Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Adams, Elizabeth to Thomas B. Bose, Dec. 1, Yadkin county. R. R. J»n - 20, 1858 Adams, John F. to Elizabeth Rose, Jan. 1, Brushy Mountain. R. R. J«n« 20,1868 Allen, Mary of Orange county to Sidney Mebane of Chatham county, Jly. 31, Orange county. R. R. Aug. 11, 1858 Allen, Tabitha A. to Henry A. Lowry, Je. 2, Wake county. R. R. Je. 16, 1858 Arrington, R. W. to Rowena Avent, Nov. 4, Hilliarston, Nash county. R. R. Dec. 1, 1858 Avent, Rowena to R. W. Arrington, Nov. 4, Hilliarston, Nash county. R. R. Dec. 1, 1858 Avery G. S. of Johnston county to Charlotte A. Fort, Sept. 8, Wake county. R. R. Sept. 22, 1858 Bailey, Martha D. to Dr. A. B. Hawkins of Warren county, Apr. 6, Jefferson county, Fla. R. R. Apr. 21, 1858 Bain, Mary Ann of Raleigh to Benjamin L. Bitting of Germanton, Mar. 9. R. R. Mar. 10, 1858 Banks, William G. to Mollie E. Rand, Jan. 7, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Barham, Celestial D. to Robert W. Massey, Dec. 30, Rolesville, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Battle, Dr. James P. to Kate Ruth Home, Jan. 12, Edgecombe county. R. R. Feb. 17, 1858 Battle, Mary Eliza to Wm. F. Dancy, Jan. 14, Cool Spring, Edgecombe county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Beale, Rev. Edwin W. of Eastern Va. Conference to Eliza Jane Faucette, Jan. 7, Alamance county. R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Beck, Miss M. C. of Washington, D. C. to A. T. McCallum of Wilmington, Feb. 2, Washington, D. C. R. R. Feb. 17, 1858 Bellamy, Dr. John T. of Halifax county to Sarah S. W. Coffield, Nov. 22, Whitaker's Chapel, Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 24, 1858 Bennett, C. H. to Miss E. B. White of Pottsville, Pa., Aug. 10, Warren county. R. R. Aug. 18, 1858 Bernard, Joseph B. of Greenville to Ellen E. White of Washington, Nov. 10, Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Nov. 17, 1858 Bevers, Caroline of Wake county to Eldridge Smith of Raleigh, Je. 16. R. R. Je. 23, 1858 Bishop, Heshbon to Mary E. Whitehead, Jan. 7, Scotland Neck. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Bitting, Benjamin L. of Germanton to Mary Ann Bain of Raleigh, Mar. 9. R. R. Mar. 10, 1858 Blackwell, Pomphret of Granville county to Martha G. Currin, Dec. 23, Warren county. R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Bledsoe, Mary A. E. to William Piper, Je. 8, Wake county. R. R. Je. 23, 1858 Bobbett, Catharine E. to Henry C. Hicks, Nov. 24, Granville county. R. R. Dec. 1, 1858 Bose, Thomas B. to Elizabeth Adams, Dec. 1, Yadkin county. R. R. Jan 20, 1858 Brinkley, Sallie E. of Halifax county to W. C. Finch of Louisburg, Mar. 24. R. R. Apr. 21, 1858 Brooks, Jos. J. of Person county to Cornelia David of Pittsylvania county, Va., Mar. 17. R. R. Mar. 31, 1858 Browning, Lewis R. of Wake county to Margaret W. Walker, Sept. 16, Wake county. R. R. Oct. 6, 1858 Brummett, J. R. to Mrs. E. J. Grissom, My. 20, Granville county. R. RJe. 2, 1858 Brummett, S. B. to Pattie Gill, Je. 10, Franklin. R. R. Je. 23, 1858 Bryan, John H., Jr. to Maggie Henderson Outlaw, Nov. 24, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 1, 1858 Buck, Miss M. Estelle of Phila. to John T. Hampton of Plymouth, Washington