Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Adams, John, My., Wilkes county, (suicide). N. O. My. 4, 1889 Adams, Mrs. John, My., Wilkes county. N. O. My. 4, 1889 Alexander, A. M., Oct. 24, Alexders. N. 0. Oct. 27, 1889 Alexander, Lizzie, Apr. 1, Sharon Township, Mecklenburg county, (suicide). N. O. Apr. 2, 1889 Allen, Thomas, Jly. 7, near Pernell. N. O. Jly. 10, 1889 Alston, Mrs. Wm. T., Jly. 22, near Warrenton. (Obituary). N. 0. Aug. 6, 1889 Anderson, Howard, Feb. 27, Raleigh, (hanged). N. O. Feb. 28, 1889 Aycock, Mrs. C. B., Jly. 8, Goldsboro. N. 0. Jly. 10, 1889 Aydlett, Edwin, Sept. 20, Elizabeth City, (infant). N. O. Sept. 22, 1889 Bagwell, Atlas of Raleigh, Dec. 16, (travelling). N. O. Dec. 18, 1889 Bagwell, Mrs. Hardis, Jly. 22, Garner station. N. O. Jly. 23, 1889 Baker, William of London, Jly. 30, Charlotte. N. O. Jly. 31, 1889 Ballinger, Mrs. Nancy, Feb. 8, Greensboro. N. O. Feb. 10, 1889 Battle, Mrs. Amos J. of this State, Jan., St. Louis Mo. N. O. Jan. 6, 1889 Battle, Mrs. Benjamin Dossey, Jan. 2, Wake Forest. (Obituary). N. O. Jan. 3, 1889 Battle, Marmaduke, Je. 16, Tarboro. N. 0. Je. 18, 1889 Blackmer, Luke C , Feb. 9, Salisbury. (Obituary). N. O. Feb. 12, 1889 Blaylock, Joe of Graham, Dec. 7, (murdered). N. 0. Dec. 13, 1889 Bobbitt, Mrs. J. B., Nov. 24, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Nov. 26, 1889 Bolyn, Thomas, Mar. 1, Raleigh. N. 0 . Mar. 2, 1889 Borden, Julia of Goldsboro, Sept. 9, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 11, 1889 Boudinot, Capt. Wm. E., Mar. 15, Pittsboro. (Obituary). N. O. Mar. 30, 1889 Brockwell, Mrs. W. N., My. 18, Raleigh. N. O. My. 19, 1889 Brown, Celia & Son, Nov. 9, near Selma, (murdered). N. 0. Nov. 10, 1889 Brown, J. S. L. of Mooresville, Apr. 9, (killed by train). N. 0. Apr. 11. 1889 Bryan, Fletcher S., Dec. 21, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Dec. 22, 1889 Bryan, W. D., Feb., Tarboro. N. O. Feb. 21, 1889 Bullock, Maj. B. P., My. 7, Oxford. N. O. My. 10, 1889 Burcham, Arthur, Aug., Durham county. N. O. Aug. 28, 1889 Burnett, Rev. Carter, Oct. 29, Rutherfordton. N. O. Oct. 30, 1889 Burton, Robt. of Durham, Apr. 22, (drowned). N. O. Apr. 23, 1889 Butler, Josie, Sept. 27, Raleigh, (infant). N. 0. Sept. 28, 1889 Caddell, Mrs. Ann, Sept. 16, Raleigh. N. 0. Sept. 17, 1889 Call, David, Sept. 14, Davie county, (murdered). N. 0. Sept. 21, 1889 Calvert, Anna, Nov. 11, Charlotte, (infant). N. O. Nov. 12, 1889 Carr, John W., My. 25, Morganton. (Obituary My. 3 0 ) . N. O. My. 28, 1889 Carrow, Mrs. Samuel T. of Washington, Beaufort county, Sept. 20, Alexanders. N. 0. Sept. 22, 1889 Chandler, Alex of Asheville, Aug. 2, Brush creek near Barnard's, (drowned). N. 0. Aug. 4, 1889 Cheatham, James, Oct. 4, Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 5, 1889 Christian Julia Jackson, Aug. 30, Charlotte. (Obituary). N. O. Sept. 1, 1889 Clapp, William, Jly., Bakersville, (murdered). N. 0. Jly. 28, 1889 Clifton, Annie B., Jan. 15, Louisburg. (Obituary). N. O. Jan. 17, 1889 Cook, Mrs. Thomas, Dec. 25, Raleigh. N. 0. Jan. 4, 1889 Cooke, Dr., Feb. 16, Franklin county. N. O. Feb. 17, 1889 