Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Acee, Ida to G. A. Miller of Mocksville, My. 1, Talbot county, Ga. R.R. Je. 20, 1849 , Acre, Mary to Elbert Allen, Oct, 4, Wake county. R.R. Oct. 10, 1849 Allen, Elbert to Mary Acre, Oct. 4, Wake county. R.R. Oct 10, 1849 Alston, Lucy to N. T. Greene, Jly. 5, Halifax county. R.R. Jly. 14, 1849 Andrews, Miss A. E. of Greensboro to James W. Shives of Mississippi, Aug. Greensboro. R.R. Aug. 8, 1849 Avent, Sarah Jane of Greensville county, Va. to Dr. Richmond Thomas Jones of Brunswick county, Va. My. R.R. My. 2, 1849 Averitt, Ann Eliza to Dr. William Davis, My. 1, Onslow county. R.R. My. 16, 1849 Baker, Catharine May to Capt. William Huske, Holly Springs, near Fayetteville. Oct. 18, Holly Springs. R.R. Oct. 20, 1849 Baker, Maria Eaton to Hon Micajah T. Hawkins, Feb. 20, Warrenton. R.R. Feb. 28, 1849 Beckwith, Dr. John B. to Ann Gilbert Thompson, Feb. 22, Johnston county. R.R. Feb. 28, 1849 Benners, Julia M. to John A. B. Fitzgerald of Waynesville, Jan. Newbern. R.R. Jan. 24, 1849 Blake, Susan to Nelson T. Thompson,, Mar. 28, Wake county. R.R. Apr. 4, 1849 Bostick, Nancy to Leven Williams, Apr. 26, Stokes county. R.R. My. 26, 1849 Boykins, Drury D. of Mississippi to Cornelia D. Currie, My. 21, Caswell county. R.R. My. 30, 1849 Bragg, Brevet Lieut. Col. Braxton, U.S.A. to Eliza B. Ellis, Je. 7, Raleigh. R.R. Je. 23, 1849 Brooks, Josiah H. to Nancy Jane M'Cain, Sept. 11, Ashboro. R.R. Sept. 29, 1849 Brown, Miss J. Athalia to John B. Quince, My. 10, Wilmington. R.R. My. 26, 1849 Brown. Martha L. of Cabarrus county to Joseph W. Scott, Sept. 4, Salisbury. R.R. Sept. 12, 1849 Buchanan, Sallie of St. Louis, Mo. to Dr. Wm. H. McPheeters, My. 10, St. Louis ,Mo. R.R Je. 2, 1849 Buck, Capt. O. A. of Raleigh to Lucia Dow of Strafford, Aug. 7, South Strafford, R.R. Sept. 5, 1849 Burroughs, Mary Jane of Newark, N. J. to Julius Van Wegenen of Raleigh, Feb. 15, Newark, N. J. R.R. Mar. 7, 1849 Burton, Augustus W. of Lincolnton to Julia L. Olmsted, Hartford,. Conn, Apr. 25, Pittsborough. R.R. My. 9, 1849 Caldwell, Dr. A. C. to Julia Ann Doak, Aug. Guliford county. R.R. Aug. 8, 1849 Carroll, Eveline to Isaiah Robinson of Duplin Co. Apr. Sampson county. R.R. My. 2, 1849 Carroll, S. J. to Lucy A. Garrison, Je. 13, Wilmington. R.R. Je. 20, 1849 Carter, William P. to Cora Galloway, Aug. 7, Rockingham county. R.R. Aug. 29, 1849 Cooper, S. S. of Granville county to Sara E. Watson, Feb. 15, Nash county. R.R. Feb. 24, 1849 Copedge, P. J. of Wadesboro to Jane W. Doak of Guilford county, Aug. Guliford county. R.R. Aug. 8, 1849 Corpening, Miss C. L. of Burke county to Col. Leland Martin of Wilkes county, My. 8. Burke county. R.R. My. 23, 1849 Covington, Frances Jane to Thomas J. Morisey of Sampson county, Mar. 1, Rockingham, Richmond county. R.R. Mar. 14, 1849 Cowan, Margaret M. to Dr. D. B. Wood, Apr. 3, Rowan county. R.R. Apr. 18, 1849 