Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Adams, D. D , Mar. 20, Asheville, (suicide). (Obituary). N. 0. Mar. 21, 1893 Alexander, Pattie Thorn, Mar. 3, Charlotte. N. 0. Mar. 4, 1893 Alford, Dr. H. M. of Wake county, Jly. 30, Greensboro. (Obituary). N, u. Aug. 2, 1893 Allen, Mrs. D. W , Apr. 9, Wake Forest. (Obituary). N. 0. Apr. 11, 1893 Arendell, Dr. Michael F, Je. 7, Morehead City. (Obituary). N. 0. Je 11 1893 Atkinson, Wm, Sept. 8, Wilmington, (murdered). N. 0 Sept. 9, 1893 Atwater, Wesley, Je. 23, Orange county. N. O. Je. 29, 1893 Avery, Alfred of Morganton, Sept. 1, Trinity College, Durham. N. O. Sept. 2, 1893 Bagwell, Harvey J., Sept., Wake county. N. 0. Sept. 20 1893 Baker, Mrs. James A., Apr. 9, Goldsboro. N. 0. Apr. 12, 1893 Barnes, Capt. George B. of Murfreesboro, Dec. 27, Norfolk, Va. N. O. Dec. 30, 1893 Batchelor, Frank, Apr. 2 0 , Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0 . Apr. 21 , 1893 Battle, William H., Apr. 29, Lilesville. (Obituary). N. 0 . Apr. 30, 1893 Battle, W. F. of Rocky Mt., Aug., Translyvania county. N. O. Aug. 1. 1893 Black, Sam'l, Oct. 18, Oxford. (Obituary). N. O. Oct. 19 , 1893 Black, Mrs. W. S., Oct. 2 9 , Oxford. (Obituary). N. O. Oct. 31 , 1893 Blackman, Edward, Mar., Wilmington, (drowned in Cape Fear River). N. O. Mar. 16, 1893 Blackwell, James L., My. 2 0 , Durham. (Obituary). N. O. My. 23, 1893 Blum, L. V., Jly. 2 0 , Winston. N. 0 . Jly. 21, 1893 Bogart, Lieut.-Colonel B. N., Apr. 27, New Bern. (Obituary). N. 0. Apr. 29, 1893 Bridgers, Capt. T. F., Je. 14, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Je. 15, 1893 Bridgers, Thomas, Je. 14, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Je. 15, 1893 Browder, Mrs. D. H. formerly of Raleigh, Mar. 30, Winston. N. O. Mar. 31, 1893 Brown, R. D., Oct. 5, Winston. (Obituary). N. O. Oct. 6, 1893 Brown (son of Rufus Brown), Sept. 16, Wake county. N. O. Sept. 17, 1893 Brown, Mrs. S. T., Sept. 8, Washington, Beaufort county. N. O. Dec. 18, 1893 Bryan, Capt. Elias of Edgecombe county, Jan. 21, Chatham county. N. O. Jan. 22, 1893 Buchanan, T. B., Jan. 6, Chatham county. N. O. Jan. 8, 1893 Bulla, George M., Aug. 3, Lexington. (Obituary). N. O. Aug. 4, 1893 Burt, Mrs. J. G., Nov. 14, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 15, 1893 Bush, Rev. J. F. L., Jly., Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Jly. 26, 1893 Caldwell, Mrs. J. P. of Charlotte, Nov. 2, Statesville. (Obituary Nov. 4 ) . N. O. Nov. 3, 1893 Cameron, Dr. Wm., Feb. 6. (Obituary). N. O. Feb. 8, 1893 Cardwell, Mrs. Sarah F., Oct. 29, Greensboro. N. O. Nov. 2, 1893 Carraway, Mrs. J. R. B., Je. 4, New Bern. N. O. Je. 6, 1893 Carter, Eli, My. 17, Holly Springs. (Obituary). N. O. My. 18, 1893 Carter, John, Jly. 31, Wilmington. N. O. Aug. 1, 1893 Churchill, Thomas G., Sept. 9, New Bern. N. O. Sept. 10, 1893 Coffey, Enock, Oct. 