Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Albred, Junius, Aug. 7, near Goldston. N. 0. Aug. 11, 1891 Allen, Mark, Oct. 25, near Kittrell. N. 0. Oct. 27, 1891 Andrews, Archibald, Apr. 29, near Hillsboro. (Obituary). N. 0. My. 1, 1891, (age 107) Atkinson, Rev. Dr. J. M., Mar. 6, Warrenton. (Obituary Mar. 8). N. 0. Mar. 7, 1891 Ballance, John M., Jr., Jan. 19, Lewiston, Bertie county, (shot). N. 0. Jan. 20, 1891 Barbee, P. H., Nov. 25, Nelson. N. 0. Nov. 28, 1891 Barrett, Addie of Raleigh, Je., Suffolk, Va. N. 0. Je. 20, 1891 Betts, J. Marshall, Aug. 26, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. Aug. 27, 1891 Bingham, Wm., Jly. 26, Bingham School. (Obituary). N. 0. Jly. 28, 1891 Black, Mrs. Madison of Wake county & Summerville, Tenn., Apr., Raleigh. N. O. Apr. 2, 1891 Blalock, Mrs. John, Feb. 21, Wake county. N. 0. Feb. 27, 1891 Bost, Albert, Mar. 5, Monroe, (burned). N. 0. Mar. 6, 1891 Boylan, Mrs. William M., Jr. of Raleigh, Sept. 26, Phila., Pa. (Obituary). N. O. Sept. 29, 1891 Bragg, John, Dec. 30, Wilmington. N. O. Dec. 31, 1891 Brinkley, John, Oct. 13, near Gatesville. N. 0. Oct. 17, 1891 Brinkley, Susie Rivers, Dec. 30, Raleigh, (infant). N. 0. Dec. 31, 1891 Brodie, Lucy Lea, Apr., Raleigh. N. O. Apr. 4, 1891 Brooks, Rev. W. P., My. 23, Randleman. N. 0. My. 27, 1891 Brown, A. B. Andrews, Je. 18, Raleigh, (infant). N. 0. Je. 20, 1891 Brown, Mrs. J. L., Sept. 17, Charlotte. N. O. Sept. 18, 1891 Brown, John R., Mar. 11, Raleigh. N. 0. Mar. 12, 1891 Bryan, John of New Bern, My. 4, San Paulo, Brazil. (Obituary). N. u. Je. 14, 1891 Buffaloe, Mabel Louise, Nov. 5, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 7, 1891 Busbee, Perrin of Raleigh, Dec. 25, Denver, Colorado. N. 0. Dec 29, 1891 Bynum, Preston, Aug., Lincoln. (Obituary). N. 0. Aug. 2 1891 Caldwell, D. A., My., Charlotte. (Obituary). N O . My. 26, 1891 Callendine, Mrs. Martin B., Je. 22, Raleigh. N O . Je. 23, 1891 Calloway, Mrs. Benj. C. of Wilkes county, Apr., Pulask, C.ty, Va. N. 0. Apr 28 1891 Calvert, George Strong of Raleigh, Je 27, Wrightsville. N. 0 . Jan 28, 1891 Cameron, Paul C , Jan., Hillsboro. (Obituary Jan. 8). N . 0 Jan 7 1891 Cannon, Rev. W. G. of Western North Carolina Conference, Jan. 9, Winston. N. 0. Jan. 10, 1891 Capehart, Mrs. B. A , My. 24, near Kittrell, Vance county. N. O. My. 26, 1891 Chadbourn, George, Jly. 9, Wilmington. N. O. Jly. 10, 1891 Cheek, N. J , Mar. 17, Raleigh, (killed by train). (Obituary). N. O. Mar. 19, 1891 Clark, Mrs. J. C , Mar. 18, Charlotte. N. O. Mar. 18, 1891 Claxton, Mrs. P. P. of Goldsboro, Sept., Asheville. N. O. Sept. 16, 1891 Coffey, Charles, A u g , Wilkesboro. N. O. Aug. 14, 1891 Coffied, W. L , Jly. 21, Everetts. (Obituary). N. 0. Jly. 30, 1891 Collins, Mrs. W. P , Je. 1, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Je. 2, 1891 Connolly, Simeon, Apr. 24 near Shannon, Robeson county, (murdered). N. O. Apr. 25, 1891 Conoly, Simeon, M y , Robeson county, (murdered). N. O. My. 