Marriages from Fayetteville Observer Tuesday, July 09,1839
Transcribed by Christine Thacker
Fayetteville Observer. (Fayetteville,NC) Tuesday, July 09,1839;Issue 1153; col E
MARRIED, In Richmond County, at the residence of Col. James LEGRAND, on
Tuesday 2nd inst., by the Rev. Mr. ROWMAN, Mr. Hampton LEGRAND to Miss
Martha WHITAKER, formerly of Halifax, N.C.
In Hillsborough, on Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. PROUT, Mr. James
MEBANE, Jr., merchant of Yanceyville, and recently of Hillsborough, to Miss
Susan A. TURNER, eldest daughter of Josiah TURNER, Esq.
In Wayne County, on the 27th ult. By Rev. Mr. MELVER, Dr. B.L. HILL of
Duplin, to Mrs. Ann Maria WARD, of Wayne.
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