Marriages from Carolina Observer Thursday, May 25, 1820
Transcribed by Susan Prince
Carolina Observer, (Fayetteville, NC) Thursday, May 25, 1820; Issue 15: col. E
Marriage notices
In Robeson county on the 20th instant, Mr. John Baxter sen. Of this place, to
Miss Mary MacMillan of Robeson.
In Wilmington, on Tuesday evening 16th inst. Mr. Francis Freeland to Mrs. Sarah
Toomer, both of that place.
On Tuesday, the 11th ultimo, in Sampson county, Mr. Isham Faison, of Duplin to
Mrs. Sarah Peck, (widow of the late Dr. Peck) of the former county.
In Orange, on Thursday the 11th inst. Mr. Alfred Woods to Miss Lydia Montgomery,
both of that county.
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