7, 1891 Cordan, Telfair, Je. 27, Raleigh, (infant). N. O. Je. 28, 1891 Culbreth, Rev. Daniel, Jan, Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 10, 1891 Currie, J. C, Jr., Aug. 7, Richmond county. (Obituary) (murdered). N. O. Aug. 11, 1891 Davis, Archibald, Je, Henderson. N. O. Je. 21, 1891 Davis, J. Horace of London, England, Oct. 17, Wake county. N. O. Oct. 18, 1891 Denton, N. V , Mar. 28, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Mar. 29, 1891 Dinkins, William, Aug. 28, Raleigh. N. O. Aug. 29, 1891 Dowd, Mrs. Jerome of Charlotte, Oct. 27, Newton. (Obituary). N. O. Nov. 8, 1891 Driver, J. N , Sept. Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 12, 1891 Dugger, Mrs. John E , Dec. 13, Warrenton. N. O. Dec. 17, 1891 Dunn, S. H , My. 28, Forestville, Wake county. (Obituary). N. O. My. 30, 1891 Dunn, Sidney M , Forestville, Jan. 2, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Jan. 21, 1891 Durfey, James, Oct. 2, Hertford county. N. O. Oct. 9, 1891 East, Andrew J , Mar. 19, Raleigh. N. 0 . Mar. 21, 1891 Elliott, Mrs. Gilbert of Elizabeth City, Apr. 22, Oxford. N. O. Apr. 23, 1891 Elliott, Joe of Hickory, Dec. 9, Newton, (suicide). N. O. Dec. 10, 1891 Engelhard, Joseph, Jly. 9, Raleigh, (infant). N. O. Jly. 10, 1891 Evans, Gracie Eldridge, Je. 9, Raleigh, (infant). N. O. Je. 10, 1891 Faircloth, E d , Nov. 12, Davie county, (murdered). N. O. Nov. 14, 1891 Faison, Major W. Lucius, Apr, Clinton, Sampson county. N. O. Apr. 21, 1891 Farrar, O. C , My. 28, Tarboro. (Obituary). N. O. My. 31, 1891 Ferguson, H. M, Aug. 4 near Concord. N. O. Aug. 5, 1891 Fleming, Mrs. Sallie H , Jly. 29, Raleigh. N. O. Jly. 30, 1891 Ford, Garland of Olin, Iredell county, Jly. 21, (infant). N. O. Jly. 22, 1891 Fowle, Daniel G, Apr. 8, Raleigh. (Obituary Apr. 8 & 9 ) . N. O. Apr. 9, 1891 Franck, Mrs. W. H , Apr. 14, Washington, Beaufort county. N. O. Apr. 16, 1891 Freeman, Mrs. S. J , My. 27, Raleigh. N. O. My. 28, 1891 French, DuVal, Jly., Wilmington. N. 0. Jly. 17, 1891 Gales, Seaton of Raleigh, Jly. 2 near Peoria, HI, (drowned). N. 0. Jly. 4, 1891 Gatling, Mrs John, Feb 3 near Raleigh (Obituary Feb 15) N. 0. Feb 4 1891 Gannaway, Mrs. W. T., Je. 29, Durham. N. 0. Jly 1 1891 Glennan, Pansy, Je. 15, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 16, 1891 Grady, Mrs A M My 25 Raleigh (Obituary) N. 0. My 26 1891 Grausman, Michael of Raleigh Mar 18 Wilmington (Obituary) N. 0. Mar 19 1891 Gray, J. Morehead, Je. 2, Greensboro, (infant). N. 0 . Je. 3, 1891 Gray, Julius A. of Guilford county, Apr. (Obituary). N. 0. Apr. 13, 1891 Gray, Juhus A , A p r , Randolph county. N. 0. Apr. 16, 1891 Greer, William, Oct. 12, Wilkes county, (murdered). Oct. 18, 1891 Goodwin, Mrs. Miles, Sr., Oct. 2, Raleigh. N. 0. Oct. 3, 1891 Habel, J. G, Feb. 23, Raleigh. N. 0. Feb. 24, 1891 Hackett, Mrs. C. L , My. 31, Wilkesboro. N. 0. Je. 2, 1891 Haigh, Mrs. George W , Mar. 6, Fayetteviile. N. 0. Mar. 8, 1891 Haigh, John C , Apr. 