county, Jan. 5, Phila. R. R. Feb. 17, 1858 Bunting, Anna E. to James W. Powell of Warren county, Apr. 21, Montgomery, Ala. R. R. My. 12, 1858 Burgwin, Hasell W. of Wilmington to Nannie W. Robinson of Charlotte Court house, Dec. 23, Charlotte county, Va. R. R. Jan. 6, 1858 Bynum, Alexander J. to Mary E. Grissom, Aug. 3, Granville county. R. RAug. 18, 1858 Cain, Mary C. to Thos. Ruffin, Jr., Je. 16, Hillsboro. R. R. Je. 23, 1858 Carpenter, Martha F. to Thomas A. Mitchell, Jly. 28, Raleigh. R. R. Aug. 4,1858 Carter, David J. (formerly of Raleigh) of Lancaster, S. C. to Lou F. Riddle of Camden, S. C , Sept. 30, Camden, S. C. R. R. Oct. 13, 1858 Carter, David M. to Sarah Isabella Perry, Apr. 8, Rosedale, Beaufort county. R. R. Apr. 21, 1858 Carter, Sarah F. to Dr. W. J. Courts, Jan. 7, Caswell county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Chamble, Emily D. to Daniel Whitley of Wake county, Dec. 16, Wakefield, Wake county. R. R. Dec. 22, 1858 Chambliss, Dr. J. of Miss, to Cathraine V. Williams of Warrenton, Aug. 25. R. R. Sept. 15, 1858 Clark, Mary B. to E. A. Whitaker, My. 18, Raleigh. R. R. My. 26, 1858 Charles, Addie of Elizabeth City to A. H. Lindsay of Deep Creek, Va., Nov. 2. R. R. Nov. 10, 1858 Cheek, Bettie D. to Robert J. Powell, My 4, Warren county. R. R. My. 12. 1858 Clanton, Dr. W. M. of Warrenton to Sallie Purviance of Camden county, Jan. 13, Camden county. R. R. Feb. 17, 1858 Clifton, W. W. of Wake county to Miss M. A. Stell, Jan. 12, Rolesville- R. R. Feb. 3, 1858 Coffield, Sarah S. W. of Halifax county to Dr. John T. Bellamy, Nov. 22. Whrtakers Chapel, Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 24, 1858 Courts, Dr. W. J. to Sarah F. Carter, Jan 7 Caswell county. R. R. Jan. 20. 1858 Cowell, Dr. W. H. to Lizzie Lamb Morgan, Je. 22, Currituck county. B» B. Jly. 21, 1858 Crawford, Col. M. to Ophelia Howell, Jly. 6, Wayne county. R. R. Jly. 21, 1858 Crawford, Sidney of Orange county to Nancy Smith, Aug. 8, Cane Creek Church. R. R. Aug. 18, 1858 Currin, Martha G. of Granville county to Pomphret Blackwell, Dec. 23, Warren county. R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Cuthrell, Joseph F. to Josephine N. Mesley, Dec. 30, Farmington, Davie county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Dancy, John S. to Annie E. Hyman, Nov. 11, Tawboro. R. R. Nov. 24, 1868 Dancy, Wm. F. to Mary Eliza Battle, Jan. 14, Cool Spring Edgecombe county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Davis, Cornelia of Pittsylvania county, Va. to Jas. J. Brooks of Person county, Mar. 17. R. R. Mar. 31, 1858 Dodge, Richard Irving, U. S. A. of Yadkin county to Julia Rhinelander Paulding of New York, Mar. 3, New York City. R. R. Mar. 17, 1858 Donnell, Miss C. Spaight to Thos. K. Keerl of Bait., Jan. 28, Newberne. R. R. Feb. 17, 1858 Durham, Martha J. of Orange county to Henry Roberson, Aug. 16 in the woods. R. R. Aug. 25, 1858 Ellery, Esther S. of Bost., Mass. to Wharton J. Green of Warren county, My. 4, Montmorenci. R. R. My. 12, 1858 Ellis, Hon. Jno. W. Ellis, Gov. elect to Mary McKinnley Daves of Newbern. Aug. 11. R. R. Aug. 18, 1858 Ellis, Martha N. of Wake county to Miles Scarbrough, Dec. 20. R. R. Dec. 25, 1858 Falkner, Eliza C. to Henry C. Robertson, Jr., Dec. 23, Warren