Cowan, Mary to Robt. Harris, Aug. 29, Rowan county. R.R. Sept. 5, 1849 Cox, William to Sarah Wood, My. 6, Guilford county. R.R. My. 23, 1849 Croom, Mary E. of Lenoir county to Rufus T. Temple of Wake county, Aug 28, Lenior county. R.R. Sept. 22, 1849 Currie, Cornelia D. to Drury D. Boykins of Mississippi, My. 21, Caswell county. R.R. My. 30, 1849 Daniels, Mary P. of Roxboro, Person county to Francis Y. Townsend of Green county, Ala. Oct. 9, Roxboro, Person county. R.R. Oct. 24, 1849 Davis, Dr. William to Ann Eliza Averitt, My. 1, Onslow county. R.R. My. 16, 1849 Dearing, Mary R. of Tuscaloosa, Ala. to Rufus Alexander Henson of this State Sept. 26, Tuscaloosa, Ala. R.R. Oct. 17, 1849 Doak, Jane W. of Guilford county to P. J. Coppedge of Wadesboro, Aug. Guilford county. R.R. Aug. 8, 1849 Doak, Julia Ann to Dr. A. C. Caldwell, Aug. Guilford county. R.R Aug. 8, 1849 Dockery, Oliver H. to Martha Jane Stanback. Je. 21, Richmond county. R.R. Jly. 4, 1849 Dow, Lucia of Strafford to Capt. O. A. Buck of Raleigh, Aug. 7, South Strafford R.R. Sept. 5, 1849 Ellis, Eliza B. to Brevet Lieut. Col. Bragg, U.S.A. Je. 7, Raleigh. R.R. Je. 23, 1849 Fanning, Margaret to Patrick Ferrell of Smithfield, Sept. 11, R.R. Sept. 15, 1849 Ferrell, Patrick of Smithfield to Margaret Fanning, Sept. 11, R.R. Sept. 15, 1849 Fitzgerald, John A. B. of Waynesville, Haywood county to Julia M. Benners, Jan. Newbern. R.R. Jan. 24, 1849 Follen, Mary of Stokes county to Dr. F. F. Fountatin of Henry county, Va. Apr. 26, Stokes county. R.R. My. 26, 1849 Foreman, Mrs. M. F. of Pitt county to R. H. Lewis of Greene county, Ala. Je. 5, Pitt county. R.R. Je. 16, 1849 Foster, Elizabeth of Charlotte to Leander Willson of Waynesville, Apr. 19, Asheville. R.R. My. 2, 1849 Fountain, Dr. F. F. of Henry county Va. to Mary Follen of Stokes county, Apr. 26, Stokes county. R.R. My. 26, 1849 Franklin, Jesse D. of Panola, Miss formerly of Surry county this State to Amelia Lewis Thurmond of Hardeman, county, Tenn. Jan. 30. R.R. Feb. 28, 1849 Galloway, Cora to William F. Carter, Aug. 7, Rockingham county. R.R. Aug. 29, 1849 Garrison, Emma to Joseph Springs, Feb. Wilmington. R.R. Feb. 21, 1849 Garrison, Lucy A. to S. J. Carroll, Je. 13, Wilmington. R.R. Je. 20, 1849 Glover, Susan E. of Marshall county, Miss to Richard H. Hill of Franklin county, Feb. 13, Holly Springs, Miss. R.R. Feb. 28, 1849 Greene, N. T. to Lucy Alston, Jly. 5, Halifax county. R.R. Jly. 14, 1849 Grist, Mary W. to Col. John Hargrove of Granville county. Je. 20, Beaufort county. R.R. Jly. 4, 1849 Hall, Emeline of Rowan county to James Hall of Iredell county, Mar. 20, Rowan county. R.R. Apr. 18, 1849 Hall, James of Iredell county to Emeline Hall of Rowan county, Mar. 20. Rowan county. R.R. Apr. 18, 1849 Hall, John H. to Mrs. Margaret O'Hanlon, Aug. 10, Fayetteville. R.R. Aug. 18, 1849 Hargrove, Col. John of Granville county to Mary W. Grist, Je. 20, Beaufort