North Carolina Death Records 1830Transcribed by Diane Siniard Airey, John, Apr 29, Salisbury R. R. My. 13, 1830 Alexander, Adam of this State, Nov., Georgia. R. R. Dec. 2, 1830 Allen, Frances of Newbern, Je. 14, Raleigh. R. R. Je. 17, 1830 Allen, Mary of Newbern, Je. 13, Raleigh. R. R. Je. 17, 1830 Allison, Thomas, Sept. 13, Iredell county. R. R. Sept. 30, 1830 Andrews,. John, Apr., Rowan county. R. R. Apr. 29, 1830 Bagge, Mrs. C. F., Oct. 14, Stokes county. R. R. Oct. 28, 1830 Baker, Agatha, Aug. 11, Martin county. R. R. Aug. 26, 1830 Baker, Blake, Je. 14, Warren county. R. R. Jly. 29, 1830 Baker, Michael B., Dec., Rutherfordton. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830 Ballinger, Temple of Guilford county, Mar. 25, Indiana. R. R. Apr. 29, 1830 Barge, Lewis, Jly. 25, Robeson county. R. R. Aug. 5, 1830 Barnet, Mrs. Jesse, Dec. 13, Granville county. R. R. Jan. 28, 1830 Beard, Mrs. John, Jr., Oct. 6, Salisbury. R. R. Oct. 14, 1830 Beatty, Thomas, Mar. 29, Wilmington. R. R. Apr. 29, 1830 Bell, Marmaduke N., Feb. 22, Edgecombe county. R. R. Mar. 18, 1830 Bell, Thomas, Sr., Sept. 18, Chatham county. R. R. Sept. 30, 1830 Best, Benjamin, Jr., Nov., Wilmington. R. R. Nov. 18, 1830 Blum, David, Aug. 7, Stokes county. R. R. Oct. 7, 1830 Brackett, Adkins, Nov., Burke county. R. R. Nov. 4, 1830 Buie, Archibald W. of Cumberland county, Je. 6, Hillsborough. R. R. Jly. 31, 1830 Burgwin, George P. A., Jan. 26, Newbern. R. R. Feb. 4, 1830 Burnham, Mrs. John, Nov. 1, Wake Forest. R. E. Nov. 11, 1830 Burns, Mrs. Geo., Sept. 8, Granville county. R. R. Oct. 21, 1830 Burns, John of Ireland, Feb. 10, Buncombe county. R. R. Je. 3, 1830 Buxton, Mrs. James B., Nov. 25, Elizabeth City. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830 Caldwell, Dr. of Charlotte, Nov., Lexington, Ky. R. R. Nov. 18, 1830 Cameron, Mrs. Esther of Wilmington, Jly. 30, Raleigh. R. R. Aug. 5, 1830 Chambers, Otho, Nov. 7, Salisbury. R. R. Dev. 9, 1830 Cherry, Lemuel, Mar. 24, Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Apr. 15, 1830 Cheshire, John, Jan. 17, Edenton. R. R. Mar. 1, 1830 Childs, Mrs. Eliza, Jly. 30, Raleigh. R. R. Aug. 5, 1830 Clemmons, Mrs. James, Jan. 10, Guilford county. R. R. Feb. 4, 1830 Clemmons, Mrs. Lydia, Jan. 10, Guilford county. R. R. Jan. 28, 1830 Cluff, Mary, Mar., Elizabeth City. R. R. Mar. 18, 1830 Connelly, Jacob S., Aug., Burke county. R. R. Sept. 9, 1830 Cotton, Godwin, Je. 5, Hertford county. R. R. Jly. 8, 1830 Cranford, Leonard, Apr. 13, Montgomery conty. R. R. My. 13, 1830 Crosby, Tirza, Sept. 19, Rowan county. R. R. Oct. 14, 1830 Crosby, Mrs. William, Sept. 13, Rowan county. R. R. Oct. 14, 1830 Curtis, Anderson of Raleigh, Aug., Fayeteville. R. R. Sept. 2, 1830 Drake, Mrs. N. J., Dec. 1, Greensboro. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830 Dudley, William, Mar. 16, Newbern. R. R. Mar. 23, 1830 Dunbibin, Mrs. Julius C., Mar. 18, Wilmington. R. R. Apr. 1, 1830 Eaton, Major John R., Je., Granville county. R. R. Je. 24, 1830 Ellison, Mrs. Henry, Nov., Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Nov. 11, 1830 Erwin, Elam Alphonso, Nov. 7, Morganton. R. R. Dec. 2, 1830 Ferrand, Dr.. Stephen L., Nov. 15. R. R. Dec. ft, 1830 Fields, David L. of Guilford county, Sept. 11. R. R. Sept. 16, 1830 Fleming, Thomas, Mar., Warren county. R. R. Apr. 1, 1830 Ford, Mrs. Frederick, Apr., Rowan county. R. R. Apr. 29, 1830 Fuller, Mary, Jan. 16, Franklin county. R. R. Jan. 28, 1830 Graham, Andrew of Rowan, Sept., Athen, Ga. R. R. Sept. 23, 1830 Graham, Capt. Richard, Aug. 12, Rowan county. R. R. Sept. 9, 1830 Hamilton, Mrs. James, Mar. 27, Granville county. R. R. Apr. 1, 1830 Hargrave, Jesse, Jly. 23, Lexington. R. R. Aug. 12, 1830 Harris, Mrs. Sam'l S., Feb. 26, Cabarrus county. R. R. Mar. 18, 1830 Harrison, John W., Oct., Northampton county. R. R. Oct. 28, 1830 Harvey, Mrs. Bdmond B., Aug. 14, Hertford county. R. R. Oct. 7, 1830 Haskell, John of New York, Mar., Wilmington. R. R. Mar. 18, 1830 Hearsey, Mrs. George T. of Fayetteville, Mar. 9, New Orleans. R. R. Apr. 15, 1830 Heath, Major Chapel, Dec., Halifax. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830 Heifer, Capt. Daniel, Nov., Rowan county. R. R. Dec. 2, 1830 Helme, Dr. R. H. Feb. 23, Smithfleld. R. R. Mar. 1, 1830 Helper, Daniel, Nov. 5, Rowan county. R. R. Nov. 18, 1830 Henderson, Rich'd B., Feb. 15, Williamsborough. R. R. Feb. 25, 1830 Hill, Jordan, Aug. 15, Louisburg. R. R. Aug. 26, 1830 Hillyard, Elizabeth W., Aug. 4, Granville county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1830 Hogg, Mrs. Gavin, Dec. 3, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830 Holmes, Thomas of Salisbury, Je., Tuscaloosa, Ala. R. R. Je. 17, 1830 Hooks, Eveline Jane Amanda, Je. 25, Johnston county. R. R. Jly. 15, 1830 Hutchinson, Mrs. George, Sept. 15, Mecklenburg county. R. R. Oct. 21, 1830. Jenkins, Mrs. Frances, Aug., Pitt county. R. R. Sept. 9, 1830 Jones, David, Mar. 1, Wilmington. R. R. Mar. 18, 1830 Jones, George, Apr. 26, Wilkesboro. R. R. My. 27, 1830 Jones, Nicholas, My. 18, Orange county. R. R. Je. 10, 1830 Jordan, Rev. John, Aug., Chowan county. R. R. Aug. 19, 1830 Johnson, Charles of Warren county, Aug 12, West Hill, Wake county. R. R. Aug. 19, 1830 Justice, John, Je., Buncombe county. R. R. Je. 10, 1830 Kerner, Joseph, Je. 9, Stokes county. R. R. Je. 31, 1830 Kerr, Mrs. George of Hillsborough, Je., Tuscaloosa, Ala. R. R. Je. 17, 1830 King, Catharine at New York, Jan. 18, Moore county. R. R. Jan. 28, 1830 Kirkpatrlck, Rev. Josiah James, Jly. 25, Fayetteville. R. R. Aug. 5, 1830 Knight, Andrew, Apr., Caswell county. R. R. Apr. 15, 1830 Lewis, Hart