7, Caldwell county. N. O. Oct. 14, 1893 Coman, Freeman, Jly. 10, Thomasville. N. O. Jly. 14, 1893 Cook, Amos, Apr., Cabarrus county. N. O. Apr. 28, 1893 Cook, Mrs. William, Apr., Cabarrus county. N. O. Apr. 28, 1893 Cooke, Mrs. W. D. of Raleigh, Jan., Richmond, Va. N. O. Jan. 7, 1893 Cooley, Dr. G. M. of Franklin county, Aug. 6, Nashville. N. O. Aug. 8, 1893 Cooper, J. C, Aug. 26, Oxford. N. O. Aug. 27, 1893 Cordon, Rev. Dr. formerly of Raleigh, Feb. 22. N. O. Feb. 23, 1893 Cormack, George W., Jan. 8, Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 10, 1893 Crawford, Julius, Mar. 12, St. Mary's Township, Wake county. N. O. Mar. 14, 1893 Crow, Mrs. John E., Je. 30, Wilmington. N. O. Jly. 1, 1893 Culbreth, Ada M., Sept. 7, Kittrell. N. O. Sept. 8, 1893 Culley, George C, My. 9, Raleigh. N. O. My. 10, 1893 Cutting, Jim, Sept. 17, Davidson county, (drowned). N. O. Sept. 22, 1893 Daniel, William A., Apr. 9, Weldon. (Obituary). N. O. Apr. 12, 1893 Daniels, Adelaide Worth, Jly. 2, Raleigh, (infant). N. 0. Jly. 4 1893 Devereux Maj John, Apr. 10, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. Apr. 11 1893 Dobbin, Edward, Feb. 1, Raleigh. N. 0. Feb. 2, 1893 Drake, Willie C Jr Je 11 Warrenton (driwned Roanoke River) N.O. Je 13 1893 Dupree Erwin Jly. 2, Raleigh. N. 0. Jly. 4, 1893 Dusenbury Mary R. of Maryland, Aug. 23, Concord. N. 0. Aug. 24, 1893 Edwards, Mrs. W. H., Feb. 25, Wake Forest. N. 0. Feb. 28, 1893 Eggleston, J. J., My. 23, Gates county. N. 0. My. 25, 1893 Elam, George B. of Henderson & Durham, Aug. 16, (R.R. accident). X 0 Aug. 17, 1893 Estes, Mrs. Larkin, Oct. 7, Caldwell county. N. 0. Oct. 14, 1893 Etheridge, J. W., Feb. 15, Beaufort. N. 0. Feb. 16, 1893 Faucett, Marshall Wilfred, Apr. 19, Raleigh, (infant). N. 0. Apr. 20, 1893 Ferrell, A. L.. Nov. 9, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. Nov. 10, 1893 Forbes, Rev. Edward M., Sept. 25, Beaufort. (Obituary). N. 0. Sept. 26, 1893 Forney, Mrs. James A., My. 9, Rutherfordton. N. 0. Je. 18, 1893 Foushee, Wm. F., Aug. 24, Pittsboro. (Obituary). N. O. Aug. 29, 1893 Fowler, Jas. H., Feb. 10, Raleigh. N. 0. Feb. 12, 1893 Fox, Linville, Apr. 5, Warrior Creek, Beaver Creek Township, (burned). N. O. Apr. 14, 1893 Fraps, Mrs. A. W., Je. 29, Raleigh, (suicide). N. 0. Je. 30, 1893 Freeman, S. J. of Raleigh, Feb. 25, New Hill. (Obituary). N. 0. Feb. 26, 1893 Frost, Henry, Mar. 3, Iredell county, (suicide). N. 0. Mar. 4, 1893 Goldston, A. J., Sept. 15, Goldston, Chatham county. N. 0. Sept. 16. 