Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Adams, J. P. to Sarah H. Forsythe, Je 30, Granville county. R.R. Jly. 14, 1852 Ballew Adelaide E. to Philip Largent of Burke county, Jan. 28, Burke county. R.R. Feb. 14, 1852 Batters, J. P. to Catharine Brantley, Feb. 1, Hilton, Chatham county. R.R. Feb. 21, 1852 Baucom, Troy to Bettie A. Rand, Feb. 18, Wake county. R.R. Feb. 28, 1852 Barringer, V. C. of Charlotte to Maria A. Massey of Morganton, My. 27, Morganton. R.R. Je. 16 ,1852 Bennett, Thomas of Tennessee to Mrs. Sally W. Pascall, Oxford, Jly. 28, R.R. Aug. 7, 1852 Blacknall, Thos. J. of Henderson, Granville county to Louisa J. Foster of Franklin county, Jan. 28, Locust Grove. R.R. Feb. 7, 1852 Blount, Dr. Elias J. to Mary J. Williams, Aug. 11, Clifton Grove. Greene county. R.R. Aug. 18, 1852 Boger, Matthias of Salisbury to Catharine Burns, Apr. 3, Cabarrus county. R.R. Apr. 30, 1852 Boyd, Indiana of Granville county to Dr. R. A. Patterson of Lunensburg, Va. Jly. 29, R.R. Aug. 7, 1852 Brandt, John F. to Mrs. C. A. Stansfield of Richmond, Va. My. 1, Warrenton. R.R. My. 12, 1852 Brantley, Catharine to J. P. Batters, Feb. 1, Hilton, Chatham county, R.R. Feb. 21, 1852 Brantly, Heman to Sophia L. Smith of Fayetteville, Jan. 22, Newberry, S. C. R.R. Jan. 24, 1852 Britton, Fanny of Petersburg to Dr. William R. Miller of Raleigh, Dec. 8, Petersburg. R.R. Dec. 15, 1852 Brown, Bedford of Person county to Helen F. Powell, Je. 15, Wake Forest. R.R. Je. 26, 1852 Brown, J. A. of Maryland 1st Lieut. U.S. Army to Mildred Holmes of Wilmington, Apr. 13, Kendall, Brunswick county. R.R. Apr. 24, 1852 Bryan, Capt. Abram of Ashe county to Mrs. Celia Woodruff, Sept. 21, Yadkin county. R.R. Oct. 6, 1852 Bryan, Robert K. of Fayetteville to Miss H. S. Loftin of Wilmington, Feb. 10, Wilmington, R.R. Feb. 18, 1852 Burwell, A. R. of Granville county to Bettie K. Norman, Apr. 7, Granville county. R.R. Apr. 14, 1852 Callaway, James, M. D. to Annie Yeable, My. 6, Wilkes county. R.R. My. 15, 1852 Cannady, W. M. to Martha Morris, Sept. 30, Oxford Female College, Oxford. R.R. Oct. 23, 1852 Carraway, Samuel B. to Elizabeth Shaw, Sept. 27, Washington. R.R. Oct. 6, 1852 Carrigan, William M. of Alamance county to Ann E. Moore, Je. 22, Hillsboro. R.R. Je. 30, 1852 Cazaux, A. D. of Wilmington to Sarah W. Mullins of Fayetteville, Je. 3, R.R. Je. 9, 1852 Clark, Jane to Jno. Wallis Hill, Nov. 24, Iredell county. R.R. Dec. 15, 1852 Colton, Rev. Simeon of Summerville to Mrs. Catharine E. Fuller of Louisburg. Jan. 21, Louisburg. R.R. Jan. 7, 1852 Cooke, Mrs. E. S .to D. C. Murray, Jly. 7, Raleigh. R.R. Jly. 14, 1852 Cooley, Dr. G. M. of Franklin county to Mary J Lassiter of Sampson county, Dec. 15, Sampson county. R.R. Dec. 29, 1852 Cosby, Vincent T. to Martha Ann Hayes of Raleigh, Je. 22, Wake