county. R.R. Jly. 4, 1849 Harris, Amanda Melvina to William A. Harris of Granville county. My. 23, R.R. Je. 2, 1849 Harris, Benjamin F. to Ann E. Rogers of Granville county, Feb. 14, R.R. Feb. 28, 1849 Harris, Caroline J. to William King of Harristown, Jan. Warren county. R.R. Jan. 24, 1849 Harris, Elbert to Jane Riggan, Jan. Warren county. R.R. Jan. 24, 1849 Harris, John H. to Sarah W. Lancaster, Je. 14, Warrenton. R.R. Feb. 28. 1849 Harris, Lucinda to Gideon Riggan, Jan. Warren county. R.R. Jan. 24, 1849 Harris, Robt. to Mary Cowan, Aug. 29, Rowan county. R.R. Sept. 5, 1849 Harris, William A. to Amanda Melvina Harris of Granville county, My. 23, R.R. Je. 2, 1849 Haughton, Tipoo S. of this State to M. Elizabeth Moseley of Florida, Dec. 21, Sutherland, Jefferson county. R.R. Jan. 17, 1849 Hawkins, Hon. Micajah T. to Maria Eaton Baker, Feb. 20, Warrenton. R.R. Feb. 28, 1849 Haywood, Mrs. Hannah H. of Raleigh to Col. Edward Yarbough, My. 15, Raleigh. R.R. My. 19, 1849 Henderson, Priscilla to Thos. Stone, Apr. 24, Caswell county. R.R. My. 2, 1849 Hendricks, Thomas to Nancy Johnson, Aug. Cumberland county. R.R. Aug. 22, 1849 Henson, Rufus Alexander of this State to Mary R. Dearing of Tuscaloosa, Ala. Sept. 26, Tuscaloosa, Ala. R.R. Oct. 17, 1849 Herbert, Lucretia to Samuel Ives, My. 1, Halifax county. R.R. My. 26 1849 Hicks, George W. to Martha Ann Riley of Orange county, Apr. 9, Hillsboro. R.R. Apr. 18, 1849 High, Wm. H. to Amanda M. Royster of Raleigh, Mar. 14, Raleigh. R.R. Mar. 17, 1849 Hill, Richard H. of Franklin county to Susan E. Glover of Marshall county, Miss. Feb. 13, Holly Springs, Miss. R.R. Feb. 28, 1849 Holmes, John L. to Sally London, Feb. Wilmington. R.R. Feb. 21, 1848 Honeycutt, Sarah to Jonathan Nowell, Sept. 6, Wake county. R.R. Sept. 8, 1849 Hooks, Inez of Montgomery Ala. to Wm. J. Houston of Kenansville. Duplin county. Mar. 8, Winnsville, Va. R.R. Mar. 31, 1849 Hooks, Paulina of Montgomery, Ala to W. A. Ramsey of Sumpterville, S. C. Mar. 8, Winnsville, Va. R.R. Mar. 31, 1849 Houston, Wm. J. of Kenansville, Duplin county to Inez Hooks of Montgomery, Ala. Mar. 8, Winnsville, Va. R.R. Mar. 31, 1849 Hunter, Mary S. to Edward Mallett of Fayetteville, Oct. 10, Raleigh. R.R. Oct. 13, 1849 Huske, Rev'd Joseph C. to Margaret K. Strange, Jan. 30, Fayetteville. R.R. Feb. 3, 1849 Huske, Capt. William to May Catharine Baker, Holly Springs near Fayetteville. Oct. 18, Holly Springs. R.R. Oct. 20, 1849 Iredell, Frances L. to Dr. Charles E. Johnson, Apr. 10, Raleigh R.R. Apr. 14, 1849 Ives, Samuel to Lucretia Herbert, My. 1, Halifax county. R.R. My. 26, 1849 Jackson, Mary Jane of Petersburg to Wm. H. Moring of Greensboro, Je. Petersburg, Va. R.R. Je. 16, 1849 Johnston, Dr. Charles E. to Frances L. Iredell, Apr. 10, Raleigh. R.R. Apr. 14, 1849 Johnson, Mrs. Jane S. to Samuel H. Young, Aug. 22. Raleigh. R.R. Aug. 25, 1849 Johnson, Nancy to Thomas