county. R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Faucette, Eliza Jane to Rev. Edwin W. Beale of Eastern Va. Conference, Jan. 7, Alamance county. R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Finch, Capt. William H. of Raleigh to Maggie A. Reid, Oct. 14, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 20, 1858 Finch, W. C. of Louisburg to Sallie E. Brinkley of Halifax county, Mar. 24. R. R. Apr. 21, 1858 Fort, Charlotte A. to G. S. Avery of Johnston county, Sept. 8, Wake county. R. R. Sept. 22, 1858 Foster, Col. B. F. of Glenville formerly of Franklin county to Mrs. Martha A. Martin, Dec. 3, Tuskegee, Ala. R. R. Jan. 6, 1858 Fisher, Nannie A. of Raleigh to W. H. Kinner of Richmond, Va., Nov. 15, Raleigh. R. R. Nov. 24, 1858 Freeman, Wm. J. of Lenoir county to Sarah E. Jones, Apr. 8. R. R. My. 12, 1858 Freeland, Caroline F. of Raleigh to Joel B. Knight, Dec. 10, Sullivan Moultrie county, 111. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Fuller, Wm. N. to Mary L. Stone, Nov. 10, Heath Seat, Granville county. R. R. Nov. 24, 1858 Gill, Pattie to S. B. Brummett, Je. 10, Franklin. R. R. Je. 23, 1858 Goodwyn, R. J. of Petersburg, Va. to Miss M. A. Grace of Kinston, Je. 21, Kinston. R. R. Jly. 14, 1858 Grace, Miss M. A. of Kinston to R. J. Goodwyn of Petersburg, Va., Je. 21, Kinston. R. R. Jly. 14, 1858 Green, Wharton J. of Warren county to Esther S. Ellery of Boston, Mass., My. 4, Montmorenci. R. R. My. 12, 1858 Griffith, Sarah C. of Davie county to Col. Sam! T. Swaringen of Stanly county, Dec. 29. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Grissom, Mrs. E. J. to J. R. Brummett, My. 20, Granville county. R. R. Je. 2, 1858 Grissom, Mary E. to Alexander J. Bynum, Aug. 3, Granville county. R. R. Aug. 18, 1858 Hamilton, Phoebe of Wake county to Willie Medlin, Jan. 1, Raleigh. R. R. Jan. 13, 1868 Hampton, John T. of Plymouth, Washington county to Miss M. Estelle Buck of Phila., Jan. 5, Phila. R. R. Feb. 17, 1858 Hancock, Benjamin F. to Virginia E. Tunstall, My. 5, Granville county. R. R. My. 12, 1858 Harper, Kinchen R. of Warrenton to Dolly Little of Northampton county, Sept. 29, Warrenton. R. R. Oct. 6, 1858 Harris, Dr. Samuel of Mecklenburg county to Mary Plummer of Granville county, Feb. 19. R. R. Feb. 3, 1858 Harris, W. H. to Martha Ann Long, Dec. 23, Warren county. R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Harrison, Capt. Wm. H. of Raleigh to Lottie S. Lea of Petersburg, Va., My 27, Petersburg, Va. R. R. Je. 2, 1858 Hawkins, Dr. A. B. of Warren county to Martha D. Bailey, Apr. 6, Jefferson county, Fla. R. R. Apr. 21, 1858 Hicks, Henry C. to Catharine E. Bobbett, Nov. 24, Granville county. R. RDec. 1, 1858 Hight, H. to Sarah K. Jones, Dec. 23, Franklin county. R. R. Jan. 6, 1858 Hill, Mary of Hillsboro to John Sheeler, Jan. 10, Hillsboro. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Holder, Eliza of Orange county to Thomas Medlen, Jan. 3, Orange county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Home, Kate Ruth to Dr. James P. Battle, Jan. 12, Edgecombe county. R. R. Feb. 17, 1858 Howard, Hattie E. to Whitmel P. Lloyd, Jan. 13, Raleigh. