North Carolina Death Records 1821

    Transcribed by Diane Siniard

    Allen, Burton, Mar. 23, Craven county.    R. R. Apr. 6, 1821
    Allen, John, Feb. 27, Raleigh.    R. R. Mar. 2, 1821
    Allen, John, Nov. 15, Wilmington.    R. R. Nov. 30, 1821
    Allen, Mrs. J., Sept. 18, Wilmington.   R. R. Sept. 28, 1821
    Ashe, Richard D., Je. 5, Wilmington.    R. R. Je. 15, 1821
    Atkinson, Gen. Richard, Dec. 3, Person county.    R. R. Dec. 14, 1821
    Avery, Col. Waighstill, Mar. 15, Burke county.    R. R. Apr. 27, 1821
    Bacon, Capt. of this State, Aug. 12, Georgetown, S. C.   R. R. Aug. 31, 1821
    Badger, Mrs. Susannah, Jan. 31, Newbern.    R. R. Feb. 16, 1821
    Baker, Mrs. Thos. of Bertie county, Jan. 17, Plymouth.    R. R. Feb. 2, 1821
    Barnes, Sam'l Thomas, Oct. 5, Scotland Neck.   R. R. Oct. 26, 1821
    Bedell, James of Newbern & New York, Dec. 12.    R. R. Dec. 28, 1821
    Bell, Capt. William, Oct. 22, Randolph county.    R. R. Nov. 9, 1821
    Bishop, Joseph, Aug. 12, Wilmington.    R. R. Aug. 24, 1821
    Blount, Mrs. Thomas H., Dec.  21, Washington, Beaufort county.    R. R. Jan. 5, 1821
    Borden, Mrs. Benjamin, Jan. 3, Craven county.    R. R. Jan. 19, 1821 
    Bowers, Alfred, Aug. 11, Wilmington.   R. R. Aug. 24, 1821 
    Brazier, Charles Henry, Sept. 11, Hillsborough.    R. R. Sept. 21, 1821 
    Brownrigg, George, Feb. 12, Edgecombe county.    R. R. Feb. 23, 1821 
    Bryan, Mrs. Mary Ann, Dec. 4, Newbern.    R. R. Dec. 21, 1821 
    Buie, Archibald of Fayetteville, Jly. 22, Lumberton.   R. R. Sept. 7, 1821 
    Bullock, Leonard of Warren county, Sept., Chapel Hill.    R. R. Sept. 14,
    1821 Burns, Nancy of New Hanover county, Apr. 17, Moore's creek.    R. R. My. 4, 1821
    Butler, Anthony,-Dec. 18, Elizabeth City.    R. R. Jan. 5, 1821 
    Calhorda, Mrs. John P., Sept. 18, Wilmington.    R. R. Sept. 28, 1821 
    Cash, Holden Wade, Oct. 21, Wadesboro.    R. R. Nov. 16, 1821 
    Christmas, Mary L., Jly. 18, Warrenton.    R. R. Jly. 27, 1821 
    Cobb, Mrs. Thomas of Raleigh, Oct., Virginia.    R. R. Oct. 19, 1821 
    Cochran, Addison of Person county, Dec. 29, Wilmington.    R. R. Jan. 5, 1821
    Cole, Mrs. Ann, Sept. 25, Wilmington.   R. R. Oct. 5, 1821 
    Collins, Mrs. Cader of Wake county, Oct. 24, Raleigh.    R. R. Oct. 26, 1821 
    Conyers, Hannah, Sept. 16, Wilmington.    R. R. Sept. 14, 1821 
    Davis, Archibald, Feb. 21, Franklin county.    R. R. Mar. 9, 1821 
    Davis, Mrs. Jane, Sept. 30, Wilmington.    R. R. Oct. 12, 1821 
    Davis, Mrs.  John  of Warren county, Jly.  11, Mecklenburg county, Va. R. R. Jly. 20, 1821
    Davis, Mrs. Sukey, Apr., Wake county.    R. R. Apr. 27, 1821 
    Dick, Mrs. Wm., Jly. 31, Wilmington.    R. R. Sept. 7, 1821 
    Dickson, Mrs. Jas. of Wilmington, Sept.  28, Smithville.    R.  R.  Oct.  12, 1821 
    Douglas, Achilles D. of Albemarle county, Va., Sept. 6, Rowan county. R. R. Sept. 21, 1821
    Eccles, Robert, Jly. 16, Fayetteville.    R. R. Jly. 27, 1821 
    Evans, Mrs. John, Mar. 3, Granville county.    R. R. Mar. 23, 1821 
    Everitt, Mrs. Celia, Sept. 1, Wilmington.    R. R. Sept. 14, 1821 
    Faddis, John, Jr., Sept. 27, Hillsborough.    R. R. Oct. 12, 1821