1893 Goodwin, John R., Jly. 25, Raleigh. N. 0. Jly. 26, 1893 Goodwin, Miles, Oct., Raleigh. N. 0. Oct. 17, 1893 Greundler, Herman Adolph, Apr. 26, Raleigh. N. 0. Apr. 27, 1893 Gulley, Nathan, Jan. 7, Raleigh. N. 0. Jan. 8, 1893 Habel, Henry, Dec. 14, Raleigh, (suicide). N. 0. Dec. 15, 1893 Hall, Capt. W. W.. Aug. 27, Scotland Neck. (Obituary). N. 0. Aug. 29, 1893 Hampton, John S., Je., Raleigh. N. 0. Je. 11, 1893 Hancock, Carlyle R., Jly. 20, Raleigh. N. 0. Jly. 21, 1893 Hargrove, Peyton G. of Edgecombe county, Sept. 21, A. & M. College. Raleigh. N. 0. Sept. 22, 1893 Harris, Fred, Je. 5, Wake county. N. 0. Je. 6, 1893 Harris. Hunter L. of this State, Jly. N. 0. Jly. 15, 1893 Harris, Joseph Arthur, Jan. 12, Hillsboro. N. 0. Jan. 13, 1893 Hawkins, Madison. My. 26, Henderson. N. O. My. 27, 1893 Hege. Mrs. C. A., Apr. 24, Winston. N. 0. Apr. 25, 1893 Henry, Dr. Peyton T„ Feb. 13, Kittrell. N. 0. Feb. 14, 1893 Hill, Geo., Mar. 11, Brunswick county, (murdered). N. 0. Mar 15,1893 Hill, Dr. John H., Sr. of Wilmington, Feb. 19, Goldsboro. (Obituary). N. 0. Feb. 22, 1893 Hoke, Nannie, Jan. 10, Lincolnton. (Obituary). N. 0. Jan. 12, 1893 Holding, Mrs. G. A., Apr. 17, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. Apr 18 1893 Holleman, Wyatt J., Dec. 21, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. Dec. 22, 1893 Hood, Joseph, Je., Raleigh. N. O. Je. 3, 1893 Hay, Capt., Nov. 3, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 12, 1893 Huske, Maj. William, Mar. 29, Fayetteviile. (Obituary). N. O. Mar. 31, 1893 Hutchings, Isaac, Apr. 20, Yadkin county, (suicide). N. O. Apr. 23, 1893 Hutchins, Col. James H. of New Bern, Jly. 24, Austin, Texas. N. O. Aug. 9, 1893 Ireland, Samuel Jenkins of Phila., Nov. 2, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Nov. 3, 1893 Ivey, Capt. John of Wayne county, Jan. 2, Seven Springs. N. O. Jan. 6, 1893 Jerman, Mrs, Apr. 12, Ridgeway. N. 0. Apr. 13, 1893 Jernigan, Denison L , Jly. 30, Bertie county. N. O. Aug. 2, 1893 Johnson, Mrs. Elizabeth, Feb. 12, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 14, 1893 Johnson, Gather, Sept. 16, Wilkes county, (murdered). N. 0. Sept. 23, 1893 Johnson, Mrs. Emily, Jan. 4, Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 5, 1893 Jolly, Mrs. B. R , Oct. 27, Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 28, 1893 Jones, A. D. of Raleigh, Dec. 17, (on steamer from Shanghai, China. (Obituary). N. 0. Dec. 19, 1893 Jones, Eugene T , Aug. 15, Wake county. (Obituary). N. O. Aug. 17, 1893 Jones, Mrs. John W , Jan. 10, Forestville. (Obituary). N. 0 . Jan. 11, 1893 Jones, Penelope Smith, Apr. 28, Raleigh. N. 0 . Apr. 29, 1893 Jones, Robert, Sept. 28, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Sept. 29, 1893 Keenan, Robert Edward, Oct. 19, Buncombe county. (Obituary). N. O. Oct. 20, 1893 Kerner, Mayor, Sept, Kernersville. N. O. Sept. 27, 1893 Kirkland, Mrs. A. M. formerly of New Bern, Je. 1, Old Fort. N. O. Je. 2, 1893 Lambeth, Mrs. Eliza A , Je. 2, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 3, 1893 Lane, Capt. James S, Oct. 6, Stonewall, Pamlico county, (suicide). N. O. Oct. 7, 1893 Latta, H. C , Nov. 3, Hickory. N. 0 . Nov. 4, 1893 