Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Albright, George M. of Alamance county to Emily Jane Euliss of Chatham county, Nov. 20, Chatham county. R. R. Dec. 10, 1856 Alford, Annie M. of Wake county to Fenner Watkins, Dec. 18, Rolesville, Wake county. R. R. Dec. 24, 1856 Allen A. of Arkansas to Celia H. Mebane of Greensboro, Sept. 16, Greensboro. R. R. Sept. 24, 1856 Allen, Francis M. of Tenn. to Mary Ann Horton of Wake county, Aug. 28, Quincey, Tenn. R. R. Sept. 17, 1856 Alley, Bettie of Petersburg to Rev. S. R. Traywick of Wake county, Oct. 9, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 22, 1856 Austin, Mrs. Martha of this State to Col. Francis Haywood of Fla. Sept. 3, Halifax county. R. R. Sept. 17, 1856 Baker, John Algernon of Wilmington to Minerva Graham Haywood, Sept. 30, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 8, 1856 Battle, James L. to Louise Peebles of Sussex county, Va., Dec. 10, Scotland Neck, Halifax county. R. R. Dec. 17, 1856 Bell, Hon. P. H. of Texas to Ella Eaton of this State, Oct. 22, Washington, D. C. R. R. Nov. 5, 1856 Bellamy, Delia to Willis Weathersbee of Halifax county, Dec. 11.. R. R. Dec. 17, 1856 Belvin, Geo. of Wake county to Lydia Yeargin, Nov. 12, Wake county. R. R. Nov. 19, 1856 Beshaver, Christiana of Salisbury to Jacchevi Pompeo, My. 19, Raleigh. R. R. My. 21, 1856 Biggs, Eli C. to Martha C. Steptoe, Dec. 10, Scotland Neck. R. R. Dec. 17, 1856 Blickensderfer, Ellen of Lancaster, Pa. to D. H. Starbuck of Salem, Jan. 1, Lancaster, Pa. R. R. Jan. 23, 1856 Bond, Jones of Bertie county to Sallie W. Bond, Nov. 23, Windsor, Bertie county. R. R. Dec. 17, 1856 Bond, Sallie W. of Bertie county to Jones Bond, Nov. 23, Windsor, Bertie county. R. R. Dec. 17, 1856 Braum, Vincent to Rebecca Johnston, Aug. 26, Caswell county. R. R. Sept. 3, 1856 Bridgers, Susan of Wake county to William A. Parrish, Je. 1, Wake county. R. R. Je. 11, 1856 Brooks, Calvin D. of Ashe county to Mollie M. Sutton of Lawrence county, Ohio, Apr. 10, Ironton, Ohio. R. R. My. 14, 1856 Bryan, Lieut. Francis T., topographical engineer U. S. A. of N. C. to Edmonia Taylor, Mar. 26, St. Louis, Mo. R. R. Apr. 16, 1856 Bryan, Octavia to John C. Winder of New York, Dec. 22, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 24, 1856 Carpenter, Geo. D. to Mrs. Beedy Ferguson, Sept. 7, Wake county. R, R, Sept, 10, 1856 Carr, Wm. B. of Edgecombe county to Bettie H. Irwin of Warren county, Je. 10, Nash county. R. R. Je. 18, 1856 Chapel, William H. to Martha Phillips, Nov. 9, Wake county. R. R. Nov. 19, 1856 Chester, Charles T. New York to Lucretia L. Roberts of Newbern, Je. 17, Newbern. R. R. Jly. 2, 1856 Christian, Cornelia of Augusta county, Va. to Walter W. Lenoir of Lenoir, Je. 10, Walnut Hills, Va. R. R. Je. 25, 1856 Clark, Lucy N. to Dr. William J. Hawkins, Dec. 27, Warren county. R. R. Jan. 2, 1856 Courts, Mary E. of Raleigh to Wesley Jones of Wake county, Aug. 27, Raleigh. R. R. Sept. 10, 1856 Crabtree, John H. of Raleigh to Amy Ann Poole, Dec. 18, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 24, 1856 Crenshaw, James W. of Memphis, Tenn. to Susan A. Harris, Feb. 28, Wake Forest. R. R. Mar. 5, 1856 Cress, Mary A. of Salisbury to Leonidas B. Lemay, Apr. 23, Chapel Hill, Texas. R. R. My. 14, 1856 Crudup, Dr. Edward Alston of Franklin county to Columbia Jones, Je. 