    Felton, General Boon, Oct. 24, Hertford county.    R. R. Nov. 2, 1821
    Freeland, Francis, Nov. 13, Wilmington.    R. R. Nov. 30, 1821
    Gambold, Mrs. J., Feb. 19, Springplace, Cherokee county.    R. R. Apr. 13,
    Gardner, Samuel A., Aug. 7, Wilmington.    R. R. Aug. 17, 1821 
    Gewin, Mrs., Oct. 4, Wilmington.    R. R. Oct. 12, 1821 
    Gibson, Mrs. David, Feb. 27, Randolph county.    R. R. Mar. 30, 1821 
    Goodwin, Samuel, Je. 2, Raleigh.    R. R. Je. 8, 1821 
    Graham, Dr. Chauncey, Dec. 19, Lenoir county.    R. R. Jan. 12, 1821 
    Graves, Mrs. Lewis of this State, Aug.  26, Augusta, Ga.    R. R. Oct.  19, 1821
    Griffith, Augustus, Aug. 10, Wilmington.    R. R. Aug. 17, 1821 
    Griffith, David W., Aug. 7, Wilmington.    R. R. Aug. 17, 1821 
    Gurley, A. H., Oct. 19, Fayetteville.    R. R. Oct. 26, 1821 
    Hall, Mrs. R. of Halifax, Je. 26, Caswell county.    R. R. Jly. 6, 1821 
    Hardy, Benjamin, My. 30, Bertie county.    R. R. Je. 15, 1823 
    Hare, Dr. John, Apr., Williamsborough.    R. R. Apr. 20, 1821 
    Harris, Mr., Apr., Wake county.    R. R. Apr. 27, 1821 
    Harris, Mrs. Peter, Jr., Sept. 5, Wilmington.    R. R. Sept. 14, 1821 
    Harris, Mrs. Peter, Sr., Sept. 26, Wilmington.    R. R. Oct. 5, 1821 
    HartsHeld, John, Apr., Wake county.    R. R. Apr. 27, 1821 
    Hatch, Edmund, Feb. 10, Craven county.    R. R. Feb. 16, 1821 
    Haynes, Francis L., Jly. 13, Robeson county.    R. R. Jly. 27, 1821 
    Hays, Richard of Wake county, Jly. 1, Caswell county.    R. R. Jly. 20, 1821 
    Haywood, Mrs. John, Jr., Je., Franklin county.    R. R. Je. 29, 1821 
    Henderson, Thomas, Nov. 15, Rockingham county.    R. R. Nov. 23, 1821 
    Hill, Mrs. Mary of Pa., Aug. 28, Iredell county.    R. R. Sept. 21, 1821 
    Hinton, Dr. Robert of Raleigh, Oct., Halifax.    R. R. Oct. 19, 1821 
    Hooper, George, Je. 19, Wilmington.    R. R. Je. 29, 1821 
    Hoskins, Mrs. Thomas, Feb. 21, Tyrrell county.    R. R. Mar. 16. 1821 
    Hutchins, Col., Nov., Hertford county.    R. R. Nov. 16, 1821 
    Ingle, Archibald, Oct. 3, Wilmington.    R. R. Oct. 12, 1821 
    Jackson, Mr., Apr., Wake county.    R. R. Apr. 27, 1821 
    Jacobs, Isaac, Sept. 7, Wilmington.    R. R. Sept. 14, 1821 
    Jenkins, Charles, Sept. 30, Wilmington.    R. R. Oct. 12, 1821 
    Jones, Mrs. David, Jly.  28, Wilmington.    R. R. Aug.  17, 1821 
    Jones, Moses, Feb., Raleigh.    R. R. Mar.  2, 1821 
    Johnson, James, My. 28. Halifax.    R. R. Je. 8, 1821 
    Johnson, Jane, Jly., Warren county.    R. R. Jly. 20, 1821 
    Johnston, James, My. 28, Halifax.    R. R. Je. 8, 1821
    Keys, Dr. James H. of Ireland, Dec.. Warren county.    R. R. Dec. 14. 1821 
    Knight, Mrs. Miles, Jly. 29, Wilmington.    R. R. Sept. 7, 1821 
    Lash, Jacob of Stokes county, Oct. 8, Fayetteville.    R. R. Oct. 19, 1821 
    Latham, Alexander. Nov. 5, Beaufort county.    R. R. Nov. 16, 1821 
    Lawson, Mrs. Eliza, Mar. 7, Duplin county.    R. R. My. 4, 1821 
    Lea, Jeremiah of Milton, Sept.   It,  Frederirksburg,  Va.     R.  R.  Sept.  28. 1821
    Lee, Eliza, Oct. 11. Wilmington.    R. R. Oct. 19, 1821
