Estate of David Sloan
N.C. State Archives
Estate of David SLOAN
Duplin Co., NC
Hire of Negroes of estate of D. SLOAN known as Chinquapin negroes for 1864
to Jan. Term 1864
Hire of the negroes known as the BRYAN or Chinquapin Negroes, belonging
to the estate of David SLOAN, during the lifetime of Mrs. Mary CHAMPION,
for the term of 12 months the said not to be carried out of the Country or kept
on the east side of the North East River. Dec. 12, 1863. by James DICKSON,
D. T. MCMILLAN, Admrs.
ISAAC to Charles A. COOK ---200
JOHN to R. C. JOHNSTON -----210
JOE to Geo. W. WILLIAMS ----290
ROSE to Wm. A. BROOKS ------ 38
SAFF to Wm. A. BROOKS ------$14.00
SARAH & children JOHN, ROSE & BELL to D. T. CARR --$1,247.00
ELIZA & children BOB & ISAAC to Wm. TEACHY --------$250.00
MARY ANN ELIZABETH BRADSHAW ----------------------$0000
not hear----------------=====$227.00
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