25, Pomona, Wake county. R. R. Jly. 2, 1856 Davis, Cornelia I. of Norfolk, Va. to James G. Womble, Sr. of Raleigh, Aug. 20, Norfolk. R. R. Aug. 27, 1856 Davis, Sarah of Greensboro to Jos. B. Palmer of Danville, Va., Feb. 4, Raleigh. R. R. Feb. 6, 1856 Dawson, Sarah J. of Sampson county to Willie West, Mar. 13, Sampson county. R. R. Mar. 26, 1856 Dick, James W. to Bettie Wright, Je. 24, Fayetteville. R. R. Jly. 2, 1856 Dixon, Sarah Jane of Granville county to James H. Leak of Stokes county, Oct. 1, Granville county. R. R. Oct. 17, 1856 Draughan, Delphia to Charles E. Sears of Nashville, Feb. 20. R. R. Mar. 5, 1856 Eaton, Ella of this State to Hon. P. H. Bell of Texas, Oct. 22, Washington, D. C. R. R. Nov. 5, 1856 Eaton, Mrs. Sally T. of Granville county to Rev. Wm. G. Jackson of Md. Nov. 27, Henderson. R. R. Dec. 17, 1856 Ellington, Mary Rhoda to Lucas Nunnally, Aug. 26, Wentworth, Rockingham county. R. R. Sept. 3, 1856 Ellis, Nancie of Orange county to Capt. John Wilkerson, Mar. 9, Orange county. R. R. Mar. 26, 1856 Emery, T. R. of Newbern to Julia R. Moore of Chapel Hill, Je. 10, Chapel Hill. R. R. Je. 25, 1856 Erwin, George W. of Greensboro, Ala. to Fanny Iredell Jones, Oct. 14, Hillsboro. R. R. Oct. 22, 1856 Euliss, Emily Jane of Chatham county to George M. Albright of Alamance county, Nov. 20, Chatham county. R. R. Dec. 10, 1856 Evans, Lydia Jane of Chesterfield District, S. C. to James N. Terry, Oct. 30, Richmond county. R. R. Nov. 19, 1856 Ezell, J. B. of Columbia, S. C. to Mary Vail of Richmond, Va., Je., Richmond, Va. R. R. Je. 4,1866 Ferguson, Mrs. Beedy to Geo. D. Carpenter, Sept. 7, Wake Forest. R. * • Sept 10, 1866 Finch, Pennina E. to Addison M. Spikes, Nov. 30, Wake county. R. R. Dec. 17, 1856 Forrest, Ann Pickard of Granville county to Joseph D. Hayes of Wake county, Je. 6, Granville county. R. R. Je. 11, 1856 Fowle, Daniel G. of Raleigh to Ellen Brent Pearson, Apr. 15, Richmond Hill, Yadkin county. R. R. Apr. 30, 1856 Gatling, Rebecca to T. J. Peebles, Dec. 2, Northampton county. R. R. Dec. 31, 1856 Griswold, Mary A. to Wm. H. H. Hodges of Portsmouth, Va., My. 13, Goldsboro. R. R. My. 21, 1856 Gwynn, Upton Bruce of Raleigh to Sally N. Ruffin, Je. 4, Alamance county. R. R. Je. 11, 1856 Hall, Louisa of Pittsboro to John Manning, Je. 5, Pittsboro. R. R. Je. 18, 1856 Harding, E. L. of Chicago to Lucy R. Ramsay of Raleigh, Jly. 22, Raleigh. R. R. Jly. 30, 1856 Harris, Susan A. to James W. Crenshaw of Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 28, Wake Forest. R. R. Mar. 5, 1856 Harrison, Julia formerly of Edgecombe county to Col. E. King of Nash county, My. 20, Gonzales, Texas. R. R. Je. 18, 1856 Haigh, Alice to Wm. H. Lippitt of Wilmington, Oct. 16, Fayetteville. R. R. Oct. 22, 1856 Hawkins, Dr. William J. to Lucy N. Clark, Dec. 27, Warren county. R. R. Jan. 2, 1856 Hayes, Joseph D. of Wake county to Ann Pickard Forrest of Granville county, Je. 6, Granville county. R. R. Je. 11, 1856 Haywood, Col. Francis of Fla. to Mrs. Martha Austin of this State, Sept. 3, Halifax county. R. R. Sept. 17, 1856 Haywood, Minerva Graham to John Algernon Baker of Wilmington, Sept. 30, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 8, 1856 Hilliard, Lucy of this State to Dr. Wm. E. Walker of La., My., Washington, D. C. R. R. My. 21, 1856 Hinton, Dr. G. J. to E. Jane