    Lewis, Warner H. of Richmond, Va., Feb. 25, Raleigh.    R. R. Mar. 2, 1821 
    Long, Col. Nicholas, Nov. 21, Halifax.    R. R. Dec. 7, 1821 
    Love, Rev. James, Mar. 15, Cabarrus county.    R. R. My. 4, 1821
    Mackey, James W. of Scotland, Sept. 10, Plymouth.    R. R. Sept. 28, 1821 
    M'Cauley, Mathew, Sept. 6, Orange county.    R. R. Sept. 14, 1821 
    M'Donald, William, Aug.  10, Washington, Beaufort county.    JR.  R. Aug. 17, 1821 
    M'Gimsey, Col. John of this State, Sept. 11, West Tennessee.    R. R. Oct. 19, 1821
    M'llhenny, Mrs. James, Aug. 12, Wilmington.    R. R. Aug. 24, 1821 
    M'Kethan, Mary, Nov. 12, Raleigh.    R. R. Nov. 16, 1821 
    May, Daniel, Mar. 11, Orange county.    R. R. My. 4, 1821 
    Meng, Wm., Aug. 13, Fayetteville.    R. R. Aug. 24, 1821 
    Miller, W. B., Jly. 2, Wilmington.    R. R. Jly. 13, 1821 
    Mitchell, Mrs. James, Jan. 7, Raleigh.    R. R. Jan. 12, 1821 
    Montgomery, Dr. R. of Winton, Hertford county, Feb. 17.    R. R. Mar. 16, 1821
    Mordecai, Mrs. Moses, Dec. 11, Wake county.    R. R. Dec. 14, 1821 
    Morgan, G. L. of Carteret county, Oct., Beaufort.    R. R. Oct. 26, 1821 
    Morrison, Mrs. Margaret, Jly. 25, Brunswick county.    R. R. Sept. 7, 1821 
    Moss, Howell, Oct., Raleigh.   R. R. Oct. 19, 1821 
    Murphy, Hugh, Aug. 15, Wilmington.    R. R. Aug. 24,. 1821 
    Murphy, John, Sept. 26, Wilmington.    R. R. Oct. 5, 1821 
    Murphy, June, Sept. 26, Wilmington.    R. R. Aug. 24, 1821 
    Murphy, Miles, Mar. 18, Rockingham county.    R. R. Apr. 6, 1821 
    Murphy, Mrs. Patrick, Sept. 25, Wilmington.    R. R. Oct. 5, 1821 
    Myatt, Capt. Mark, Oct. 25, Wake county.    R. R. Oct. 26, 1821 
    Ogilby, Mrs. Richard, Je. 11, Milton.    R. R. Jly. 6, 1821 
    O'Kelly, Wm., Dec. 24, Chatham county.    R. R. Jan. 5, 1821 
    O'Neal, Daniel, Jly. 30, Wilmington.    R. R. Sept. 7, 1821 
    Parsley, Capt. Robert, Feb. 22, Raleigh.    R. R. Mar. 30, 1821 
    Pasteur, Mrs. Edward, My. 10, Farmville.    R. R. My. 25, 1821 
    Peabody, Mrs., Oct. 7, Wilmington.    R. R. Oct. 19, 1821 
    Peace, Capt. John, Apr. 16, Granville county.    R. R. Apr. 20, 1821 
    Pearce, Slade, My. 17, Beaufort county.    R. R. Je. 1, 1821 
    Pickens, Capt. Samuel, Je. 8, Cabarrus county.    R. R. Je. 29, 1821 
    Pinkham, Maj. Nathaniel, Jan., Carteret county.    R. R. Jan. 26, 1821 
    Plummer, Junius, Mar. 21, Warrenton.    R. R. Mar. 30, 1821 
    Price, David of Philadelphia, Aug. 31, Fayetteville.    R. R. Sept. 14, 1821 
    Priestly. Dr. James, Feb. 6, Nashville.    R. R. Mar. 2, 1821 
    Prince, Wm., Dec. 23, Chatham county.    R. R. Jan. 12, 1821 
    Pugh, Eaton, Nov. 30, Northampton county.    R. R. Dec. 14, 1821 
    Ragsdale, Jones, Jly. 6, Wake county.    R. R. Jly. 13, 1821 
    Ramsey. John A., Oct. 11, Chatham county.    R. R. Oct. 26, 1821 
    Read, George, My. 19, Beaufort, Carteret county.    R. R. Je. 15, 1821 
    Reid, Capt. John, Feb. 28, Catawba Springs, Lincoln county.    R. R. Mar. 9, 1821
    Rhodes. Mrs. John, Apr., Wake county.    R. R. Apr. 27, 1821 
    Ripley, Mrs. Joseph, Jr., Oct. 12, On the sound.    R. R. Oct. 19, 1821 