Hendricks, Aug. Cumberland county. R.R. Aug. 22, 1849 Jones, Dr. Richard Thomas of Brunswick county, Va. to Sarah Jane Avent of Greensville county, Va. My. R.R. My. 2, 1849 Jordan, Susan C. to B. Morris, Apr. 22, Johnston county. R.R. My. 19,1849 King, William to Caroline J. Harris of Harristown, Jan. Warren county. R.R. Jan. 24, 1849 Lancaster, Sarah W. to John H. Harris, Feb. 14, Warrenton. R.R. Feb. 28, 1849 Land, Louisa J. of Mecklenburg, Va. to James H. Patillo, Sept. 4, Warrenton. R.R. Sept. 12, 1849 Lasater, Robert W. of Oxford to Catharine B. Skinner, Feb. 14, Ayersville, Perquimons county. R.R. Feb. 28, 1849 Lazarus, Mary C. to Drury Thompson of Mobile, Ala. Oct. 9, Wake county. R.R. Oct. 13, 1849 Lewis, George F. of Warren county to Martha Ann May, Feb. 21, Franklin county. R.R. Feb. 24, 1849 Lewis, R. H. of Greene county, Alabama to Mrs. M. F. Foreman of Pitt county, Je. 5, Pitt county. R.R. Je. 16, 1849 Locke, John F. to Margaret Lock, My. 23, Rowan county. R.R. Je. 9, 1849 Lock, Margaret to John F. Locke, My. 23, Rowan County. R.R. Je. 9, 1849 London, Sally to John L. Holmes, Feb. Wilmington. R.R. Feb. 21, 1849 Love, John D. to Mary Orme Nutt, Sept. 6, Wilmington. R.R. Sept. 12, 1849 M'Adams, John T. to Mary Frances Scott, My. 17, Alamance county. R.R. My. 30. 1849 M'Cain, Nancy Jane to Josiah H. Brooks, Sept. 11, Ashboro. R.R. Sept. 29, 1849 M'Pheeters, Dr. Wm. H. to Sallie Buchanan of St. Louis, Mo. My. 10, R.R. Je. 2, 1848 Mallett, Edward of Fayetteville to Mary S. Hunter, Oct. 10, Raleigh. R.R. Oct. 13, 1849 Mangum, Amanda F. to Robert F. Webb of Baltimore, Jan. 9, Orange county. R.R. Jan. 31, 1849 Marble, Mary E. of Onslow county to Wm. S. Walker, Apr. New Hanover county. R.R. My. 2, 1849 Martin, Col. Leland of Wilkes county to Miss C. L. Corpening of Burke county, My. 8, Burke county. R.R. My. 23, 1849 May, Martha Ann to George F. Lewis of Warren county, Feb. 21, Franklin county. R.R. Feb. 24, 1849 Miller. G. A. of Mocksville to Ida Acee, My. 1, Talbot county, Ga. R.R. Je. 20, 1849 Morning. Wm. H. of Greensboro to Mary Jane Jackson of Petersburg, Je. Petersburg. Va. R.R. Je. 16, 1849 Morisey. Thomas J. of Sampson county to Frances Jane Covington, Mar. I. Rockingham, Richmond county. R.R. Mar. 14, 1849 Morris. B. to Susan C. Jordan, Apr. 22, Johnston county. R.R. My. 19, 1849 Moseley. M. Elizabeth of Florida to Tippo S. Haughton of this State, Dec. 21. Sutherland, Jefferson county. R.R. Jan. 17, 1849 Move. Gen Wyatt of Edgecombe county to Mrs. Jesse Speight, Oct. Lowndes county, Miss. R.R. Oct. 13, 1849 Murphy, Dr. Jethro of Snow Hill, Green county to Elizabeth Musgrave, Apr. 17, Wayne county. R.R. My. 16, 1849 Musgrave, Elizabeth to Dr. Jethro Murphy of Snow Hill, Green county, Apr. 17. Wayne county. R. R. My. 16, 1849 Newton, Elizabeth to Martin Walker of Christian county, Ky. Aug. 21, Granville county. R.R. Aug. 29, 1849 Norris, William H. to