Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Anderson, Pauline of Winton to Hugh B. Knox of La. Oct. 4, Winton, Hertford county. R.R. Oct. 11, 1854 Ashley, Elizabeth to James Bonner of Petersburg, Jan. 11, Raleigh. R.R. Jan. 14, 1854 Atkins, Maria to B. F. Pearce, Oct. 5, Fayetteville. R.R. Oct. 11, 1854 Badger, Sallie P. to Montford McGhee of Caswell county, Aug. 25, Raleigh. R.R. Sept. 27, 1854 Banks, Dr. Thomas L. to Hersillia N. Rand of Wake county, Je. 22, Wake county. R.R. Je. 28, 1854 Barringer, Rufus of Concord to Eugenea E. Morrison of Lincoln county, My. 23, Lincoln county. R.R. Je. 3, 1854 Baucom, Catharine of Wake county to Jacob Satinfield of Davidson county, Dec. 10. R.R. Dec. 20, 1854 Baucom, Margaret to Capt. A. J. Utley, Feb. 28, Wake county. R.R. Apr. 8, 1854 Biddle, B. Franklin to Hallie B. Outlaw, Feb. 28, Franklin county. R.R. Mar. 8, 1854 Bonner, James of Petersburg to Elizabeth Ashley, Jan. 11, Raleigh. R.R. Jan. 14, 1854 Bradley, Dr. Alfred O. to Fannie Frances Lippitt, Nov. 3, Wilmington. R.R. Nov. 8, 1854 Brehon, Rebecca of Warrenton to Lieut. Thomas M. Crossan, U.S.N. Jly. 11, Warrenton. R.R. Jly. 19, 1854 Brooks, Susan M. to Jonathan L. Hackney, Dec. 22, Chatham county. R.R. Jan. 7, 1854 Brown, Leonidas of Salisbury to Sarah P. Crump, Mar. 15, Powhattan county, Va. R.R. Apr. 5, 1854 Brown, W. W. B. to Jane M. Greene, Nov. 1, Greenville, Pitt county. R.R. Nov. 15, 1854 Bullock, Wm. G. to Prances Jenkins, Oct. 24, Granville county. R.R. Nov. 11, 1854 Burwell, Mary S. to Frederick Strudwick, My. 27, Hillsboro. R.R. Jly. 1, 1854 Campbell, Mary Eleanor to Wm. C. Parker, My. 11, Raleigh. R.R. My. 17, 1854 Carson, Rebecca R. to Dr. J. McD Whitson of Talladega, Ala. Nov. 6, McDowell county. R.R. Nov. 29, 1854 Clark, Charles C. editor of Atlantic to Frances L. Howard, Newbern, Jan. 10, Newbern. R.R. Jan. 21, 1854 Collins, Ann Winifred to William P. Rose of Warren county, Jly. 11, Warrenton. R.R. Jly. 19, 1854 Cotten, Miss M. A. of Bertie county to Jesse C. Jacocks of Perquimons county, Sept. 13. R.R. Sept. 27, 1854 Cotton, Miss M. E. of Bertie county to Maj. A. F. Garrett of Plymouth. R.R. Sept. 27, 1854 Covington, Col. J. W. of Richmond county to Fannie Settle of Rockingham county, Nov. 16, Rockingham county. R.R. Nov. 29, 1854 Cowles, Josiah, Jr. of Hamptonville to Mary Evans of Fayetteville, Aug. 9, Yadkin county. R.R. Aug. 23, 1854 Cox, John W. to Elizabeth Hackney, Oct. 1, Chatham county. R.R. Oct. 11, 1854 Crossan, Lieut. Thomas M. U.S.N, to Rebecca Brehon of Warrenton, Jly. 11, Warrenton. R.R. Jly. 19, 1854 Crump, Sarah P. to Leonidas Brown of Salisbury, Mar. 15, Powhattan county, Va. R.R. Apr. 5, 1854 Counel, Leah C. to Wm. H. Pleasants, Jly. 5, Franklin. R.R. Jly. 12, 1854 Daniel, Mary L. of this State to George Gordon of Alexandria, Va. Dec. 20, Halifax. R.R. Dec. 30, 1854 Daves, Jane G. to John Hughes of Pottsville, Pa. formerly of this State, Jan. 24, Newbern. R.R. Feb. 4, 1854 