Corriher, Geo., Jan., China Grove, (shot). N. O. Jan. 4, 1889 Cosby, Jewett D., Sept. 2, Wilkes county. (Obituary). N. O. Sept. 7, 1889 Coston, Granny, Aug. 27, Murphy. N. 0. Aug. 28, 1889 Council, Mrs. Theodore, Jly 24. Williamston, (murdered). N. 0. Jly. 25, 1889 Crawley, Jas. B., Feb. 25, Bath, (killed). N. O. Feb. 26, 1889 Crow, Robt. B. of Raleigh, Je. 16, Asheboro. (Obituary). N. 0. Je. 17, 1889 Daingerfield, Maj. J. E. P. of Harper's Ferry, Oct., Fayetteville. N. O. Oct. 18, 1889 Davis, Mrs. George of Alexandria, Va., Jly 27, Mt. Airy. N. O. Jly. act. 1889 Davis, Mrs. J. R. of Weldon, My. 2, Cincinnati. N. O. My. 12, 1889 Davis, Louis P., My. 24, Wilmington. (Obituary). N. O. My. 25, 1889 Dobnam, Lizzie, Feb. 26, Raleigh, (infant). N. 0. Feb. 28. 1889 DeCarteret, Mrs. Joseph G., My. 1, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. My. 2. 1889 Dennis, W. H., Je. 6, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 8, 1889 Dewar, Myrtle, My. 12, Raleigh, (infant). N. 0. My. 14, 1889 Donlan, Eddie Dolan Young, Aug. 3, Wilmington, (drowned). N. O. Aug. 4, 1889 Dortch, William T. of Nash county, Nov. 21, Goldsboro. (Obituary). N. 0. Nov. 23, 1889 Dudley, Charles M , Apr. 3, Wilmington. N. O. Apr. 5, 1889 Eatman, Mrs. K. C , Jly. 19, Raleigh. N. 0. Jly. 19, 1889 Ellis, Rosa of Johnston county, Sept. 15, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Sept. 17, 1889 Evans, Mrs. T. C , Mar. 21, Reidsville. N. O. Mar. 24, 1889 Fleming, Mamie, Jly. 24, Rolesville. (Obituary). N. 0. Jly. 27, 1889 Fleming, Mary B„ Jly. 24, Raleigh. N. O. Jly. 26, 1889 Forest, Furman, Nov. 30, Hendersonville, (murdered). N. O. Dec. 3, 1889 Foscue, W. T , Mar. 31, Raleigh. N. O. Apr. 2, 1889 Foster, William B , Aug. 31, Franklin county. N. O. Sept. 4, 1889 Fox, Nathan, Je. 28, Olive Hill Township, Person county. (Obituary). N. O. Je. 29, 1889 Gardner, Capt. Junius D , Je. 6, Wilmington. N. O. Je. 8, 1889 Gaskill, John D. of Salisbury, Je. 10. (Obituary). N. O. Je. 13, 1889 Gates, William, Dec. 21, Asheville, (killed). N. O. Dec. 22, 1889 Graves, Prof. Ralph of Chapel Hill, Jly. 9, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Jly. 10, 1889 Greer, David J., Apr. 30, Wilmington. N. O. My. 2, 1889 Gregory, Dr. R. K., Dec. 18, Greensboro. N. O. Dec. 19, 1889 Guthrie, Lewis, Dec. 21, Asheville, (killed). N. O. Dec. 22, 1889 Haliburton, Wm , Apr. 8, Depot, Haywood county. N. O. Apr. 10, 1889 Hanks, Dr. J. A , Apr. 26, Chatham county. (Obituary). N. O. Apr. 27, 1889 Harris, Dr. A. C , Sept. 18, Granville county. (Obituary). N. O. Sept. 20, 1889 Harrison, Dr. Benjamin S, Je. 28, Forestville. (Obituary). N. O. Je. 29, 1889 Harrison, Sidney D , Nov. 20, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Nov. 20, 1889 Harry, W. B , Je. 17, Long Creek Township, Mecklenburg county. N. O. Je. 18, 1889 Hawks, Maj. Francis Holiday of New Bern, A u g , New Bern, Ala. (Obituary). N. O. Aug. 31, 1889 Hayes, William, Feb. 21, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 22, 1889 Haywood, Dr. Richard B , Jan. 2, Raleigh. (Obituary Jan. 4 ) . N. O. 3, 1889 Hearn, S. W , Dec. 28, Wadesboro. N. O. Dec. 29, 1889 