30, Fayetteviile. N. 0. My. 1, 1891 Hall, James K, Mar, Greensboro. N. O. Mar. 21, 1891 Hamilton, T. P , Dec. 16, Asheville, (shot). (Obituary). N. 0. Dec. 17, 1891 Hampton, Maj. W. W. of Wilkes county, Jly. 11, Surry county, (suicide). N . O. Jly. 12, 1891 Hancock, H. F , Jly. 17, Washington, Beaufort county. N. 0 . Jly. 22, 1891 Hanrahan, James A , Mar. 9, Pitt county. (Obituary). N. O. Mar. 12, 1891 Harding, Rev. Israel, Jan. 13, Kinston. N. 0 . Jan. 14, 1891 Harris, James H , My. 31, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Je. 2, 1891 Harrison, J. H , A p r , Johnston county, (suicide). N. O. Apr. 19, 1891 Hartis, Mr. of Union county, Jan. 1, Hemby Mine, (killed). N. 0. Dec. 4, 1891 Havens, R. B , Nov. 16, Washington, Beaufort county. N. 0. Nov. 24, 1891 Hawkins, General Philemon Benjamin, Jan. 2, Louisburg. (Obituary). N . O. Jan. 3, 1891 Hawkins, W. J , Jr., Apr. 21, Louisburg. (Obituary). N. 0. Apr. 22, 1891 Haywood, Edward Graham of Raleigh, Je. 1, Washington, D. C. N. 0. Je. 2, 1891 Headen, John Beck, Aug. 4, Hickory Mountain Township, Chatham county. N . O. Aug. 7, 1891 Hearne, Maj. Wm. A , A p r , Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Apr. 30, 1891 Heck, Mrs. George, Je. 18, Warren county. N. 0 . Je. 20, 1891 Heller, G. formerly of Raleigh, Feb. 16, Richmond, Va. N. 0 . Feb. 17, 1891 Henderson, Walter L , Apr. 11, Durham county, (killed by tram). N. O. Apr. 14, 1891 Hickey, Mrs. Thomas of Raleigh, Sept. 20, Corpus Chnsti, Texas. N. 0. Oct 3 1891 Hill Thos B of Goldsboro, Aug. 19, Greenville, S. C. (Obituary). N. 0. Aug. 21, 1891 Hines, V. T., Jly. 23, Pernell. N. 0. Jly. 25, 1891 Holland, Bennet, Apr. 5, near Holly Springs. N. 0. Apr. 7, 1891 Hood. Eugene of Raleigh, My, Princeton, (killed by tram). N. 0. My. 28, 1891 Hogan, Earnest, Je. 3, Raleigh, (infant) N. 0. Je. 4, 1891 Hollister, William, Oct. 2, New Bern. (Ob.tuary). N. 0. Oct. 4,1891 Honeycutt, Mrs. J. H., Dec. 9, Barton's Creek Township, Wake county. N. O. Dec. 11, 1891 Howard, Mrs. Helen A., Jly. 6, Raleigh. N. O. Jly. 9, 1891 Hubbard, Mrs. Rowena, Je. 27, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 28, 1891 Humphrey, Col. L. W., Feb. 11, Goldsboro. N. 0 . Feb. 13, 1891 Humphrey, Will, Sept. 15, Goldsboro. N. O. Sept. 16, 1891 Iden, Margaret E., Aug. 2, Raleigh. N. O. Aug. 4, 1891 Jackson, Henry from Chatham county, Jan. 30, (killed by train). N. O. Jan. 31, 1891 Jackson, Robertson, Oct. 31 near Nixonton. (Obituary). N. O. Nov. 3, 1891 James, Mrs. George, Oct. 28, Burlington. N. 0 . Oct. 30, 1891 Johnston, Mrs. Robert B., Je. 16, Asheville. (Obituary). N. 0. Je. 17, 1891 Johnston, Mrs. Rufus M., Apr. 18, Charlotte. (Obituary). N. O. Apr. 19, 1891 Johnston, (daughter of W. H . ) , Apr., Raleigh, (infant). N. O. Apr. 30, 1891 Jones, Barney, Mar. 10, Raleigh. N. O. Mar. 11, 1891 Jones, Henry W., Sept. 8, Wake county. (Obituary). N. O. Sept. 9, 1891 Jones, Mrs. James, Aug. 4, Hillsboro. N . O. Aug. 7, 1891 