Dean, Nancy to John D. Flauner, Feb. 16, Newbern. R.R. Mar. 1, 1854 DeCoin, Miss A. C. of Edenton to John Syme of New Orleans, Oct. 11, Edenton. R.R. Oct. 18, 1854 Dowd, Emeline G. to Stokes B. Edwards, Nov. 29, Chatham county. R.R.. Dec. 23, 1854 Earp, John to Parthenia Medlin, Dec. 27, Eagle Rock, Wake county. R.R. Jan. 11, 1854 Easton, Henry P. of Pitt county to Sallie S. Herndon of Oxford, Jly. 20, Oxford. R.R. Jly. 29, 1854 Eaton, Sallie John to John H. Young, Sept. 26, Granville county. R.R. Oct. 4, 1854 Edwards, Stokes B. to Emeline G. Dowd, Nov. 29, Chatham county. R.R. Dec. 23, 1854 Empie, Adam, Jr. to Virginia Gwathney of Wilmington, Dec. 27. Richmond. R.R. Jan. 4, 1854 Erwin, Marcus of Asheville to Miss M. E. McDowell of Burke county. My. 3, Belvidere, Burke county. R.R. My. 20, 1854 Etheredge, William to Mildred Farrell, Nov. 23, Wake county. R.R. Nov. 29, 1854 Evans, Mary of Fayetteville to Josiah Cowles, Jr. of Hamptonville, Aug. 9, Yadkin county. R.R. Aug. 23, 1854 Farrell, Mildred to William Etheredge, Nov. 23, Wake county. R.R. Nov. 29, 1854 Fason, John of Wake county to Mary Riley, Jan. 3, Wakefield, Wake county. R.R. Jan. 11, 1854 Fearing, Elizabeth to Rev. C. M. Parkman, Je. 5, Elizabeth City. R.R. Je. 14, 1854 Flauner, John D. to Nancy Dean, Feb. 16, Newbern. R.R. Mar. 1, 1854 Free, Unice to William Weaver, Je. 16, Jefferson, Ashe county. R.R. Je. 24, 1854 Garrett, Maj. A. F. of Plymouth to Miss M. E. Cotton of Bertie county, Sept. 13. R.R. Sept. 27, 1854 Gay, Levinah to J. Busbee Wall, My. 11, Johnston county. R.R. My. 17, 1854 Gilliam, Thomas H. of Plymouth to Maria Louisa Skinner of Perquimons county. Nov. 28. R.R. Dec. 20, 1854 Gilmer, Mary A. to Charles E. Shober of Salem, Sept. 26, Greensboro. R.R. Oct. 4, 1854 Gootson, Fetna to William W. Hobbs, Aug. 16, Wake county. R.A. Aug. 26, 1854 Gordon. George L of Alexandria, Va. to Mary L. Daniel of this State. Dec. 20. Halifax. R.R. Dec. 30, 1854 Greene, Jane M. to W. W. B. Brown, Nov. 1, Greenville, Pitt county. R.R. Nov. 15, 1854 Grier, E. C. of Mecklenburg county to Francis Matilda Poe of Macon, Ga. My. 27. Macon, Ga. R.R. Dec. 20, 1854 Gwathmey, Virginia of Wilmington to Adam Empie, Jr. Dec. 27, Richmond. R.R. Jan. 4, 1854 Hackney. Elizabeth to John W. Cox, Oct. 1, Chatham county. R.R. Oct. 11, 1854 Hackney, Jonathan L. to Susan M. Brooks, Dec. 22, Chatham county. R.R. Jan. 7, 1854 Hancock, Dr. W. G. of Gateville to Fanny Harrell, Oct. 7, Hertford. R.R. Oct. 18, 1854 Harrell, Fanny to Dr. W. G. Hancock of Gatesville Oct. 7, Hertford. R.R. Oct. 18, 1854 Harrison, Louisa V. to William W. Holden Editor of N. C. Standard, Mar. 7, Raleigh. R.R. Mar. 11, 1854 Haughton, Mary Ann of Pittsboro to Dr. Ross R. Ihrin of Chowan county, Dec. 7, Pittsboro. R.R. Dec. 20, 1854 Heilig, L. G. of Rowan county to Mary Ann Shimpoch of Mt. Pleasant, Cabarrus county, Nov. 1, R.R. Nov. 15, 1854 Herndon, Sallie S. of Oxford to Henry P. Easton of Pitt county, Jly. 20, Oxford. R.R. Jly. 