county. R.R. Je. 26, 1852 Davis, Sallie John of New Hanover county to William F. Freeman of Columbia, S. C. Feb. 18, at Orton, Brunswick county. R.R. Feb. 25, 1852 Easter, John of Baltimore to Mary A. Fitzharris, Jan. 22, Fayetteville. R.R. Jan. 28, 1852 Ellington, Adeline C. to Capt. J. J. Ferrell, Dec. 15, Johnston county. R.R. Dec. 29, 1852 Everitt, John H. to Mary Ann King of Halifax county, Je. 24, R.R. Jly. 17, 1852 Fennell, Owen of New Hanover county to Matilda A. Varnum of Wilmington, Feb. 12, Wilmington. R.R. Feb. 18, 1852 Ferrell, Capt. J. J. to Adeline C. Ellington, Dec. 15, Johnston county. R.R. Dec. 29, 1852 Field, Sallie Jones of Warren county to Gen'l Joseph B. Littlejohn of Franklin county, Oct. 13, Warren county. R.R. Oct. 20, 1852 Fritzharris, Mary A. to John Easter of Baltimore, Jan. 22, Fayetteville. RR. Jan. 28, 1852 Foster, Louisa J. of Franklin county to Thos. J. Blacknall of Henderson, Granville county, Jan. 28, Locust Grove. R.R. Feb. 7, 1852 Forsythe, Sarah H. to J. P. Adams, Je. 30, Granville county. R.R. Jly. 14, 1852 Fortiscue, Almaranda to Thomas Dupree Satchwell, Feb. 24, Beaufort county. R.R. Mar. 10, 1852 Foulkes, Dr. James F. of Guilford county to Margaret M. Kyle, Nov. 24, Fayetteville. R.R. Dec. 1, 1852 Freeman, William F. of Columbia, S. C. to Sallie John Davis of New Hanover county, Feb. 18, Orton Brunswick county. R.R. Feb. 25, 1852 Fuller, Mrs. Catherine E. of Louisburg to Rev. Simeon Colton of Summerville, Jan. 21, Louisburg. R.R. Jan. 7, 1852 Galloway, Dr. Robert of Rockingham county to Fannie M. Hill, Mar. 10, Milton. R.R. Mar. 17, 1852 Garrett, Jesse L. to Catharine Elizabeth Johnson of Raleigh, Je. 22, Raleigh. R.R. Je. 26,1852 Grant, Richard S. of Polk county, Texas to Eliza N. Mitchell of Chapel Hill, Nov. 18, Chapel Hill. R.R. Nov. 24, 1852 Gulick, William B. to Lucy Blount Runyon, Jan. 15, Washington. R.R. Jan. 24, 1852 Harris, Alice M. to Edward A. Thorne, Jly. 13, Halifax county. R.R. Aug. 11, 1852 Harris, O. of Chatham county to Agnes E. Peebles of Davie county, Mar. 25. R.R. Mar. 31, 1852 Hayes, Martha Ann to Vincent T. Cosby of Raleigh, Je. 22, Wake county. R.R. Je. 26, 1852 Haywood, Kate S. to Edward Yarbrough, Jr. Aug. 14, Raleigh. R.R. Aug. 18, 1852 Henderson, Alice S. to Lewis J. Mills, Apr. 11, Onslow county. R.R. Apr. 24, 1852 Hill, Fannie M. to Dr. Robert Galloway of Rockingham county, Mar. 10, Milton R.R. Mar. 17, 1852 Hill, Jno. Wallis to Jane Clark, Nov. 24, Ire&eii county. R.R. Dec. 15,1852 Hill, Miss M. W. formerly of this State to Col. George Williamson of Caswell county, Mar. 4, Newton county, Ga. R.R. Mar. 10. 