Jones, Mrs. Kimbrough, Mar. 25, Raleigh. N. O. Mar. 26, 1891 Jones, Robert H., My. 8, Bear Creek Township. N. O. My. 19, 1891 Jones, William B., Feb. 9, Forest City, (killed). N . O. Feb. 11, 1891 Jones, Maj. Wiley D., Mar. 27, Forestville. N. O. Mar. 28, 1891 Jones, Wiley, My. 26, Garner. (Obituary). N. O. My. 27, 1891 Judd, M. C. of Raleigh, Feb. 19, Liberty, New Bedford city, Va. N. O. Feb. 21, 1891 King, M. F., Mar. 11, Raleigh. N. O. Mar. 12, 1891 Kirkland, Annie, Aug. 3, Durham. N. O. Aug. 5, 1891 Kittle, Mrs. Elizabeth, Je., Henderson. N. O. Je. 21, 1891 Knox, Bessie Smedes of Raleigh, Je. 9, Morehead City. N. O. Je. 10, 1891 Lambeth, Mrs. Charles W., Jly. 6, Raleigh. (Obituary). N . O. Jly. 7, 1891 Larkins, William, Mar. 27, Wilmington. N. O. Mar. 28, 1891 Lee, J. D., Mar., Raleigh. N. O. Mar. 3, 1891 Leach, Hon. James M. of Landsdown, Randolph county, Je., Lexington. (Obituary). N. O. Sept. 15, 1891 Lineberger (son of E. P . ) , Jan. 21, Belmont. N. O. Jan. 23, 1891 Link, R. S. of Lexington, Aug., (killed by train wreck). N . O. Aug. 28, 1891 Lockhart, Mrs. J. S. of Durham, Sept. 21, Morganton. N. O. Sept. 23, 1891 Lougee, Mrs. L. O , Dec. 14, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Dec. 15, 1891 McDowell, Mrs. F., Feb. 27, Raleigh. N . O. Feb. 28, 1891 McDowell, Mrs. Thomas D. of Bladen county, Aug., Elizabethtown. N. O. Aug. 28, 1891 McGhee, Jennie Ward, Jly. 1, Franklinton, (infant). N . O. Jly. 3, 1891 McGhee, Yates, Mar. 21, Franklinton. (Obituary). N . O. Mar. 28, 1891 McKee, William, Sept. 14, Mecklenburg county, (shot). N. O. Sept 15, 1891 Manjrum, lirack, Jan., Creedmore. N. 0. Jan. 4 1891 Manning, McG, Nov. 11, Bethel, Pitt county, (murdered). N. 0. Nov. 14, 1891 Manns, Mark and child near Matthews, Je. 29, (killed by lightning). N. 0. Jly 2 1891 May, Mrs. Tabitha, Jan. 28, Farmville, Pitt county. N. 0. Feb 1 1891 Maynard, Allen, Apr. 16, Morrisville. N, O. Apr. 17, 1891 Moore, John W , Mar., Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0.' Mar. 24, 1891 Moore, Mrs. Thomas, Mar. 5, Franklin, (shot). N. 0. Mar. 8, 1891 Morehead, Mary Smith, Jan, Raleigh. N. 0. Jan. 9, 1891 Moiing, Hon. John M, Je. 25, Pittsboro. (Obituary). N. 0. Je. 26, 1891 Morris, C'apt. W. G. B , Apr. 9, Hendersonville. (Obituary). N. 0. Apr. 11, 1891 Mullens, Mrs. James, Jly. 21, Raleigh. N. 0. Jly. 22, 1891 Murdock, David of Ayreshire, Scotland, Feb. 17, near Asheville. N. 0. Feb. 15, 1891 Nash, Mary Louise, Je. 11, Raleigh, (infant). N. 0. Je. 12, 1891 O'Neal, S. T. of S. C, My. 7, Raleigh. N. O. My. 8, 1891 Page, Col. YV. C , Jly, Sanford. N. 0. Jly. 5, 1891 Parker, Thos, Jan, Creedmore. N. 0. Jan. 4, 1891 Parkes, Gilbert, Jly. 21, Nashville, (suicide). N. 0. Jly. 23, 1891 Parrish, Mrs. D. C , Dec. 23, Durham. N. 0. Dec. 24, 1891 Peace, W m , Oct. 16, near Kittrell. N. 0. Oct. 20, 1891 Pell, William Emory, Feb. 26, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. Feb. 27, 1891 Pemberton, Thomas, Mar. 