Ledbetter, Mrs. A. L. of Fayetteviile, Sept. 16, Blowing Rock. N. O. Sept. 17, 1893 Lilly, Alice, Je. 18, Fayetteviile. N. O. Je. 20, 1893 Long, Mrs. D. A. of Enfield, Dec. 24, Yellow Springs, Ohio. N. O. Dec. 28, 1893 Long, James of Huntsville, A u g , Turner's Mill, Davie county. (Obituary). N. O. Aug. 17, 1893 Lyman, Rt. Rev. Theodore Bendict, Dec. 13, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Dec. 14, 1893 Lyon, Mrs. R. E. of Durham, Apr. 8, New York. (Obituary). N.O.Apr. 9, 1893 McDonald, Lena of Raleigh, Jan. 17, Greensboro, (killed by train). (Obituary). N. O. Jan. 18, 1893 McDowell, Maj. W. W , Je. 23, Asheville. (Obituary). N. O. Je. 25, 1893 McKimmon, James, Feb. 6, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Feb. 7, 1893 McLawhorn, Will, Jly. 29, Ayden, (murdered). N. O. Aug. 3..1893 McPheeters, James G. formerly of Raleigh, Jan. 23, St. Louis, Mo. (Obituary). N. O. Jan. 29, 1893 Macon, Mrs. Charles, Jly. 20 near Louisburg. N. O. Jly. 26, 1893 Mangum, Willis, Je. 17, Durham. N. O. Je. 20, 1893 Martin Mrs. Virlinda, Sept., Winston. N. O. Sept. 3, 1893 Maynard, Rev. J. R , Mar. 21, Morrisville. N. 0. Mar. 26, 1893 Mead, Mrs. Lavna Graham, Nov. 26, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 28, 1893 Meares, George, Jly. 15, Raleigh, (infant). N. O. Jly. 18, 1893 Mendenhall, Dr Nerens of Guilford College, Oct. 31, Jamestown. N. 0. Nov 1 1893 Moore, Peyton, Aug. 4, North Wilkesboro. N. 0. Aug. 5 1893 Mordecai, Harriet, Nov, Raleigh, (age 101). N. O. Nov. 14, 1893 Mullis, Julius, Jly. 4, Clear Creek Township, Mecklenburg county (whipped to death.) N. 0. Jly. 11, 1893 Myatt, Mrs. J. Walter, Je. 4, Polenta, Johnston county. N. 0. Je. 6, 1893 Nash, Sallie, Je. 6, Hillsboro. N. 0. Je. 7, 1893 Newland, Dr. J. C, Dec. 13, Lenoir. N. 0. Dec. 14, 1893 Norris, P. A , Feb. 16, Holly Springs. N. 0. Feb. 17, 1893 Norwood, Jno. A , Oct. 24, Raleigh. N. 0. Oct. 25, 1893 Nottingham (son of Mr. & Mrs. W. G. Nottingham), Sept. 14, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 15, 1893 Oldham, Mrs. Sarah, Je. 22, Raleigh. N. 0. Je. 23, 1893 Overman, Mrs. W m , Nov. 9, Salisbury. N. 0. Nov. 16, 1893 Overman, Elvar of Goldsboro, Mar. 10, Raleigh. N. O. Mar. 16, 1893 Owens, Willie, Sept. 14, Harker's Island, (drowned). N. 0. Sept. 16, 1893 Pace, William Harlwell, Apr. 27, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. Apr. 28, 1893 Page, Mary, Nov, Raleigh, (age 104). N. 0. Nov. 4, 1893 Palmer, John C. of Hawfields, Orange county, Nov. 17, Raleigh. (Obituary) N. 0. Nov. 17, 1893 Penry, Hill, Feb. 19, Oak Ridge. (Obituary). N. O. Feb. 21, 1893 Pittenger, Mrs. I. McK. of Raleigh, Jly. 19, Glen Cove, L. I. N. 0. Jly. 20, 1893 Polk, Lonnie, Dec. 12, Raleigh. N. O. Dec. 13, 1893 Pomeroy, Mrs. Edward, Mar. 28, Raleigh. N. 0. Mar. 29, 1893 Pool, George W , Je. 8, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 