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Howell, Ophelia to Col. M. Crawford, Jly. 6, Wayne county. R. R. Jly- 21, 1858 Hyman, Annie E. to John S. Daney, Nov. 11, Tawboro. R. R. Nov. 24, 1858 Ivey, Burton of Johnston county to Frances Martin, Dec. 31, Mount Energy, Johnston county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 James, Thomas to Lucy T. Powell, Jan. 5, Warren county. R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Jones, Anna I. of Raleigh to Willie G. Riddick of Gates county, Dec. 16, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 22, 1858 Jones, James Penick to Caroline Martin, Jan. 12, Rockingham county. R- B, Jan. 20, 1858 Jones, Mary P. J. of Warren county to W. H. B. Taylor of Pamlico District, S. C , My. 4. R. R. My. 12, 1858 Jones, Sarah E. of Lenoir county to Wm. J. Freeman, Apr. 8. R. B. My. 12, 1858 Jones, Sarah K. to H. Hight, Dec. 23, Franklin county. R. R. Jan. 6, 1868 Jones, W. Z. Y. of Warren county to Mrs. Mary Joyner of Green county, Apr. 29. R. R. My. 12, 1868 Johnston, James C , Jr. to Kate H. Warren, Je. 7, St. Paul's church, Edenton. R. R. Je. 23, 1868 Johnston, Martha B. to Thomas A. Ratlin* of Wentworth, My. 6, Rockingham county. R. R. My. 19, 1858 Joyner, Mrs. Mary of Green county to W. Z. Y. Jones of Warren county, Apr. 29. R. R. My. 12, 1858 Keerl, Thos. K. of Balto. to Miss C. Spaight Donnell, Jan. 28, NefwbeW. R. R. Feb. 17, 1868 Keneda, J. B. of Green county to Mary Malorhorn of Pitt county, Nov. 24. R. R. Dec. 15, 1858 Kenner, W. H. of Richmond, Va. to Nannie A. Fisher of Raleigh, Nov. 15, Raleigh. R. R. Nov. 24, 1858 King, Elijah of Warren county to Lucy Talley, Apr. 29. R. R. My. 12, 1858 Kinn, Ann to Wm. Perril, Dec. 27, Warren county. R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Knight, Joel B. to Caroline F. Freeland of Raleigh, Dec. 10, Sullivan, Moultrie county, 111. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Lea, Lottie S. of Petersburgh, Va. to Capt. Wm. H. Harrison of Raleigh, My. 27, Petersburg, Va. R. R. Je. 2, 1858 Lilly, Pattie to S. S. Lilly, My. 12, Montgomery county. R. R. Je. 2, 1858 Lilly, S. S. to Pattie Lilly, My 12, Montgomery county. R. R. Je. 2, 1858 Lindsay, A. H. of Deep Creek, Va. to Addie Charles of Elizabeth City, Nov. 2. R. R. Nov. 10, 1858 Little, B. F. of Richmond county to Miss M. J. Reid of Mt. Mourne, Iredell county, Oct. R. R. Oct. 13,1858 Little, Dolly of Northampton county to Kinchen R. Harper of Warrenton, Sept. 29, Warrenton. R. R. Oct. 6, 1858 Lloyd, Whitmel P. to Hattie E. Howard, Jan. 13, Raleigh. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Long, Martha Ann to W. H. Harris, Dec. 23, Warren county. R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Lowry, Henry A. to Tabitha A. Allen, Je. 2, Wake county. R. R. Je. 16, 1858 McCallum, A. T. of Wilmington to Miss M. C. Beck of Washington, D. C , Feb. 2, Washington, D. C. R. R. Feb. 17, 1858 McKimmley, Mary Daves of Newbern to Hon. Jno. W. Ellis, Gov. elect of N. C , Aug. 11. R. R. Aug. 18, 1858 McLean, Kate L. to Maj. Jno. W. Scott, Mar. 24, Haywood, Chatham county. R. R. Mar. 31,1858 McRae, Miss H. L. to S. S. Spencer, My. 20, Montgomery county. R. R. Je. 2, 1858 Malorhorn, Mary of Pitt county to J. B. Keneda of Green county, Nov. 24. R. R. Dec. 15, 1858 Mann, Elizabeth to James M. Patterson, Dec. 31, Person county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Martin, Caroline