Marriages from Fayetteville Observer Wednesday, June 26, 1839
Transcribed by Susan Prince
Fayetteville Observer. (Fayetteville, NC) Wednesday, June 26, 1839;
Issue 1151; col. E
Category: Marriage notices
At Kenansville, Duplin county, on Tuesday evening the 4th inst., by the
Rev. A. Jones, HALSTED BOWDEN, Esq. to Miss CLARISA
At Peekskill(?), on the 15th instant, Mr. JOHN CARNES, of New York, to
Miss MARGARET H. MILLER, only daughter of the late Mr. Henry N.
Miller, of Cheraw, S.C.
At Fort Defiance, Wilkes Co. N.C. on the 28th day of May, by the Rev.
Thos. Jones, Mr. JAMES GWYN, of Wilkesboro, to Miss MARY A.
LENOIR, daughter of Col. Thos. Lenoir
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