9, 1893 Potter, Dr. F. W , Je. 2, Wilmington. N. 0. Je. 3, 1893 Powell, Capt. R. J , Jan. 31, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. Feb. 1, 1893 Presson, Parker, My. 4, Charlotte. (Obituary). N. 0. My. 5, 1893 Prevette, John of Traphill Township, Wilkes county, Dec. 18. N. 0. Dec. 24, 1893 Putney, Delia, Nov. 4, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 5, 1893 Quince, Kate C. o f this State, Oct. 10. N. 0. Oct. 11, 1893 Randall, William Goodloe formerly of Raleigh, Feb. 28, Washington, D. C (infant). N. 0. Mar. 22, 1893 Rascoe, Myrtle of Bertie county, Feb. 17, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. Feb. 19, 1893 Ray, Bob, Jan. 7, Keyser, (murdered). N. 0. Jan. 8, 1893 Reese, Joseph, Oct. 30, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. Oct.31, 1893 Rhodes, Dr. D. S , Nov. 6, Rocky Point, (drowned). N O . Nov. 9 1893 Roberts, J. H , Feb. 25, Barnardsville, Buncombe county, (killed). N. 0. Feb. 28, 1893 Roberts, James R. of New Bern, Dec. 24, Wilson N O . Dec. 28, 1893 Roulhac, Katherine, Jly. 6, Hillsborough. N. O. Jly. 27 1893 Royall, Dr. William of Wake Forest College, Jan. 3, Savannah, Ga. N. O. Jan. 4,1893 Ruffin, Mrs. Edward of Hillsboro, Sept., Hanover county, Va. N. O. Sept. 27, 1893 Rycroft, Ruffin T., My. 6, Dutchville Township, Granville county. N. O. My. 20, 1893 Scarlette, Jane, Sept. 13, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 14, 1893 Scott, John, Aug. 6, Goldsboro. N. 0 . Aug. 8, 1893 Segraves, John, Nov., Yadkin county, (killed by tree ) . N. O. Nov. 10, 1893 Shores, Charles, Jly. 31, Jonesville, (drowned). N. O. Aug. 2, 1893 Smith, James N., Dec. 18, Scotland Neck. N. O. Dec. 20, 1893 Smith (son of John U . ) , My. 13, Raleigh, (infant). N. 0 . My. 14, 1893 Smith, Hon. Richard H. of Halifax, Mar. 2, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Mar. 3, 1893 Smithdeal, Annie, Nov., Salisbury. (Obituary). N. O. Nov. 8, 1893 Snow, George H. of Raleigh, Jly. 30, New York. (Obituary Aug. 2 ). N. O. Aug. 1, 1893 Stebbing, Ferdinand, Jly. 30, New Bern. N. O. Aug. 1, 1893 Steele, Thomas, Je. 27, Raleigh. N. 0 . Je. 28, 1893 Stone, Mrs. Emmett P., Je. 1, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Je. 2, 1893 Stone, Mrs. Mary A., Sept. 10, Cary. (Obituary). Sept 12, 1893 Strayhorn, Isaac R., My. 21, Hillsboro. (Obituary). N. O. My. 23, 1893 Strayhorn, Jno., Apr. near Cole's Mill, Durham. N. O. Apr. 15, 1893 Strong, Geo. V., Jr. of Raleigh, Je. 5, Rocky Mount. (Obituary). N. O. Je. 6, 1893 Strudwick, W. W. of Hillsboro, Oct. 9, Norfolk. N. O. Oct. 10, 1893 Sullivan, Mrs. H. L., Mar. 13, Germanton, (suicide). N. O. Mar. 15, 1893 Tant, Susie M., Dec. 16, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Dec. 17, 1893 Taylor, Frances, Je. 18, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 21, 1893 