Kennedy, Feb. 13, Chesterville, S. C. R. R. Mar. 5, 1856 Hodges, Wm. H. H. of Portsmouth, Va. to Mary A. Griswold, My. 13, Goldsboro. R. R. My. 21, 1856 Horton, Mary Ann of Wake county to Francis M. Allen of Tenn., Aug. 28, Quincey, Tenn. R. R. Sept. 17, 1856 Howerton, Maria L. to Hasell Norwood, Jan. 3, Hillsboro. R. R. Jan. 9,1856 Hubbard, Mark T. to Miss Parish, Nov. 27, Wake county. R. R. Dec. 17, 1856 Irwin, Bettie H. of Warren county to Wm. B. Carr of Edgecombe county, Je. 10, Nash county. R. R. Je. 18, 1856 Jackson, Rev. Wm. G. of Md. to Mrs. Sally T. Eaton of Granville county, Nov. 27, Henderson. R. R. Dec. 17, 1856 James, Rev. J. J. ed. Biblical Recorder to Mary L. Mangum, Apr. 9, Wake Forest College. R. R. Apr. 16, 1856 Johnston, Bebecca to Vincent Braun, Aug. 26, Caswell county. R. R. Sept. 3,1856 Johnston, Virginia N. to Lieut. Beverly H. Robertson, U. S. Dragoons, Mar. 26, St. Louis, Mo. R. R. Apr. 16, 1856 Jones, Columbia to Dr. Edward Alston Crudup of Franklin county, Je. 25, Pomona, Wake county. R. R. Jly. 2, 1856 Jones, Fanny Iredell to George W. Erwin of Greensboro, Oct. 14, Hillsboro. R. R. Oct. 22, 1856 Jones, Wesley of Wake county to Mary E. Courts of Raleigh, Aug. 27, Raleigh. R. R. Sept. 10, 1856 Kelly, Augus R. of Moore county to Ann Margaret McEachin of Robeson county, My. 29. R. R. Je. 11, 1856 Kennedy, E. Jane to Dr. G. J. Hinton, Feb. 13, Chesterville, S. C. R. R. Mar. 5, 1856 Kennedy, Margaret of Sampson county to Martin Strickland, My. 15. R. R. My. 28, 1856 King, Col. E. of Nash county to Julia Harrison formerly of Edgecombe county, My. 20, Gonzales, Texas. R. R. Je. 18, 1856 Lamkin, J. B. E. of Warren county to Marie Louise Laughter, Dec. 3, Warren county. R. R. Dec. 17, 1856 Laughter, Marie Louise of Warren county to J. B. E. Lamkin, Dec. 3, Warren county. R. R. Dec. 17, 1856 Leak, James H. of Stokes county to Sarah Jane Dixon of Granville county, Oct. 1, Granville county. R. R. Oct. 17, 1856 Lemay, Leonidas B. to Mary A. Cress of Salisbury, Apr. 23, Chapel Hill, • Texas. R. R. My. 14, 1856 Lenoir, Walter W. of Lenoir to Cornelia Christian of Augusta county, Va., Je. 10, Walnut Hills, Va. R. R. Je. 25, 1856 Lillington, Elizabeth K. to Ezekiel Myers, Sept. 2, Salisbury. R. R. Sept. 17, 1856 Lippitt, Wm. H. of Wilmington to Alice Haigh, Oct. 16, Fayetteville. R. R. Oct. 22, 1856 Lisenby, Green B. of Anson county to Ellen Sikes, Dec. 14, White's Store, Anson county. R. R. Dec. 17, 1856 Littlejohn, James T. to Mrs. Sophie M. Micheau of Petersburg, Va., Feb. 25, Oxford. R. R. Mar. 5, 1856 Long, Mary Virginia of Davie county to James B. Shelton publisher Lexington & Yadkin Flag, Jan. 17, Salem. R. R. Jan. 30, 1856 Lynn, James J. to Roxanna F. Moring, Je. 22, Wake county. R. R. Jly. 9, 1856 McClenahan, Jas. T. to Susan T. Williams of Yadkin county, Je. 10, R. R. Jly. 2, 1856 McEachin, Ann Margaret of Robeson county to Angus R. Kelly of Moore county, My. 29. R. R. Je. 11, 1856 MacRae, Gen'l Alexander to Caroline A. Price, Jan. 16, Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 23, 1856 Manning, John to Louisa Hall of Pittsboro, Je. 5, Pittsboro. R. R. Je. 18, 1856 Mangum, Mary L. to Rev. J. J. James ed. Biblical Recorder, Apr. 9, Wake Forest College. R. R. Apr. 16, 1856 Mears, Walker to Ann Claypole Wright, Oct. 28, Wilmington. R. R. Nov. 29, 1856 