Mary Jane Yates, Dec 21, Wake county. R.R. Jan. 17, 1849 Nowell, Jonathan to Sarah Honeycutt, Sept. 6, Wake county. R.R. Sept. 8, 1849 Nuenan, Mary Ann of Ky. to Pleasant M. Scales, Apr. 26, Madison, Rockingham county. R.R. My. 2, 1849 Nutt, Mary Orme to John D. Love, Sept. 6, Wilmington. R.R. Sept. 12, 1849 O'Hanlon, Mrs. Margaret to John H. Hall. Aug. 10, Fayetteville. R.R. Aug. 18, 1849 Olmsted, Julia L. of Hartford, Conn to Augustus W. Burton of Lincolnton, Apr. 25, Pittsborough. R.R. My.9, 1849 Page, Allison F. of Wake county to Catharine F. Raboteau of Fayetteville, Jly. 5, Fayetteville. R.R. Jly. 11, 1849 Patillo, James H. to Louisa J. Land of Mecklenburg county, Va. Sept. 4, Warrenton. R.R. Sept. 12, 1849 Pettit, Julia Ann to Dr. Q. A. Shuford, My. 23, Wilkesboro. R.R. Je. 9, 1849 Powell, Pleasant M. of Richmond county to Louisa Sophia Thompson of Pittsborough, My. 24, Pittsborough. R.R. Je. 6, 1849 Quince, John B. to Miss J. Athalia Brown, May 10, Wilmington. R.R. My. 26, 1849 Raboteau, Catharine F. of Fayetteville to Allison F. Page, Jly. 5, Fayetteville. R.R. Jly. 11, 1849 Ramsey, W. A. of Sumpterville, S. C. to Paulina Hooks of Montgomery, Ala. Mar. 8, Winnsville, Va. R.R. Mar. 31, 1849 Rea, Agnes P. to Moses W. Webb, Apr. Edenton. R.R. My. 2, 1849Reston, William to Sarah Savage, Apr. 26, Wilmington. R.R. Apr. 28, 1849 Richardson, Applewhite of Johnston county to Martha Stone of Granville county. Apr. 11, Granville county. R.R. Apr. 21, 1849 Riggan, Gideon to Lucinda Harris, Jan. Warren county. R.R. Jan. 24,1849 Riggan, Jane to Elbert Harris, Jan. Warren county. R.R. Jan. 24, 1849 Riley, Martha Ann of Orange county to George W. Hicks, Apr. 9, Hillsboro. R.R. Apr. 18, 1849 Robinson, Isaiah of Duplin county to Eveline Carroll, Apr. Sampson county. R.R. My. 2, 1849 Rogers, Ann E. of Granville county to Benjamin F. Harris, Feb. 14, R.R. Feb. 28, 1849 Royster, Amanda M. of Raleigh to Wm. H. High, Mar. 14, Raleigh. R.R. Mar. 17, 1849 Royster, David Jr. to Sarah Womble, Je. 21, Raleigh. R.R. Je. 23, 1849 Sanders, Jordan to Emeline Massengille, My. 5, Smithfield. R.R. My. 19, 1849 Savage, Sarah to William Reston, Apr. 26, Wilmington. R.R. Apr. 28,1849 Scales, Pleasant M. to Mary Ann Nuenan of Ky. Apr. 26, Madison, Rockingham county. R.R. My. 2, 1849 Scott, Joseph W. to Martha L. Brown, of Cabarrus county, Sept 4, Salisbury. R.R. Sept. 12, 1849 Scott, Mary Francis to John T. M'Adams, My. 17, Alamance county. R.R. My. 30, 1849 Shives, James W. Mississippi to Miss A. E. Andrews of Greensboro, Aug. Greensboro. R.R. Aug. 8, 1849 Shuford, Dr. Q. A. to Julia Ann Pettit, My. 22, Wilkesboro. R.R. Je. 9, 1849 Skinner, Catharine B. to Robert W. Lasater of Oxford, Feb. 14, Ayersville, Perquimons county. R.R. Feb. 28, 1849 Speight, Mrs. Jesse to Gen. Wyatt Moye of Edgecombe county, Oct. Lowndes county, Miss. R.R. Oct. 13, 1849 Springs, Joseph to Emma