1852 Holmes, Betsey to Dr. John L. Meares of Wilmington, Jan. 6, Fayetteville. R.R. Jan. 14, 1852 Holmes, Mildred of Wilmington to J. A. Brown of Maryland, 1st Lieut. U.S. Army, Apr. 13, Kendall, Brunswick county. R.R. Apr. 24, 1852 Hooker, Dr. Roscoe to Jane Eliza Pope, Apr. 27, Greene county. R.R. Je. 5, 1852 House, Betsey S. to James A. Warrick, Apr. 15, Sampson county. R.R. My. 1, 1852 Howard, Martha L. to L. D. Pender, Oct. Tarboro. R.R. Nov. 3, 1852 Huggins, Marianna to John Hyman, Apr 29, Trenton, Jones county. R.R. My. 19, 1852 Huske, Sarah to Thos. J. Robinson, Jan. 1, Fayetteville. R.R. Jan 7, 1852 Hutchins, Winifred to Wiley A. Sneed, Jan. 17, Wake county. R.R. Jan. 21, 1852 Hyman, John to Marianna Huggins, Apr. 29, Trenton Jones county. R.R. My. 19. 1852 Johnson, Catharine Elizabeth to Jesse L. Garrett of Raleigh, Je. 22, Raleigh. R.R. Je. 26, 1852 Johnson, Elminah to Richard W. Rives, Mar. 24, Pitt county. R.R. Apr. 3, 1852 Jones. Emeline to John Robbins, Nov. 25, Asheboro. R.R. Dec. 15, 1852 King. Mary Ann to John H. Everitt of Halifax county, Je. 24, R.R. Jly. 17, 1852 Kyle. Margaret M. to Dr. James F. Foulkes of Guilford county, Nov .24. Fayetteville. R.R. Dec. 1, 1852 Langdon. Samuel of Brunswick county to Mary McRae, Dec. 21, Fayetteville. R.R. Dec. 22, 1852 Largent. Philip to Adelade E. Ballew wof Burke county, Jan. 28. Burke county. R.R. Feb. 14, 1852 Lassiter, Mary J. of Sampson county to Dr. G. M. Cooley of Franklin county. Dec. 15, Sampson county. R.R. Dec. 29, 1852 Lewellen, Mellicent Jane of Randolph county to Alford M. Pickett of Chatham county, Jan. 29. R.R. Feb. 7, 1852 Lewis. Drury B. to Francis Rush, Nov. 18, Randolph county. R.R. Dec 1, 1852 Littlejohn, Gen'l Joseph B. of Franklin county to Sallie Jones Field of Warren county, Oct. 13, Glenwood. R.R. Oct. 20, 1852 Loftin, Miss H. S. of Wilmington to Robert K. Bryan of Fayettevill* Feb. 10, Wilmington. R.R. Feb. 18, 1852 McMorine, Helen of Elizabeth City to Alexander Wadsworth of Washington, D. C. Sept. 7, R.R. Sept. 18, 1852 McRae, Mary to Samuel Langdon of Brunswick county, Dec. 21, Fayetteville. R.R. Dec. 22, 1852 Manly, Rev. B., Jr. to Mrs. Charlotte E. Smith, Apr. 28, Marion, Ala. R.R. My. 15, 1852 Massey, Maria A. of Morganton to V. C. Barringer of Charlotte, My. 27, Morganton. R.R. Je. 16, 1852 Meares, Dr. John L. of Wilmington to Betsey Holmes, Jan. 6, Fayetteville. R.R. Jan. 14, 1852 Meredith, Bettie to R. P. Zimmerman of Georgia, Dec. 16, Raleigh. R.R. Dec. 29, 1852 Miller, Dr. William R. of Raleigh to Fanny Britton of Petersburg, Dec. 8, Petersburg. R.R. Dec. 15, 1852 Mills, Lewis J. to Alice S. Henderson, Apr. 11, Onslow county. R.R. Apr. 24, 1852 Mitchell, Eliza N. of Chapel Hill to Richard S. Grant of Polk county, Texas, Nov. 18, Chapel Hill. R.R. Nov. 24, 1852 Moore, Ann E. to William M. Carrigan of Almance county, Je. 22, Hillsboro. R.R. Je. 30, 1852 Moore, John of La. to Mary Virginia Proctor of Elizabeth City, My. 6, Pasquotank county. R.R. My. 19, 1852 