of Connecticut, Dec., Orange county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830 Lewis, Major John E., Aug. 31, Caswell county. R. R. Sept. 9, 1830 Lewis, Col. Willis of Granville county, Nov. 19, Bolivar, Tenn. R. R. Dec. 2, 1830 Lloyd, Richard, Je., Wilmington. R. R. Jly. 31, 1830 Locke, Matthew, Jan. 7, Salisbury. R. R. Jan. 28, 1830 Love, Capt. Joseph of Macon county, Jly., Madison county, Tenn. R. R. Jly. 15, 1830 Lowrance, Sarah, Jan. 28, Iredell county. R. R. Feb. 25, 1830 M'Allister, Mrs. Charles, Aug., Bladen county. R. R. Sept. 2, 1830 M'Arn, Archibald, Jan. 11, Richmond county. R. R. Jan. 28, 1830 M'Aulay, Dr. John of Moore county, Mar. 16, Payetteville. R. R. Mar. 22, 1830 M'Cain, Joseph, Aug. 26, Rockingham county. R. R. Apr. 29, 1830 M'Coy, Alexander of Scotland, Sept., Iredell county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1830 M'Donald, Alexander of Scotland, Jan., Fayetteville. R. R. Feb. 4, 1830 M'Entire, Mrs. Nancy of Ireland, Je. 12, Morganton. R. R. Je. 31, 1830 M'llhenny, Elizabeth, Nov., Wilmington. R. R. Nov. 18, 1830 M'Kay, Neill, Sept., Cumberland county. R. R. Sept. 9, 1830 M'Lean, Dan'l, Je., Cumberland county. R. R. Je. 17, 1830 M'Mlllan, John, Aug., Richmond county. R. R. Sept. 2, 1830 M'Neil, James, My. 16, Cumberland county. R. R. My. 27, 1830 M'Rae, Mrs. Daniel, Jan., Payetteville. R. R. Jan. 28, 1830 Mahan, John E., Aug. 26, Concord, Cabarrus county. R. R. Sept. 9, 1830 Marsh, Sarah, Jan. 8, Cumberland county. R. R. Feb. 4, 1830 Mallett, Peter James, Apr. 26, Raleigh. R. R. Apr. 29, 1830 Matthews, Major Mussendine, Mar. 17, Iredell county. R. R. Apr. 1, 1830 Miall, Thomas, Je., Wake county. R. R. Jly. 1, 1830 Miles, Mrs. W. H. of Raleigh, Sept., Spartanburg, S. C. R. R. Sept. 16, 1830 Moore, Mrs. James, Aug. 15, Halifax county. R. R. Sept. 2, 1830 Moore, James of Granville county, Nov. 1, Bedford county, Tenn. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830 Morris, Col. Aquilla, Mar. 15, Halifax county. R. R. Mar. 23, 1830 Moss, Robert, Apr. 4, Montgomery county. R. R. My. 13, 1830 Neily, Mrs. Thomas J. of Northampton county, Jly. 27, Fayette county, Tenn. R. R. Sept. 16, 1830 Newberry, Isaac, Jan., Fayetteville. R. R. Jan. 28, 1830 Oakes, Pleasant, Aug. 30, Rowan county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1830 Odeneal, Mrs. John, Apr., Rockingham county. R. R. Apr. 15, 1830 Osborne, Mrs. Adley, Sept. 23, Iredell county. R. R. Oct. 28, 1830 Paisley, Mary Ann, Jly. 23, Greensborough. R. R. Aug. 12, 1830 Parker, Elisha, Apr. 30, Chowan county. R. R. My. 13, 1830 Parks, Capt. Hugh, Jan. 12, Mecklenburg county. R. R. Jan. 28, 1830 Pettigrew, Mrs. Ebenezer, Jly. 1, Tyrrell county. R. R. Jly. 15, 1830 Pinkston, Wm. Sr., Aug. 23, Rowan county. R. R. Sept. 9, 1830 Pinkston, Mrs. William, Oct. 7, Rowan county. R. R. Oct. 14, 1830 Polk, Col. William, Sept. 9, Raleigh. R. R. Sept. 16, 1830 Poor, Edwin, Dec., Morganton. