The following "Enlistment Papers" were found at a Civil War show in Atlanta, Ga. –March 20, 1999. I was unable to purchase them, but xerox copies were sent to me by the owner:Jay RAINEY. The original document is for sale and you can contact Mr. Rainey at
1314 S. Main St., Blacksburg, Va. 24060—phone# (540) 953-1655
This is a transcription from a xerox copy of the original: by Sloan S.
State of North Carolina, County of Lenoir
I, Wm. C. HINES, born in Duplin County in the State of N. Carolina, aged 19 years, and by occupation a Farmer; Do hereby acknowledge to have voluntarily enlisted this the 1st day of August 1861, as a Soldier in the "State Troops of North Carolina" for the period of "The War" unless sooner discharged by proper authority: Do also agree to accept such bounty, pay, rations and clothing as are, or may be, established by law. And I, William C. HINES do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the State of North Carolina and to the Constitutional powers and authorities which are, or may be established for the government thereof; and maintain and defend the Constitution of the said State; and I do further swear that I will obey the orders of the Governor of the said State, and the orders of the officers that are or may be set over me according to the rules and discipline of war. So help me God.
Sworn and subscribed to, at Kinston
The first day of August, 1861. Signed: William C. HINES
Before Jas. L. CANADY, J.P.
I certify on Honor, That I have carefully examined the above Recruit, agreeably to the General Regulations of the Army, and that in my opinion he is free from all bodily defects and mental infirmity, which would in any way disqualify him from performing the duties of a soldier.
Examining Surgeon: (not signed)
I certify on Honor, That I have minutely inspected the Recruit, William C. HINES previously to his enlistment, and that he was entirely sober when enlisted; that, to the best of my judgement and belief, he is of lawful age; and that, in accepting him as duly qualified to perform the duties of an
Able-bodied soldier, I have strictly observed the regulations which govern the recruiting service. This soldier has dark eyes, dark hair, dark complexion, is Five feet, 6 inches high.
Recruiting Officer
(end of document)