    Robeson, Edward, Sept. 2, Wilmington.    R. R. Sept. 14, 1821 
    Robinson, Edward, Sept. 24, Wilmington.    R. R. Oct. 5, 1821 
    Robinson, Master Howard, Sept. 24, Wilmington.    R. R. Oct. 5, 1821 
    Robinson. Oliver, Pearce, Jan. 15, Fayetteville.    R. R. Jan. 26, 1821
    Rodman, Mrs. W. W., Aug., Washington, Beaufort county.    R. R. Sept. 7, 1821
    Ruffin, Mrs: Thomas of Smithfield, Sept. 28, Raleigh.    R. R. Oct. 12, 1821 
    Russell, Mrs. Richard, Dec., Warren county.    R. R. Dec. 14, 1821 
    Sanders, Mrs. R. M. of Caswell county, Oct. 9, Person county.    R. R. Oct. 19, 1821 
    Sanders, Mrs. Rachail of Virginia, Feb. 24, Wake county.    R. R. Mar. 2, 1821
    Scott, Col. James, Jly. 31, Caswell county.    R. R. Aug. 17, 1821 
    Scurlock, Wm., Sept. 21, Pittsborough.    R. R. Sept. 28, 1821 
    Seawell, Col. Benj., Jly. 16, Wilson county.    R. R. Aug. 24, 1821 
    Shaw, Colin, Jly. 6, Mecklenburg county, Va.    R. R. Jly. 20, 1821 
    Shaw, Mrs. David, Aug. 8, Raleigh.    R. R. Aug. 10, 1821 
    Slade, Henry B. of Martin county, Jly., Alabama.    R. R. Jly. 20, 1821 
    Slade, Henry, Jr., Dec., Martin county.    R. R. Jan. 5, 1821 
    Smith, Mrs. Benjamin, Nov. 21, Brunswick county.    R. R. Dec. 7, 1821 
    Smith, Robert R., Nov. 4, Scotland Neck.    R. R. Dec. 7, 1821 
    Sneed, Stephen, Mar., Williamsborough.    R. R. Mar. 23, 1821 
    Stanly, Mary, Oct. 1, Wilmington.    R. R. Oct. 12, 1821 
    Taliaferro, Col. Benjamin, Sept. 3, Wilkes county.    R. R. Sept. 28, 1821 
    Taylor, John A., Oct. 6, On the sound.    R. R. Oct. 19, 1821 
    Thurber, Kingsly, Sept. 11, Wilmington.    R. R. Sept. 21, 1821 
    Travis, David, Aug. 11, Wilmington.    R. R. Aug. 24, 1821 
    Tumen, David, Sept. 6, Wilmington.    R. R. Sept. 14, 1821 
    Turner, Wm., Aug., Wake county.    R. R. Aug. 31, 1821 
    Turner, Mrs. Wm., Oct. 25, Wake county.    R. R. Oct. 26, 1821 
    Varnum, Silas, Sept. 18, Wilmington.    R. R. Sept. 28, 1821 
    Wallace, Mrs. David of this State, Sept. 21, Portsmouth.    R. R. Oct. 26, 1821
    Whitaker, Dudley, Sept. 21, Scotland Neck.    R. R. Oct. 12, 1821 
    Whitaker, Mrs. Samuel, Dec. 9, Wake county.    R. R. Dec. 14, 1821 
    Whitesides, Mrs. Henrietta Ann of Raleigh, Dec.  14, Morganton.    R. R. Feb. 9, 1821
    Whitted, Wm., Nov. 3, Hillsborough.    R. R. Nov. 16, 1821 
    Williams, Robert of Raleigh, My. 27, Tennessee.    R. R. Je. 15, 1821 
    Wilson, Mrs. Thos., Apr., Orange county.    R. R. Apr. 27, 1821 
    Wilson, Thos., Apr. 5, Orange county.    R. R. Apr. 27, 1821 
    Wingate, Mrs. Mary, Sept. 23, Wilmington.    R. R. Oct. 5, 1821 
    Wingate, Wm., Apr. 27, Wilmington.    R. R. My. 11, 1821 
    Wood, James, Sr. of Hertford, Oct. 7, Tyrrell county.    R. R. Oct. 26, 1821 
    Wright, Charles J., Oct. 24, New Hanover county.    R. R. Nov. 2, 1821 
    Wyles, Selby H., Nov. 19, Jones county.    R. R. Dec. 14, 1821 
    Yancey, Lieut. Lewis, Jly. 2, Raleigh.    R. R. Jly. 6, 1821 
    Yeargan, Amelia Patterson, Oct. 18, Smithfield, Johnston county.    R. R. Oct. 26, 1821 
    Zevely, Mrs. V. N., Nov. 20, Salem.   R. R. Nov. 30, 1821

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