The Absolum Strickland Family
I am trying to sort out the children of Absolum Strickland (b 1750?) and
his son Richard Strickland (b 1780?). I think the change in family
structure between 1800 and 1810 can be explained by Absolum's sickness
and death, resulting in one of his sons (Matthew) becoming executor and
getting the family farm, with several of his younger siblings staying on
the farm, and the older ones moving on.
In the 1800 Census , Absolom - 2M under 10, 2M
10-15, 1M 16-25, 1F under 10, 1F 10-15, 1F 26-44 (5 sons, 2 daughters, 1
The names that can possibly fit the categories
of the 1800 Census are:
2M under 10 - Charles (1792),
Jesse (1797)
2M 10-15 - Wilson (1786),
Hardy (1788)
1M 16-25 - Joseph (1788),
Richard (1780), Matthew (1780), Ephraim (1782) {note Joseph, Richard, or
Matthew could be out of the house by this time}
1F under 10, 1F 10-15, - Agnes, Rebecca
1F 26-44 - Sarah Huggins
When I read the 1810 census for Matthew and Richard, I am trying to sort
children by birth date and household.
1810 Census , Richard - 1M under 10, -M
10-15, -M 16-25, 1M 26-44,1F under 10, -F 10-15, 1F 26-44 (1 son, 1
daughter, 1 wife)
1810 Census , Matthew - 2M under 10, 1M
10-15, 2M 16-25, 1M 26-44,1F 10-15, 1F 16-25, -F 26-44, 1F 45+ (5 sons,
2 daughters, 1 wife)
The names for Richard that can possibly fit the
categories of the 1810 Census are:
1M under 10 - Bolen (1801) Hardy
Jackson (1806), Matthew (1807) (which is correct?), { I also have Jesse
(1797), Wilson D (1799), Abraham?}
1F under 10 - Elizabeth (1809),
Rebecca (1803) (which is correct?)
1F 26-44 - Sarah Sally?
The names for Matthew that can possibly fit the
categories of the 1810 Census are:
2M under 10 - Richardson (1810)
who else fits here? Bolen, Matthew,
1M 10-15 - (1795-1800)
(Jesse, Wilson D, listed under Richard)
2M 16-25 - (1785-1794)
Wilson, Hardy, Charles, children of Absolum?
1M 25-44 -Matthew (1780)
1F 10-15, - (1795-1800)?
1F 16-25 - (1785-1794)
Ferribe Honeycutt?
1F 45+ -(1765) Sarah
If this was the year after Absolum died, and Matthew became the head of
household (Nathan Sr and Charles were adults with separate families),
Matthew could have had Jesse (1797), Wilson D (1799), Abraham, Bolen
(1801), Matthew (1807?) - That would put him and his wife and son
Richardson, plus six other people (Sarah Huggins and 5 children of Absolum)
at the family farm.
This theory can eliminate several of the names under Richard because they
duplicate children of Absolum & Sarah Huggins born between 1778 (Joseph)
to 1797 (Jesse).
It also makes more sense that Richard would have had children from 1806
(Hardy Jackson) to 1830 (Calvin Frebert) (24 year span)
Is Jesse listed as son of Richard ( I think that Jesse was not Richard's son)?
Any ideas on how to confirm who was where in 1810 or actual births for Richard or Matthew?
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