Heartt, Annie, Oct. 24, Raleigh, (infant). N. O. Oct. 25, 1889 Heartt, L. E , My. 24, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. My. 25, 1889 Hill, Gen. D. H , Sept. 24, Charlotte. (Obituary Sept. 28). N. O. Sept. 26, 1889 Hobgood, R. P , Jly. 21, Oxford. N. O. Aug. 24, 1889 Hobgood, S. H , Jly. 17, Oxford. N. O. Aug. 4, 1889 Holder, Calvin, A u g , Durham county. N. O. Aug. 28, 1889 Holleman, M. L. o f this State, Feb. 20, Humboldt, Tenn. N. O. Feb. 22, 1889 Holmes, M. L , Jan, Salisbury. N. O. Jan. 6, 1889 Holt, Osborne, Mar. 28, Raleigh. N. O. Mar. 29, 1889 Horton, Mrs. John W., Jly. 2, Raleigh. N. O. Jly. 3,1889 Howell, B. H , Apr. 14, Apex. N. O. Apr. 16, 1889 Howell, Oscar. My. 25, Raleigh, (infant). N. 0. My. 26, 1889 Hughes, Major John, SePt 9 New Bern, (0bituary) N 0. Sept. 10, 1889 Hunt, Mrs. R. L., My. 1, Oxford. N. 0. My. 4, 1889 Ihrie, Dr. R. It, Jc . 28, Durham. N. 0. Je. 30, 1889 Jackson, Mrs. Laura, Apr. 23, Raleigh. N. 0. Apr. 24, 1889 Jones, Col. Charles R, Feb. 8, Charlotte. (Obituary). N. 0. Feb. 10, 1889 Jones, Dr Johnston B of Chapel Hill, Mar. 1, Charlotte. N. 0. Mar. 3, 1889 Jones, Mrs. Kenon, Feb. 7, Raleigh. N. 0. Feb. 8, 1889 Jones, Meto Elizabeth, Jly. 18, Raleigh. N. O. Jly. 19, 1889 Jones, Col. L. C. of Jonesboro, Jly. 12, Wilmington. (Obituary Jly. 16). N. O. Jly. 13, 1889 Jones, Meto Elizabeth, Jly 18, Raleigh. N. 0. Jly. 19, 1889 Jones, Nona May, Sept. 27, Thomasville. (Obituary). N. 0. Oct. 4, 1889 Jones, Dr. Pride, Apr. 6, Hillsboro. N. 0. Apr. 9, 1889 Johns, Annie of Leaksville, Oct. 24, Danville, Va. N. 0. Oct. 25, 1889 Johnson, Charlie, Nov. 28, Raleigh, (infant). N. 0. Nov. 29, 1889 Johnson, Cornelia of this State, Sept. 21, Balto. N. 0. 22, 1889 Johnson, David, Jly. 22, Raleigh, (infant). N. 0. Jly. 23, 1889 Johnson, James M. of Elizabeth City, Jan. N. 0. Jan. 8, 1889 Keck, William of Haw River, Dec, (killed by train). N. 0. Dec. 13, 1889 King, Mary R , Mar. 14, Raleigh. N. 0. Mar. 15, 1889 Kivett, Andrew J. of Oxford, Feb. 11, Durham. N. 0. Feb. 19, 1889 Kivett, W. R. of Durham, Feb. 14, Oxford. N. 0. Feb. 15, 1889 Knox, William, Nov. 16, Iredell county, (killed). N. 0. Nov. 17, 1889 Lambeth, Thos. W , Dec. 22, Raleigh. N. 0. Dec. 23, 1889 Leach, Mrs. E. A , Aug. 19, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. Aug. 20, 1889 Leak, Nannie, My, Fayetteviile. (Obituary). N. 0. My. 12, 1889 Lemay, Mrs. Z. J , Mar. 13, Cleveland Township, Johnston county. N. 0. Mar. 15, 1889 Lockhart, Fergus, Je. 12, Wadesboro, (infant). N. 0. Je. 16, 1889 Logan, Judge Geo. W , Oct, Chimney Rock. (Obituary). N. 0. Oct. 19, 1889 Lumsden, Sadie Cordon, Aug. 23, Raleigh, (infant). N. 0. Aug. 24, 1889 Lyman, Mrs. T. B , Apr. 13, Raleigh. (Obituary Apr. 16). N. O. Apr. 14, 1889 McDonald, James, Feb. 23, Rockingham. N. 0. Feb. 26 1889 Mcintosh, A. C , Feb. 7, Taylorsville. (Obituary). N. 0. Nov. 10, 1889 McKenzie, Mrs. J. W , Jly. 23, Troy. N. 0. Jly. 31, 1889 McMacken, Ralph, Sept. 15, Raleigh, (infant). N O . Sept. 17, 1889 Makepeace, Mrs. George, Jan. 20, Franklinville. (Obituary). N. O. Feb. 19 1889 Mallard, Mrs. J. C. of Duplin county, Aug. 30 