29, 1854 Hines, Rev. Richard to Helen C. Huske, Dec. 7, Fayetteville. R.R. Dec. 20, 1854 Hobbs, William W. to Fetna Gootson, Aug. 16, Wake county. R.R. Aug. 26, 1854 Holden, William W. Editor of N. C. Standard to Louisa V. Harrison, Mar. 7, Raleigh. R.R. Mar. 11, 1854 Howard, Frances L. of Newbern to Charles C. Clark editor of Atlantic, Jan. 10, Newbern. R.R. Jan. 21, 1854 Horton, H. L. of Maysville, Ky. to Bettie H. Staumere of Goldsboro, Je. 27, Goldsboro. R.R. Je. 28, 1854 Howard, Sarah E. to Robert H. Lewis of Milton, Nov. 3, Tarboro. R.R. Nov. 8, 1854 Huggins, Col. Owen of Onslow county to Cynthia A. Philips of Raleigh, Jan. 5, Raleigh. R.R. Jan. 7, 1854 Hughes, John of Pottsville, Pa. formerly of this State to Jane G. Daves, Jan. 24, Newbern. R.R. Feb. 4, 1854 Hunter, Sarah E. of Halifax county to Benjamin Wyche, Nov. 21, Enfield. R.R. Nov. 29, 1854 Huske, Helen C. to Rev. Richard Hines, Dec. 7, Fayetteville. R.R. Dec. 20, 1854 Huske, Wright to Harriet E. Hall, Feb. 21, St. John's church, Fayetteville. R.R. Feb. 22, 1854 Ihrin, Dr. Ross R. of Chowan county to Mary Ann Haughton of Pittsboro, Dec. 7, Pittsboro. R.R. Dec. 20, 1854 Jacocks, Jessie C. of Perquimons county to Miss M. A. Cotton of Bertie county, Sept. 13. R.R. Sept. 27, 1854 Jeffreys, Mary E. to Henry K. Sandlin of Granville county. R.R. Jly. 5, 1854 Jenkins, Frances to Wm. G. Bullock, Oct. 24, Granville county. R.R. Nov. 11, 1854 Johnston, Deneske Caroline to George W. Jones, Sept. 28, Orange . county. R.R. Oct. 7, 1854 Jones, George W. to Denesha Caroline Johnston, Sept. 28, Orange county. R.R. Oct. 7, 1854 Jones, Seth K. to Rainey Savage, Feb. 14, Raleigh. R.R. Feb. 18, 1854 Kingsbury, Delhi M. to Venable T. Brown, Jan 12, Oxford. R.R. Jan 28, 1854 Knox, Hugh B. of La. to Pauline Anderson of Winton, Oct. 4, Winton, Hertford county. R.R. Oct. 14, 1854 Leecraft, Julia F. of Beaufort to Charles A. Parks of Jones county, Jly. 11th, Beaufort R.R. Aug. 9, 1854 L'Engle, William J. to Margaret M. Saunders, Apr. 3, Raleigh. R.R. Apr. 5, 1854 Lewis, Robert H. of Milton to Sarah E. Howard, Nov. 3, Tarboro. R.R. Nov. 8, 1854 Lippitt, Fannie Frances to Dr. Alfred O. Bradley, Nov. 3, Wilmington. R.R. Nov. 8, 1854 Love, Dr. William L. of Waynesville to Miss P. J. Mills of Henderson county, Dec. 19. R.R. Jan 28, 1854 McAlister, Mary Elizabeth to T. H. Pemberton, Je. Fayetteville. R.R. Je. 7, 1854 McDowell, Col. James C. S. of Burke county to Julia Manly, Feb. 8, Raleigh. R.R. Feb. 11, 1854 McDowell, Miss M. E. of Burke county to Marcus Erwin of Asheville, My. 3, Belvidere, Burke county. R.R. My. 20, 1854 McGeehee, Montford of Caswell county to Sallie P. Badger, Aug. 25, Raleigh. R.R. Sept 27, 1854 Mclver, Emma Rebecca to James H. Taylor of Ashe and Granville counties, Dec. 6, Clemmonsville, Davidson county. R.R. Dec. 20, 1854 McKee, Dr. W. H. to Eliza O. Nixon of New Hanover county, Nov. 26, Raleigh. R.R. Nov. 29, 1854 McRae, Jane to John A. Pemberton, Feb. St. John's