to James Penick Jones, Jan. 12, Rockingham county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Martin, Frances of Johnston county to Burton Ivey, Dec. 31, Mount Energy, Johnston county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Martin, Mrs. Martha A. to Col. B. F. Foster of Glenville formerly of Franklin county, Dec. 3, Tuskegee, Ala. R. R. Jan. 6, 1858 Massey, Robert W. to Celestial D. Barham, Dec. 30, Rolesville, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Mebane, Sidney of Chatham county to Mary Allen of Orange county, Jly. 31, Orange county. R. R. Aug. 11, 1858 Medlen, Thomas of Orange county to Eliza Holder, Jan. 3, Orange county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Medlin, Willie of Wake county to Phoebe Hamilton, Jan. 1, Raleigh. R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Medlin, Wm. of Franklin county to Frances V. Walker, Oct. 26, Wake Forest. R. R. Nov. 3, 1858 Mesley, Josephine N. to Joseph F. Cuthrell, Dec. 30, Farmington, Davie county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Mitchell, Thomas A. to Martha F. Carpenter, Jly. 28, Raleigh. R. R. Aug. 4, 1858 Mitchener, Martha A. of Wake county to Wm. Rufus Stephenson, Feb. 10, Johnston county. R. R. Feb. 17, 1858 Moore, William A. to Mary Ann O'Berry, Nov. 11, Tawboro. R. R. Nov. 24, 1858 Morgan, Lizzie Lamb to Dr. W. H. Cowell, Je. 22, Currituck county. R. RJly. 21, 1858 Mountgomery, Mary to Robert T. Walker, Jan. 14, Caswell county. R. RJan. 20, 1858 Newman, Susan J. to James P. Williams, Dec. 22, Person county. R. RJan. 27, 1858 O'Berry, Mary Ann to William A. Moore, Nov. 11, Tawboro. R. R. Nov. 24, 1858 O'Mary, Jane to William Walker, Dec. 30, Warren county. R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Outlaw, Maggie Henderson to John H. Bryan, Jr., Nov. 24, Raleigh. R. RDec. 1, 1858 Outlaw, Victoria of Bertie county to William H. Pugh, My. 11, Windsor. R. R. My. 19, 1858 Pass, Rachel M. to Richard L. Yarbrough, Aug. 24, Caswell county. R- RSept. 15, 1858 Patterson, James M. to Elizabeth Mann, Dec. 31, Person county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Patterson, Jane of Orange county to Henry Whitted, Jan. 5, Orange county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Paulding, Julia Rhinelander of New York to Richard Irving Dodge, U. S. A. of Yadkin county Mar. 3, New York City. R. R. Mar. 17, 1858 Peagram, Bettie A. of Warren county to Thos. H. Williams of Rolesville, Jan. 14, Warren county. R. R. Feb. 3, 1858 Perril, Wm. to Ann Ruin, Dec. 27, Warren county. R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Perry, Sarah Isabella to David M. Carter, Apr. 8, Rosedale, Beaufort county. R. R. Apr. 21, 1858 Person, Hon. Samuel J. of Wilmington, Judge of Superior Court to Ellen Tyler, Staunton, Va., Je. 9, Staunton, Va. R. R. Je. 23, 1858 Piper, William to Mary A. E. Bledsoe, Je. 8, Wake county. R. R. Je. 23, 1868 Plummer, Mary of Granville county to Dr. Samuel Harris of Mecklenburg county, Jan. 19. R. R. Feb. 3, 1858 Powell, James W. of Warren county to Anna E. Bunting, Apr. 21, Montgomery, Ala. R. R. My. 12, 1858 Powell, Lucy T. to Thomas James, Jan. 5, Warren county. R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Powell, Robert