Shelby^ N. a Aug 31,1889 Mallett, Dr. A. F. of Fayetteviile, Nov. Morehead N 0_ Nov. 14 1889 Mallett, Dr. W. P. of Chapel Hill, Oct. 16, Chapel Hill. (Ob.tuary). N. O. Oct. 17, 1889 Malone, John of Durham, Je. 7, Leasburg^ N. O,Je. 8,1889 Marks, Mrs. E. T , Jly. 29, Raleigh. N. O.Jly- 30 1889 Massenburg, Mary A , Feb. 13, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 14, 1889 Means, Jno. M. W., Nov. 3 of Rocky River, Cabarrus county, (suicide). N. 0. Nov. 10, 1889 Medlin, W. O., Jan. 9, Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 10, 1889 Merrill, Mrs. Sam of Raleigh, My. 14, Columbia, S. C. N. O. My. 18, 1889 Merritt, J. W., Sr., Mar. 10, Jamestown. N. O. Mar. 16, 1889 Mitchell, Sidney, Mar. 11, Union Grove Township, Iredell county. N. O. Mar. 23, 1889 Moore, William Walker, Je. 6, Wilmington. N. O. Je. 8, 1889 Morehead, Eugene of Durham, Feb. 27, Savannah, Ga. N. O. Feb. 28, 1889 Moring, Frank, Sept. 10, Raleigh, (infant). N. O. Sept. 11, 1889 Morsen, Mrs. Hugh of Fredericksburg, Va., Nov. 24, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Nov. 26, 1889 Murphrey, John, Oct. 7, Snow Hill. N. O. Oct. 8, 1889 Nichols, Emmett, Nov. 10, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Nov. 12, 1889 Nixon, Tommie, Oct. 21, Raleigh, (infant). N. O. Oct. 24, 1889 Norris, Mrs. J. A., Oct. 25, Apex. N. O. Oct. 26, 1889 Nowell, J. W. of Macon, Feb. 8, Macon. N. 0 . Feb. 9, 1889 Odell, James of Concord, Nov., Texas, (killed). N. O. Nov. 22, 1889 Overman, Dorothy, Je. 16, Salisbury. N. 0. Je. 18, 1889 Pace, C. E., Je. 27, Raleigh. N. 0. Je. 28, 1889 Page, Col. Robert J., Aug. 1, Marion, (murdered-Obituary). N. O. Aug. 2, 1889 Painter, Richard, Aug. 29, Roxboro. (Obituary). N. O. Sept. 5, 1889 Peck, Maj. L. W., Dec. 14, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Dec. 15, 1889 Petty, John, Mar., Harnett county. N. O. Mar. 17, 1889 Phillips, Rev. Charles, D.D. of Chapel Hill, My., Birmingham, Ala. (Obituary). N. 0. My. 30, 1889 Phillips, Rev. Dr. Chas. of Chapel Hill, My. 10, Columbia, S. C. (Obituary). N. O. My. 12, 1889 Phillips, Mrs. L. B., Aug. 22, Raleigh. N. O. Aug. 24, 1889 Pittman, Eliza, Jly. 13, Tarboro. N. O. Jly. 14, 1889 Pittman, Mrs. Mary E., Feb. 12, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 13, 1889 Pool, Bessie Lou, Je. 28, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 29, 1889 Pool, William R., Apr. 2, St. Mary's Township, Wake county. (Obituary). N. O. Apr. 3, 1889 Powell, Caswell, Mar. 23, St. Mary's Township, Wake county. N. O. Mar. 24, 1889 Putney, Olia, Nov. 18, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 19, 1889 Raper, Geo. N., Sept. 2, Charlotte. N. 0. Sept. 4, 1889 Raybom, John, Oct. 23, Dunn's Township, Franklin county, (murdered). N. O. Oct. 26, 1889 Reid, Ada A., Aug. 5, Catawba station, (killed by lightning). N. O. Aug. 7, 1889 Richardson, Mrs. Joshua, Jan. 28, near Laurel Springs, Alleghany county. N. O. Feb. 9, 1889 Robey, Dr. W. M. of Yadkin county, Sept. 14, Goldsboro. N. O. Sept. 15, 1889 Rogers, James A., Jan., Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. Jan. 5, 1889 Rountree, Mrs. Herbert, Apr. 