church, Fayetteville. R.R. Feb. 15, 1854 Manly, Julia to Col. James C. S. McDowell of Burke county, Feb. 8, Raleigh. R.R. Feb. 11, 1854 Matthews, Mrs. Francis Birdsall to James Reynolds of Norfolk, Va. Jan. 16, Raleigh. R.R. Jan. 18, 1854 Medlin, Parthenia to John Earp, Dec. 27, Eagle Rock, Wake county. R.R.Jan. 11, 1854 Mendenhall, Cyrus P. of Greensboro to Nannie L. Staples of Patrick, Va. Nov. 21, Patrick Courthouse, Va. R.R. Dec. 6, 1854 Mills, Miss P. J. of Henderson county to Dr. William L. Love of Waynesville, Dec. 19. R.R. Jan. 28, 1854 Moore, Lucy A. to A. J. Roberts of Orange county, Jan. 25, Wake county. R.R. Feb. 4, 1854 Morrison, Eugenia E. of. Lincoln county to Rufus Barringer of Concord, My. 23, Lincoln county. R.R. Je. 3, 1854 Norwood, Robina to Thomas Webb, Nov. 17, Hillsboro. R.R. Nov. 29, 1854 -; Nixon, Eliza O. of New Hanover county to Dr. W. H. McKee, Nov. 26, Raleigh. R.R: Nov. 29, 1854 Outlaw, Hallie B. to Franklin B. Biddle, Feb. 28, Franklin county. R.R. Mar. 8, 1854 Parker, John H. of St. Lukes church to Mrs. Ann Lord, Jan. 25, Salisbury. R.R. Feb. 8, 1854 Parker, Wm. C. to Mary Eleanor Campbell, My. 11, Raleigh. R.R. My. 17, 1854 Parkman, Rev. C. M. to Elizabeth Fearing, Je. 5, Elizabeth City. R.R. Je. 14, 1854 Parks, Charles A. of Jones county to Julia F. Leecraft of Beaufort, Jly. 11, Beaufort. R.R. Aug. 9, 1854 Pearce, B. F. to Maria Atkins, Oct. 5, Fayetteville. R.R. Oct. 11, 1854 Pemberson, John A. to Jane McRae, Feb. St. John's church, Fayetteville. R.R. Feb. 15, 1854 Pemberton, T. H. to Mary Elizabeth McAlister, Je. Fayetteville. R.R. Je. 7, 1854 Peters, S. T. of Lynchburg, Va. to Jane Warren of Edenton, Je. 22, Edenton. R.R. Jly. 8,' 1854 Philips, Cynthia A. of Raleigh to Col. Owen of Onslow, Jan. 5, Raleigh. R.R. Jan. 7, 1854 Pleasants, Wm. H. to Leah C. Counel, Jly. 5, Franklin. R.R. Jly. 12, 1854 Poe, Frances Matilda of Macon, Ga. to E. C. Grier of Mecklenburg, My. 27, Macon, Ga. R.R. Dec. 20, 1854 Polk, Hon. William H. of Tenn. to Lucy E. Williams of Warren county, Jly. 14, Shocco Springs, Warren county. R.R. Jly. 26, 1854 Potts, Sallie M. to W. A. Walker, Oct. 24, Wilmington. R.R. Nov. 1, 1854 Rand, Hersillia N. to Dr. Thomas L. Banks, of N. C. Je. 22, Wake county. R.R. Je. 28, 1854 Reynolds, James of Norfolk, Va. to Mrs. Francis Birdsall Matthews, Jan. 16, Raleigh. R. R.Jan. 18, 1854 Riley, Mary of Wake county to John Faison, Jan. 3, Wakefield, Wake county. R.R. Jan. 11, 1854 Roberts, A. J. of Orange county to Lucy A. Moore, Jan. 25, Wake county. R.R. Feb. 4, 1854 Rose, William P. to Ann Winifred Collins of Warren county. Jly. 11, Warrenton. R.R. Jly. 19, 1854 Ross, Mrs. Jas. of Bertie county to John E. Whitaker, Nov. 14, Bertie county. R.R. Dec. 30, 1854 Sandlin, Henry K. to Mary E. Jeffreys of Granville county, Jly. 9, Granville county. R.R. Jly. 15, 1854 Satinfield, Jacob of Davidson county to Catharine Baucom of Wake county, Dec. 10. R.R. Dec. 20, 1854 Sanders, Claudius