Transcribed by Diane Siniard
(Raleigh Daily Register) Alston, Lavinia M. to Rev. Wm. Barringer of Cabarrus county, Nov. 19, Chatham county. R.R. Nov. 23, 1850 Baker, Dan'l B. to Julia Everitt, Nov. 21, Wilmington. D.R. Nov. 23, 1850 Barringer, Rev. Wm. of Cabarrus county to Lavinia M. Alston, Nov. 19, Chatham county. D.R. Nov. 23, 1850 Borden, Harriett to Dr. Charles F. Dewey of Raleigh, Dec. 5, Goldsboro. D.R. Dec. 7, 1850 Brazinton, Phoebe Ann to E. H. Horton, Nov. 24, Chatham county. D.R. Dec. 1, 1850 Bumpass, John K. of Person county to Bettie Thomas of Granville county, Nov. 14. D.R. Nov. 24, 1850 Cook, Henry to Narcissa H. Kearny, Nov. 14, Franklin. D.R. Nov. 22, 1850 Dewey, Dr. Charles F. of Raleigh to Harriet Borden ,Dec. 5, Goldsboro. D.R. Dec. 7, 1850 Drane, Rev. R. B. D.D. Rector of St James Parish, Wilmington to Mrs. Catharine C. (Parker) Hargrave, Dec, 3, Tarboro. D.R. Dec. 17, 1850 Dunn, Amanda E. of Wake county to Ransom S. Harris, Nov. 14, Wake Forest. D.R. Nov. 22, 1850 Everitt, Julia to Dan'l B. Baker, Nov. 21, Wilmington. D.R. Nov. 23, 1850 Fullwood, Ann T. of McDowell county to Capt. Henry T. Lindsay of Burke county, Nov. 26, Burke county. D.R. Dec. 31, 1850 Hargrave, Mrs. Catharine C. (Parker) to Rev. R. B. Drane, D.D. Rector of St. James Parish, Wilmington. Dec. 3, Tarboro. D.R. Dec. 17, 1850 Harris, Ransom S. of Wake county to Amanda E. Dunn, Nov. 14, Wake Forest. D.R. Nov. 22, 1850 Horton, E. H. to Phoebe Ann Brazinton, Nov. 24, Chatham county. D.R. Dec. 1, 1850 Jacocks, Mrs. G. F. to Dr. R. C. Jenkins of Suffolk, Nov. 12, Perquimons county. D.R. Dec. 31, 1850 Jenkins, Dr. R. C. of Suffolk to Mrs. G. P. Jacocks, Nov. 12, Perquimons county. D.R. Dec. 31, 1850 Jones, Cornelia to Gen'l Waddy Thompson of Greenville, S.C. Nov. 18, Wilmington. D.R. Nov. 23, 1850 Kearny, Narcissa H. to Henry Cook, Nov. 14, Franklin. D.R. Nov. 22, 1850 Lindsay, Capt. Henry T. of Burke county to Ann T. Fullwood of McDowell county, Nov. 26, Burke county. D.R. Dec. 31, 1850 Stone, DeWitt C. to Mary M. Yarbrough, Dec. 3, Louisburg. D.R. Dec. 27, 1850 Thomas, Bettie of Granville county to John K. Bumpass of Person county, Nov. 14, D.R. Nov. 24, 1850 Thompson, Gen. Waddy of Greenville, S. C. to Cornelia Jones, Nov. 18, Wilmington. D.R. Nov. 23, 1850 Webb, Mary E of Bertie county to Rev. W. M. Wingate, Darlington, S. C. Dec. 19, Rolesville. D.R. Dec. 31, 1850 Wingate, Rev. W. M. of Darlington, S. C. to Mary E Webb of Bertie county, Dec 19, Rolesville. D.R. Dec. 31, 1850 Yarbrough, Mary M. to DeWitt C. Stone, Dec. 3, Louisburg. D.R. Dec. 27, 1850
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