Tyson, Mr., Mar. 28, Carthage. N. O. Mar. 30, 1893 Utley, Mabel Adelaide, Apr. 15, Raleigh, (infant). N. O. Apr. 16, 1893 Utley, Wm., Middle Creek, Wake county, Jly. 8. N. O. Jly. 12, 1893 Ward, Mrs. Dallas, Nov. 30, Franklin county. (Obituary). N. O. Dec. 2, 1893 Watson, Benjamin A. of Chesterfield county, Va., Nov. 24, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 25, 1893 Watson, G. G., Jan., Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 4, 1893 Watson, Joseph of England, Jan. 18, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Jan. 19, 1893 Weathers, Eliza, Apr., Raleigh. N. O. Apr. 25, 1893 Whitaker, Courtney, Feb. 16, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 19, 1893 White, Kenneth Murchison, Feb. 22, Durham, (infant). N. O. Feb. 22, 1893 White, Robert, Mar. 3, Durham, (infant). N. O. Mar. 4, 1893 Whitehurst, Mrs. Benjamin, Dec, Bethel, (shot). N. O. Dec. 29, 1893 Whitted, Mrs. Will, Mar. 24, Durham. N. O. Mar. 25, 1893 Whitteniere, Jim, Feb. 25, Barnardsville, Buncombe county, (killed). N. O. Feb. 28, 1893 Whittlesey, Mrs. M. S. of Southern, Mass., Oct. 20, Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 21, 1893 Wilhelm, Rev. W . J., Oct. 24, Hillsboro. N. O. Oct. 26, 1893 Willard, Joseph B., Je. 18, Wilmington. N. O. Je. 20, 1893 Williams, Adolph, Je., Raleigh. N. O. Je. 27, 1893 Williams, Eddie, Nov. 23, Raleigh, (infant). N. O. Nov. 24, 1893 Williams, Estelle, Sept. 20, Greenville. N. 0. Sept. 21, 1893 Williams, Tempie Hilliard, Je. 6, Ridgeway, (infant). N. 0. Je. 11, 1893 Williams (daughter of Mr. & Mrs. C. C.), Nov, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 19, 1893 Williamson, Col. George of Yanceyville, Feb. 8, Danville, Va. N. 0. Feb. 10, 1893 Williamson, Mrs. James C, Mar, Yanceyville. N. 0. Mar. 12, 1893 Wilson, Dr. John, Dec. 26. (Obituary). N. 0. Jan. 5, 1893 Wilson, Lou Erwin, My. 22, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. My. 23, 1893 Wince, Robert, Dec. 9, Gaston county. (Obituary), (suicide). N.O.Dec. 14, 1893 Womble, Rufus H , Nov. 26, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 28, 1893 Womble, Mrs. W. T , Oct. 23, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. Oct. 25, 1893 Wood, Sadie of Riverdale, Craven county, Sept. 7, (burned). N. 0. Sept. 9, 1893 Woodward, Mrs. Helen, Feb. 3, Swift Creek Township, Wake county, (suicide). N. 0. Feb. 4, 1893 Woods, J. fit., Jan. 7, Raleigh. N. 0. Jan. 8, 1893 Woods, W m , Sept. 11, Alamance county. N. 0. Sept. 15, 1893 Wooten, J. C , Sr., Nov. 17, Kinston. N. 0. Nov. 18, 1893 Wright, Mrs. Thomas of Portsmouth, Dec. 23, Winston. N. 0. Dec. 29, 1893 Wyke, Mrs. Phillip, Apr. 14, Robbinsville, (burned). N. 0. Apr. 15, 1893 Young, Mrs. W. J , Jan. 27, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. Jan. 28, 1893
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