B. to 2ailah E. Whitley, Jan. 4, Johnston county. R.R. Jan. 28, 1854 Saunders, Margaret M. to William J. L'Engle, Apr. 3, Raleigh. R.R. Apr. 5, 1854 Settle, Fannie of Rockingham county to Col. J. W. Covington of Richmond county, Nov. 16, Rockingham county. R.R. Nov. 29, 1854 Shimpock, Mary Ann of Mt. Pleasant Cabarrus county to L. G. Heilig of Rowan county, Nov. 1. R.R. Nov. 15, 1854 Shober, Charles E. of Salem to Mary A. Gilmer, Sept. 26, Greensboro. R.R. Oct. 4, 1854 Skinner, Maria Louisa of Perquimons county to Thomas H. Gilliam of Plymouth, Nov. 28. R.R. Dec. 20, 1854 Stanmire, Bettie H. of Goldsboro to H. L. Horton of Maysville, Ky. Je. 27, Goldsboro. R.R. Je. 28, 1854 Staples, Nannie L. of Patrick, Va. to Cyrus P. Mendenhall of Greensboro, Nov. 21, Patrick Courthouse, Va. R.R. Dec. 6, 1854 Strange, Robert to Carrie Wright, Nov. 12, Wilmington. R.R. Nov. 22, 1854 Strudick, Frederick N. to Mary S. Burwell, My. 27, Hillsboro. R.R. Jly. 1, 1854 Syme, John of New Orleans to Miss A. C. DeCoin of Edenton, Oct. 11, Edenton. R.R. Oct. 18, 1854 Taliaferro, Richard E. of Petersburg, Va. to Susan Ann Tuton of Raleigh, Jan. 10, Fayetteville. R.R. Jan. 11, 1854 Taylor, James H. of Ashe county & Granville to Emma Rebecca Mclver, Dec. 6, Clemmonsville, Davidson county. R.R. Dec. 20, 1854 Taylor, Wiley J. to Eliza Turley, Aug. 24, Columbus county. R.R. Sept. 6, 1854 Turley, Eliza to Wiley J. Taylor, Aug. 24, Columbus county. R.R. Sept. 6, 1854 Tuton, Susan Ann of Raleigh to Richard E. Taliaferro of Petersburg, Va. Jan. 10, Fayetteville. R.R. Jan. 11, 1854 Turner, Willis to Candis Yergain, Mar. 15, Raleigh. R.R. Mar. 18, 1854 Utley, Capt. A. J. to Margaret Baucom, Feb. 28, Wake county. R.R. Apr. 8, 1854 Venable, T. Brown to Delia M. Kingsbury, Jan. 12, Oxford. R.R. Jan. 28, 1854 Walker, W. A. to Sallie M. Potts, Oct. 24, Wilmington. R.R. Nov. 1, 1854 Wall, J. Busbee to Levinah Gay, My. 11, Johnston county. R.R. My. 17, 1854 Warren, Jane of Edenton to S. T. Peters of Lynchburg, Va. Je. 22, Edenton. R.R. Jly. 8, 1854 Weaver, William to Unice Free, Je. 16, Jefferson, Ashe county. R.R. Je. 24, 1854 Webb, Thomas to Robina Norwood, Nov. 17, Hillsboro. R.R. Nov. 29, 1854 Whitaker, John E. to Mrs. Jas. Ross of Bertie county, Nov. 14, Bertie county. R.R. Dec. 30, 1854 Whitley, Zillah E. to Claudius B. Sanders, Jan. 4, Johnston county. R.R. Jan. 28. 1854 Whitson, Dr. J. McD. of Talladega, Ala. to Rebecca R. Carson, Nov. 6, McDowell county. R.R. Nov. 29, 1854 Williams, Lucy E. of Warren county to Hon. William H. Polk of Tenn. Jly. 14, Shocco Springs, Warren county. R.R. Jly. 26, 1854 Wright, Carie to Robert Strange, Nov. 12, Wilmington. R.R. Nov. 22, 1854 Wyche, Benjamin to Sarah E. Hunter of Halifax county, Nov. 21, Enfield. R.R. Nov. 29, 1854 Yergain, Candis to Willis Turner, Mar. 15, Raleigh. R.R. Mar. 18, 1854 Young, John H. to Sallie John Eaton, Sept. 26, Granville county. R.R. Oct. 4, 1854
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