5, Monroe, (burned). N. 0. Mar. 6, 1891 Pernell, J. I. P. of Franklin county, Apr. 26 near Wake Forest. N. 0. My. 1, 1891 Phifer, John Y. of Raleigh, Mar. 18, New York. (Obituary). X. 0. Mar. 19, 1891 Pilz, Rev. Father Girard, 0. S. B , Sept. 19, Belmont. (Obituary). K. 0. Sept. 23, 1891 Plummer, Dr. Alfred, Dec. 24 near Middleburg, Vance county. N. 0. Dec. 2.9, 1891 Pool, Alphius, My. 20, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. My. 21, 1891 Pool, Millard J, Mar. 13, Marks Creek Township, Wake county. N. 0. Mar. 14, 1891 Pool, N. A., My.. Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. My. 22, 1891 Pool, Mrs. Theodora of Williamston, Aug, (killed by train wreck). N. 0. Aug. 28, 1891 Pou (son of E. W.) of Johnston county, Aug. 26, Pittsboro. N. O. Aug. 11, Ray Elder M, Apr. 16, House Creek Township, Wake county. N. 0. Apr. 18 1891 Reeves', Henderson, My. 28, Raleigh. N. 0. My. 30, 1891 Rhyne (child of Jake), Jan. 16, McAdensville, (burned). N. O. Jan. 17, 1891 Ricks, Rev. R. A , christian minister of Burlington, Apr. 26, Burlington. N. O. Apr. 28, 1891 Robbins. Mrs. Charles, My. 1, Wake Forest. N. 0. My. 3 1891 Rogers, B. B , Mar. 3, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. Mar. 4, 1891 Rose, Lilly, Oct. 29, Fayetteviile. N. 0. Nov. 1, 1891 Rudisill, Alphonso of Charlotte, Feb. 11, near Wilmington, (killed by train). N. O. Feb. 12, 1891 Sadler, Edwin Bryan, Apr. 14, Raleigh. N. O. Apr. 16, 1891 Saunders, Col. W. L., Apr. 2, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Apr. 3, 1891 Scott, Mrs. Sidney, Jly. 9, Durham. N. O. Jly. 12, 1891 Separk, Mrs. W. D., My. 18, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. My. 20, 1891 Shaw, John B., Aug., Carthage. (Obituary). N. 0. Aug. 6, 1891 Shepherd, James E., Jr. of Raleigh, Nov. 1, Asheville. (Obituary). N. O. Nov. 3, 1891 Smith, Guy, Mar. 30, Oxford. N. 0. Apr. 1, 1891 Smith, Orren, Jly. 31, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Aug. 1, 1891 Smith, Stephen, Aug. 4, Stokes county. (Obituary). N. O. Aug. 5, 1891 Smith, Sylvester, Mar. 11, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Mar. 12, 1891 Smith, Thomas, Jly. 19, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Jly. 22, 1891 Sorrell, M. W. of Wake county, Apr. 21, Gulf. N. O. Apr. 22, 1891 Southerland, Capt. T. J., Feb. 20, Wilmington. N. 0. Feb. 21, 1891 Speed, Dr. E. T., Jly. 27, Edgecombe county. N. O. Jly. 28, 1891 Spinks, Prof. H. W. of Monroe, Sept. 10, Monroe. N. 0. Sept. 12, 1891 Stamps, Capt. E. R., Apr. 30, Tarboro. (Obituary). N. O. My. 1, 1891 Steed, Capt. Alex L., Je., Vance county. N. O. Je. 21, 1891 Steele, Col. Walter L. of Rockingham, Oct. 16, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Balto., Md. (Obituary). N. O. Oct. 17, 1891 Strong, Mrs. M. R., Je. 20, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 21, 1891 Stronach, George T., Feb. 16, Raleigh, (infant). N. O. Feb. 17, 1891 Sturdevant, Mrs. Rhoda of Barre, Vt., Sept. 5, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Sept. 6, 1891 Sturdevant, Wm. A., Oct. 10, Wake county, (suicide). N. O. Oct. 11, 1891 Sugg, Britton, Feb. 2, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 3, 1891 Tanner, Mrs. Ella, Nov. 16, Fairfield, Hyde county. (Obituary). N. O. Nov. 17, 1891 Tate, Henry H., My. 24, Greensboro. N. O. My. 24, 1891 Taylor, James, Sept. 29, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 30, 1891 Taylor, John of Washington, Dec. 19 near Kittrell. N. O. Dec. 22, 1891 Teel, John, Apr., Greenville. N. 0. Apr. 11, 1891 Terrell, James J., Jly. 19, Rolesville. (Obituary). N. 0. Jly. 21, 1891 Thompson, George W., Dec. 8, Wake Forest. (Obituary). N. O. Dec. 9, 1891 Thorp, Benoni, Sept. 28, Raleigh, (infant). N. O. Sept. 29, 1891 Torrence, W. A., Je., near Asheville, (murdered). N. O. Je. 9, 1891 Tucker, Charles T., Je. 26, Wilmington. (Obituary). N. O. Je. 28, 1891 Tysinger, Sandy, Dec. 23, Eldorado, (killed). N. 0. Jan. 7, 1891 Utley, F. M., Je. 30, Panther Branch Township, Wake county. N. O. Jly. 1. 1891 Uzzell, James, Jly. 29, Wilson Mills. N. 0. Jly. 31, 1891 Waddell, Mrs. James Iredell of this State, Feb., Phila., Pa. N. O. Feb. 15, 1891 Waitt, D. S., Je. 12, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Je. 13, 1891 Waldo, Dr. S. P., Aug. 21, Cary. N. 0. Aug. 22, 1891 Walker, Mrs. David, Sept. 17, Winston. N. O. Sept. 18, 1891 Watson, Luta, Dec, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Dec. 18, 1891 Watson, Robert B., Dec. 1, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Dec. 2, 1891 Webb, Mrs. Adeline, Dec. 25, Oaks. N. O. Dec 29, 1891 Webb, Mrs. James, Sr., Je. 2, Hillsboro. N. 0. Je 4 1891 Webb, Col R F of Md Jan 11 Durham (Obituary) N. 0. Jan. 14, 1891 Whedbee Jas S. of this State, My. 1, near Balto., Md. N. 0. Apr. 30, 1891 Wheeler , W.B . , Sept. 9, Henderson. (Obituary). N. 0. Sept. 10, 1891 Weir, Karl, Aug., Kinston, (drowned). N. 0. Aug. 18, 1891 Williams, James of Durham & Danville, Va., Feb. 8 near Lexington, (killed by train). N. 0. Feb. 10, 1891 Williams, Mrs. J. Ruffin , Aug. 29, Raleigh. N. 0. Aug. 30, 1891 Williams, Capt. Tom, Apr. 20, Kittrell. N. 0. Apr. 21,1891 Williams, T. H. formerly of Raleigh, Jan. 22, Durham. N. 0. Jan. 23, 1891 Williamson, Erastus, Jan., Cleveland county, (shot). N. O. Jan. 21, 1891 Willis, Elijah, Jly. 12, Wilmington. N. 0. Jly. 15, 1891 Willis, Mrs. Louisa, Jly. 19, Raleigh. N. 0. Jly. 21, 1891 Wilton, Mrs. Betsy, Apr. 4, Raleigh. N. 0. Apr. 5, 1891 Wingate, Marion, My., Raleigh, (infant). N. 0. My. 29, 1891 Wonible, Walter, Nov. Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. Nov. 25, 1891 Wood, John W., Nov., Bertie county. (Obituary). N. 0. Nov. 13, 1891 Worth, T. C , Aug. 3, Greensboro. (Obituary). N. 0. Aug. 4, 1891 Wright, Prof. I. L , Apr. 15, Thomasville. (Obituary). N. 0. Apr. 16, 1891 Wynne, W. W., My. 25, Raleigh. N. O. My. 26, 1891
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