Mebane, Celia H. of Greensboro to A. Allen of Arkansas, Sept. 16, Greensboro. R. R. Sept. 24, 1856 Micheau, Mrs. Sophie M. of Petersburg, Va. to James T. Littlejohn, Feb, 26, Oxford. R. R. Mar. 6,1856 Moore, Julia R . of Chapel Hill to T. R. Emery of Newbern, Je. 10, Chapel Hill. R. R. Je. 25, 1856 Moring, Roxanna F. to James J. Lynn, Je. 22, Wake county. R. R. Jly. 9, 1856 Myers, Ezekiel to Mrs. Elizabeth K. Lillington, Sept. 2, Salisbury. R. R. Sept. 17, 1856 Norwood, Hasell to Maria L. Howerton, Jan. 3, Hillsboro. R. R. Jan. 9, 1856 Nunnally, Lucas to Mary Rhoda Ellington, August 26, Wentworth, Rockingham county. R. R . Sept. 3, 1856 O'Burn, John of Raleigh to Sarah Overstreet of Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 22, Nashville, Tenn. R. R. Nov. 19, 1856 Overstreet, Sarah of Nashville, Tenn. to John O'Burn of Raleigh, Oct. 22, Nashville, Tenn. R. R. Nov. 19, 1856 Palmer, Jas. B. of Danville, Va. to Sarah Davis of Greensboro, Feb. 4, Raleigh. R. R. Feb. 6, 1856 Parish, Thomas to Mary Totten, Oct. 28, Caswell county. R. R. Nov. 12, 1856 Parish, Miss to Mark T. Hubbard, Nov. 27, Wake county. R. R. Dec. 17, 1856 Parrish, William A. of Wake county to Susan Bridgers, Je. 1, Wake county. R. R . Je. 11, 1856 Pearson, Ellen Brent to Daniel G. Fowle, Apr. 15, Richmond Hill, Yadkin county. R. R. Apr. 30, 1856 Peebles, Louise of Sussex county, Va. to James L. Battle, Dec. 10, Scotland Neck, Halifax county. R. R . Dec. 17, 1856 Peebles, T. J. to Rebecca Gatling, Dec. 2, Northampton county. R. R. Dec. 31, 1856 Perkins, Florence E. of Pitt county to Rufus S. Tucker of Raleigh, Nov 19, Pactolus, Pitt county. R. R. Nov. 26, 1856 Perry, Elizabeth to Cicero Williams, Mar. 4, Wake county. R. R. Mar. 12, 1856 Phillips, Martha to William H. Chapel, Nov. 9, Wake county. R. R. Nov. 19, 1856 Pompeo, Jacchevi of Salisbury to Christiana Beshaver, My. 19, Raleigh. R. R. My. 21, 1856 Poole, Auny Ann of Raleigh to John H. Crabtree, Dec. 18, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 24, 1856 Price, Caroline A. to Gen'l Alexander MacRea, Jan. 16, Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 23, 1856 Rabey, Hillory of Goldsboro to Martha Yeargin, My. 4, Raleigh. R. R. Jan. 11, 1856 Ramsay, Lucy B. of Raleigh to E. L. Harding of Chicago, Jly. 22, Raleigh. R. R. Jly. 30, 1856 Reed, Elizabeth E. to Richard A. Torrence, Nov. 25, Iredell county. R. R. Dec. 17, 1856 Ritchie, Eliza Smedes to Frederick C. Shepard of Raleigh, Oct. 1, Chicago. R. R. Oct. 17, 1856 Roberts, Lucretia L. of Newbern to Charles T. Chester of New York, Je. 17, Newbern. R. R. Jly. 2, 1856 Robertson, Lieut. Beverly H. U. S. Dragoons to Virginia N. Johnston, Mar. 26, St. Louis, Mo. R. R. Apr. 16, 1856 Rose, John R. of Va. to Virginia Williams of Southampton, Va., Sept. 16, Murfreesboro. R. R. Oct. 1, 1856 Sears, Charles E. of Nashville to Delphia Draughan, Feb. 20. R. R. Mar. 5, 1856 Shelton, James B. publisher Lexington & Yadkin Flag to Mary Virginia Long of Davie county, Jan. 17, Salem. R. R. Jan. 30, 1856 Shepard, Frederick C. of Raleigh to Eliza Smedes Ritchie, Oct. 1, Chicago, 111. R. R. Oct. 17, 1856 Sikes, Ellen of Anson county to Green B. Linsenby, Dec. 14, White's Store, Anson county. R. R. Dec. 17, 1856 Smith, George A. of Scotland Neck to Rozella H. Wiggins, Je. 10, Nash county. R. R. Je. 18, 1856 Smith, Sarah