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830 Price, Thomas, Dec., Wake county. R. R. Dec. 16, 1830 Pugh, Mrs. Jane, Aug. 19, Randolph county. R. R. Sept. 16, 1830 Ravenscroft, Rt. Rev. John Stark, Mar. 5, Raleigh. R. R. Mar. 11, 1830 Rea, Patsey, Aug., Chowan county. R. R. Aug. 19, 1830 Robards, Lawrence, Nov., Rowan county. R. R. Dec. 2, 1830 Sanders, Col. John, Nov., Johnston county. R. R. Nov. 25, 1830 Satterfleld, Henry B., Nov., Edenton. R. R. Nov. 11, 1830 Sharpe, James of Scotland, Je., Anson county. R. R. Je. 17, 1830 Sims, Allen, Feb. 4, Raleigh. R. R. Feb. 11, 1830 Slater, Mary, Jly., Scotland Neck. R. R. Jly. 8, 1830 Smith, David, Jly., Fayetteville. R. R. Jly. 8, 1830 Smith, David, Jr., Aug. 23, Wilmington. R. R. Sept. 2, 1830 Smith, Michael, Oct. 8, Rowan county. R. R. Oct. 14, 1830 Sneed, Dudley M., of Granville county, Sept. 19, Burke county. R. R. Oct. 21, 1830 Southall, Rev. Daniel of Murfreesborough, Nov., Washington, D. C. R. R. Nov. 11, 1830 Stanly, Jonathan, Nov., Wilmington. R. R. Nov. 18, 1830 Stewart, David, Apr., Rowan county. R. R. Apr. 29, 1830 Southerland, Jenny, Mar. 22, Payetteville. R. R. Mar. 25, 1830 Taylor, Col. James, Feb. 24, Pittsborough. R. R. Mar. 11, 1830 Taylor, Reuben, Apr., Caswell county. R. R. Apr. 15, 1830 Terrell, Henry, Jan. 30, Wake county. R. R. Feb. 4, 1830 Thompson, Beverly J., Jly. 20, Lincolnton. R. R. Aug. 12, 1830 Thompson, Mrs. Henry, Dec., Hillsborough. R. R. Dec. 9, 1830 Thompson, John, Dec. 19, Guilford county. R. R. Jan. 7, 1830 Towns, Mrs. Joseph H. of Wilmington, Apr., Cheraw, S. C. R. R. Apr. 29, 1830 Turner, Mrs. James, Sept. 7, Wake county. R. R. Sept. 23, 1830 Tuten, James of Payetteville, Sept., Robeson county. R. R. Sept. 9, 1830 Vines, Col. William, Oct. 6, Beaufort county. R. R. Oct. 21, 1830 Wagner, Mrs. William, Nov., Cabarrus county. R. R. Nov. 11, 1830 Wallace, Horatio, Oct. 2, Ocracoke. R. R. Oct. 14, 1830 Watt, Thompson, Aug. 5, Rockingham county. R. R. Aug. 19, 1830 Williams, Mrs. John, Feb. 16, Rowan county. R. R. Mar. 18, 1830 Williams, John, Sept. 3, Wake county. R. R. Sept. 9, 1830 Williams, Mrs. Wm., Jly. 8, Martin county. R. R. Jly. 16, 1830 Wilson, Sarah, Aug., Cabarrus county. R. R. Sept. 9, 1830 Wingate, Mrs. Jesse, Jan. 19, Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 28, 1830 Winston, Mrs. George of Franklin county, Jan., York District, S. C. R. R. Mar. 11, 1830 Worth, Mrs. Judith of Nantucket, Oct. 25, Guilford county. R. R. Nov. 11, 1830 Wright, Dr. William W. of Nansemond county, Va., Feb. 24, Pasquotank county. R. R. Mar. 18, 1830 Yancey, Mrs. Charles, Je., Granville county. R. R. Je. 24, 1830 Zink, Jacob, Aug. 9, Lexington. R. R. Sept. 9, 1830 |