Bowden Family Page

From: David Bowden

Subject: A Duplin County Family Geneology


I came across you web site and saw that you might be interested in the following information. It is the partial geneology of my family the Bowdens.

My ancestors Samuel, John, Nicholas, Baker, Mary Bowden children of Nicholas (Bourden)(Bowden)came down out of Virginia, Isle of Wight Co. into Duplin county approx around 1763 and settled in the area known as Bowdens.

Nicholas and Prudence are mentioned in: The Marriages of Isle of Wight on page 5 "BOURDEN, Nicholas and Mrs. Prudence Wrenn, relict of John Wrenn. 1738. O.B. 1746-52, p. 229. W. B. 4, p. 250"

I was wondering if you had any info on this family as to origin into the United States or any other information relative to it. Apprently one of my ancestors John Baker Bowden married a Barbara Herring. I have very limited knowledge of the Bowden/ Herring connections and I was hoping that you could help me as to Bowden family linage connection to the Herrings. I have very slim details as to the Herrings that my family is related to The concrete information that I have on my family is that my gggrandfather John Baker Bowden born in 7/21/1826 who was a son of Nicholas Bowden and Elizabeth Southerland born c 1800 married in 6/27/1854 a Barbara Herring born.c 1837. John Baker was reported in N.C. taxpayers book being of Wayne County in 1860 Indian Springs district. John Baker and Barbara had seven children; Winney A, Sarah M, Betsie J, Polly, John N, Jessie B, Benjamin N.. Benjamin Nicholas Bowden born 1-12-1869 died 7/24/1933 was my ggrandfather. Benjamin Nicholas Bowdens son Daniel Bowden Sr. of Brogden township N.C. born in MT.Olive N.C.was my Grandfather. Daniel Elwood Bowden Jr. of Mount Olive is my father John Baker Bowden later married a Mary Jones of Duplin county in 5/11/1876

I am extremely interested in learning more as to my family heritage in Duplin county. I visit there on my way back from the beach going through the Bowdens area checking out cemetries there in the hopes of finding family connections.

My snail mail address is:
David Bowden
1310 Green Street
Durham N.C. 27705
Telephone (919) 286-7743. best time to call is between 7-9 pm.

David Bowden

Descendants of Nicholas Bowden (bourden)
1 Nicholas Bowden (bourden)
.. +Prudence Davis Wren
.......... 2 Baker Bowden 1741 -
.............. +Mary Branch
...................... 3 Nicholas Bowden
.......................... +Elizabeth
Southerland 1800 -
.................................. 4 John Baker Bowden 1826 - ...................................... +Barbara Herring 1837 -
.............................................. 5 Benjamin Nicholas Bowden 1869 - 1933
.......................................................... 6 Daniel Elwood Bowden Sr .............................................................. +Mary Davis
...................................................................... 7 Daniel Elwood Bowden .......................................................................... +Josphine Mcallister Norwood
............................................................................ ...... 8 David Bryant Bowden 1956 - ............................................................................ .......... +Tamara Mcshea 1958 -
............................................................................ .................. 9 Gavin Shea Bowden ............................................................................ ...... *2nd Wife of David Bryant Bowden: ............................................................................ .......... +Susan Parks .........................................................................
... .................. 9 John Bryant Bowden
............................................................................ .................. 9 Laura Lee Bowden
............................................................................ ...... 8 Patti Lu Bowden
...................................................................... 7 Louise Bowden
...................................................................... 7 Leigh Bowden
...................................................................... 7 Cecil Bowden
...................................................................... 7 Elwood Bowden
.............................................. 5 Winney A Bowden
.............................................. 5 Sarah M Bowden
.............................................. 5 Betsie Bowden
.............................................. 5 Polly Bowden
.............................................. 5 John N Bowden
.............................................. 5 Jessie B Bowden
.................................. 4 Samuel Bowden
.................................. 4 James Bowden
...................... 3 Samuel Bowden
...................... 3 James Bowden
.......... 2 Samuel Bowden 1735 -
...................... 3 Benjamin Bowden
...................... 3 Henry Bowden
.......... 2 John Bowden
.......... 2 Nicholas Bowden 1739 -
Kinship of Nicholas Bowden (bourden) (bowdoin)
Name Relationship with Nicholas
(bowdoin) Civil Canon
(bowdoin), Nicholas Bowden (bourden) Self 0
Bowden, Baker Son I 1
Bowden, Benjamin Grandson II 2
Bowden, Benjamin Nicholas 2nd great-grandson IV 4
Bowden, Betsie 2nd great-granddaughter IV 4
Bowden, Cecil 4th great-grandson VI 6
Bowden, Daniel Elwood 4th great-grandson VI 6
Bowden, David Bryant 5th great-grandson VII 7
Bowden, Elwood 4th great-grandson VI 6
Bowden, Gavin Shea 6th great-granddaughter VIII 8
Bowden, Henry Granddaughter II 2
Bowden, James Great-grandson III 3
Bowden, James Grandson II 2
Bowden, Jessie B 2nd great-grandson IV 4
Bowden, John Son I 1
Bowden, John Baker Great-grandson III 3
Bowden, John Bryant 6th great-grandson VIII 8
Bowden, John N 2nd great-grandson IV 4
Bowden, Laura Lee 6th great-granddaughter VIII 8
Bowden, Leigh 4th great-granddaughter VI 6
Bowden, Louise 4th great-granddaughter VI 6
Bowden, Nicholas Grandson II 2
Bowden, Nicholas Son I 1
Bowden, Patti Lu 5th great-granddaughter VII 7
Bowden, Polly 2nd great-granddaughter IV 4
Bowden, Samuel Great-grandson III 3
Bowden, Samuel Grandson II 2
Bowden, Samuel Son I 1
Bowden, Sarah M 2nd great-granddaughter IV 4
Bowden, Winney A 2nd great-granddaughter IV 4
Branch, Mary Daughter-in-law
Davis, Mary Wife of the 3rd great-grandson
Herring, Barbara Wife of the great-grandson
Mcshea, Tamara Wife of the 5th great-grandson
Norwood, Josphine Mcallister Wife of the 4th great-grandson
Parks, Susan Wife of the 5th great-grandson
Southerland, Elizabeth Wife of the grandson
Sr, Daniel Elwood Bowden 3rd great-grandson V 5
Wrenn, Prudence Davis Wife

With Respect, David Bowden

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