Morehead, Marie Louise to Rufus Lenior Patterson of Caldwell county, Apr. 6, Blanwood near Greensboro. R.R. Apr. 14, 1852 Morris, Martha to W. M. Cannady, Sept. 30, Oxford Female College, Oxford. R.R. Oct. 23, 1852 Mullins, Sarah W. of Fayetteville to A. D. Cazaux of Wilmington, Je. 3, R.R. Je. 9, 1852 Murray, D. C. to Miss E. S. Cooke, Jly. 7, Raleigh. R.R. Jly. 14, 1852 Norman, Bettie K. of Granville county to A. R. Burwell, Apr. 7, Granville county. R.R. Apr. 14, 1852 Parks, Matilda M to Dr. A. A. Scroggs of Wilkes county, My. 12, R.R. Je. 26, 1852 Paschall, Mrs. Sally W. to Thomas Bennett of Tennessee, Jly. 28, Oxford R.R. Aug. 7, 1852 Patterson, Dr. R. A. of Lunensburg, Va. to Indiana Boyd of Granville county, Jly. 29, R.R. Aug. 7, 1852 Patterson, Rufus Lenior of Caldwell county to Marie Louise Morehead, Apr. 6, Blandwood near Greensboro. R.R. Apr. 14, 1852 Pebbles, Agnes E. of Davie county to O. Harris of Chatham county, Mar. 25, R.R. Mar. 31, 1852 Pender, L. D. to Martha L. Howard, Oct. Tarboro. R.R. Nov. 3, 1852 Pickett, Alford M. of Chatham county to Mellicent Jane Lewellen of Randolph county, Jan. 29, R.R. Feb. 7,1852 Pierce, Clara C. to Dr. N. H. Wiggins of Oxford, Oct. 21, Columbus, Ga. R.R. Nov. 6, 1852 Pleasants, Jane A. to Henry T. Watlington of Thompsonville, Rockingham county, Je. 13, Thompsonville. R.R. Je. 23, 1852 Pope, Jane Eliza to Dr. Roscoe Hooker, Apr. 27, Greene county. R.R. Je. 5,- 1852 Pope, Wm. H. to Harriet P. Stephenson, Apr. 27, Wake county. R.R. My. 15, 1852 Powell, Helen F. to Bedford Brown of Person county, Je. 15, Wake Forest. R.R. Je. 26, 1852 Proctor, Mary Virginia of Elizabeth City to John Moore of La. My. 6, Pasquotank county. R.R. My. 19, 1852 Rand, Bettie A. to Troy Baucom, Feb. 18, Wake county. R.R. Feb. 28, 1852 Rives, Richard W. to Elminah Johnson, Mar. 24, Pitt county. R.R. Apr. 3, 1852 Robbins, John to Emeline Jones, Nov. 25, Ashboro. R.R. Dec. 15, 1852 Robinson, Thos. J. to Sarah Huske, Jan. 1, Fayetteville. R.R. Jan. 7, 1852 Runyon, Lucy Blount to William B. Gulick, Jan. 15, Washington. R.R. Jan. 24, 1852 Rush, Francis to Drury B. Lewis, Nov. 18, Randolph county. R.R. Dec. 1, 1852 Satchwell. Thomas Dupree to Almaranda Fortiscue, Feb. 24, Beaufort county. R.R. Mar. 1, 1852 Scroggs, Dr. A. A. to Matila M. Parks of Wilkes county, My. 12. R.R. Je. 26, 1852 Shaw, Elizabeth to Samuel B. Carraway, Sept. 27, Washington. R.R. Oct. 6, 1852 Simpson, Mrs. Ann K. of Fayetteville to Charles Young of Charleston, S. C. Apr.. 4, Charleston, S. C. R.R. Apr. 14, 1852 Skinner, John to Lavinia W. Skinner of Edenton, Nov. Edenton. R.R. Dec. 1, 1852 Skinner, Lavinia to John Skinner of Edenton, Nov. Edenton. R.RDec. 1, 1852 Smith, Charlotte E. to Rev. B. Manly, Jr. Apr. 28, Marion, Ala. R.R. My. 15, 1852 Smith, Sophia L. of Fayetteville to Heman