J. to Bettie D. Cheek, My. 4, Warren county. R. R. My. 12, 1858 Pugh, William H. of Bertie county to Victoria Outlaw, My. 11, Windsor. R, R. My. 19, 1858 Purviance, Sallie of Camden county to Dr. W. M. Clanton of Warrenton, Jan. 13. R. R. Feb. 17, 1858 Rand, Mollie E. to William G. Banks, Jan. 7, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Ratliff, Thomas A. of Wentworth to Martha B. Johnston, My. 6, Rockingham county. R. R. My. 19, 1858 Reid, Maggie of Raleigh to Capt. William H. Finch, Oct. 14, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 20, 1858 Reid, Miss M. J. of Mt. Mourne, Iredell county to B. F. Little of Richmond county, Oct. 6. R. R. Oct. 13, 1858 Rice, Eliza of Orange county to George W. Terril of Alamance county, Jan. 1, Orange county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Riddick, Willie G. of Gates county to Anna I. Jones of Raleigh, Dec. 15, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 22, 1858 Riddle, Lou. F. of Camden, S. C. to David J. Carter (formerly of Raleigh) of Lancaster, S. C , Sept. 30, Camden, S. C. R. R. Oct. 13, 1858 Roberson, Henry of Orange county to Martha J. Durham, Aug. 16, in the woods. R. R. Aug. 25, 1858 Roberts, Wm. C. of Orange county to Mrs. Anna J. Rountree, Jan. 7, Orange county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Robertson, Henry C, Jr. to Eliza C. Faulkner, Dec. 23, Warren county. R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Robinson, Nannie W. of Charlotte Court house to Hasell W. Burgwin of Wilmington, Dec. 22, Charlotte county, Va. R. R. Jan. 6, 1858 Rogers, Wm. W. of Wake county to Ann Elizabeth Stell, Jan. 16, Rolesville, Wake county. R. R. Feb. 3, 1858 Rose, Elizabeth to John F. Adams, Jan. 1, Brushy Mountain. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Rountree, Mrs. Anna J. of Orange county to Wm. C. Roberts, Jan. 7, Orange county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Ruffin, John K. of Alamance county to Sally Bettie Taylor, Jan. 21, Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Feb. 17, 1858 Ruffin, Thos., Jr. to Mary C. Cain, Je. 16, Hillsboro. R. R. Je. 23, 1858 Scarbrough, Miles of Wake county to Martha N. Ellis, Dec. 20. R. R. Dec. 25, 1868 Scott, Maj. Jno. W. to Kate L. McLean, Mar. 24, Haywood, Chatham county. R. R. Mar. 31, 1858 Sheeler, John of Hillsboro to Mary Hill, Jan. 10, Hillsboro. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Sherard, Mariah A. of Wayne county to James R. Whitley of Johnston county, Jan. 19, Wayne county. R. R. Feb. 17, 1858 Smith, Eldridge of Raleigh to Caroline Bevers of Wake county, Je. 16. R. R. Je. 23, 1858 Smith, Nancy of Orange county to Sidney Crawford, Aug. 8, Cane Creek Church. R. R. Aug. 18, 1858 Spencer, S. S. to Miss H. L. McRae, My. 20, Montgomery county. R. R. Je. 2, 1858 Stell, Elizabeth of Wake county to Wm. W. Rogers, Jan. 16, Rolesville, Wake county. R. R. Feb. 3, 1858 Stell, Miss M. A. of Wake county to W. W. Clifton, Jan. 12, Rolesville. R. R. Feb. 3, 1858 Stephenson, Wm. Rufus of Wake county to Martha A. Mitchener, Feb. 10, Johnston county. R. R. Feb. 17, 1858 Stone, Mary L. to Wm. N. Fuller, Nov. 10, Heath Seat, Granville county. R. R. Nov. 24, 1858 Swaringen, Col. Sam'l T. of Stanly county to Sarah C. Griffith of Davie county, Dec. 29. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Talley, Lucy of Warren county to Elijah King, Apr. 29. R. R. My. 12, 1858 Taylor, Sally Bettie to John K. Ruffin of Alamance county, Jan. 21, Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Feb. 17, 1858 Taylor, W. H. B. of Pamlico District, S. C. to Mary P. J. Jones of Warren county, My. 4. R. R. My. 12, 1858 Terril, George W. of Alamance county to Eliza Rice of Orange county, Jan. 1, Orange county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Tunstall, Virginia E. to Benjamin F. Hancock, My. 5, Granville county. R. R. My. 12, 1858 Tyler, Ellen of Staunton, Va. to Hon. Samuel J. Person of Wilmington Judge of Superior Court, Je. 9, Staunton, Va. R. R. Je. 23, 1858 Victorminga, Mr. of Wake county to Emily Wall, Aug. 5, Wake Forest. R. R. Aug. 11, 1858 Walker, Frances V. to Wm. Medlin of Franklin county, Oct. 26, Wake Forest. R. R. Nov. 3, 1858 Walker, Henrietta to Weldon E. Wilson, Dec. 10, Warren county. R. RJan. 13, 1858 Walker, Margaret W. of Wake county to Lewis R. Browning, Sept. 16, Wake county. R. R. Oct. 6, 1858 Walker, Robert T. to Mary Mountgomery, Jan. 14, Caswell county. R- R Jan. 20, 1858 Walker, William to Jane O'Mary, Dec. 30, Warren county. R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Wall, Emily of Wake county to Mr. Victorminga, Aug. 5, Wake Forest. R. R. Aug. 11, 1858 Warren, Kate H. to James C. Johnston, Jr., Je. 7, St. Paul's church, Edenton. R. R. Je. 23, 1858 Watkins, Daniel of Wake county to Susan Watkins, Dec. 19, R. R- Dee. 25, 1858 Watkins, Polly of Wake county to William Watkins, Dec. 22, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Watkins, Susan of Wake county to Daniel Watkins, Dec. 19. R. R. Dec. 25, 1858 Watkins, William of Wake county to Polly Watkins, Dec. 22, Wake county- R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Whitaker, E. A. to Mary B. Clark, My. 18, Raleigh. R. R. My. 26, 1858 White, Miss E. B. of Pottsville, Pa. to C. H. Bennett, Aug. 10, Warren county. R. R. Aug. 18, 1868 White, Ellen E. of Washington to Joseph B. Bernard of Greenville, Nov. K>> Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Nov. 17, 180*8 Whitehead, Mary E. to Heshbon Bishop, Jan. 7, Scotland Neck. R- R Jan. 20, 1858 Whitley, Daniel of Wake county to Emily D. Chamble, Dec. 16, Wakefield, Wake county. R. R. Dec. 22, 1858 Whitley, James R. of Johnston county to Mariah A. Sherard of Wayne county, Jan. 19, Wayne county. R. R. Feb. 17, 1858 Whitted, Henry of Orange county to Jane Patterson, Jan. 5, Orange county. R. R. Jan. 20, 1858 Williams, Cathraine V. of Warrenton to Dr. J. Chambliss of Miss., Aug. 25. R. R. Sept. 15, 1858 Williams, James P. to Susan J. Newman, Dec. 22, Person county. R. R. Jan. 27, 1858 Williams, Thos. H. of Rolesville, Wake county to Bettie A. Peagram Warren county, Jan. 14, Warren county. R. R. Feb. 3, 1858 Wilson, Welden E. to Henrietta Walker, Dec. 10, Warren county. R. R. Jan. 13, 1858 Yarbrough, Richard L. to Rachel M. Pass, Aug. 24, Caswell county. R. R. Sept. 15, 1858 Young, Miss A. E. to W. W. Young, M.D., Je. 29, Henderson. R. R. Jly. 7, 1858 Young, W. W., M.D. to Miss A. E. Young, Je. 29, Henderson. R. R. Jly. 7,
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