3, Wilson. N. O. Apr. 5, 1889 Ruffin, Judge Thomas, My. 23, HiUsboro. (Obituary). N. O. My. 24, 1889 Salisbury, R. B-, Je. 17, Martin county. N. O. Je. 21, 1889 Scott, Mary May Atkinson, Jly. 15, Franklinton, (infant). N. O. Jly. 17, 1889 Snellen, Charles, Sept. 9, Wake county. N. 0. Sept. 11, 1889 Sherwood, Minnie, My. 26, Raleigh, (infant). N. 0. My. 28, 1889 Simpson, Mary C, Apr. 1, Raleigh. N. 0. Apr. 2, 1889 Smith, A. C , Feb. 8, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Feb. 10, 1889 Smith, Sallie S., Jly. 5, Raleigh. N. O. Jly. 6, 1889 Smith, Mrs. Sallie, Nov. 6, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 7, 1889 Smith, Hon. W. N. H., Nov. 14, of Raleigh. (Obituary). N. 0. Nov. 15, 1889 Soloman, Mrs. Susan, Sept. 7, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 10, 1889 Southgate, (infant son of J. H. Southgate), Je. 29, Durham. N. O. Je. 30, 1889 Speight, Mrs. John F., Mar. 16, Rocky Mount. N. 0. Mar. 19, 1889 Spelman, John, Apr. 4, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Apr. 5, 1889 Stokes, Mrs. W. D., Je. 6, Rocky Mount. N. 0. Je. 7, 1889 Stone, Jno. L., Nov. 12, Raleigh, (drowned). N. 0. Nov. 20, 1889 Summers, Junius, Mar. 17, Sharpesburg Township, Iredell county. N. 0. Mar. 23, 1889 Tant, Mrs. Emma A., Dec. 29, Raleigh. N. 0. Dec. 31, 1889 Terrell, Mrs. Thomas J., Feb. 18, Warren Plains. (Obituary). N. O. Feb. 19, 1889 Thompson, John W., Apr. 19, Goldsboro. N. 0. Apr. 23, 1889 Thompson, Capt. William, Nov. 18, Winston. N. 0. Nov. 19, 1889 Thorp, Benjamin, My. 8, Oxford. N. 0. My. 10, 1889 Toms, Mrs. M. C. of Wilmington, Feb. 14, Raleigh. (Obituary Feb. 16). N. 0. Feb. 15, 1889 Trollinger, J. A., Aug. 5, Catawba Station, (killed by lightning). N. 0. Aug. 7, 1889 Turner, Rev. Wm., Apr. 8, Winston-Salem. N. 0. Apr. 9, 1889 Upchurch, D. Reid, Jly. 12, Raleigh. N. 0. Jly. 13, 1889 Utley, Mark G., Nov. 26, Middle Creek Township, Wake county. N. 0. Nov. 28, 1889 Vaughan, Maj. E. L., Oct. 10, Sparta. (Obituary). N. 0. Oct. 19, 1889 Vestal, H. P., My. 26, Raleigh. N. 0. My. 28, 1889 Wadford, Mabel, Je 26, Raleigh, (infant). N. 0. Je. 28, 1889 Wadkins, Mrs. Elizabeth, Feb. 24, Raleigh. N. 0. Feb. 26, 1889 Walton, B. F., Mar., Raleigh. N. O. Mar. 30, 1889 Watson, Jno. W., Apr. 1, Raleigh. (Obituary). N. O. Apr. 3, 1889 Watson, John, Je. 24, Warren county. (Obituary). N. 0. Je. 29, 1889 Watts, Mrs. Betsey, Je. 12, Lincoln county, (suicide). N. O. Je. 14, 1889 Weathers, James A., Je. 20, Mark's Creek Township, Wake county. N. O. Je. 23, 1889 Weathers, Richard, Feb. 27, Chatham county. N. O. Mar. 17, 1889 Weddon, Mrs. M. H., Jan. 17, Raleigh. N. 0. Jan. 18, 1889 Weddell, Rush N. of Tarboro, Jan., Phila. (Obituary). N. O. Apr. 2G, 1889 Wilkinson, Col. of Durham, Dec. 2, Raleigh. N. O. Dec. 3, 1889 Woodall, Lee Parham, Aug. 12, Raleigh, (infant). N. 0. Aug. 13, 1889 Worth, John M., Aug. 10, Worthville. N. 0. Aug. 17, 1889 Yates, Addie, Jly. 20, Charlotte. N. O. Jly. 24, 1889 Yates, Edna Pearl, Je. 20, Durham. N. 0. Je. 23, 1889 Young, John A., Mar. 30, Charlotte. (Obituary). N. O. Mar. 31, 1889
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