Brantly, Fayetteville, Jan. 22. R.R. Jan. 24, 1852 Sneed, Wiley A. to Winifred Hutchins, Jan. 17, Wake county. R.RJan. 21, 1852 Stansfield, Mrs. C. A. of Richmond, Va. to John F. Brandt, My. 1, Warrenton. R.R. My. 12, 1852 Stephenson. Harriet P. to Wm. H. Pope, Apr. 27, Wake county. R.R. My. 15, 1852 Strudwick, Dr. William S. of Hillsboro to Caroline Watters, Sept. 14, Summerville. R.R. Sept. 29, 1852 Swann, Lucy to A. D. Waddell of Chatham county, Jan. 15, Belvidere, Brunswick county. R.R. Jan. 24, 1852 Thompson, James to Mary B. Upton, Nov. 16, Randolph county. R.RDec. 1, 1852 Thome, Edward A; to Alice M. Harris, Jly. 13, Halifax county. R.RAug. 11. 1852 Upton, Mary B. to James Thompson, Nov. 16, Randolph county, R.R. Dec. 1, 1852 Varnum, Matilda A. of Wilmington to Owen Fennell of New Hanover county, Feb. 12, Wilmington. R.R. Feb. 18, 1852 Waddell, A. D. of Chatham county to Lucy Swann, Jan. 15, Belvidere, Brunswick county. R.R. Jan. 24, 1852 Wadsworth, Alexander of Washington, D. C. to Helen McMorine of Elizabeth City, Sept. 7, R.R. Sept. 18, 1852 Walker, Margaret I. to Henry Weber, Jly. 18, Pittsborough. R.R. Jly. 31, 1852 Warrick, James A. to Betsey S. House, Apr. 15, Sampson county. R.R. My. 1, 1852 Watlington, Henry T. to Jane A. Pleasants of Thompsonville, Rockingham county, Je. 13, Thompsonville. R.R. Je. 23, 1852 Watson, Mary A. of Bertie county to Geo. Wortham of Oxford, Sept. 16, Oak Grove Bertie county. R.R. Sept. 18, 1852 Watters, Caroline to Dr. William S. Strudwick of Hillsboro, Sept. 14, Summerville. R.R. Sept. 29, 1852 Weber, Henry to Margaret I. Walker, Jly. 18, Pittsborough. R.R. Jly. 31, 1852 White, Merriam C. of Wake county to John G. Williams of Raleigh, Raleigh, Feb. 5, Chapel Hill, R.R. Feb. 14, 1852 Wiggins, Dr. N. H. of Oxford to Clara C. Pierce, Oct. 21, Columbus, Ga. R.R. Nov. 6, 1852 Williams, Mary J. to Dr. Elias J. Blount, Aug. 11, Clifton Grove, Greene county. R.R. Aug. 18, 1852 Williams, John G. of Raleigh to Merriam C. White of Wake county, Feb. 5, Chapel Hill, R.R. Feb. 14, 1852 Williamson, Col. George of Caswell county to Miss M. W. Hill formerly of this State, Mar. 4, Newton county, Ga. R.R. Mar. 10, 1852 Woodruff, Mrs. Celia to Capt. Abram Bryan of Ashe county, Sept. 21, Yadkin county. R.R. Oct. 6, 1852 Wortham, Geo. of Oxford to Mary A. Watson of Bertie county, Sept. 16„ Oak Grove Bertie county. R.R. Sept. 18, 1852 Yarborough, Edward, Jr. to Kate S. Haywood, Aug. 14, Raleigh. R.R. Aug. 18, 1852 Yeable, Annie to James Callaway, M. D. My. 6, Wilkes county. R.R. My. 15, 1852 Young, Charles of Charleston, S. C. to Mrs. Ann K. Simpson of Fayetteville, Apr. 4, Charleston, S. C. R.R. Apr. 14, 1852 Zimmerman, R. P. of Georgia to Bettie Meredith, Dec. 16, Raleigh. R.R. Dec. 29, 1852
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