Garrison, Feb. Wilmington, R.R. Feb. 21, 1849 Stanback, Martha Jane to Oliver H. Dockery, Je. 21, Richmond county. R.R. Jly. 4, 1849 Stone, Martha of Granville county to Applewhite Richardson of Johnston county, Apr. 11, Granville county. R.R. Apr. 21, 1849 Stone, Thos. to Priscilla Henderson, Apr. 24, Caswell county. R.R. My. 2, 1849 Strange, Margaret K. to Rev'd Joseph C. Huske, Jan. 30, Fayetteville. R.R. Feb. 3, 1849 Taylor, Dr. Leonidas of Oxford to Frances Jane Worthington of Brunswick, Va. Je. 20, Meadows, Va. R.R. Je. 30, 1849 Temple. Rufus T. of Wake county to Mary E. Croom of Lenior county, Aug. 28. Lenior county. R.R. Sept. 22, 1849 Thompson, Ann Gilbert to Dr. John B. Beckwith, Feb. 22, Johnston county. R.R. Feb. 28, 1849 Thompson, Drury of Mobile, Ala to Mary C. Lazarus, Oct. 9, Wake county. R.R. Oct. 13, 1849 Thompson, Louisa Sophia of Pittsborough to Pleasant M. Powell of Richmond county, My. 24, Pittsborough. R.R. Je. 6, 1849 Thompson, Nelson T. to Susan Blake, Mar. 28, Wake county. R.R. Apr. 4, 1849 Thurmond, Amelia Lewis of Hardeman county, Tenn. to Jesse D. Franklin of Panola, Miss formerly of Surry county this State, Jan. 30, R.R. Feb. 28, 1849 Townsend, Francis Y. of Greene county Ala. to Mary P. Daniel of Roxboro, Person county, Oct. 9, Roxboro, Person county. R.R. Oct. 24, 1849 Walker, Martin of Christian county, Ky. to Miss Elizabeth Newton, Aug. 21, Granville county. R.R. Aug. 29, 1849 Walker, Wm. S. to Mary E. Marble of Onslow county, Apr. New Hanover county. R.R. My. 2, 1849 Watson, Sara E. to S. S. Cooper of Granville county, Feb. 15, Nash county. R.R. Feb. 24, 1849 Webb, Moses W. to Agnes P. Rea, Apr. Edenton. R.R. My. 2, 1849 Webb, Robert F. of Baltimore to Amanda F. Mangum, Jan. 9, Orange county. R.R. Jan. 31, 1849 Wegenen, Julius Van of Raleigh to Mary Jane Burroughs of Newark, N. J. Feb. 15, Newark, N. J. R.R. Mar. 7, 1849 Williams, Leven to Nancy Bostick, Apr. 26, Stokes county. R.R. My. 26, 1849 Williamson, Mary E. to Hugh H .Wilson of Sumter District, S. C. Je. Davidson College. R.R. Je. 16, 1849 Wilson, Hugh H. of Sumter District, S. C. to Mary E. Williamson, Je. Davidson College. R.R. Je. 16, 1849 Willson, Leander of Waynesville to Elizabeth Foster of Charlotte, Apr. 19, Asheville, R.R. My. 2, 1849 Womble, Sarah to David Royster, Jr. Je. 21, Raleigh. R.R. Je. 23, 1849 Wood, Dr. D. B. to Margaret M. Cowan, Apr. 3, Rowan county. R.R. Apr. 18, 1849 Wood, Sarah to William Cox, My. 6, Guilford county. R.R. My. 23, 1849 Worthington, Frances Jane of Brunswick, Va. to Dr. Leonidas Taylor of Oxford, Je. 20, Meadows, Va. R.R. Je. 30, 1849 Yarbrough, Col. Edward to Mrs. Hannah H. Haywood of Raleigh, My. 15, Raleigh. R.R. My. 19, 1849 Yates, Mary Jane to William H. Norris, Dec. 21, Wake county. R.R. Jan. 17, 1849 Young, Samuel H. to Mrs. Jane S. Johnson, Aug. 22, Raleigh. R.R. Aug. 25, 1849
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