James West, McKinny Soles & William West & Neighbors
Duplin/Sampson Co,NC
Duplin Deed Book 4 page 250 Deed: William Dees to Charles Butler. Dated:10
January 1769. Trans.:65 pounds for 100 acres "On the West side of little
Coheary." Land "was conveyed by Deed from John Lee to the said William Dees
Bearing Date (24 October 1757) which pattent was granted to Mark Phillips
bearing date" 19 March 1756. Wit.: John Williams and Robert Williams. (See
note 10.)
Duplin Land Entry page 83 Jan.20, 1779 Charles Butler enters 100 ac on W side
of Little Cohera Cr; border: his own line.
Duplin Land Entry May 8,1780 James West sr enters 200 ac on E side of Little
Cohera Cr; border: John Faircloth; includes Tew's improvements.
1784 Sampson tax list (page 15) Charles Butler 500 acres, Sampson Davis 400
acres, James West 1 White Poll, 1 Black Poll(?), McKinny Soles 1 White
Poll, Elmore Carter 1 White Poll, Wm West 1 White Poll, John Lucas 100 acres
Sampson court minutes 12 May 1789 Tuesday James West vs John Easom and
others: Samuel Oates and Nathan Jones, special bail for John Easom, one of the
defendants in this suit surrenders him up to the court in discharge of
themselves. He, the said John Easom, is placed in custody accordingly.
Sampson Deed Book 9 page 143 Deed: Sampson Davis (of Bladen County) to
Jessee Davis. Dated: 18 February 1792. Trans.: 100 pounds specia for 100
acres "On the west side of Little Coharee Beginning at John Davis's line Corner.
on Little Coharee and along a Slash to the back line," etc. Deed mentions the
mouth of Lockerman's Branch (in Little Coharie below the beginning above).
Wit.: Jesse Parker and Phillip Magee. (See notes 3,12,15b,18w,and 21.)
Sampson Deed Book 9 page 162 Deed: Sampson Davis (of Bladen County) to
Henry Davis. Dated:11 June 1792. Trans.:50 pounds specia for 50 acres (out
of a tract of 100 acres) "On the West side of Little Cohary Beginning at the
mouth of the Marsh branch Running up the Branch to the Back line." Etc. The
line ran "Over the middle Branch." Deed mentions a slash. Land was "part of
a tract of land pattented by Jeremiah Simmons and I the said Sampson Davis
by these presents do forever Warrant and defend the lower fifty acres of
land and premises that is to say all Below the Stream of the middle Branch
unto him the said Henry Davis." Wit.: Sessoms Parker and Jessee Davis. (See
notes 3,12,15b,18x,and 21.)
Sampson Deed Book 9 page 171 Deed of Gift: Charles Butler to Robert Butler
(his son). Dated: 19 June 1792. Robert Butler was given two tracts of land.
The first tract consisted of 50 acres "On the west side of Little Coharee
Beginning.in the mouth of the Stoney Hill Branch Running up said Branch to
the Head thence a cross to Absolem Porters line"[description of this tract
ends]. The second tract consisted of 150 acres "adjoining the aforsaid land
Beginning at a Bay tree in Little Cohary and Charles Butlers Corner and Runs
west along his line and past his corner." etc. Land was "a dividend or
percell of land granted to Absolem Porter Bearing date" 10 November 1784.
Wit.: John Butler and D. Coor. (See notes 3,12,15b, 21, and 22a.)
Sampson Deed Book 9 page 257 Deed: Sampson Davis (of Bladen County) to
JohnSimmons. Dated: 11 September 1794. Trans.: 20 pounds "Current money
of the State" for 100 acres "on the East side of South River at a place Called the
Governors ford Beginning .on the River side." Wit: Nich Parker and Jeremiah
Sampson Land Entry page 44 Oct.3, 1794 Charles Butler enters 200
ac: border: his own line.
Sampson court minutes 9 November 1803 Wednesday Gift from Charles Butler
Sr. to Charles Butler Jr. for 100 acres was acknowledged
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