of Wayne county to K. M. C. Williamson of Smithfield, Jan. 15. R. R. Feb. 6, 1856 Spikes, Addison M. to Pennina E. Finch, Nov. 30, Wake county. R. RDec. 17, 1856 Starbuck, D. H. of Salem to Ellen Blickensderfer of Lancaster, Pa., Jan 1, Lancaster, Pa. R. R. Jan. 23, 1856 Steptoe, Martha C. to Eli C. Biggs, Dec. 10, Scotland Neck. R. R. Dec. 17, 1856 Strickland, Martin of Sampson county to Margaret Kennedy, My. 15, R. RMy. 28, 1856 Sutton, Mollie M. of Lawrence county, Ohio to Calvin D. Brooks of Ashe county, Apr. 10, Ironton, Ohio. R. R. My. 14, 1856 Taylor, Edmonia to Lieut. Francis T. Bryan, topographical engineer U. S. A. of N. C. Mar. 26, St. Louis, Mo. R. R. Apr. 16, 1856 Terry, James N. to Lydia Jane Evans of Chesterfield District, S. C , Oct. 30, Richmond county. R. R. Nov. 19, 1856 Torrence, Richard A. to Elizabeth E. Reed, Nov. 25, Iredell county. R. R> Dec. 17, 1856 Totten, Mary to Thomas Parish, Oct. 28, Caswell county. R. R. Nov. 12, 1856 Traywick, Rev. S. R. of Wake county to Bettie Alley of Petersburg, Oct. 9, Raleigh. R. R. Oct. 22, 1856 Tucker, Rufus S. of Raleigh to Florence E. Perkins of Pitt county, Nov. 19, Pactolus, Pitt county. R. R. Nov. 26, 1856 Vail, Mary of Richmond to J. B. Ezell of Columbia, S. C , Je., Richmond, Va. R. R. Je. 4, 1856 Walker, Paul J. of Granville county to Salluda M. Waller, Mar. 21. R. RApr. 9, 1856 Walker, Dr. Wm. E. of La. to Lucy Hilliard of this State, My., Washington, D. C. R. R. My. 21, 1856 Waller, Salluda M. of Granville county to Paul J. Walker, Mar. 21. R. Apr. 9, 1856 Warren, Cornelia A. to Robert A. Weaver, Apr. 24, Jackson, Northampton county. R. R. My. 7,1856 Watkins, Fenner of Wake county to Annie M. Alford, Dec. 18, Rolesville, Wake county. R. R. Dec. 24, 1856 Weathersbee, Willis of Halifax county to Delia Bellamy, Dec. 11. R. R. Dec. 17,1856 Weaver, Robert A. to Cornelia A. Warren, Apr. 24, Jackson, Northampton county. R. R. My. 7, 1856 West, Willie of Sampson county to Sarah J. Dawson, Mar. 13, Sampson county. R. R. Mar. 26, 1856 White, Stephen A. of Mebanesville, Alamance county to Mary Jane Woods of Orange county, My. 21. R. R. My. 28, 1856 Wiggins, Rozella H. to George A. Smith of Scotland Neck, Je. 10, Nash county. R. R. Je. 18, 1856 Wilkerson, Capt. John of Orange county to Nancie Ellis, Mar. 19, Orange county. R. R. Mar. 26, 1856 Williams, Cicero to Elizabeth C. Perry, Mar. 4, Wake county. R. R. Mar. 12, 1856 Williams, Susan T. of Yadkin county to Jas T. McClenahan, Je. 10. R. R. Jly. 2, 1856 Williams, Virginia of Southampton, Va. to John R. Rose of Va., Sept. 16, Murfreesboro. R. R. Oct. 1, 1856 Williamson, K. M. C. of Smithfield to Sarah Smith of Wayne county, Jan. 15. R. R. Feb. 6, 1856 Winder, John C. of New York to Octavia M. Bryan, Dec. 22, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 24, 1856 Womble, James G., Sr. of Raleigh to Cornelia I. Davis of Norfolk, Va., Aug. 20, Norfolk, Va. R. R. Aug. 27, 1856 Woods, Mary Jane of Orange county to Stephen A. White of Alamance county, My. 21. R. R. My. 28, 1856 Wright, Bettie to James W. Dick, Je. 24, Fayetteville. R. R. Jly. 2, 1856 Yeargin, Lydia to Geo. Belvin of Wake county, Nov. 12, Wake county. R. R. Nov. 19, 1856 Yeargin, Martha to Rabey Hillory of Goldsboro, My. 4, Raleigh. R. R. Jan. 11, 1856
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