard, Mar. 3, Salem. R. R. Mar. 23, 1859 Peterson, Miss M. P. of Weldon to Alex Murdock of Salisbury, Nov. 7, Weldon. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 Pipkin, Smitha A. to Alexander Oldham of Wilmintgon, Dec. 15, Goldsboro. R. R. Jan. 19, 1859 Pleasants, N. A. to Bettie J. Clarke, Apr. 26, Wake county. R. R. Jly. 4, 1859 Pleasants, Wm. H. of Louisburg to Sarah E. Carlile, Je. 7. R. R. Je. 29, 1859 Poe, Mrs. to Thos. Vincent, Jly. 19, Fall Branch, Tenn. R. R. Jly. 27, 1859 Poole, Hackney to Harriet Putney, Jan. 26, Raleigh. R. R. Feb. 2, 1859 Poole, William to Nancy H. Rains, Sept. 22, Wake county. R. R. Oct. 5, 1859 Porter, Elizabeth of Raleigh to Thomas D. Macon, Oct. 27, Raleigh. R. R. Nov. 9, 1859 Porter, Mary W. of Raleigh to J. Richard Reid of Rockingham county, Jly. 14. R. R. Jly. 20, 1859 Pugh, James H. to Mary Edmonds, Feb. 24, Wake county. R. R. Mar. 2, 1859 Purefoy, Emma of Wake Forest College to Phillip W. Johnson of Ala. formerly of Surry county, Feb. 21, Wake Forest College. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Putney, Harriet to Hackney Poole, Jan. 26, Raleigh. R. R. Feb. 2, 1859 Rains, Nancy to William Poole, Sept. 22, Wake county. R. R. Oct. 5, 1859 Ramsour, Mary Alice to Dr. John W. Richardson, Dec. 21, St. Luke's church, Lincolnton. R. R. Jan. 5, 1859 Ray, Henry L. to Roxannah S. High, Oct. 5, Faukland near Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 12, 1859 Ray, Sarah to Archibald Graham, Mar. 29, Cumberland county. R. R. Apr. 6, 1859 Rayner, Sarah J. to F. M. Bizzell of Wilmington, Mar. 3, Wayne county. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Readmon, Mollie E. of Conwayboro, S. C. to Harper R. Whitaker of Raleigh, Sept. 6, near Wilmington. R. R. Sept. 14, 1859 Reid, J. Richard of Rockingham county to Mary W. Porter of Raleigh, Jly. 14. R. R. Jly. 20, 1859 Richardson, Dr. John W. to Mary Alice Ramsour, Dec. 21, St. Luke's church, Lincolnton. R. R. Jan. 5, 1859 Richardson, Martha A. of Johnston county to T. H. Atkinson, Oct. 12. R. R. Oct. 19, 1859 Riggan, Mary of Granville county to A. G. Norwood, Oct. 29. R. R. Nov. 9, 1859 Robbins, Emily P. of Washington, Beaufort county to Rev. Thomas W. Guthrie of N. C. Conference, Sept. 8, Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Sept. 14, 1859 Roulhac, Frances Gray of Hillsboro to Daniel H. Hamilton, Nov. 15, Hillsboro. R. R. Dec. 21, 1859 Rupp, Henry W. of Concord and Raleigh to Ellen M. Guether of Bethlehem, Pa., My. 12, Bethlehem, Pa. R. R. Je. 1, 1859 Ryan, Harriet A. of Windsor to John A. Benbury of Tyrell county, Je. 23, Windsor. R. R. Jly. 6, 1859 Salter, Mrs. Palmyra to Charles R. Miller of New York, Feb. 24, Newbern. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Shepard, John A. of Moore county to Ruth Bryan, Mar. 10. R. R. Apr. 6, 1859 Shepperd, Mary Frances to Lieut. Wm. Pender, U.S.A., Mar. 3, Salem. R. R. Mar. 23, 1859 Sherwood, Col. D. N. to Annie Minerva Whittington, Apr. 5, Guilford county. R. R. Apr. 12, 1859 Simpson, Elizabeth J. of Wake county to Albert Kelley, Jly., Wake county. R. R. Jly.Jf8J **59 Simpson, Mr. offeedell county to Dorcus Bustle, Apr. 2. R. R. Apr. 12, 1859 Sledge, Thomas D. to Martha Lorella Wilson, Jly. 5, Raleigh. R. R. Jly. i 3 ' 1859 Smith, Jane L. of Madison county to Col. John A. Fagg, Mar. 2. R. Mar. 16,1859 Smithie, Dr. John M. of Greensboro, Va. to Mary L. Bagby, Dec. 21, Oak Hill, Granville county. R. R. Jan. 19, 1869 Spikes, Wm. B. to Sarah J. Herren, Jan. 13, Raleigh. R. R. Jan. 26, 1859 Stanford, Emma to Duncan Cook of Alamance county, Nov. 13, Orange county. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 Stanly, Hon. Edward to Miss M. C. Baldwin of California, My 10, Sacramento, Calif. R. R. Je. 29, 1859 Starke, Boiling W. of Petersburg, Va. to Mary Jane Upchurch, Dec. 8, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 14, 1859 Stomper, Margaret M. to Abram Alley, Mar. 8, Iredell county. R. R. Mar. 23, 1859 Strayhorn, Julia A. of Orange county to John Y. Hogan of Chapel Hill, Oct. 20. R. R. Dec. 21, 1859 Stephens, Mary Ann of Wake county to William R. Crawford, Mar. 30. R. R. Apr. 6, 1859 Sykes, Ann E. of Enfield to Jones Cohen formerly of Richmond, Va., Nov. 14, Enfield. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 Sykes, Mary V. of Petersburg, Va. to Richard J. Daniel of Charlotte, Apr. 21, Petersburg, Va. R. R. Apr. 27, 1859 Thompson, Dr. A. J. formerly of Wake county to Miss R. F. Brown of Taunton, Mass., Dec. 1, Warrenton, Female Collegiate Inst. R. R. Dec. 7, 1859 Thompson, James of Alamance county to Cornelia Crawford of Orange county, Je. 30, Orange county. R. R. Jly. 6, 1859 Thompson, Sarah to Ruben Barbour, Jan. 20, Iredell county. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Thompson, Thomas to Betty Anderson, Dec. 14, St. Paul's church, Edenton. R. R. Jan. 5, 1859 Upchurch, A. H. of Granville county to Mary E. Dement, Nov. 13, Granville county. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 Upchurch, Mary Jane to Boiling W. Starke of Petersburg, Va., Dec. 8, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 14, 1859 Vincent, Mary A. of Johnston county to Rufus K. Ferrell of Raleigh, Nov. 9, Johnston county. R. R. Nov. 16, 1859 Vincent, Thos. to Mrs. Poe, Jly. 19, Fall Branch, Tenn. R. R. Jly. 27, 1859 Waddell, Richard L. to Olivia Wright, Feb. 24, Goldsboro. R. R. Mar. 23, 1859 Waitt, Mary E. of Wake county to Hannibal Parker, Apr. 20. R. R. My 11, 1859 Washington, Annie to Dr. M. D. Craton, Mar. 2, Goldsboro. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Weaver, Adaline to Paul Yost, Mar. 8, Cabarrus county. R. R. Mar. 23, 1859 Webb, Eliza of Winston to George D. Boyd of Rockingham, Mar. 29, Winston. R. R. Apr. 12, 1859 Webb, Mrs. Lucie of Greene county, Ala. to George W. Brooks of Raleigh, Jly. 20, Greensborough, Ala. R. R. Aug. 17, 1859 Webb, Mary of Windsor to William S. Gray, Oct. 25, Windsor. R. R. Nov. 9, 1859 Wellborn, Abel to Mary Cass, Dec. 15, Wilkes county. R. R. Dec. 24, 1859 Whitaker, R. Harper of Raleigh to Mollie E. Readmon of Conwayboro, S. C, Sept. 6, near Wilmington. R. R. Sept. 14, 1859 White, James A. to Louis M. Carmichael, Mar. 10, Liberty. R. R. Mar. 23, 1859 Whittington, Annie Minerva to Col. D. N. Sherwood, Apr. 5, Guilford county. R. R. Apr. 12, 1859 Wilder, Lizzie of Sussex county, N. J. to John Parker Jordan of this State, Mar. 8, Wantage township, N. J. R. R. Mar. 23, 1859 Wilder, Susan to Rigdon Johnson, Aug. 10, Wake county. R. R. Aug. 17, 1859 Williams, Bettie E. of Warren county to W. A. J. Nicholson, Nov. 1, Warrenton. R. R. Nov. 9, 1859 Williams, Calleta to Thomas Chalmers of Scotland, Aug. 4, Milburnie. R. R. Aug. 17, 1859 Williams, John W. to Cammilla A. Holt, Nov. 17, Warrenton. R. R. Nov. 30, 1859 Williams, Laura L. to William B. Gulley, Mar. 10, Raleigh. R. R. Mar. 16, 1859 Williams, Peyton P. to Elizabeth Parham, Apr. 15, Raleigh. R. R. My. 18, 1859 Williams, Wm. A. of Ransomsbridge to Sallie P. Wright, Je. 30, Nash county. R. R. Jly. 13, 1859 Williams, Wm. T. A. of Rolesville to Fatina Massey, Oct. 27, Wake county. R. R. Nov. 9, 1859 Wilson, Martha Lorella to Thomas D. Sledge, Jly. 5, Raleigh. R. R. JU/- 13, 1859 Womack, Eliza to Allen Hatchett, Mar. 30, Caswell County. R. R. Apr. 13, 1859 Woodward, Mariah of Raleigh to Josiah Jones, My. 1, Raleigh. R. R. My. 4, 1859 Wright, Richard L. to Olivia Wright, Feb. 24, Goldsboro. R. R. Mar. 23, 1859 Wright, Sallie P. to Wm. A. Williams of Ransomsbridge, Je. 30, Nash county. R. R. Jly. 13, 1859 Yeargin, Bettie to W. F. Huggins of Jones county, Jan. 6, Raleigh. R- B - Feb. 2, 1859 Yokely, Martha J. of Davidson county to Dr. John D. Marion, Apr. 10. R. R - Apr. 20, 1859 Yost, Paul to Adaline Weaver, Mar. 8, Cabarrus county. R. R. Mar. 23, 1859 Young, Elizabeth of Wake county to William P. King, Dec. 23, Rolesville, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 5, 1859
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